Tim Winton in conversation with Martin Flanagan

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • In this candid and extensive interview following the release of his new novel, Breath, Tim Winton talks to Martin Flanagan about the influences on his writing, his relationship to...


  • @tattooism
    @tattooism 10 років тому +2

    A great insight into the creative process of my favourite modern Australian writer.

  • @mathiasescobar4927
    @mathiasescobar4927 7 років тому +1

    Tim Winton should write an autobiography

    • @pedrounicorn9742
      @pedrounicorn9742 7 років тому

      Tim fro presiedent 2020

    • @pedrounicorn9742
      @pedrounicorn9742 7 років тому

      Do u know what this man has done for the great literary history of this great continent, he is responsible for the greatest books of the 20th century an he will never be outdone by any of the filth that call themselves writers now. I think that he will go down in history along with Homer and Shakespeare as the greatest writers of all time. he is a god in all aspects of his life, look at that face, carved by the gods themselves, that ponytail is the envy of every person on the planet.

    • @mathiasescobar4927
      @mathiasescobar4927 7 років тому

      And Donald Trump. Hes making writing great again

    • @pedrounicorn9742
      @pedrounicorn9742 7 років тому

      The patriot who will restore America to its former glory I don't want nuanced; I want bold colors: RED, WHITE and BLUE. With the strength, courage and gusto that made this nation a powerhouse, we will make America great again. For too long, politicians have sold the American people out to foreign nations and global industry. What Donald Trump is doing is representing the absolute heartbreak and anger and frustration at a government gone mad. At a certain point, you must admit that no politician cares about you or the interests of our posterity-they care about themselves and themselves alone. Don't let the liberal media shape your opinions of Donald Trump. They have called him racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc, etc. Except, he is none of these things. It is not racist to reject illegal immigrants and put American citizens, legal immigrants and natural born citizens alike, first. It is not racist to hire thousands of black and Hispanic employees. It is not racist to have more black friends than Hillary. It is not sexist to treat women equal to men, to hire women in construction before anyone else in the industry. It is not sexist to have two beautiful daughters, one of which runs his company, and the other just coming out of law school. Sexist men don't allow their daughters to achieve more than their sons. It is not xenophobic to reject Syrian refugees, look at the issues in Europe. We are Americans, and Donald Trump is the only one who will finally put America first. We spent over 5 trillion dollars for the war in the middle east. We could have rebuilt our crumbling infrastructure; we could have rebuilt our schools, hospitals, roads, airports, etc, etc. We could have rebuilt AMERICA. Our government had other interests besides the well being of the American people. This man is a true success, and people will say he has had four bankruptcies. Yes, he had four companies in Atlantic City go bankrupt. But, the media won't tell you that the three CEOs who would have been running those companies, died together three weeks before in a helicopter crash. The people he hired to run the companies all died, and Donald Trump was not interested in the Casino business. That is why the companies failed. But, out of over 500 companies that Trump has been president of, only 4 times has he used the Chapter laws. 4/500 is equal to about 0.008%. Meaning, that Donald Trump has a 99.2% success rate. For those of you unaware to business statistics, only 20% of businesses are successes. Donald Trump has had a 99.2% success rate. I will take those odds any day. Now, if I have yet to convince some of you, some may object to the fact that he is a businessman and not a politician. And I will ask you, where have politicians gotten you? Ever expanding deficits? Fleeing corporations? Increasing poverty rates? What have politicians done for you? Nothing. Donald Trump will be the greatest president since Lincoln. Hop on board.

    • @pedrounicorn9742
      @pedrounicorn9742 7 років тому

      Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump
      1: The Man is a Jest
      Donald Trump is not a serious political figure who commands respect. He’s a joke, a bad one at that, who hosts a television show and builds crappy hotels and ugly golf courses. He’s the punchline of the world, quite literally, as he was once the honorary punching bag of a celebrity roast. He has no shame and even less professionalism. Donald Trump as president makes the whole of America look like a joke.
      2: His “Values” are Actually Bigoted
      Many Republicans are seal-clapping in anticipation that a religious conservative will actually get to have his views forced upon America. For the rest of us, however, this is a scary prospect. Trump believes marriage to be between one man and one woman, which means he’s openly bigoted against the LGBT community and the rights of same-sex couples. Donald Trump as president sends America’s progress back 50 years!
      3: He’s Not the Business Genius People Believe
      “But Trump is a billionaire businessman,” people scream. True, but a couple of points here. (a) He inherited his wealth from a father who made a name for himself. (b) Most of his money today comes by way of his celebrity, not his business acumen. (c) He has filed bankruptcy multiple times, which means he’s make horrible decisions and has gone broke - more than once. Can America afford bankruptcy?
      4: He’s Too Cocky to Help America
      Trump is so self assured that he makes Napoleon looks like he wasn’t entirely sure of himself. He’s far too self-important to ever be an effective politician, much less the POTUS. In foreign peace talks, the man would probably stand up and walk out, throwing a tantrum if people didn’t agree with him. And sorry, Donald, but you cannot fire the leaders of other nations! What will he do, besides whine like a toddler?
      5: He’s Not Intelligent Enough
      Trump did attend the Wharton School and went to Penn, so he’s not unlettered. However, when it comes to knowledge outside of business (which has still failed him more than once), he’s really painfully lacking. He knows nothing of science or mathematics and thus doesn’t lend any credence to stem cell research and other scientific advancements. With the way his mind works, he would simply re-inflate the housing bubble and hope that it held this time.
      6: He’s Uninformed on Key Positions
      The most glaring here would be that Trump was the ringleader of the Obama’s-not-a-citizen crazies. But he also seems to know next to nothing about how sanctions on nations work, evidenced by his screaming for “more sanctions” and “more sanctions,” without ever addressing any positives or negatives from these “sanctions” whatsoever. He just likes saying the word, but he doesn’t know what it means.
      7: He Has a Greedmonger’s Spirit
      America has been making strides toward social justice and leveling an uneven playing field for nearly a decade now. Trump, with his ultra-capitalistic beliefs, threatens to rip away welfare monies and job programs and education funding in favor of more of a meme-style of American living; e.g. “pull yourself up by the bootstraps.” Easier to do when one can afford bootstraps! Trump’s greedy spirit will cripple the poor.
      8: He May In Fact Be a Racist
      Not only has Trump said on Twitter that blacks and Latinos commit most crime in America, but he’s also on record saying that we should be giving Europeans access to America and a path to citizenship, but not Latinos south of our American/Mexican border. Why, Donald? Why does he seem to have disdain for racial minorities? We’re not saying he is a racist, but it smells, walks, quacks and swims like a duck. You do the math.
      9: He Has a Shady Character
      Donald Trump is not a man of high moral character. He recently left Scottish citizens homeless in order to build a golf course, bulldozing their lands and displacing proud residents of the nation. And he’s done the same to minority communities by destroying their areas for hotels and casinos. Plus he has spoken out repeatedly against affordable health care for American citizens who are poor. His morality meter’s needle is too low to read; his character is as shady as it gets.
      10: He’s Far Too Impulsive
      Trump is a man of more base desires and vainglorious pursuits. He’s been known to have Sean Penn-like outbursts, and the biggest part of his multiple bankruptcies was because of his impulsive behaviors leading to bad investments and overspending. An American President cannot afford to be so impulsive. A President needs to be measured and calculated and willing to compromise. These words do not exist in Trump’s vocabulary.
      This list could have gone on for at least 50 solid reasons, but listed above are the top ten why Trump should never be America’s President. We cannot afford to have a guy like him in our highest office.

  • @dbrowne9341
    @dbrowne9341 5 років тому

    cloud street touched me deeply for many reasons too difficult to say here..thank you...trail of violin through out was just beautiful.

  • @Lukeyman7
    @Lukeyman7 8 років тому +2

    xD only one comment :P :D

  • @PeterShieldsukcatstripey
    @PeterShieldsukcatstripey 5 років тому

    Jeremy in Grange Hill drowned. Will never forget it.

  • @rasstegai
    @rasstegai 3 роки тому

    One of my most most favourite authors!