Imaginarium Theater Could Be A Problem for F2P!!

  • Опубліковано 1 лип 2024
  • In this video we discuss the new endgame Imaginarium Theater. I discuss the many cons, and the pros about the new endgame in Genshin Impact. This is replacing the spiral abyss for half the month now in genshin impact. So this new endgame could be bad for f2p in genshin impact.


  • @andrewwood9337
    @andrewwood9337 4 дні тому +9

    The game needs new end-game content. There must be rewards and challenges for a reason to push forward and build your characters.
    Breath of the Wild allowed you to fight the final boss without leveling, gear, or late-game abilities. No one said that new players having the option of doing that diminishes the experience of those who took the time to play the game normally. "
    If all you have is Mondstadt and one or two 5 stars like me 8 months ago yeah this isn't for you. but the game has been out 4+ years a lot of people need a challenge for a reason to keep playing, especially with Neuvillette and Arlecchino power creep.

  • @allrounderal2958
    @allrounderal2958 3 дні тому +1

    AR 60 dolphin here who have been playing since launch.
    this endgame literally made me uninstalled the game again since it forces you to have a 4 slot of team for the sake of it.
    while the timer for dps check was still there.
    some level forces you to have venti and the 2x usage of each character on each stages is very poorly designed.
    i wish it was just a cooldown instead for the next floor so it would feel better and not forcing me to play characters like wanderer since i suck at playing him.

  • @niccoloreiss842
    @niccoloreiss842 2 дні тому

    I can 36 star abyss every version because my teams are broken, however I still can’t clear stage 8 on theater. I’ve been playing since release but I’ve always only invested in characters I care about in my favorite elements. As such, I mostly have hydro, electro, and dendro characters built. The only pyro characters I have built are Arlecchino, Hu Tao and Bennett. The only anemo characters I have built are Kazuha and Wanderer. I have almost every popular electro character built to high heaven, a few I even have multiple kits saved for (kuki and Ei I have 2 artifact sets for diff builds), but the fact that I don’t have access to any other pyro or anemo characters that are built in order to buff my electro units I’m kind of screwed. I’ve had to resort to using Alhaitham and Baizhu to augment my gameplay to even make it to stage 7. I don’t have Sigewinne or Wriothesley so I can’t even use them for help either.

  • @lindzilla
    @lindzilla 5 днів тому +7

    i think the team building part of it isn’t a huge deal. For new/newer players it’s probably a bit tough, but genshin desperately needs content for long-time players. Not saying the gamemode is without flaws, just giving my perspective as someone who’s been playing since version 1.0

    • @niccoloreiss842
      @niccoloreiss842 2 дні тому

      I agree, however I wish they would have given more access to additional trial characters and some customization. I’ve been playing since release but I’ve only invested in characters and elements I care about. 90% of my built characters are either Hydro, Dendro, or Electro. I only have a handful of built pyro or anemo units and no built cryo units so I’m going to be struggling a lot with theater going forward. I barely managed to make it to stage 7 this round and can’t make it through 8 because I’m forced to use arlecchino twice to even make it to 7 and she’s the only dps I have built and accessible in theater who would be able to beat stage 8 so I can’t clear 8 yet. I’m trying desperately to raise and build a few other units I have so I can manage it though.

  • @pnkdino3617
    @pnkdino3617 3 дні тому +3

    i mean it was known that it would an true endgame activity, even more so than abyss, so unless youve either been playing for a long time, i.e. longer than just a year, you would struggle. theres nothing wrong with the gamemode and not everything can always tailor to the entire playerbase. plus its not going anywhere, theres no shame in not trying it until you feel youre better prepared

    • @StellaMaytv
      @StellaMaytv  3 дні тому +1

      Wasn't it only known a few patches ago? Many banners have come and gone since then. I think anything with reward currency should be tailored to most of the player base, because that's how you get more characters. Also, I finished it day one, and I'm just more so worried about the future of it.

  • @djailsonfelipe84
    @djailsonfelipe84 3 дні тому +3

    I suppose it doesn't take away from anything, for the fact that it does add a few extra primos every season, which is good. As much as I see the problem, it is exactly an endgame for endgame players, even if it forces them to build more characters only to accomodate for the brutal amount of characters required for it.
    And that's because we're in a electro, pyro and anemo season, just imagine what it'll be like on a geo and cryo only season.

  • @it_aint_me
    @it_aint_me 3 дні тому

    We just got a leak that theatre is going to be 10 lvls, good luck to everyone with no characters xD

  • @ljcool17
    @ljcool17 4 дні тому +1

    Yeah this has bias towards longtime players. I have about 60 characters built and it’s perfect for this event. But newer/f2p players will struggle here unless they got friends with lots of built characters

    • @seraby7151
      @seraby7151 2 дні тому

      genshin has always been catering to new players, time for some veteran crumbs

  • @tylerminden55
    @tylerminden55 3 дні тому

    Honestly even coming from me who's about to hit AR 60 😭😭 I could barely finish the medium stage 😭😭😭

    • @antonov29
      @antonov29 3 дні тому +3

      it’s probably because you only build your 5 stars and forget some 4 stars (excluding Bennett, Xinqiu And Xiangling) or you just have an skill issue.

    • @tkak4
      @tkak4 3 дні тому +1

      Damn bro where did you spend all your resin and time in?

    • @tylerminden55
      @tylerminden55 3 дні тому

      @@antonov29 honestly I just started building my supports recently 😭😭😭 I was the type to push thru with just mainly dps units up until now 💀 but am now building them omg

    • @tylerminden55
      @tylerminden55 3 дні тому

      @@tkak4 artifact and talent domains 😭💀 esp with the newer domains 💀

  • @abyssal_Knight666
    @abyssal_Knight666 3 дні тому

    Remember, you don’t have to do it. It’s not a requirement just pretend 2:17 like it doesn’t exist or build the four stars ones you want 🤷

    • @StellaMaytv
      @StellaMaytv  3 дні тому

      I think people get enjoyment out of doing endgame content. This content could have just been implemented better that's all!!

  • @imbromidic6027
    @imbromidic6027 4 дні тому

    it was so hard for me, my first run wasn't too good. one of my friends has a c6 r5 hu tao but since i couldn't vape or do a proper team with her i could hardly beat a boss with it!!

    • @StellaMaytv
      @StellaMaytv  3 дні тому

      That is one of the points I was trying to make if this is the new end game. We certainly need to have the best elemental reactions in the game mode every time for it to be good.

  • @aoikazuma3781
    @aoikazuma3781 5 днів тому +5

    kinda sad when other's say "cause it's an endgame for endgame player" or "atleast we have a new endgame" or "it's your fault focusing on 2 team comps" no it's not, it's just a whale/older players bias event, even an account with more or less a year is an endgame player (after you finish the current quest available you're an endgame player) but with less than enough character to access those higher stage because they character gated it.
    So much restriction, it's not once not twice but trice restriction, from how many characters you'll need, only 3 elements and leveling of those said characters. It's but a facade, to let those casual and new players feel left out (like the chalk event where it's a main story but they gated it as an event and every new player after that event left out).
    That's just Genshin does for the player to be left out and have this urge to pull cause pull = possible revenue, and don't give me this "BUT IMAGINARIUM GIVES MORE PRIMO THAN TWICE ABYSS RUN" yeah more like 1 AND HALF PULL THAT IS.
    Anyways i like the vid, speak more for them to wake up and see that genshin is giving us less content that's really an endgame..

    • @StellaMaytv
      @StellaMaytv  5 днів тому

      Its certainly frustrating, because even tho I leveled many characters myself. Not all characters are enjoyable to play or build. Like I still haven't gotten a good build for my xiangling. Because shes very hard to build, and I also don't like her character either. So this game mood forces you to play characters you don't enjoy on top of all the rng.

    • @aoikazuma3781
      @aoikazuma3781 5 днів тому

      @@StellaMaytv same i hate xianling's gameplay she's overrated anyways, it's really annoying to level up characters for one it's resin gated, two it's resource hunger, three I WILL NOT PLAY THAT CHARACTER AFTER FINISHING THE ENDGAME like it's a waste of time and resource just so you can access and play an endgame.
      I for once am a genshin shill but after that 3 wish nope it opened my eyes and see that the game management is dogsht, and with this new so called "endgame" i'm out

    • @Szyron
      @Szyron 3 дні тому +1

      Im glad someone finally said it!
      Only veteran players and whale accounts can fully enjoy this game mode. Even if you do have all the characters needed for IT, you most likely dont wanna invest into them just for the sake of this. In the end, everyone who plays this game clearly supports it, but this game mode is just a big "fuck you" to people who spend their wishes and resources wisely, only focusing on characters they really like!

    • @LongNguyen-uv8nn
      @LongNguyen-uv8nn 3 дні тому

      @@aoikazuma3781 you people always complain about have nothing to do other than farming artifacts for your favorite characters, now they give you a reason to spend resin on something else and give you a reason to try out new characters and you still bitching about it.

    • @aoikazuma3781
      @aoikazuma3781 3 дні тому

      @@LongNguyen-uv8nn What's the CORE gameplay of Genshin? ELEMNTAL REACTION AND TEAM COMP RIGHT? That's why it's fun to play now throw that sht outside the window, it becomes trash.
      Players like you is stuck with the mindset of "it's better than nothing" like stop being so blinded, they can make better endgame with meaningful gameplay but NO they make another FOMO. Wanna know why it's FOMO? cause it's EASY TO BEAT but INACCESSIBLE because they gated it with the mot unhinged way from CHARACTER WITH CERTAIN ELEMENT to LEVEL CAP then there's the Abyss cooldown being a month, relatively new player who beat the content is an endgame player but with less character who invested their FAVORITE CHARACTER THAT THEY PULL, like why would i throw my resources just so my endgame would be accesible that's kinda deranged isn't? IT'S BEEN 4 YEARS, 4 WHOLE YEARS and this is the best they can do? And here you are with the most genshill mindset "you people always complain, they give you an endgame and you still bitching about it" use your brain, you think people would critisize the endgame with logic is just bitching the game? kinda sad for you ngl

  • @ID34M4
    @ID34M4 5 днів тому +1

    I am a f2p and already play this game from 1.0 till now, in my opinion this new end game content is too ez 😂

    • @StellaMaytv
      @StellaMaytv  5 днів тому

      I think the theater how it is now is fine, but my concern is the future of it. I think it was purposely made easy this time around, to let everyone adjust. But once they start inflating the bosses hp, and we have to use these awkward teams thats when it can become a problem.

    • @tkak4
      @tkak4 3 дні тому

      ​@StellaMaytv Dont you think over time people will only get better at choose best characters for this specific end game as time moves on as well?? There will be mid maxers and people who find ways to get the best comps from this. The game will will probably get harder but also people will get better at it

    • @StellaMaytv
      @StellaMaytv  3 дні тому

      @@tkak4 yes people will do that, I was already doing it when it was announced. I think if the difficulty gets to like this last spiral abyss. The randomness in this game mode, will be challenging for many. If it stays at the same level of difficulty it is now its not a big deal, but once it increases to abyss levels I think it will be.

    • @tkak4
      @tkak4 3 дні тому

      @@StellaMaytv it wont be as random when people learn to choose better and i bet many guides will will help like abyss guides. And yeah, i hope the enemies don't become as strong as the abyss enemies, and I dont think it'll happen if this end game is meant to focus on multiple characters