Today, 11/22/2024, there will be a bit of a video dump on the channel since I have completed the cog-only challenge. Expect more videos to drop around 6 and 9PM US Central Time.
Get some extra food and water and talk to the sailor in the tavern in Oasis for directions to a worthy finale to the series. Don't worry, it's a lot closer than Chronos.
Today, 11/22/2024, there will be a bit of a video dump on the channel since I have completed the cog-only challenge. Expect more videos to drop around 6 and 9PM US Central Time.
Get some extra food and water and talk to the sailor in the tavern in Oasis for directions to a worthy finale to the series. Don't worry, it's a lot closer than Chronos.
I believe I find it
@@DaltonReutlinger Oh hell yes
@@couplingrhino I don't finish that mission until the final video of the series, though