Great video! That is a really nice Greenhouse. I'm still impressed with you all putting it together. You can see your excitement 🌱 Bet you can't wait for spring. Oh boy 😢🦆🪿Happy ducks!
Thank you for kind comments. Honestly there is no way we can grow half or maybe even a quarter of the stuff we started as seedlings. But Wifey sees it as therapy, an oasis from all the chaos around us.
Great video!
That is a really nice Greenhouse. I'm still impressed with you all putting it together. You can see your excitement 🌱 Bet you can't wait for spring.
Oh boy 😢🦆🪿Happy ducks!
Thank you for kind comments. Honestly there is no way we can grow half or maybe even a quarter of the stuff we started as seedlings. But Wifey sees it as therapy, an oasis from all the chaos around us.