In May or June 1985 my Grade 12 Phys Ed. class was touring recreation sites in NS and we stopped in Lunenburg. The Bluenose was in harbour being painted and I got to put a few brushstrokes on the stern. And that was my 'Heritage Moment', lol.
I am building a mo9del of the bluenose from model shipways and I can not find any info. on the compus on the back cabin-also the planes look like the post at the back of the cabin has metal about half way up the conor post. I can" find any more info on this . Can you help me ? Thank you very much. John
In May or June 1985 my Grade 12 Phys Ed. class was touring recreation sites in NS and we stopped in Lunenburg. The Bluenose was in harbour being painted and I got to put a few brushstrokes on the stern. And that was my 'Heritage Moment', lol.
Bluenose was the Flying Cloud of schooners. Bluenose was a perfect schooner.
I am building a mo9del of the bluenose from model shipways and I can not find any info. on the compus on the back cabin-also the planes look like the post at the back of the cabin has metal about half way up the conor post. I can" find any more info on this . Can you help me ? Thank you very much. John