I just turned 24 and ive been 280lbs soft and I bulked for years and im currently cutting. I think he is correct in that we grow easy AF between 20-30 but there are many examples of great bodybuilders starting in their late 20s successfully
He’s correct about getting as strong as possible, late teens - early twenties. However, 25-32 age range is when you will grow the most as long as you maintain a consistent diet and are in the gym at least x4 per week. If you do not have any competitive goals, stay on a maintenance calorie intake. This is how you will optimise your health in general, whilst keeping a good physique. Extreme Cutting and bulking creates unhealthy relationships in all aspects of your life, creating a good physique is achievable with consistent slow progression.
samsar0125 I would say roughly yeah, however don’t get focused on the scale. Your weight will fluctuate within reason. Take progress shots of your body composition, if it’s aesthetics your focusing on, if your generally trying to get stronger and a bit healthier, maybe look at the scale once a week, just to ensure your keeping on track.
@@ljh2378 Listened to an interview with Eric Helms where he recommended a pound per month. It is difficult to track such a small amount but you're obviously looking for a trend over time - say 6 lbs in six months time. I'm 6ft 2 currently at a meager 163 lbs, pretty lean except for a small roll (just enough to pinch between thumb and index) underneath my navel. I think I'll track that roll as I gain weight to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. Even though I'm currently underweight I'm not interested in a pot belly. My end goal is probably a lean 175 lbs (4 pack'ish) a la Ryan Gosling in Place Beyond the Pines. In that sense my aspirations are likely the total opposite of 99% of Mikes' viewers.
Absolutely right on mindset brah. I am 49 years and been lifting my whole life and believe in the no excuses for not lifting thing. Dedication and hard work is more of a problem than age for alot of guys. Keep motivating an stay shredded
Natural or not I've been weight training for 25 years and I would love to be put together like this man! His drive and determination is incredible! I really do love these videos!
My hardest is eating. My normal day is around 3,000 to 4,000 calories. And without working out I was running 160 pounds. Since listening to your workout plans in 3 months I'm now 195 pounds and I have been increasing my food intake and been in the gym only 3 days a week. I have gotten stronger and looking better. 6' and 195. I'm hoping by the end of the year I'll be around 220. Thanks Mike for giving out all this information.
I'm 49 and have never been bigger or stronger. I've gained a lot of muscle mass past 35 and and am still gaining mass - - especially in my legs, which are playing catch-up from skipping leg days when I was young (I thought running counted). Bodybuilding is a hobby for me, a way to stay healthy, strong and build up muscle mass and bone density against old age, so I can feel young well into it. I have trouble with my weight (and always have since childhood), but I'd rather be strong, muscular and a little bit fat (currently bouncing between 275 and 280... lean but not ripped, I'd probably be 235-ish), than lighter, skinny-fat and weak. I did lift in my teens, but really didn't know what I was doing until I was in my 30s... and spent most of my 20s running in an attempt to lose fat (didn't work). My work is sedentary and I workout to counter that. I'll never be as muscular as you or Arnold in his prime, but I've still added significant muscle after a lot of people say that's over.
Despite the prior comments ripping you they do have a point. You need to do some research on good eating habits. Throw away the idea that 230 is skinny fat or whatever. Stop eating out, get rid of the oils, and eat more whole foods. Im a little younger but get it. I just dont want to die at 50 because I like hot pockets and Mexican food.
Well honestly from all my lifting friends who easily got big started around 17-19 including me. Some of my friends who started lifting at 22+ never really got the look that people say ‘damn you lift bro’. I’m almost 26 now and every year I’ve beem slowly improving, but the base amount of mass I gained when I was younger. Also, the older you get, the more likely you will get small/big injuries that hinder your training. Right now after gyms closed for 3 months Im not in a good spot but dedicated to be in my best shape in half a year!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Regardless of when you start training, your progress is gonna slow down a lot after the first few years. You make more than half your lifetime gains in like the first year of lifting, there's huge diminishing returns after newbie gains. I'm willin to bet your gains are a lot slower now not cause you're 26, but cause you already made your newbie gains
Mike, there's a ton of gold nuggets here. And you're right, you just have to love doing this and be passionate about over everything else. Thank you for this
I was basically penniless at 24, 2 jobs and school. Now I have the time and the money to focus. Cant roll back the clock, but I'm lifting more now at 40, than I ever did in my 20's.
41 this June and so far I’m gaining muscle,heres some personal feelings on the matter past science I’ve never actually put in the time and effort in a gym till last year which means I didn’t have a physique worth pointing out till now Main point is I haven’t destroyed my body past a point where I can’t gain now if that makes sense Thank you 🙏
Hey Mike I think you look better than you did in your American gladiator days and you look like you are more muscled now. So I totally agree with the content and the facts of listening to your body,tweaking your work outs and making adjustments as you get older. Training smarter is training harder to challenge your body and make continuous progress whether your gains are major or minor. I for one follow principles never sacrifice form for weight and keep your joints healthy so you can continue to do what you love.
This is crazy .. I’m 33 and when ever I hit the Gym people think I’m on steroids but I just smoke and workout and don’t even eat all the required meals and what not .. Don’t believe the hype ..
Yea the semi lean semi chunky look works best for naturals and can actually give you a semi enhanced look while still feeling good and living your life without taking shit too seriously while still being able to weigh around 210-220 in the 6’ to 6’4 range and look respectable. Plus I find that girls are more attracted to your muscularity that way without actually being grossed out which is a nice little bonus. Staying natural and enjoying the consistent pump chase is def the way to go.
@@JayJules12992 its all about height! Im 5 foot 7 and i look really big. Im also ripped. You can be huge and ripped if your short. My arms are 15 inches right now but they look way bigger because of my stature.
I tell people all the time the earlier you start lifting in life, the more muscle mass you can gain over the years. People love to say you can only put on (insert number) pounds of lean muscle naturally, and they use equations and so forth to demonstrate it, but they don't take into account when you start. If you start in your early-mid teens, you'll not only put on that early size from lifting, but also the weight you would have put on naturally just in going from a boy to a man. I started at 15 and have put on probably 80+ lbs of lean mass NATURALLY over the last 25 years. If I hadn't started until my early-mid 20's that number would probably be 20-30 pounds lower.
55Porter you will eventually reach your genetic limit as a natty lifter at some point. Obviously generic limits vary from person to person but eventually everyone who trains will get there.
I started at my 37 and added 47-48 lbs in the first year NATURALLY (and i am still natural), now i am 38.5 and still adding weight, and its mostly lean mass ... so not sure where you broth this 20-30 lbs after early-mod 30's !!!
Hey Mike, I love your content as always, yes you slow down after 25, but personally I keep growing, even if I m 29, train heavy using progressive overload it's the secret no metter what age you are, especially if your nutrition it's on point, so much respect Mike.
Very good information about not pushing it too much for the sake of longevity. I'm a weakling, but I injured my arm lifting too much 4 years ago and it STILL twinges time to time.
Hitting 40 in a few weeks, a year and a half ago i was 155lbs and dying, at 6'4" thats a bean pole flash forward to now fluctuating between 200 and 220 it wasnt easy it was hard but i love a challenge, i set goals and work towards them you are capable of more then you think
24 is damn young. Honestly, you stop growing at 35 and you actually deteriorate @ 47. In Mike's case, because of heavy use of PED's, he can stay muscular long into his 70's.
Heavy use of PEDs lol the guy is 50 looking 40 max. Gear users looked aged as fuck at that age especially Using for decades. He’s on test. Probably like TRT
I am 37 and 195. I had to start over because I got sick. I used to weight way more. Years ago, I could squat 500 pounds at a body weight of 150, I was strong. But since I had to start over I am not as strong s I was, not yet at least. My friend got to a 400 pound bench press at age 24, naturally.. Utterly impressive.
I had a growth spurt of muscle from the age of 22-27, packed on some mass but overall i didn't produce anything mature till i hit the age of 31, think its about the quality over quantity, nutrition being a key factor along with experience too.
Yea I think natural test ultimately peaks in late 20’s to mid 30s and makes reaching your 30s not so bad lol as I have definitely noticed much more growth being 28 now as opposed to when I was 16-20.
I remember hanging with my friends talking about lifting when we were around 15 or 16. We were all sure that we had until about 22ish to get bigger and stronger, then we would just have to maintain from then on. Lmao. Here I am all these years later, almost 50, still training and enjoying ever minute of it. But there is no such thing as maintaining, you use it, or you lose it. Enjoy the journey, the ups and downs, and stay the course! Be patient and don't burn yourself out. Take time off when you need it, then plan a come back. It's unrealistic to be huge or ripped all the time, unless you are like Mike 😁
You can grow muscle whatever is your age. I started training at 28 and im 33. I am not big but i have muscle. The thing here is, of course it will be more dificult but you will always see results.
I’m 43 and in my best shape sine high school. I’ve been concentrating on doing burpees 5 days a week and I’ve blasted stomach fat and increased my energy. I’m sure we’ll only grow so much naturally and that’s fine.
@@Yourmomsakingsfan in the military we do Rona of burpees they will get you in shape despite what some UA-cam dude says. Most of these guys are entertaining but there info is mostly bro science
@@AmericanNegro619 Burpess are not real. The exercise is called an up-down. The military has to adopt these pussy terms for all the today's youth in america who are a bunch of sissies and think sit ups pull ups and push ups are too hard. Did you know most Americans are too out of shape for military service? They have to waste time giving you guys PE class cause this country is being raised to be a bunch of sissy liberal fat losers.
Man great advice here! Youngsters should listen, unfortunately now for me getting close to 50, i m dealing with the issues he talked about. Bad shoulder with arthritis and worn down sucks. For you young guys, train smart and injury free to last a long time. I truly miss training without pain and getting those pumps. So LISTEN!!! Lol God bless!
I think what they might have reffered to was that we get most of our muscle and strength gains in the first 6-10 years,after that its mainly a fight to keep the gains we made in the beginning
Video after video recently mike has to remind us that he’s always been this size, and he’s just fine tuning it now. He’s saying that because it’s so obvious that he’s got that Dbol/Deca moon face
Gopean it takes the hard work, dedication, sacrifice to reach this kind of physique Having said that, PEDs do help tremendously. Keeping your testosterone and GH hormone at optimum levels will definitely help you... big time. Let’s face it, hormones production goes down with age... This is a fact!. No hater here, I do give props to the guy but coming out clean won’t tarnish his accomplishments because you still need to put in the hard work even with PEDs assistance. I think the one thing that he hates the most is that once people find out that you are using, they simply attribute it to the drugs. That gotta suck! Drugs don’t make the physique it’s just one of the tools 🧰
Thanks alot for this video, i recently got back to the gym 33 years of age and been gaining alot because of my nutrition strenght is booming 5 meals per day i was starting to feel bad since I've lost some of my packs.
Kai Greene mid 40s mike Rashid early 40s Jay cutler late 40s they are not slowing down but they are a different breed of body builders and powerlifters they are super human !!! 💪🏼
im 25 right now and im constantly changing i find my test levels are low at times but i still have motivation everyday still getting stronger but ive been shredded my whole life lots of tackle football growing up laps and pushups constantly
Take you're time gentlemen im 39 and you will be able to lift when you're older at my age and when you are mike o'hearn's age avoiding injury and using proper form is on my mind when training.
Lol I actually didn’t grow much UNTIL 24. I learned my body more. What works how much volume , which exercises sucked for me ect. Also I’m stronger than in my teens. More weight = more muscle
To any young kids out there listening to this. Keep in mind some of us have listened for years, and come back to him for the cringe and to try and find any SINCERE usefull advice. That is HARD. You can't put your defense down , he needs to be listened to carefully. Half of it is bullshit a 1/4 of it is him hinting at how people dare question if he is on steroids or not. This channel slowly but surely is taking the blahino route (which is an universe on its own). But be careful. You don't want to believe something and take action on those beliefs, the day he admits to steroids will be like meh..
Most people can’t develop the muscle by 24 so telling young people it slows at this point is miss-leading. It comes across that you sell you programs to the 18-24 demographic. Sarcopenia happens after age 30, you begin to lose as much as 3% to 5% per decade if not weight training. 1 to 1.3 grams (g) of protein per kilogram of body weight for older adults who do resistance training. If possible, divide your protein equally among your daily meals to maximize muscle protein synthesis.
I'm making my my biggest gains in size now in my late 20s. But I do remember Arnold was huge in his late teens early 20s he wrote in his book he didn't care about definition or being ripped he just wanted to be as big as a house. I made the mistake of eating too clean in my early training years I was trying to bulk on basically a pre contest diet not a good idea.
@@detroiter4eva You don't think you TAKE botox do you? Lol, he has without a doubt had an ungodly amount of botox injected into his face. In his last video he looked like one of the cat people from the film cats 😂🙀
@Big Chris Miller if you mean in relation to what we're talking about, alot fucking better than Mike. Have you seen what happens to an action man when you melt its face? Well now you have 😂
Of course he says these things AND THEN tries to sell you his nutrition and exercise programs. I'm 37 years old and I put on 5 pounds of muscle in 2 months after losing some from bein laid up for a month.
Just by saying you gained 5 lbs of muscle in 2 months at 37 years old shows how much you don’t know shit about fitness/bodybuilding, and shows why you can’t appreciate the game the OG is spittin
@@eddiejimenez2582 My 5 pounds in 2 months might not be alot to someone who uses steroids and hormones and the like; but for a natural, that's alot for 2 months. Unless you got freak genes, there are those types.
T Short Bull u gained through muscle memory then naturally you put on fuck all muscle as time goes by,and anyways who’s says the hole 5 lb was muscle how is this even possible to know when dexas scans aren’t even accurate and that’s the most accurate way anyways good lifting and keep up the good work am not hating and am not a Mike o Hearn fan either but he seems like an ok guy
@@BoerboelBladeandAriaTV The point is dude says it's hard but it's really not. I used a bia scan. I question the accuracy too but if you go in to do it as hydrated as possible you'll get the most accurate reading possible.
I always heard you can't even achieve full muscle development until 28, then at about 32-35 is peak mass. Damn it's a lot of misinformation out there just to get a click.
This is when I feel like Mike is taking out of his ass because if it takes a year to build muscle, & if you’re like me who doesn’t have to eat too far from maintenance to gain weight, you could easily lean bulk for a year & put on 20, 25lbs. & you can’t compare naturals to Jay & Kai.. Let’s try to be a little honest here..
Lol for real I'm 25 at the end of this month and literally in the last year I've put on 4 inches on my legs busting my ass all year long been training for 12 years now got serious 6 years ago at age 18 now 25 years old I've gained about 25-30 pounds since then so no we can continue to gain muscle
1000 Calories above maintenance means 8 pounds a month and that's around 96 pounds a year. Even if I consider cardio and the calories I burn from training, that goes around 60-80 pounds a year. That amount of muscle is i guess the most that can be gained by a Natural lifter in his entire life of lifting and if he stays focused on his nutrition and training as Mike. It's good you're telling people to gain and don't fool around like Insta models but 1000 calories is not what we want. 1000 calories plus from what they are already eating would be fair enough but that too with slow and gradual increments. Agreeing on all other points you mentioned. I just don't want big pieces of fat lying around in my gym.
Those who can get size, they get it(these people like big size,)but those who can't able to attain size, these people dislike it, it IRONY of bodybuilding.
Mike looks better now then he ever has and he’s over 50. Not crazy about you “Slicing up” though. The way you look now is as close to a golden era bronze statue as one can get...
Test starts reducing at 30-32 by roughly 1% a year. There is no way to "adapt your training" to prevent this from happening, it just happens. Go on TRT or gear and you can prolong your high test levels and make your ceiling higher. You aren't gonna look like Mike at 50 without gear lol
As a competitive bodybuilder myself@47, been training almost as long as Mike has(33 years)....while Mike has for sure been given great genetics, I can tell you, even with great genetics...if your body does not have the hormone delivery package highway..aka "Test"...to the muscle fibers (amino acid chains).....yes...it becomes very difficult to gain muscle...especially over 40....and damn sure over 50...Mike is 51 year old....test levels are dropping at least at linear rate downward.....HOWEVER...I'm on TRT plus some during a cycle for the last 15 years and am better now at 47, than I was at 25 to 30 (natural)..SOOOOO......no way in HELL he is not on gear......which is fine with me....just admit it brother!!
Mike I’m 26 and 200 pounds at 6 feet! BF Is around 20% .... is it took late for me to start lifting weights ?? I’ve been doing mainly cardio my whole life... is 26 too late for a rookie ?? I understand the eating part and water intake and also sleep etc...
Lol @ 24!! Everyones body surely has a limit naturally that their body will allow them to hold in terms of muscle growth. But i think even the top 1% of natural bodybuilders may have never even hit that limit because of perhaps external or even internal factors. Speaking for myself at 32 y.o and been lifting since i was 13 im still slowly making progress. I'm actually stronger and faster now then i was at 24. I know this because i actually attempt 1 rm and sprints every now and then. Another thing i notice at this age if i take some down weeks of lighter training im able to get to where i was in terms of strength and size very quickly as opposed if i were to do that at 24. If i took gear maybe i could have reached a maximum potential by 30 if i started at say maybe 20 imo. I think a lot of progress can be made well into your 30s and believe it or not i know of many guys that have continued to progress in strength and size into their 40s its becoming more and more common that we see a males "peak" age get pushed older and older. Just my 2 cents... 👍
You shouldn’t even realistically pay attention to most things he says. But he’s an excellent background noise when you’re taking a break from studying and drawing.
That whole thing about 24 being the peak is such crap. Stay consistent absolutely...but I’ve seen guys in their mid 30s who return to it after years and end up looking and feeling better than they did in their 20s
You can grow a ton at any age if you haven't worked out before, its called hitting your genetic limit. Knowing how to work out is the biggest advantage you can have, the first 5 years will have the most gains. 30 years old is not old its actually the beginning of prime.
I just turned 24 and ive been 280lbs soft and I bulked for years and im currently cutting. I think he is correct in that we grow easy AF between 20-30 but there are many examples of great bodybuilders starting in their late 20s successfully
He’s correct about getting as strong as possible, late teens - early twenties. However, 25-32 age range is when you will grow the most as long as you maintain a consistent diet and are in the gym at least x4 per week. If you do not have any competitive goals, stay on a maintenance calorie intake. This is how you will optimise your health in general, whilst keeping a good physique. Extreme Cutting and bulking creates unhealthy relationships in all aspects of your life, creating a good physique is achievable with consistent slow progression.
You would be amazed how old you can be and still be young witb proper nutritien and workout
How would you define a consistent, slow prog? ~1 pound of scale weight per month?
samsar0125 I would say roughly yeah, however don’t get focused on the scale. Your weight will fluctuate within reason. Take progress shots of your body composition, if it’s aesthetics your focusing on, if your generally trying to get stronger and a bit healthier, maybe look at the scale once a week, just to ensure your keeping on track.
@@ljh2378 Listened to an interview with Eric Helms where he recommended a pound per month. It is difficult to track such a small amount but you're obviously looking for a trend over time - say 6 lbs in six months time.
I'm 6ft 2 currently at a meager 163 lbs, pretty lean except for a small roll (just enough to pinch between thumb and index) underneath my navel. I think I'll track that roll as I gain weight to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. Even though I'm currently underweight I'm not interested in a pot belly.
My end goal is probably a lean 175 lbs (4 pack'ish) a la Ryan Gosling in Place Beyond the Pines. In that sense my aspirations are likely the total opposite of 99% of Mikes' viewers.
@@ljh2378 1pound I've had bigger craps 🤣
Absolutely right on mindset brah. I am 49 years and been lifting my whole life and believe in the no excuses for not lifting thing. Dedication and hard work is more of a problem than age for alot of guys. Keep motivating an stay shredded
Natural or not I've been weight training for 25 years and I would love to be put together like this man! His drive and determination is incredible! I really do love these videos!
My hardest is eating. My normal day is around 3,000 to 4,000 calories. And without working out I was running 160 pounds. Since listening to your workout plans in 3 months I'm now 195 pounds and I have been increasing my food intake and been in the gym only 3 days a week. I have gotten stronger and looking better. 6' and 195. I'm hoping by the end of the year I'll be around 220. Thanks Mike for giving out all this information.
You guys make me smile so Much and Remind me that there's some great people out there. Such a great Vibe in that house. Peace & Love
I'm 49 and have never been bigger or stronger. I've gained a lot of muscle mass past 35 and and am still gaining mass - - especially in my legs, which are playing catch-up from skipping leg days when I was young (I thought running counted). Bodybuilding is a hobby for me, a way to stay healthy, strong and build up muscle mass and bone density against old age, so I can feel young well into it. I have trouble with my weight (and always have since childhood), but I'd rather be strong, muscular and a little bit fat (currently bouncing between 275 and 280... lean but not ripped, I'd probably be 235-ish), than lighter, skinny-fat and weak. I did lift in my teens, but really didn't know what I was doing until I was in my 30s... and spent most of my 20s running in an attempt to lose fat (didn't work). My work is sedentary and I workout to counter that. I'll never be as muscular as you or Arnold in his prime, but I've still added significant muscle after a lot of people say that's over.
280?! Sounds like you're a heart attack waiting to happen
Despite the prior comments ripping you they do have a point. You need to do some research on good eating habits. Throw away the idea that 230 is skinny fat or whatever. Stop eating out, get rid of the oils, and eat more whole foods. Im a little younger but get it. I just dont want to die at 50 because I like hot pockets and Mexican food.
@Mark Parks
You got a baby momma you haven't been able to control your pull out method?
That is your logic
@@thomaswood5246 nice answer bro.
@Mark Parks you should have been able to control your urges years ago.
Well honestly from all my lifting friends who easily got big started around 17-19 including me. Some of my friends who started lifting at 22+ never really got the look that people say ‘damn you lift bro’.
I’m almost 26 now and every year I’ve beem slowly improving, but the base amount of mass I gained when I was younger. Also, the older you get, the more likely you will get small/big injuries that hinder your training.
Right now after gyms closed for 3 months Im not in a good spot but dedicated to be in my best shape in half a year!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Regardless of when you start training, your progress is gonna slow down a lot after the first few years. You make more than half your lifetime gains in like the first year of lifting, there's huge diminishing returns after newbie gains. I'm willin to bet your gains are a lot slower now not cause you're 26, but cause you already made your newbie gains
Mike, there's a ton of gold nuggets here. And you're right, you just have to love doing this and be passionate about over everything else. Thank you for this
I was basically penniless at 24, 2 jobs and school. Now I have the time and the money to focus. Cant roll back the clock, but I'm lifting more now at 40, than I ever did in my 20's.
41 this June and so far I’m gaining muscle,heres some personal feelings on the matter past science
I’ve never actually put in the time and effort in a gym till last year which means I didn’t have a physique worth pointing out till now
Main point is I haven’t destroyed my body past a point where I can’t gain now if that makes sense
Thank you 🙏
Hey Mike I think you look better than you did in your American gladiator days and you look like you are more muscled now. So I totally agree with the content and the facts of listening to your body,tweaking your work outs and making adjustments as you get older. Training smarter is training harder to challenge your body and make continuous progress whether your gains are major or minor. I for one follow principles never sacrifice form for weight and keep your joints healthy so you can continue to do what you love.
really liked your last statement of A guy trying to get better will win over the guy who is only trying to look good
This is crazy .. I’m 33 and when ever I hit the Gym people think I’m on steroids but I just smoke and workout and don’t even eat all the required meals and what not .. Don’t believe the hype ..
Yea the semi lean semi chunky look works best for naturals and can actually give you a semi enhanced look while still feeling good and living your life without taking shit too seriously while still being able to weigh around 210-220 in the 6’ to 6’4 range and look respectable. Plus I find that girls are more attracted to your muscularity that way without actually being grossed out which is a nice little bonus. Staying natural and enjoying the consistent pump chase is def the way to go.
@@JayJules12992 its all about height! Im 5 foot 7 and i look really big. Im also ripped. You can be huge and ripped if your short. My arms are 15 inches right now but they look way bigger because of my stature.
@@JayJules12992 yeah I'm 6'2" in my dad 5'10" and we have the same size in arms at 17 in and his look freaking huge mine look eh big I guess lol
Imagine where you could be if you cut out the smokes and stayed consistent with the diet
I tell people all the time the earlier you start lifting in life, the more muscle mass you can gain over the years. People love to say you can only put on (insert number) pounds of lean muscle naturally, and they use equations and so forth to demonstrate it, but they don't take into account when you start. If you start in your early-mid teens, you'll not only put on that early size from lifting, but also the weight you would have put on naturally just in going from a boy to a man. I started at 15 and have put on probably 80+ lbs of lean mass NATURALLY over the last 25 years. If I hadn't started until my early-mid 20's that number would probably be 20-30 pounds lower.
55Porter you will eventually reach your genetic limit as a natty lifter at some point. Obviously generic limits vary from person to person but eventually everyone who trains will get there.
I started at my 37 and added 47-48 lbs in the first year NATURALLY (and i am still natural), now i am 38.5 and still adding weight, and its mostly lean mass ... so not sure where you broth this 20-30 lbs after early-mod 30's !!!
55porter Did you just make that up while sat on the shitter? Becuase it's utter bullshit 😂
@@benwilkins7837 haha, thats funny pal
@Mark Parks lol hard to gain 3 or 4 stone with roids in a year? Your mad bro I gained a stone in a month and lost body fat 😂😂
Hey Mike, I love your content as always, yes you slow down after 25, but personally I keep growing, even if I m 29, train heavy using progressive overload it's the secret no metter what age you are, especially if your nutrition it's on point, so much respect Mike.
Great stuff Mike. Absolutely loved this one
Very good information about not pushing it too much for the sake of longevity. I'm a weakling, but I injured my arm lifting too much 4 years ago and it STILL twinges time to time.
I'm trying to "naturally" build muscle at 38. I'll keep you updated Mike.
37 and doing the same.
did some weight training from ~24~29, started again at the age of 48, now at the age of 53 i am better in every excercise.
Hitting 40 in a few weeks, a year and a half ago i was 155lbs and dying, at 6'4" thats a bean pole flash forward to now fluctuating between 200 and 220 it wasnt easy it was hard but i love a challenge, i set goals and work towards them you are capable of more then you think
24 is damn young. Honestly, you stop growing at 35 and you actually deteriorate @ 47. In Mike's case, because of heavy use of PED's, he can stay muscular long into his 70's.
Amen 🙏
@guess what It's his business and it's legal.
Heavy use of PEDs lol the guy is 50 looking 40 max. Gear users looked aged as fuck at that age especially Using for decades. He’s on test. Probably like TRT
You can still gain muscle well into your 40s (and I'll see about 50s soon enough), without any PEDs.
Nailed that on the head and people will say you're a hater but its facts
Thank you Mike n everybody 💪💪💪💪👍👍👍👍😊
I am 37 and 195. I had to start over because I got sick. I used to weight way more. Years ago, I could squat 500 pounds at a body weight of 150, I was strong. But since I had to start over I am not as strong s I was, not yet at least. My friend got to a 400 pound bench press at age 24, naturally.. Utterly impressive.
9:38 "Dosage"...We finally busted him...LOL
GOT EM!!!!!!
I had a growth spurt of muscle from the age of 22-27, packed on some mass but overall i didn't produce anything mature till i hit the age of 31, think its about the quality over quantity, nutrition being a key factor along with experience too.
Yea I think natural test ultimately peaks in late 20’s to mid 30s and makes reaching your 30s not so bad lol as I have definitely noticed much more growth being 28 now as opposed to when I was 16-20.
Look great huge bro... love the comradery that have with heath Evans... God bless you, your family and friends... thank for sharing
I remember hanging with my friends talking about lifting when we were around 15 or 16. We were all sure that we had until about 22ish to get bigger and stronger, then we would just have to maintain from then on. Lmao. Here I am all these years later, almost 50, still training and enjoying ever minute of it. But there is no such thing as maintaining, you use it, or you lose it. Enjoy the journey, the ups and downs, and stay the course! Be patient and don't burn yourself out. Take time off when you need it, then plan a come back. It's unrealistic to be huge or ripped all the time, unless you are like Mike 😁
Yo Mike!! Loving the contect, what you are doing is truely inspirational so thanks!! 👌🏼
would you consider steroids inspirational?
You can grow muscle whatever is your age. I started training at 28 and im 33. I am not big but i have muscle. The thing here is, of course it will be more dificult but you will always see results.
I’m 43 and in my best shape sine high school. I’ve been concentrating on doing burpees 5 days a week and I’ve blasted stomach fat and increased my energy. I’m sure we’ll only grow so much naturally and that’s fine.
Jarred Saunders unaltered.
I think you'd be surprised how much better youd be if you would stop doing "burpees"
@@Yourmomsakingsfan in the military we do Rona of burpees they will get you in shape despite what some UA-cam dude says. Most of these guys are entertaining but there info is mostly bro science
@@AmericanNegro619 Burpess are not real. The exercise is called an up-down. The military has to adopt these pussy terms for all the today's youth in america who are a bunch of sissies and think sit ups pull ups and push ups are too hard. Did you know most Americans are too out of shape for military service? They have to waste time giving you guys PE class cause this country is being raised to be a bunch of sissy liberal fat losers.
I’m the worlds oldest body builder and I’m 108 years old and still making gains
Man great advice here! Youngsters should listen, unfortunately now for me getting close to 50, i m dealing with the issues he talked about. Bad shoulder with arthritis and worn down sucks.
For you young guys, train smart and injury free to last a long time. I truly miss training without pain and getting those pumps.
So LISTEN!!! Lol God bless!
I think what they might have reffered to was that we get most of our muscle and strength gains in the first 6-10 years,after that its mainly a fight to keep the gains we made in the beginning
Keep the fun videos coming Big Mike. Thanks for the motivation !
I'm 53 and I'm trying to be a strong and healthy
"I'm 53 and I'm going to be strong and healthy"
@@JesusChristisLordofall777 I'm 53 and I AM strong and healthy
@@HappyWolverine I'm 53 and what am I doing here?
Good advice on mindset thanks for keeping me motivated man. Too all the haters and their comment "Try to achieve what Mike achieved and then talk"
I'm getting started. I'll trust the process
Video after video recently mike has to remind us that he’s always been this size, and he’s just fine tuning it now. He’s saying that because it’s so obvious that he’s got that Dbol/Deca moon face
Instead he should be teaching us how to use gear safely. There is no way in hell anyone can build that body and strength naturally.
You gotta eat and bulk if you wanna get huge there’s no way around it
Gopean it takes the hard work, dedication, sacrifice to reach this kind of physique Having said that, PEDs do help tremendously. Keeping your testosterone and GH hormone at optimum levels will definitely help you... big time. Let’s face it, hormones production goes down with age... This is a fact!. No hater here, I do give props to the guy but coming out clean won’t tarnish his accomplishments because you still need to put in the hard work even with PEDs assistance. I think the one thing that he hates the most is that once people find out that you are using, they simply attribute it to the drugs. That gotta suck! Drugs don’t make the physique it’s just one of the tools 🧰
Stay focused, its a mindset!
Now that... Is what I call.. family time 👍 love it. Much love to the Super family 💪
mike the inspiration gonna hit the ground running with training when ramadan finishes in 4 days .Insha Allah
I gained most of my muscle fom 25-30
i was the strongest at 30
@@johnnycroat Me too, it was called Sustanon and deca!! A different world, impossible when you come off though, never the same again....
Same . You know your body and you’re lifting heavier than you did when u we’re younger
Rob Aceee1993 I’ve been lifting since I was 15.
Old lads
Nice crib Titan! 🏆🏆🏆
Great video Mike! I love the content
Mike drops life gems for free every video. pick them up.
Great vlog as always take care bro.
Solid advice , use think some type of way of Mike, can’t deny his knowledge ..
Love you brother 👊💪💯
The best natural bodybuilder.
It’s important to switch things up so your body doesn’t get too accustomed. Like occasionally wearing your hat facing forward.
Best advice ever!!🔥💯
Thanks alot for this video, i recently got back to the gym 33 years of age and been gaining alot because of my nutrition strenght is booming 5 meals per day i was starting to feel bad since I've lost some of my packs.
“Where’s my fork wench?” Lmao
Up your butt Joe-boo
Kai Greene mid 40s mike Rashid early 40s Jay cutler late 40s they are not slowing down but they are a different breed of body builders and powerlifters they are super human !!! 💪🏼
not super-human, they supplement with testosterone and a cocktail of steroids...
Mona is so awesome, well fed Mike, blessed!
im 25 right now and im constantly changing i find my test levels are low at times but i still have motivation everyday still getting stronger but ive been shredded my whole life lots of tackle football growing up laps and pushups constantly
Great advice Mike, thank you!
Well you can I'm 33 and started lifting 2 n abit years ago
Dude, I'm 30 and haven't started yet. I was going to start this year at 30 years old but hearing you can't really grow hurts.
@@mr.dccomics9018 you can i have grown some
@@ReddevilsFanNGainz86how long did it take you
it's not true
Take you're time gentlemen im 39 and you will be able to lift when you're older at my age and when you are mike o'hearn's age avoiding injury and using proper form is on my mind when training.
Lol I actually didn’t grow much UNTIL 24. I learned my body more. What works how much volume , which exercises sucked for me ect. Also I’m stronger than in my teens. More weight = more muscle
Kick ass advice thanks also thats a sic shirt ✌
love this video man. really eye opening to hear at 18
24-26 is still damn good I finally had got to 200lbs relatively lean and was lifting respectively weight
Mike dont worry ima listen to you big brother💯😎💪🏆🏆🏆🏆
Watching this just makes me excited to bulk again after my summer cut. My joints are hurting already even with supplementation :(
Gonna try scooping more protein 🤣
im almost 30 and i'm now really getting into my groove, great strength and endurance gains. i would crush my 24 y old me in a heartbeat!
@Mark Parks i will take this advice to heart thank you Mark!
Mike is the master of talking a lot but saying nothing at the same time.
Mike in current cycle....💪. Mike who never took drugs....🤏
To any young kids out there listening to this. Keep in mind some of us have listened for years, and come back to him for the cringe and to try and find any SINCERE usefull advice. That is HARD.
You can't put your defense down , he needs to be listened to carefully. Half of it is bullshit a 1/4 of it is him hinting at how people dare question if he is on steroids or not. This channel slowly but surely is taking the blahino route (which is an universe on its own).
But be careful. You don't want to believe something and take action on those beliefs, the day he admits to steroids will be like meh..
Most people can’t develop the muscle by 24 so telling young people it slows at this point is miss-leading. It comes across that you sell you programs to the 18-24 demographic.
Sarcopenia happens after age 30, you begin to lose as much as 3% to 5% per decade if not weight training.
1 to 1.3 grams (g) of protein per kilogram of body weight for older adults who do resistance training. If possible, divide your protein equally among your daily meals to maximize muscle protein synthesis.
I'm making my my biggest gains in size now in my late 20s. But I do remember Arnold was huge in his late teens early 20s he wrote in his book he didn't care about definition or being ripped he just wanted to be as big as a house. I made the mistake of eating too clean in my early training years I was trying to bulk on basically a pre contest diet not a good idea.
Bone growth may stop in your late 20s but not muscle growth, not if you lift.
Bro, leave the botox alone, you were an incredibly handsome guy, you're starting to look really weird
@@detroiter4eva You don't think you TAKE botox do you? Lol, he has without a doubt had an ungodly amount of botox injected into his face. In his last video he looked like one of the cat people from the film cats 😂🙀
@Big Chris Miller if you mean in relation to what we're talking about, alot fucking better than Mike. Have you seen what happens to an action man when you melt its face? Well now you have 😂
@@detroiter4eva i know a lot of fat slobs that build awesome motorcycles and build shit with their hands
Of course he says these things AND THEN tries to sell you his nutrition and exercise programs. I'm 37 years old and I put on 5 pounds of muscle in 2 months after losing some from bein laid up for a month.
Just by saying you gained 5 lbs of muscle in 2 months at 37 years old shows how much you don’t know shit about fitness/bodybuilding, and shows why you can’t appreciate the game the OG is spittin
Yeah okay
My 5 pounds in 2 months might not be alot to someone who uses steroids and hormones and the like; but for a natural, that's alot for 2 months. Unless you got freak genes, there are those types.
T Short Bull u gained through muscle memory then naturally you put on fuck all muscle as time goes by,and anyways who’s says the hole 5 lb was muscle how is this even possible to know when dexas scans aren’t even accurate and that’s the most accurate way anyways good lifting and keep up the good work am not hating and am not a Mike o Hearn fan either but he seems like an ok guy
The point is dude says it's hard but it's really not. I used a bia scan. I question the accuracy too but if you go in to do it as hydrated as possible you'll get the most accurate reading possible.
How to I increase bone density and maintain the bones? As well as increasing the mass? Do you have a video on that Mike?
I always heard you can't even achieve full muscle development until 28, then at about 32-35 is peak mass. Damn it's a lot of misinformation out there just to get a click.
This is when I feel like Mike is taking out of his ass because if it takes a year to build muscle, & if you’re like me who doesn’t have to eat too far from maintenance to gain weight, you could easily lean bulk for a year & put on 20, 25lbs. & you can’t compare naturals to Jay & Kai.. Let’s try to be a little honest here..
Lol for real I'm 25 at the end of this month and literally in the last year I've put on 4 inches on my legs busting my ass all year long been training for 12 years now got serious 6 years ago at age 18 now 25 years old I've gained about 25-30 pounds since then so no we can continue to gain muscle
exaclty!!! and he has said he is bulking when he's been in his 40s and 50s...lol contradictions galore
@@demon22slayer lol for real
Bravo 👍 This is called ... Eat from the heart 🍽️💝
Mike o tren at it again
1000 Calories above maintenance means 8 pounds a month and that's around 96 pounds a year. Even if I consider cardio and the calories I burn from training, that goes around 60-80 pounds a year. That amount of muscle is i guess the most that can be gained by a Natural lifter in his entire life of lifting and if he stays focused on his nutrition and training as Mike. It's good you're telling people to gain and don't fool around like Insta models but 1000 calories is not what we want. 1000 calories plus from what they are already eating would be fair enough but that too with slow and gradual increments. Agreeing on all other points you mentioned. I just don't want big pieces of fat lying around in my gym.
The dogs like their protein too 😄👍🏻
What about Roman Fritz, eating like crazy and still stays in great shape during bulk
Those who can get size, they get it(these people like big size,)but those who can't able to attain size, these people dislike it, it IRONY of bodybuilding.
Greg doucette would not agree... and he’s a doctor
You don’t seem to know who Greg Doucette is apparently.
@@TheMolina297 for real dude sounds wild
He isn't talking about newbie gains, also Kevin levrone lean bulked into the Olympia in his 50s a couple of years back
Mike looks better now then he ever has and he’s over 50. Not crazy about you “Slicing up” though. The way you look now is as close to a golden era bronze statue as one can get...
12:04 Whaddya want from me? Lmao
Extra scoop of protein never hurts 👍😂
+ a jab of anadrol and dianabol
Test starts reducing at 30-32 by roughly 1% a year. There is no way to "adapt your training" to prevent this from happening, it just happens. Go on TRT or gear and you can prolong your high test levels and make your ceiling higher. You aren't gonna look like Mike at 50 without gear lol
As a competitive bodybuilder myself@47, been training almost as long as Mike has(33 years)....while Mike has for sure been given great genetics, I can tell you, even with great genetics...if your body does not have the hormone delivery package highway..aka "Test"...to the muscle fibers (amino acid chains).....yes...it becomes very difficult to gain muscle...especially over 40....and damn sure over 50...Mike is 51 year old....test levels are dropping at least at linear rate downward.....HOWEVER...I'm on TRT plus some during a cycle for the last 15 years and am better now at 47, than I was at 25 to 30 (natural)..SOOOOO......no way in HELL he is not on gear......which is fine with me....just admit it brother!!
Mike I’m 26 and 200 pounds at 6 feet! BF Is around 20% .... is it took late for me to start lifting weights ?? I’ve been doing mainly cardio my whole life... is 26 too late for a rookie ?? I understand the eating part and water intake and also sleep etc...
Lol @ 24!! Everyones body surely has a limit naturally that their body will allow them to hold in terms of muscle growth. But i think even the top 1% of natural bodybuilders may have never even hit that limit because of perhaps external or even internal factors. Speaking for myself at 32 y.o and been lifting since i was 13 im still slowly making progress. I'm actually stronger and faster now then i was at 24. I know this because i actually attempt 1 rm and sprints every now and then. Another thing i notice at this age if i take some down weeks of lighter training im able to get to where i was in terms of strength and size very quickly as opposed if i were to do that at 24. If i took gear maybe i could have reached a maximum potential by 30 if i started at say maybe 20 imo. I think a lot of progress can be made well into your 30s and believe it or not i know of many guys that have continued to progress in strength and size into their 40s its becoming more and more common that we see a males "peak" age get pushed older and older. Just my 2 cents... 👍
You shouldn’t even realistically pay attention to most things he says. But he’s an excellent background noise when you’re taking a break from studying and drawing.
That whole thing about 24 being the peak is such crap. Stay consistent absolutely...but I’ve seen guys in their mid 30s who return to it after years and end up looking and feeling better than they did in their 20s
Mike,when they say you do t grow after 24,they’re talking about bone growth
I was very confused when I saw the title, bacause I read it as if you can’t grow after 27 cheat meals on Sunday
Man, I feel like crap hearing you can't grow after 30. I didn't start at all. I'm super late trying to grow at 30.
It isn't true. Just hit it hard with out hurting yourself and eat plenty of calories.
You can grow a ton at any age if you haven't worked out before, its called hitting your genetic limit. Knowing how to work out is the biggest advantage you can have, the first 5 years will have the most gains. 30 years old is not old its actually the beginning of prime.
Actually your muscles will develop better at that age ..
@@GJ-DT thnx for your word motivation
Toby Bielat nah prime years are 22-32
I really enjoy the Jay Cutler channel more than the O'Hearn channel
I just started lifting as 34 so I have no foundation. Am I screwed? I do not want to be a bodybuilder but I do want to build noticable muscle.
Age is a number they say. Here's the real deal. At 20, 30 and 40 everybody body is different.