Part 3. Final track laying and ballasting of the old lift up section. 07-03-2023

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jamesmartin3431
    @jamesmartin3431 Рік тому +7

    Graham the biggest compliment I can give is that you give lots of people a relaxing entertaining and informative interval in their hectic life. Please carry on and on!!!!

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi James and many thanks for those kind words - thank you and I will carry on building up Lakeside for as long as I can,a lot of work to complete over the coming months so you can expect many more videos yet. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @mels1811
    @mels1811 Рік тому +1

    Brilliant video

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thank you Mels and much appreciate. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @onnomulder9775
    @onnomulder9775 Рік тому +1

    Great video as usual Graham!! Many thanks for sharing mate!!! Cheers Onno.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thank you very much Onno and I’m pleased that you enjoyed it. Cheers. ……….Graham

  • @JoshMallard96
    @JoshMallard96 Рік тому +1

    Another good video. This steam loco runs well on the tracks. Thanks for sharing Graham. Cheers from Josh

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi Josh and thank you for the comment, yes, that loco ran very nicely over the track, well pleased with that! 👍🏻. Cheers. …………Graham

  • @gazclass58
    @gazclass58 Рік тому +1

    Awesome Graham everything works 1st time on test brilliant work. Kind regards, Gary Leicester Station and T.M.D

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Gary and thanks for the comment, I think I was lucky that it all worked first time to be honest, my biggest fear was that I would be getting a short from the electrofrog points but it worked out ok. The important thing is that it all runs nice and smooth now especially where that old Hornby curved point was. 👍🏻👍🏻. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @ColinCJ22
    @ColinCJ22 Рік тому +3

    Hi Graham you certainly are very dedicated your attention to detail is unbelievable, that's why you have one of the finest layouts I have ever seen, keep up the excellent work.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Blimey Colin, thank you very much for those lovely words, they really are greatly appreciated sir. Thank you and cheers. …………Graham

  • @medwaypeninsulaMR
    @medwaypeninsulaMR Рік тому +1

    Coming along nicely Graham 👍🏾

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Many thanks my friend, getting there gradually. 👍🏻. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @mikewillis9708
    @mikewillis9708 Рік тому +1

    18:57 into the clip - best ever feeling and what a heart-warming moment. Well done my friend! Bravo!!!!

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Indeed Mike, amazing what a simple thing like a loco running over some newly laid track and points can do! I was sure that I was going to get some form of short after connecting that section up to main lines but luckily it all worked out ok and no derailments either. One happy boy? You bet! 😂👍🏻. Cheers. …………Graham

  • @666JGNotts
    @666JGNotts Рік тому +1

    As others have said, another entertaining and relaxing video. Thanks for sharing with us 😊

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      And thank you for sparing the time to watch it and comment on it too, it’s always greatly appreciated. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @kayechorley8373
    @kayechorley8373 Рік тому +1

    Hi Graham, just a thought, l have a duck under layout too but instead of crawling under, l use a desk chair with the back taken off, wheels still intact, l just sit on it ,bend over and scoot under the layout, simples, keep going we are all looking forward to it toooooooo.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Kaye and thanks for the comment. I made up my own crawler seat for doing work under the baseboard, just a bit of MDF on four castors and it works well so if I need it at any time later on when my legs or knees have given up (which apparently so many people are keen to point out that it will happen) then I can use that! Cheers. ……….Graham

  • @mactheman8797
    @mactheman8797 Рік тому +1

    I love it when a plan comes together... ;)

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Me too mate - it makes it all the worthwhile. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @FarlandHowe
    @FarlandHowe Рік тому +1

    Cutting off the chairs, 😊. I love your condiment bottle. Handy for glue and fast. Looking good, Rob

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hello my dear friend and thank you for taking the time to comment and hopefully you enjoyed the video. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @alexmorgan2296
    @alexmorgan2296 Рік тому +1

    Another masterclass in track laying and ballasting - no wonder everything runs so smoothly! A standard to aspire to - thank you for sharing..

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      That’s very kind of you to say Alex and as always, it’s greatly appreciated too. Thank you. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @francis1247
    @francis1247 Рік тому +1

    You must be pleased with your day's work, well done, Graham. Cheer's for now.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Francis and yes, I am indeed pleased with the work completed over these last few days, it’s something I have been wanting to do - along with many other things - and this is just the start. So onwards and upwards and hopefully I can complete a lot more over the coming months. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @marklittlejohn1457
    @marklittlejohn1457 Рік тому +1

    Looking good Graham thankyou for the tips and video 👏

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thank you very much Mark and I’m happy that you found this of interest to you. Cheers. …………Graham

  • @alastairwilson457
    @alastairwilson457 Рік тому +1

    Wow, you've really cracked on with that Graham, great work. Looking forward to the next installment!

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi Alistair and thanks for the comment, yes it’s nice to know that section of the track is complete apart from the weathering, that’s another job I can now tick off - just all the other stuff to do now! 😂. Cheers. ……….Graham

  • @davidstrains4910
    @davidstrains4910 Рік тому +1

    Another great video her graham, keep up the great work.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thank you very much David, it’s much appreciated. Cheers. …………Graham

  • @andrewmursell9206
    @andrewmursell9206 Рік тому +2

    Wow, I am impressed with how fast you did the trackwork. I certainly learned a thing or two tonight from sharing your experience. Thanks Graham 😀

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Many thanks Andrew and I’m really pleased that you learned a thing or two with this video but please look at other videos as folk often have their own method of doing exactly the same job as what I’ve done today but thank you any mate, it’s greatly appreciated. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @thelibrarian46
    @thelibrarian46 Рік тому +5

    Everything looks very organized. I also admire your patience and tenacity. I can't wait to see the next few stages of your work, and I am sure it will make Lake Side look even better when it is completed. Hopefully, the weather will stay dry for the rail workers, now that spring is starting, despite the recent chilly weather.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thank you Alan, I have to have things organised , it’s just the way I am I’m afraid. Hopefully the next few jobs will improve what I already have and make it just that little bit more efficient up there. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @stephensheritagerailwaythe8776

    Good evening Graham OMG that was one quick cup of coffee my friend. You've done well and you are most definitely spoiling us this week.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi Stephen, yes a quick coffee and a quick cigarette too! 😂. Can’t hang about with all this work to do! Cheers mate. ………..Graham

  • @cliveroberts5748
    @cliveroberts5748 Рік тому +1

    brilliant video Graham keep doing more like this one.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thank you very much Clive and I’m glad you enjoyed the video and yes, more like this to follow. 👍🏻. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @eddyweller4503
    @eddyweller4503 Рік тому +1

    Morning Graham, fantastic job as we expect from you you do have a reputation to live up to. I'm with you about crawling into spaces, my only problem with when I get there I've then got to get back up. (Ha ha ) but so long as I can I will. I've always enjoyed your layout over the years, and looking forward to see what you can do with the canal. Keep up the good work, take care Eddy xx

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Eddy and many thanks for the kind comment once again, it’s greatly appreciated as always. I don’t have any issues with crawling about or getting up at the moment so I guess I’m lucky in that respect, no doubt in the years to come then that will change but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. A lot of work to do up there with the new storage system and canal so it’s going to be a busy few months ahead! Cheers. …………Graham

  • @Bassetvids
    @Bassetvids Рік тому +1

    Loving these daily vids ...good work too Graham

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thank you my friend and pleased that you have enjoyed them. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @martinpattison1567
    @martinpattison1567 Рік тому +1

    Soon you never know that was a lift-out section there at all. As I do have problems with my legs and have just come out of hospital after having two DVTs in my right leg I have no alternative, I am looking for a suitable place in my layout drawing to have a lift out or hinged section, Best wishes, martin (Thailand)

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Martin and thank you for the comment. Sorry to hear about your two DVT’s in your leg and yes, you will indeed need a lift up section within your layout somewhere to gain easy access to it, hope it all works out for you mate. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @davidcutts2650
    @davidcutts2650 Рік тому +1

    Nice steady progress with a good result Graham. Oh! No house chores. Lol.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi David and thanks. Yep, unfortunately I think I’ve got to now do some house chores but I’ve had a good run for my money! 😉😂. Cheers. ……….Graham

  • @modelrailwaynoob
    @modelrailwaynoob Рік тому +1

    Very well done Graham. It looks great

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thanks mate and much appreciated as always. Cheers. ……….Graham

  • @darrelldeltic807
    @darrelldeltic807 Рік тому +1

    Well done Graham! Great to see when a plan comes together, think your smile said it all 😊

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Indeed Darrell, I’m really pleased with (almost) the end result. Thanks for the comment mate. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @johnodonoghue7381
    @johnodonoghue7381 Рік тому +1

    Looking good Graham you make it look so easy

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi John and thank you and to be honest, it’s not that difficult, just a little time and patience and not to try and rush it. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @johnallison7608
    @johnallison7608 Рік тому +1

    Great work once more but , with your attention to detail, I'm surprised you haven't installed a coffee shop but with a full size coffee machine and possibly a toaster too!

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hehe, I like your thinking John but it’s my way of saying “thank you” to my beloved for allowing me to do this work because when I go and make a coffee then I make her a cuppa too - so there’s a method in my madness! 😂. Cheers. ……….Graham

  • @ModelTrainOutsider
    @ModelTrainOutsider Рік тому +1

    Wow, you are spoiling us, Graham. Another video and some neat work there! Enjoying this process and seeing each stage work out! Cheers and all the best to you and yours!

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thank you for those kind words Anthony and I’m pleased that you have enjoyed this series of three videos, hopefully a few folk have picked up a few ideas along the way too. Cheers. …………Graham

  • @scottmcneil1150
    @scottmcneil1150 Рік тому +3

    Nice work, Graham. Very relaxing to watch how carefully and patiently you plan and deliver your work. Thanks.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Many thanks Scott and I’m really pleased that you found it relaxing. Cheers. …………Graham

  • @2010ditta
    @2010ditta Рік тому +1

    Very well done again Graham. Even track laying must stop for a coffee or two. Another very enjoyable video, thank you. All the best. Tim.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Tim and thank you for the comment. Can’t do without my coffee, helps me keep my concentration. So pleased that you found this enjoyable to watch. Cheers. ………….Graham

  • @nononsense3528
    @nononsense3528 Рік тому +1

    Nice 👍🏻

  • @railway187
    @railway187 Рік тому +1

    Fantastic work, well done 👍

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Thanks mate, that’s greatly appreciated. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @normanrowe2831
    @normanrowe2831 Рік тому +1

    Hi ya Graham. I’m really liking the “ how I do it “ episodes. The condiment bottle tip for glueing down ballast was very much appreciated. Well….that’s all sorted. Nice. See ya next time for the airbrushing. Take care.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Norman and I have to thank my great friend Rob McCrain for the condiment bottle trick - it works so well and so much better than using a syringe. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @LordTechnopants
    @LordTechnopants Рік тому +1

    I'm a perfectionist procrastinator, which means I really overthink putting all 'those jobs' off. After all that effort, it's so hard to get anything done - so I watch you sir!

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      That’s fine mate, I’m just pleased that you sat down and watched this video - fair play to you! 👍🏻👍🏻. Cheers. …………Graham

    • @LordTechnopants
      @LordTechnopants Рік тому +1

      @@GrahamFoulston Well, if there's a place for a tongue-in-cheek comment, I think your channel is up for it. All the best with the ongoing work.

  • @LetsGo_41
    @LetsGo_41 Рік тому +3

    Nice work Graham. I looked at with interest your glue dispenser and bought a couple as I am currently relaying an area of my layout so this will be another handy tip of yours. Glad to see the work on the track has gone well and looking forward to seeing you build the next bit. Tim

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Tim and that purchase will be one of the best things you bought for the layout, you could see how well it controlled the glue, much better than using a syringe. Good luck with the layout mate. Cheers. …………Graham

  • @exehavenharbour
    @exehavenharbour Рік тому +1

    Hi Graham, excellent work, thoroughly enjoyed it with my morning cuppa. As I said in my last comment I do like the way you go about things and this was no exception. I’ve been using the sauce bottles for sometime just for my PVA glue, I bought a 5 litre bottle and just decant. It may have actually come from Rob, but as you say it looks a great way to put down the glue/water mix for ballasting.
    I’m hoping you’re going to show us the air brushing of the track which is what I intend to do shortly having got an airbrush for Christmas, can’t wait to have a go to be honest!
    Cheers for now Graham, John

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi John and thank you for the comment and I’m pleased that you enjoyed it, as long as folk enjoy it and maybe get something from it then that’s the main thing for me. I do intend to show me airbrushing the track and ballast, I’m having a break for a day or two now as I need to catch up on other stuff that needs doing but hopefully it won’t be for long, it will also give the ballast a chance to properly set off before I start airbrushing. Cheers. ……….Graham

  • @trainmanbob
    @trainmanbob Рік тому +1

    Great demonstration Graham. I was surprised that you did not mention a couple of drops of washing up liquid for aiding surface tension. Maybe you don't bother with it? I am looking forward to the next part with the spray gun as I always seem to get my mixes and pressures wrong. Cheers, Bob.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi Bob and thanks for the comment, if you go to 28:30 then I do actually mention the washing up liquid to break up the surface tension - maybe you skipped that part. I’m have a break for a day or so but I will be showing the airbrushing of the track when I get round to doing it. Cheers. ……….Graham

    • @trainmanbob
      @trainmanbob Рік тому +1

      @@GrahamFoulston Sorry. Must start wearing my hearing aid. I have one but rarely use it. Bob

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      @@trainmanbob Yep, that would probably help! 😂😂

  • @johnoneill5661
    @johnoneill5661 Рік тому +1

    Another video 😮 what are you putting in your coffee? I would still be weighing up the pros and cons of redoing it 🤣

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for the comment John, yeah I know, I seem to be on a roll at the moment but having a break now for a couple of days, I want to let things settle and harden off before I start the airbrushing plus I’m just feeling lazy today! 😂😂. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @davidcook380
    @davidcook380 Рік тому +1

    Great Stuff Graham

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thank you David and much appreciated too. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @les-halestation
    @les-halestation Рік тому +1

    Another great video. It's interesting to see the process of everything. Thanks for your effort in filming. Look forward very much to more.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi Les and thank you for the comment and I’m pleased that you have enjoyed it so far. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @eamonnoconnor6664
    @eamonnoconnor6664 Рік тому +1

    Graham, Really enjoy your videos and you do a great job explaining things. I'm very interested to watch the new changes you are going to make to your layout. But a question, I notice in this video how tall you are, so I wonder why do you have your layout so low, it's got to be hard on your back. Because of your planned reworks, this would be a great time to raise your layout and the duck under would not be so bad. Maybe you sit when you're having a play, but I don't think I have ever seen you sit.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi Eamonn and many thanks for the comment and I’m pleased that you enjoyed the video. To be honest, I never thought of the layout being too low for me, it seems about the right height to me, it’s about bench height so that will do for me. It would be a mammoth job just to raise it a few inches as I’m sure you can appreciate and I think I have enough work to be getting with! 😂. Cheers. ……….Graham

  • @FredWilbury
    @FredWilbury Рік тому +1

    I’m liking it Graham I’m glad you are , I know I said never but ! Maybe I might just try some changes I think the difficult bit ripping apart some modelling one is happy with or maybe put a lot of effort into anyways who knows maybe 😳🤔 Looking forward to the rest of what you have planned 👍🏻😎👌Fred

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi Fred, well to be honest, why take up something if you’re happy with it, I’m only doing this stuff because of either new ideas or I’m not happy with something. Cheers mate. ………..Graham

  • @robinfrost6240
    @robinfrost6240 Рік тому +3

    Well Graham this is moving on very fast we are very lucky to have so many videos from you in such a short space of time. 1 question how is the narrow boat coming along? I have seen your video about it and you worked out how to raise and lower it. Are you planning to include this in this rebuild?.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi Robin and absolutely it will be included. In the first video I did say that I was holding off doing that because of the thoughts I had about remodelling certain areas of the layout and I didn’t want to start that until I was sure that it wouldn’t be effected in any way. Hope that helps. Cheers. ……….Graham

  • @holybrookejunction4758
    @holybrookejunction4758 Рік тому +1

    Looks fab, nice job

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Thanks mate and much appreciated sir. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @clivebriggs4984
    @clivebriggs4984 Рік тому +1

    Great stuff Graham, now that is sorted look forwards to the next instalment. Mm I wonder what it will be ? Never bores me, always very interesting and entertaining. Carry on with the great videos. Clive.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi Clive and I’m pleased that you enjoyed this part of the work. The next little job I want to do is add in the extra point for the new entry into the steam engine yard and of course builds the board for it and the turntable. Thanks for the comment mate, it’s greatly appreciated. Cheers. ………Graham

  • @DundeeRoad
    @DundeeRoad Рік тому +1

    Nice work!

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thank you and that’s very kind of you to say. Cheers. ……….Graham

  • @malcolmone1
    @malcolmone1 Рік тому +1

    slight king at joint on the bend

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Malcolm and I spotted that too when I played the video back, it wasn’t that obvious from where I was standing but it was from where the camera was situated. But that’s now been fixed so no kink (not king! 😉) on that curve now but thanks for pointing it out. Cheers. Graham

  • @barryturner2916
    @barryturner2916 Рік тому +1

    Another good one Graham, is the disused siding track to stay of is it to be lifted at some point in time (excuse the punt about points lol), take care Barry..

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Barry, that spare line will be joined up with the line which is coming from Platform 4 to give me a little room to store a small train or loco on there. Cheers. …………Graham

  • @markaous1212
    @markaous1212 Рік тому +1

    Graham I adore these updates. Probs me and 100s have asked, do you have a plan on digital software for ur layout? Best Mark

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi Mark and thank you and I’m really pleased that you enjoyed the updates and to be honest I’ve enjoyed doing them too. Not quite sure what you mean by digitising the layout but if you mean going the whole hog of computer controlled with block detection and all what that involves then no. I have purposely kept this layout as simple as I can and indeed making it even more simple with these modifications I’m about to make with the deletion of the lift up section being of prime importance. Hope that all makes sense. Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @MrVinnyh
    @MrVinnyh Рік тому +1

    Might I sudjest leaving one area very lightly weathered to sudjest newly replaced ballast Graham? 😃,the whole area looks far better, if moblity under the layout is a issue then Stanner Stair lift might help 😵‍💫😵‍💫

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      The thing is Vinny that I don’t have any mobility problems at the moment so considering my age then I consider myself very lucky - no Stanner stair required at the moment. Unfortunately for you then one day that sort of comment will be said to you too - hard to believe maybe at the moment but believe me, it will come to very quickly as you get older. Cheers. …………Graham

    @QIKUGAMES-QIKU Рік тому +1

    Subbed buddy 😃 Gday from Oz 🍺 🐨 🇦🇺 Is this your only track ? Or have you built others ?

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Thanks for subscribing mate, it’s really appreciated. This is the second layout I’ve built now and I’m still learning! Cheers. ………..Graham

  • @Rock_God
    @Rock_God Рік тому +1

    Hi Graham. When it comes to most things, including trackwork, it’s important to take the time get it right, if you don’t want problems in the future.
    Graham, if I am not mistaken, I think that you missed applying glue to the top, left, short section of track. I watched a few times and I did not see you apply the glue, just water.
    What are you going to do with that bit of track that went to the now redundant curved turnout? Are you going to keep it as a shunting neck? Great job and looking forwards to the next instalment. Best, Jason.

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому +1

      Hi Jason and thanks for the comment. I shall have to go up in the morning and check if I put that glue down or not. If not then not a problem, I will just put some down but I thought I had done it all. That spare bit of track is going to join up with the other piece of track which at the moment comes from platform 4, that will give me an area for a head shunt or storing a loco (shunter) for manoeuvring coaches. Cheers. …………Graham

  • @shornford
    @shornford Рік тому +1

    Graham: Job's a good-un... really pleased with that.
    Ipad: Something went wrong, try again.
    That made me laugh. No moral support available from the ipad then!

    • @GrahamFoulston
      @GrahamFoulston  Рік тому

      Hi mate and thanks for the comment. Yes all good with no shorts which I was sure I was going to get so my electronics was ok in the end. Yes, the iPad made me laugh too, I wondered what the hell was going on there for a second! Bloody Siri poking his nose in again! 😂😂. Cheers. ………..Graham