This should really get more visibility... Precious knowledge dropped for animators/storyboard artists too, especially on creating minimum viable products to test ideas and the liberating suggestion of reusing existing assets in a transformative way (or not) to do so.
This is so awesome. I didn't know about this until tonight and I hate that he couldn't get the show going. Dudes a great animator.
This should really get more visibility... Precious knowledge dropped for animators/storyboard artists too, especially on creating minimum viable products to test ideas and the liberating suggestion of reusing existing assets in a transformative way (or not) to do so.
The algorithm has hated us for years xD
speaking of 90s animation i love "duckman" ..that show is great.. and "the critic" as well
I talked about this on tictok! So awesome you got to interview the director!
Thank you. it was a lot of fun despite the audio hiccups
This was really interesting. Hope if tv show is real they get him on board.
thats cool he brought up the tracy ullman show.. that was a great show
I played Kingdom hearts games a long time ago!
Disney + tv kh 2023 december soon