At this time, we do not have an alternate version of the Civil 3D traverse adjustment tool video that covers different network models. We will put your request on the list of recommendations for future videos. If you require assistance, you can contact IMAGINiT through our website ( and we can put you in touch with our services team to review appropriate training and/or support options.
Hi, is there any way to change the units for the on screen display or in the report? It seems that it is set to quadrant bearings and cannot be changed regardless of what drawing units and ambient settings are set at.
do you have a video on doing this to an open traverse? or is this just for closed traverses?
At this time, we do not have an alternate version of the Civil 3D traverse adjustment tool video that covers different network models. We will put your request on the list of recommendations for future videos. If you require assistance, you can contact IMAGINiT through our website ( and we can put you in touch with our services team to review appropriate training and/or support options.
Hi, is there any way to change the units for the on screen display or in the report?
It seems that it is set to quadrant bearings and cannot be changed regardless of what drawing units and ambient settings are set at.
I checked with the experts, they suggested that would be something you'd want to connect with your support provider to achieve.
Could you the link of video you made about traverse date and traverse editor?
Do you have file that run travese from machine survey?could i ask you for it ?
Hi there - checked with our team and unfortunately we no longer have these datasets.
its nice but I couldnt edit my point names. those line numbers cant be edited