The Manipulation, Refusal to Take Accountability, and Lies of Sage: A Documentary

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • A big video about something that's been on my mind for a while. Sage has been turning people against my boyfriend and insulting him for too long, so I felt the need to expose them for what they've done.
  • Розваги


  • @_C0mical
    @_C0mical 11 днів тому +3

    This video was not meant with the intent to direct any harassment toward Sage! This video was made to reveal the type of person they really are and with the end goal of protecting other people from experiencing the various things that happened to Hyru1e. We all collectively agree this is information that needs to be brought upon those who regularly interact with Sage to avoid future conflict and we firmly discourage harassment in any form.

  • @Hyru1e
    @Hyru1e 11 днів тому +2

    C0mical definitely worded it better than me so i'm not gonna just repeat the same thing LMAO.
    But regardless, thank you so much for making this, you did not at all have to do this but yet you took the time out of your week to make this so we all didn't have to. I'm glad I was able to help you with it and hopefully we can all catch a break now with everything.

  • @mattaboveallhews1502
    @mattaboveallhews1502 10 днів тому

    yeah all I have to say about this situation is
    Sage made a couple tiny mistakes and now Hyru1e is repeatedly bashing them, and claiming that *he himself is the victim*, which is just blatantly wrong.
    0:46 - Hyru1e is treating Sage like shit, but is too hypocritical to admit that he is.
    0:56 - Hyru1e made a group chat, with *all his friends*, to bash and bully Sage for no valid reason. Hyru1e is a sociopath by definition, and the only sign of sociopathy he does not follow is that he has yet to break the law (from my knowledge).
    1:48 - Sage has stated that their relationship has always been a bit rocky.
    2:12 - Sage has done extensive research into the topic, and spent OVER A YEAR making sure they have DID.
    2:35 - Sage has been taking ADHD medications, which would help with the memory problems and roughness of transitions. I have experienced firsthand when they forgot to take them for a week, and became extremely confused and foggy.
    2:52 - DID can affect one's sexuality, so it is not unreasonable to treat it as such.
    3:32 - Sage has only posted about the relationship negatively once, after they broke up, and only after Hyru1e broke into Sage's DMs through a friend. It was an extremely hypocritical move on Hyru1e's part, considering Sage had gone after ONE OF Hyru1e's friends in a panic a while earlier wondering why they had blocked Sage. Although Sage wondering why the friend had blocked them was an invasion of privacy, it was at least an understandable reaction, unlike Hyru1e when he broke into Sage's DMs TWICE to berate Sage for no reason.
    3:47 - Sage is unable to get an official diagnosis because of their parents, who are heavily against that sort of thing. Again, Sage has done extensive research on the topic.
    4:32 - Knowing Sage and how particular they are with their research when it comes to psychological conditions, I guarantee they have done more research than Connor.
    5:02 - "Some traits may not apply to all individuals," renders every point he is about to make nearly meaningless. Not to mention, Sage clearly has depressive disorder and is taking ADHD medications, which definitely have a strong effect on their DID.
    6:40 - I have yet to hear any examples of when Sage has used their DID as a method to escape responsibility.
    7:41 - While Sage does have an easy time identifying when they switch alters, they can have a harder time telling on rare occasions, such as when they have not taken their ADHD medications.
    8:46 - Again, Sage has done *EXTENSIVE RESEARCH ON THE TOPIC*.
    10:02 - Connor showing screenshots from Sage’s accounts is another MAJOR breach of privacy.
    10:39 - “Not really, because he brought it up with Sage *eventually*, after talking behind Sage’s back for a long time.”
    11:14 - *AGAIN*, it depends on who has the DID. You yourself said DID has different effects for every person.
    I believe this is enough to show that Sage is generally innocent of most charges, in only the first 11 minutes of the video alone. They have made a couple mistakes, such as invading privacy once or twice, but ultimately, Hyru1e is a complete sociopath, and should definitely be the object of ridicule in this controversy.

    • @Tinushi1513
      @Tinushi1513 10 днів тому +1

      you fucking watched 12 minutes of the video. and im sorry you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about

    • @Bowl_of_Noodles0101
      @Bowl_of_Noodles0101  10 днів тому +5

      1. Hyrule is treating sage like shit? Sage was talking behind his back very early in the relationship, telling hyrule things then doing the exact opposite and turning his friends against him while he was the nicest in the whole situation. Plus, you didn't even watch far enough to see the part where sage watches a movie without hyrule when they planned to watch it together, and even when connor told sage that they should wait for hyrule, they didn't. That's awful.
      2. There is no way you actually think that's the definition of a sociopath. A sociopath is someone consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. Hyrule was not being mean at all before sage talked all that trash on private. If you think he was even being mean then I don't even know what to say at that point. Plus there was a valid reason and it's that sage is self diagnosing and using their did to avoid responsibility. And again, they weren't even harassing sage in that convo. Hyrule even said in the convo they were just concerned for sage.
      3. Well then sage is a liar. If it's ALWAYS been rocky then they wouldn't have dated in the first place. They didn't even know each other for long enough.
      4. Spent over a year? Then why did these symptoms only pop up when they dated hyrule? DID is supposed to be something that results from deep childhood trauma, and is not something that you can hide for years. Clearly they wasted time on this research as it's clear they don't have DID.
      5. ADHD medications? That's an entirely different mental condition lmao maybe Sage has that instead.
      6. So? Many factors can affect your sexuality, that doesn't mean they ARE the sexuality.
      7. Twice. Hyrule literally stopped dming sage after he blocked them, then Sage said Hyrule "put them through hell" on a tweet, then after they rightfully got confronted about it, then attacked Hyrule on their main, calling him a Psychopath. And adding someone to a gc isn't "breaking into a DM", are you talking about the time they all got together to confront sage about their bs? Because if so, then the gc was literally empty beforehand lmao what. Also if they've already went after one of Hyrule's friend I don't think it's "no reason" that they decided to confront Sage about it.
      8. Again, Sage has not done good research. I'm sorry that Sage's parents are against that sort of thing but they should still wait until they get a real diagnosis to say anything.
      9. Yeah sure, Sage hasn't even fulfilled the most basic conditions of DID. A person who studied psychology in school later in the video also confirms that Sage is bullshitting.
      10. Maybe some traits, but there is usually traits that have to apply or else you don't have it. Sage doesn't have amnesia between switches, but that's a core part to DID. This is like saying someone who has never had a problem with attention has ADHD.
      11. Sage screenshared p*rn in a vc with Hyrule without Hyrule's consent at first, which is a horrible thing to do. Sage proceeded to blame it on their alter taking control, instead of accepting responsibility and blaming everything on themself.
      12. If Sage has an easy time identifying at all, it's already a big giveaway that they do not have DID.
      13. Hyrule has a right to know if Sage is talking about him directly. Plus Hyrule has literally responded to the tweet that Sage screenshotted in the dm, so it's not exactly news to Hyrule.
      14. Fine, but nothing Hyrule said was truly negative until Sage started to do it too. Hyrule fully explained his feelings about sage in a non-negative way and I've found new information that suggest Sage twisted it into something negative and painted Hyrule as a horrible person, again behind Hyrule's back. I literally did not find out until today when a friend showed that Sage has been twisting the information.
      15. Explained in no. 10. Another example though, can I have cancer without having cancer cells? Cancer forms in different places and the effects vary, but there are certain conditions that need to be met.
      I genuinely can't believe that anyone is defending sage in this situation, but I guess this is how they can keep lying to themselves. Sage has made far more than a "couple mistakes" and have twisted the situation into something that it isn't. Hyrule may have made a mistake or two but that's nothing compared to what Sage did. Hyrule is not a sociopath, I'm quite sure you don't even know what that word means. Sage is an attention seeker and a liar, and should definitely be the object of ridicule in this controversy.

    • @_C0mical
      @_C0mical 10 днів тому +5

      u watched 11 minutes of an hour long video

    • @Hyru1e
      @Hyru1e 10 днів тому

      You don't know the full story, nor have any evidence of 99% of this dipshit.