Such an unusual life! So talented! Have we all missed so much of him for so many years. Where can we buy his albums? He definitely is one that no one can ever surpassed.
電影的結尾,主角一人獨自通往懷抱祖國的大道,不知迎向他的是撥雲見日的烈陽,還是暗無天日的陰月,踏上的路程是欣欣向榮的花海,還是步履維艱的莖棘,樂音中伴隨著人群的嘻笑和嘲諷,暗喻著主角義無反顧的愛國情操,放棄昔日的繁榮與功成名就,激昂四起的薩克斯風貫穿整曲,濃烈的愁悵穿插著刻苦的哀傷,生是China的人,死是China的魂,動盪時代無數個飄泊不定莫可奈何的擺渡人,《Shadow Of China 魂在中國》同生共死不離不棄,不明未知尋根的航程何時才會有靠岸的一天?
When I watch other movies of John Lone, I appreciate his professional performance. But when I watch this movie, shadow of China, I feel as if John Lone is Henry Wang, Henry Wang is John Lone himself.
I was here just yesterday, when suddenly I realize this video complete 10 years exactly yesterday. And I just found this only in 2019. Congrats! 17/02/2019
Renato Sousa Hey how’s it going I don’t know if you got to see the full movie yet but UA-cam has it it’s written in Chinese so I can’t write that down but the guys channel where you could see this video on is yamada taro It’s the full movie it’s an English and has Chinese subtitles
One of the most memorable ending credits music in movies today.
I actually saw this Film in Hong Kong in 1990! Great Film!
ジョンローンが日本で人気絶頂の時の作品。彼の眉目秀麗さのみが全面に出ているようだが背景にある中国の複雑な歴史が垣間見れる。主人公のHenry Wongの人生も中国から命からがら脱出して再度日本人として中国パスポートで国境を超える。香港が中国返還後50年は香港の自治権が保障されると言われていたが昨今の香港を見る時に自分たちの声を聞き届けてくれない政府に対し4人の若者が絶望の結果命をおとしている。主人公のジョンローン氏の現在の思いを聞いてみたい。
Such an unusual life! So talented! Have we all missed so much of him for so many years. Where can we buy his albums? He definitely is one that no one can ever surpassed.
電影的結尾,主角一人獨自通往懷抱祖國的大道,不知迎向他的是撥雲見日的烈陽,還是暗無天日的陰月,踏上的路程是欣欣向榮的花海,還是步履維艱的莖棘,樂音中伴隨著人群的嘻笑和嘲諷,暗喻著主角義無反顧的愛國情操,放棄昔日的繁榮與功成名就,激昂四起的薩克斯風貫穿整曲,濃烈的愁悵穿插著刻苦的哀傷,生是China的人,死是China的魂,動盪時代無數個飄泊不定莫可奈何的擺渡人,《Shadow Of China 魂在中國》同生共死不離不棄,不明未知尋根的航程何時才會有靠岸的一天?
男女主角是什麽門關係,他們為何去香港 ,男主角是間諜嗎?他到了香港為何那麼富有,他去問算命師隱含着什麼意思,有一幕是很多男人在跳舞的,那是地下聯絡處嗎?最后男主角為何又回去祖國?
我在網路上找到的這部電影都沒有字幕, 我大概了解劇情描述他是一位日本在中國的遺族, 是這樣嗎?
@@曾于娟-f4l 轉眼二年了真的沒有人可以答覆我!
When I watch other movies of John Lone, I appreciate his professional performance. But when I watch this movie, shadow of China, I feel as if John Lone is Henry Wang, Henry Wang is John Lone himself.
I was here just yesterday, when suddenly I realize this video complete 10 years exactly yesterday. And I just found this only in 2019. Congrats!
My dear respectful father passed away on the same day on 17 Feb 2019.
I love this music !
DVD で数年前に観ました。出来るなら全編配信して欲しい。音楽もいい😂
Too bad this film is only available on VHS from Amazon. It should be released on DVD !
I wish they would put these out on re-release, seems this has fallen off the face of the earth
I was actually in this movie as an extra in the auction scene behind Lone
I was the location manager on the film, but I've never seen it! Anybody an idea where I could get hold of a copy?
please post entire movie.
If someone have this movie, please, contact me. I really want.
Renato Sousa Hey how’s it going I don’t know if you got to see the full movie yet but UA-cam has it it’s written in Chinese so I can’t write that down but the guys channel where you could see this video on is yamada taro It’s the full movie it’s an English and has Chinese subtitles
God, where I find this movie to watch?
Thank you very much. I will looking for it. :)
@Crim Sin I tried, but unfortunately I can't find anything about this movie. :(
where can i watch this film ? if you know, please please please !!! contact me. i really want this ... 😭