Seeing Tara & Willow together (even if it's just the Actresses that play them) gave me a sort of satisfaction that I didn't expect to have. Still about W+T after all these years. My Mom (who was very religious & yet was a BtVS fan before I was) was devasted when Oz left Willow & was like, "Well, now who's she gonna be with?!" & then we saw the connection with Tara & we were like, "Oh snap!" The funny thing about it is my Mom was homophobic. This show made her realize that it's not about being gay, it's about being loved & understood & accepted for who you are & what you do (which is why she loved the show so much). It was a very interesting thing to watch. And she loved the relationship between Tara & Willow. Rooted for it every week. I think she was more heartbroken than I was when her character was killed off.
Their relationship was definitely a gift to me. I remember watching the show every morning before school and I feel in love with Willow so fast. Like, first episode fast. I watched her fall in love with Oz and I was right there with her, (Buffy also sparked my love for Seth Green as well). But then I watched her fall in love with Tara and it was so exciting because I saw someone like me. I saw someone who fell in love with boys *and* girls, who fell in love with people, not genders. And still, over a decade later, I am head over heels for Willow xD I simultaneously want to be her and be with her. Her character was so well written and brilliantly portrayed by Alyson and her story arc blows me away every time I rewatch the show
btvs was always about finding love any way you could, because you could die tomorrow. It was such a powerful statement for me as an isolated, LGBT teen.
Brandon Lambert Personally I prefer the Buffy and Spike relationship. Specifically after Spike gets his soul back. I know it was a bit late in the game, but it was more real.
Buffy/Angel was a series of melodramatic teen angst moments that made you painfully aware you were watching a show about high school students. Buffy/Spike was less a relationship and more of a nightmare scenario where two abuse victims were forced to work through PTSD together. Made worse by the fact that they gave each other PTSD in the first place. Tara/Willow was a realistic depiction of two people in love who had to work through hardships and arguments that can plague just about any relationship.
OMFG MY tillow FEELS. I HATE Kennedy with a passion and if amber wasn't unavailable joss said Tara would've been brought back, I wanted them to end up together SO bad ughhhhhhh.
My thoughts exactly. Their lives were literally in Buffy's hands, she never asked for this. She sheltered them, protected them, taught them everything she knew so that they could be true slayers. Everything fell on her shoulders and she had to make very tough choices, and yet, everyone was against her. Even brat Dawn (yeap, hate her too). And Kennedy was just standing there, thinking she had the right to judge Buffy and talk to her like she was better than her. HELLO she's been doing this since she was 16, you're a baby, just STFU already.
Sara Kennedy personally I'm very indifferent towards Kennedy and her personality. She's a bit of a brat, so's Dawn but with her it's more understandable since she's still a kid. Kennedy just has this "I'm better than everyone and know more than everyone" kind of attitude towards her, and not in the amusing kind of way like Cordelia in the early seasons of Buffy.
scifinerd17 EXACTLY. and I HATE HER for turning the Scoobies and potentials against Buffy who may not always make the best decisions but she has tried her best to protect them and FREAKING DIED TO save the world! and I can't get over tillow and HATED that they made it out that Tara was her true love, which she was IMHO, then she moved on so quickly with a girl that hit on her every time she saw her even though willow wasn't ready, JUST NO.
2:45 Amber Bensen is such a comedian. She has such wit and such a clever mind to be able to come out with such funny lines like not seeking for a scene to be a gut punch.
I remember a friend of mine being upset that Willow was a "all of a sudden" gay. I was just like if you think this is all of a sudden then you aren't the fan that you think you are. lol
They did warn us with the Vamp Willow that Willow had that possibility. Personally I felt that Tara was added just to die later and push Willow over the edge.
yes. that and the half comment from Angel. Remember when they had Vamp Willow locked up and Willow Willow told Buffy that she thought Vamp Willow was kind of gay? Buffy told her that when you go Vamp there is nothing left of the old you. That's when Angel said "Well actually..." but then stopped himself as to not upset Willow Willow further. That led me to believe that when you go Vamp there is some of you left. The deeper things that you suppress. I do agree about Tara. Folks loved Tara I never kind of warmed up to Tara. She was ok but...I just didn't care for her character like I did Oz.
I'm rewatching Buffy rn, and I LOVE when Oz comes in. He's so sweet, and perfect for her first relationship. I think they really switched gears with that when Tara came in, with Willow kind of leading the way. Love both couples!
The show was still awesome after Tara was killed but even so, I thought at the time and still do she should never have died. To me, it wasn't worth losing a wonderful character just to see Willow go Evil. They're still fun to watch and looking good!
Holy crap, I just randomly stumbled upon this whole reunion thing from looking up season bloopers. I didn't enter an alternate universe where cool things happen all the time did I? Ahh whatever, either way.
MrVpassenheim YES. SHE DID. I've been a fan of hers since '93. I met her a couple times, too. The first time I met her, I got my barber to shave her name into my head. She flipped haaahahaa
AS i was a kid i always cried when something Bad happened in buffy And i remember taras death was the worsed i loved how happy willow was with her and then willow was sad and then i was sad To See them now kinda feel strange like my hearth is still broken of the loss which never really happened but on the other side im so happy i love willow and tara these were my favorite characters of the show
The visceral pain ripping Willow apart that scene portrayed was so real and i don't remember Wondering if this relationship was anything less than real and appropriate was not part of the TV storyline.
Tara's death always bothered me, for several reasons: 1) I loved the character. She was shy and introverted but also very moral and decent and compassionate and had a more mature head on her shoulders. Whilst she wasn't an action go-getter like many of the characters she had a quiet strength about her that I really liked. 2) I didn't think the magic addiction storyline was handled well at all. It felt less like substance addiction and more like drunk on power. It was handled very weakly so Tara's death, which was being sold as this big dramatic moment, instead looked like the writers desperate to bring the season (which had limped along tbh) to some sort of big conclusion. 3) More than anything though, I do disagree with Amber on Joss' motives. She's says it wasn't done to hurt people, I think it was. I think Joss rather enjoys shocking and hurting the audience because he thinks the audience are willing masochists who enjoy the emotional pain he causes. What he didn't seem to understand was that whilst other deaths had some dramatic and emotional weight to them, this one had neither (indeed most of the elements were merely watered down re-hashes of previous seasons) and I think he is more annoyed that we aren't the willing masochists he assumed we were. I honestly think that when you have a character who was blossoming, had more storylines that one could tell with them, who is well liked by fans and in a relationship which is groundbreaking and providing a positive message to people struggling, then it is utter madness to kill that character off for what was a very weak storyline.
I definitely think that the death was tragic, and given the heavy burden of one of the most positive depictions of a lesbian couple at a time, it was definitely not without some problems. But I would disagree that the writers used her death just to spice up the season - I think it was an extremely well planned move foreshadowed before Tara had even entered the show. Of course, there was the heavy metaphor of drug usage for Willow which worked in some episodes better than others (think Tabula Rasa vs Wrecked). Maybe there were some elements of Willow being drunk on power, but I would say that it was very clearly written as an addiction, since Willow's core inability to quit really does stick out, especially in episodes like Tabula Rasa. So, it makes sense that after she's painfully, actually quit, an extremely upsetting event would pull her back in incredibly deep. But even before that, from the moment in season 2 when Willow mentions doing a spell, Giles warns her about the deep implications it could have and keeps reminding her throughout the series. Also, add that to how Willow handles grief, like in Something Blue when D'Hoffryn himself tells her that her pain was incredibly strong, or more relevantly when Willow almost curses Oz in revenge after she finds out he slept with Veruca - That was revenge, plain and simple, through magic. I loved the short but powerful Dark Willow Arc, both for its raw exploration of Willow (my favourite character probably) as well as the ac culmination of all the things before. I'm not saying all elements were perfect, or even good. Because of evil Willow, there wasn't much time for mourning Tara - And of course it ended the amazing lesbian couple which had previously been handled pretty well. But to me none of that was unforgivable, even if Seeing Red still makes me sad.
I agree this was relationship was too important and special to people to end in such a devastating way. It’s hard to believe bc i feel like it should be obvious but i don’t think whedon understood or cared how much willow and tara meant at that time. The worst thing about tara’s death wasn’t even entirely that she died but the WAY she died was a total insult i mean just shot in the back by a stray bullet it was so stupid. Idc if there was some symbolism intended to portray that death is random or the sad mundane theme of season 6 it was still fucking dumb. Worst part of one of the best seasons in my opinion i almost quit watching the show. Some would say im overreacting but willow and tara truly meant so much i connected with them deeply and to end it like that felt so horrible!!
Ah, I miss BTVS so much! Oh and I was so upset when Oz left. Omg but when I met Tara I was like "Wait... Are they trying to replace him ._. This can't be happening" And since Oz was my favorite character it broke me. But this show was just amazing!
I was never a Willow fan, don’t know why. But I loved Oz and I loved Tara. Two characters who were very much self contained and yet slid easily into the cast.
I only recently watched the Buffy series. When I came out of the Army my buddy first put Angel in front of me and I really enjoyed it. I cant say I was as enthusiastic for the Buffy series, though I did enjoy them too. I understand why the writers killed Tara, though I would have like to have seen her go a different way. I did feel that both Anya and Tara's characters were cheated and then again its hard not to want to see a main character go out with style befitting her standing in the show.
I always felt like they just turned willow gay just to be cool and edgy since not too many shows don't have homosexual leads, but it came off as kinda forced, outta nowhere and way too soon after Oz. He was a big part of her and to all of a sudden have a new love interest so soon felt like an insult to him, especially how they just ran with it near the end of the show and just tossed in another lesbian gf for her like it was a trip to walmart. I don't think any other character so easily shifted into relationships so soon compared to willow, I honestly think she shoulda just stayed singled for a good season or two after season 3.
I was at uni when this came out. Had some awesome buffy parties with the other gays and lezbee-bees. Remember when we could gather? Good times. PS - just release the whole episode dammit ffs
People are still angry about Tara dying, all these years later. Killing the gay character has been used way too often. I never knew why, since Willow healed Buffy, after being shot, that she couldn't heal Tara. I wanted to like Tara, and she was a really sweet character, but her inability to complete a thought or a sentence drove me nuts. I thought she was overly passive. I know people disliked Kennedy but I thought she was hot, she knew her own mind, and spoke it. One thing that bugs me and shouldn't, is that Amber was or is with the guy who played Warren, in real life... it just is kind of jarring!
I thought her being gay all of the sudden was very forced. She had a big time crush on Xander and then all of the sudden realizes she is not into guys....?
As much as I like Tara's character, her death was necessary to the story. Maybe it seems cheap and lazy to some people, but I think it was an interesting storyline. Obviously, they would never go as far as killing Xander or Willow, so the next best thing to shock the viewers was to kill one of their loved ones. I think it was just the right amount of shock value and good writing. I just wish Kennedy never existed.
Seeing Tara & Willow together (even if it's just the Actresses that play them) gave me a sort of satisfaction that I didn't expect to have. Still about W+T after all these years.
My Mom (who was very religious & yet was a BtVS fan before I was) was devasted when Oz left Willow & was like, "Well, now who's she gonna be with?!" & then we saw the connection with Tara & we were like, "Oh snap!" The funny thing about it is my Mom was homophobic. This show made her realize that it's not about being gay, it's about being loved & understood & accepted for who you are & what you do (which is why she loved the show so much). It was a very interesting thing to watch. And she loved the relationship between Tara & Willow. Rooted for it every week. I think she was more heartbroken than I was when her character was killed off.
❤ ❤ ❤
This is why proper representation matters! Opens people's eyes
Amber's laugh is the kind I wish I could hear echoing down the office hall every day. It perks you up.
The blue hair really brings out Amber's eyes!
They are still adorable together
Holy shit it's hard to believe that the last Buffy episode was nearly 15 years ago. I feel old
I love how Joss had no idea how much Tara and Willow would mean to the queer comunity.
Blair Barnes i think it makes it so much better, it would seem forced if they tried to force lesbian politics
Oww still hurts. Two freakin mundane words broke your heart. "Your shirt."
Their relationship was definitely a gift to me. I remember watching the show every morning before school and I feel in love with Willow so fast. Like, first episode fast. I watched her fall in love with Oz and I was right there with her, (Buffy also sparked my love for Seth Green as well). But then I watched her fall in love with Tara and it was so exciting because I saw someone like me. I saw someone who fell in love with boys *and* girls, who fell in love with people, not genders. And still, over a decade later, I am head over heels for Willow xD I simultaneously want to be her and be with her. Her character was so well written and brilliantly portrayed by Alyson and her story arc blows me away every time I rewatch the show
btvs was always about finding love any way you could, because you could die tomorrow. It was such a powerful statement for me as an isolated, LGBT teen.
Willow and Tara had the best relationship on BTVS
Followed closely by Buffy and Angel
Brandon Lambert Personally I prefer the Buffy and Spike relationship. Specifically after Spike gets his soul back. I know it was a bit late in the game, but it was more real.
Buffy/Angel was a series of melodramatic teen angst moments that made you painfully aware you were watching a show about high school students.
Buffy/Spike was less a relationship and more of a nightmare scenario where two abuse victims were forced to work through PTSD together. Made worse by the fact that they gave each other PTSD in the first place.
Tara/Willow was a realistic depiction of two people in love who had to work through hardships and arguments that can plague just about any relationship.
And the worst relationship is Willow and Kennedy.
i really liked willow and oz though
YAY! I love Amber Benson!!!
Alyson at 2:49-2:50 is extremely adorable!!! I love her confused face and the small "but" followed by her explanation!!!
Omg I loved this show still do 20 years later
OMFG MY tillow FEELS. I HATE Kennedy with a passion and if amber wasn't unavailable joss said Tara would've been brought back, I wanted them to end up together SO bad ughhhhhhh.
I hate Kennedy too. She's just a kid who thinks she knows it all and can boss people around. I thought she was really condescending with Willow.
OMFG THIS! and she turned on buffy then turned everyone else against her too not even caring that buffy actually died for them!
My thoughts exactly. Their lives were literally in Buffy's hands, she never asked for this. She sheltered them, protected them, taught them everything she knew so that they could be true slayers. Everything fell on her shoulders and she had to make very tough choices, and yet, everyone was against her. Even brat Dawn (yeap, hate her too). And Kennedy was just standing there, thinking she had the right to judge Buffy and talk to her like she was better than her. HELLO she's been doing this since she was 16, you're a baby, just STFU already.
Sara Kennedy personally I'm very indifferent towards Kennedy and her personality. She's a bit of a brat, so's Dawn but with her it's more understandable since she's still a kid. Kennedy just has this "I'm better than everyone and know more than everyone" kind of attitude towards her, and not in the amusing kind of way like Cordelia in the early seasons of Buffy.
scifinerd17 EXACTLY. and I HATE HER for turning the Scoobies and potentials against Buffy who may not always make the best decisions but she has tried her best to protect them and FREAKING DIED TO save the world! and I can't get over tillow and HATED that they made it out that Tara was her true love, which she was IMHO, then she moved on so quickly with a girl that hit on her every time she saw her even though willow wasn't ready, JUST NO.
After all these years, i still ship it.
I never recovered from taras death it gets me every time
I love these two. My favorite characters ever.
Really, really cute=) They do have great chemistry, even now=)
2:45 Amber Bensen is such a comedian. She has such wit and such a clever mind to be able to come out with such funny lines like not seeking for a scene to be a gut punch.
My cat's name is Miss Kitty Fantastico.
That's so cool! :) weird to see them together again...the FEELS
I remember a friend of mine being upset that Willow was a "all of a sudden" gay. I was just like if you think this is all of a sudden then you aren't the fan that you think you are. lol
They did warn us with the Vamp Willow that Willow had that possibility. Personally I felt that Tara was added just to die later and push Willow over the edge.
yes. that and the half comment from Angel. Remember when they had Vamp Willow locked up and Willow Willow told Buffy that she thought Vamp Willow was kind of gay? Buffy told her that when you go Vamp there is nothing left of the old you. That's when Angel said "Well actually..." but then stopped himself as to not upset Willow Willow further. That led me to believe that when you go Vamp there is some of you left. The deeper things that you suppress.
I do agree about Tara. Folks loved Tara I never kind of warmed up to Tara. She was ok but...I just didn't care for her character like I did Oz.
originally angelus was to kill oz but they changed it to Jenny
@@brucecox5884 damn. I'm glad that didn't happen. Lol
Bruce Cox uh oz wasn’t even in the show at that point.
AMAZING !!!!! That show was a gift ! i was born in the best period (1988) for entertainment, technology advances, social topics and so on
i love amber benson as tara T^T
'I really missed a lot of what was going to be important about the show...' no truer words were ever spoken by Joss Whedon
Tara's death just broke my heart. I can't watch the episode the same way I can't watch the end of the Selena movie. 😭
Grow up
Alyson Hannigan and Willow are so different!
Alyson looks WAY different
Kennedy did not replace Tara and was rather forgettable.
I'm rewatching Buffy rn, and I LOVE when Oz comes in. He's so sweet, and perfect for her first relationship. I think they really switched gears with that when Tara came in, with Willow kind of leading the way. Love both couples!
The show was still awesome after Tara was killed but even so, I thought at the time and still do she should never have died. To me, it wasn't worth losing a wonderful character just to see Willow go Evil. They're still fun to watch and looking good!
alyson literaly looked so confused at the end i love it lmaooo
Holy crap, I just randomly stumbled upon this whole reunion thing from looking up season bloopers. I didn't enter an alternate universe where cool things happen all the time did I? Ahh whatever, either way.
Amber Benson got hotter with age!
MrVpassenheim YES. SHE DID. I've been a fan of hers since '93. I met her a couple times, too. The first time I met her, I got my barber to shave her name into my head. She flipped haaahahaa
AS i was a kid i always cried when something Bad happened in buffy
And i remember taras death was the worsed i loved how happy willow was with her and then willow was sad and then i was sad
To See them now kinda feel strange like my hearth is still broken of the loss which never really happened but on the other side im so happy i love willow and tara these were my favorite characters of the show
The visceral pain ripping Willow apart that scene portrayed was so real and i don't remember Wondering if this relationship was anything less than real and appropriate was not part of the TV storyline.
Tara's death always bothered me, for several reasons:
1) I loved the character. She was shy and introverted but also very moral and decent and compassionate and had a more mature head on her shoulders. Whilst she wasn't an action go-getter like many of the characters she had a quiet strength about her that I really liked.
2) I didn't think the magic addiction storyline was handled well at all. It felt less like substance addiction and more like drunk on power. It was handled very weakly so Tara's death, which was being sold as this big dramatic moment, instead looked like the writers desperate to bring the season (which had limped along tbh) to some sort of big conclusion.
3) More than anything though, I do disagree with Amber on Joss' motives. She's says it wasn't done to hurt people, I think it was. I think Joss rather enjoys shocking and hurting the audience because he thinks the audience are willing masochists who enjoy the emotional pain he causes. What he didn't seem to understand was that whilst other deaths had some dramatic and emotional weight to them, this one had neither (indeed most of the elements were merely watered down re-hashes of previous seasons) and I think he is more annoyed that we aren't the willing masochists he assumed we were.
I honestly think that when you have a character who was blossoming, had more storylines that one could tell with them, who is well liked by fans and in a relationship which is groundbreaking and providing a positive message to people struggling, then it is utter madness to kill that character off for what was a very weak storyline.
Ronnie Bradley, “... drunk on power” - I think you nailed it.
I definitely think that the death was tragic, and given the heavy burden of one of the most positive depictions of a lesbian couple at a time, it was definitely not without some problems. But I would disagree that the writers used her death just to spice up the season - I think it was an extremely well planned move foreshadowed before Tara had even entered the show.
Of course, there was the heavy metaphor of drug usage for Willow which worked in some episodes better than others (think Tabula Rasa vs Wrecked). Maybe there were some elements of Willow being drunk on power, but I would say that it was very clearly written as an addiction, since Willow's core inability to quit really does stick out, especially in episodes like Tabula Rasa. So, it makes sense that after she's painfully, actually quit, an extremely upsetting event would pull her back in incredibly deep.
But even before that, from the moment in season 2 when Willow mentions doing a spell, Giles warns her about the deep implications it could have and keeps reminding her throughout the series. Also, add that to how Willow handles grief, like in Something Blue when D'Hoffryn himself tells her that her pain was incredibly strong, or more relevantly when Willow almost curses Oz in revenge after she finds out he slept with Veruca - That was revenge, plain and simple, through magic. I loved the short but powerful Dark Willow Arc, both for its raw exploration of Willow (my favourite character probably) as well as the ac culmination of all the things before. I'm not saying all elements were perfect, or even good. Because of evil Willow, there wasn't much time for mourning Tara - And of course it ended the amazing lesbian couple which had previously been handled pretty well. But to me none of that was unforgivable, even if Seeing Red still makes me sad.
I agree this was relationship was too important and special to people to end in such a devastating way. It’s hard to believe bc i feel like it should be obvious but i don’t think whedon understood or cared how much willow and tara meant at that time. The worst thing about tara’s death wasn’t even entirely that she died but the WAY she died was a total insult i mean just shot in the back by a stray bullet it was so stupid. Idc if there was some symbolism intended to portray that death is random or the sad mundane theme of season 6 it was still fucking dumb. Worst part of one of the best seasons in my opinion i almost quit watching the show. Some would say im overreacting but willow and tara truly meant so much i connected with them deeply and to end it like that felt so horrible!!
One of my favorite tv relationships, hands down, 100%!
Too cute ugh i miss this show i wish they did an anime on adult swim i would die
That's why they don't, to keep you alive.
Really miss this series. Whedon is a genius.
I met Amber Benson at a convention circa 2006. She was amazingly sweet.
Cordelia "Screams" Somebody Help! The music starts playing "While buffy is coming"...
That's why Buffy and a lot of shows from that time worked because it was a natural movement not a pushed agenda to make it relevant tbt!!!
Son increibles y amber me encanta. Su personaje ue muy importante para la visibilidad de parejas del mismo sexo.
Ah, I miss BTVS so much! Oh and I was so upset when Oz left. Omg but when I met Tara I was like "Wait... Are they trying to replace him ._. This can't be happening" And since Oz was my favorite character it broke me. But this show was just amazing!
❤ maravilhosas 😍
miss those girl they were a fab tv
Amber's even more stunning
How do you follow Amber Benson... You don't.
Willow & Tara forever. ♡
I was never a Willow fan, don’t know why. But I loved Oz and I loved Tara. Two characters who were very much self contained and yet slid easily into the cast.
She was in buffy...7 seasons..she was in HIMYM 9 seasons...that's a lotta money
she's alive!!!
I love her hair
I only recently watched the Buffy series. When I came out of the Army my buddy first put Angel in front of me and I really enjoyed it. I cant say I was as enthusiastic for the Buffy series, though I did enjoy them too. I understand why the writers killed Tara, though I would have like to have seen her go a different way. I did feel that both Anya and Tara's characters were cheated and then again its hard not to want to see a main character go out with style befitting her standing in the show.
hulu Netflix sombody write a check & get us some buffy verse going again!!
Willow & Tara forever!
I absolutely LOVE this show
Oz should of went on Angel
I always felt like they just turned willow gay just to be cool and edgy since not too many shows don't have homosexual leads, but it came off as kinda forced, outta nowhere and way too soon after Oz. He was a big part of her and to all of a sudden have a new love interest so soon felt like an insult to him, especially how they just ran with it near the end of the show and just tossed in another lesbian gf for her like it was a trip to walmart.
I don't think any other character so easily shifted into relationships so soon compared to willow, I honestly think she shoulda just stayed singled for a good season or two after season 3.
Loves ✨💕💋🎉🌸.💗
I was at uni when this came out. Had some awesome buffy parties with the other gays and lezbee-bees. Remember when we could gather? Good times.
PS - just release the whole episode dammit ffs
People are still angry about Tara dying, all these years later. Killing the gay character has been used way too often. I never knew why, since Willow healed Buffy, after being shot, that she couldn't heal Tara. I wanted to like Tara, and she was a really sweet character, but her inability to complete a thought or a sentence drove me nuts. I thought she was overly passive. I know people disliked Kennedy but I thought she was hot, she knew her own mind, and spoke it. One thing that bugs me and shouldn't, is that Amber was or is with the guy who played Warren, in real life... it just is kind of jarring!
I thought her being gay all of the sudden was very forced. She had a big time crush on Xander and then all of the sudden realizes she is not into guys....?
still prefer Oz and Willow together, I love seth green and he was so sweet with her!
As much as I like Tara's character, her death was necessary to the story. Maybe it seems cheap and lazy to some people, but I think it was an interesting storyline. Obviously, they would never go as far as killing Xander or Willow, so the next best thing to shock the viewers was to kill one of their loved ones. I think it was just the right amount of shock value and good writing. I just wish Kennedy never existed.
Don't mess with willows girl because will destroy the world !!! Almost lol
Yay you guyssssss!! Are solo Cool ilove btvs
Not solo lol so*
Evil Willow was the best
No one ever replaced Oz in my heart 😔 I even watched the Angel episode he was in even though that series was awfulllll
When Tara dies 😭😱
they should have killed xander not tara or giles since he wasnt even going to be in the last season that much anyways
Oz was better and Xander was better too
why did willow have a thing for silent love interests. tara was practically a wet cardboard cutout and oz was just a slightly more dude-ly version
Joss the feminist. He is complicated
Sick and peverse!