The flags are there, you would have had to turn right on Avenue of the Flags to see them. I'm going up there in a few days, and my intent is to ride from Lompoc to Solvang. My path will take me right past that road of course, I'll see if I can get some flag footage for you
The flags are there, you would have had to turn right on Avenue of the Flags to see them. I'm going up there in a few days, and my intent is to ride from Lompoc to Solvang. My path will take me right past that road of course, I'll see if I can get some flag footage for you
I see you ended up finding the flags after all. Hope I can conquer the hills between Lompoc and Google
Where did you park?? im riding this tomorrow
Dutch is Holland and danish is Denmark. So Solvang was founded by danish teachers ( danes ) in 1911. Now u know ;)