Why evolution via natural selection is wrong, unproven and irrational

  • Опубліковано 4 лис 2010
  • An explanation of why evolution via natural selection is unproven, irrational and false.
    There is no rational reason to believe that for no reason other than blind chance a cell would start producing intelligent functional systems like light sensitivity, limbs, fins and features - these things are observable now because they have been created and put into motion and existence by a much greater awareness than any human - It is naturalistic myth and folly to believe that all of the plethora of intelligent functional mechanisms with drive and such order and design came into existence by unconscious accident given enough time.
    They are clear evidence of the Master designer God who started the universe and formed each piece of artwork we observe in the world today.
    Functional intelligent mechanisms with order and purpose are clear evidence of a higher master intelligence and designer, craftsmanship.
    People then question well why the defects which seem to spoil these amazing intelligent systems and deface them to some extent.
    There is clearly a wonderfully designed order and plethora of creatures alive in the world which have intelligence and consciousness also, yet any abnormalities or disorders are the result of human misconduct throughout the generations.
    If you live in ways which cause stress to the system, if your character and mind is twisted and living in toxic states of stress, obsession, addiction and abuse, then this does take its toll and has an effect eventually on the cellular level and the body. Science knows that many diseases are the result of stress and the heart (character) not living in peace. Ulcers are one obvious example, but this process of the non physical consciousness effecting the health and well being of the physical has much greater truth.
    When a person lives out of Gods will and ways, not following the path of peace, honesty, love, gentleness, this brings a violence and stress upon the whole system eventually leading to many different disorders and corruptions of the natural functioning of the body, organs, systems, cells and DNA.
    Mankind in reality is responsible for the disorders and problems we observe effecting the wonderfully and beautifully designed human and physical vessel systems.
    These can also come from scientific ignorance, such as the harm of industry on the environment and synthetic chemicals in food additives and so on. However you want to cut it - God created the physical universe and world as a perfect design and system, yet through human misconduct and ignorance (sin) it has been corrupted down the generations and this is why we observe abnormalities and defects in what otherwise appears to be and is a plethora of wonderfully and intelligently designed systems and mechanisms.
    The physical world and material bodies and systems are a wonderful design, yet what is truly important is what is housed within those bodies, - our consciousness and soul. This is not material, although it uses the brain and body as a vehicle for expression.
    The most important thing is the character of our consciousness, heart and Spirit and to assure that we humble ourself, recognise objective morality, recognising any wrongdoing we have done and are doing and repent and change from these practices of misconduct which only eventuate in our own physical and spiritual misery and death.