  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @twinpyramid5985
    @twinpyramid5985 9 місяців тому +3

    Blessings brothers Jerome and Ramon 💯🔥🔥🔥 Perfect ❤️ Love

  • @camillerophe2070
    @camillerophe2070 9 місяців тому +4

    Finally, for thousands of years dark forces have orchestrated tragedy and horror on this beautiful planet, now it is time for people to know, and for them to stand up! and fight for your rights! it is finally time that everyone on this earth can be at peace, finally for good, too many have suffered, the great change is here, forget the imposed religions and follow your religion of the heart, many of our cultures have been forgotten or suppressed, it is time to rediscover our true story our true purpose in life and being who we truly are, peace you all, the deepstate gonna fall soon, babylon is burning! new world of peace is coming up with the help of the Galactic, only pure soul will stay, lot of energy is coming more and more, be ready my friends.

  • @Vanessa1983_
    @Vanessa1983_ 7 місяців тому +1

    This was so beautiful to watch, Im inspired to continue on my walk with Christ. Thank you 🙏

  • @shirlspark_stardust
    @shirlspark_stardust 9 місяців тому +9

    The book of Enoch was removed by catholic church it is part of the bible along with other books they didnt want us to come to complete knowledge of Father God's complete word.

    • @SeekTheCross
      @SeekTheCross 9 місяців тому +1

      can you show proof for this claim? when did they remove the books and why?

    • @mzwrightbella3542
      @mzwrightbella3542 9 місяців тому

      The Nicea Council

  • @1TruGODreality
    @1TruGODreality 9 місяців тому

    Remember when I tried to share this book in 2010 and a guy came back to me saying I was talking about Cane's son Enoch, at first I was distraught but the Spirit of God Christ showed me the book of Jude again and Hebrews 11 I then knew this was a psychological warfare and if you don't have faith with works then you are dead

  • @Todosthememe
    @Todosthememe 9 місяців тому

    Hello, I really enjoy your videos. I would love to meet you for an interview if you have any free time next week

  • @rtee4086
    @rtee4086 9 місяців тому +1

    The book of Enoch is several separate written works, most of which are Apocalyptic ( meaning prophesying the
    complete destruction of the world ) to me it's just another of the many visions, dreams or hallucinations we read
    about in the Judeo-Christian Holy books, Firstly, it is Pseudepigraphal or Pseudepigraph ( meaning They, or it,
    is a falsely attributed works, or texts whose claimed author is not the true author ) In Biblical studies, The term
    pseudepigraph is referring to a collection of Jewish or Christian religious writings, This book of Enoch is thought
    to have been written between 300 B.C.E. To 300 AD/CE. They are part of the Apocrypha, Enoch was the seventh
    Patriarch mentioned in the book of Genesis, And was one of the many Apocryphal religious literature, popular
    especially during the Greek Hellenistic period of Judaism, At first he was revered for his piety or his righteousness,
    He was later believed to be the receiver of secret knowledge from God,
    The picture of Enoch as a dreamer and visionary, was influenced by the Babylonian Tradition similar to Daniel the
    Jewish dreamer in Babylonian tradition of king Enmenduranna ( EN-men- dur-ana ) Who worshipped the Sun god,
    And also claimed to have received divine revelations, The story of Enoch reflects the same features of the
    Babylonian myth, 1st Enoch was at first accepted into the Christian Bible, But was later excluded from the Biblical canon,
    it's survival is due to the Fascination of some marginal and heretical Christian groups or cults, it speaks about Enoch's
    Journeys through the Earth and Sheol ( in Judaism sheol is the abode of the dead ) There is no Heaven or Hell in
    Judaism, There are a lot of Parables and Dreams in Enoch, it's full of dreams and visions, it also speak about the Nephilim
    ( who are meant to be mysterious beings in the Hebrew Bible who are described As giants, it also speaks about the
    Watchers, meaning wakeful ones, or sons of Heaven ( 1st Enoch 6:2, )refers to angels also mentioned in ( Daniel 4 : 10,
    14, 20 ) As messengers,
    As mentioned before, The book of Enoch is a collection of ancient Jewish writings attributed to Enoch, who was a
    Biblical figure mentioned in Genesis 5 : 18 to 24, ( according to this fairy-tale Enoch lived 365 years walking in fellowship
    with God, then one day he disappeared, if you believed that, you should also believe in the talking snake in Genesis, And
    we must not forget the talking Donkey in Numbers 22: 23--28, ) These things only happens in the good book, Not in reality,
    While the book of Enoch itself is not now a part of the Biblical canon in most Christian traditions, Today, some Christians
    are encouraging people to stay away from The Book of Enoch, because they say it was not guided by The holy spirit's
    inspiration and discernment ( The ability to judge well ) and that the New Testament writers never quotes from it, They also
    say that caution is advised when interpreting its teachings as doctrinal truth, So there you have it, at first the holy spirit
    Allowed the Book of Enoch into the Bible, but later changed its mind and removed them, 1st and second Esdras, Tobit,
    Judith some of Esther, Wisdom of Solomon, Maccabees, The Gospel of Thomas, These and other books known as the
    Apocrypha books, were removed from the Bible in the late 1800s C.E, The Catholic Bible to this day still has 73 books,
    Why did the other Christians remove some of those books from their Bible ? my people you need to research and study
    These things for yourselves, The information is online if truth matters to you.

    • @rtee4086
      @rtee4086 9 місяців тому

      Inventing a History for Jesus, The Talmud contains rabbinic teachings
      which interpret Torah laws, The Talmud tells us this about Jesus the
      Nazarene, Son of Mary, on the eve of the Sabbath, which also happened
      to be the eve of The Passover, Jesus the Nazarene was hanged, A herald
      had gone forth before him forty days declaring, '' Jesus The Nazarene is
      going forth to be stoned because he practiced sorcery and instigated
      Israel into idolatry, Whoever knows anything in his defence may come
      and state it, '' But since they did not find anything in his defence, They hanged
      him on that Sabbath eve, The eve of the Passover.
      Remember this is coming from the Jewish Talmud, This is the earliest real
      mention of Christianity in any surviving Jewish text, Only one slight problem,
      The Talmud says this occurred somewhere around 75 B.C.E., That's almost
      a hundred years before the Romans even took control of Judea, and a full
      hundred years before Pontius Pilate was put in charge of it, The Gospels
      claim that our Jesus was executed sometime in the thirties A.D/C.E. How
      could the Jews be so mistaken about when Jesus lived that they put his life
      a full century earlier than our four Gospels do ?
      The Talmud was written as a commentary of Jewish law by Rabbis in the fifth
      century C.E., Or so, The early middle ages, it was composed outside the Roman
      Empire, in the region of Babylon, and its contents are often very sketchy, it's
      hard to know where its authors were getting any of their information, or how
      old it really was, we can only be certain one thing; These Rabbis were getting
      all this from actual Christians of their time, They were after all writing in a time
      And place surrounded by Christians who had been preaching their gospel among
      them for centuries, but this was also confirmed by a Christian author of the
      same time, Epiphanius of Salamis who tells us about a still-Torah observant sect
      of Christians in the East who were still calling themselves The Nazarenes ( Acts
      24 : 5 )
      Epiphanius includes in his discussion of the same Christians, A teaching that
      Jesus lived during the reign of the last Davidic king, Alexander Jannaeus, who
      died in 76 B.C.E., This teaching reported that upon the death of Jannaeus that
      Jesus came into his kingdom and began preaching the gospel, ensuring an
      un-interrupted line of Davidic kings as prophecy foretold, This present us with
      a rather big problem, Since this puts Jesus in the wrong historical period, So,
      we can't use the Jewish Talmud as evidence our Jesus existed, it's either
      totally unreliable, or it's not our Jesus, Unless the Gospels are the ones who
      Fabricate a history for Jesus, relocating the real Jesus, who died shortly after Jannaeus, to a time a hundred years later under Pilate, So they could modernised
      The story their present circumstances under Roman rule,
      The Christians in the East would have had no need to do that, As they were not
      living under Roman rule, They were not in the Roman Empire, Notably, The
      Apostle Paul never actually says anything in his letters that clearly places his
      life in the first-century A.D Those letters could actually have been written a century earlier, all the first apostles, like Peter and the brothers James and John,
      may have also lived a century earlier, The Gospels we have might be total
      Fiction, On the other hand, it could that neither of these accounts is true, Maybe
      the Eastern gospel that placed Jesus under Jannaeus is just as fabricated as the
      Western gospel placing him under Pilate,
      But there's another problem here, There was another Talmud, called the
      Jerusalem Talmud, which was composed a little earlier, in Judea and was
      within the Roman Empire, But it never mentions Jesus in any clear way, it has
      some vague remarks about Christians as heretics, but much else, All we know
      for sure is that the Rabbis who wrote the Babylonian Talmud knew only of a
      Christianity that preached a gospel of Jesus set a hundred years earlier in
      history, They also only knew of a Christian gospel that had Jesus being stoned
      to death and then hung in accordance with Jewish law, That means the
      Christians outside the Roman Empire were not preaching a Christ crucified,
      And certainly not a Christ crucified by Romans,
      Because it just so happens that the ancient words for '' Hanged '' and for
      Crucified meant the same thing, They referred to any nailing or lashing up of
      a convict for public display, dead or alive, And Jewish law mandated, in fact,
      The very Bible itself commands, that when someone was executed by stoning,
      Their body was then to be tied to a tree or post for public display, This is
      commanded in Deuteronomy 21 : 22--23, which in Galatians 3 :13 Paul says was carried out for Jesus, Paul actually is never clear on whether Jesus was crucified
      in our sense of the term, and he is our earliest source for Christianity, since
      the words he uses are identical to the words used for Jewish method of displaying executed bodies, Jesus may well have been stoned, Not crucified,
      much less by Pontius Pilate.
      This poses a problem for answering the question, Did Jesus exist ? Which
      Jesus do we mean ? Of course, There were Thousands of men named Jesus
      in every generation of Jews, it was one of the most common Jewish names
      ( it's actually the name Joshua ) and there were many men with that named
      Who was executed by Pontius Pilate ( what about the two men executed with
      Jesus )So I'm not asking about whether some Jesus got himself executed, I'm
      Asking specifically about the Jesus whose execution allegedly launched the
      Christian religion, And in that role, Jesus might not even have been his original name, But a name given to him after his death, The name means, '' God's Saviour''
      Most Bible scholars already know he was not called Christ for Messiah ( literally
      An anointed one ) until after his death, The same maybe true of Jesus, if after
      his martyrdom his closest followers, got dreams and visions of his spiritual
      victory over death, Started calling him '' God's Saviour and Messiah, '' They
      would be calling him Jesus Christ, So he might not have even been called Jesus.
      So really, what we need to ask is, was there a Jewish man ( by whatever name )
      who gathered a following and then was executed ( whether by a Jewish court
      or Roman ) and who had some followers, led by Peter A.K.A Cephas in Aramaic
      ) who became convinced God had resurrected and exalted him to be their Lord
      and Saviour, The true and final Messiah for all time ? if we can be certain of only
      That, That there was a real physical historical '' Who started the Christian religion
      even if it turned out this all happened in the 70s B.C.E., Or anytime and place.
      There has to have been at least that, Otherwise, No such man, No such Jesus,
      if Peter and company were not claiming an earthly predecessor was killed and
      resurrected, and now the exalted saviour, Then there is no meaningful sense
      in saying or believing there was a real historical Jesus. Another question is,
      How could Jesus fulfill the messianic prophecy, if Joseph wasn't his real biological father ?

    • @rtee4086
      @rtee4086 9 місяців тому

      Inventing a History for Jesus; Continuation, if not for Jesus, How else could Christianity have began ? Don't all religions have founders ?
      Of course they do, And if there was no Jesus, The founder of Christianity would be Paul or Peter, As a matter of fact most religions
      also have fictional founders, The gods, Angels, or demigods who introduce the new system to the humans below, In history, Joseph
      Smith was the founder of Mormonism, and Muhammad the founder of Islam, But in their own mythologies, that's not the case, The Mormons
      Claim their actual founder was the Angel Moroni, and that Joseph Smith is only his messenger, The Muslims claim their actual founder
      To be the Angel Gabriel acting as the tool of Allah, Who revealed the words of the Quran ( The Holy Book of Islam ) to Muhammad, Those
      words are not Muhammad's words, you understand, He just wrote them down, In Islamic mythology, Those are the words of Allah, spoken
      through Gabriel, and we know that Gabriel is not a historical person, Neither is Moroni, Though both were believed to be, but only just as
      Celestials, And it may well be the same for Jesus, Originally he may have been just an angel like them, The heavenly archangel who revealed
      The gospel on which the religion was founded, And not an actual man communicating those revelations to the public, I believe that the
      Man first receiving those spirit communications would either be Paul or maybe Peter, And then subsequent apostles who were inspired by
      Those two claim to have experience the same, viewing it in this way, Jesus exists in mythical parallel to his arch-enemy, rival or foe, Satan,
      Satan was an archangel, believed to be a historical person,
      Yet we know Satan was only imagined to exist, But back then, in the imagination of many early Jewish Christians, Satan had existed from
      The dawn of time, and lived in outer space, From which he fell to regions below, but still above the earth, contrary to much later Christian
      Legend that placed him in Hell, before that then, it was popularly believed he resided in the far reaches of the sky, just like his Egyptian
      counterpart Set, also know as Seth, And Satan has a history, We're told that a historical event happened to him that changed the nature
      of the universe, The Tale was that at some point in history he and a legion of angels under his command rebelled against Their
      God in heaven, And for that crime God expelled them from the upper reaches of outer space, To the lower sphere of space to dwell in,
      The one below the orbit of the moon, But They still reigned from above, bringing death, decay, sin, Evil and corruption to the lower cosmos,
      By the time Christianity began it was well known that the moon was hundreds of thousands of miles distant from Earth, Most people
      of that time believed the atmosphere, extended all that way up, We now know it doesn't so where Satan lived was still what we now called
      outer space, it's just that back then they thought this area was full of breathable air, So Satan was stuck in outer space, his punishment
      being that he could only occupy the lowest level of it, There he found or built castles and gardens in the air, Far up in the vast sky, where
      he and his demons and angels battled each other, and meddled in earthly affairs from above, Far beyond the sight of anyone on Earth.
      God then plotted Satan's defeat, The Jewish Christians of the time was hoping for the end of the world, They were hoping, and they
      continue to hope for God's plan to come to fruition, For Satan to be defeated completely, and for the world to be made into a new
      paradise, Enter Jesus, He becomes the Anti-Satan being in this saga, He, like Satan, was an archangel who existed from the dawn of time,
      And in his case literally; from the start of the world, Christians preached that he was the first thing God ever created and that it was Jesus
      who were given the task by God with creating everything visible and invisible, ( just read 1st Corinthians 8:6, and 10:1-4, Philippians 2:6-9,
      Colossians 1:15--20, ) Therefore, according to these scriptures, Jesus had existed before Adam & Eve, and before Abraham, and he
      lived through the whole of their lives, and through the entirety of biblical history also, Like Satan, usually residing in the far reaches of
      outer space, in his case in the celestial temple of God where Jesus served as God's supernal high priest, in charge of that divine temple
      in outer space of which the earthly temple in Jerusalem was but a crude copy, ( just read Hebrews chapter 4 :14, & chapter 7 and chapter 8,
      and chapter 9 : 11 ) And also like Satan, this other archangel, Jesus, acquired a history, A historical event happened to him that also
      changed the nature of the universe, In parallel to Satan, Who descended to the lower realm of outer space to bring Evil and death, Jesus
      descended to the lower realm of outer space to defeat evil and death, To defeat Satan, And this is what the first Jewish Christians
      taught, So just as Satan was believed to be a historical person, but of course we know that he was just imagined to exist,
      On this account, Jesus is to the apostles just like Gabriel is to Muhammad, and Moroni To Joseph Smith, Jesus's Satan reversing drama,
      of arranging for his own incarnation and death, was not witnessed on Earth, it was revealed to the apostles by Jesus the archangel after
      his resurrection in the heavens, it was revealed in either dreams or visions, The apostles whose original claim inspired the rest, came to
      believed that this had all happened, But in Satan's realm, outside the walls of the celestial Jerusalem, meaning not in the upper heavens Satan
      was locked out of, and not inside the walls of the Earthly Jerusalem, They were told of in those dreams or visions, ( Or what they've found
      on their own ) Through secret hidden messages from God in the ancient Jewish scriptures, That not only filled out for them many of the
      Details of what actually happened and why, That is the theory, and I believe it fit all the evidence we have, The apostle Paul later said
      ( We believe in the 50s A.D., ) These celestial communications from the archangel Jesus, it was not possible to tell everyone what happened,
      because '' The gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ '' was only recently made known to the public, '' according to the revelation of the
      mystery that had been kept a secret since times eternal, '' through the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the
      Eternal God, '' And so this gospel and preaching can now be made known unto all the Nations, So all may be obedient to the Faith
      ( Romans 16: 25--26 ) Note, Paul never says anything about anyone having been a real historical witness to any of it, of having heard any
      of if from an actual earthly Jesus, He knows only two ways anyone ever learned what happened to Jesus and anything Jesus taught;
      And that is by revelations and hidden messages in scripture.

    • @rtee4086
      @rtee4086 9 місяців тому

      Inventing a History for Jesus Continuation; So Paul who have never met or had a single conversation with the living Jesus, only know
      about Jesus by receiving revelations and hidden secret messages in scripture, This seems evident already from reading 1st Corinthians
      ( 15:3--8 ) in this passage of Paul's account of the origin of the religion, no one ever saw or met Jesus until after he had died, including
      Paul himself, As he describes in ( Galatians chapter 1, To Paul and the generations of Christians before Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
      were written, The Gospel meant the Christian message he preached, read ( 2nd Timothy 2 : 8 KJV ) And not a biography of Jesus
      '' according to '' Anyone, in fact, For Paul There could only be one true Gospel of Christ, his, and not four, All the rest were False read what
      he says in ( Galatians 1: 6--9 ) he says, I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of
      Christ, and are turning to a different gospel, verse 8, But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one
      We preached to you, Let them be under God's curse ! Paul's Gospel had nothing to do with any biography, Virgin Birth or teachings of
      Jesus, For him The Gospel was that Christ Jesus died for our sins and all who believed in him would be saved, That's it, Paul knows
      Nothing about this New Jesus invented by Mark and company, Understanding all this is the key, Though the Gospels Jesus would have
      spoken Hebrew or Aramaic, No original sources for Christianity exists in those languages ( except the the much later Talmud, if you
      read all of this, you will see is no use as a source, Everything that survives was written in Greek, which is not the language Jesus and
      his followers would have understood,
      The followers of Jesus were Aramaic speaking people from Galilee, men who were not educated, in fact, Peter and John in ( Acts 4 : 13 )
      are said to be illiterate, They could not read or write, They were Fishermen who probably didn't go to school, Back then the vast majority
      of people in the ancient world never learn to read, Let alone write, Their language was Aramaic, These N.T. books were written in Greek
      by highly educated, Rhetorically trained individuals who were skilled in Greek Composition, The earliest documents we have from Christians
      are the authentic letters of Paul ( only seven, the rest are now known later forgeries ) And perhaps a few other letters in the N.T., Like
      1ST Peter, James, Jude, and Hebrews, and possibly the first letter from Clement of Rome, Though some scholars date these later, A
      Reasonable case can be made that they are all likely dated to between early 50s and 60s A.D/CE. some two or three decades after Jesus is
      supposed to have died in the early 30s A.D./C.E., Yet they curiously lack any references to Jesus having ever ministered on Earth, Or
      Communicating with anyone in any other way than by mystical revelation from on high, Whether to the Prophets of old or to the apostles,
      Then the Jewish war in Judea began in 66 and concluded in 70 .A.D. it left the region devastated, many of the people were enslaved,
      Dead, or shipped abroad, and the city of Jerusalem in rubble, Not to be inhabited again for decades, The great temple of the Jewish God
      and its Christian Cult were destroyed, This was cataclysmic for the Jews, and yet the world did not end,
      This was perplexing for the apocalyptic Christians who had been certain the end of the world was not far off, ( just read Romans chapter
      8, 1st Corinthians 10: 11& 15 :23--26, and 1st Thessalonians 4 : 14--17 ), but four decades having passed, and the Heathens now having
      destroyed God's temple and his holy city on Earth, How is it that the world goes on still ? only then was the Gospels began to be written,
      The earliest Gospels we have, appear to have been written in an attempt to pacify the Jews and the Christian Jews, and to explain this
      strange state of affairs and to rehabilitate the Christians religion, with a new and improved teachings, A second-coming and a new apocalyptic
      timetable, The earliest Gospel we are sure was written is that of Mark, Which was most likely composed in the late 70s, A.D. forty years
      After Jesus would have died, This is because This Gospel writer is fully aware that God allowed his temple to be destroyed and Mark
      Strives to explain that tragedy, And because he borrows ideas from Paul's Christ Jesus, The writer of Mark also borrows ideas from the
      Tale of Jesus ben Ananias published by Flavius Josephus around 76 A.D. All mainstream scholars, meaning those who are not conservative
      or fundamentalist Christians agree none of the Gospels were written by any disciples or eyewitnesses, Or anyone we know at all,
      They are effectively anonymous, The Gospel of Matthew, for example, never says it was written by a disciple of that name, Or that it had
      a disciple as its source at all, it simply doesn't identify who the Matthew is in its title, Like Mark, the name appears to have been added by later
      editors, Even so I will call them Matthew, Mark, Luke and John only for convenience.
      One thing we know for sure is that Matthew, Whether we mean the author or their claimed source, was not a disciple, or any kind of eyewitness,
      Because Matthew writes in Greek, using Greek scriptures as his base text , something only foreigners, not witnesses, would do, And then he
      simply copies verbatim most of Mark; and then embellishes Mark by adding five long speeches more parables and mythical scenes, That isn't
      how real witnesses write down their own recollections, Rather it is how someone redacts and expands someone else's text. It has long been
      believed that Matthew got some of his additions from another, Now lost source commonly called Q ( For Quelle, The German word for source )
      In fact, there is no actual evidence this is true, And even if it were true, The content of Q can also be dated after the Jewish War, it was also
      written in Greek, using Greek translations of the Jewish scriptures, So it did not originate with the early Christians in Palestine, Some of its
      contents reflect knowledge of the Jewish war, Which means we still can find even in this totally hypothetical Q no reliable evidence of any Gospel
      earlier than Mark, And since Matthew dates later, scholars think Matthew wrote in the 80s A.D. Although it could well have been decades later
      Than that. Since Luke, Who is also the author of Acts, used Mark and Matthew to copy from, And since he is also known to have relied for
      some of his background material on '' The Antiquities of the Jews '' which was published in 93 A.D. So we know that Luke wrote his two books
      After that year, So that means at the earliest, in the late 90s A.D., this is some sixty years after Jesus would have died,
      The next Gospel to be written was John, Again, '' according to John '' but once again we don't know who this John is, Or who is the authors,
      That's right authors, because John was written by more than one person, Or who these authors claiming him as his source were, see
      ( John 21 : 24 ) one of the ending glued on to John's Gospel, its telling us, This is the disciples who testifies to these things and who wrote them
      Down, And we know his testimony is true, However we don't know who this beloved disciple is, he doesn't exist, and we certainly don't know
      if his testimony is true, John is claiming that these things he writes really did happened, and that we the readers should be persuaded to believe,
      And yet John is the most unreliable, distrusted, and fabricated Gospel in the entire canon, His witness is now deemed by mainstream experts
      To be a fiction, even The Catholic scholar Candida Moss recently outright admitted in an article for the Daily Beast, saying John everyone's
      Favourite Gospel is a Forgery, That John falsely claims to have an eye witness source, in 20:31, he openly admitted that he wrote his Gospel
      So that others would believe, his lies, There's no evidence any of these Gospels contain any reliable information in them They are just made
      up tales, As we can see Mark appears to be the only real Gospel, None precede Mark, and every subsequent Gospel is just, in one way or
      Another, a re-write of Mark, naming no source for anything they add or change.

  • @rtee4086
    @rtee4086 8 місяців тому

    Prophecy is the key to scripture, if prophecy can be disprove or prove false, Then scripture can be proved
    to be false, By scripture, I mean sacred writings that are deemed to be authoritative, if God wrote the Bible
    Or inspired men to write the Bible, Then we all should be able to see the mighty hand of God, rather than
    The trickery and deception of men, A real God would not be offended by our questioning or testing whether
    The claims are from men or from God, In fact, The Bible itself encourages us to question and test the things
    That believers say.
    ( 1st John 4:1 ) say, Beloved, don't believe every spirit, but test the spirits, Whether they are of God, because many
    False prophets have gone out into the world, ( Matthew 7:15--16 ) '' Beware of false prophets, who come to you
    in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves, By their fruits you will know them, Do you gather grapes
    from thorns or figs from thistles ? ( Proverbs 14 : 15 ) A simple man believes everything, but the prudent man
    carefully considers his ways.

  • @rabbon-ithegenesis7169
    @rabbon-ithegenesis7169 9 місяців тому +12

    When I discovered the book of Enoch it fulfilled a missing part of my Christianity. Now I have a full and more complete perspective of life and how I should carry myself as a disciple of Christ. Blessed 🙏🏽

    • @anthonylynch3831
      @anthonylynch3831 9 місяців тому +3

      Greetings to you and long life in your discovery of awareness in your spiritual growth as we all know that one life and as one die that carry our souls as it has an expiration time on earth. But where do you purchase this ENOCH BOOK?

    • @rabbon-ithegenesis7169
      @rabbon-ithegenesis7169 9 місяців тому

      @@anthonylynch3831 Yes greetings brother. I only have the Bible app of the book of Enoch on my phone. I've never looked into getting a hard copy. But I probably should. Blessed.

    • @KingBreeze07
      @KingBreeze07 4 місяці тому

      Wrong! Christianity is Romans religion not bible please don't make me go Deep. The Most High never spoke on that new testament name. He called King David his son Israel his not ANYONE ELSE. Also mark 16:17-18 you believe in idolatry which is the new testament so you should be able to do mark 16:17-18????? Infact I'm going to check every other day to see if you drunk any d**dly things. An do you hate your parents? If you don't mind my asking?

    • @KingBreeze07
      @KingBreeze07 4 місяці тому

      Mark 16:17-18 since you believe in idolatry go try this an I'll come back an see how it went. You accept a new testament it's very disrespectful to the creator of heaven and earth. Upholding Paul an all his contradictions unbelievable.

    • @LeeLee-zp2if
      @LeeLee-zp2if 3 місяці тому

      If you indeed truly want to follow Christ, then follow his words. My brother saying that Jesus quotes from the book of Enoch when infact the book of Enoch quotes from the Tannak. Don't be mislead. 2 Timothy 2:15. This brother saying everything add up with the book of Enoch and believe in the Truth. 😮 But brother it doesn't on multiple occasions. Here's some 🥑. If everything line up with the book of Enoch then explain John 3:10-13. When our Lord is speaking to Nicodemus. Iron sharpens Iron. The book of Enoch is false, with to many contradictions.

  • @shirlspark_stardust
    @shirlspark_stardust 9 місяців тому +7

    Good evening Brothers High Priest Tafari and Talaqu Great Owl blessed love in the name of our Lord and Savior Yahushua Ha’Mashyach perfected love 😊❤️💛💚🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @susanneedham2836
    @susanneedham2836 9 місяців тому +8

    Your videos are so much appreciated and thank you for your prayers and teaching of THE MOST HIGH.

  • @susanneedham2836
    @susanneedham2836 9 місяців тому +6

    Omgosh just getting ready for bed and you are on .YES . Good Evening from the UK. Jamica my family home land .

  • @nicolasvargas2491
    @nicolasvargas2491 9 місяців тому +7

    This is amazing. I've read the book of Enoch and studied the Nephilim and the watcher angels that came down and the demi god giants etc.. Thank you for your guys wisdom! Truly you guys are messengers of the Most High Yah! You have strengthened me today. May Yah bless you and your families.

  • @abdonmanuelmartinezmartine7217
    @abdonmanuelmartinezmartine7217 9 місяців тому +8

    One thing that stook out to me about the Book of Enoch was the profecy of the Exodus out of Egypt.

  • @sarahbreedlove8483
    @sarahbreedlove8483 9 місяців тому +6

    It is no coincidence that I spoke to my husband yesterday morning about how The Book of Enoch is profound revelation and AI can never surpass it. Yes, my brothers, I affirm and stand with you too. Giving Highest Praise to God. Amen

  • @sugerlipsxjamiewright4170
    @sugerlipsxjamiewright4170 9 місяців тому +4

    I know the Bible as I Love to Aquire knowledge from many different texts I have even studied the Qur'an a little just so I can make sense of things in a far more explanatory way. When or if asked my opinion simply before I making deliberations on subjects that affect us as a whole . As Human beings . I feel that it is important to learn but more beneficial to remember humbleness an Love for each other. As I believe this to be the greatest lesson to be learnt with respect . That's what I choose to be my focus Anyway .

  • @jeff5203
    @jeff5203 9 місяців тому +8

    The book of Enoch made me understand the bible more

  • @HQ_Family
    @HQ_Family 9 місяців тому +5

    Thank you guys for always putting out such great content. You both are greatly appreciated 🙏🏾

  • @christmanlotsigadspirit5583
    @christmanlotsigadspirit5583 9 місяців тому +2

    When Jesus say Yes nobody can say No. God bless you more my brothers. Perfect Love.... Us Christians must also pray for ea other.... Very Important.

  • @PSALMS23365
    @PSALMS23365 3 місяці тому

    But Why Still Call Him Jesus Christ When The J Letter Wasn't Developed Centuries After He Was Raised 🤷🏾‍♀️ Some Say YAHUAH (GOD) YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH( SON/ JESUS)I'm So Confused, I Love The Most High, But I Just Don't Innerstand The Truth, When So Much Was Copied Several Times Over Centuries, I Want To Praise Him Truthfully, Not What's Been Change Over Time 🙏🏽SHALOM

  • @anthonylynch3831
    @anthonylynch3831 9 місяців тому +1

    Thru your channel that has strengthen me ,love the teachings. But can i get this book thru your channel?

  • @LeeLee-zp2if
    @LeeLee-zp2if 3 місяці тому

    If you indeed truly want to follow Christ, then follow his words. My brother saying that Jesus quotes from the book of Enoch when infact the book of Enoch quotes from the Tannak. Don't be mislead. 2 Timothy 2:15. This brother saying everything add up with the book of Enoch and believe in the Truth. 😮 But brother it doesn't on multiple occasions. Here's some 🥑. If everything line up with the book of Enoch then explain John 3:10-13. When our Lord is speaking to Nicodemus. Iron sharpens Iron. The book of Enoch is false, with to many contradictions.

  • @KingBreeze07
    @KingBreeze07 4 місяці тому

    You are an Israelite, come back to The Most High. Our people the 12 tribes of Israel scattered to the 4 corners, it's our woman under Isaiah Chapter 3 curses. We are the apple of Gods eye we are his peculiar people he chose for himself. To accept a new testament and anyone as a saviour over the ALMIGHTY is very dangerous we in the lands of our captivity now because falsehood like the new testament. Shalom to you an all the scattered Brothers and Sisters to the 4 corners. We living out biblical prophecy no one else.

  • @ashleyogarro2686
    @ashleyogarro2686 3 місяці тому

    He was the one who actually built those Pyramids on Giza...Enk! And the Babel Tower is actually in Ègypr not Iraq,only a person who has been and seen and knows tge the dimensions of the Earth can build such a Wonder,the mathematics of that structure is like no other built b4 or after,and it is said the Head stone when it is return to cap it off,this will be the day when the Powers who are running this current construct will be no more...

  • @LeeLee-zp2if
    @LeeLee-zp2if 3 місяці тому

    How can the fallen angels produce off spring when they can not be given in marriage, therefor reproduce? How can the fallen angel Azazel teach man how to use and manipulate metal , when in fact Tubal Cain was an artificer of metal, he was utilising metal before the fallen angels supposedly decended upon the Earth? These are rhetorical questions.

  • @baddiev5716
    @baddiev5716 5 місяців тому

    How could you be worshipping fallen angel and the Bible itself explain about all that? The Bible itself tell you Satan was casted out of heaven and thousands of angels left too , more than the human race
    The book of Enoch goes totally against Gods words and how people know that Enoch was the one who word this book? Do your research before Unuh go read foolishness and apply it to Unuh life because the devil really a deceit Unuh

  • @baddiev5716
    @baddiev5716 5 місяців тому

    Jesus has never quoted from the book of Enoch , that book is not of God it’s all Satan being deceitful. The Dead Sea scrolls is what you both should look into

  • @jaemielee_mc1053
    @jaemielee_mc1053 9 місяців тому +2

    I want to read the book of Enoch but my brain cannot manage anymore information😢

  • @sylviasquire1439
    @sylviasquire1439 9 місяців тому

    Greetings. You use the name pagons. Isn't pagan a good doctrine. I was told that's where Jahova witness came from.

  • @MichaelBnothere
    @MichaelBnothere 7 місяців тому +2

    Never too late to learn truth. I'm 53 years old and still learning more truth. I'm amazed at what I'm learning.

  • @georgetteWilliams-oj9op
    @georgetteWilliams-oj9op Місяць тому

    Why are he making a symbolic symbol with his hands

  • @mishiebless8727
    @mishiebless8727 9 місяців тому +2

    💜🔥🙌🏾everyday blessing teachers

  • @kharelbj5620
    @kharelbj5620 9 місяців тому +1

    💯💯💯☝🏿 Real TRUTH 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 SHALOM BLESSINGS 👉🏾🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🙏🏾🙇🏾‍♀️🙏🏾

  • @onlythereal6067
    @onlythereal6067 9 місяців тому +1

    @SelahMedia can you do a video on the book of Jasher? I would be very interested to get your perspective. I am a little over 50 chapters through. Would be especially interested to know how you interpret the epics conquerings of the sons of Jacob. Thanks for another insightful reasoning, Peace!

  • @jaemielee_mc1053
    @jaemielee_mc1053 9 місяців тому +1

    Get behind thee satan!!!

  • @matthewhardy5944
    @matthewhardy5944 2 місяці тому


  • @Georgewalsh100
    @Georgewalsh100 9 місяців тому +2

    I love your brotherhood ⭐️⭐️

  • @thelambbookofgod2026
    @thelambbookofgod2026 9 місяців тому +2

    Amen brothers, only the Holy Spirit can reveal the truth of the book of enoch.
    the book of Jas-her, the testament of Dan,the,book of Judith, the Testament of Judah And so on.
    I am a witness of the cosmic sign that enoch said that even the star has to obey the most high. because I saw the stars moving and positioning themself in their orbit at night here in the uk.

    • @christmanlotsigadspirit5583
      @christmanlotsigadspirit5583 9 місяців тому +2

      Each star belongs to a Human. Some people lost their light that's why their stars don't light at all. Your star was there before you were born..... Christ's star had to come up when he was born bcoz it wasn't part of the Plan for him to come to earth and live in Flesh. That Plan came after the Fall of mankind

    • @thelambbookofgod2026
      @thelambbookofgod2026 9 місяців тому +1

      @christmanlotsigadspirit5583 I know we are stars, you are so right about people who lost their stars and that is why ony where I am I can see stars these days. I like your knowledge bless up.

  • @Egomode9000
    @Egomode9000 5 місяців тому


  • @taongatembo6163
    @taongatembo6163 9 місяців тому

    Ras taonga I just wanna give thanks for dis great divine manifestation of Rastafari people need to know be aware that the old world has come to and end just like how Marley said we Rasta we ancients been trodding dis earth as a black man for only Jah knows how long ! I n I give thanks

  • @ramthian
    @ramthian 9 місяців тому +1


  • @truth_is_strongest
    @truth_is_strongest 9 місяців тому

    Definitely the book of enoch is ligit.ignorance has caused the people to be manipulated by the forces of darkness.
    Jude quoted enoch as well

  • @1TruGODreality
    @1TruGODreality 9 місяців тому

    One thing people never talk about though is how the tribe of Judah did not attend the altar, this mystery hard brother

  • @ramthian
    @ramthian 9 місяців тому

    Hallway 🙏🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇬🇧😘😘

  • @thelambbookofgod2026
    @thelambbookofgod2026 9 місяців тому

  • @QuietStormAngel
    @QuietStormAngel 9 місяців тому

    Peace and love

  • @stacy-annsmall3503
    @stacy-annsmall3503 9 місяців тому


  • @prayercodes
    @prayercodes 9 місяців тому

    dreadren, salutations. truly, we are one. now let me tell you straight: you are Incorrect about enoch. not because of ignorance, but lack of knowledge. Noone has explained to you the meanings. and this Truth is not for the weak, oh sons of Israel. so contact me for Revelation and the inner knowledge of the bible. Celestially yours, aaron