This is SO true. EVERYTHING I've always wanted SO MUCH as a child, I got as an adult. But the only difference between him and I, what he calls "positive energy and affirmation" I call God. Every single thing I wished as a child and prayed for as a teenager, I GOT THEM ALL as a young adult. Power of prayer and focus.
I have read the book and I have seen the film The secret. I had a problem whit my hands and feets, for 4 years now. Eczema, tha´t hurt like h-ll! With this book in my hand I got a lot of "AHA moments"! I have been feeling very sorry for my self. I began to change my way of thinking. And I´m very happy to say that for the first time in 4 years my hands and feet´s looks almost like new! So yes, be more positive. I´m much more happy now :-)And I thank The secret for coming into my life!
This guy is awesome. I had never heard of him until I saw Discover the Gift. He has got some of the best advice for training the mind and soul to work in harmony. It is fantastic I love it. I am looking forward to seeing “the Secret” even if it has been out for a while.
This was working in my life before I came to be. My mother wasn't able to have another child so the doctors' said. She invisioned having a little girl with brown eyes and brown here that looked just like her dad's side. I am that daughter. Because my mother believed I am here. I love what these people are doing and it has helped me have greater faith, love and happiness in my own life.
I took anti-depressants for 14 years, but I will say that because of the Secret, I learned to change my thinking - because what you think creates the feelings you have - and have been off meds for two years now. And the thing is - cognitive-behavioral psychologists teach this stuff - cognitive approaches to treating depression work - the research supports this. I have a PhD in Clinical Psych - so I knew it intellectually - but now I know it from experience. And I owe it to the Secret.
I am delighted to find so many enlightened people via this commentary facility. When we elect to have good positive feelings, then we are truly contributing to the human condition. By conciously choosing to release good emotions, the whole world tunes into it and learns how to do it. We can improve the emotional condition of humanity 24 7,from any place, just simply by choosing good feelings. And I believe by feeling good, we are creating new emotions, yet to be named.
Dear Rev. You are a true diamond and your teachings are so inspiring to me. As always people are more comfortable with world'sdarkness than with the "inner light". Mainstream is constantly brainwashing us with violence and indifference. Carry on Rev. Best rgds Valerio.
It's a change of focus - living by faith - believing that good things are happening - that people and situations are being changed to help you help others - not getting muddled down by what only the eye can physically see.
Finding your happiness and peace w/in yourself first BRINGS/attracts the rest of your visions and dreams to u. Realizing U are divine, U are loved, U r part of all that is and living daily thru love instead of fear frees you from the greed and lower vibrational negative desires. What you are BElieving is what you will BE LIVING. What you are attracts more of what you are, be it love or hate, fear or victory, lack or abundance. In order to receive we must give. What we give is what we get back.
I love Michael, he is brilliant, and speaking of ignorance, he is now addressing the development of ALL people who are ignorant, (myself included) I am not offended by being called ignorant I know that I don't know it all, I know there are some blind spots, so I am growing, into a new understanding of myself and my way of being.
The Secret brought me to understand The Law of Attraction, and through it I discovered a book called The Four Agreements. What the Secret is really all about (not the gaining of wealth) is deeper understanding of who we really are, and the universal connection we all share. Despite the commercial push of The Secret, (not to mention its oddly materialistic video) it's really showing a positive model for living a better life.
I was just explaining this to my buddy today. I said to imagine a certain "type" of person you want, the more details the better. Then what you have to do is take all those details and put them on the front of your mind and soke up those feelings you get by thinking you have that perfect mate. Put those details in a blue circle in your mind connected with those feelings then carry a blue pen around with you and draw the blue circle wherever you go. I Hope this can help!
i it's totally right i read and understood the book and i lived it for a while and it's working really well and i am feeling satisfied all the time and i am happy for no reason thanks god dob bless you rev micheal
His real message is that your true happiness comes in the activation of your hidden potential. It doesn´t come from the world as "we" think... Very potent message.
True and strange experience: Five months ago while working I thought to myself that I really needed a career change. I was bored at my job, the people there were filled with hate and envy. I picked up a newspaper one day and saw there a school advertised for exactly what I would have liked to been doing. I called the school but as it turned out the current program was only for unemployed workers. I forgot about it, but then some weeks later I was fired. I am now happily in that school.
Hey Davetowers! Your postings are as interesting as ever! I find myself going onto this site now not to listen to 'Beckworth' but to read your latest posting :) I am still learning & searching, still trying to be positive (still sometimes failing though) but peace of mind is more prevalent than it was some months ago, so I am beginning to think that there really is something to LOA. Cheers!
Beckwith handled these questions well. It is interesting how some people [fans and critics alike] have chosen to focus on the material examples in "The Secret", but they seem to miss or downplay the other examples, such as health, relationships, how one is treated by others, etc.. Fortunately, there are also many who got the entire message. That, is encouraging. :)
I'm sorry I missed this when it was on TV. I'm glad to see these teachers from "The Secret" reaching an audience that's growing every day. Of course there are people who prefer to believe they're at the mercy of God or Satan or nature or somebody (maybe everybody) else. Jesus once commented "The poor you have with you always". Poor isn't just the lack of money.
The Bible has been teaching this for centuries. It's amazing that this concept has eluded the populated mass of the western world. To God be the glory as He has given us the blueprint for success spiritually and physically. How dumb to have missed it for so long.
I find it very interesting. I've also noticed that when you do generate negativity within your surroundings, they tend to happen more and more, and then I stop to wonder why it keeps happening. I've no intentions of having things go wrong, they just seem to happen when I'm feeling my worst.
Its so true; if you want something bad enough, it will come true...if its money, or a trip or a better life...just want it bad enough, it will all become a reality. I'm also much happier, and more energetic, and call it prayer or inner wishing, it all works, if you truely believe!
I know a couple that BLAME ALL their troubles on other people and circumstances, they literally carry with them a black cloud of misery and depression which in turn can envelope those around them. Instead of taking responsibility for their own actions and their own circumstance they ALWAYS find the one thing that excludes themselves. The Secret WORKS if you are willing to do the other half, which is footwork, but positive thinking goes a LONG way toward taking the first steps toward + change
yes,what i liked about him was how he handled the blame matter,he was right when he said people must not be blamed for doing something which is not proper,they are doing it just because they are not aware of it,instead we must tell them their mistakes and encourage them to move forward.The law of attraction is not fake,this is genuine and will definitely yield results but requires more patience and persistence thinking on the part of the practitioner.
He doesn't have to "come back" - his spirit lives within and through all he gave to the people who cared and still care for the beautiful things he did. Those who speak negatively and believe in the worst have to live in that situation - just like Agurzi82 said above - it's their reality.
No blame. No shame. Your thoughts, feelings, words reflect your belief system. Your attitude reflects your perspective, thoughts and behavior, Then your actions moves toward a direction creating a reality. "Thoughts become things." Change your mind, evaluate beliefs, and new thoughts, feelings, words will come from you. Observe your thoughts. Make a simple shift... be happy NOW. be grateful NOW.... give to others what you want Now... test it out! Something wonderful is unfolding for you.
@jeremismit A good teacher also doesn't teach materialism, but a spiritualistic message. Getting things is wonderful. Watching something u've wanted come to u is an amazing experience. On the other hand peace of mind, knowing security rather than being vulnerable, knowing nothing is imposible,knowng ur own wel being,being helthy,feling spiritually grounded just to name a few is something all of King Salomon's gold couldn't buy. That isn't The Secret my friend, it is called spiritual maturity.
To me the greatest proof of this is TIger Woods and Mohammad Ali. When Tiger was young his father used to constantly tell him that he going to be the best golfer and you could tell by his demeanor as he grew up and when he turned pro that he believed he was the best. Ali used to say that he was the Greatest before everyone finally acknowledged that he was the greatest. With a burning desire plus strong faith life has no choice but to hand to you what you ask.
what goes around comes around,positive thinking ,love,be happy,appriciate your life,share happy thoughts with people close to you,listen to your innerself,enjoy your life.........peace and love to all who read this.
i think it is all about possitive attitude and being responsible to our everyday living because it is us who decide and act to the situations we are in.
So true. I thoght the same thing when I first heard baout hte secret. I started seeing where certain things have ahppened in the past with myself and others that created things in their life that they wanted. I could see how they did that. How I did that. It has taken a long time for me to figure out all the kinks. I think people give up too easily and they don't look deep enough. they don't realize how much they dwell on what they don't want.
It is indeed. All three CWG books are actually really good. I always recommend it to anybody I come across who seems spiritually inclined or seems to have all those unanswered questions about life.
It is NOT just wanting it bad enough. It's retraining your brain to focus on what you do want, what does make you feel good, what does make you happy, instead of talking, complaining, dwelling, and feeling bad about what you do not like or want. The Universe does not know the difference between want and doesn't want. It only responds to the subject. If you are thinking I don't want to feel sick, I am not sick, etc.; the Universe hears, "SICK" and that is all it hears.
@shebrei Huuummmmmnnnnn... Now I now where you're coming from because I do believe that everything happens for a reason, too. Because life is a never ending experience nor controllable. Thank you..
I have just read the first book in the series of books 'conversations with God' by Walsch. The first book pretty much deals with how we manifest (in a similar way as what is being advocated here) Facinating! Thankyou Dingostorm1 for pointing me in this direction. I am also using The Masterkey System as Davetowers1 advised. Thankyou both! XX
It works...I am living proof...We manifest our reality on a moment to moment basis. I am given tangible proof through undeniable synchronicity...each day that it works Humanity is moving through a shift of human consciousness RIGHT NOW...and more and more people are awakening each day. Love and Light and Truth
This is why there was a time when locks on houses were not needed.(Unseen barriers of built up energy against theft and harm). You can bring about physical reactions (make manifest) from the unseen work (spiritual/believing).
It works most of the time but sometimes it doesn't work. I actually use a technique from a different book. To experience it for yourself, you have to start small such as to get a date, to get a job, to get some money, etc. In fact, there're numerous book written about this subject.
...there is so much control going on at different levels as to what we should think & believe that it would be doubtful that any of our thoughts are of our own. we repeat what tv tell us, we dress to fit in, we talk to blend in with others, fear is so dominant in this world
No. Affirmative means to acknowledge. Hence when soldiers say affirmative they are not saying happy, they are saying that they affirm the question or command. Positive implies polarity, positive = happy, negative = sad, etc. Affirmative implies to confirm, or to assert. So an affirmative thought is one that asserts an idea or feeling. You can affirm a negative or positive thought: I can't be late, affirming with a negative emphasis, or I will be on time, affirming with a positive emphasis.
i am glad he spoke on it being more than just a material thing because i had experienced alot of things using these techniques along with khemtic science and this is some deep info because the higher god exist within all of us
Still flying High from last Sunday, I will Buckle my Seat an Prepare for a Absolutely Divine Exhilarating Visceral Flight into the Recondite Abstruseness with, King Rev. Dr.Michael Bernard Beckwith and Rickie
Consumerism and Materialism is exactly what the secret is. It's all about what " I " can get. Where is the good in all of this? What's the intrigue? Wealth? What is true wealth? It's a little ambiguous. Everyone wants to be successful in one way or another. Now, there's a doctrine to be successful, "the secret" But really, Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.
I agree, SuperTugz. It's just like the Bible says, "As a man thinketh, so is he". If you want to be rich, think like a rich person. Does a rich person look at a nice car and say "Oh, I want that car so bad!"? No. But rather, it's not even a big deal to them. They don't even think about it. So if one desires wealth, they need to understand that it's already there for them. Only then will they see it come into their lives.
i agree with this man i ve tried it in my life before i have heard it about but not like he said. One day it came into my mind and believed that what ever good or bad i would think or say it changed and so when i start thinking that i have to go and do that lazy job something happens ( something incradible) and i wont be able to go for work, or when i say i m going to pass this exam tomorrow, no way its not gonna happen, pls explain me how to fix right thinking : X
I believe it's called the power of mind over matter, the placebo effect if you will. It's been shown that if you think of exercising your body reacts in the same way as if you were exercising. Or if you think you're drinking alcoholic beer, your body reacts in a way as if it was drinking alcoholic beer, even though it wasn't.
of course it can. absolutely. If they practiced this, and started to focus their energy on this then of course it would work. The law of attraction doesn't pick and choose based on race/religion/ethnicity/where you live, it's just a law of all things.
When we elect to feel only good emotions, then we truly are connecting ouselves to all good things. Put this assertion to the test. We can harness the power of the law of attraction either by good emotions, good thoughts, or both. Every time you mention the thing you want, or write it down, or hold it's image in mind. Then you are in the process of possesing them on a deeper and deeper level, until eventually you are at the level of actually holding the object of desire in your hand.
Point is if you focus on money then that is the most important thing to you and nothing else matters. but when you live being the best being you can, then u are in alignment and what you ask for comes to you naturally b/cuz it is part of you and what u ask is what you are being.
The Secret basically reaffirms what Jesus meant by such words as, "Ask and you shall receive," or "according to your faith it is done to you" or "if you have faith as a grain of mustard, you can move mountains". Faith is a spiritual principal that you need to develop within yourself first before you can surrender your life totally to seeking the "kingdom of the heavens".
I think that discussion is a healthy aspect of any person's spiritual walk when it comes to what we believe.. in the case of this "discussion": the bible's teachings versus the teachings of the emerald tablets. Often times in our "discussion over such topics, we find ourselves debating, which pull all parties back from the wisdom that can be gained from BOTH sides of the "discussion." Debating is just a way to FIGHT one another over whose views are RIGHT and whose are WRONG.
The law of attraction is as precise as the law of gravity. As soon as you think of an object of desire, you then posses that object right there and then on a certain level. Then to posses this object on a deeper level, you have have to keep a hold of the image. This is the mind harnessing the law of attraction x
@MrMony37 it is not about being the richest or having the grandest material items, it is about pursuing what one loves the most and allowing the universe to provide all that is NECESSARY in order for them to continue being, doing, or pursuing what their heart desires...follow your heart and you wont be lead astray from your purpose
@kuvtsisnyiamkoj I agree! I use to be a waiter and I have noticed that crabby, grumpy peoples food always takes longer or gets messed up... it was so weird but it happend SO often. Negative people just get negative results to life and vise versa for positive people :)
This can always be turned around by people like you and me who have come to that realization. Mahatma Gandhi said: Be the change you wish to see in the world. Let's do that and make the change.
thank you so much for your comment. i've been thinking about whether or not i have to read the bible or be in a religion in order to apply the secret and live a happy life. thoughts REALLY do become things! just look how i stumbled across this video. and at the very top (the first comment i see) yours. bless
@boxingin I'm glad you understand, you always had the understanding, some times our perception of the world today tends to cloud our understandings of life's circle. Any time you want to chat hit me up ! Peace and Blessings to you.
So the work has to begin from within you. You gotta constatntly keep hold of good emotions, at all times, without exception. And you will see that your feelings work magic on the world outside you. In scripture we can read that Jesus calmed the storm, when some of his followers feared their boat was about to be overwhelmed. If you ask me, this is a demonstartion of the true power that we all have to make the world around us reflect the feelings that we are having inside of us.
@enniopat you are already working with the secrets philosophy. It happens all the time whether you are aware of it or not. First impression is that it is.. when you understand the secret you understand that anything is possible if you want it bad enough. on a global conciousness it will take time for that message to get to the masses. Does that mean we shouldnt share it.. I think not.. it means we have to spend time helping others and in in return we will recieve..
The 'temporal' things are the initial attraction. As most people truly learn how to apply the Law , they will begin to develop a more spiritual awareness , leading them to true personal power and understanding. In affect, this will change there life. After all ,it is true that we are 'spiritual beings having a mortal experience'. Not the other way around!
Anyone who has worked around sick people could tell you that Hypochondriacs seem to manifest the symptoms that they constantly cry about...and those people who are told "you only have X amount of time left to live" who literally die within that alotted time's ALL the power of the mind. I believe in positive thinking and optimism as a way to change your outlook on life and LOA is just another form of that.
I think people misunderstand the Secret, even sometimes as something satanic, and greedy, and that it's all about getting the things you want to satisfy your ego but it's not about that. It's about being positive, full of love and gratitude, and THEN the good things you want will come to you.Imagine if there was no negativity in the world, jealousy, hate, evil, all these negative feelings take you away from your perfect existence.
Exactly! It is not all about money, and what is 'money' but a bartering tool, once we used spices or tea! It is about 'feeling good' and 'love' it costs nothing to try LOA. In the beginning - is and always will be 'A THOUGHT' To some people 'abundance is 'love' and that is what they attract, and so they encompass it for others The people who think LOA is all about 'me, me, me' think that way - because that has been their experience in life Now why is that?
I think it's great to have a man of G-d explaining the power of thought. Kabbalah discusses how G-d is creating this world a new from total Nothing at every instant, and it all happens through Thought, Speech, and Action. This is true (in Microcosm) by us - our thought and speech define (create) our reality.
This is SO true. EVERYTHING I've always wanted SO MUCH as a child, I got as an adult. But the only difference between him and I, what he calls "positive energy and affirmation" I call God.
Every single thing I wished as a child and prayed for as a teenager, I GOT THEM ALL as a young adult. Power of prayer and focus.
I have read the book and I have seen the film The secret. I had a problem whit my hands and feets, for 4 years now. Eczema, tha´t hurt like h-ll! With this book in my hand I got a lot of "AHA moments"! I have been feeling very sorry for my self. I began to change my way of thinking. And I´m very happy to say that for the first time in 4 years my hands and feet´s looks almost like new! So yes, be more positive. I´m much more happy now :-)And I thank The secret for coming into my life!
This guy is awesome. I had never heard of him until I saw Discover the Gift. He has got some of the best advice for training the mind and soul to work in harmony. It is fantastic I love it. I am looking forward to seeing “the Secret” even if it has been out for a while.
I love the way he articulates :)
because he is a conman ,they all have this in common
@@t.least.he.was.honest How do you know that he is a conman? Is it your intuition? or just your personal belief?
This was working in my life before I came to be. My mother wasn't able to have another child so the doctors' said. She invisioned having a little girl with brown eyes and brown here that looked just like her dad's side. I am that daughter. Because my mother believed I am here. I love what these people are doing and it has helped me have greater faith, love and happiness in my own life.
He has a very clear way to explain this things!
I took anti-depressants for 14 years, but I will say that because of the Secret, I learned to change my thinking - because what you think creates the feelings you have - and have been off meds for two years now. And the thing is - cognitive-behavioral psychologists teach this stuff - cognitive approaches to treating depression work - the research supports this. I have a PhD in Clinical Psych - so I knew it intellectually - but now I know it from experience. And I owe it to the Secret.
Very eloquent and did a great job responding to all the objections ... Which means he really does believe this.
I am delighted to find so many enlightened people via this commentary facility. When we elect to have good positive feelings, then we are truly contributing to the human condition. By conciously choosing to release good emotions, the whole world tunes into it and learns how to do it. We can improve the emotional condition of humanity 24 7,from any place, just simply by choosing good feelings. And I believe by feeling good, we are creating new emotions, yet to be named.
Dear Rev. You are a true diamond and your teachings are so inspiring to me. As always people are more comfortable with world'sdarkness than with the "inner light". Mainstream is constantly brainwashing us with violence and indifference. Carry on Rev. Best rgds Valerio.
It's a change of focus - living by faith - believing that good things are happening - that people and situations are being changed to help you help others - not getting muddled down by what only the eye can physically see.
Finding your happiness and peace w/in yourself first BRINGS/attracts the rest of your visions and dreams to u. Realizing U are divine, U are loved, U r part of all that is and living daily thru love instead of fear frees you from the greed and lower vibrational negative desires. What you are BElieving is what you will BE LIVING. What you are attracts more of what you are, be it love or hate, fear or victory, lack or abundance. In order to receive we must give. What we give is what we get back.
I can't focus on your energy it doesn't exsist...blessing to you to eleviate that void
I love Michael, he is brilliant, and speaking of ignorance, he is now addressing the development of ALL people who are ignorant, (myself included) I am not offended by being called ignorant I know that I don't know it all, I know there are some blind spots, so I am growing, into a new understanding of myself and my way of being.
The Secret brought me to understand The Law of Attraction, and through it I discovered a book called The Four Agreements. What the Secret is really all about (not the gaining of wealth) is deeper understanding of who we really are, and the universal connection we all share. Despite the commercial push of The Secret, (not to mention its oddly materialistic video) it's really showing a positive model for living a better life.
I was just explaining this to my buddy today. I said to imagine a certain "type" of person you want, the more details the better. Then what you have to do is take all those details and put them on the front of your mind and soke up those feelings you get by thinking you have that perfect mate. Put those details in a blue circle in your mind connected with those feelings then carry a blue pen around with you and draw the blue circle wherever you go. I Hope this can help!
Thank you Mr. Beckwith, Great message.
Oh yes.... It`s reality.... thank u. He is so great. Olivia from Germany.
Me agrada mucho la sinceridad que se lee en el rostro y voz de Michael.
He seems really genuine.
i it's totally right i read and understood the book and i lived it for a while and it's working really well and i am feeling satisfied all the time and i am happy for no reason thanks god dob bless you rev micheal
This is the truth. It is not about material things, but ,ore so about inner peace creating your life experience. I've lived it.
His real message is that your true happiness comes in the activation of your hidden potential. It doesn´t come from the world as "we" think... Very potent message.
Very true. Very impressive. Well done.
True and strange experience: Five months ago while working I thought to myself that I really needed a career change. I was bored at my job, the people there were filled with hate and envy. I picked up a newspaper one day and saw there a school advertised for exactly what I would have liked to been doing. I called the school but as it turned out the current program was only for unemployed workers. I forgot about it, but then some weeks later I was fired. I am now happily in that school.
Hey Davetowers!
Your postings are as interesting as ever!
I find myself going onto this site now not to listen to 'Beckworth' but to read your latest posting :)
I am still learning & searching, still trying to be positive (still sometimes failing though) but peace of mind is more prevalent than it was some months ago, so I am beginning to think that there really is something to LOA.
Beckwith handled these questions well. It is interesting how some people [fans and critics alike] have chosen to focus on the material examples in "The Secret", but they seem to miss or downplay the other examples, such as health, relationships, how one is treated by others, etc.. Fortunately, there are also many who got the entire message. That, is encouraging. :)
I'm sorry I missed this when it was on TV. I'm glad to see these teachers from "The Secret" reaching an audience that's growing every day. Of course there are people who prefer to believe they're at the mercy of God or Satan or nature or somebody (maybe everybody) else. Jesus once commented "The poor you have with you always". Poor isn't just the lack of money.
Micheal Beckwith is so awesome.
The Bible has been teaching this for centuries. It's amazing that this concept has eluded the populated mass of the western world. To God be the glory as He has given us the blueprint for success spiritually and physically. How dumb to have missed it for so long.
Hmmm...I Love you Michael you have inspired me greatly since meeting you on the secret... Peace and Blessings!!!
I find it very interesting. I've also noticed that when you do generate negativity within your surroundings, they tend to happen more and more, and then I stop to wonder why it keeps happening. I've no intentions of having things go wrong, they just seem to happen when I'm feeling my worst.
very good point! thanks lynnette!
Its so true; if you want something bad enough, it will come true...if its money, or a trip or a better life...just want it bad enough, it will all become a reality. I'm also much happier, and more energetic, and call it prayer or inner wishing, it all works, if you truely believe!
I know a couple that BLAME ALL their troubles on other people and circumstances, they literally carry with them a black cloud of misery and depression which in turn can envelope those around them. Instead of taking responsibility for their own actions and their own circumstance they ALWAYS find the one thing that excludes themselves.
The Secret WORKS if you are willing to do the other half, which is footwork, but positive thinking goes a LONG way toward taking the first steps toward + change
yes,what i liked about him was how he handled the blame matter,he was right when he said people must not be blamed for doing something which is not proper,they are doing it just because they are not aware of it,instead we must tell them their mistakes and encourage them to move forward.The law of attraction is not fake,this is genuine and will definitely yield results but requires more patience and persistence thinking on the part of the practitioner.
Very true I attract great positive things everyday !!
what a wise man. Great interview!
He doesn't have to "come back" - his spirit lives within and through all he gave to the people who cared and still care for the beautiful things he did. Those who speak negatively and believe in the worst have to live in that situation - just like Agurzi82 said above - it's their reality.
No blame. No shame. Your thoughts, feelings, words reflect your belief system. Your attitude reflects your perspective, thoughts and behavior, Then your actions moves toward a direction creating a reality. "Thoughts become things." Change your mind, evaluate beliefs, and new thoughts, feelings, words will come from you. Observe your thoughts. Make a simple shift... be happy NOW. be grateful NOW.... give to others what you want Now... test it out! Something wonderful is unfolding for you.
A good teacher also doesn't teach materialism, but a spiritualistic message. Getting things is wonderful. Watching something u've wanted come to u is an amazing experience. On the other hand peace of mind, knowing security rather than being vulnerable, knowing nothing is imposible,knowng ur own wel being,being helthy,feling spiritually grounded just to name a few is something all of King Salomon's gold couldn't buy. That isn't The Secret my friend, it is called spiritual maturity.
To me the greatest proof of this is TIger Woods and Mohammad Ali. When Tiger was young his father used to constantly tell him that he going to be the best golfer and you could tell by his demeanor as he grew up and when he turned pro that he believed he was the best. Ali used to say that he was the Greatest before everyone finally acknowledged that he was the greatest. With a burning desire plus strong faith life has no choice but to hand to you what you ask.
Thinking about what you want is just one element of that, but then you need to take action in order to be who and where you want to be in life.
what goes around comes around,positive thinking ,love,be happy,appriciate your life,share happy thoughts with people close to you,listen to your innerself,enjoy your life.........peace and love to all who read this.
he killed it at the end!! EPIC
The Secret I highly recommend it...
A reasonable explanation, for those who mock The Secret. Besides that, I dig this Beckwith guy. For real
yes instead of having other dictate to you saying you can't have this or you can't do that and telling you how they feel you should live your life
i think it is all about possitive attitude and being responsible to our everyday living because it is us who decide and act to the situations we are in.
So true. I thoght the same thing when I first heard baout hte secret. I started seeing where certain things have ahppened in the past with myself and others that created things in their life that they wanted. I could see how they did that. How I did that. It has taken a long time for me to figure out all the kinks. I think people give up too easily and they don't look deep enough. they don't realize how much they dwell on what they don't want.
It is indeed. All three CWG books are actually really good. I always recommend it to anybody I come across who seems spiritually inclined or seems to have all those unanswered questions about life.
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.
Very true... how sad for those people.
It is NOT just wanting it bad enough. It's retraining your brain to focus on what you do want, what does make you feel good, what does make you happy, instead of talking, complaining, dwelling, and feeling bad about what you do not like or want. The Universe does not know the difference between want and doesn't want. It only responds to the subject. If you are thinking I don't want to feel sick, I am not sick, etc.; the Universe hears, "SICK" and that is all it hears.
@shebrei Huuummmmmnnnnn... Now I now where you're coming from because I do believe that everything happens for a reason, too. Because life is a never ending experience nor controllable. Thank you..
I have just finished reading 'Conversations with God' Book One, pretty much advocatess what beckworth says - very interesting read....
I have just read the first book in the series of books 'conversations with God' by Walsch. The first book pretty much deals with how we manifest (in a similar way as what is being advocated here) Facinating! Thankyou Dingostorm1 for pointing me in this direction. I am also using The Masterkey System as Davetowers1 advised. Thankyou both!
It works...I am living proof...We manifest our reality on a moment to moment basis. I am given tangible proof through undeniable synchronicity...each day that it works
Humanity is moving through a shift of human consciousness RIGHT NOW...and more and more people are awakening each day.
Love and Light and Truth
This is why there was a time when locks on houses were not needed.(Unseen barriers of built up energy against theft and harm). You can bring about physical reactions (make manifest) from the unseen work (spiritual/believing).
this hurt my head man, preach the word of God. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word issuing out of the mouth of God.
It works most of the time but sometimes it doesn't work. I actually use a technique from a different book. To experience it for yourself, you have to start small such as to get a date, to get a job, to get some money, etc. In fact, there're numerous book written about this subject.
Yes, that is exactly how it works, it's your own personal transformation that has to come first!
...there is so much control going on at different levels as to what we should think & believe that it would be doubtful that any of our thoughts are of our own. we repeat what tv tell us, we dress to fit in, we talk to blend in with others, fear is so dominant in this world
No. Affirmative means to acknowledge. Hence when soldiers say affirmative they are not saying happy, they are saying that they affirm the question or command. Positive implies polarity, positive = happy, negative = sad, etc. Affirmative implies to confirm, or to assert. So an affirmative thought is one that asserts an idea or feeling. You can affirm a negative or positive thought: I can't be late, affirming with a negative emphasis, or I will be on time, affirming with a positive emphasis.
i am glad he spoke on it being more than just a material thing because i had experienced alot of things using these techniques along with khemtic science and this is some deep info because the higher god exist within all of us
The Word Can't Lie!!!!!
I've posted this on my Facebook like 10 times in the past year.
Real recognize real. We ARE all real!
Still flying High from last Sunday, I will Buckle my Seat an Prepare for a Absolutely Divine Exhilarating Visceral Flight into the Recondite Abstruseness with, King Rev. Dr.Michael Bernard Beckwith and Rickie
Consumerism and Materialism is exactly what the secret is. It's all about what " I " can get. Where is the good in all of this? What's the intrigue? Wealth? What is true wealth? It's a little ambiguous. Everyone wants to be successful in one way or another. Now, there's a doctrine to be successful, "the secret"
But really, Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.
I agree, SuperTugz. It's just like the Bible says, "As a man thinketh, so is he". If you want to be rich, think like a rich person. Does a rich person look at a nice car and say "Oh, I want that car so bad!"? No. But rather, it's not even a big deal to them. They don't even think about it.
So if one desires wealth, they need to understand that it's already there for them. Only then will they see it come into their lives.
And forcing happy thoughts, can also cause lying to urself and unstable feelings.
i agree with this man i ve tried it in my life before i have heard it about but not like he said. One day it came into my mind and believed that what ever good or bad i would think or say it changed and so when i start thinking that i have to go and do that lazy job something happens ( something incradible) and i wont be able to go for work, or when i say i m going to pass this exam tomorrow, no way its not gonna happen, pls explain me how to fix right thinking : X
Gary Zhukav (in 'Wu Li--The Dancing Master) has an intriguing spin on the loop of reality/perception.
I believe it's called the power of mind over matter, the placebo effect if you will. It's been shown that if you think of exercising your body reacts in the same way as if you were exercising. Or if you think you're drinking alcoholic beer, your body reacts in a way as if it was drinking alcoholic beer, even though it wasn't.
of course it can. absolutely. If they practiced this, and started to focus their energy on this then of course it would work. The law of attraction doesn't pick and choose based on race/religion/ethnicity/where you live, it's just a law of all things.
When we elect to feel only good emotions, then we truly are connecting ouselves to all good things. Put this assertion to the test. We can harness the power of the law of attraction either by good emotions, good thoughts, or both. Every time you mention the thing you want, or write it down, or hold it's image in mind. Then you are in the process of possesing them on a deeper and deeper level, until eventually you are at the level of actually holding the object of desire in your hand.
Point is if you focus on money then that is the most important thing to you and nothing else matters. but when you live being the best being you can, then u are in alignment and what you ask for comes to you naturally b/cuz it is part of you and what u ask is what you are being.
The Secret basically reaffirms what Jesus meant by such words as, "Ask and you shall receive," or "according to your faith it is done to you" or "if you have faith as a grain of mustard, you can move mountains". Faith is a spiritual principal that you need to develop within yourself first before you can surrender your life totally to seeking the "kingdom of the heavens".
Simple -- You get wat u ask for
So better choose the best that suits you, weather you want happiness, joy OR sorrowness
I think that discussion is a healthy aspect of any person's spiritual walk when it comes to what we believe.. in the case of this "discussion": the bible's teachings versus the teachings of the emerald tablets. Often times in our "discussion over such topics, we find ourselves debating, which pull all parties back from the wisdom that can be gained from BOTH sides of the "discussion." Debating is just a way to FIGHT one another over whose views are RIGHT and whose are WRONG.
The law of attraction is as precise as the law of gravity. As soon as you think of an object of desire, you then posses that object right there and then on a certain level. Then to posses this object on a deeper level, you have have to keep a hold of the image. This is the mind harnessing the law of attraction x
@MrMony37 it is not about being the richest or having the grandest material items, it is about pursuing what one loves the most and allowing the universe to provide all that is NECESSARY in order for them to continue being, doing, or pursuing what their heart desires...follow your heart and you wont be lead astray from your purpose
@kuvtsisnyiamkoj I agree! I use to be a waiter and I have noticed that crabby, grumpy peoples food always takes longer or gets messed up... it was so weird but it happend SO often.
Negative people just get negative results to life and vise versa for positive people :)
This can always be turned around by people like you and me who have come to that realization. Mahatma Gandhi said: Be the change you wish to see in the world. Let's do that and make the change.
This stuff really works for me^^
thank you so much for your comment. i've been thinking about whether or not i have to read the bible or be in a religion in order to apply the secret and live a happy life. thoughts REALLY do become things! just look how i stumbled across this video. and at the very top (the first comment i see) yours. bless
@boxingin I'm glad you understand, you always had the understanding, some times our perception of the world today tends to cloud our understandings of life's circle. Any time you want to chat hit me up ! Peace and Blessings to you.
The secret works through the power of the subconscious mind. It can be done by praying or mediting.
So the work has to begin from within you. You gotta constatntly keep hold of good emotions, at all times, without exception. And you will see that your feelings work magic on the world outside you. In scripture we can read that Jesus calmed the storm, when some of his followers feared their boat was about to be overwhelmed. If you ask me, this is a demonstartion of the true power that we all have to make the world around us reflect the feelings that we are having inside of us.
@enniopat you are already working with the secrets philosophy. It happens all the time whether you are aware of it or not. First impression is that it is.. when you understand the secret you understand that anything is possible if you want it bad enough. on a global conciousness it will take time for that message to get to the masses. Does that mean we shouldnt share it.. I think not.. it means we have to spend time helping others and in in return we will recieve..
The 'temporal' things are the initial attraction. As most people truly learn how to apply the Law , they will begin to develop a more spiritual awareness , leading them to true personal power and understanding. In affect, this will change there life. After all ,it is true that we are 'spiritual beings having a mortal experience'. Not the other way around!
yes i know. but the point is using this with intention. and be avere of yur thoughts and create good feelings.
it´s very, very good
Anyone who has worked around sick people could tell you that Hypochondriacs seem to manifest the symptoms that they constantly cry about...and those people who are told "you only have X amount of time left to live" who literally die within that alotted time's ALL the power of the mind.
I believe in positive thinking and optimism as a way to change your outlook on life and LOA is just another form of that.
I think people misunderstand the Secret, even sometimes as something satanic, and greedy, and that it's all about getting the things you want to satisfy your ego but it's not about that. It's about being positive, full of love and gratitude, and THEN the good things you want will come to you.Imagine if there was no negativity in the world, jealousy, hate, evil, all these negative feelings take you away from your perfect existence.
ok, so if you're in the middle of a warzone, think happy thoughts, just stand there and nothing will happen to you. Yes! Makes a lot of sense!
It is not all about money, and what is 'money' but a bartering tool, once we used spices or tea!
It is about 'feeling good' and 'love' it costs nothing to try LOA.
In the beginning - is and always will be 'A THOUGHT'
To some people 'abundance is 'love' and that is what they attract, and so they encompass it for others
The people who think LOA is all about 'me, me, me' think that way - because that has been their experience in life
Now why is that?
Beckwith is the real deal!!
I think it's great to have a man of G-d explaining the power of thought. Kabbalah discusses how G-d is creating this world a new from total Nothing at every instant, and it all happens through Thought, Speech, and Action. This is true (in Microcosm) by us - our thought and speech define (create) our reality.
Really good vid