I feel that bench. I got broken shovels and just about every thing else on my bench tooo I tossed a couple broken shovels in the a fire and burned them out not sure it that was good or not but no more wood stuck in the handle. Nice stakes, probably lighter than my rebar stakes. I love a good expose root to tie to it available, that's a cheap stake. Winter is moving on, and I see maple sugar season coming up and that will finish off March then onward to open water. I heard Trump will be changing February to only 3 weeks, 24 days long. I've been looking at maps too. trying to get from Machias to Bangor by canoe, lots of up stream poling on the Machias river shed.
That looked like my grandpas workbench. You could eat off my dads workbench 😂
Thanks for joining in on these two videos Jeff.
I feel that bench. I got broken shovels and just about every thing else on my bench tooo I tossed a couple broken shovels in the a fire and burned them out not sure it that was good or not but no more wood stuck in the handle. Nice stakes, probably lighter than my rebar stakes. I love a good expose root to tie to it available, that's a cheap stake. Winter is moving on, and I see maple sugar season coming up and that will finish off March then onward to open water. I heard Trump will be changing February to only 3 weeks, 24 days long. I've been looking at maps too. trying to get from Machias to Bangor by canoe, lots of up stream poling on the Machias river shed.