Honestly you should never push mid after you got their mid inhib. Pretty sure it made you lose 2 teamfights and the game. Just get the free inbhibs on the side while 1 of the enemies is clearing supers.
wow this is such a relistic gameplay, not everyday you win, and we could see people who never help on team fights, knowing that gwen is a TF champion. OGM loved the gameplay thanks.
I'm live on stream everyday! www.twitch.tv/daveyx3
I'd be flaming comments if that happened to me in game, would get perma ban from riot tho
this vid helped me a lot thanks dave
Love ur content
Honestly you should never push mid after you got their mid inhib. Pretty sure it made you lose 2 teamfights and the game. Just get the free inbhibs on the side while 1 of the enemies is clearing supers.
i learn a lot of wave control from this videos, thanks man
Dave, I like that new video image you did! Looks neat
wow this is such a relistic gameplay, not everyday you win, and we could see people who never help on team fights, knowing that gwen is a TF champion. OGM loved the gameplay thanks.
Gwen is most certainly not a tf champ
tf mean?
“There is literally no team play”
Top laner partakes in like 3/10 team fights during the game even though he has teleport
Nice Gameplay wp
Hi, thanks you very i improve a lot with you, do you know wich champ is thé same than Gwen in toplane ?
fiora is similar, harder to play/learn and ad tho
I miss your riven gameplays don't forget to upload sir😊
been waiting for a minute for a new gwen video
We all know that he threw the game trying to be a badass top after taking baron right?
Why warwick is taking AP stuff ?? Like Luden
At 29:15 if u had got hull breaker gwen u wouldn’t have died…u should make a video of hull breaker gwen
Or he could've just used his zhonyad into the annie Q and then disengaged
If only my ping was that low.
Your videos are the best.
Finely long gwen video 🎉
You cant fight into riven lvl 1 even with exhaust
0 Pink wards (control wards) :(
Teamwork is OP. But this does not apply to your team, very sad
Ah lol wr will get 2 another skin for gwen, only for wr, and we not hahaha said
day 4 of asking for Blitz top
-i cant believe it has already been 4 days the journey still going well
Hahaha good luck someone asked him for yuumi top about one year
First 🥇