So if you want to continue islamic and the world eduction together so its my opinion that when you passed your 2nd year and enter the university you can join BS(IR).They tell you all information related to world and also about islam too.
I am law student in Pakistan you video v help full our my study that is not avail any lectures below topic 1 subject 2 liabilities 3 basic of legal capacity 4 types of legal capacity
I'm taking up an introduction to Islam course, and this was really very helpful :) Could you please also make a video covering the Shii Islam's schools of law too?
We cant say shia is not muslim or sunni is not muslim if you dont accept laa ilahe illallah muhammeden resulullah and you dont pray 5 times a day and dont give zakaat and you do not hajj and do not ramadan. Tham think twice if i am a good moslim or not. Pray like the prophet mohammed sav prayed and live like him. With the sunna of him and the quran. Learn the koran memorise it and accept the sahabas if you dont do this kind of things think if you are a moslim or not.
@@m__h6889 the fatwa of all imams like imam abu hanifa, imam shafi, imam malik, imam ahmed ibn hanbal all have issued fatwa of kufr against shias as they abuse first to rightly guided caliphs of islam... Even imam bhukhari in his book khalq ul ibaad page no 14 has stated that shias are not muslims he says that i don't see any difference between jews and shias
What happened to Jafary school of thought followed by the Shia Muslims which you discounted? Imam Jafar Sadiq was the teacher of Imam Abu Hanifa and thousands more. Is it because imam Jaffar was from the Ahmulbayet which Sunni Muslims have forgotten about?
Im Sunni Hanafi and We Love and Respect Imam Jafar AsSadiq RA Descendent of Rasul SAW and Teacher of Imam Azam AbuHanifa RA Should have been mentioned as Its Only Imam of Shia in Juris so 15% Ppl adhere .
@@hishambula6132 I am Muslim. I am not Shia not sunni and not wahabi. Because Allah gave us a beautiful name in Quran which is called Muslim.wahabi, deobandi. Bralvi are created in British Era. However be Muslim do not Divide yourself into groups and do not call anyone kafir.
@@knowledgestreamhouse2014 your just Ignorance in the Sunnah of Muhammad SAW,Muhammad SAW said in his Authentic Hadith. That There will be a 73 Sects of Group will Appeared and One of them is only make into Paradise and that Group is the true Follwing of the Sunnah Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamma/Salaf This Ummah not devide this is Prophecy of Muhammad SAW
There is no majhab only one deen ISLAM mentioned in Quran. Muhammad s.a.w is our IMAM and their ahle baith and shabas r. a are true obedient of ALLAH and his Messenger s. a. w (Quran and sahee hadees).
You and the 3 likes and your ilk are a disease that has stricken the ummah. May Allah SubHaanaHu wa Taaala open your eyes and return you to the Path of the Prophets and the Pious, ameen.
I agree, I disagree with Mazhab. He said different schools of thought have different interpretations. That could lead to confusion or even conflict amongst Muslims.
Are you non muslim. I feel and and smell from yours wording. Because many jewes and christchen learn Islamic teachings so that after learning this they can teach Muslim to divide them in groups.
there are 5 schools of thoughts Fiqah e Hanafi Fiqah e Shafai Fiqah e Malaki Fiqah e Humbali n Fiqah e Jafari. Why did not you mention here fifth Fiqah?
Arif Uddin Who the hell r u to say this? One who believes in One God, Prophet Muhammad (SA) as last and final messenger, Day of Judgment, Angles, Revealed Books is a Muslim all other things r secondary which require reason hence if someone has other view on those reasons he by no means become a non-muslim. So stop these bullshit and minor thoughts that has been indoctrinated by Molviz who just want to keep their business running and create schism in Muslim Ummah.
I live in shia dominant region every now and then i heard from majalis of shia's that every friday Allah comes to Hussain(RA) Grave for ziyarat and shia people writetheir wishes on paper and drops in a box and believes that Hussian (RA) will fullfil their wishes with his powers and Ali (RA)is superior then My beloved Nabi Muhammad(SAWS) and Ahlal Al baith is no less than My beloved Nabi Muhammed (SAWS). If its jafaria schools of teaching then its not that islam which came from My nabi Muhammed(SAWS). That why jafaria has nothing to do with islam
Arif Uddin Though i m not a Shia but as far as I know Fiqah e Jafria is much similar to Fiqah e Hanafia. This is unfortunate that Muslims are being misled by these Molviz even Sunni have many beliefs which are totally un-islamic and alien to Islam for example some Sunni pay respect to saints by prostrating their graves some Sufi do Raks (dance) on the graves of saints or deobandiz and Salafi have belief that whoever does not conform with their belief should be killed which is totally un-islamic. So we Muslims (Sunni and Shia) are being misled since long they Molviz say us to read Quran in Arabic but they try their level best to keep us away from translations of Quran and Hadees. Molviz are contractors of their respective sects so to keep their followings intact they do create such misconceptions in Islam to allure innocent and uneducated people. Further these Molviz have fear of losing their followings so they spread rumour against beliefs of other sects thus indoctrinate their followers and cause shism hate among Muslims. We should not get divided as Quran says whoever make sects in religion u have nothing to do with them.
This proves that whatever theology sunni Muslims follow is not from prophet Mohammed rather as the openion of persons who came centuries after prophet... Regardless of it Shias follow Prophet directly and his companion imam Ali....
The only two sources of Authenticity are 1. Quran 2.Sunnah (Sahih Hadith) , Qiyas is reasoning and deducing rules from Quran and Sunnah. Qiyas by itself cannot be source of authenticity has to be taken only in the light of Quran and Sunnah , for the matters of halal and haram Quran and Hadith has everyting , for exam, Intoxicant is haram in Quran.. since heroine is not mentioned in quran, deducing this in the light of Quran verse about all intoxicants being haram, this is considered haram. So Qiyas is taken from Quran and Sunnah. Ijma is not the source of authenticity either. The only sources are Quran and Sunnah, Prophet never said Ijma is source of authenticity. Moreover, Dont split religion in the name of Madhaahib. They founders of these schools of thoughts never claimed infalliability , Quran says Follow Allah and Follow Messenger ! Period.
Founders of these ijma and qiyas were probably helping people to explain problem based on Quran and knowledge available to them at that time but they had no intention to open a new front or divide Islam into groups but latter some fanatic followers of them created the problem created all these hanafi, safayi, etc
He explained beautiful by giving example of alcohol and drugs. Alcohol by name is forbidden but not drugs. So through qiyas the prohibition is extended to drugs because they also intoxocates.
@@mifsarulmollah5174 there is no problem with any of the madhahib. They are not sects. Sects are a group which deviate from core of Islam like Ahmadi sect, Bohra sect, etc.
why there are different school of thought and why not one school so everyone follow one instead of having the variances. I am confused and i live in western country so which madhab should i follow.
Thanks for your response it makes sense instead of confusing i will take your advise as i have been reading about madhab and there are contradicting each other and if i choose and pick than i am ending in confusion so i will follow my conscience .
Insight Curiosity. the madhab in arabic means "a path" which means each madhab uses the textes and try and deduct from them the "ahkam" or what to do or what not to do! and this type of deduction is called "ijtihad" whatever of the 4 madhabs you follow you are still a muslim even if other madhabs are not in the same pages with others. its like a tree and branches! the primary sources mentioned in the video are the tree! and the branches are the madhabs! branches can never look the same! but they're deducted from the same holy source. i highly encourage you to find the imam of the mosque and tell him if he can give you lessons about islamic jurisprudence and madhabs! to clear this misconception.
Insight Curiosity. The scholars you take your knowledge and Islamic rulings from. You are upon his school of thought. So if you have a resident scholar who answers your queries. Or the imam of the Masjid you pray in. Ask them about which school of thought they follow. And you without realizing would come to know, you are following that school of thought.
Insight Curiosity. Of course not. And the question itself makes no sense. Schools just codified and standardised the body of law and jurespidence in islam, not invent anything new. It just took prexisting rules which were around from the companions along with their difference of opinions and compiled it. And without it, there would be hundreds of opinions and many charlatons claiming anything and misguiding general public. Due to schools, there is proper scholarship among Muslims. Or anyone would just open quran and hadith with no knowledge and misguide others.
in fact there is one real school of thought which is Quran. And Its explanation by Nabi kreem is sunnah .hanfi,malki,shafi and hanbli are further explanations by muslim scholars by analysing ,qiyas ,istehsan etc.we can do further research if we needy in any matter
Brother in islam there is no sunni no shia simple solution is that who follow Quran and Sunnah are the muslim so we have to watch in our self are we following them?
farhaan rizvi the islamic jurisprudence was developed mainly by sunni muslims! only the zaydi madhab was close to us. and they used the same techniques.
Y u made this video without complete knowledge.. u r telling 4 schools of thoughts , but in law of Islam.. not madhab. Madhab is religion which is one Islam. Even theres only one religion in world that is Islam. Which is thn partly messaged by many Prophets but lastly and completed by Prophet Muhammad saw. The khalips spread the deen following Muhammad. The Imam spread the deen law following Muhammad as they found and listened from most near Ravi to Muhammad saw. Now ppl are not educated thy dont follow Islam but follow their nifaaq that is any imam thy like love. All are wrong. One must only listen who were present at the time of Muhammad saw cx that was more authentic in following law or deen. But finally we have to follow only Quran and sunnah...
@@laccess911 ijma and qiyas also helps. For example if a crime is committed by someone and there is no witness to it then scholars can take help of DNA sequencing or forensic science to find the culprit. In case of a sexual violation if the accused recant to admit he has committed the crime and if there is pregnancy of the victim then DNA sequence will help who is the biological father of the child.
@@mohammedmuadh9567 My brother, these type of judgements are not for scholars to make. This is the job of selected judges, according to hadith. Scholars were ordered to follow and submit like the rest of us.
@@laccess911 I think you're making excuses now. DNA sequencing and forensic science is not in hadith. It's the greatness of Allah who has created even the minutest things unique.
The Madahibs are divisions in Islam. The Madahibs are created differences in Islam. The rejection of Madahibs have no harm, instead leads towards true & pure Islam free from mixing of other personalities thoughts in the name of different Imams. Madahibs didn't give a single pany benefit to Islam, broken into 4 from one. Who is the beneficiary by deviding Islam into 4, Islam or enemy of Islam. Legislation of Islam completed by Allah Subhana O Tala & this is his right. No further legislation is required, but follow & implement Deen E Islam in the whole world as a single. What do you mean by ijma, ijma between sects whereas creation of sects is forbidden in Islam. There is no need of qayas in Islamic government. All matters will be resolved by shura. Don't misguide the peoples.
Ya tu likh laen .. ya samjha daen.. eik cheez Hoti hai jis ko kehte haen slides.. woh istemal kurna seekh laen.. jaan hee choot jai gee ore sub ka time buch jai ga
If Quran needs hadith to explain Quran meaning..Quran is incomplete..and difficult to understand of which contradicts Quran..easy to vomprehend detailed and complete
*#कुरान** के मानने वालों की **#आसमानी** **#किताब** की शांति की कुछ आयतें जो **#काफ़िरों**(non-muslim) के विरुद्ध अल्लाह का फरमान है और इसको सख्ती से लागू करने के लिये अल्लाह के बंदे हमेशा तैयार रहते है* : وَدُّوا لَوْ تَكْفُرُونَ كَمَا كَفَرُوا فَتَكُونُونَ سَوَاءً ۖ فَلَا تَتَّخِذُوا مِنْهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءَ حَتَّىٰ يُهَاجِرُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ۚ فَإِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَخُذُوهُمْ وَاقْتُلُوهُمْ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ ۖ وَلَا تَتَّخِذُوا مِنْهُمْ وَلِيًّا وَلَا نَصِيرًا *वे (**#मुशरिक**) तो चाहते है कि जिस प्रकार वे स्वयं **#अधर्मी** है, उसी प्रकार तुम भी **#अधर्मी** बनकर उन जैसे हो जाओ; तो तुम उनमें से अपने **#मित्र** **#न** बनाओ, जब तक कि वे **#अल्लाह** के मार्ग में **#घरबार** न **#छोड़े**। फिर यदि वे **#इससे** पीठ **#फेरें** तो उन्हें **#पकड़ो**, और उन्हें **#क़त्ल** करो जहाँ कही भी उन्हें पाओ - तो उनमें से किसी को न अपना **#मित्र** बनाना और न **#सहायक** -* (Quran: Surah Name: النساء Verse: 89): فَإِذَا انْسَلَخَ الْأَشْهُرُ الْحُرُمُ فَاقْتُلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ وَخُذُوهُمْ وَاحْصُرُوهُمْ وَاقْعُدُوا لَهُمْ كُلَّ مَرْصَدٍ ۚ فَإِنْ تَابُوا وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتَوُا الزَّكَاةَ فَخَلُّوا سَبِيلَهُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ *फिर, जब **#हराम** (प्रतिष्ठित) महीने बीत जाएँ तो **#मुशरिकों** को **#जहाँ** कहीं **#पाओ** **#क़त्ल** करो, उन्हें **#पकड़ो** और उन्हें **#घेरो** और हर घात की जगह उनकी **#ताक** में बैठो। फिर यदि वे **#तौबा** कर लें और **#नमाज़** क़ायम करें और **#ज़कात** दें तो उनका मार्ग **#छोड़** दो, निश्चय ही अल्लाह बड़ा क्षमाशील, दयावान है...* (Quran: Surah Name: التوبة Verse: 5) يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ جَاهِدِ الْكُفَّارَ وَالْمُنَافِقِينَ وَاغْلُظْ عَلَيْهِمْ ۚ وَمَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ ۖ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ *ऐ नबी! **#इनकार** करनेवालों और **#मुनाफ़िक़ों** से **#जिहाद** करो और उनके साथ **#सख़्ती** से पेश आओ। अन्ततः उनका ठिकाना **#जहन्नम** है और वह जा पहुँचने की बहुत बुरी जगह है...!* (Quran: Surah Name: التوبة Verse: 73) *सूरा अल-माइदा (المآئدة),* *वर्सेज: ३३* إِنَّمَا جَزَٰٓؤُا۟ ٱلَّذِينَ يُحَارِبُونَ ٱللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ فَسَادًا أَن يُقَتَّلُوٓا۟ أَوْ يُصَلَّبُوٓا۟ أَوْ تُقَطَّعَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُم مِّنْ خِلَٰفٍ أَوْ يُنفَوْا۟ مِنَ ٱلْأَرْضِ ذَٰلِكَ لَهُمْ خِزْىٌ فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا وَلَهُمْ فِىٱلْءَاخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ *जो लोग **#ख़ुदा** और उसके **#रसूल** से लड़ते भिड़ते हैं (और **#एहकाम** को **#नहीं** मानते) और फ़साद फैलाने की ग़रज़ से मुल्को (मुल्को) दौड़ते फिरते हैं उनकी **#सज़ा** बस यही है कि (**#चुन** **#चुनकर**) या तो **#मार** डाले जाएं या उन्हें **#सूली** दे दी जाए या उनके **#हाथ** **#पॉव** हेर फेर कर **#एक** तरफ़ का **#हाथ** दूसरी तरफ़ का **#पॉव** **#काट** डाले जाएं या उन्हें (अपने वतन की) सरज़मीन से शहर **#बदर** कर दिया जाए यह रूसवाई तो उनकी दुनिया में हुई और फिर आख़ेरत में तो उनके लिए बहुत बड़ा **#अज़ाब** ही है* *Please **#download** the **#Quran** from **#Google** Play Store and **#read** its translation then you will easily understood the reality of this so called **#peaceful** (piece) **#religion**.........*
I'm a non muslim studying Islamic law and I'm loving it. Thank you. This video was very helpful. :-)
sources of shariah ko urdu me kia kehte hen?
Shariat k zariye.
Wo zaraye jin se shariat k asool liay gaye.
good luck
ashna 008 sister May Allah grant you straight path to follow that is Islam
Ashna 008 thanks i appreciate you ❤️❤️
I m a 10th grade student and i want to learn more about Islam.
So if you want to continue islamic and the world eduction together so its my opinion that when you passed your 2nd year and enter the university you can join BS(IR).They tell you all information related to world and also about islam too.
Contact me
Wow this is a really amazing video, the educational quality is very high, feels like I've learned a lot.
I'm a Christian but I'm trying to mend and modify my ways of Worshipping God. So I'm here to learn how to perform a proper Salah.
Your board marker is owsummmmm
You are explaining only one thoght of ISLAM ...Sunni Islam
JazakALLAH informative
Bull's eye....sir... perfectly explained... thank you very much...
Very informative, May Allah continue to increase your efforts.
the maliki school here analysed and on thia channel is the hanafi school too:
i have a lot in this short video. Thanks. may allah reward you
اللہ پاک امت مسلمہ پر رحم فرمائے اور ہمیں صحیح معنی می دین پر عمل پیرا ہونے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے آمین
assalamualaikum... I am a practicing muslim...And i found your channel... I think that i will be help by you...From Bangladesh
You have a good quality of teaching
thankyou so much you save my time!!!
I am law student in Pakistan you video v help full our my study that is not avail any lectures below topic
1 subject
2 liabilities
3 basic of legal capacity
4 types of legal capacity
Can you teach in urdu language?
Qiyas is analogical deduction from the ijma
Primary Sources
U r right
Evidence from quran is more important and better than ijma thats why quran is primary and ijma secondary
@@xEnes65x logical reply 👍
Enes Türkyilmaz u
@@sonalimishra4560 👍
Is it right to consider that Qiyas means precedence?
I'm taking up an introduction to Islam course, and this was really very helpful :)
Could you please also make a video covering the Shii Islam's schools of law too?
Most of the shias are not muslims
The shia are irrelevant
@@eftekharahmed7793 most of the sunnis are not muslim
We cant say shia is not muslim or sunni is not muslim if you dont accept laa ilahe illallah muhammeden resulullah and you dont pray 5 times a day and dont give zakaat and you do not hajj and do not ramadan. Tham think twice if i am a good moslim or not. Pray like the prophet mohammed sav prayed and live like him. With the sunna of him and the quran. Learn the koran memorise it and accept the sahabas if you dont do this kind of things think if you are a moslim or not.
@@m__h6889 the fatwa of all imams like imam abu hanifa, imam shafi, imam malik, imam ahmed ibn hanbal all have issued fatwa of kufr against shias as they abuse first to rightly guided caliphs of islam... Even imam bhukhari in his book khalq ul ibaad page no 14 has stated that shias are not muslims he says that i don't see any difference between jews and shias
This channel is also about law
What about the shi'a school of thought? Are you excluding them from being Muslims?
What happened to Jafary school of thought followed by the Shia Muslims which you discounted? Imam Jafar Sadiq was the teacher of Imam Abu Hanifa and thousands more. Is it because imam Jaffar was from the Ahmulbayet which Sunni Muslims have forgotten about?
Ok Newton
Im Sunni Hanafi and We Love and Respect Imam Jafar AsSadiq RA Descendent of Rasul SAW and Teacher of Imam Azam AbuHanifa RA Should have been mentioned as Its Only Imam of Shia in Juris so 15% Ppl adhere .
Sir plz upload a video about (sadd al dharia) as such. And soon plz
Can some share the lesson 1?
Quaseem Siddiqi
Super Knowledge
Mashaallah..... 😘😘
Masha Allah good interpretation
Can I get the link of part 1?
@@akongvlogg9737 this video isn't available
@@oholysid ohh..? Type the title- Sources and Islamic Schools of Law: Lesson 1 try this.
tbh it's difficult to watch this video cos of that noise made when he's writing. pls use a whiteboard.
Uff you can't stand a 5 minutes video.
@@mohammedmuadh9567 uff!!! this bro can’t digest even a comment about truth 😪
Allah ka shukar🤲 he
JazakAllah khair
Allah hu🤲 akbar❤
Where’s Ijtehad?
And Howcome the Jaferi schools of jurisprudence not mentioned?
what about Shia Muslim schools??? they are also Muslim, why you did not mention about them?????
Are you shia muslim ?
HAHAHA shia? Monafiq is never ever be Muslim
@@hishambula6132 I am Muslim. I am not Shia not sunni and not wahabi. Because Allah gave us a beautiful name in Quran which is called Muslim.wahabi, deobandi. Bralvi are created in British Era. However be Muslim do not Divide yourself into groups and do not call anyone kafir.
@@knowledgestreamhouse2014 your just Ignorance in the Sunnah of Muhammad SAW,Muhammad SAW said in his Authentic Hadith. That There will be a 73 Sects of Group will Appeared and One of them is only make into Paradise and that Group is the true Follwing of the Sunnah Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamma/Salaf This Ummah not devide this is Prophecy of Muhammad SAW
Ijma are the rulings derived from Quran and Sunnah
There is no majhab only one deen ISLAM mentioned in Quran. Muhammad s.a.w is our IMAM and their ahle baith and shabas r. a are true obedient of ALLAH and his Messenger s. a. w (Quran and sahee hadees).
You and the 3 likes and your ilk are a disease that has stricken the ummah. May Allah SubHaanaHu wa Taaala open your eyes and return you to the Path of the Prophets and the Pious, ameen.
I agree, I disagree with Mazhab. He said different schools of thought have different interpretations. That could lead to confusion or even conflict amongst Muslims.
Sources name would be 1. Mandatory : Quran, Sunnah 2. Supporting things: Ijma, Qyus
( optional)
How can i fine the 1st part of this topic?
Supper Sir...ur
very nice pls you explain Studies in lslam book part 3
Jazakallah.... i am waiting for new videos
Watching in 2021❤️
Wow that pen sound was very annoying.
but in aqil ahmad book primary sources are Quran, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas
And secondary??
@@alveenafirdaus9215 primary is quran and sunnah, and secondary is Ijma and Qiyas
How about Shia ?
I want more information about maslak in hindi plzzzz it's my request to u
Are you non muslim. I feel and and smell from yours wording. Because many jewes and christchen learn Islamic teachings so that after learning this they can teach Muslim to divide them in groups.
there are 5 schools of thoughts Fiqah e Hanafi Fiqah e Shafai Fiqah e Malaki Fiqah e Humbali n Fiqah e Jafari. Why did not you mention here fifth Fiqah?
Rizwan Khushk Because sunni belife is jafaria has nothing to do with islam..Aa far as i know
Arif Uddin Who the hell r u to say this? One who believes in One God, Prophet Muhammad (SA) as last and final messenger, Day of Judgment, Angles, Revealed Books is a Muslim all other things r secondary which require reason hence if someone has other view on those reasons he by no means become a non-muslim. So stop these bullshit and minor thoughts that has been indoctrinated by Molviz who just want to keep their business running and create schism in Muslim Ummah.
I live in shia dominant region every now and then i heard from majalis of shia's that every friday Allah comes to Hussain(RA) Grave for ziyarat and shia people writetheir wishes on paper and drops in a box and believes that Hussian (RA) will fullfil their wishes with his powers and Ali (RA)is superior then My beloved Nabi Muhammad(SAWS) and Ahlal Al baith is no less than My beloved Nabi Muhammed (SAWS). If its jafaria schools of teaching then its not that islam which came from My nabi Muhammed(SAWS). That why jafaria has nothing to do with islam
Arif Uddin Though i m not a Shia but as far as I know Fiqah e Jafria is much similar to Fiqah e Hanafia. This is unfortunate that Muslims are being misled by these Molviz even Sunni have many beliefs which are totally un-islamic and alien to Islam for example some Sunni pay respect to saints by prostrating their graves some Sufi do Raks (dance) on the graves of saints or deobandiz and Salafi have belief that whoever does not conform with their belief should be killed which is totally un-islamic. So we Muslims (Sunni and Shia) are being misled since long they Molviz say us to read Quran in Arabic but they try their level best to keep us away from translations of Quran and Hadees. Molviz are contractors of their respective sects so to keep their followings intact they do create such misconceptions in Islam to allure innocent and uneducated people. Further these Molviz have fear of losing their followings so they spread rumour against beliefs of other sects thus indoctrinate their followers and cause shism hate among Muslims. We should not get divided as Quran says whoever make sects in religion u have nothing to do with them.
Rizwan Khushk
jahfari or zaydi is close to ahl assuna. but the demoninant madhabs are the four. no need to be angry. calm down.
I think there is five Islamic school of thoughts which include Jafriya
if I am not wrong
Yes, very much true
very nice mashallah
Salaam love from indian hanafi
Why hanafi
I am shafi from India
@@username-ht9vx from kerala brother?
@@logiic8835 in terms of madhab?
@@mohammedmuadh9567 yes
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
Pl download "islamone" from playstore
That sound of marker is very very annoying
SubhAn Allah
This proves that whatever theology sunni Muslims follow is not from prophet Mohammed rather as the openion of persons who came centuries after prophet... Regardless of it Shias follow Prophet directly and his companion imam Ali....
Why shouldn't you follow The Prophet (S. A. W.) Directly?
The only two sources of Authenticity are 1. Quran 2.Sunnah (Sahih Hadith) , Qiyas is reasoning and deducing rules from Quran and Sunnah. Qiyas by itself cannot be source of authenticity has to be taken only in the light of Quran and Sunnah , for the matters of halal and haram Quran and Hadith has everyting , for exam, Intoxicant is haram in Quran.. since heroine is not mentioned in quran, deducing this in the light of Quran verse about all intoxicants being haram, this is considered haram. So Qiyas is taken from Quran and Sunnah. Ijma is not the source of authenticity either. The only sources are Quran and Sunnah, Prophet never said Ijma is source of authenticity. Moreover, Dont split religion in the name of Madhaahib. They founders of these schools of thoughts never claimed infalliability , Quran says Follow Allah and Follow Messenger ! Period.
Founders of these ijma and qiyas were probably helping people to explain problem based on Quran and knowledge available to them at that time but they had no intention to open a new front or divide Islam into groups but latter some fanatic followers of them created the problem created all these hanafi, safayi, etc
He explained beautiful by giving example of alcohol and drugs. Alcohol by name is forbidden but not drugs. So through qiyas the prohibition is extended to drugs because they also intoxocates.
@@mifsarulmollah5174 there is no problem with any of the madhahib. They are not sects. Sects are a group which deviate from core of Islam like Ahmadi sect, Bohra sect, etc.
why there are different school of thought and why not one school so everyone follow one instead of having the variances.
I am confused and i live in western country so which madhab should i follow.
Only follow quran, other es are man made.
Thanks for your response it makes sense instead of confusing i will take your advise as i have been reading about madhab and there are contradicting each other and if i choose and pick than i am ending in confusion so i will follow my conscience .
Insight Curiosity. the madhab in arabic means "a path" which means each madhab uses the textes and try and deduct from them the "ahkam" or what to do or what not to do! and this type of deduction is called "ijtihad"
whatever of the 4 madhabs you follow you are still a muslim even if other madhabs are not in the same pages with others.
its like a tree and branches! the primary sources mentioned in the video are the tree! and the branches are the madhabs! branches can never look the same! but they're deducted from the same holy source.
i highly encourage you to find the imam of the mosque and tell him if he can give you lessons about islamic jurisprudence and madhabs! to clear this misconception.
Insight Curiosity. Only Qur'an and sunna
Insight Curiosity. The scholars you take your knowledge and Islamic rulings from. You are upon his school of thought.
So if you have a resident scholar who answers your queries. Or the imam of the Masjid you pray in.
Ask them about which school of thought they follow.
And you without realizing would come to know, you are following that school of thought.
pahale nabi bad main quran aya ya hai primery.
where there four schools of thoughts during the time of prophet Muhammad?
Insight Curiosity. Of course not. And the question itself makes no sense. Schools just codified and standardised the body of law and jurespidence in islam, not invent anything new. It just took prexisting rules which were around from the companions along with their difference of opinions and compiled it.
And without it, there would be hundreds of opinions and many charlatons claiming anything and misguiding general public. Due to schools, there is proper scholarship among Muslims. Or anyone would just open quran and hadith with no knowledge and misguide others.
it was after the holy prophit { PBUH} NOT BEFORE
@@fatimaali2944 yes
you r right , any muslim follow islam without these four school of thoughts if he has a lot of knowledge of Quran o sunnat
Galat hai ye video secondary sources me ijma and qiyas ye dono primary sources me aate hai...
There is no ijma sorry only Quran and Sunnah. Qiyas is through Quran and Sunnah
Nicely explained
Well done
Please pray for me my name is Zubaria khan
What about Jafry school of thought ?
That is in shia sect.
why not have one school of thought instead having four of them.
in fact there is one real school of thought which is Quran. And Its explanation by Nabi kreem is sunnah .hanfi,malki,shafi and hanbli are further explanations by muslim scholars by analysing ,qiyas ,istehsan etc.we can do further research if we needy in any matter
Bcoz of disagreement,
Disagreement among scholars is a blessing because this acts as a filter on new topics of debates.
here is why:
This is a very detailed analysis.
Thank you sir
Just wao
well explained
you missed Shia Islam brother and where is ahlulbayt in the Islamic jurisprudence? Don't you think that ahlulbayt has contribution to the Islamic law?
Brother in islam there is no sunni no shia simple solution is that who follow Quran and Sunnah are the muslim so we have to watch in our self are we following them?
farhaan rizvi
the islamic jurisprudence was developed mainly by sunni muslims! only the zaydi madhab was close to us. and they used the same techniques.
Shams Khan wrong.
HE DESCRIBED MAIN FOUR IMAM while i was also expecting to preach him
He forgot the school of Jaffar as Sadiq who actually was the teacher of the 4 sunni imams
Y u made this video without complete knowledge.. u r telling 4 schools of thoughts , but in law of Islam.. not madhab. Madhab is religion which is one Islam. Even theres only one religion in world that is Islam. Which is thn partly messaged by many Prophets but lastly and completed by Prophet Muhammad saw. The khalips spread the deen following Muhammad. The Imam spread the deen law following Muhammad as they found and listened from most near Ravi to Muhammad saw. Now ppl are not educated thy dont follow Islam but follow their nifaaq that is any imam thy like love. All are wrong. One must only listen who were present at the time of Muhammad saw cx that was more authentic in following law or deen. But finally we have to follow only Quran and sunnah...
even muslims dont really know and still debating about their Islam's law
Nazia Naz MIBF roll 30
Urdu main bol Lia Karo bhai kyu itni English maaarty ho apni taraf sy....
Secondary sources do not belong to Islam. It's God who makes the law. We were never asked to follow or accept interpretation.
Are you ahle hadith?
@@mohammedmuadh9567 I am a Muslim. What does hadith have to do with secondary sources?
@@laccess911 ijma and qiyas also helps. For example if a crime is committed by someone and there is no witness to it then scholars can take help of DNA sequencing or forensic science to find the culprit. In case of a sexual violation if the accused recant to admit he has committed the crime and if there is pregnancy of the victim then DNA sequence will help who is the biological father of the child.
@@mohammedmuadh9567 My brother, these type of judgements are not for scholars to make. This is the job of selected judges, according to hadith.
Scholars were ordered to follow and submit like the rest of us.
@@laccess911 I think you're making excuses now. DNA sequencing and forensic science is not in hadith. It's the greatness of Allah who has created even the minutest things unique.
Ap sb log maray lia ziada duaa karo plzzz
The Madahibs are divisions in Islam.
The Madahibs are created differences in Islam.
The rejection of Madahibs have no harm, instead leads towards true & pure Islam free from mixing of other personalities thoughts in the name of different Imams.
Madahibs didn't give a single pany benefit to Islam, broken into 4 from one.
Who is the beneficiary by deviding Islam into 4, Islam or enemy of Islam.
Legislation of Islam completed by Allah Subhana O Tala & this is his right. No further legislation is required, but follow & implement Deen E Islam in the whole world as a single.
What do you mean by ijma, ijma between sects whereas creation of sects is forbidden in Islam.
There is no need of qayas in Islamic government. All matters will be resolved by shura.
Don't misguide the peoples.
Ya tu likh laen .. ya samjha daen.. eik cheez Hoti hai jis ko kehte haen slides.. woh istemal kurna seekh laen.. jaan hee choot jai gee ore sub ka time buch jai ga
Damn bro that's tough
Islam mei sirf 12 imam hian yea malki,shafi,hanbali,yea sab imam nhi hian...
If Quran needs hadith to explain Quran meaning..Quran is incomplete..and difficult to understand of which contradicts Quran..easy to vomprehend detailed and complete
Quran it self is complete, but the person is incomplete and cant understand it. So they need ulama for better understand of quran and hadis.
*#कुरान** के मानने वालों की **#आसमानी** **#किताब** की शांति की कुछ आयतें जो **#काफ़िरों**(non-muslim) के विरुद्ध अल्लाह का फरमान है और इसको सख्ती से लागू करने के लिये अल्लाह के बंदे हमेशा तैयार रहते है*
: وَدُّوا لَوْ تَكْفُرُونَ كَمَا كَفَرُوا فَتَكُونُونَ سَوَاءً ۖ فَلَا تَتَّخِذُوا مِنْهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءَ حَتَّىٰ يُهَاجِرُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ۚ فَإِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَخُذُوهُمْ وَاقْتُلُوهُمْ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ ۖ وَلَا تَتَّخِذُوا مِنْهُمْ وَلِيًّا وَلَا نَصِيرًا
*वे (**#मुशरिक**) तो चाहते है कि जिस प्रकार वे स्वयं **#अधर्मी** है, उसी प्रकार तुम भी **#अधर्मी** बनकर उन जैसे हो जाओ; तो तुम उनमें से अपने **#मित्र** **#न** बनाओ, जब तक कि वे **#अल्लाह** के मार्ग में **#घरबार** न **#छोड़े**। फिर यदि वे **#इससे** पीठ **#फेरें** तो उन्हें **#पकड़ो**, और उन्हें **#क़त्ल** करो जहाँ कही भी उन्हें पाओ - तो उनमें से किसी को न अपना **#मित्र** बनाना और न **#सहायक** -*
(Quran: Surah Name: النساء Verse: 89): فَإِذَا انْسَلَخَ الْأَشْهُرُ الْحُرُمُ فَاقْتُلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ وَخُذُوهُمْ وَاحْصُرُوهُمْ وَاقْعُدُوا لَهُمْ كُلَّ مَرْصَدٍ ۚ فَإِنْ تَابُوا وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتَوُا الزَّكَاةَ فَخَلُّوا سَبِيلَهُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ
*फिर, जब **#हराम** (प्रतिष्ठित) महीने बीत जाएँ तो **#मुशरिकों** को **#जहाँ** कहीं **#पाओ** **#क़त्ल** करो, उन्हें **#पकड़ो** और उन्हें **#घेरो** और हर घात की जगह उनकी **#ताक** में बैठो। फिर यदि वे **#तौबा** कर लें और **#नमाज़** क़ायम करें और **#ज़कात** दें तो उनका मार्ग **#छोड़** दो, निश्चय ही अल्लाह बड़ा क्षमाशील, दयावान है...*
(Quran: Surah Name: التوبة Verse: 5)
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ جَاهِدِ الْكُفَّارَ وَالْمُنَافِقِينَ وَاغْلُظْ عَلَيْهِمْ ۚ وَمَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ ۖ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ
*ऐ नबी! **#इनकार** करनेवालों और **#मुनाफ़िक़ों** से **#जिहाद** करो और उनके साथ **#सख़्ती** से पेश आओ। अन्ततः उनका ठिकाना **#जहन्नम** है और वह जा पहुँचने की बहुत बुरी जगह है...!*
(Quran: Surah Name: التوبة Verse: 73)
*सूरा अल-माइदा (المآئدة),* *वर्सेज: ३३*
إِنَّمَا جَزَٰٓؤُا۟ ٱلَّذِينَ يُحَارِبُونَ ٱللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ فَسَادًا أَن يُقَتَّلُوٓا۟ أَوْ يُصَلَّبُوٓا۟ أَوْ تُقَطَّعَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُم مِّنْ خِلَٰفٍ أَوْ يُنفَوْا۟ مِنَ ٱلْأَرْضِ ذَٰلِكَ لَهُمْ خِزْىٌ فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا وَلَهُمْ فِىٱلْءَاخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ
*जो लोग **#ख़ुदा** और उसके **#रसूल** से लड़ते भिड़ते हैं (और **#एहकाम** को **#नहीं** मानते) और फ़साद फैलाने की ग़रज़ से मुल्को (मुल्को) दौड़ते फिरते हैं उनकी **#सज़ा** बस यही है कि (**#चुन** **#चुनकर**) या तो **#मार** डाले जाएं या उन्हें **#सूली** दे दी जाए या उनके **#हाथ** **#पॉव** हेर फेर कर **#एक** तरफ़ का **#हाथ** दूसरी तरफ़ का **#पॉव** **#काट** डाले जाएं या उन्हें (अपने वतन की) सरज़मीन से शहर **#बदर** कर दिया जाए यह रूसवाई तो उनकी दुनिया में हुई और फिर आख़ेरत में तो उनके लिए बहुत बड़ा **#अज़ाब** ही है*
*Please **#download** the **#Quran** from **#Google** Play Store and **#read** its translation then you will easily understood the reality of this so called **#peaceful** (piece) **#religion**.........*
In verses ka context bhi padh leta toh acha tha.. kuch bhi beech mein se utha kr copy paste krdo matlab
Riba is haram ok.
only source is quran ,end of story , people like him mislead other to wrong path
@Uzzy A indeed u had taken lot of effort to wrote this reply to me and I'll revert to u shortly in brief time
Your such an Ignorant Ulama and Scolars are New Leader in a our Generetion like did Prophets before
How would you pray without hadith? There is no method of praying in Qur'an.