*Eats sandvich, ignores team mates, never goes in a good position, never pre revs minigun, uses huo long heater and hibernating bear, wastes uber, thinks he's a god*
1. The Importance of Pre-Spinning Sasha 2. Chewing With Your Mouth Open 3. The Right Loadout 4. Thinking You're OP 5. Inefficient Movement 6. Sharing is Caring! 7. Picking Heavy 8. Managing a Push 9. Med Kit Efficiency 10. The Positioning
Thank you for this. As someone who is a Heavy Main, I really want to feel like I deserve that rank. I want to become a better player and show that Heavies are still an excellent class.
I've always felt like Heavy was a pretty instinctive class. Of course there are a few things you have to learn about him, like pre-spinning to be more effective as you said, but overall, it's a class even a rookie can use and still have fun. It's not like the Spy which you need 474808khvjnb hours of game to truly master and really have fun with.
It IS possible for a heavy to do well without a medic. There's an old video called "Being a Credit to Team" that deals with that very subject. The short-story is that you don't need a medic, you just need resources. The lunchbox area just before fourth point on dustbowl is the point he uses to demonstrate.
It's worth noting that the 'health pickup to restore sandvich' thing only happens if you're already at full health, otherwise the med-pack will just heal you and not restore your sandvich.
OK...Friend is on fire...no Pyro (that knows what is a M2) around... Step 1: Pick Sandvich Step 2: Press Mouse 2 *Family Business as Secondary* ...Phuck
This have some good info for non heavy mains, but in casual, medics are rare, and many "pockets" will be with a soldier, us the battle banana for solo heavy, and if you want to bring a sandvish uses the tomislav or bring a mad milk scout to stay alive and be useful.
Another tip: MEDIC IS NUMBER ONE SANDVICH PRIORITY!!! After the medic theres other powerclasses like the soldier or demoman but another heavy should have a snaddyvich of his own so he should be fine. And Heavy isnt reliant on a medic god damn it, if you want to play heavy because its fun or your team needs one, go play heavy because he DOESNT NEED a medic around, he has a sandvich and the players ability to PLAY SAFE just like you said in the video! The problem with the 8th tip is that you shouldnt do that, your medic should because hes fast anyways and the knockback on the heavy is still pretty strong. Your medic is supposed to run forward and maybe distract a few enemies. Fairly good tips other than this, good video!
Nucleus completely missed that 8th tip myself. The medics IS Supposed to be the sentry sponge but sometimes they don't grasp the concept. pretty much +1 to this.
Id like to add a litle bit more info about the section "pre-spinning Sasha." The 50% accuracy nerf will be reset to 100% when you spinn for 1 secound and keep that way until you spinn down, HOWEVER, the dmg nerf will be sett to 30% of default dmg EVERYTIME you stop shooting! Even if your stil spinning, this means that if you shoot in bursts you are dealing basily 30% dmg at all times, so if you starts shooting, dont stop, keep walking and shooting from ammo box to ammo box or hug the cart. now for some good news, in the next big update, the Pyro update, they are making so that you only have to be spinning got 1 secound to get the accuracy AND the dmg back =)
That pretty much applies to frontliners in general. In the even that the Heavy gets backstabbed or headshot, the next viable guy should take initiative as frontliner (Soldier and Demo are good since they can survive a normal headshot and deal consistent damage across a large group of people, Pyro is iffy but it can work if the enemies are close enough together). That being said, Heavy is the best as a frontliner (he was designed just to be such) and since he's such a bullet sponge, he's usually gonna need the healing the most.
I use the Natasha. I find it to be quite effective, especially against flank heavy classes like Scouts, Pyros, and Demoknights. With proper pre-spin, the slower wind up is negated. Also, I'm surprised they didn't talk about winding up before you round corners to be ready to fire right away.
the killing gloves of boxing are kinda useless. I have tried it is hard to kill people with them due to their slow speed,and even if you do manage to kill them in most cases there re no opponents around and your critcals get wasted.
I have watched each of these and they are all so entertaining and educational, I had no idea that you could cancel the Heavy's chewing noise. Thanks for that.
Олег Чеснаков просто если делать контент для русских и для иностранцев, то просмотров и лайков будет больше (Если ты не знаешь английский Делфи делает специально для русских субтитры сам посмотри)
Another thing I would add is be wary engaging enemies in places where there are corners. A weakness of the Heavy is that he needs constant line of sight in order to inflict damage to his enemies. This is not an issue for Scouts, Soldiers, Demomen, and Huntsman Snipers who can corner peek to limit the damage you inflict to them while still doing optimal damage to you. If you are caught in a fight with a corner peeking enemy, its best to retreat cause that is not a fight you are going to win.
Since I got my DK2 a few years ago I've mainly been using an Oculus Rift to play TF2 and I've found a cool strategy to surprise spies as Heavy. First get into position on the battlefield and find an enemy to go after (this is your bait not your target, that's the spy) when you start firing look over your shoulder and use your hit sound to keep your minigun trained generally on your bait. The spy seeing you spun up and engaged will assume your far to focused to notice him approach, and even if he's disguised the charade will be obvious as you watch him come up. When hes to close to abort but far enough he has no chance to back stab, spin around and mow him down. A warning though this trick isn't gonna help against trickstabs or spies that can get a short path to your back, so do this with a lot of open ground behind you and no overhangs your enemy can take advantage of. Also keep an eye on where your reticle is, since the way your "looking" is not what the game considers your front or back when in VR. Your back is opposite whichever way your reticle is pointing.
MEMDIC nobody like Scout because of how fucking annoying they are to fight, as a scout main it's fucking hilarious to see a heavy kill me only to get killed by someone else due to the fan o war's marked for death effect and get an assist.
Holy crap the tip.about using voice commands to keep the heavy quiet while he eats is invaluable. I can't count the amount of heavys I have killed because I could hear where they are and put em down when they're defenseless
The Tomislav is a good choice if you are being a ninja heavy where you try to flank your opponents win minimal noise as possible and unleash a lot of damage quickly before they even know you were there. The problem with the minigun(and the other guns as well) is that the spin up takes far too long and is so noisy that the enemy will react before you even get the chance to shoot, whilst the Tomislav is nearly silent and has a very short spin up however it does fire at a slower rate. The recommend loadout for Ninja Heavies is the Tomislav for the primary, either Sandvich or Dalokohs Bar for secondary slot (you will be away from supporting medics so you will need alternative sources for health) and for the melee and the most important part of the Ninja Heavy loadout after the Tomislav is either the Gloves of Running Urgently or Eviction Notice. The Heavy is a slow character and he needs extra speed to not only be able to reach flanking spots with less chance of being spotted but if things gets dicey he needs to be able to get out quickly. You might want to consider carefully which weapon to chose as they have their own consequences. The Gloves of Running Urgently allows you travel faster by 30% but it will mark you for death turning all enemy attacks into mini-crits, which the effect last for 3 seconds even if you change weapons. Also it is 50% slower when switching from the gloves, and has a 25% damage penalty which means you are vulnerable in unexpected encounters whilst traveling to your destination. The Eviction Notice has 15% faster move speed which means you will take longer to travel than the G.R.U.s and have a 20% damage taken penalty and has a 60% melee damage dealt penalty, however you attack 40% faster when you have the eviction notice active and if you hit an enemy you do get a 3 second speed boost allowing you to escape sudden face up encounters which you can put distance between you and the enemy allowing you to swap to your main weapon. Also the damage taken penalty will not persist after you change from the Eviction Notice.
The Heavy is not complete garbage without a Medic. The Heavy *CAN* function on his own, just at a reduced capacity. The Heavy's sandvich can let him be a mini-medic for his teammates, and he can also be a meat shield or a spychecker.
Fun Fact: eviction notice gives same speed buff, and the debuff that is equal to mark for death goes away instantly, instead of lasting a couple of seconds like the gloves of running urgently
also the huo-long heater is awesome,if you use it in maps with narrow paths such as 2fort it becomes great. it's downside are not as bad as people think.
Another general tip is to leave behind a sandvich whenever you heal with a medkit. Its no make or break thing, but your team will benefit from it and it is good manners.
Сэндвич с голосовой командой - не знал! Но всё-же тебя будет слышно, можно только обмануть тех, кто ещё ни разу с таким не сталкивался. (хоть я и не сталкивался, но я уже знаю такое, так как посмотрел видос :D) 9:21 - Мед тут тоже ступил, мог под убером подойти ближе, а не прятаться за Хэвиком, огонь переходит на него и Хэвик тоже расстреливает пушку. Но про трюк с перчатками не знал! Довольно остроумно...
7 років тому
5 years playing this game and you still taught some valuable stuff!
The spin-up warm-up mechanic is almost archetypal of Valve's ability to coin a good idea then sloppily implement it. For a start, anything that encourages players to waste bullets is just crazy - for another, hiding such a crucial mechanic. Yes, hiding it - by putting it into the game and NOT giving the player some way to keep a track of their spin-up warm-up status on the HUD, Valve are negligently-burying the mechanic. Fixing these two issues would go a long way to making Heavy a funner and fairer class. Games that predate TF2 by years, such as Timesplitters 2 (2002) had heat-overheat metres on their miniguns. Put the same thing on Heavy to let players see if the barrels have warmed up or not. Suddenly we also have new avenues for weapon design and unlocks, such as miniguns which warm up quickly but have a risk of overheating if fired too long.
I am the opposite of 6:40. I am what you would call a Super Self-Conscious Heavy. I lose a single health point, and I'm running off the battlefield, looking for a medkit. xD
Even though I haven't played TF2 for about a week now. I think I'm gonna try and main Heavy. Though he was my first ever class to pick when I got my hands on TF2 in 2012
Very useful guide! The best thing I learned from this is the pre-spin. I used this tip on casual and was called a hacker with aimbot. HE HAS NO SPREAD!
if your taking advice for other classes; as soldier always aim for the feet with pyro and be patient, you have more range and better resources to handle him without blowing yourself up like a fool. your demo load out decides everything. if your using weapons like the loche and load or demo knight open areas are just suicidal as your weapons are meant to capitalize on corridors and such, like wise while more viable out of its elements the pipe bombs are better in open areas to goad people down specific routes. after all your not just gonna run at the doorway of dustbowl 1's Point vomiting explosive pills are you? pyro despite its class registration of attack class is arguably best plaid as a support at times, being the ultimate bane to spies, a free lighter for your huntsman snipers, and the cheapest and most effective way of saving people from after burn its not a bad idea to just back people up or defend nests instead of going on wild flanking expeditions on defence. and lastly know how to combat people as scout; probably one of the harder skills to learn on your own scouts agility while seeming universally applicable to any fight is not. for starters the best way to handle snipers and heavys is to run circles around the filling them with lead, your rapid agility versus their reliance on accurate hitscan shots will make it really hard to hit you when your jumping up and down and all around but try that with pyro or demo and they'll end you quicker than insert metaphor here. to go over each one individual (excluding the heavy and sniper because already discussed) scouts you should fight just outside their dependable damage radius and when they push in on you bait the shot and pounce on them. soldiers rockets make it tricky to fight him at close and medium distances, luckily scout comes with reliable long range damage unlike soldier whose rockets can be danced about while you pelt him with your secondaries, same applies to pyro though do be careful, it only takes one flare to drop you to dangerous levels of health and its not that hard to hit a scout with one. mad milk is always nice to carry on you if you want to combat pyros as it negates the main fear preventing you from just running up to them point blank. demo is probably one of the harder people to tackle as his kit can be effective at really any range so if his kit is capable of long and close distance fighting than stay in a healthy space to be able to counter the one he's using to end you with. engies are your biggest threat, a turrets perfect accuracy can end you in a millisecond if your lucky but the man himself is rather helpless with out his tools to hide behind, if you see an engie not with in line of sight of his turret than shred him like paper, if he is just hope your demoman/spy feels like fixing this conundrum for you because you wont be solving it without their intervention. medic is....medic i dont think you need much explaining on how to combat a class that struggles to defend its self against big damage. and lastly spy's trickstabs make rushing him with a shotgun....tricky but for lack of a less redundant term there are tricks to beating spy safely. for starters just getting the jump on them. if your even slightly suspicious someones a spy run up to them point blank and fill them with lead, spy or not it will put you at ease. other strats that arent blatantly obvious are really realize that this is a spy. if your aware he can trick stab you than bait it out, one miss is all it takes for a scout to capitalize on. if your a scout who likes to carry mad milk than always start with mad milk because then you can narrow down their watch immediately. if the milk "kills" them you know to save for next time so that way you can bait the dead ringer than milk the area to finish him off. if not then hunt him down as pathetically tries to escape.
"You're slower than Valve's Development Team".
made my day
Making fun of Valve is funny
Lucius Rex hi
Lucius Rex ...
no you are slow but valve's developement is waaaaay slower
fucc off sans fanboy, you're too slow to get my joke.
*Eats sandvich, ignores team mates, never goes in a good position, never pre revs minigun, uses huo long heater and hibernating bear, wastes uber, thinks he's a god*
Still wins a 1 v 7 by himself
The Divine Tortoise i like the hou long heater.
Once gun is down to shoot , never lift it back even in dangerous case because real man never fall back
And gets over the cart or inside Frontier's truck
1. The Importance of Pre-Spinning Sasha
2. Chewing With Your Mouth Open
3. The Right Loadout
4. Thinking You're OP
5. Inefficient Movement
6. Sharing is Caring!
7. Picking Heavy
8. Managing a Push
9. Med Kit Efficiency
10. The Positioning
11th heavy mistake: *SPAM THE E KEY*
that's the soldier
Pilot spam pootis actually
Pootis spencer here
one one already made this comment but imma do it anyway
"eat like a ninja"
10:48 NO NO NO
You get it wrong,
Biggest is huntsman arrow
No, the biggest is every sniper projectile there is
@@DaniPaunov so Sydney sleeper counts
the manmelter projectile challenges you
Our hitboxes will blot out the sun
"regardless of the heavy's known *T H I C C N E S S* "
Theres a reason why soilder has a whip
Big Russian boi
11.Don't be a Hoovy in a Non-friendly server
Bongou bongou
Or use tomislav fore self defense
Like me
2fort is the home of friendlys though
Free kills for me
@Ian Burleson ok
"If theres no medic go soldier demo or pyro instead." Delfy 2018
Heavy Mains: No, I dont think I will
I play heavy only when I notice there is no heavy or medic on my team. I just feel like the team cant do as much damage without him.
@@youngski249 or go medic
@@speedtubertm6319 Basically nobody will take heavy without meem
Or use the second banana
Thank you for this. As someone who is a Heavy Main, I really want to feel like I deserve that rank. I want to become a better player and show that Heavies are still an excellent class.
Heavy mains don't exist
Unfortunately they are a bit rare. As a medic main I gotta back up my big Russian bois
@@vinnyandlin8510 same
@@bip_bup6722 yes exist, but you are a main soldier so you are stupid.
@@stillalive1607 what makes you think I main soldier?
*Casually eating Sandvich*
EDIT: Ok, how tf did this comment get 200+ likes?
youtube, thats how
theRJschannel do you know the music at begining after intro?
*eating sandvich*
but.. my mom told me to not speak while eating..
300 now lol
"You can charge through a harsh choke point with the fists of steel!"
*random demoknight charges at you and one shots you*
@@nathanhodges7061 **same demoknight charges and one-shots you again**
@@las4gna84 That doesn't happen if mini gun is out unless you suck.
I prefer to use Natasha for the slow effect; not just because of scouts, but because it can actually affect rocket jumping soldiers and such.
Great for knights as well. Even stopping fleeing medics
Good for just generally stopping any player beside the enemy heavies
It's good for stopping those fan o war scouts who take advantage of it's mini crits.
you can just use sandman and giyotine combo as scout to kill fat mans
conclusion: you can do nothing if there is no medic behind you
Heavy mistake:spamming pootispencerhere
but this is big part of trade meinkraft trade servers
How do I use tht command
Pootis spencer's here XD
I've always felt like Heavy was a pretty instinctive class. Of course there are a few things you have to learn about him, like pre-spinning to be more effective as you said, but overall, it's a class even a rookie can use and still have fun. It's not like the Spy which you need 474808khvjnb hours of game to truly master and really have fun with.
And the Sniper (I have trouble even headshotting a heavy)
EDIT: And even the most experienced spies fear pyros
russian player gives guide on russian character. am i drunk or what
no it is normal you not drunk!)
*insert lenny face*
its ok
Drunk on the water that turned to vodka.
You have gay.
It IS possible for a heavy to do well without a medic. There's an old video called "Being a Credit to Team" that deals with that very subject. The short-story is that you don't need a medic, you just need resources. The lunchbox area just before fourth point on dustbowl is the point he uses to demonstrate.
*Still waiting for the pyro update ...*
1 eternity later....
You know,Valve said that it will be officialy launched on
10 Oct.When TF2 will be 10 years old!
Românașul Clasic nope valve said nothing.
They were probaly working on the holoween update.
It's worth noting that the 'health pickup to restore sandvich' thing only happens if you're already at full health, otherwise the med-pack will just heal you and not restore your sandvich.
OK...Friend is on fire...no Pyro (that knows what is a M2) around...
Step 1: Pick Sandvich
Step 2: Press Mouse 2
*Family Business as Secondary*
That feeling when you mean to throw your sandvich but eat it instead, and forced to watch your friends die horribly
thats funny.
i always jump before spining my tomislav and i dont remember how or when but i learned it my self with no guide.
Same here, give me a single reason to not lol
0/10 misspelling sandviches
*ruski anthem*
I literally just got an ad about a Heavy buying stuff at Mannco. and bragging about his outfit "DOCTOR! TELL EVERYONE HEAVY IS PRETTY!"
As always cool!I wish you success,bro:)
"dont pick heavy unless there's a medic m your team"
yeah... NO
I agree just have second banana it's more faster restore duration than sandwich
From now on i will yell "SENTRY AHEAD" when eating anything
“Make him eat like a ninja”
Heavy is THICC AF!
He’s not fat, he’s just heavy.
This have some good info for non heavy mains, but in casual, medics are rare, and many "pockets" will be with a soldier, us the battle banana for solo heavy, and if you want to bring a sandvish uses the tomislav or bring a mad milk scout to stay alive and be useful.
cyka blyat
rush B
Do u remember meh?
Jack Cobalt nope :/ srry
The meme
Your head
Delfy: use voice command casual map to make no eating noise
Me and many other people: Were free to plays what to u expect us to do
I feel like that kinda requires actually *having* a Sandvich
The voice actor's voice is too smooth for words.
smoother than whipped cream cheese at 12:00 AM
Another tip: MEDIC IS NUMBER ONE SANDVICH PRIORITY!!! After the medic theres other powerclasses like the soldier or demoman but another heavy should have a snaddyvich of his own so he should be fine.
And Heavy isnt reliant on a medic god damn it, if you want to play heavy because its fun or your team needs one, go play heavy because he DOESNT NEED a medic around, he has a sandvich and the players ability to PLAY SAFE just like you said in the video!
The problem with the 8th tip is that you shouldnt do that, your medic should because hes fast anyways and the knockback on the heavy is still pretty strong. Your medic is supposed to run forward and maybe distract a few enemies.
Fairly good tips other than this, good video!
Nucleus completely missed that 8th tip myself. The medics IS Supposed to be the sentry sponge but sometimes they don't grasp the concept. pretty much +1 to this.
It’s funny to me how the Tf2 characters interact in game and in lore, heavy is this giant that will push his team forward forward and his enemies back
Knowing all of these facts makes me feel proud as a heavy main
5:08 engineer dont be flappy bird
*10 heavy mistakes: #1 "importance of prespinning sasha"*
* _uses tomislav for comparison_ *
Thank you your tips helped a lot!
Id like to add a litle bit more info about the section "pre-spinning Sasha."
The 50% accuracy nerf will be reset to 100% when you spinn for 1 secound and keep that way until you spinn down, HOWEVER, the dmg nerf will be sett to 30% of default dmg EVERYTIME you stop shooting! Even if your stil spinning, this means that if you shoot in bursts you are dealing basily 30% dmg at all times, so if you starts shooting, dont stop, keep walking and shooting from ammo box to ammo box or hug the cart.
now for some good news, in the next big update, the Pyro update, they are making so that you only have to be spinning got 1 secound to get the accuracy AND the dmg back =)
“You are not Gaben with a ban hammer”
That cracked me up XD
Heavy tip: be POCKETED AT ALL TIMES! Other than that, great video. Thx for supporting my main.
That pretty much applies to frontliners in general. In the even that the Heavy gets backstabbed or headshot, the next viable guy should take initiative as frontliner (Soldier and Demo are good since they can survive a normal headshot and deal consistent damage across a large group of people, Pyro is iffy but it can work if the enemies are close enough together).
That being said, Heavy is the best as a frontliner (he was designed just to be such) and since he's such a bullet sponge, he's usually gonna need the healing the most.
good point Absorbent.I heal teammates in need
I use the Natasha. I find it to be quite effective, especially against flank heavy classes like Scouts, Pyros, and Demoknights. With proper pre-spin, the slower wind up is negated. Also, I'm surprised they didn't talk about winding up before you round corners to be ready to fire right away.
the killing gloves of boxing are kinda useless.
I have tried it is hard to kill people with them due to their slow speed,and even if you do manage to kill them in most cases there re no opponents around and your critcals get wasted.
They're very powerful in medieval mode, once I killed 10 players with them in a row
You need some skill.watch how 2 heavy
Tomislav can be used or shotgun. They still can have crits from KGB. Just remember that miniguns all have revving time, that could waste your crits
"I'm not fat I'm fluffy." Said heavy
As a Heavy main, this was extremely helpful. Thanks, Delfy!
I was a heavy mistake.
"OK, now I will use these stuff for good gameplay."
Reality: "Nah, no time for brain time, let's just play dumb as we used to."
8:58 This F2P Spy
He wanted to backstab a uber heavy .__.
I have watched each of these and they are all so entertaining and educational, I had no idea that you could cancel the Heavy's chewing noise. Thanks for that.
Thanks :)
Благодарю за перевод!!!
i agree
Да еще есть одна проблема делфи, научи нас хорошо играть за снайпера, мы очень плохо играем за него, и мы хотим больше узнать о нем?!!
i dont get it
oh its russian
Есть тысячи гайдов в ютюбе, смотри их!
11:30 “Those were our picks for the 9 most heavy mistakes” Delfy this is an outrage
Крутое видео!
не...понятно почему он скрывает ,что он Русский?!
Олег Чеснаков просто если делать контент для русских и для иностранцев, то просмотров и лайков будет больше
(Если ты не знаешь английский Делфи делает специально для русских субтитры сам посмотри)
Олег Чеснаков да и половина его иностранной аудитории знают что он русский
нет ну это понятно.но почему вопрос другой "копейки" , не такой как вы описали
uhh ._.
delfy: Use a voice command to stop the annoying eating sound.
f2ps: my goals are beyond your understanding.
whats the Background Music? :O
No medic?
*Use the Banana.*
11:27 9 mistakes?
The best thing to do is grab the brass beast and climb on the cart without stopping spinning just by shooting ...
Really fun!
Can someone tell me delfy's killsound? i need that so badly.
Sonic ring sound
#10: Always check behind you every few seconds as the Heavy is a Spy player's usual favorite target.
Number 1: Even playing Heavy in the first place
Another thing I would add is be wary engaging enemies in places where there are corners.
A weakness of the Heavy is that he needs constant line of sight in order to inflict damage to his enemies. This is not an issue for Scouts, Soldiers, Demomen, and Huntsman Snipers who can corner peek to limit the damage you inflict to them while still doing optimal damage to you.
If you are caught in a fight with a corner peeking enemy, its best to retreat cause that is not a fight you are going to win.
What the hud do videos? please tell me :)
Lucas Henrique toonhud... dont search for it on huds.tf google it... toonhud has a site so you can personalize the hud
thanks bro
2:44 my man out here ate a Sandwich through his mask
We need the next episode to be 11 demo mistakes next. like if you agree!
Since I got my DK2 a few years ago I've mainly been using an Oculus Rift to play TF2 and I've found a cool strategy to surprise spies as Heavy.
First get into position on the battlefield and find an enemy to go after (this is your bait not your target, that's the spy) when you start firing look over your shoulder and use your hit sound to keep your minigun trained generally on your bait. The spy seeing you spun up and engaged will assume your far to focused to notice him approach, and even if he's disguised the charade will be obvious as you watch him come up. When hes to close to abort but far enough he has no chance to back stab, spin around and mow him down.
A warning though this trick isn't gonna help against trickstabs or spies that can get a short path to your back, so do this with a lot of open ground behind you and no overhangs your enemy can take advantage of.
Also keep an eye on where your reticle is, since the way your "looking" is not what the game considers your front or back when in VR. Your back is opposite whichever way your reticle is pointing.
Make scout pls
spy and scouts mum are the only ones who made scout
Hugge 75, noone likes scouts, just accept it
MEMDIC nobody like Scout because of how fucking annoying they are to fight, as a scout main it's fucking hilarious to see a heavy kill me only to get killed by someone else due to the fan o war's marked for death effect and get an assist.
Great video. Very good edit and on point with all the mistakes!
Holy crap I totally forgot about this channel. Glad this appeared back into my recomendations!
Holy crap the tip.about using voice commands to keep the heavy quiet while he eats is invaluable. I can't count the amount of heavys I have killed because I could hear where they are and put em down when they're defenseless
The Tomislav is a good choice if you are being a ninja heavy where you try to flank your opponents win minimal noise as possible and unleash a lot of damage quickly before they even know you were there. The problem with the minigun(and the other guns as well) is that the spin up takes far too long and is so noisy that the enemy will react before you even get the chance to shoot, whilst the Tomislav is nearly silent and has a very short spin up however it does fire at a slower rate. The recommend loadout for Ninja Heavies is the Tomislav for the primary, either Sandvich or Dalokohs Bar for secondary slot (you will be away from supporting medics so you will need alternative sources for health) and for the melee and the most important part of the Ninja Heavy loadout after the Tomislav is either the Gloves of Running Urgently or Eviction Notice. The Heavy is a slow character and he needs extra speed to not only be able to reach flanking spots with less chance of being spotted but if things gets dicey he needs to be able to get out quickly. You might want to consider carefully which weapon to chose as they have their own consequences.
The Gloves of Running Urgently allows you travel faster by 30% but it will mark you for death turning all enemy attacks into mini-crits, which the effect last for 3 seconds even if you change weapons. Also it is 50% slower when switching from the gloves, and has a 25% damage penalty which means you are vulnerable in unexpected encounters whilst traveling to your destination.
The Eviction Notice has 15% faster move speed which means you will take longer to travel than the G.R.U.s and have a 20% damage taken penalty and has a 60% melee damage dealt penalty, however you attack 40% faster when you have the eviction notice active and if you hit an enemy you do get a 3 second speed boost allowing you to escape sudden face up encounters which you can put distance between you and the enemy allowing you to swap to your main weapon. Also the damage taken penalty will not persist after you change from the Eviction Notice.
“Grab your sandwiches”
*grabs bucket o chicken*
Man it feels good to be a gangsta
The Heavy is not complete garbage without a Medic. The Heavy *CAN* function on his own, just at a reduced capacity. The Heavy's sandvich can let him be a mini-medic for his teammates, and he can also be a meat shield or a spychecker.
I love you pocket medic in any single video...
Fun Fact:
eviction notice gives same speed buff, and the debuff that is equal to mark for death goes away instantly, instead of lasting a couple of seconds like the gloves of running urgently
Medic tip you missed:
Don't teabag whoever you're healing. Being closer to them only leads to your own quicker demise, and thusly, theirs as well.
Thanks a lot, you`ve got the best tutorial videos ! But in 5:24 the engineer did the mistake - it`s "The turtle engineer" :D
Me: sees video
7:56 this only happens when i'm using the shotgun despite the fact that noone uses the shotgun when they're the heavy.
If you use the shotgun, you aren't a heavy, you are a fat scout
Remember, do not get yourself killed making these mistakes.
We don't want to see Spy hanging himself.
Sandwich??? What’s this Sandwich I eat SandVich
Спасибо за видео. Не сказать что узнал что-то новое, но смотреть эпизоды про ошибки классов всегда занимательно:)
also the huo-long heater is awesome,if you use it in maps with narrow paths such as 2fort it becomes great.
it's downside are not as bad as people think.
"Simply after the nom sounds start, use a voice command"
F2p heavies:crying
Another general tip is to leave behind a sandvich whenever you heal with a medkit.
Its no make or break thing, but your team will benefit from it and it is good manners.
Сэндвич с голосовой командой - не знал! Но всё-же тебя будет слышно, можно только обмануть тех, кто ещё ни разу с таким не сталкивался. (хоть я и не сталкивался, но я уже знаю такое, так как посмотрел видос :D)
9:21 - Мед тут тоже ступил, мог под убером подойти ближе, а не прятаться за Хэвиком, огонь переходит на него и Хэвик тоже расстреливает пушку. Но про трюк с перчатками не знал! Довольно остроумно...
5 years playing this game and you still taught some valuable stuff!
Great vid. Didn't know about the spin-up benefit, which meele weapons are good or to push towards sentries with a meele weapon. 10/10
The spin-up warm-up mechanic is almost archetypal of Valve's ability to coin a good idea then sloppily implement it. For a start, anything that encourages players to waste bullets is just crazy - for another, hiding such a crucial mechanic. Yes, hiding it - by putting it into the game and NOT giving the player some way to keep a track of their spin-up warm-up status on the HUD, Valve are negligently-burying the mechanic.
Fixing these two issues would go a long way to making Heavy a funner and fairer class. Games that predate TF2 by years, such as Timesplitters 2 (2002) had heat-overheat metres on their miniguns. Put the same thing on Heavy to let players see if the barrels have warmed up or not. Suddenly we also have new avenues for weapon design and unlocks, such as miniguns which warm up quickly but have a risk of overheating if fired too long.
You have to ACTUALLY fire and "waste" ammo for that first point? That's insane, but I guess it makes sense considering the Tomislav's spin up.
I am the opposite of 6:40. I am what you would call a Super Self-Conscious Heavy. I lose a single health point, and I'm running off the battlefield, looking for a medkit. xD
Even though I haven't played TF2 for about a week now. I think I'm gonna try and main Heavy. Though he was my first ever class to pick when I got my hands on TF2 in 2012
Very useful guide! The best thing I learned from this is the pre-spin. I used this tip on casual and was called a hacker with aimbot. HE HAS NO SPREAD!
if your taking advice for other classes;
as soldier always aim for the feet with pyro and be patient, you have more range and better resources to handle him without blowing yourself up like a fool.
your demo load out decides everything. if your using weapons like the loche and load or demo knight open areas are just suicidal as your weapons are meant to capitalize on corridors and such, like wise while more viable out of its elements the pipe bombs are better in open areas to goad people down specific routes. after all your not just gonna run at the doorway of dustbowl 1's Point vomiting explosive pills are you?
pyro despite its class registration of attack class is arguably best plaid as a support at times, being the ultimate bane to spies, a free lighter for your huntsman snipers, and the cheapest and most effective way of saving people from after burn its not a bad idea to just back people up or defend nests instead of going on wild flanking expeditions on defence.
and lastly know how to combat people as scout; probably one of the harder skills to learn on your own scouts agility while seeming universally applicable to any fight is not. for starters the best way to handle snipers and heavys is to run circles around the filling them with lead, your rapid agility versus their reliance on accurate hitscan shots will make it really hard to hit you when your jumping up and down and all around but try that with pyro or demo and they'll end you quicker than insert metaphor here.
to go over each one individual (excluding the heavy and sniper because already discussed) scouts you should fight just outside their dependable damage radius and when they push in on you bait the shot and pounce on them. soldiers rockets make it tricky to fight him at close and medium distances, luckily scout comes with reliable long range damage unlike soldier whose rockets can be danced about while you pelt him with your secondaries, same applies to pyro though do be careful, it only takes one flare to drop you to dangerous levels of health and its not that hard to hit a scout with one. mad milk is always nice to carry on you if you want to combat pyros as it negates the main fear preventing you from just running up to them point blank. demo is probably one of the harder people to tackle as his kit can be effective at really any range so if his kit is capable of long and close distance fighting than stay in a healthy space to be able to counter the one he's using to end you with. engies are your biggest threat, a turrets perfect accuracy can end you in a millisecond if your lucky but the man himself is rather helpless with out his tools to hide behind, if you see an engie not with in line of sight of his turret than shred him like paper, if he is just hope your demoman/spy feels like fixing this conundrum for you because you wont be solving it without their intervention. medic is....medic i dont think you need much explaining on how to combat a class that struggles to defend its self against big damage. and lastly spy's trickstabs make rushing him with a shotgun....tricky but for lack of a less redundant term there are tricks to beating spy safely. for starters just getting the jump on them. if your even slightly suspicious someones a spy run up to them point blank and fill them with lead, spy or not it will put you at ease. other strats that arent blatantly obvious are really realize that this is a spy. if your aware he can trick stab you than bait it out, one miss is all it takes for a scout to capitalize on. if your a scout who likes to carry mad milk than always start with mad milk because then you can narrow down their watch immediately. if the milk "kills" them you know to save for next time so that way you can bait the dead ringer than milk the area to finish him off. if not then hunt him down as pathetically tries to escape.
Very interesting. Looking forward to the Pyro episode
Delfy:eat like a ninja
Me at 3 am:yes