Judging from the few comments about the Drytron player's skill, my point for the video is to show what happens when a player attempts the Maxx "C" challenge There are definitely newer players that just picked up the deck because they searched up meta decks for Master Duel, and are just coasting up ranks by playing normally This video aims teach players that Maxx "C" can have an impact on the game and should not be ignored just because you are playing a meta deck (i.e. you should develop game sense and not brainlessly combo) Another thing I've noticed are TCG players being reintroduced to Maxx "C" or even the first time playing against Maxx "C". The aim to teach game sense and awareness of Maxx "C" should apply to them as well. Edit: I would like to thank everyone for making this my most viewed video so far. I seriously did not expect this video to even get 100 views. Thank you all so much again. I will be uploading some videos I wanted to make which are related to Duel Links. I know most of you would not be interested, but I had started this 3 parts series in my previous Inzektor video, so please bear with me in the meanwhile. My next video after those 2 videos are uploaded are to make something related to Ritual monsters, since that is my favourite summoning mechanic in Yu-Gi-Oh Edit 2: I realised this was not pinned until 9 days later. Crap.
Most of the time if the deck ur opponent is playing is rogue or worse they can draw their whole deck and still not beat you I promise you and if ur playing against meta and they drop maxx c then u just straight lose by passing, very few duels that u would have won u end up losing due to taking the maxx c challenge, if anything the opposite is more true
I'm a returning player and the second someone played this card I immediately ended my turn. Yeah I net decked a meta deck but at least I have f****** common sense. XD I think there was one situation where I just played through it and one anyways because I knew I had game regardless of anything they might have drawn cuz I've played against their deck type before but that's besides the point. Edit : I hadn't played since Synchro we're introduced. So all of this new stuff is a steep but easy learning curve.
I mean, this game is a game where even a +1 is broken in the right deck, so a +10 like that first turn is basically a death sentence for those that doesn't know/understand the finer points of the game. Its one of the reasons why i tend to play with Ash Blossom and Effect Veiler even if i don't have an use except for them to be hand traps.
If someone drops maxx c, you have no choice but to take the challenge or you have already lost anyway. There is a reason it is banned in the tcg, and the ocg loathes it
Shiiiiiit. This is the Shogun Assassin choice of Yugioh. Legit just put an Exodia deck on one side, the “table-flip-forfeit” on the other and let them choose… I would say they could just, you know, NOT do 80-hour-long combos but hahahahaha no…not the braindeads that play combo decks. That’d be like giving crack, a pipe and a lighter to a crackhead in a police station and telling them not to light up in the toilets
I got exodia'd today by a guy who had 3 reload's and 3 heart of the underdogs and only normal mons plus exodia. I harpy FD two of his underdogs he got one more and it was a wrap 😂
I mean if they don’t know and they think they can set up an unbreakable board I can’t blame them. If they know you’re playing Exodia they are Smooth Brain.
It's actually very easy to play around Maxx "C". Just special summon once and you don't have much to worry about. This message was brought to you by a Skull Servant player. One big skeleton is enough to make you suffer in one attack.
Nah the drytron player missplayed heavily. Negating the impcantations was pointless. In such a scenario you'd only want to interrupt key activations that actually threaten you. A competent Drytron player would have easily won this. And not because Drytron is broken (it's not even close to being one of the best decks), but shinobirds aren't really competitively viable, not even in Master Duel.
@@jdrmanmusiqking No I'm just an actual competitive player, both in the real life TCG and in Master Duel. I admit that because of the lack of a Side Deck, deck building is a lot harder in Master Duel, but if you expect to play against drytron a lot, then deck build accordingly: Main Deck Nibiru, Maxx "C", Ash Blossom, Kaijus, Forbidden Droplet, Dark Ruler no more, Lava Golem, Droll & Lock bird... There are so many things you could Main deck, that completely shit on Drytron that I really don't feel like it's one of the best decks. And most of these cards counter multiple other meta decks as well. Fantastic counters, deck theme wise, to Drytron are e. g. True Draco, Eldlich, Infernoids, Timelords, etc.
Same also did the same with a lightsworn deck, I didn't deck them out I had board with near infinite negates, so I was negating every card they were activating, no longer possible with block dragon, Glow up bulb mx-invoker, brilliant fusion all banned
One question if the doing all that combos and opponents include in the deck exodia and gather all parts it is instantly win or they must wait to end phase?
the fact he didn't die against 16 cards in turn two is the most impressive thing about thise video the fact that he couldn't otk vs an empty board in turn 3 comes shortly after tho
It would have more funny if he was running an Exodia deck. All those free draws would have gotten all five pieces of Exodia to win while it's still his opponent's turn.
man, I'm trying to build a Synchro Quasar deck, but I suck at using it 😅 mainly because my timing is off and I haven't dueled in such a long time. You got any neat tips?
@@chaos-sama1656 I'm coming off a hiatus as well so you're in good company. Honestly practice is the best teacher. That and just keep watching other people using it.
I once took the "Maxx C challenge" against an orcust deck. Once i finished my combo they had nothing to send to the grave and 21 cards in hand. Played through Effect Veiler and a Nibiru.
Yea I think Maxx c is fine. Depending on what deck you are playing against them having 30 cards in hand might not matter if not a single one can out your board. This is especially true in master duel where you have no idea what you might play against. I would say Maxx c is a bit more broken in real life formats where you know people are only playing 3 or 4 decks and everyone main or side decks outs to their boards. I can see this being a problem but not in master duel.
everyone cool with the Maxx C challenge in Master Duel until they go up against Dark Synchro and deck out while staring down 3 Quasar and 2 Blazar Dragons
@@jms974 I'm returning to yugioh after a hiatus for this game, and I only knew about... pretty much everything about the game in theory. Maxx C is annoying, but I got used to it at the same pace as all the other hand traps. In all honesty, I think Ash screws me over more than Maxx C does. The flood gates though... Man those can burn.
@@MercuryA2000 I feel you. I personally don't have an issue with hand traps at all. Floodgates are only an issue in best of one formats or in combo decks that can search them for free. My big issue is with generic extra deck monsters/engines that any deck can abuse. These cards make every good deck do the same thing which completely undermines archetypes and deck diversity. I'm talking about cards like anaconda/halq the brave engine etc. Why create different archetypes and decks if in order to make your deck the best it can be it has to do the same thing other decks do? Its completely backwards. I understand konami is a profit seeking business but even that is not an excuse. All they would need to do is create decks/archetypes that are good but are good uniquely and not splashable. They still make their money because the deck is good and people would buy it but in this case they also don't hurt other decks because the deck is good only in isolation and not splashable. For example take a deck like monarchs. When it first came out it was a meta deck but only in isolation. You couldn't splash the deck on other decks to make them better. Sometimes they do this for certain formats and I think these are the best formats but often they don't which tells me they are lazy and incompetent.
@@jms974 I do agree that engines are kind of annoying, but I think its cool when different archetypes work together. I think they really need to just put slightly tighter restrictions on these things. Like, trap you in the type/attribute/level so you can't just toss it in wherever you want. I also kinda like the fact that some archetypes get their own hand traps and such. Like the various Kaluts. I feel like even if they all have similar effects, letting archetypes at least have their own flavor of hand trap could also help with diversity. And the thing about staples is that I don't think they even make much money off that? People buy the pack, but a bunch of TCG economy is people reselling cards as singles. Reprints don't seem super common to me at least, so once the initial flash in the pan is done, they need to give fans something else.
I don't know, but he spent a lot of cards with unnecessary negates to search effects since the opponent already have 20 cards in the hand and still survived
not really even if he drew the entire deck the drytron would have 100% won if he played his negates right like "READING" Imagine NEGATING SEARCHERS when your opponent already drew his entire deck pepega. EDIT: Obviously this would not work in some decks but this deck is a ritual spirit deck literally even a basic starter deck can beat it.
The reason maxx c is legal in the ocg is because people don't want to deal with their opponents playing solitare for 10 minutes with no punishment then setting up a board with 10 negates.
I'm not against Maxx "C" being in the game or anything, don't misunderstand. But I always struggle to judge what to do when it's played considering it's almost always chained the second I perform a single action. I don't like to play control, so I still need to set up some kind of board to protect myself. But even giving my opponent 1 or 2 cards is a steep risk.
Considering that Master Duel has OCG's banlist, I'm not surprised if the Meta shifts towards more control focused decks The difficulty in judging what to do is always the hard part, so it takes a lot of game sense to decide what to do. Come to think of it, that is probably why Maxx "C" is one of the most divisive cards in Yu-Gi-Oh, simply because it causes the most stress when it is used
play mayakashi ftk. the decks winning condition is using an almostt infinite loop of special summons that always trigger an effect to send cards from your opponents deck to the graveyard, going on and on until they ran out of cards, you end your turn and instantly win. them drawing cards from maxx c even favors you becausee you'll get rid of their deck even faster. only downside: they are very likely to draw handtraps during this which could mess up your combo tho
@@MansMan42069 Kind of? Strictly speaking, I'm wrong to say it is the OCG's banlist. It is not one-for-one the OCG banlist or any past OCG banlist, but you can see a general pattern and base that the Master Duel banlist is following
Will say the drytron player messed up massively, they overextended turn 1 giving their opponent at least 2 more draws. Beyond that, they used their negates poorly. Maxx C is cracked but Drytron could win if they played better.
Post your credit card number. You think I'm joking but I'm dead serious. If you're gonna sit here and defend Konami's bad game design, your money belongs to me now. This is not an argument. You're GOING to do it. Maybe you should read The Bible or something. Cause it will take an act of God do undo the shit you've just brought onto yourself if yoh don't post that credit card.
You could try a Mayakashi deck I fought on ranked (and lost to because of deck out). It used the Mayakashi's ability to keep on summoning the tuner back from the grave to continuously synchro summon, along with a monster that made me send the first two cards of my deck to my grave every time a zombie monster is summoned on my opponent's field. I laughed a lot when I saw my opponent was actually managing to deck me out
@Nezzberry lol today I managed to deck out a person in ranked. They were using a Virtual World deck, but I think they misplayed because they just ended with a couple of synchros on the field, one of which was Crystal Wing, and also used Pot of desires to banish 10 cards from the deck and draw 2. Then they used Maxx C at the start of my turn, but little did they know, I was playing Adamancipator with Block Dragon. I made him draw 18 cards without even noticing, I was just going on with my turn and I was surprised when I saw "VICTORY" pop up on my screen as I was playing. I thought the opponent surrendered, but it was actually a deck out! I laughed a lot. And I wasn't even finished with my turn!
Whenever people do things like this, I always wonder if the guy doing the Maxx "C" challenge is praying that their opponent has a deck full of garnets.
Sometimes if you not special summon you as good as dead, so it could be better to make an unbreakable borad where no matter how many cards your enemy has they will be negated
I typically play into the Maxx "C" and OTK through it, although there have been a small number of games where they have drawn into a hand trap at a time when I could not deal with it resulting in a loss. Overall I would say, if you are going second and they use a Maxx "C" if you are sure you can OTK then go for it.
Or even going first. I'm a bit of a returning player, so I don't really understand what happened, but I got FTK'd by someone who went first who got two copies of a fusion (might've been XYZ, it's been a bit since it happened) monster out from their extra deck that had an effect to where each of them could deal 4k damage. I think it was a HERO deck, but I don't remember for sure. Edit: Just checked. Wasn't HEROs, was a pendulum deck, but it used Independent Nightshade and Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom, which just copied Nightshade's effect. Had a blast not being able to play even a single turn.
Yea, Maxx C really asks two questions. 1) Can you finish the duel this turn? 2) How many cards are worth getting a negate/wall/whatever on board. Its at least an option to play through it if you need to. I think that's part of why I don't mind it. It might be that none of the decks I play need 15 summons to get a boss monster (I can usually get them in 2 or 3) but I don't mind it personally.
This makes me consider running Maxx C in my Gravekeepers in case I go second. Once I get more board state on and protected it real hard to break. Also this is giving me memories of sitting and waiting for around 10 to 15 minutes waiting for my opponent to finish all their summons.
Its good going first as well. If you brick, you can draw disruptions with it after setting backrow and passing. You can also run it to counter opposing Maxx C with Crossout Designator.
Maxx “C” is honestly just a card you need to be careful about while you are playing. If you feel that you can stop your opponent enough to mitigate the draw, it’s ok to play into it some. However, if you can’t, it’s best to do a barebones setup to try to survive. Still a super frustrating card, though. Especially for decks that have a hard time justifying giving your opponent huge draws.
I use it with eldlich and if they give me like 3 cards it's usually over since I just need 1 spell on the field and can use 1 trap monster and golden lord to get mad lord, and do the whole shabang.
For those wondering, the master duel banlist is based heavily around the OCG banlist and not the TCG, which is why Maxx C is not banned while cards like Dark Dragoon and Mystic Mine are 🌠 *_The More You Know_*
Can we talk about Herald of Ultimateness for a sec tho? That card is almost as absurd as Maxx “C”. It’s supposed to be balanced by being hard to bring out but uh I’ve seen it out turn one multiple times.
Same with invoked mechaba both cards are literally free negates as long as you have cards in your hand granted mechaba needs to discard the same type of card that was activated but it’s still pretty bullshit.
2:37 If y'all tired of waiting 10 minutes (this is an automated recording so it's not showing the 7 minutes the player spent searching through the deck and thinking) for your opponent to make an unbreakable board that doesn't let you play afterwards, I recommend playing Yu-Gi-Oh Trinity format. Or atleast check it out.
This is what happens when some players haven't had to encounter Maxx C competitively in so long. They forget how to play against it. The only time you might want to risk it if you are 100% confident you can deck them out or OTK them that turn.
Completely different game, but this seriously reminds me of uno sometimes. Also the difference between the tcg and ocg format with all of these hand traps is really interesting to me. Though if i were to choose between combo decks and floodgate decks, i think i would rather fight combo decks.
@@Draco7876 it's not floodgates prevent actions in general negates are negates. We have many tools to deal with monsters at this point it's tougher against multiple very strong floodgates. This is how I see it, I would rather face combo any day than a floodgate deck. The duels are stunned and insanely boring rather just lose or not.
@@Big1nz because Artifact Scythe isn't a floodgate monster Because Vanities fiend/Majesty's fiend aren't floodgate monsters Because flundereeze empen isn't a floodgate monster Because VFD/F0 aren't floodgate monsters Do I need to go on? Edit: by your logic of "we have outs to monster floodgates" then you're in favor of Maxx C to 3
Isn't that part of what makes Maxx "C" great? Most of the time, Maxx "C" isn't used to draw a card but to stop your opponent from committing to the board with a chance that you would draw the card that out their board. Maxx "C" at the end of the is a fucking coin toss; if you commit under Maxx "C" your opponent can either draw an out to your field or additional hand trap to stop you mid-combo. But leaving your field empty isn't ideal, especially against deck that can put body on to the field like Tri-brigade.
yeah, there's way too many easy otks and game ending hand traps that make Maxx C even more broken than it would've been back when it was initially printed
@@mikaelamonsterland id argue the opposite tbh. There's also way more ways to stop it from activating or commit to a smaller board that still holds value. For example shaddoll invoked dogma can just do winda, mechaba pass and only give you 2 draws total while not really losing out too hard on boardstate. Eldlich maybe special summons once a turn if that. Theres alot of decks and playstyles that dont really care about maxx C anymore.
@@JudojugsVtuber there's a "Lot". But you just mentioned a single deck. This particular deck is Invoked Shaddoll Dogmatika. Blue eyes decks will never run those. Maxx "C" works in any decks. giving us even a slight chance at beating bullshits like turn 1 simorgh into Draco Future, I'd say Maxx C should stay. With Maxx C i can still play Blue Eyes decks and beat these Meta decks by slowing down the game.
@@prophetmuhammad3890 i mean i mentioned 2 of the most prevalent decks that dont care about maxx C. Sky strikers also dont necessarily care about maxx C. Anyone can run Called By The Grave or Ash blossom. Maxx C was busted back in the day because there werent literally like 3-4 generic cards to stop it and there werent like half a dozen hard control stun decks that barely summon anything ever.
Is it bad that I wish Maxx "C" wasn't banned? The mindgames it induced were amazing and I enjoyed decking people out with World Chalice before that got shot
Why would you mind gaming yourself? You are not going to have any mind games with your opponent. They are just gonna sit there giggling to themself as they draw the nibiru or droplet to destroy your board.
Maxx "C" and what to do after it's dropped is entirely deck dependent tbh. I have two decks that I use regularly: ShID and Blackwings. ShID always just stops after I've given them the one card, because it'd be too easy to give them enough tools to break through anything I could build in the turn I'm given. Blackwings keep going, though, until I've either built my board or they've drawn a handtrap to stop me. Why do Blackwings keep going? King Kali Yuga. It doesn't matter what they draw if they can't resolve any of their cards.
I remember so many years ago when I was using a Traditional Format deck that someone used that card against me. I had tribe Infecting Virus, Lightpulsar Dragon, Red Eyes Darkkess Metal dragon and Card of Safe return. When that girl used that card I laughed; I summoned Red eyes Darkness Metal and then Lightpulsar, I used the effect of Tribe infecting Virus to destroy my own dragons and resurrect Red Eyes Dakness using Lightpulsar effect, while drawing using card of safe return. She started to draw, and I entered a Loop of destroying my dragons and resummoning them so she would get decked out xD. It was hilarious because she even used veiler on the tribe infecting virus so I summoned my Envoy of the Beginning to remove my Tribe, and then DDR to Special Summon it again, she even believed that I was trying to Draw my Chaos Emperor Dragon (pre errata time) to kill her, when she said that I just said you mean THIS Chaos Emperor Dragon I had turn one? Nah, I prefer winning by decking you out. But against this card Maxx Cc I would gladly use Card destruction + Serial Spell to deck them out.
Card Destruction + Serial Spell sounds cool. Card Destruction, Trickstar Reincarnation, and Present Card are quick ways to throw your opponents hand to the grave.
thing is that in the tcg degenerate fields with +5 negations are okay but a single maxx C would "break the game" , masterduels is doing just fine i wish we would had atleast 1 maxx c
It’s because deep down they want to make that unbreakable board , negates galore etc… it’s not about balance , it was always I want to build my unbreakable board and max c at least forced me to think a bit
@ATrain dark ruler, droplets, nibiru, evenly matched, sphere mode, lightning storm, talents among others are all cards purpose built for punishing combo decks. I'm seriously concerned that you think drnm is the only out to combo decks like you clearly aren't very good at the game if that's the point you think I was making lol. There isn't one specific counter to combo there are dozens but maxx c is far too versatile. What if a combo deck ends on one of your so called negate boards and also has maxx for your turn? Do you seriously think there's any chance in winning against that
The answer is not just 'hurr durr, stop immediately whenever Maxx c is dropped' The answer is actually to have a plan for what to do when someone maxx c's you. I.e. Actually make a conscious decision about your gameplan not to just apply a universal rule. Sometimes that will involve stopping immediately, sometimes that will involve a shorter combo and sometimes that will involve taking the challange. Your opponent hadn't lost when they passed back to you after you had drawn 12 cards. They lost when they misplayed thier interaction. They quite simply didn't negate at the right times.
Hats off to you sincerely for considering all unknown factors, including the lack of knowledge of what your opponent is playing. By just 1 Maxx C, I didnt know you could obtain so much information You are right in saying there are generally 3 things to do when you get thrown a Maxx C (aside from negating), which are 1. Stop 2. Do a short combo 3. Do your entire combo (i.e. maxx C challenge) Doing a Maxx C challenge (i.e. what is in the video) does not automatically guarantee a loss. I am literally playing an off meta deck, however the opponent doesnt know what I was playing On the ladder, you should expect a much stronger deck, i.e a meta deck. Furthermore, a Drytron deck has limited negates. So when you attempt the Maxx C challenge, you have to ask yourself this: "Is this worth giving my opponent 10+ cards?" 10 cards from my deck could be powerful, but 10 cards from any meta deck could be much more powerful.
@@nate-lin That’s what the “Maxx C Challenge” is, buddy. It used to be feasible but in this age of hand traps galore, the opponent is likely to draw one to just end your shenanigans before their entire deck is drawn so it isn’t worth it. Though I also suppose it was also more feasible back in the day because there were less hard once per turns so decks had plenty of infinite summon loops that didn’t affect the game state (cards that abused such loops tended to be banned)
Pro tip if you are in the drytron's player place : Impcantation monsters relie on two effect the one to reveal a ritual spell/monster to special summon itself and another one from deck and an effect when it is summoned by the effect of an impcantation. You can't use both of those effects in the same turn and they're "use" effect so negating their activation is pretty safe. The thing you have to keep in mind is that if you negate the impcantation they have summoned from deck summoning it back won't do anything. In this situation you want to negate cards that will threaten your monster (or in ritual decks if you don't really know their deck just negate the ritual spell) however if you want to be more effective while negating impcantation in the case that you suspect they have multiple just negate the effect that actually searches something. The only real threat a ritual deck with impcantation has is when we have 2 on the field we can tribute them to make vanity ruler or in this case zaborg so in this case negating another they would summon can kinda make sense.
I got Maxx c'd while playing Thunder Dragons. He chained it to my batteryman solar. I simply ended on Colossus and passed instead of going for the combo that would have ended with Titan and IP as well. My opponent still ended up surrendering as he had no out for Colossus even by himself 😆
well if you didn't let him drew his entire deck ur 100% would win. it's fine to let them get at least 1-2 draws from maxx C. 3 is kinda pushing it and 4 is basically give them their deck.
Had an argument with someone yesterday because they said Maxx C was an unbalanced handtrap… like all i can say is just stop? Its only op if your dumb enough to keep going… egotistic children lol. And on a side note, the same person said AshBlossom WASNT unbalanced
Honestly, as someone who has played five different TCGs at the local/surrounding counties to my home game store weekly tourney level over 25 years, it is flatly obvious what this TCGs problem is. You can’t keep adding NEW, overarching play mechanics to a TCG, and never remove OLD mechanics introduced much earlier in the game’s history. Not and have a TCG that is about anything but establishing engine-initiating principles primarily aimed at reducing the opponent’s options to zero. If MtG had allowed all The Type 1/Legacy dominant cards to remain in the competitive pool of tourney legal cards designed 30 years on, you’d see pretty much Yugiohs situation. Net decking overshadowing original deck design, banned/restricted lists which fluctuate on a granular level without addressing big things like making OTKs something that can only occur with similar frequency to being dealt a royal flush. Having the highest knowledge-bar of any TCG for a new player to surmount to become competitive is an indictment, not a virtue of this TCG.
As much as I love Yu-Gi-Oh, this is exactly the thing that is keeping me away from the real TCG. I have a life, I have a job, and only so much time and money that I can spend on a hobby. I love that people manage to put in lots of time and effort to find out crazy good synergies between cards and archetypes, that's part of the fun. But when the game has 11000+ individual cards, and many many different archetypes with different individual characteristics, it becomes to much for my aging peanut brain. Old boomer Yu-Gi-Oh were people were just summoning the stronger normal monster is boring. Yu-Gi-Oh during GX era stepped it up to a nice and simple somewhat slow paced game with some draw luck and some strategy involved. Synchros in 5DS era made the game a little bit more fast paced, introduced some more combo based gameplay, and made a bit better use of the Extra Deck. Because of Synchro monsters, players need to spam boards with loads of smaller low-level monsters to use them as material for the Synchro summon, making special summon a more common effect for monsters to have. This on its own is not an issue, and it helps increasing the pace of the game. Beginning of Zexal era was nice and my personal favorite stage of the game. They introduce XYZ which made it easier for all kinds of decks to summon some nice cards from the Extra Deck. XYZ cards were pretty tame with their effects in the beginning, Number 39: Utopia is a good example of this. Games were neither too fast or too slow, and there was a wide range of decent and good archetypes. Every archetype felt unique in their playstyle and strategy, making every archetype its own fun experience. Also the game was a bit more balanced, most archetypes would still be able to hold out decently. So even if you go up against many different decks, you didn't feel entirely hopeless. Also being able to play against many different archetypes and still having your deck be able to do decently against most of them meant that finding new opponents was also very fun. Somewhere during the middle of Zexal era is where I say the bloating slowly began to show, Konami began to go a bit more crazy with their cards. And it all starts with the darn Dragon Rulers. Even with the big ban of the small rulers and limiting all big ones to 1 copy, all the best decks were the ones that could somehow make use of Dragon Rulers as support. And after Dragon Rulers, Konami began introducing new cards and archetypes that were just way stronger than the average deck. Also constantly releasing a new OP card with each set that almost everyone has to use to have their deck stay even decent. Mecha-Phantom Dracosac, N11: Big Eye, N101: Silent Honor ARK were examples of this. Also, hand traps were slowly starting to become more widely used. Some cards like Effect Veiler were good enough to be mained and while it was good, it was never OP. Then some cards like Droll & Lock Bird were more common in side deck. During Zexal era we had 3 kinds of Extra Deck cards: Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz. These three mechanics still worked fairly well together, and the bigger issue here was never the addition of Xyz, it was addition of new monsters with crazy strong effects. Thing to note here is that even though the game was beginning to get more complicated during end of Zexal era, Konami was still holding on to the Golden Standard of 3000 ATK. From Blue-Eyes all the way to Zexal, monsters above 3000 ATK were rare. Maybe some super strong ultra boss monster has 3300 ATK, but nothing too crazy. The importance of holding on to this Golden Standard is because each player only has 8000 LP. If monsters get higher ATK, then OTK will be much easier and make games end much quicker. Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V era is the one that I know the least of, I know absolutely nothing of it and the meta during that time. But Pendulum is definitely something that has helped with the bloating of the game. Giving cards potential 2 different effects, and a way to spam the field with monsters almost every turn which allows you to either OTK or easily summon Synchro and Xyz monsters doesn't sound healthy to me. And then we got the VRAINS era which introduced Link monsters. I think Link monsters is the cherry that seals the deal of this bloated game. I think the mechanic on its own is a nice idea, but the game was already at the phase where monster effects have to be strong for them to be viable. This mechanic with its super easy summoning condition and ability to shit out monsters is the perfect recipe for disaster. Konami probably realized that adding Link monsters on top of all the other Extra Deck cards would bloat the game, so they made it so that you can only summon Extra Deck monsters to link zones. The problem with this new mechanic is that by trying to balance the bloat, they pretty much made Link monsters a must, and this ended up in rendering many older decks to be unplayable. And even with this bloat limiting mechanic, Link monsters on their own are so crazy in spam potential that we ended up getting decks like Gouki Knightmare that can Co-Link both link zones and pretty much having full control of the board turn 1. Later on, Konami fix their rules so that Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ works as they used to. They also somewhat reduce the bloat of Pendulum by forcing Extra Deck Pendulum monsters to use Link Zones. So currently the game is in a state were it is so fast paced that summoning an entire board of monsters turn 1 is super easy. This is a problem, but it's not that big of a problem on its own, since it is not enough to break the game. But combining all of the mechanics, the quick pace of the game, the inflation of strong card effects, this results in players being able to summon a full board of monsters that all have the ability to negate your opponents card effects and effectively stopping them from even playing the game at turn 2. Now that's a big problem. So how do you stop that? You play hand traps. And I don't know where exactly but somewhere between Zexal and VRAINS, Ash Blossom and all her friends were introduced to the game. So effectively the game has become so fast paced and bloated with mechanics that the biggest focus of almost every meta deck is to build a board that stops your opponent from playing by using negate monsters like Invoked Mechaba, and using hand traps to stop your opponent from building their board full of negates. Also, it is now very common for decks to summon monsters that can very easily reach super high ATK stats between 3500 - 6000 ATK. We have decks like Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon where you can very easily summon Xyz monsters with an original 4000 ATK stat. And with some OTK decks like Utopia, you can very easily boost the very tame N39: Utopia to be able to hit your opponent with 10000+ ATK stat. So to wrap this up, why is all of the above bad for the game? Well this is in the end a game, something we do to have fun. In order to have fun, we have to PLAY the game. But the meta of the game is focused on stopping your opponent and to not let them play. Or to just OTK them turn 2, ending the game very quickly and making them question their life choices of spending hundreds of dollars on a deck that lost before even getting the chance to be able to do something. Also, combos are so long that you sit there for 10 minutes, looking at your opponent having fun with their $1000 deck, and then you die after their combo is done. But if they end turn, it's finally your turn to play! But what happens during your turn? Negate, negate, negate, negate, end turn, GG WP. The game is more about remembering how to do your 10 minute combo, and less about strategy. You only do the strategy while deck building, but when you play it's just follow the combo script and try to not misplay, or to not get fucked by your opponents cards. How do you not get fucked by your opponents cards? Well you need to have good knowledge on almost every single archetype in the game in order to make sure that you don't make any mistakes. Situational strategy where you come up with a solution during the game, or to make a luck based risk assessment is more fun than having to remember every single card in 20 different archetypes. And since combo games are so long, and cards have very long and complicated effects, most people don't even bother reading anymore. Imagine this guy doing 10 minute combo, and now you have to read every single card he plays during that combo. The combo will now instead be 30 minutes. And your opponent is also trying to have fun when playing the game, now he has to sit there and wait 20 minutes for you to read card effects.
I play 1 traptrix, opponent activates maxx c, i only use that traptrix to summon 1 link monster and then fill my backrow with cards. have fun with 1 more card and an entire backrow to deal with
It's one of the reasons I run Assembled Nightingale in Tri-Lyrilusc besides Zeus target. If I start my combo with Lyriluscs and they Maxx "C", I can just save myself by going into Nightingale pass and my LP are safe. It sure gave me a shot against Invoked Shaddolls. But then again, I used my own Maxx "C" after they played Aleister and they gave me lots of cards to make a comeback with.
It's Yugioh tho. They go second and they will either OTK you or make a negate board. Had to make sure I didn't die. One of the decks where that strategy just doesn't matter is against Shaddoll since they will set up an Invoked Mechaba and a Winda. That's pretty tough to overcome. And even if I have to go into Assembled, I can make a Zeus of it next turn or I can use Cobalt Sparrow to search another Warbler. Even if they banish or send my Nightingale, I won't die and my field is free for Warbler into Sparrow again. It really is just a matter of adapting to the duel and try to expect the unexpected.
I've only played through maxx "c" once, against HERO's (and won), when I knew that I had no way to interupt a next turn OTK anyway - and that HERO's typically don't play many defensive in-hand cards. Most of the time, it doesn't pay off to play through it. The HERO player had drawn 17 cards off of maxx "c" and the only delay I felt turned out to be a honest neos - I went into apollousa to be safe though.
Also another lesson here boys. You don't negate the draw cards, you negate the cards they draw into. That pot negate was just a wasted card. He could have negated the floodgate for example.
Honestly, I think Max C isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's not some crazy "end your opponents turn" card like people cry, but it's definitely super strong. It's a weighted decision that comes with the territory. I know the title is a meme more than anything, but there's a lot of people that genuinely think of Max C as a "turn end" signal. This guy was just bad at weighing the pros and cons. If he had a way to get his herald out without giving you damn near double digits, it'd have been super worth it. It depends heavily on what you plan on doing that turn, but you shouldn't *immediately* end your turn when Maxx C triggers.
This is why I love to play VS as one of the few decks that can play a decent board under Maxx C. It’s a midrange deck that can be bricky at times but the deck has access to a good amount of counters several meta decks tend to not be able to deal with efficiently, AND actually requires the pilot to have more than two brain cells to play
This is why I'm glad I'm a control deck player. Eldlich Muskets can put up several disruptions turn 1 with additional follow-up, just off of maybe two special summons at the most. There's something to be said for a deck with short turns that plusses just as hard as the opponent, even under Maxx "C".
This weird thing that happens after you draw too much, the cards just curve out of your screen. It feels like using Maxx-C is kind of not in favour of the player who used it. Hope the change it so that you can see all the drawn cards. And let the opponent know that they should respond accordingly when the Maxx-C is used.
Maxx "C" is one of my favorite hand traps. That and the one that gives you LP when they special summon a monster because instead of saying "No you can't play the game" they ask "Ok, how much do you want to give me to play the game?"
When I accept the maxxc challenge, I always face an opponent with lots of handtraps but when I see other people do it, they survive and their opponent has no other relevant handtraps to hinder them.
just goes to show how the powercreep is out of hand when a card can negate litteraly anything for a whole turn . and that board wasn't even that strong ive seen 1st turn with 4 monsters that could negate just like herald :/ master duel in platinum is negate fest and here i am plat 2 with a hero deck
Show all the times Maxx C bricks your hand when going first... Or when playing against one of the many control decks running around Maxx C is equivalent to Mithra in SSBU (and Lightning Storm really): highly overrated. It's a Great going 2nd card but it's a crapshoot when going first. Not all going 1st decks can consistently play the card. Plus this algorithm loves giving double cards so pulling 2 Maxx C's in your opening hand when going first is something that happens waaaah too much It's a good card but volatile. TCG players don't actually like to problem solve. They just call everything broken and want defensive cards banned so they can just combo all day with no repercussions
@@johnathanlemus5584 exactly. Maxx "C" is such a weird card but after playing Master Duel, my hatred for TCGBabies has gone up because its an ESSENTIAL card for a healthy metagame Its forces the opponent to think about their optimal board for the situation instead comboing on auto pilot. Maxx C NEEDS to come back to the TCG
Legit question: do people play the 30 summons a turn IRL? I decided to get into yugioh literally 3 days before master duel went live (proper coincidence) and after seeing how people play online...I am not too keen anymore..
What's funny is I ran a 2004 deck from a Beatown deck wise, and the person I was going against was meta as hell. So long story short I was doing really well up until the point the dude used a max c :/ lol
If his deck was meta as hell then you would be dead turn 2 or 3. Also his deck would have many cards with negate, meaning that he wouldn't even let you play at all. Every time you try to play a card, negated.
Drytron player played the deck poorly. You should always have combos that work against a maxx "c" regardless of how much they draw. They let you draw so much for literally no reason and just to get a herald and a large hand which was gone by the end of that turn
Um one guy tried to deck me out with maxx c and he almost got it. Just 2 cards away but i negated some of his plays. The sad part is he tried to holdout for a turn. Honestly im fine with maxx c getting banned if it means more diversity in the decks i face.
I would much prefer Maxx "C" to remain unbanned only because I want people to not be focused on combo decks only, like in the TCG. Of course there are many factors that lead to the different deck building styles between TCG and OCG, but I would like to think that there is greater variety of cards played in the OCG But the downside is having to see more control decks instead, which is always a pain to see. But then again, both formats have floodgates, numerous negates, and copious handtraps.
i disagree. i think maxx C allows for more diversity in the types of decks that are played. For instance Maxx C and other hand traps allow for rogue decks to have some good match ups, and makes it so they can stand a chance to the meta decks. personally i think its ridiculous that some people think cards like maxx c, ash, and nibiru should be banned, when without those every meta deck that goes first would have about a 99% win rate with no counter play. The way every card game should work is that you have interactions before the game is decided. but if your opponent setups a board with 5-6 negates and potentially an anti flood gate card, without you being able to do anything about it on turn 1, then where is the interaction. Personally hand traps are the only thing that is keeping yugioh a float, since its now the only way to keep the basic design of a card game intact.
WRONG MaXX C offers diversity cause you make a decision of going through with play or stoping , if it was banned, there would be LESS deck diversity because u can just slapp MAXX c in almost any deck
@@denjipoochita7351 well i think his argument is there isnt as much diversity because of maxx c being able to be played in every deck. Though that itself is problematic, since some decks that didnt have reliable draw or needed a perfect hand to have a good board would never be played if maxx c isnt used. personally i think keeping maxx c makes more decks come into the rouge tier which is more interesting to me then to have less counterplay vs top tier decks.
@@TheEvilCheesecake The drytron player was awful. If anyones perpetuating stereotypes, it’s you, who cannot read the cards to understand how he messed up
Lol Yu-Gi-Oh has been the most popular card game in the world since it came out 20 years ago Don't give me MTG because that's like a neck ward western thing. Yu-Gi-Oh is in the world wide zeitgeist. Every casual knows who Yugi is but no one can name a single MTG card The only reason MTG has made more money is because Yu-Gi-Oh is (well, was) a cheap game and Wizards of the coast has been bending over their consumer base with ludicrously priced sets for ages
Maxx C is a card that has to be at 3 or at 0. No in between. Personally, even when I played during Maxx C format, can say that Maxx C can come back because we have measures in TCG to counter them, IE Ash being an example. But more importantly, Maxx C teaches players to respect a single card, as well as give a lot of insight on how effective card advantage can be.
Maxx C opens you to deck out on the first turn, should the opponent have a deck that can summon that many times. Also, a lot of combos relies on searching out the cards to special summon onto the field(or send to GY, or banish), so having those cards that needed to be searched in the hand can break those combos. Ultimately, it depends on the situation, but going full ham and setting up an entire board of negates so they can't do shit even with half their deck in their hand is a viable strategy as well.
why counter Maxx C when we can complain and cry so that it'll get banned next season. Honestly i dont think in this Format Maxx C is OP at all. Simorg turn 1 into Draco Future is harder to deal with than Maxx c
Theres a few decks that can continue comboing even if maxx c is dropped(becuz they can deck out the opp by special summoning 800 times and they can play thru nibiru) but yes, most decks shouldnt do this becuz most decks Cant special summon 800 times
no problem with people using Maxx C but the only problem I have with the game is players constantly doing just like YASU using the Herald of Ultimateness and Drytron or using Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad and Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow. Because these type of decks of very annoying to counter and using Maxx C actually helps countering these decks.
One time, a guy I was playing against used Maxx "C" on me, but since I was using a Super Quant deck and had all the set up to get Great Magnus out onto the field, it really did not matter to me how many cards I ended up making him draw. I had a monster out on the field that he could not affect, had a pretty high attack, and even if he could get a higher attack monster on the field, I can just send it back to where it came from. He even tried using Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS Sky Thunder, even though that's literally a card that is recommended in a Super Quant deck because it's field clearing effect does not affect Great Magnus.
When I play Dragonmaids and someone does Maxx C when I normal summon a monster and confirm the deck I'm playing, I normally just shift into only summoning Sheou. This way they only get 1 card, aka o card advantage and I still get to do some special summoning during their turn.
I love how running combo against Maxx C conceptually relies on the confidence that you can take on whatever the other person might draw. And that rarely goes well.
It's actually basically my same win rate without it though I suspect because knowing they are playing into it makes me play much more careful and on my game and I don't like people being overconfident against me so I'm a ass aswell
It honestly depends on what type of deck, but in general when you see an opponent maxx C. you the first thing you need to think is at what point you should cut your loss and pass the turn For example, I play a pretty budget rogue T.G. deck. If I played Psy Reflector attempting to go into Trident on first turn, I will simply go into Assault beast into Stardust and end my turn (which means maxx. C gives a +1 in this case). But if I am bringing out my T.G. card I may as well go bust and gamble them not getting anything good off the maxx C Obviously that won't turn out well, but what can I do as a synchro heavy deck that has no way of playing around negate and comeback other than a few spell card (e.g. lightning storm or raigeki) that will get negated anyway? If skipping over the combo means you can never come back, may as well go broke and hope they brick. Obviously it is going to hurt if they dig up an Ash someway down the line and stop your activation. I do agree a lot of the meta deck can choose a stopping point and just delay their combo, but for some rogue deck they don't have the option to basically mean throwing away some of their combo piece while essentially giving opponent a first turn that can attack over
Judging from the few comments about the Drytron player's skill, my point for the video is to show what happens when a player attempts the Maxx "C" challenge
There are definitely newer players that just picked up the deck because they searched up meta decks for Master Duel, and are just coasting up ranks by playing normally
This video aims teach players that Maxx "C" can have an impact on the game and should not be ignored just because you are playing a meta deck (i.e. you should develop game sense and not brainlessly combo)
Another thing I've noticed are TCG players being reintroduced to Maxx "C" or even the first time playing against Maxx "C". The aim to teach game sense and awareness of Maxx "C" should apply to them as well.
Edit: I would like to thank everyone for making this my most viewed video so far. I seriously did not expect this video to even get 100 views. Thank you all so much again.
I will be uploading some videos I wanted to make which are related to Duel Links. I know most of you would not be interested, but I had started this 3 parts series in my previous Inzektor video, so please bear with me in the meanwhile.
My next video after those 2 videos are uploaded are to make something related to Ritual monsters, since that is my favourite summoning mechanic in Yu-Gi-Oh
Edit 2: I realised this was not pinned until 9 days later. Crap.
Most of the time if the deck ur opponent is playing is rogue or worse they can draw their whole deck and still not beat you I promise you and if ur playing against meta and they drop maxx c then u just straight lose by passing, very few duels that u would have won u end up losing due to taking the maxx c challenge, if anything the opposite is more true
I'm a returning player and the second someone played this card I immediately ended my turn. Yeah I net decked a meta deck but at least I have f****** common sense. XD I think there was one situation where I just played through it and one anyways because I knew I had game regardless of anything they might have drawn cuz I've played against their deck type before but that's besides the point.
Edit : I hadn't played since Synchro we're introduced. So all of this new stuff is a steep but easy learning curve.
I mean, this game is a game where even a +1 is broken in the right deck, so a +10 like that first turn is basically a death sentence for those that doesn't know/understand the finer points of the game. Its one of the reasons why i tend to play with Ash Blossom and Effect Veiler even if i don't have an use except for them to be hand traps.
Ah yes, 100 views
If someone drops maxx c, you have no choice but to take the challenge or you have already lost anyway. There is a reason it is banned in the tcg, and the ocg loathes it
I like how Maxx C doesn't stop the opponent from playing, but invokes a feeling of "you sure you want to do this?"
Yeah, like: C'mon, keep it up, but if you're going to, then you have to kill me for sure in your turn
me with edlich and litterally 1 special summon / turn: *YES*
@@zskyriot_live and thus it's totally fair
Play through Maxx C and lose or don't play at all and lose. Not much of a choice.
@@RenegadeStriker7 he can't kill you on his first turn wtf is that logic
Opponent: Tries the maxx "c" challenge
Me with exodia in my deck:
"So you've chosen death?"
Shiiiiiit. This is the Shogun Assassin choice of Yugioh. Legit just put an Exodia deck on one side, the “table-flip-forfeit” on the other and let them choose…
I would say they could just, you know, NOT do 80-hour-long combos but hahahahaha no…not the braindeads that play combo decks. That’d be like giving crack, a pipe and a lighter to a crackhead in a police station and telling them not to light up in the toilets
I got exodia'd today by a guy who had 3 reload's and 3 heart of the underdogs and only normal mons plus exodia. I harpy FD two of his underdogs he got one more and it was a wrap 😂
I mean if they don’t know and they think they can set up an unbreakable board I can’t blame them. If they know you’re playing Exodia they are Smooth Brain.
It's actually very easy to play around Maxx "C". Just special summon once and you don't have much to worry about. This message was brought to you by a Skull Servant player. One big skeleton is enough to make you suffer in one attack.
Ayeee a fellow skull servant player! Not many of our kind here. Big skeleton wins are always fun!
Most decks have to special summon more then once to be able to have boards that will most likely be able to survive their opponents turn
@@craftergamer9058 do I look like I care? All I need is my calcium boy.
Ahhh nice to see yall
Hail to the King.
man drew 11+ with a Maxx C and feels the need for Extravagance
Who knows? Might've bricked if not for that Extrav!
@@jasminelee1909 Playing a ritual deck, bricking after all the pluses is possible. And I'm a ritual player.
Tbf, as you saw the pot was heavily needed considering he still didn’t get a good board thanks to those negates
It was probably for Ultimatness bait
It was to bait all the negates
The fact that the Drytron player was still winning for a while after making you draw 11 cards says a lot
Yea, either Drytron is broken or the other player just had just that bad a deck
Nah the drytron player missplayed heavily. Negating the impcantations was pointless. In such a scenario you'd only want to interrupt key activations that actually threaten you. A competent Drytron player would have easily won this. And not because Drytron is broken (it's not even close to being one of the best decks), but shinobirds aren't really competitively viable, not even in Master Duel.
yep, Drytron is completly broken
Lol you were doing so well until you had the audacity to say Drytrons "isn't CLOSE to being *one of* the best decks"
I'm dumbfounded
@@jdrmanmusiqking No I'm just an actual competitive player, both in the real life TCG and in Master Duel. I admit that because of the lack of a Side Deck, deck building is a lot harder in Master Duel, but if you expect to play against drytron a lot, then deck build accordingly: Main Deck Nibiru, Maxx "C", Ash Blossom, Kaijus, Forbidden Droplet, Dark Ruler no more, Lava Golem, Droll & Lock bird... There are so many things you could Main deck, that completely shit on Drytron that I really don't feel like it's one of the best decks. And most of these cards counter multiple other meta decks as well. Fantastic counters, deck theme wise, to Drytron are e. g. True Draco, Eldlich, Infernoids, Timelords, etc.
Once took the maxx 'c' challenge with a chaos lightsworn deck and got them to deck out.
Rofl that's one strategy
Same also did the same with a lightsworn deck, I didn't deck them out I had board with near infinite negates, so I was negating every card they were activating, no longer possible with block dragon, Glow up bulb mx-invoker, brilliant fusion all banned
Same but I used six sams to deck out my opponent
One question if the doing all that combos and opponents include in the deck exodia and gather all parts it is instantly win or they must wait to end phase?
@@ElGreko79 they win instantly
the fact he didn't die against 16 cards in turn two is the most impressive thing about thise video
the fact that he couldn't otk vs an empty board in turn 3 comes shortly after tho
It would have more funny if he was running an Exodia deck. All those free draws would have gotten all five pieces of Exodia to win while it's still his opponent's turn.
The emotional WHIPLASH I experienced when you both milled your Extra Decks.... as a Synchro Quasar player I was not okay when that happened lol
Happened to me and I literally just FF'd bc wtf other option did I have
man, I'm trying to build a Synchro Quasar deck, but I suck at using it 😅 mainly because my timing is off and I haven't dueled in such a long time. You got any neat tips?
@@chaos-sama1656 I'm coming off a hiatus as well so you're in good company. Honestly practice is the best teacher. That and just keep watching other people using it.
@@chaos-sama1656 I played quasar for over a decade with friends but with master duel I've been enjoying adamancipators
All the archetypes I like have a big emphasis on the extra deck so the pots are my kryptonite lol
I once took the "Maxx C challenge" against an orcust deck. Once i finished my combo they had nothing to send to the grave and 21 cards in hand. Played through Effect Veiler and a Nibiru.
Yea I think Maxx c is fine. Depending on what deck you are playing against them having 30 cards in hand might not matter if not a single one can out your board. This is especially true in master duel where you have no idea what you might play against. I would say Maxx c is a bit more broken in real life formats where you know people are only playing 3 or 4 decks and everyone main or side decks outs to their boards. I can see this being a problem but not in master duel.
everyone cool with the Maxx C challenge in Master Duel until they go up against Dark Synchro and deck out while staring down 3 Quasar and 2 Blazar Dragons
@@jms974 I'm returning to yugioh after a hiatus for this game, and I only knew about... pretty much everything about the game in theory. Maxx C is annoying, but I got used to it at the same pace as all the other hand traps. In all honesty, I think Ash screws me over more than Maxx C does.
The flood gates though... Man those can burn.
@@MercuryA2000 I feel you. I personally don't have an issue with hand traps at all. Floodgates are only an issue in best of one formats or in combo decks that can search them for free. My big issue is with generic extra deck monsters/engines that any deck can abuse. These cards make every good deck do the same thing which completely undermines archetypes and deck diversity. I'm talking about cards like anaconda/halq the brave engine etc. Why create different archetypes and decks if in order to make your deck the best it can be it has to do the same thing other decks do? Its completely backwards. I understand konami is a profit seeking business but even that is not an excuse. All they would need to do is create decks/archetypes that are good but are good uniquely and not splashable. They still make their money because the deck is good and people would buy it but in this case they also don't hurt other decks because the deck is good only in isolation and not splashable. For example take a deck like monarchs. When it first came out it was a meta deck but only in isolation. You couldn't splash the deck on other decks to make them better. Sometimes they do this for certain formats and I think these are the best formats but often they don't which tells me they are lazy and incompetent.
@@jms974 I do agree that engines are kind of annoying, but I think its cool when different archetypes work together. I think they really need to just put slightly tighter restrictions on these things. Like, trap you in the type/attribute/level so you can't just toss it in wherever you want.
I also kinda like the fact that some archetypes get their own hand traps and such. Like the various Kaluts. I feel like even if they all have similar effects, letting archetypes at least have their own flavor of hand trap could also help with diversity.
And the thing about staples is that I don't think they even make much money off that? People buy the pack, but a bunch of TCG economy is people reselling cards as singles. Reprints don't seem super common to me at least, so once the initial flash in the pan is done, they need to give fans something else.
Im not sure who is more broken , if maxx c for giving you that much cards or drytron for being able to survive doing it for 1 turn
I don't know, but he spent a lot of cards with unnecessary negates to search effects since the opponent already have 20 cards in the hand and still survived
not really even if he drew the entire deck the drytron would have 100% won if he played his negates right like "READING"
Imagine NEGATING SEARCHERS when your opponent already drew his entire deck pepega.
EDIT: Obviously this would not work in some decks but this deck is a ritual spirit deck literally even a basic starter deck can beat it.
Maxx C obviously. If drytron played against a competent deck instead of shinobirds, not even herald would've saved them.
@@lawzinhoO yeah like 8 fucking negate vs 20 cards
The reason maxx c is legal in the ocg is because people don't want to deal with their opponents playing solitare for 10 minutes with no punishment then setting up a board with 10 negates.
I'm not against Maxx "C" being in the game or anything, don't misunderstand. But I always struggle to judge what to do when it's played considering it's almost always chained the second I perform a single action. I don't like to play control, so I still need to set up some kind of board to protect myself. But even giving my opponent 1 or 2 cards is a steep risk.
And let me just say I have been OTK'd far too many times when my answer is to simply do nothing.
Considering that Master Duel has OCG's banlist, I'm not surprised if the Meta shifts towards more control focused decks
The difficulty in judging what to do is always the hard part, so it takes a lot of game sense to decide what to do. Come to think of it, that is probably why Maxx "C" is one of the most divisive cards in Yu-Gi-Oh, simply because it causes the most stress when it is used
@@ASalomon69 Are you sure it's OCG? Last I checked, it was going off its own banlist separate from both OCG/TCG
play mayakashi ftk. the decks winning condition is using an almostt infinite loop of special summons that always trigger an effect to send cards from your opponents deck to the graveyard, going on and on until they ran out of cards, you end your turn and instantly win. them drawing cards from maxx c even favors you becausee you'll get rid of their deck even faster. only downside: they are very likely to draw handtraps during this which could mess up your combo tho
@@MansMan42069 Kind of?
Strictly speaking, I'm wrong to say it is the OCG's banlist. It is not one-for-one the OCG banlist or any past OCG banlist, but you can see a general pattern and base that the Master Duel banlist is following
Will say the drytron player messed up massively, they overextended turn 1 giving their opponent at least 2 more draws. Beyond that, they used their negates poorly. Maxx C is cracked but Drytron could win if they played better.
true but not everyone is a nerd enough to read every card or know every deck
@@mksjoestar2475 Your a grown man, just read the fucking card.
@@LordFinkenstein init its honestly not hard
YES, why negate search effects when he already have half of the deck in the hand?
Post your credit card number.
You think I'm joking but I'm dead serious. If you're gonna sit here and defend Konami's bad game design, your money belongs to me now. This is not an argument. You're GOING to do it. Maybe you should read The Bible or something. Cause it will take an act of God do undo the shit you've just brought onto yourself if yoh don't post that credit card.
Honestly I would love to build a deck, based on out-decking the opponent once they used Maxx "C"
Try Six Samurais :)
You could try a Mayakashi deck I fought on ranked (and lost to because of deck out). It used the Mayakashi's ability to keep on summoning the tuner back from the grave to continuously synchro summon, along with a monster that made me send the first two cards of my deck to my grave every time a zombie monster is summoned on my opponent's field. I laughed a lot when I saw my opponent was actually managing to deck me out
@Nezzberry lol today I managed to deck out a person in ranked. They were using a Virtual World deck, but I think they misplayed because they just ended with a couple of synchros on the field, one of which was Crystal Wing, and also used Pot of desires to banish 10 cards from the deck and draw 2. Then they used Maxx C at the start of my turn, but little did they know, I was playing Adamancipator with Block Dragon. I made him draw 18 cards without even noticing, I was just going on with my turn and I was surprised when I saw "VICTORY" pop up on my screen as I was playing. I thought the opponent surrendered, but it was actually a deck out! I laughed a lot. And I wasn't even finished with my turn!
@@ASalomon69 hehehehe they'll never know
Infinite shien counter loop gang let's go!
@@ASalomon69 i play six sams, i will make them draw till they have 30 cards then play card destruction out of spite
Whenever people do things like this, I always wonder if the guy doing the Maxx "C" challenge is praying that their opponent has a deck full of garnets.
Sometimes if you not special summon you as good as dead, so it could be better to make an unbreakable borad where no matter how many cards your enemy has they will be negated
Honestly the drytron guy could have won easily if he was smarter with his negates.
I typically play into the Maxx "C" and OTK through it, although there have been a small number of games where they have drawn into a hand trap at a time when I could not deal with it resulting in a loss. Overall I would say, if you are going second and they use a Maxx "C" if you are sure you can OTK then go for it.
Me, running a trains otk deck: "DRAW ALL THE CARDS YOU WANT, THERE WON'T BE A NEXT TURN"
Or even going first. I'm a bit of a returning player, so I don't really understand what happened, but I got FTK'd by someone who went first who got two copies of a fusion (might've been XYZ, it's been a bit since it happened) monster out from their extra deck that had an effect to where each of them could deal 4k damage. I think it was a HERO deck, but I don't remember for sure.
Edit: Just checked. Wasn't HEROs, was a pendulum deck, but it used Independent Nightshade and Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom, which just copied Nightshade's effect. Had a blast not being able to play even a single turn.
Yea, Maxx C really asks two questions.
1) Can you finish the duel this turn?
2) How many cards are worth getting a negate/wall/whatever on board.
Its at least an option to play through it if you need to. I think that's part of why I don't mind it. It might be that none of the decks I play need 15 summons to get a boss monster (I can usually get them in 2 or 3) but I don't mind it personally.
I had someone use Maxx "C" in response to my Maxx "C". It was both confusing, and hilarious as they continued to combo out
This makes me consider running Maxx C in my Gravekeepers in case I go second. Once I get more board state on and protected it real hard to break. Also this is giving me memories of sitting and waiting for around 10 to 15 minutes waiting for my opponent to finish all their summons.
Its good going first as well. If you brick, you can draw disruptions with it after setting backrow and passing. You can also run it to counter opposing Maxx C with Crossout Designator.
gravekeepers loses to one dinomisch lol
Maxx “C” is honestly just a card you need to be careful about while you are playing. If you feel that you can stop your opponent enough to mitigate the draw, it’s ok to play into it some. However, if you can’t, it’s best to do a barebones setup to try to survive. Still a super frustrating card, though. Especially for decks that have a hard time justifying giving your opponent huge draws.
I use it with eldlich and if they give me like 3 cards it's usually over since I just need 1 spell on the field and can use 1 trap monster and golden lord to get mad lord, and do the whole shabang.
For those wondering, the master duel banlist is based heavily around the OCG banlist and not the TCG, which is why Maxx C is not banned while cards like Dark Dragoon and Mystic Mine are
🌠 *_The More You Know_*
Can’t even use Set Rotation 😭😭
If it was an IRL duel, i'd have just let them keep going.
"Ha, Let's see you beat that board! Pass turn."
"Dude I won like 10 minutes ago"
Can we talk about Herald of Ultimateness for a sec tho? That card is almost as absurd as Maxx “C”. It’s supposed to be balanced by being hard to bring out but uh I’ve seen it out turn one multiple times.
It USED to be balanced-ish. But then Drytron and Diviner came around and it became so simple.
Same with invoked mechaba both cards are literally free negates as long as you have cards in your hand granted mechaba needs to discard the same type of card that was activated but it’s still pretty bullshit.
@@craftergamer9058 at least mechaba is once per turn
@@craftergamer9058 Mechaba is once per turn, hard to bring out and you need to discard a card of the same type. There is no comparison between the two
@@MistBestWaifu ok machaba is once per turn... but he hard to bring out? LMAO
If y'all tired of waiting 10 minutes (this is an automated recording so it's not showing the 7 minutes the player spent searching through the deck and thinking) for your opponent to make an unbreakable board that doesn't let you play afterwards, I recommend playing Yu-Gi-Oh Trinity format. Or atleast check it out.
dang, lost because of this misplay
This is what happens when some players haven't had to encounter Maxx C competitively in so long. They forget how to play against it. The only time you might want to risk it if you are 100% confident you can deck them out or OTK them that turn.
or have a powerful engine like golden madlord.
Completely different game, but this seriously reminds me of uno sometimes.
Also the difference between the tcg and ocg format with all of these hand traps is really interesting to me.
Though if i were to choose between combo decks and floodgate decks, i think i would rather fight combo decks.
Maxx C is fantastic. I've had a lot more luck with garbage meme decks with Maxx C at 3 than I did with TCG banlist.
I mean tbh combo is just floodgates with extra steps.
@@Draco7876 it's not floodgates prevent actions in general negates are negates. We have many tools to deal with monsters at this point it's tougher against multiple very strong floodgates. This is how I see it, I would rather face combo any day than a floodgate deck. The duels are stunned and insanely boring rather just lose or not.
@@Big1nz because Artifact Scythe isn't a floodgate monster
Because Vanities fiend/Majesty's fiend aren't floodgate monsters
Because flundereeze empen isn't a floodgate monster
Because VFD/F0 aren't floodgate monsters
Do I need to go on?
Edit: by your logic of "we have outs to monster floodgates" then you're in favor of Maxx C to 3
Isn't that part of what makes Maxx "C" great? Most of the time, Maxx "C" isn't used to draw a card but to stop your opponent from committing to the board with a chance that you would draw the card that out their board. Maxx "C" at the end of the is a fucking coin toss; if you commit under Maxx "C" your opponent can either draw an out to your field or additional hand trap to stop you mid-combo. But leaving your field empty isn't ideal, especially against deck that can put body on to the field like Tri-brigade.
yeah, there's way too many easy otks and game ending hand traps that make Maxx C even more broken than it would've been back when it was initially printed
@@mikaelamonsterland id argue the opposite tbh. There's also way more ways to stop it from activating or commit to a smaller board that still holds value. For example shaddoll invoked dogma can just do winda, mechaba pass and only give you 2 draws total while not really losing out too hard on boardstate. Eldlich maybe special summons once a turn if that. Theres alot of decks and playstyles that dont really care about maxx C anymore.
@@JudojugsVtuber Evil Eye with Summon limit for example, great deck that stops most Maxx C plays on it's tracks.
@@JudojugsVtuber there's a "Lot".
But you just mentioned a single deck.
This particular deck is Invoked Shaddoll Dogmatika.
Blue eyes decks will never run those.
Maxx "C" works in any decks. giving us even a slight chance at beating bullshits like turn 1 simorgh into Draco Future,
I'd say Maxx C should stay.
With Maxx C i can still play Blue Eyes decks and beat these Meta decks by slowing down the game.
@@prophetmuhammad3890 i mean i mentioned 2 of the most prevalent decks that dont care about maxx C. Sky strikers also dont necessarily care about maxx C. Anyone can run Called By The Grave or Ash blossom. Maxx C was busted back in the day because there werent literally like 3-4 generic cards to stop it and there werent like half a dozen hard control stun decks that barely summon anything ever.
I saw the second Maxx C and spat out my drink in laughter
Maxx "C" isn't all that scary, especially in the OCG Meta....We kind of just play through it.
This is Maxx "C"
Dear GOD
*There's more*
Like a certain wise guy once said *"It's time to stop. It's time to stop ok. Where are your parents?"*
Is it bad that I wish Maxx "C" wasn't banned? The mindgames it induced were amazing and I enjoyed decking people out with World Chalice before that got shot
there's not really any mind games involved it's end your turn or lose lol
Why would you mind gaming yourself? You are not going to have any mind games with your opponent. They are just gonna sit there giggling to themself as they draw the nibiru or droplet to destroy your board.
Maxx "C" and what to do after it's dropped is entirely deck dependent tbh. I have two decks that I use regularly: ShID and Blackwings. ShID always just stops after I've given them the one card, because it'd be too easy to give them enough tools to break through anything I could build in the turn I'm given. Blackwings keep going, though, until I've either built my board or they've drawn a handtrap to stop me. Why do Blackwings keep going? King Kali Yuga. It doesn't matter what they draw if they can't resolve any of their cards.
I usually leave when Maxx C or when Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring is played... That shit pisses me off all the time
The "I can do this all day" took me out! 🤣
I remember so many years ago when I was using a Traditional Format deck that someone used that card against me.
I had tribe Infecting Virus, Lightpulsar Dragon, Red Eyes Darkkess Metal dragon and Card of Safe return.
When that girl used that card I laughed; I summoned Red eyes Darkness Metal and then Lightpulsar, I used the effect of Tribe infecting Virus to destroy my own dragons and resurrect Red Eyes Dakness using Lightpulsar effect, while drawing using card of safe return.
She started to draw, and I entered a Loop of destroying my dragons and resummoning them so she would get decked out xD.
It was hilarious because she even used veiler on the tribe infecting virus so I summoned my Envoy of the Beginning to remove my Tribe, and then DDR to Special Summon it again, she even believed that I was trying to Draw my Chaos Emperor Dragon (pre errata time) to kill her, when she said that I just said you mean THIS Chaos Emperor Dragon I had turn one?
Nah, I prefer winning by decking you out.
But against this card Maxx Cc I would gladly use Card destruction + Serial Spell to deck them out.
Damn.. that's a pretty interesting combo. Got emm
Card Destruction + Serial Spell sounds cool. Card Destruction, Trickstar Reincarnation, and Present Card are quick ways to throw your opponents hand to the grave.
thing is that in the tcg degenerate fields with +5 negations are okay
but a single maxx C would "break the game" , masterduels is doing just fine i wish we would had atleast 1 maxx c
And i wished they limited ash its way to broken
It’s because deep down they want to make that unbreakable board , negates galore etc… it’s not about balance , it was always I want to build my unbreakable board and max c at least forced me to think a bit
dark ruler is a card that exists
@ATrain dark ruler, droplets, nibiru, evenly matched, sphere mode, lightning storm, talents among others are all cards purpose built for punishing combo decks. I'm seriously concerned that you think drnm is the only out to combo decks like you clearly aren't very good at the game if that's the point you think I was making lol. There isn't one specific counter to combo there are dozens but maxx c is far too versatile. What if a combo deck ends on one of your so called negate boards and also has maxx for your turn? Do you seriously think there's any chance in winning against that
The answer is not just 'hurr durr, stop immediately whenever Maxx c is dropped' The answer is actually to have a plan for what to do when someone maxx c's you. I.e. Actually make a conscious decision about your gameplan not to just apply a universal rule. Sometimes that will involve stopping immediately, sometimes that will involve a shorter combo and sometimes that will involve taking the challange.
Your opponent hadn't lost when they passed back to you after you had drawn 12 cards.
They lost when they misplayed thier interaction.
They quite simply didn't negate at the right times.
Hats off to you sincerely for considering all unknown factors, including the lack of knowledge of what your opponent is playing. By just 1 Maxx C, I didnt know you could obtain so much information
You are right in saying there are generally 3 things to do when you get thrown a Maxx C (aside from negating), which are
1. Stop
2. Do a short combo
3. Do your entire combo (i.e. maxx C challenge)
Doing a Maxx C challenge (i.e. what is in the video) does not automatically guarantee a loss. I am literally playing an off meta deck, however the opponent doesnt know what I was playing
On the ladder, you should expect a much stronger deck, i.e a meta deck.
Furthermore, a Drytron deck has limited negates. So when you attempt the Maxx C challenge, you have to ask yourself this:
"Is this worth giving my opponent 10+ cards?"
10 cards from my deck could be powerful, but 10 cards from any meta deck could be much more powerful.
my plan is to make them draw all the cards in thier deck so they lose by not having card to draw.
@@nate-lin care talk about our lord and savior gateway of the six for a moment ?
@@nate-lin That’s what the “Maxx C Challenge” is, buddy. It used to be feasible but in this age of hand traps galore, the opponent is likely to draw one to just end your shenanigans before their entire deck is drawn so it isn’t worth it. Though I also suppose it was also more feasible back in the day because there were less hard once per turns so decks had plenty of infinite summon loops that didn’t affect the game state (cards that abused such loops tended to be banned)
He really thought Herald of Ultimateness was gonna help him vs a 17 card hand
Did you not watch the game? Drytron player should've won easily had he not misplayed a million times
Got Maxx C’d but didn’t know I was running CyDra with lightning storm and evenly matched in hand. They got OTK’d
I have gotten my opponent to make me Maxx C draw into nibiru exactly once, and I must say, it's the best god damned feeling in the world.
Pro tip if you are in the drytron's player place :
Impcantation monsters relie on two effect the one to reveal a ritual spell/monster to special summon itself and another one from deck and an effect when it is summoned by the effect of an impcantation.
You can't use both of those effects in the same turn and they're "use" effect so negating their activation is pretty safe. The thing you have to keep in mind is that if you negate the impcantation they have summoned from deck summoning it back won't do anything. In this situation you want to negate cards that will threaten your monster (or in ritual decks if you don't really know their deck just negate the ritual spell) however if you want to be more effective while negating impcantation in the case that you suspect they have multiple just negate the effect that actually searches something. The only real threat a ritual deck with impcantation has is when we have 2 on the field we can tribute them to make vanity ruler or in this case zaborg so in this case negating another they would summon can kinda make sense.
I got Maxx c'd while playing Thunder Dragons. He chained it to my batteryman solar. I simply ended on Colossus and passed instead of going for the combo that would have ended with Titan and IP as well. My opponent still ended up surrendering as he had no out for Colossus even by himself 😆
well if you didn't let him drew his entire deck ur 100% would win. it's fine to let them get at least 1-2 draws from maxx C.
3 is kinda pushing it and 4 is basically give them their deck.
Had an argument with someone yesterday because they said Maxx C was an unbalanced handtrap… like all i can say is just stop? Its only op if your dumb enough to keep going… egotistic children lol.
And on a side note, the same person said AshBlossom WASNT unbalanced
I mean, there's something called Called By The Grave... but I guess no one barely puts it in the deck sooooo-
The person who could deck out someone using Maxx C, is Playmaker.
Man that card enter in any deck
Honestly, as someone who has played five different TCGs at the local/surrounding counties to my home game store weekly tourney level over 25 years, it is flatly obvious what this TCGs problem is. You can’t keep adding NEW, overarching play mechanics to a TCG, and never remove OLD mechanics introduced much earlier in the game’s history. Not and have a TCG that is about anything but establishing engine-initiating principles primarily aimed at reducing the opponent’s options to zero. If MtG had allowed all The Type 1/Legacy dominant cards to remain in the competitive pool of tourney legal cards designed 30 years on, you’d see pretty much Yugiohs situation. Net decking overshadowing original deck design, banned/restricted lists which fluctuate on a granular level without addressing big things like making OTKs something that can only occur with similar frequency to being dealt a royal flush. Having the highest knowledge-bar of any TCG for a new player to surmount to become competitive is an indictment, not a virtue of this TCG.
Yo chill its ok to not like yugioh my dude
As much as I love Yu-Gi-Oh, this is exactly the thing that is keeping me away from the real TCG. I have a life, I have a job, and only so much time and money that I can spend on a hobby. I love that people manage to put in lots of time and effort to find out crazy good synergies between cards and archetypes, that's part of the fun. But when the game has 11000+ individual cards, and many many different archetypes with different individual characteristics, it becomes to much for my aging peanut brain.
Old boomer Yu-Gi-Oh were people were just summoning the stronger normal monster is boring.
Yu-Gi-Oh during GX era stepped it up to a nice and simple somewhat slow paced game with some draw luck and some strategy involved.
Synchros in 5DS era made the game a little bit more fast paced, introduced some more combo based gameplay, and made a bit better use of the Extra Deck. Because of Synchro monsters, players need to spam boards with loads of smaller low-level monsters to use them as material for the Synchro summon, making special summon a more common effect for monsters to have. This on its own is not an issue, and it helps increasing the pace of the game.
Beginning of Zexal era was nice and my personal favorite stage of the game. They introduce XYZ which made it easier for all kinds of decks to summon some nice cards from the Extra Deck. XYZ cards were pretty tame with their effects in the beginning, Number 39: Utopia is a good example of this. Games were neither too fast or too slow, and there was a wide range of decent and good archetypes. Every archetype felt unique in their playstyle and strategy, making every archetype its own fun experience. Also the game was a bit more balanced, most archetypes would still be able to hold out decently. So even if you go up against many different decks, you didn't feel entirely hopeless. Also being able to play against many different archetypes and still having your deck be able to do decently against most of them meant that finding new opponents was also very fun.
Somewhere during the middle of Zexal era is where I say the bloating slowly began to show, Konami began to go a bit more crazy with their cards. And it all starts with the darn Dragon Rulers. Even with the big ban of the small rulers and limiting all big ones to 1 copy, all the best decks were the ones that could somehow make use of Dragon Rulers as support. And after Dragon Rulers, Konami began introducing new cards and archetypes that were just way stronger than the average deck. Also constantly releasing a new OP card with each set that almost everyone has to use to have their deck stay even decent. Mecha-Phantom Dracosac, N11: Big Eye, N101: Silent Honor ARK were examples of this. Also, hand traps were slowly starting to become more widely used. Some cards like Effect Veiler were good enough to be mained and while it was good, it was never OP. Then some cards like Droll & Lock Bird were more common in side deck. During Zexal era we had 3 kinds of Extra Deck cards: Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz. These three mechanics still worked fairly well together, and the bigger issue here was never the addition of Xyz, it was addition of new monsters with crazy strong effects.
Thing to note here is that even though the game was beginning to get more complicated during end of Zexal era, Konami was still holding on to the Golden Standard of 3000 ATK. From Blue-Eyes all the way to Zexal, monsters above 3000 ATK were rare. Maybe some super strong ultra boss monster has 3300 ATK, but nothing too crazy. The importance of holding on to this Golden Standard is because each player only has 8000 LP. If monsters get higher ATK, then OTK will be much easier and make games end much quicker.
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V era is the one that I know the least of, I know absolutely nothing of it and the meta during that time. But Pendulum is definitely something that has helped with the bloating of the game. Giving cards potential 2 different effects, and a way to spam the field with monsters almost every turn which allows you to either OTK or easily summon Synchro and Xyz monsters doesn't sound healthy to me.
And then we got the VRAINS era which introduced Link monsters. I think Link monsters is the cherry that seals the deal of this bloated game. I think the mechanic on its own is a nice idea, but the game was already at the phase where monster effects have to be strong for them to be viable. This mechanic with its super easy summoning condition and ability to shit out monsters is the perfect recipe for disaster. Konami probably realized that adding Link monsters on top of all the other Extra Deck cards would bloat the game, so they made it so that you can only summon Extra Deck monsters to link zones. The problem with this new mechanic is that by trying to balance the bloat, they pretty much made Link monsters a must, and this ended up in rendering many older decks to be unplayable. And even with this bloat limiting mechanic, Link monsters on their own are so crazy in spam potential that we ended up getting decks like Gouki Knightmare that can Co-Link both link zones and pretty much having full control of the board turn 1. Later on, Konami fix their rules so that Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ works as they used to. They also somewhat reduce the bloat of Pendulum by forcing Extra Deck Pendulum monsters to use Link Zones.
So currently the game is in a state were it is so fast paced that summoning an entire board of monsters turn 1 is super easy. This is a problem, but it's not that big of a problem on its own, since it is not enough to break the game. But combining all of the mechanics, the quick pace of the game, the inflation of strong card effects, this results in players being able to summon a full board of monsters that all have the ability to negate your opponents card effects and effectively stopping them from even playing the game at turn 2. Now that's a big problem. So how do you stop that? You play hand traps. And I don't know where exactly but somewhere between Zexal and VRAINS, Ash Blossom and all her friends were introduced to the game.
So effectively the game has become so fast paced and bloated with mechanics that the biggest focus of almost every meta deck is to build a board that stops your opponent from playing by using negate monsters like Invoked Mechaba, and using hand traps to stop your opponent from building their board full of negates. Also, it is now very common for decks to summon monsters that can very easily reach super high ATK stats between 3500 - 6000 ATK. We have decks like Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon where you can very easily summon Xyz monsters with an original 4000 ATK stat. And with some OTK decks like Utopia, you can very easily boost the very tame N39: Utopia to be able to hit your opponent with 10000+ ATK stat.
So to wrap this up, why is all of the above bad for the game? Well this is in the end a game, something we do to have fun. In order to have fun, we have to PLAY the game. But the meta of the game is focused on stopping your opponent and to not let them play. Or to just OTK them turn 2, ending the game very quickly and making them question their life choices of spending hundreds of dollars on a deck that lost before even getting the chance to be able to do something. Also, combos are so long that you sit there for 10 minutes, looking at your opponent having fun with their $1000 deck, and then you die after their combo is done. But if they end turn, it's finally your turn to play! But what happens during your turn? Negate, negate, negate, negate, end turn, GG WP. The game is more about remembering how to do your 10 minute combo, and less about strategy. You only do the strategy while deck building, but when you play it's just follow the combo script and try to not misplay, or to not get fucked by your opponents cards. How do you not get fucked by your opponents cards? Well you need to have good knowledge on almost every single archetype in the game in order to make sure that you don't make any mistakes. Situational strategy where you come up with a solution during the game, or to make a luck based risk assessment is more fun than having to remember every single card in 20 different archetypes. And since combo games are so long, and cards have very long and complicated effects, most people don't even bother reading anymore. Imagine this guy doing 10 minute combo, and now you have to read every single card he plays during that combo. The combo will now instead be 30 minutes. And your opponent is also trying to have fun when playing the game, now he has to sit there and wait 20 minutes for you to read card effects.
bruh you just trash at tge game then. There are more viable decks playable in the meta than mtg ever had in a single format.
@@幽霊船-o4h When every single card is legal, there will be more archetypes. Nobody is debating that.
I play 1 traptrix, opponent activates maxx c, i only use that traptrix to summon 1 link monster and then fill my backrow with cards. have fun with 1 more card and an entire backrow to deal with
The fact that Harold could stand up against a single turn of full power Maxx c draw Is crazy 😥😥
Exodia players when they use Max C and the opponent keeps summoning strong monsters to OTK them
*Keep summoning buddy you got this*
It's one of the reasons I run Assembled Nightingale in Tri-Lyrilusc besides Zeus target. If I start my combo with Lyriluscs and they Maxx "C", I can just save myself by going into Nightingale pass and my LP are safe. It sure gave me a shot against Invoked Shaddolls. But then again, I used my own Maxx "C" after they played Aleister and they gave me lots of cards to make a comeback with.
Life points don't matter until they hit 0. Don't use resources trying to reduce damage unless you're going to lose the game
It's Yugioh tho. They go second and they will either OTK you or make a negate board. Had to make sure I didn't die. One of the decks where that strategy just doesn't matter is against Shaddoll since they will set up an Invoked Mechaba and a Winda. That's pretty tough to overcome. And even if I have to go into Assembled, I can make a Zeus of it next turn or I can use Cobalt Sparrow to search another Warbler. Even if they banish or send my Nightingale, I won't die and my field is free for Warbler into Sparrow again. It really is just a matter of adapting to the duel and try to expect the unexpected.
Stopping when it's used can also lose you the duel. It's why it's banned everywhere else xD it practically makes turn 2 the real turn 1.
I've only played through maxx "c" once, against HERO's (and won), when I knew that I had no way to interupt a next turn OTK anyway - and that HERO's typically don't play many defensive in-hand cards. Most of the time, it doesn't pay off to play through it. The HERO player had drawn 17 cards off of maxx "c" and the only delay I felt turned out to be a honest neos - I went into apollousa to be safe though.
Also another lesson here boys. You don't negate the draw cards, you negate the cards they draw into. That pot negate was just a wasted card. He could have negated the floodgate for example.
I would love to make a shinobaron deck. Basically because amano iwato is one of my favourite cards. Hoping to see transonic bird in master duel soon.
This shit is 2:22 in and you haven’t had a turn but you have 14 cards in your hand what the hell happened to the simple game I grew up on 😅
Honestly, I think Max C isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's not some crazy "end your opponents turn" card like people cry, but it's definitely super strong. It's a weighted decision that comes with the territory.
I know the title is a meme more than anything, but there's a lot of people that genuinely think of Max C as a "turn end" signal. This guy was just bad at weighing the pros and cons. If he had a way to get his herald out without giving you damn near double digits, it'd have been super worth it.
It depends heavily on what you plan on doing that turn, but you shouldn't *immediately* end your turn when Maxx C triggers.
Read the first sentence and was super confused
That’s just TCG players whining as usual.
I usually get enough of a board presence and then quit. Cards that let you summon during your opponents turn like Masquerena help
This is why I love to play VS as one of the few decks that can play a decent board under Maxx C. It’s a midrange deck that can be bricky at times but the deck has access to a good amount of counters several meta decks tend to not be able to deal with efficiently, AND actually requires the pilot to have more than two brain cells to play
>Draws 11 out of Maxx C
>Activates Pot of Extravagance
Your greed knows no bound good sir
What the hell is that drytron player doing?? He couldve easily won the game lol.
This is why I'm glad I'm a control deck player. Eldlich Muskets can put up several disruptions turn 1 with additional follow-up, just off of maybe two special summons at the most. There's something to be said for a deck with short turns that plusses just as hard as the opponent, even under Maxx "C".
This weird thing that happens after you draw too much, the cards just curve out of your screen. It feels like using Maxx-C is kind of not in favour of the player who used it.
Hope the change it so that you can see all the drawn cards. And let the opponent know that they should respond accordingly when the Maxx-C is used.
You know you can just scroll through the cards, right?
@@Berrineso know what the opponent draws of max c. Its seems like an interesting down side
What I love the most is how Arc Light still had cards to search
Maxx "C" is one of my favorite hand traps. That and the one that gives you LP when they special summon a monster because instead of saying "No you can't play the game" they ask "Ok, how much do you want to give me to play the game?"
You literally become a p2w to someone else. Lol
When I accept the maxxc challenge, I always face an opponent with lots of handtraps but when I see other people do it, they survive and their opponent has no other relevant handtraps to hinder them.
just goes to show how the powercreep is out of hand when a card can negate litteraly anything for a whole turn . and that board wasn't even that strong ive seen 1st turn with 4 monsters that could negate just like herald :/
master duel in platinum is negate fest and here i am plat 2 with a hero deck
Maxx "c" is a card I dont care about, play it I don't give a fuck
Show all the times Maxx C bricks your hand when going first... Or when playing against one of the many control decks running around
Maxx C is equivalent to Mithra in SSBU (and Lightning Storm really): highly overrated. It's a Great going 2nd card but it's a crapshoot when going first. Not all going 1st decks can consistently play the card. Plus this algorithm loves giving double cards so pulling 2 Maxx C's in your opening hand when going first is something that happens waaaah too much
It's a good card but volatile. TCG players don't actually like to problem solve. They just call everything broken and want defensive cards banned so they can just combo all day with no repercussions
That’s what TCG players: wombo combo Crybabies that hate control and would ban 2000 cards just to spit Maxx c
@@johnathanlemus5584 exactly. Maxx "C" is such a weird card but after playing Master Duel, my hatred for TCGBabies has gone up because its an ESSENTIAL card for a healthy metagame
Its forces the opponent to think about their optimal board for the situation instead comboing on auto pilot. Maxx C NEEDS to come back to the TCG
Maxx “c” was finally put on a ban list now that will become active early February look forward to it
Now Imagine Max C with an Exodia Deck
Shame only less peaple do that
Lately I am believing that Herald players don't think that much...
I really thought me getting 6 or 7 cards from one Maxx "C" was peak value, I see I didn't truly understand the meaning of value until now
6 or 7 should be more than enough advantage to win from there
Legit question: do people play the 30 summons a turn IRL? I decided to get into yugioh literally 3 days before master duel went live (proper coincidence) and after seeing how people play online...I am not too keen anymore..
What's funny is I ran a 2004 deck from a Beatown deck wise, and the person I was going against was meta as hell. So long story short I was doing really well up until the point the dude used a max c :/ lol
If his deck was meta as hell then you would be dead turn 2 or 3. Also his deck would have many cards with negate, meaning that he wouldn't even let you play at all. Every time you try to play a card, negated.
@@darkcatapulter no wrong I just controlled the board really well. A d stalled the game out to good a period until he used a max c
They say Maxx c keeps combo decks in check....but what happens when that combo deck ends first turn with a Maxx c in hand?
Drytron player played the deck poorly. You should always have combos that work against a maxx "c" regardless of how much they draw. They let you draw so much for literally no reason and just to get a herald and a large hand which was gone by the end of that turn
How to beat Maxx C, keep special summoning until you opponent decks out
Um one guy tried to deck me out with maxx c and he almost got it. Just 2 cards away but i negated some of his plays. The sad part is he tried to holdout for a turn. Honestly im fine with maxx c getting banned if it means more diversity in the decks i face.
I really want to try this now. Didn't even consider an off-meta deck to mill out opponents using Maxx C.
I would much prefer Maxx "C" to remain unbanned only because I want people to not be focused on combo decks only, like in the TCG.
Of course there are many factors that lead to the different deck building styles between TCG and OCG, but I would like to think that there is greater variety of cards played in the OCG
But the downside is having to see more control decks instead, which is always a pain to see. But then again, both formats have floodgates, numerous negates, and copious handtraps.
i disagree. i think maxx C allows for more diversity in the types of decks that are played. For instance Maxx C and other hand traps allow for rogue decks to have some good match ups, and makes it so they can stand a chance to the meta decks. personally i think its ridiculous that some people think cards like maxx c, ash, and nibiru should be banned, when without those every meta deck that goes first would have about a 99% win rate with no counter play.
The way every card game should work is that you have interactions before the game is decided. but if your opponent setups a board with 5-6 negates and potentially an anti flood gate card, without you being able to do anything about it on turn 1, then where is the interaction. Personally hand traps are the only thing that is keeping yugioh a float, since its now the only way to keep the basic design of a card game intact.
WRONG MaXX C offers diversity cause you make a decision of going through with play or stoping , if it was banned, there would be LESS deck diversity because u can just slapp MAXX c in almost any deck
@@denjipoochita7351 well i think his argument is there isnt as much diversity because of maxx c being able to be played in every deck. Though that itself is problematic, since some decks that didnt have reliable draw or needed a perfect hand to have a good board would never be played if maxx c isnt used. personally i think keeping maxx c makes more decks come into the rouge tier which is more interesting to me then to have less counterplay vs top tier decks.
I am 8-3 on the maxx C challenge with cyber dragon deck, and all i do is special summon
Winning record bois, nothings impossible
feels good to see a Drytron freeloader getting absolutely destroyed :D He could have easily won this if he played with 2 more Braincells
really working hard to undo that YGO player stereotype aren't you pal
@@TheEvilCheesecake The drytron player was awful. If anyones perpetuating stereotypes, it’s you, who cannot read the cards to understand how he messed up
@@theonethathungers5552 if it wasn't for folks like you, your game could have gone from niche to popular by now.
Lol Yu-Gi-Oh has been the most popular card game in the world since it came out 20 years ago
Don't give me MTG because that's like a neck ward western thing. Yu-Gi-Oh is in the world wide zeitgeist. Every casual knows who Yugi is but no one can name a single MTG card
The only reason MTG has made more money is because Yu-Gi-Oh is (well, was) a cheap game and Wizards of the coast has been bending over their consumer base with ludicrously priced sets for ages
@@jdrmanmusiqking magic is printed in nine languages but don't let me interrupt your carefully prepared script
This man said "Fuck your Maxx "C", I'm going to banish you to the Shadow Realm anyway!!!!!"
Maxx C is a card that has to be at 3 or at 0. No in between. Personally, even when I played during Maxx C format, can say that Maxx C can come back because we have measures in TCG to counter them, IE Ash being an example. But more importantly, Maxx C teaches players to respect a single card, as well as give a lot of insight on how effective card advantage can be.
Maxx C opens you to deck out on the first turn, should the opponent have a deck that can summon that many times. Also, a lot of combos relies on searching out the cards to special summon onto the field(or send to GY, or banish), so having those cards that needed to be searched in the hand can break those combos.
Ultimately, it depends on the situation, but going full ham and setting up an entire board of negates so they can't do shit even with half their deck in their hand is a viable strategy as well.
I faced that deck he was facing i max C'd them and drew sphere mode and got rid of their problem monsters and they just surrendered
why counter Maxx C when we can complain and cry so that it'll get banned next season.
Honestly i dont think in this Format Maxx C is OP at all.
Simorg turn 1 into Draco Future is harder to deal with than Maxx c
LMAO Drytron Players don't deserve to scoop after summoning Herald
Theres a few decks that can continue comboing even if maxx c is dropped(becuz they can deck out the opp by special summoning 800 times and they can play thru nibiru) but yes, most decks shouldnt do this becuz most decks Cant special summon 800 times
Six Sam more like 666 sam
@@alexsater4676 yup thats 1 of the decks that can play thru maxx c
no problem with people using Maxx C but the only problem I have with the game is players constantly doing just like YASU using the Herald of Ultimateness and Drytron or using Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad and Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow.
Because these type of decks of very annoying to counter and using Maxx C actually helps countering these decks.
Can u imagine when they play grandpa deck
Here we go again... Drytron combos 🤣
Herald players in a nutshell.
I play Drytron too and never been scared of Maxx C. The guy in this vid could have OTK you in his second turn but he messed up the combos.
The problem with "just stop summoning" is you just straight leave yourself open to be otk'd. The Maxx C Challenge is dumb indeed.
I don't even play Yugioh, why am I here?
Why am I in this Maxx C rabbithole? It's 3am.
It’s so satisfying seeing this against a Herald of Ultimateness deck. That card is so stupid.
One time, a guy I was playing against used Maxx "C" on me, but since I was using a Super Quant deck and had all the set up to get Great Magnus out onto the field, it really did not matter to me how many cards I ended up making him draw. I had a monster out on the field that he could not affect, had a pretty high attack, and even if he could get a higher attack monster on the field, I can just send it back to where it came from. He even tried using Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS Sky Thunder, even though that's literally a card that is recommended in a Super Quant deck because it's field clearing effect does not affect Great Magnus.
Ah fellow impcatation user. I see you are a man of culture as well
When I play Dragonmaids and someone does Maxx C when I normal summon a monster and confirm the deck I'm playing, I normally just shift into only summoning Sheou. This way they only get 1 card, aka o card advantage and I still get to do some special summoning during their turn.
This Drytron player will proceed to run the max amount of called by the grave and ash blossom in his coming games
I like how the opponent took 20 minutes to special summon some monsters just for them to get obliterated in one turn. Lmao
I love how running combo against Maxx C conceptually relies on the confidence that you can take on whatever the other person might draw. And that rarely goes well.
With adamancipators I've been able to manage about a 80% win rate
Involving maxx c
It's actually basically my same win rate without it though I suspect because knowing they are playing into it makes me play much more careful and on my game and I don't like people being overconfident against me so I'm a ass aswell
The part where you walked on screen was pure gold XD
It honestly depends on what type of deck, but in general when you see an opponent maxx C. you the first thing you need to think is at what point you should cut your loss and pass the turn
For example, I play a pretty budget rogue T.G. deck. If I played Psy Reflector attempting to go into Trident on first turn, I will simply go into Assault beast into Stardust and end my turn (which means maxx. C gives a +1 in this case). But if I am bringing out my T.G. card I may as well go bust and gamble them not getting anything good off the maxx C
Obviously that won't turn out well, but what can I do as a synchro heavy deck that has no way of playing around negate and comeback other than a few spell card (e.g. lightning storm or raigeki) that will get negated anyway? If skipping over the combo means you can never come back, may as well go broke and hope they brick. Obviously it is going to hurt if they dig up an Ash someway down the line and stop your activation. I do agree a lot of the meta deck can choose a stopping point and just delay their combo, but for some rogue deck they don't have the option to basically mean throwing away some of their combo piece while essentially giving opponent a first turn that can attack over