Shepperton Studios, 1978 Part 2 [The Making Of A L I E N]



  • @FunkMastaMegaFlex
    @FunkMastaMegaFlex 12 років тому +9

    Best Sci-Fi/Horror movie ever! And its sequal Aliens best Sci-fi/Action/Horror movie ever. They are 2 amazing movies that are different and are number 1 in their own way.

  • @fw1421
    @fw1421 4 роки тому +10

    I saw this movie the week it was released and they really didn’t have a huge advertising campaign so the theatre wasn’t that full. Pretty much the whole audience was sitting on the edge of our seats before halfway through the film. I’m a huge SciFi fan and this film scared the shit out of me! To this day it is one of my all time favorite SciFi films. Aliens was very good but the follow up sequels don’t stand up to the first two. Alien had a wonderful cast,every single one of them.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @lifewriter7455
    @lifewriter7455 11 місяців тому

    Sigourney is so good in this film, her acting is amazing, creating a character that shines through the screen. Absolutely Magnificent!

  • @LeroyKinkade
    @LeroyKinkade 3 роки тому +1

    I love every Actor in this amazing film.

  • @twodoortwo
    @twodoortwo 12 років тому +9

    Veronica Cartwright is in my two favorite films of all time, "The Right Stuff" and "Alien."

    • @VoltaireLerias
      @VoltaireLerias 5 років тому

      She was also in 'Flight Of The Navigator' and 'Leave It To Beaver' ..... : )

    • @slide4180
      @slide4180 4 роки тому

      @@VoltaireLerias "Witches of Eastwick." Half the time she's an emotional mess.

  • @D0pam1n
    @D0pam1n 12 років тому +3

    Wow, Cartwright is really cool! :)
    I always liked her in Alien but never even recognised her in other movies.

  • @OpenMawProductions
    @OpenMawProductions 14 років тому +1

    Ridley is such an awesome director. The way he manipulates the actors is something I absolutely support. I wish more directors would use those kinds of tricks to put some genuine flair into the performances. Imagine if he hadnt done those things, and had all the softy conversations with the actors. Its likely half of the horror and dread would have been lost.

  • @arthuronfacebook
    @arthuronfacebook 13 років тому +4

    Veronica Cartwright is awesome.

  • @Zeggawong
    @Zeggawong 12 років тому +3

    ****! I never imagined it was so tense behind the scenes on the set.

  • @MetallicMadness85
    @MetallicMadness85 12 років тому +3

    Always loved Veronica Cartwright in Alien:)..She seems like a very Funny and Awesome person in life too..Please go watch the Alien Directors Cut if you have missed it...Most of her Scenes are restored in that:)

    • @jamesr6497
      @jamesr6497 5 років тому

      She is a awesome actress, very choosy about her roles. Its good that her scenes are restored.

  • @Havaseet2
    @Havaseet2 4 роки тому

    Like all great directors, Ridley Scott did a phenomenal job coaxing performances out of the actors.

  • @heathen2487
    @heathen2487 4 роки тому

    Ms Cartwright was almost cast as Ripley. I know she auditioned for the role. The best horror movie about aliens ever.

  • @talkinghead80
    @talkinghead80 12 років тому +2

    I'd pay good money to listen to Veronic Cartwright curse.

    • @jamesr6497
      @jamesr6497 5 років тому

      She has a great voice.

    • @codyhoskins1319
      @codyhoskins1319 4 роки тому

      @@jamesr6497 Hearing her reenact Yaphet's cursing at Sigourney cracks me up but it'd be even more hysterical to hear Yaphet say it.

  • @tackyman2011
    @tackyman2011 12 років тому

    "Honorable Mrs. Squirmin' Hatchblower". :D

  • @FelicityGemini
    @FelicityGemini 10 років тому

    the days when CGI never really existed and sets had to be handmade >>> i have to wonder, is technology an aid or a hindrance because this is just beautiful work... yet Micheal bay can make a whole movie with ALL CGI, get paid millions and still get labeled a screenplay writer.... UNBELIEVABLE

  • @buenzodape
    @buenzodape 12 років тому


  • @naedanger123
    @naedanger123 12 років тому +1

    @OpenMawProductions Well, him grabbing Sigourney was NOT a cool thing to do. If that was me instead of her, he would have been put in hospital, so I agree with his tough act, but he shouldn't take it to the extent where he invades the personal space of somebody. The last guy to try that on me got in a LOT of trouble: not just from me, but from my cousin who was also with me. The guy decided to do a tough guy act on me and come up to my face to threaten me. He left with his face mashed up... :|

  • @jamesr6497
    @jamesr6497 5 років тому

    I often wondered what Alien would have been like if Veronica Cartwright had been cast as Ripley instead of Weaver. Veronica was obviously a more experienced actress and would have kicked ass. She been acting since she was a child. This was Weavers first film, and here and there.. it kind of shows. I think when both actresses performances are considered, clearly... Veronica's vast experience shows. Veronica's death scene performance really elevated the horror of the film. Veronica is more beautiful with those wonderful eyes and knock out smile. It must have been a studio decision to have her make up done to down play her beauty so she doesn't dominate other scenes with her and Weaver like she did with the slap scene here. After watching this film and watching again coming back to this scene, it becomes clear that Veronica should have had the lead role. I think Veronica though, has no regrets and had a satisfying career as she has done a variety of roles and she isn't as stereotyped as Weaver has become at interviews where she must answer the same old questions about Alien franchise over and over again; something that you can sense annoys her although she is a good sport. However the bottom line is, its hard to ague that the real star of Alien was H.R. Geiger's creation.

  • @CK2890
    @CK2890 12 років тому +1

    funnily enough was just watching a vid on here with john hurt saying that sigourney weaver had a lot of cartwright's scenes cut from the finished film so maybe thats why she seems to moan a lot about it . the vid was called something like "john hurt alien scene mythbuster"

    • @jamesr6497
      @jamesr6497 5 років тому

      Clearly jealousy was at play... Weaver was a newbie and Veronica was a professional. My thinking is Scott was a fairly new director, so putting a newbie in the lead role would be less disastrous for him if the film bombed; he could blame Sigourney for her inexperience; however if he directed a accomplished actress like Veronica in the lead role and the film bombs; the critics will go after him and he's done. Largely this films success I think is owed to Geiger's creation and a excellent performance by a experienced supporting cast.

  • @superpaytonmars8852
    @superpaytonmars8852 4 роки тому

    6:42 does anyone know what sigourney said there? The captions are auto generated.😑

  • @OpenMawProductions
    @OpenMawProductions 12 років тому

    @Hallamfoebell I very much doubt Ridley would have directed a film like Parenthood. Even if he did, I very much doubt also that he would apply the same tactics and strategy to it.

  • @mburzzzawa
    @mburzzzawa 10 років тому +1

    It would amazing to be able to look at the "character sheets" that every actor was given with their personal story and info.
    And fuck CGI. Even unperfect practical efect > any CGI. Use the CG to erase cables that ship is hanging on and not to animate entrie movie. "gravity" ...7 oscars ARE YOU SERIOUS!? I hope that it got the one for the best animated picture because that's what it is.

  • @VoltaireLerias
    @VoltaireLerias 5 років тому

    Veronica Cartwright for president ! ..... : )

  • @OpenMawProductions
    @OpenMawProductions 12 років тому

    @naedanger123 "If it was me instead of her" Well, first major film, notoriety and future on the line. I think anyone would do(take) what was needed. As Ridley said, it was meant for John, but John was an established actor. Weaver wasn't. That's not fair, but it's the truth.As the writer and director Nicholas Meyer once said "There are things you will do to make a film that you would never do for a woman." This goes for everybody involved. On later films Weaver earned the ability to call shots.

  • @naedanger123
    @naedanger123 12 років тому

    @OpenMawProductions Fair enough, but what he did was practically illegal. Nobody would care now because Weaver said all was forgiven, but it was still one of those dodgy moments. As far as I am concerned, Ridley invaded Weaver's personal space, therefore she had every right (not that she would do this) to slug him one on the spot. It's something everybody constantly forgets about, but having worked with Maybo, I remember that little 'rule' off by heart.

  • @thebearclawjones
    @thebearclawjones 12 років тому

    If this was two people in an office, I'd be right behind you - but as it's Director and Actress on Set, where both were equally unproven at the time - unlike just about everybody else on the picture - I have to cut Scott some slack. Plus Weaver's no fool - as she has proved beyond doubt. She knew the deal and the business she's in - better than you: she made the call - and it made her career.
    You don't need to worry about the many, many harsh things she'll probably have had to bear and smile.

  • @agfagaevart
    @agfagaevart 12 років тому

    Directors cannot do that kind of thing now. They would get sued. I'll just mention Nicolette Sheridan.

  • @thebearclawjones
    @thebearclawjones 12 років тому

    OK. I in no way do I belittle your concern or experience? These are very serious issues and I would be the first to defend you, I can promise you that - but, as I said, context is a very important consideration. From what I heard, both Scott and Weaver would probably be either a little amused or very distraught that you thought there was genuine aggression here. Weaver may be no calmer, she may just have a better understanding of the very particular context than you, which you would expect : )

  • @HeavyMetalQueen1
    @HeavyMetalQueen1 12 років тому +2

    Sigourney is the queen, obviosly.

    • @jamesr6497
      @jamesr6497 5 років тому

      In Aliens I might agree, but in Alien her inexperience showed... especially compared with Veronica Cartwright who seems to dominate many scenes she shares with Veronica. That's understandable as Veronica has been acting professionally since she was a child.

  • @jameswanantony
    @jameswanantony 11 років тому

    Iv just finished work experience at shepperton studios! fuking wicked place

  • @WooZIE997
    @WooZIE997 2 роки тому

    Just knowing that this was all real and not green screen bullshit like today... There's not many comparisons to the beauty of this film. Other than aliens and a few of the same time period. Today it's all CGI and it disappoints the hell out of me 😔 take the time and build it I say..

  • @Hunter12365
    @Hunter12365 12 років тому

    it was nominated.....but hollywood......well lets epect that maybe with prometheus he at least gets something :)

  • @222333aaaaaa
    @222333aaaaaa 12 років тому

    @NovoPromotions - This is a great movie but don't get it twisted, Apocalypse Now came out in 1979. If you think Ridley Scott should've won an Oscar over FFC for directing Alien, you might want to go to your local university and enroll in a film class.

  • @thebearclawjones
    @thebearclawjones 12 років тому

    I'll guess you're not an actor/actress? They go through worse. This isn't "real life", they were at work, where THEIR work is like nothing else, involving many other, "creatives" - who tend to be pleasantly insane.
    So, it's a little much to paint this like an assault - although I agree it's a fine line that only the strong should walk - but, *in context*, this is more like "tension", not "abuse". Were you her, your response would have been the same - because you'd then be an actress, not you.

  • @OpenMawProductions
    @OpenMawProductions 12 років тому +1

    @222333aaaaaa A.N. is incredibly overrated.