Molly Worthen introduces herself by saying 'I am still stumbling through articulating these things' then proceeds to give the most articulate and rational explanation not only of the process of her own conversion but also how academic methods of evaluating history can suggest that Bible claims are credible.
Really. Was the flood a universal flood of a local one? How did the kangaroo get to Australia without breeding along the way. Were the flesh eating animals (lions, tigers etc) fe frozen meat? Were there two bees or a hive to pollinate the new vegetation after the flood? Peter Enns admits that archaeology does not support the historicity of the conquest Digging for Answers Biblical Archaeologists are about as certain as you can be about these things that the conquest of Canaan as the Bible describes did not happen: no mass invasion from the outside by an Israelite army and no extermination of Canaanites as God commanded One thing archaeologists can tell us is whether or not a city was violently destroyed by outside invaders and whether a new group of people took up residence, Battle and destructions of cities leave archaeological footprints - things like soot(if the town was burned0, weapons, smashed pottery, and human bones. Mass migrations of people groups as the Bible describes with Israel entering Canaan would cause some cultural upheaval and leave some sort of remains for archaeologists to dig up and write long books about to help them get tenure. Remember those thirty-one Canaanite towns listed in the Book of Joshua (plus other towns on either side of the Jordan River)? Sixteen towns were destroyed according to the stories in the books of Numbers, Joshua and Judges. Of those sixteen, two or three maybe four cities show signs of violent desctruction at or around the time when Joshua and his army would have been ploughing through Canaan(thirteenth centuryBCE about 200 years before the time of King David)). That’s it The towns on the other side of the Jordan River, in Moab, don’t look like they were even occupied at the time. We also read in the Bible that twelve towns were taken over without a fight. But of those twelve only seven were even occupied at the time , according to archaeological findings. And of those same twelve towns that the Bible says weren’t destroyed, three actually do show signs of destruction. In other words, archaeology and the biblical story don’t line up well at all. Jericho, the first of the towns to be razed in the Book of Joshua, is the most famous example. Not only was Jericho minimally inhabited at the best of time, but it had no massive protective walls, which means the biblical story of the “walls of Jericho” tumbling down - at least that’s what a hundred years of digging there has shown us. What most everyone is certain about however, is that the Bible;’s version of events is not what happened. And that puts the question “How could God have all those Canaanites put to death?” in a different light, indeed. He didn’t. From Peter Enns The Bible Tells Me So, pp. 58-60 HarperOne , 2015.
28 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. 2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. 5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” 8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” Matthew has two Marys, witness the stone being rolled away and ONE angel sitting on it. Luke has the women find the stone already rolled away and encounter TWO angels Luke 24 24 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 7 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ”
This was excellent. Her story was fascinating to listen to, of course, but her later discussion during the Q&A? I need to digest and listen to that portion again. And then possibly again. She has obviously thought very deeply on these topics.
At the end of the resurrection section of this video, I think she's drawing a difference between absolute proof vs. evidence. Very good perspective Molly.
Learning to fill all the small gaps of doubt can never be done intellectually. Has to be done through prayer. Discovering the doubts is part of the journey!
That's a description that completely ignores so much about the extant texts; i.e., the authorship anonymity, literary devices, memetic connections, etc. Her description is not bored by the historical data.
Uh, Molly Worthen, perhaps it is worthy to say Im most impressed by your visible passion and apparent personal involvement of the topic you are discussing.....supported by you body language. BBy
Uh, Prof, Molly, your belief in God doesnt necessarily mean you automatically in the resurrection also cuz though closely associated, they are not neceassarily connected.
Some biblical passages say it was God who raised him and others say he raised himself by his own power and still others that both happened. This is the conflicting theology. I can see how you're struggling to reconcile the two. Let me share with you my own startling discovery taken from some obvious but hitherto ignored clues that the resurrection never happened, that did not really die and got resurrected. He merely fainted! The first clue is the hasty
Cont...the hasty way, Josepth of A. and Nicodemus, his two loyal and secret friends, themselves prominent members of the Sanhedrin, acted to bring down Jesus' body from the cross
Cont...carry him to a waiting tomb presumably owned by Joseph as a perk of being a member of the priestly lass, there to be quickly revived with medicinal herbs and curative plants, and when half conscious, was half carried by his two to another secret cave or tomb away from passersby or travelers
Cont...going into the city, there to be nursed, fed and nourished back to health undisturbed for three full days. The covering stone was rolled back to cover the opening to delay discovery of the now empty tomb but after three days was rolled a
One aspect of our existence that, I believe, most of us overlook or at least do not give enough thought to, is the fact that it is the way that it is by design... And I have in mind the "logical" and "rational" aspects of existence when I say that. We often tend to almost remove God complete when it comes to, what we call our natural lives and only "bring Him back in" when we are speaking about or dealing with the spiritual or the "super-natural". Well, the Truth is all of it is the "super-natural" ... Every aspect of our existence was "super-naturally" created by God. I say that to say this, (hear me out) the Christian life is not meant to be some drastic departure from what is natural. Yes, there is a miraculous work that God does, by His Spirit, on the inside of us that causes us to become more and more distinguished from the world at-large, but our natural existence does not change. And yes, God did (and still does) do "overt miracles" to help some to come into belief, however, His primary appeal to us is not commonly through such means... More often than not, we see God simply using language. He talks with us! Sometimes through His written Word, other times through people, and even often through circumstances. While we are expecting some "mystical" form of interaction, God simply does what He has done from the beginning, speaks with us. We see in the Word that after He created man, His interactions with Adam were not of a "mystical" nature, rather, He talked with Adam, He asked him question; one verse says that they heard God walking in the cool of the day and we even see Him after the fall speaking with Cain and instructing him. You see, our relationship with our Creator is meant to be more like that; like children interacting with a parent, not like a mystical, emotionally driven “experience”. NOT TO SAY that there is anything wrong with emotionally experiences with God and don’t get me wrong, there is definitely plenty of that the be had, as with any loving parent and child relationship but we have got to understand that THAT (the feels) is not the whole of our relationship with God not should it be our primary pursuit (to “feel” God). God put in us the ability to know Him and to respond to His voice and the reason that we are able to come to belief in Christ using our rational and logical mind is because we were created by a rational and logical God and He “designed” in our being Truth. Though we may desire it (because we have drifted so far away from our original state), our knowing and accepting of Truth and our trusting of God does not require nor need a “super-natural” catalyst (experience). We can simply take God at His Word.
Molly speaks of the labels we are inclined to apply to oneanother. We do that but i find the labels we apply to be misnomers even when i try to compartmentalize myself. I think the labels are only approximations at best. I ressist the labels because i see how they fail to fit . There are a great number of people who claim to be fans of a professional team but are fans name only because they are only fans when thier team is winning. Jesus , Yeshua, made it clear that those that Do as He perscribed will be easily recognized as His family. To understand this we need to know what He told us to do in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Fave quote so far: "There were clear ideas for these people about what was and was not possible, and they were not fools who would just believe any crazy thing. Certainly they were clear on dead people remaining dead."
CS Lewis or Tom Wright? In the former case, "The Cosmic Trilogy" comprising "Out of the Silent Planet", "Perelandra" and "That Hideous Strength". In the latter case, I think it might be Tom Wright's "The Resurrection of the Son of God".
How many Hellenistic classicists did Molly read? How many authors with conflicting opinions and interpretations of the gospels and first century literature? How many many texts has she read in Greek? NT Wright is but one of many respected historians and NT scholars, and many of his opinions about the NT are highly controversial. Other canards, like the criterion of embarrassment, have been put to pasture for a while now are not a good historical criterion. As historians these ladies have little excuse not to know this. Molly is a well-spoken and intelligent investigator who appears to have conducted a lopsided inquiry guided by theologically motivated pastors and apologists.
I wholeheartedly agree. I am, in no way, impressed with her methodology, if we can even label it as such. I'm not even a historian by profession, but I even understand much of the methodology of historians. Very little of what I heard her say convinced me that she is a good historian.
Theism is irrational by its very nature. None of the thousands of gods proposed throughout history have been demonstrated to exist. It is a belief without any demonstrable evidence.
Interesting how people gravitate towards those academics who support their views. Evangelicals stung by the Bart Ehrman's agnostic view say see here is a doubter who went the opposite direction you must not be intellectually honest. An archaeologist in Israel from the University of TelAliv wrote a book The Bible Unearthed which claims the exodus and conquest did not happen (Israel Finkelstein).
Molly.get agret. To have a dialogue about coming against the word. Think about the believers at the time. You were not there to be with him. Anointing well get you there. Not knowledge.
When does your book come out ,thats what it all boils down to.$$$$ .I am going to start the i met god nonsense too it seems to be a very profitable side gig lately .It seems more and more people on youtube have inside info, please share god's email ,cell number, home phone number in heaven ,or maybe it was it by homing pigeon or morse code.A Facetime or zoom if possible ,thx
Communication with God does not depend on external things, it takes place internally in the spirit part of our being. God is spirit. He became flesh and dwelt among us through Yeshua the Messiah in time to reveal himself to us. He was resurrected to authenticate his claims and sent the Holy Spirit to earth. It’s likely God has been trying to communicate to your spirit, perhaps even through testimonies of people you think are just doing it for money. I’m sure not everyone has the right heart, but it seems many people have had what they believe is a true encounter with God and want to share. This lady began by investigating the resurrection. Seems like a good place to start.
Molly Worthen, you are as God as everything else in the universe. We are all Time elements. From 0 we come to 0 we go. The Information System is the Quantum Mechanics, potentials, of the QM operational systems. CONSCIOUSNESS is self-manifestation of the Gods you believe in. All Belief Systems are B.S..
Molly Worthen introduces herself by saying 'I am still stumbling through articulating these things' then proceeds to give the most articulate and rational explanation not only of the process of her own conversion but also how academic methods of evaluating history can suggest that Bible claims are credible.
It’s always hilarious when people do such.
Praise God for her.
Haha yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking
Really. Was the flood a universal flood of a local one? How did the kangaroo get to Australia without breeding along the way. Were the flesh eating animals (lions, tigers etc) fe frozen meat? Were there two bees or a hive to pollinate the new vegetation after the flood?
Peter Enns admits that archaeology does not support the historicity of the conquest
Digging for Answers
Biblical Archaeologists are about as certain as you can be about these things that the conquest of Canaan as the Bible describes did not happen: no mass invasion from the outside by an Israelite army and no extermination of Canaanites as God commanded
One thing archaeologists can tell us is whether or not a city was violently destroyed by outside invaders and whether a new group of people took up residence, Battle and destructions of cities leave archaeological footprints - things like soot(if the town was burned0, weapons, smashed pottery, and human bones. Mass migrations of people groups as the Bible describes with Israel entering Canaan would cause some cultural upheaval and leave some sort of remains for archaeologists to dig up and write long books about to help them get tenure.
Remember those thirty-one Canaanite towns listed in the Book of Joshua (plus other towns on either side of the Jordan River)? Sixteen towns were destroyed according to the stories in the books of Numbers, Joshua and Judges. Of those sixteen, two or three maybe four cities show signs of violent desctruction at or around the time when Joshua and his army would have been ploughing through Canaan(thirteenth centuryBCE about 200 years before the time of King David)). That’s it
The towns on the other side of the Jordan River, in Moab, don’t look like they were even occupied at the time.
We also read in the Bible that twelve towns were taken over without a fight. But of those twelve only seven were even occupied at the time , according to archaeological findings. And of those same twelve towns that the Bible says weren’t destroyed, three actually do show signs of destruction.
In other words, archaeology and the biblical story don’t line up well at all.
Jericho, the first of the towns to be razed in the Book of Joshua, is the most famous example. Not only was Jericho minimally inhabited at the best of time, but it had no massive protective walls, which means the biblical story of the “walls of Jericho” tumbling down - at least that’s what a hundred years of digging there has shown us.
What most everyone is certain about however, is that the Bible;’s version of events is not what happened. And that puts the question “How could God have all those Canaanites put to death?” in a different light, indeed. He didn’t.
From Peter Enns The Bible Tells Me So, pp. 58-60 HarperOne , 2015.
28 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.
2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.
5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”
Matthew has two Marys, witness the stone being rolled away and ONE angel sitting on it.
Luke has the women find the stone already rolled away and encounter TWO angels
Luke 24
24 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 7 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ”
@@noelhausler2911 oh man . . . put a table of contents to this.
Molly Worthen is an amazingly articulate speaker.
This was excellent. Her story was fascinating to listen to, of course, but her later discussion during the Q&A? I need to digest and listen to that portion again. And then possibly again.
She has obviously thought very deeply on these topics.
Thank you for sharing this very interesting testimony!
God bless you!
I hope Molly writes a book about her journey!
God Bless You!! Great discussion
That was great. Really well thought out, honest and intellectual.
God bless her. We all stumble and wrestle with our faith daily.
I love the way she talks with her hands. It makes me think she is v passionate
Love you all; thanks Molly. This is incredibly relatable to me. Well the general change of thought at least. I even am in a Baptist church. :D
I don't think I have ever been this early for a video drop before that wasn't live. Looking forward to it!
At the end of the resurrection section of this video, I think she's drawing a difference between absolute proof vs. evidence. Very good perspective Molly.
Great stuff
work in progress is the adventure
Thanks be to God.
"Christianity is a whole set of deeply outrageous proposals." Amen!
The italians have a lot to learn from the lady. I am just kidding. She is lovely and brilliant person.
Learning to fill all the small gaps of doubt can never be done intellectually. Has to be done through prayer. Discovering the doubts is part of the journey!
if you live in doubt, even the truth you'll doubt
I love her explination of Mark just desperately trying to get this bananas story down.
That's a description that completely ignores so much about the extant texts; i.e., the authorship anonymity, literary devices, memetic connections, etc. Her description is not bored by the historical data.
Highly recommend, since she’s academic- to check out Rosario butterfields testimonial
Uh, Molly Worthen, perhaps it is worthy to say Im most impressed by your visible passion and apparent personal involvement of the topic you are discussing.....supported by you body language. BBy
Uh, Prof, Molly, your belief in God doesnt necessarily mean you automatically in the resurrection also cuz though closely associated, they are not neceassarily connected.
Some biblical passages say it was God who raised him and others say he raised himself by his own power and still others that both happened. This is the conflicting theology. I can see how you're struggling to reconcile the two.
Let me share with you my own startling discovery taken from some obvious but hitherto ignored clues that the resurrection never happened, that did not really die and got resurrected. He merely fainted! The first clue is the hasty
Cont...the hasty way, Josepth of A. and Nicodemus, his two loyal and secret friends, themselves prominent members of the Sanhedrin, acted to bring down Jesus' body from the cross
Cont...carry him to a waiting tomb presumably owned by Joseph as a perk of being a member of the priestly lass, there to be quickly revived with medicinal herbs and curative plants, and when half conscious, was half carried by his two to another secret cave or tomb away from passersby or travelers
Cont...going into the city, there to be nursed, fed and nourished back to health undisturbed for three full days. The covering stone was rolled back to cover the opening to delay discovery of the now empty tomb but after three days was rolled a
One aspect of our existence that, I believe, most of us overlook or at least do not give enough thought to, is the fact that it is the way that it is by design... And I have in mind the "logical" and "rational" aspects of existence when I say that. We often tend to almost remove God complete when it comes to, what we call our natural lives and only "bring Him back in" when we are speaking about or dealing with the spiritual or the "super-natural". Well, the Truth is all of it is the "super-natural" ... Every aspect of our existence was "super-naturally" created by God.
I say that to say this, (hear me out) the Christian life is not meant to be some drastic departure from what is natural. Yes, there is a miraculous work that God does, by His Spirit, on the inside of us that causes us to become more and more distinguished from the world at-large, but our natural existence does not change. And yes, God did (and still does) do "overt miracles" to help some to come into belief, however, His primary appeal to us is not commonly through such means... More often than not, we see God simply using language. He talks with us! Sometimes through His written Word, other times through people, and even often through circumstances. While we are expecting some "mystical" form of interaction, God simply does what He has done from the beginning, speaks with us. We see in the Word that after He created man, His interactions with Adam were not of a "mystical" nature, rather, He talked with Adam, He asked him question; one verse says that they heard God walking in the cool of the day and we even see Him after the fall speaking with Cain and instructing him.
You see, our relationship with our Creator is meant to be more like that; like children interacting with a parent, not like a mystical, emotionally driven “experience”. NOT TO SAY that there is anything wrong with emotionally experiences with God and don’t get me wrong, there is definitely plenty of that the be had, as with any loving parent and child relationship but we have got to understand that THAT (the feels) is not the whole of our relationship with God not should it be our primary pursuit (to “feel” God).
God put in us the ability to know Him and to respond to His voice and the reason that we are able to come to belief in Christ using our rational and logical mind is because we were created by a rational and logical God and He “designed” in our being Truth. Though we may desire it (because we have drifted so far away from our original state), our knowing and accepting of Truth and our trusting of God does not require nor need a “super-natural” catalyst (experience). We can simply take God at His Word.
Molly speaks of the labels we are inclined to apply to oneanother. We do that but i find the labels we apply to be misnomers even when i try to compartmentalize myself. I think the labels are only approximations at best. I ressist the labels because i see how they fail to fit . There are a great number of people who claim to be fans of a professional team but are fans name only because they are only fans when thier team is winning. Jesus , Yeshua, made it clear that those that Do as He perscribed will be easily recognized as His family. To understand this we need to know what He told us to do in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Fave quote so far: "There were clear ideas for these people about what was and was not possible, and they were not fools who would just believe any crazy thing. Certainly they were clear on dead people remaining dead."
Hitting the nail on the head
i wooped enthusiastically
I think she’d be a great guest on the Jordan Peterson podcast.
Which book is she talking about, specifically please.
CS Lewis or Tom Wright? In the former case, "The Cosmic Trilogy" comprising "Out of the Silent Planet", "Perelandra" and "That Hideous Strength". In the latter case, I think it might be Tom Wright's "The Resurrection of the Son of God".
She needs to read John Henry Newman's Grammar of Assent
38:30 TLDR: For Christians and Messianic Jews seeking acknowledgement that Bible and Tanakh stories are possibly true history
How many Hellenistic classicists did Molly read? How many authors with conflicting opinions and interpretations of the gospels and first century literature? How many many texts has she read in Greek?
NT Wright is but one of many respected historians and NT scholars, and many of his opinions about the NT are highly controversial. Other canards, like the criterion of embarrassment, have been put to pasture for a while now are not a good historical criterion. As historians these ladies have little excuse not to know this.
Molly is a well-spoken and intelligent investigator who appears to have conducted a lopsided inquiry guided by theologically motivated pastors and apologists.
I wholeheartedly agree. I am, in no way, impressed with her methodology, if we can even label it as such. I'm not even a historian by profession, but I even understand much of the methodology of historians. Very little of what I heard her say convinced me that she is a good historian.
To know my god is not a religious thing. It's a relationship. Like a marriage. He well come back for his bride. Us.
Theism is irrational by its very nature. None of the thousands of gods proposed throughout history have been demonstrated to exist. It is a belief without any demonstrable evidence.
Not knowledge,can comprehend the things of God. Who are we to question the Lord of all. He is Almighty God.
I came to Christianity after I learned to think like a Buddhist.
I’m a greek but her hand gestures are exhausting me
Interesting how people gravitate towards those academics who support their views. Evangelicals stung by the Bart Ehrman's agnostic view say see here is a doubter who went the opposite direction you must not be intellectually honest. An archaeologist in Israel from the University of TelAliv wrote a book The Bible Unearthed which claims the exodus and conquest did not happen (Israel Finkelstein).
All man has the ability to want to know him. You don't need to be evangelized.
Molly.get agret. To have a dialogue about coming against the word. Think about the believers at the time. You were not there to be with him. Anointing well get you there. Not knowledge.
She believes a man was dead as a doorknob and then became alive again. Sounds absurd to me.
Yes, but your statement, begs the question, Why?
Yeah . . . yet here we are.
More correctly: "A sceptical professor surprises God." That is what Americans want to hear, that they call God's tune.
I truly tried to listen but was overwhelmed by sea sickness or some kind of new weapon tech.
When does your book come out ,thats what it all boils down to.$$$$ .I am going to start the i met god nonsense too it seems to be a very profitable side gig lately .It seems more and more people on youtube have inside info, please share god's email ,cell number, home phone number in heaven ,or maybe it was it by homing pigeon or morse code.A Facetime or zoom if possible ,thx
Communication with God does not depend on external things, it takes place internally in the spirit part of our being. God is spirit. He became flesh and dwelt among us through Yeshua the Messiah in time to reveal himself to us. He was resurrected to authenticate his claims and sent the Holy Spirit to earth. It’s likely God has been trying to communicate to your spirit, perhaps even through testimonies of people you think are just doing it for money. I’m sure not everyone has the right heart, but it seems many people have had what they believe is a true encounter with God and want to share. This lady began by investigating the resurrection. Seems like a good place to start.
How cynical.
"People doing it for money" is an assumption that badly needs receipts.
Molly Worthen, you are as God as everything else in the universe. We are all Time elements. From 0 we come to 0 we go.
The Information System is the Quantum Mechanics, potentials, of the QM operational systems. CONSCIOUSNESS is self-manifestation of the Gods you believe in.
All Belief Systems are B.S..