I really enjoy how this does such a good job of getting under appreciated season 1 and 2 characters farther into the game i.e. Noah, Eva, Tyler, and Ezekiel Edit: you also brought Trent back which is awesome!
I like Ezekiel getting far, he can probably have a lot of character developement and that's nice. He can't just be all "ooh whoo im stupid" but for some reason the radioactive plot kinda ruined him
Could you not have Heather as the winner and Alejandro as the runner-up every time? Because that's exactly what happened in the finale when Cody got the boot!!
My way with cast Team Chris: Alejandro, Tyler, Izzy, Lindsay, Duncan, Courtney and Heather Team Amazon: Gwen, Sierra, Cody, Beth, Amy, Samey and Bridgette Team Victory: Geoff, Ezekiel, Owen, Justin, DJ, Noah and LeSharna 21: Geoff 20:Bridgette 19:Beth 18:DJ 17:Izzy 16:Duncan and Courtney 15:Noah 14:Heather (Blaineley Debuts) 13:Alejandro 12:Lindsay 11:Ezekiel 10:Cody 9:Horald 8:Owen (Lindsay and Lizzy returns) 7:Sierra 6:Justin 5:Amy 4:Samey 3:LeSharna 2:Lizzy Winner:Lindsay! *so that is my way!*
My way 21 Harold cause of Ezekiel 20 Ezekiel cause of leshana 19 leshawna cause of trent 18Duncan cause of eva 17 DJ cause of lindsay 16 Justin cause of Heather 15 Trent cause of Bridgette 14 Eva cause of izzy 13 Beth cause of sierra 12 alejando cause of tyler 11Courtney cause of gwen 10 Gwen cause of heather 9 Owen cause of noah MERGE 8 Tyler cause of heather 7 Noah cause of Bridgette 6 izzy cause of sierra 5 Bridgette cause of cody 4 Sierra cause of heather 3 Heather cause of Lindsay 2 Cody cause Eva tricked him Winner Lindsay 1st
My Cast Jeff and Bridgette Aftermath Hosting Peanut Gallery Eva Beth Kaite Sadie Ezekiel Justin Team Amazon Courtney Leshawna Sierra Gwen Duncan Harold Cody DJ Team Chris Owen Alejandro Tyler Noah Trent Lindsay Izzy Heather
My Way Team Chris is Really (x4) Hot: Ezekiel, Izzy, Tyler, Alejandro, Owen, Beth and Noah Team Amazon: Heather, Gwen, Courtney, Sierra, Cody, Justin and Duncan Team Victory: Leshawna, Lindsay, DJ, Harold, Eva, Bridgette and Geoff 21st: Eva (Team Victory) - Too agressive to her team members 20th: Geoff (Team Victory) 19th: Bridgette (Team Victory) - after geoff's elimination, she was pretty useless. 18th: Leshawna (Team Victory) 17th: Justin (Team Amazon) 16th: Beth (Team Chris is Really x4 Hot) 15th: Lindsay (Team Victory) 14th: DJ (Team Victory) *Team Victory Deleted* *Harold Swaps teams to Team Chris is Really (x4) Hot* 13th: Noah (Team Chris is Really x4 Hot) 12th: Gwen (Team Amazon) *Trent and Blaineley Debuts* *Trent goes to Team Chris is Really (x4) Hot while blaineley goes to team Amazon* 13th: Duncan (Team Amazon) 12th/11th: Ezekiel and Izzy (Team Chris is Really x4 Hot) *Merge* 10th: Tyler 9th: Blaineley *Izzy, Gwen and Duncan Rejoins* 11th: Trent 10th: Izzy (Again) 9th: Owen 8th: Harold 7th: Gwen (Again) 6th: Courtney 5th: Duncan (Again) 4th: Sierra 3rd: Cody RUNNER UP (2nd): Alejandro WINNER!!! (1st): HEATHER!!
My Way (Version 2) Team CIRRRRH: Tyler, Alejandro, Trent, Izzy, Owen, Noah, Team Amazon: Heather, Gwen, Courtney, Cody, Sierra, Duncan, Team Victory: Lindsay, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Bridgette 20th (Egypt): DJ (Team Victory) - Got Lost on a dessert which caused their team to lose. 19th (Antartica): Harold (Team Victory) - his skills in Artic weren't really good. 18th (China): Leshawna (Team Victory) - her love with alejandro didn't help the team. 17th (Yukon, Canada): Bridgette (Team Victory) - same reason to what happened to leshawna. 16th (Texas, USA): Izzy (Team CIRRRRH) - her craziness wasn't giving a clue to her team. 15th (Cuba): Lindsay (Team Victory) - ended up injured cause of a plane crash. 14th (Argentina): Geoff (Team Victory) - as the only one on the team left, he got disqualified for not singing. 13th (Brazil): Tyler (Team CIRRRRH) - was very depressed after Lindsay's elimination. 12th (Honduras): Owen (Team CIRRRRH) - disqualified for Injuries. 11th (Saudi Arabia): Gwen (Team Amazon) - eliminated after stealing duncan from courtney. (MERGE) *Blaineley & Justin Debuts* 10th (California, USA): Duncan - disqualified for not singing. 9th (Tanzania): Noah - Gone to far and was seen as a threat after being sarcastic all the time. 8th (Algeria): Justin - focused only on his flippin' mirror, was disqualified for not singing. 7th (Syria): Courtney - she complained loads of times for her health condition and seen as a threat to others. 6th (Russia): Trent - after gwen's elimination, he became extremely depressed until unfortunately, he was eliminated. 5th (Germany): Sierra - disqualified after destroying Chris's Airplane. 4th (France): Blaineley - Eliminated after seen as a threat, also the fact that she keeps on complaining about make-up and fashion. 3rd (Guatemala): Cody - Automatically Eliminated after been beaten up by Alejandro in the Fiery Jump of Death. RUNNER-UP (Hawaii): Alejandro - got tricked by Heather and fell down the mountain. WINNER (Hawaii): Heather - Was a great competitor, had strategies, and used loads of tricks.
My way with Cast Team Chris is really really hot: Justin, Katie, Sadie, Alejandro, Geoff, Duncan, Owen Team Amazon: Courtney, Lindsay, Sierra, Beth, Heather, Gwen, Cody Team Victory: Ezekiel, Eva, Harold, Bridgette, Tyler, Leshawna, Noah 21. ( Washington ) Ezekiel - team victory felt very uncomfortable with him on the team 20. ( California ) Harold - he was no use to team victory anymore, considering it was his fault they lost 19. ( Egypt) Justin - he hated all the bugs and snakes and didn't want to look bad on TV *QUIT* 18. ( Canada ) Trent - he went crazy after Duncan and Gwen kissed so he caused his team to lose 17. ( Bahamas ) Gwen - Courtney also got mad and tricked her into losing 16. ( Puerto Rico ) Eva - the team was scared of her and wanted her out IMMEDIATELY 15. ( Texas ) Beth - Heather had a plan to get her out 14. ( Antarctica ) Katie - she froze into an ice cube after she fell in the water, then got out for not singing Blainley Debuts 14 ( Paris ) Duncan and Bridgette - everyone hated him for what he did to Courtney and Trent and Bridgette forgot to sing 13. ( Japan ) Sadie - she was so sad that Katie was gone, so she forgot to sing 12. ( New York ) Tyler - messed up the whole challenge 11. ( Italy ) Blainley - everyone hated her as a person 10. ( Niagara Falls ) Cody - voted himself off because of what he did to Sierra to know how much he actually loved her 9. ( Cancun ) Courtney - Heather convinced Lindsay and DJ to vote off Courtney 8. ( Florida ) Owen - misunderstood the challenge 7. ( Mississippi ) Alejandro - Leshawna and Lindsay found out what he was doing so they voted him off 6. ( North Carolina ) Heather - Tried Convincing Lindsay to vote off Leshawna and she refused and told the others about it 5. ( India ) Geoff - last one to arrive in the challenge 4. ( the mall ) Lindsay - totally forgot about the challenge and bought all sorts of things 3. ( Mount Everest) Sierra - caused an Avalanche 2. ( Hawaii ) Noah - lost 1. (Hawaii ) Leshawna - Winner
My way with personal cast Team Amazon- Heather, Courtney, Gwen, Cody, Izzy, Mama Team Chris is RRRR- Alejandro, Tyler, Owen, Noah, Sierra, Duncan Team Victory- DJ, Lindsay, Harold, Bridgett, Ezekiel, LeShawna Eliminations: *Izzy and and Sierra swap teams* 19th- Harold- Does the same thing Ezekiel does 18th- LeShawna- Same as before but just, in Japan 17th- DJ- Team realizes he is causing all the losing with his curse 16th- Izzy- Does crazy thing and causes loss. 15th- Owen- Destroys statue with weight in Paris 14th- Lindsay- MEDICALLY EVACUATED (Ezekiel and Bridgett added to Team Chris) 13th- Noah- Same reasons 12th- Heather- Swoons over Alejandro 11th- Ezekiel- Same reason as Tyler 10th- Courtney- Loses Tiebreaker against Gwen MERGE {Blaineley Debuts} 9- Tyler- Same reason as Owen 8- Blaineley- Voted off WITHOUT Courtney 7- Sierra- Voted off 6- Cody- Taken with Sierra 5- Mama- Is voted off due to not letting teens be teens 4- Duncan- Alejandro manages to convince Bridgett and surprisingly Gwen into voting for Duncan 3- Bridgett- Loses tiebreaker against Gwen. 2- Alejandro/Gwen 1- Gwen/Alejandro
if there was no team victory, what team do you see Ezekiel on. Reply to this comment to let me know (Personally I see him on team Chris is really really really really hot)
Good choices tho!! i would have made Noah get to a higher point in the game, but other then that it was really good! (also Zeek gets that far??! i mean i know hes an underrated character but i dont think hes... smart enough, or has the skills to do that, plus heather or al would have eliminated him, or at least SOMEONE would have quickly, but i get your trying to put the underrated characters higher)
My Way 18. Duncan 17. DJ 16. Leshawna 15. Alejandro 14. Izzy 13. Owen 12. Sierra 11. Harold 10. Courtney 9. Noah Merge 8. Cody 7. Heather 6. Blaineley 5. Lindsay 4. Tyler 3. Gwen 2. Runner Up Ezekiel 1. Winner Bridgette Replacing The Yukon With Death Valley, Replacing The Alps With Atacama Desert. Replacing Niagara Falls With The Grand Canyon.
Ok the zeke thing is a really cool idea, but how would it logically happen? He's out first for a reason, it's contestant vote and the contestants hate him. Thats more plot armour then even Heather
i dont really like how team amazon gotten extra members, it was honestly perfect the way it is, especially how justin and beth just arent that likable.
My Way(own cast) Teams: Chris Is Really (x4) Hot: Noah,Alejandro, Cody,Owen,Izzy. Team Amazon: Heather,Gwen,Courtney, Bridgette,Tyler. Team Victory: Harold,Ezekiel, Duncan,LeShawna,Lindsay, Sierra. 18th (Team Victory) Sierra B2 : Ezekiel/Sierra R: She kept stalking Cody,and she cost the challenge. 17th (Team Victory) Harold B2: Ezekiel/Harold R: Ezekiel was supposed to be eliminated,but Harold quitted before Chris could say Ezekiel. 16th (Team Amazon) Courtney B2: Heather/Courtney R: She kept acting like a idiot to Gwen, so everyone (except Heather) voted her off. 15th (Team Victory) Ezekiel B2: Duncan/Ezekiel R: Duncan convinced LeShawna and Lindsay to vote off Ezekiel(though Ezekiel didn't do anything wrong)for his plan. 14th(Team Amazon) Heather B2: Gwen/Heather R: Everyone knew that Heather was a threat,so everyone voted off Heather. 13th(Team Victory) LeShawna B2: Lindsay/LeShawna R: She fell for Alejandro's trick,making Lindsay and Duncan to vote her off. 12th(Chris Is Really(x4) Hot)Owen B2: Izzy/Owen R: When Owen saw Izzy kissing Noah,Owen cried in the challenge, and everyone voted for Owen bc he cost the challenge. 11th/10th*Team Victory is now gone/Lindsay joins Team Amazon/Duncan joins Chris Is Really(x4) Hot*(Team Amazon) Lindsay & Tyler B2: Lindsay/Tyler R: Both quitted. 9th*Blaineley debuts and joins Team Amazon*Duncan B2 Cody/Duncan R: Duncan got angry at everyone (except Noah) ,and everyone voted for Duncan (except Noah) 8th*merge*Gwen B2: Alejandro/Gwen *won invincibility: Noah*R: she missed Duncan. 7th*won invincibility: Izzy* Blaineley B2: Cody/Blaineley R: She acted like a jerk and everyone voted for her. 6th*won invincibility: Alejandro*Izzy B2: Noah/Izzy R: Alejandro rigged the votes so Noah would be sad. 5th *won invincibility: Cody* Alejandro B2: Bridgette/Alejandro R: everyone hated Alejandro because he got rid of Izzy. *DJ debuts* 4th/3rd *won invincibility: Noah* DJ & Cody R: DJ accidentally blew up the plane and Cody quitted. Runner-Up: Bridgette Winner:Noah!
The reason people are eliminated is cause there’s nothing to do with there character zeke and Eva don’t make it far and Sierra simply can’t be there if Cody’s not
Of any other ideas come into mind hers is the first 3 seasons my way TDI Episode 1-No one Episode 2-Eva Episode 3-DJ Episode 4:Justin Episode 5:Heather Episode 6:Sadie Episode 7-Duncan Episode 8:Noah Episode 9:Cody(he was injured was unfairly booted out) Episode 10:No One Episode 11:Ezekiel Episode 12:Courtney Episode 13:Harold Episode 14:Bridgette Merge(Eva Noah and Cody return) Episode 15:Eva Episode 16:Trent Episode 17:Tyler Episode 18:Noah Episode 19:Katie Episode 20-Izzy Episode 21:Owen Episode 22:Beth (Losers votes) Episode 23:No one Episode 24:Lindsay/Cody Episode 25:Gwen Episode 26:Final 2 Leshawna And Geoff Runner up-Leshawna Winner:Geoff Episode 27:Millon Dollar hunt Too lazy to do the rest lol but I will tell the finalist Season2:Lindsay vsDuncan Season 3:Noah vsIzzy
Total Drama World Tour My Way: My Teams: Team Chris is Really x4 Hot: Eva, Owen, Noah, Izzy, Ducan, Tyler and Alejandro Team Amazon: Gwen, Courtney, Duncan, Cody, Sierra, Trent, Geoff Team Victory: Lindsay, Bridgette, Beth, Leshawna, Harold, Zeke, and DJ Elimination Order: 21. DJ 20. Harold 19. Bridgette 18. Geoff 17. Leshawna 16. Duncan Team Victory dispands Lindsay and Beth move to Team Chris is x4 Really Hot and Zeke moves to Team Amazon 15. Beth 14.Trent 13. Izzy 12. Owen 11. Gwen Merge 10. Eva 9. Tyler 8. Lindsay 7. Noah 6. Zeke 5. Courtney 4. Sierra 3.Cody RUNNER-UP: Alejandro WINNER: Heather
Total Drama World Tour My Way Runner Up: Lindsay, Reason: Was being too much of a girly girl and lost the challenge. Winner: Ezekiel. Reason: His Determination and confidence made him win TDWT and 1 millon dollars!!!
My way Heater :she seemed. Like a huge threat and cheater Dj: he kept hurting animals and contests Owen: cryed about Izzy Siarra: was annoying and crazy so Cody convinced team Amazon To vote off Siarra Izzy: almost dies Alihondro : tried to vote off Duncan and Bridgette Blainly: fought with everybody but Duncan showed her who was boss Leshawna: it was between Gwen ezikiel and leshawna so leshawna got the boot Harold: crying about leshawna and cost team victory the challenge Merge time baby Courtny : cheated and was a big threat Cody: was the worst at the challenge Gwen: quit for Cody and Trent Lindsay : lost the challenge to Noah Ezekiel was too good at the challenge Tyler: made it to the semifinals but lost for Lindsay DUNCAN VS NOAH AND THE WINNER IS ....................... .......................................................................................................................... NOAH :had ☝ vote less then Duncan SOOOOOOO DAAA WNNA IS DUNCAN DUNCAN: was a little more popular than Noah . Duncan here's your trouphy 🏆
4:05 Who you gonna root for,who's it gonna be,Is it Heather,Alejandro or will you pick the zeke
Michael Franco Lol I had sang that a few times too
I will pick Zeke
I'll go Zeke he's a dank character
I pick zeke, no seriously, I like Ezekiel
How about to ryme it's zick(y)
I really enjoy how this does such a good job of getting under appreciated season 1 and 2 characters farther into the game i.e. Noah, Eva, Tyler, and Ezekiel
Edit: you also brought Trent back which is awesome!
Ok, Zeke ALMOST got what he wanted
I really liked that Tyler made it so far
Ye Me to
xtraxplosive yeah but he tadde tell Duncan and Gwen kissing he could not hold one secret
I keep secrets all them and never tell no one about this
I also like how Ezekiel made it so far :D
I like Ezekiel getting far, he can probably have a lot of character developement and that's nice. He can't just be all "ooh whoo im stupid" but for some reason the radioactive plot kinda ruined him
I love how Zeke and Eva made it so far!
@@car_vukovax147 SAME
Same here! Other than Owen Ezekiel is my favorite total drama charecter
Ha like Zeke would actually ever make It to the final 3!!!
This post was made by the cody gang
the 2 players got eliminated too early is...
eva and zeke
I thought it would be funny if Zeke returned when cody got eliminated and the other person who made it this far accidentally messed up and Zeke won
Zee not eliminated first?! That’s a miracle, for Zeke!
And getting 3rd?
*E X T R A S U P P O R T*
We Stan zeke
bro accidentally predicted a future character while commenting this- 😂
I’m just really happy that you got zeke and Noah high up in the game there my favourite characters
If Team Chris is Really Really Really Really hot is on there, WHO THE HECK NAMED IT
Aidan The Wizard Sierra & Izzy did change teams but didn't add it here.
@@m10original19 😖
@@BiankaHeart 😕
Well done! Heres my way! ( to whole first 4 seasons):
Bass- geoff, dj, duncan, bridgette, katie, sadie, eva, ezekiel, courtney, harold.
Gophers- owen, tyler, noah, izzy, Heather, gwen, cody, leshawna, lindsay, trent.
Episode 1- no one
Episode 2- ezekiel (20th)
Episode 3- eva (19th)
Episode 4- noah (N/A)
Episode 5- no one
Episode 6- sadie (18th)
Episode 7- katie (quit) (17th)
Episode 8- heather (N/A)
Episode 9- no one
Episode 10- owen (N/A)
Episode 11- cody (16th)
Episode 12- courtney (15th)
Episode 13- harold and leshawna (14th/13th)
Episode 14- no one
Episode 15- Merge: noah, heather, and owen return./////// trent (12th)
Episode 16- duncan (11th)
Episode 17- no one
Episode 18- izzy (10th)
Episode 19- noah (9th)
Episode 20- dj (8th)
Episode 21- Bridgette and geoff (7th/6th)
Episode 22- lindsay (5th)
Episode 23- no one
Episode 24- owen (4th)
Episode 25- heather (3rd)
Episode 26- runner up: gwen
Winner: tyler
Episode 27- 2 newbies join the group: beth and justin. 15 qualify for TDA.
TDA: qualified- tyler, gwen, owen, lindsay, bridgette, geoff, dj, noah, izzy, duncan, harold, leshawna, cody, beth (newbie), justin (newbie)
Episode 1- no one
Episode 2- geoff (16th) (then becomes aftermath host)
Episode 3- teams form---
Rats: duncan, beth, dj, lindsay, justin, bridgette, tyler
Gaffers: gwen, harold, leshawna, cody, izzy, owen, noah /////////
izzy (N/A)
Episode 4- no one
Episode 5- noah (15th)
Episode 6- aftermath
Episode 7- izzy returns/// gwen (14th)
Episode 8- no one
Episode 9- dj (13th)
Episode 10- no one
Episode 11- bridgette (12th)
Episode 12- aftermath
Episode 13- izzy (11th) and tyler (10th) /////// courtney debuts
Episode 14- no one
Episode 15- cody (9th)
Episode 16- Merge ////// no one
Episode 17- no one
Episode 18- aftermath
Episode 19- beth (8th)
Episode 20- owen (7th)
Episode 21- leshawna (6th)
Episode 22- no one
Episode 23- justin (5th)
Episode 24- duncan (4th) and courtney (3rd)
Episode 25- no one
Episode 26- runner up: harold
Winner: lindsay
Episode 27- alejandro and sierra join the group. 19 qualify for TDWT.
TDWT: qualified- tyler, lindsay, owen, gwen, courtney, duncan, heather, cody, noah, izzy, trent, harold, leshawna, katie, dj, bridgette, ezekiel, alejandro (newbie), sierra (newbie).
Episode 1- no one
Episode 2- teams form
Team victory: bridgette, Ezekiel, harold, dj, lindsay, leshawna.
Team chris is RRRR hot: izzy, alejandro, tyler, noah, owen, beth, duncan.
Team amazon: gwen, cody, sierra, courtney, heather, trent. ////////////// ezekiel (N/A)
Episode 3- harold (21st)
Episode 4- dj (20th)
Episode 5- bridgette (19th)
Episode 6- aftermath
Episode 7- leshawna (18th)//////////// eva debuts
Episode 8- no one
Episode 9- beth (17th)
Episode 10- trent (16th)
Episode 11- lindsay (15th)
Episode 12- aftermath
Episode 13- owen (14th)//////////// ezekiel returns
Episode 14- no one
Episode 15- eva (13th)
Episode 16- izzy (12th)
Episode 17- Merge ///////// duncan (11th)
Episode 18- aftermath
Episode 19- blainley debuts////// ezekiel and gwen (10th/9th)
Episode 20- noah and blainley (8th/7th)
Episode 21- courtney (6th)
Episode 22- tyler (5th)
Episode 23- no one
Episode 24- aftermath
Episode 25- sierra (4th)
Episode 26- alejandro (3rd)
Runner up: cody
Winner: heather
You said four and there is only three.
You said Katie was in qualified in TDWT, but you didn't add her in.
Could you not have Heather as the winner and Alejandro as the runner-up every time? Because that's exactly what happened in the finale when Cody got the boot!!
@@luigidabber4573 but it is perfect finale tough.....
ur pretty much a jerk by putting my fave character as a RAT
But i want to say I'm proud of eva for making it that far
Good job! :)
I liked the placement of Trent :)
Thanks! And yeah Trent needs some love, and development.
P.S. I like your profile pic. :)
Lindsay & Chill Ah I'm glad to know that you think so of him! He's my favorite character!!
PS: Thanks ^^
Yeah I like him too, and np :3
Lindsay & Chill
Total Drama Jorge thx for including trent in TDWT
It would be awesome! Ezekiel at final 3; Tyler at final 5
I agree with every thing except Ezekiel getting that far
Imran Khan Staph aye I'm a Ezekiel fan Aye
Imran Khan SAME XD
Puffy Pikachu it's just because he never makes it that far so it seems unreal xP
Ezekiel = best character
Really nice video!
Damn it! Why did Cody go earlier in place of ZEKE? Really?
Your so mean (i dont really mean it). I love Ezekiel! (As a character.)
@@mr.kishibe8493 Completely agree
my way:
21st Leshawna
20th Sierra
19th Bridgette
18th Lindsay
17th Courtney
16th Gwen
15th Heather
14th Beth
13th Izzy
12th Eva
11th Trent
10th Ezekiel
9th Duncan
8th DJ
7th Noah
6th Justin
5th Alejandro
4th Harold
3rd Owen
2nd Tyler
1st Cody
Jose Morales what!! no i love the girls and the boys together I decided this elimination in my head
I loved how you made Ezekial do good! Nice job!
I liked how the locations were similar yet different! The cast should of have actually been this!
My way with cast
Team Chris: Alejandro, Tyler, Izzy, Lindsay, Duncan, Courtney and Heather
Team Amazon: Gwen, Sierra, Cody, Beth, Amy, Samey and Bridgette
Team Victory: Geoff, Ezekiel, Owen, Justin, DJ, Noah and LeSharna
21: Geoff
16:Duncan and Courtney
14:Heather (Blaineley Debuts)
8:Owen (Lindsay and Lizzy returns)
*so that is my way!*
My Way
13: Tyler
Finale LeShawna vs Heather
2: Heather
LeShawna wins!!!
My way
21 Harold cause of Ezekiel
20 Ezekiel cause of leshana
19 leshawna cause of trent
18Duncan cause of eva
17 DJ cause of lindsay
16 Justin cause of Heather
15 Trent cause of Bridgette
14 Eva cause of izzy
13 Beth cause of sierra
12 alejando cause of tyler
11Courtney cause of gwen
10 Gwen cause of heather
9 Owen cause of noah
8 Tyler cause of heather
7 Noah cause of Bridgette
6 izzy cause of sierra
5 Bridgette cause of cody
4 Sierra cause of heather
3 Heather cause of Lindsay
2 Cody cause Eva tricked him
Winner Lindsay 1st
How do you make these plz tell me
I loved Heather and Al winning
Reeree Ramen-Noodles They won on the actual Total Drama World Tour.
Heather ending was the best.
The music in the background sounds like it was made by Tobu
PO Tellietubbie it is made by Tobu I think it’s called Sunburst
I think this is the first World Tour custom elimination where Ezekiel wasn't booted in Egypt
How do you make these videos
Why was DJ eliminated first
he had the curse so the team probably thought he was a threat
Tbh i would have eliminated him Early I didn’t really like him that season he caused Lindsay to be eliminated
@@jaydenhernandez1937 because they were in contest to not get eliminated
Ezekiel made it really far! He was first to be eliminated in the first season
that would be a way better season i wish it happened
My Cast
Jeff and Bridgette Aftermath Hosting
Peanut Gallery
Team Amazon
Team Chris
Well, except for the fact that Ezekiel and Eva didn't qualify
My way
17: Izzy
16: Owen
15: Zeke
14: LeShauna
13: Duncan
12: Tyler (injury)
11: Sierra
10: Bridge
Justin debuts
Tyler returns
9: Harold
8: Gwen
7: Cody
6: Courtney
5: Alihandro
4: Heather
3: Justin
2: Noah
1: Tyler WINNER!!!!
Awww my boy Harold eliminated early again and i hated how they did it in world tour
My Way
Team Chris is Really (x4) Hot: Ezekiel, Izzy, Tyler, Alejandro, Owen, Beth and Noah
Team Amazon: Heather, Gwen, Courtney, Sierra, Cody, Justin and Duncan
Team Victory: Leshawna, Lindsay, DJ, Harold, Eva, Bridgette and Geoff
21st: Eva (Team Victory) - Too agressive to her team members
20th: Geoff (Team Victory)
19th: Bridgette (Team Victory) - after geoff's elimination, she was pretty useless.
18th: Leshawna (Team Victory)
17th: Justin (Team Amazon)
16th: Beth (Team Chris is Really x4 Hot)
15th: Lindsay (Team Victory)
14th: DJ (Team Victory)
*Team Victory Deleted* *Harold Swaps teams to Team Chris is Really (x4) Hot*
13th: Noah (Team Chris is Really x4 Hot)
12th: Gwen (Team Amazon)
*Trent and Blaineley Debuts* *Trent goes to Team Chris is Really (x4) Hot while blaineley goes to team Amazon*
13th: Duncan (Team Amazon)
12th/11th: Ezekiel and Izzy (Team Chris is Really x4 Hot)
10th: Tyler
9th: Blaineley
*Izzy, Gwen and Duncan Rejoins*
11th: Trent
10th: Izzy (Again)
9th: Owen
8th: Harold
7th: Gwen (Again)
6th: Courtney
5th: Duncan (Again)
4th: Sierra
3rd: Cody
RUNNER UP (2nd): Alejandro
WINNER!!! (1st): HEATHER!!
My Way (Version 2)
Team CIRRRRH: Tyler, Alejandro, Trent, Izzy, Owen, Noah,
Team Amazon: Heather, Gwen, Courtney, Cody, Sierra, Duncan,
Team Victory: Lindsay, Leshawna, Harold, Geoff, DJ, Bridgette
20th (Egypt): DJ (Team Victory) - Got Lost on a dessert which caused their team to lose.
19th (Antartica): Harold (Team Victory) - his skills in Artic weren't really good.
18th (China): Leshawna (Team Victory) - her love with alejandro didn't help the team.
17th (Yukon, Canada): Bridgette (Team Victory) - same reason to what happened to leshawna.
16th (Texas, USA): Izzy (Team CIRRRRH) - her craziness wasn't giving a clue to her team.
15th (Cuba): Lindsay (Team Victory) - ended up injured cause of a plane crash.
14th (Argentina): Geoff (Team Victory) - as the only one on the team left, he got disqualified for not singing.
13th (Brazil): Tyler (Team CIRRRRH) - was very depressed after Lindsay's elimination.
12th (Honduras): Owen (Team CIRRRRH) - disqualified for Injuries.
11th (Saudi Arabia): Gwen (Team Amazon) - eliminated after stealing duncan from courtney.
(MERGE) *Blaineley & Justin Debuts*
10th (California, USA): Duncan - disqualified for not singing.
9th (Tanzania): Noah - Gone to far and was seen as a threat after being sarcastic all the time.
8th (Algeria): Justin - focused only on his flippin' mirror, was disqualified for not singing.
7th (Syria): Courtney - she complained loads of times for her health condition and seen as a threat to others.
6th (Russia): Trent - after gwen's elimination, he became extremely depressed until unfortunately, he was eliminated.
5th (Germany): Sierra - disqualified after destroying Chris's Airplane.
4th (France): Blaineley - Eliminated after seen as a threat, also the fact that she keeps on complaining about make-up and fashion.
3rd (Guatemala): Cody - Automatically Eliminated after been beaten up by Alejandro in the Fiery Jump of Death.
RUNNER-UP (Hawaii): Alejandro - got tricked by Heather and fell down the mountain.
WINNER (Hawaii): Heather - Was a great competitor, had strategies, and used loads of tricks.
My way with cast(episodes with cast)
Ep.1)Egypt:Duncan Quit
Team Amazon:
Cody, Heather, Gwen, Sierra, Courtney, Justin ,Izzy
Team Chris is RRRR hot:
Alejandro, Owen, Tyler, Eva, Noah, Katie, Sadie
Team Victory:
Lindsay, Beth, Leshawna, Harold, Zeke, Trent, Dj
Ep.4)Reality Show(Aftermath)
Ep.5)Las Vegas:22nd:Courtney
Ep.7)Green star(Aftermath)
Ep.12)Big Trouble(Aftermath)
Ep.13)Africa:16th/15th:Katie & Sadie
Ep.14)The mistery(Aftermath)
Ep.15)Area 51:14th:Cody
Ep.17)North Pole:Reward Challenge
Ep.18)Telethtoon(Aftermath+Duncan & Zeke Returns+Blaineley Debuts)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Teams Merge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ep.19)Victoria Brawls:Reward Challenge
Ep.21)Easter Island:11th:Eva
Ep.22)China:10th/9th:Duncan & Izzy
Ep.23)Horror Temple:8th/7th/6th:Lindsay,Trent & Tyler
Ep.24)Jungle of Terror:5th/4th:Noah & Blaineley
1st:Heather Wins TDWT
Just because team victory lost repeatedly in world tour doesn't mean they have to lose constantly when you use the team symbol
My way with Cast
Team Chris is really really hot: Justin, Katie, Sadie, Alejandro, Geoff, Duncan, Owen
Team Amazon: Courtney, Lindsay, Sierra, Beth, Heather, Gwen, Cody
Team Victory: Ezekiel, Eva, Harold, Bridgette, Tyler, Leshawna, Noah
21. ( Washington ) Ezekiel - team victory felt very uncomfortable with him on the team
20. ( California ) Harold - he was no use to team victory anymore, considering it was his fault they lost
19. ( Egypt) Justin - he hated all the bugs and snakes and didn't want to look bad on TV *QUIT*
18. ( Canada ) Trent - he went crazy after Duncan and Gwen kissed so he caused his team to lose
17. ( Bahamas ) Gwen - Courtney also got mad and tricked her into losing
16. ( Puerto Rico ) Eva - the team was scared of her and wanted her out IMMEDIATELY
15. ( Texas ) Beth - Heather had a plan to get her out
14. ( Antarctica ) Katie - she froze into an ice cube after she fell in the water, then got out for not singing
Blainley Debuts
14 ( Paris ) Duncan and Bridgette - everyone hated him for what he did to Courtney and Trent and Bridgette forgot to sing
13. ( Japan ) Sadie - she was so sad that Katie was gone, so she forgot to sing
12. ( New York ) Tyler - messed up the whole challenge
11. ( Italy ) Blainley - everyone hated her as a person
10. ( Niagara Falls ) Cody - voted himself off because of what he did to Sierra to know how much he actually loved her
9. ( Cancun ) Courtney - Heather convinced Lindsay and DJ to vote off Courtney
8. ( Florida ) Owen - misunderstood the challenge
7. ( Mississippi ) Alejandro - Leshawna and Lindsay found out what he was doing so they voted him off
6. ( North Carolina ) Heather - Tried Convincing Lindsay to vote off Leshawna and she refused and told the others about it
5. ( India ) Geoff - last one to arrive in the challenge
4. ( the mall ) Lindsay - totally forgot about the challenge and bought all sorts of things
3. ( Mount Everest) Sierra - caused an Avalanche
2. ( Hawaii ) Noah - lost
1. (Hawaii ) Leshawna - Winner
MarioPeachMario 7887 The mall could be Abu Dhabi, their malls are made of gold I hear and FULL of stuff :)
MarioPeachMario 7887 You didnt Mention Trent on the teams.
MarioPeachMario 7887 nice won!
MarioPeachMario 7887 YEAH LESHAWNA WON
how would the london and africa challenge go if zeke in the game
What's the song
Ryan Bishop this song is Tobu & Itro Sunburst
But if they couldn't hunt Ezekiel in episode 21 then what did they do?
I love that Ezekiel made it far but be realistic he will never go far
My way with personal cast
Team Amazon- Heather, Courtney, Gwen, Cody, Izzy, Mama
Team Chris is RRRR- Alejandro, Tyler, Owen, Noah, Sierra, Duncan
Team Victory- DJ, Lindsay, Harold, Bridgett, Ezekiel, LeShawna
*Izzy and and Sierra swap teams*
19th- Harold- Does the same thing Ezekiel does
18th- LeShawna- Same as before but just, in Japan
17th- DJ- Team realizes he is causing all the losing with his curse
16th- Izzy- Does crazy thing and causes loss.
15th- Owen- Destroys statue with weight in Paris
(Ezekiel and Bridgett added to Team Chris)
13th- Noah- Same reasons
12th- Heather- Swoons over Alejandro
11th- Ezekiel- Same reason as Tyler
10th- Courtney- Loses Tiebreaker against Gwen
MERGE {Blaineley Debuts}
9- Tyler- Same reason as Owen
8- Blaineley- Voted off WITHOUT Courtney
7- Sierra- Voted off
6- Cody- Taken with Sierra
5- Mama- Is voted off due to not letting teens be teens
4- Duncan- Alejandro manages to convince Bridgett and surprisingly Gwen into voting for Duncan
3- Bridgett- Loses tiebreaker against Gwen.
2- Alejandro/Gwen
1- Gwen/Alejandro
for the africa challenge where they have to hide from zeke who are they running from if zeke is still in???
if there was no team victory, what team do you see Ezekiel on. Reply to this comment to let me know (Personally I see him on team Chris is really really really really hot)
Me: Yay 3 cheers for Zeke getting into final 3. Hip hip-
Feminist: Booooo
Me: hip hip-
Feminist: boooo
Me: hip hip-
Lol zeke is stupid
Im happy that tyler noah justin made it far unlike season of total drama
Good choices tho!! i would have made Noah get to a higher point in the game, but other then that it was really good!
(also Zeek gets that far??! i mean i know hes an underrated character but i dont think hes... smart enough, or has the skills to do that, plus heather or al would have eliminated him, or at least SOMEONE would have quickly, but i get your trying to put the underrated characters higher)
For episode 19, you do know that one contestant comes back in, right? I just think you should clarify that.
I am trying to do my own total drama elimanation
How do you get the total drama cross things?
What's the music
How did Ezekiel make it to the final three
tdi my way an own cast
12. ella
11. dave
10. scott
9. zoey
8. b
6. trent
5/4 heather/ gwen
3. linsay
2. ruuner up dawn
1. winner lenorda
Episode 2
21: Noah
Episode 3
20: Beth
Episode 4
Reward challenge
19: Izzy
Episode 5: .
18: Eva
Episode 6
Reward challenge
Episode 7
17: Gwen
Episode 8:
16: Lindsay
Episode 9
15: Justin
Episode 10
Reward challenge
Episode 11:
14: Tyler
Episode 12
13: Sierra
Episode 13
12: Owen
Episode 14
11: Leshawna
Episode 15
Reward challenge
Episode 16
10th: Cody
Episode 17
9: DJ
Episode 18 merge
8th: Courtney
Episode 19
7th: Bridgette
Episode 20 aftermath
Episode 21
6th: Heather
Episode 22
reward challenge
episode 23
5th: Harold
Episode 24
4th: Ezekial
Episode 25 finale part 1
3rd: Owen
Episode 26 aftermath
Episode 27 finalle part 2
Real winner: Duncan
Alternate: Trent
my way my cast
Aftermath 1
14.Sadie/Dj returns
Aftermath 2
Aftermath 3
Shawn debuts
My way
Amazon:cody, courtney, gwen, heather, sierra, sadie, katie, beth
Chris:duncan, Alejandro, tyler, owen,izzy, noah,Eva,geoff
Victory:DJ, lindsay, bridgette, leshawna, ezequiel, harold, trent, justin
26th duncan
25th harold
24th leshawna
23th DJ
22th ezequiel
21th beth
20th sadie
19th owen
18th justin
17th bridgette
Duncan returns
16th katie
15th lindsay
14th izzy
13th trent
12th courtney
Merge blaneley debuts
11th sierra
10th/9th blaneley and eva
8th geoff
7th gwen
6th alejandro
5th duncan
4th noah
3th tyler
Final:cody VS heather
Runner up:heather
I think it will make sense if cody was eliminated at the place area 51 so there will be alien cody clones...
My Way
18. Duncan
17. DJ
16. Leshawna
15. Alejandro
14. Izzy
13. Owen
12. Sierra
11. Harold
10. Courtney
9. Noah
8. Cody
7. Heather
6. Blaineley
5. Lindsay
4. Tyler
3. Gwen
2. Runner Up Ezekiel
1. Winner Bridgette
Replacing The Yukon With Death Valley, Replacing The Alps With Atacama Desert. Replacing Niagara Falls With The Grand Canyon.
Christopher Walters fibally an zeke lover
Best Order Elimination My Yay 💙💙💙
Ok the zeke thing is a really cool idea, but how would it logically happen? He's out first for a reason, it's contestant vote and the contestants hate him. Thats more plot armour then even Heather
It doesnt make sense how Cody gets eliminated when sierra is still there, it just doesnt make sense
The fact that DJ was first off I knew this was bad
Being honest the ding of World Tour was perfect, there was nothing you could do to change it up
Why is Justin on Team Amazon? Do you not understand the point of their team?
Technically Zeke got farther than he originally did in the real world tour as Duncan quit making Duncan the first boot and zeke the second boot
Who can believe it Ezeikiel lasted more than 2 episodes
i dont really like how team amazon gotten extra members, it was honestly perfect the way it is, especially how justin and beth just arent that likable.
Love it
My way
1.Gwen win !!!
My Way(own cast)
Chris Is Really (x4) Hot: Noah,Alejandro, Cody,Owen,Izzy.
Team Amazon: Heather,Gwen,Courtney, Bridgette,Tyler.
Team Victory: Harold,Ezekiel, Duncan,LeShawna,Lindsay, Sierra.
18th (Team Victory) Sierra B2 : Ezekiel/Sierra R: She kept stalking Cody,and she cost the challenge.
17th (Team Victory) Harold B2: Ezekiel/Harold R: Ezekiel was supposed to be eliminated,but Harold quitted before Chris could say Ezekiel.
16th (Team Amazon) Courtney B2: Heather/Courtney R: She kept acting like a idiot to Gwen, so everyone (except Heather) voted her off.
15th (Team Victory) Ezekiel B2: Duncan/Ezekiel R: Duncan convinced LeShawna and Lindsay to vote off Ezekiel(though Ezekiel didn't do anything wrong)for his plan.
14th(Team Amazon) Heather B2: Gwen/Heather R: Everyone knew that Heather was a threat,so everyone voted off Heather.
13th(Team Victory) LeShawna B2: Lindsay/LeShawna R: She fell for Alejandro's trick,making Lindsay and Duncan to vote her off.
12th(Chris Is Really(x4) Hot)Owen B2: Izzy/Owen R: When Owen saw Izzy kissing Noah,Owen cried in the challenge, and everyone voted for Owen bc he cost the challenge.
11th/10th*Team Victory is now gone/Lindsay joins Team Amazon/Duncan joins Chris Is Really(x4) Hot*(Team Amazon) Lindsay & Tyler B2: Lindsay/Tyler R: Both quitted.
9th*Blaineley debuts and joins Team Amazon*Duncan B2 Cody/Duncan R: Duncan got angry at everyone (except Noah) ,and everyone voted for Duncan (except Noah)
8th*merge*Gwen B2: Alejandro/Gwen *won invincibility: Noah*R: she missed Duncan.
7th*won invincibility: Izzy* Blaineley B2: Cody/Blaineley R: She acted like a jerk and everyone voted for her.
6th*won invincibility: Alejandro*Izzy B2: Noah/Izzy R: Alejandro rigged the votes so Noah would be sad.
5th *won invincibility: Cody* Alejandro B2: Bridgette/Alejandro R: everyone hated Alejandro because he got rid of Izzy.
*DJ debuts*
4th/3rd *won invincibility: Noah* DJ & Cody R: DJ accidentally blew up the plane and Cody quitted.
Runner-Up: Bridgette
Good video
The reason people are eliminated is cause there’s nothing to do with there character zeke and Eva don’t make it far and Sierra simply can’t be there if Cody’s not
What do they do for the london challenge woth zeke stillin
How did zeke get that far?
How do you remove those pics
Of any other ideas come into mind hers is the first 3 seasons my way
Episode 1-No one
Episode 2-Eva
Episode 3-DJ
Episode 4:Justin
Episode 5:Heather
Episode 6:Sadie
Episode 7-Duncan
Episode 8:Noah
Episode 9:Cody(he was injured was unfairly booted out)
Episode 10:No One
Episode 11:Ezekiel
Episode 12:Courtney
Episode 13:Harold
Episode 14:Bridgette
Merge(Eva Noah and Cody return)
Episode 15:Eva
Episode 16:Trent
Episode 17:Tyler
Episode 18:Noah
Episode 19:Katie
Episode 20-Izzy
Episode 21:Owen
Episode 22:Beth (Losers votes)
Episode 23:No one
Episode 24:Lindsay/Cody
Episode 25:Gwen
Episode 26:Final 2 Leshawna And Geoff
Runner up-Leshawna
Episode 27:Millon Dollar hunt
Too lazy to do the rest lol but I will tell the finalist
Season2:Lindsay vsDuncan
Season 3:Noah vsIzzy
Total Drama World Tour My Way:
My Teams:
Team Chris is Really x4 Hot: Eva, Owen, Noah, Izzy, Ducan, Tyler and Alejandro
Team Amazon: Gwen, Courtney, Duncan, Cody, Sierra, Trent, Geoff
Team Victory: Lindsay, Bridgette, Beth, Leshawna, Harold, Zeke, and DJ
Elimination Order:
21. DJ
20. Harold
19. Bridgette
18. Geoff
17. Leshawna
16. Duncan
Team Victory dispands Lindsay and Beth move to Team Chris is x4 Really Hot and Zeke moves to Team Amazon
15. Beth
13. Izzy
12. Owen
11. Gwen
Merge 10. Eva
9. Tyler
8. Lindsay
7. Noah
6. Zeke
5. Courtney
4. Sierra
RUNNER-UP: Alejandro
WINNER: Heather
i find it funny how zeke got that far lol
Me: Hope Ezekiel wins
Heather and Alejamdro: kicks butts
Courtney’s song:
Duncan has 7 toes on its feet and Gwen is so hairy that she shaves her nose~~~-
DJ should have made it further
I love it! But, curious: would Gwen have kissed Duncan, and did Zeke become a monster voted off when in the final two?
I’m guessing zeke became lived and al thought it was a vote for the winner.
I respect you for Zeke
I'm just sad DJ left first but other then that 10/10!! But even after we can all agree on Alejandro and Heather!! AleHeather ✌🏻
No one pets Zeke in the final 3.
Name of the song plz
why cody before merge
Total Drama World Tour My Way Runner Up: Lindsay, Reason: Was being too much of a girly girl and lost the challenge. Winner: Ezekiel. Reason: His Determination and confidence made him win TDWT and 1 millon dollars!!!
Total Drama World Tour (My Way)
Chris is really X4 hot Team: Alejandro, Owen, Tyler, Noah, Izzy, Eva, Duncun
Amazon Team: Heather, Gwen, Courtney, Cody, Sierra, Beth, Justin
Victory Team: LeShawna, Lindsay, Harold, DJ, Bridgette, Trent, Ezekiel
21) Ezekiel
20) Justin
19) Eva
18) DJ
17) Beth
16) Noah
15) Harold
14) Sierra
13) Tyler
12) LeShawna
11) Cody
Sierra comes back
11) Owen
10) Bridgette
9) Trent
8) Izzy
7) Sierra
6) Gwen
5) Courtney
4) Lindsay
3) Duncun
2) Heather
1) Alejandro
Why you don't add Geoff ,Katie and Sadie on your cast
Wait hold up how are you gonna do episode 21 with Zeke still in the game? Or did they do a different challenge?
what website do you use
I loved it
José Eduardo Rodney Lopez Thank you!!!
21st Bridgette
20th Leshawna
19th Eva
18th Ezekiel
17th Gwen
16th Izzy
15th Duncan
14th Beth
13th Lindsay
12th Trent
11th Noah
10th Courtney
9th DJ
8th Sierra
7th Harold
6th Owen
5th Justin
4th Alejandro
3rd Cody
2nd Heather
1st Tyler
My way
Heater :she seemed. Like a huge threat and cheater
Dj: he kept hurting animals and contests
Owen: cryed about Izzy
Siarra: was annoying and crazy so Cody convinced team Amazon
To vote off Siarra
Izzy: almost dies
Alihondro : tried to vote off Duncan
and Bridgette
Blainly: fought with everybody but Duncan showed her who was boss
Leshawna: it was between Gwen ezikiel and leshawna so leshawna got the boot
Harold: crying about leshawna and cost team victory the challenge
Merge time baby
Courtny : cheated and was a big threat
Cody: was the worst at the challenge
Gwen: quit for Cody and Trent
Lindsay : lost the challenge to Noah
Ezekiel was too good at the challenge
Tyler: made it to the semifinals but lost for Lindsay
AND THE WINNER IS .......................
NOAH :had ☝ vote less then Duncan
DUNCAN: was a little more popular than Noah .
Duncan here's your trouphy 🏆
Where did you make it