Harold deserves to win, he's dedicated to win, last season and this season his own team abused him a little. But it would be cool if it was Harold vs. Cody, no matter what, a geek's gonna get a million big ones.
Wow! This was well done! Harold amd Lindsay are well deserving when making it to Top 2! And i'm glad Justin made it to Top 3 so he could be a goo antag!
Man, this version of the finale would be awesome af 👏Bonus points for bringing Justin to the final 3; he definitely needed to remain the main antagonist this season
My Way Teams Killer Grips:Duncan,Cody,Justin, Beth,Heather,Harold,Izzy, Screaming Gaffers:Eva,DJ, Bridgette,Ezekiel,Gwen,Courtney, Tyler, Killer Deer:Noah,Trent,Leshawna,Owen, Lindsay,Katie,Sadie Episode 1:Team Picking 22nd:Geoff-He Wasn’t picked for a Team so Chris eliminates him Episode 2:Alien Resurrection 1st:Screaming Gaffers 2nd:Killer Deer 3rd:Killer Grips Votes Cody Duncan Cody Cody Cody Cody Cody 21st:Cody-Cody Was already upset He wasn’t on Gwens Team But also he wasn’t preforming the Best In Challenges because of this Cody is voted out Episode 3:Beach blanket Bogus *Reward Challenge* Episode 4 3:10 to Crazy Town 1st:Killer Deer 2nd:Killer Grips 3rd:Screaming Gaffers Votes Courtney Courtney Courtney Courtney Courtney Ezekiel Courtney 20th:Courtney-She And Gwen were in a huge argument But the Team decided that Gwen is More Valuable than Courtney Episode 5:Monster Cash! 1st:Killer Deer 2nd:Killer Grips 3rd:Screaming Gaffers Votes Ezekiel Eva Eva Eva Ezekiel Eva 19th:Eva-She Was Rude And A athletic Threat Episode 6:After Math I *Reward Challenge* Episode 7:Riot On set! 1st:Killer Grips 2nd:Screaming Gaffers 3rd:Killer Deer Votes Sadie Sadie Trent Trent Trent Trent Trent 18th:Trent-He Was going Crazy without Gwen on his team because of that he was voted out Episode 8:The Chefskank Redemption 1st:Killer Deer 2nd:Killer Grips 3rd:Screaming Gaffers Votes Ezekiel Ezekiel DJ Ezekiel Ezekiel 17th:Ezekiel-The Girls got tired of him and convinced Tyler and DJ to vote him as well Episode 9:One flu over the Cuckoos 1st:Killer Grips 2nd:Killer Deer 3rd:Screaming Gaffers Votes Bridgette Tyler Tyler Bridgette 16th:Bridgette-She lost in the Tiebreaker against Tyler Episode 10:The Sandwitch Project 1st:Killer Grips 2nd:Screaming Gaffers 3rd:Killer Deer Votes Sadie Sadie Sadie Sadie Noah Noah 15th:Sadie-The Team Thought She Was getting really annoying so when they lost they decided To vote Sadie out Episode 11:Master of Disasters 1st:Killer Grips 2nd:Screaming Gaffers 3rd:Killer Deer Votes Leshawna Noah Noah Noah Leshawna 14th:Noah-He did the worst in the Challenge Episode 12:After Math II *Reward Challenge* Episode 13:Full Mental Drama 1st:Killer Deer 2nd:Killer Grips 3rd:Screaming Gaffers Votes Tyler DJ DJ 13th:DJ-He costed the team the challenge Episode 14:Oceans Eight or Nine 1st:Killer Grips 2nd:Screaming Gaffers 3rd:Killer Deer Votes Owen Katie Owen Owen 12th:Owen-He Was too busy looking for food and didn’t Participate Episode 15:Dial M for Merger Immunity:Lindsay Votes Justin Gwen Gwen Gwen Gwen Gwen Justin Gwen Gwen Gwen Gwen 11th:Gwen-They wanted to break up Duncan and Gwen as a duo Episode 16:Million Dollar Babies Immunity:Justin No votes 10th:Izzy-She Blew something up And Was disqualified Episode 17:One billion Bucks B.C Immunity:Duncan Votes Tyler Tyler Tyler Beth Beth Beth Beth Tyler 9th/8th:Beth & Tyler-They both lost the tiebreaker Episode 18:After Math III *Reward Challenge* Episode 19:Super Hero-Id No votes 7th:Katie-She has the worst outfit and finished the course last being automatically eliminated Episode 20:The Princess Pride Immunity:Leshawna Votes Heather Heather Lindsay Heather Heather 6th:Heather-Duncan heard she was about to make a big move but before she could do they voted her out Episode 21:Get a clue Immunity:Lindsay Votes Justin Duncan Duncan Justin Justin 5th:Justin-Everyone Was getting tired of Him trying to Convince him he’s good looking Episode 22:Rock ‘n rule Immunity:Duncan Votes Leshawna Duncan Duncan Leshawna 4th:Leshawna-Duncan won the tiebreaker against her Episode 23:Kung fu dunc down *Reward Challenge* Episode 24:2008 a space Harold *Reward Challenge* Episode 25:Mutiny on the Soundstage No votes 3rd:Duncan-He was the Last to finish Episode 26:TDA Aftermath Winners are:Lindsay & Harold *Harold Wins in Canada* *While Lindsay wins in the USA*
MY WAY EP 1 : Ezekiel EP 2 : Eva EP 3 : Geoff EP 4 : Duncan EP 5 : AFTERMATH EP 6 : Justin EP 7 : Sadie EP 8 : Izzy Jumps off plane from Air Force EP 9 : Lashawna EP 10 : AFTERMATH EP 11 : Duncan Returns and DJ is eliminated. EP 12 : Harold EP 13 : Tyler EP 14 : Lashawna Returns and Alejandro is eliminated EP 15 : Bridgette is eliminated EP 16 : Katie is eliminated EP 17 : AFTERMATH EP 18 : Duncan is eliminated EP 19 : Courtney makes her team lose on purpose after seeing a home message from Duncan and runs off to see him. EP 20 : Trent is eliminated FINALS - Gwen, Heather, Beth, Lindsay, Cody and Noah and Lashawna. EP 21 : Heather Rigs everyone's votes to get Beth off so Lindsay would be weaker. EP 22 : Lindsay curses out heather and becomes stronger making everyone vote off Heather. EP 23 : Noah EP 24 : Lashawna EP 25 : Cody EP 26 : LINDSAY WINS!!!!
Lindsay All The Way ! Wohoo ! I adore her ! So proud to see so mamy TD fans that are doing their own way with a Lindsay winner ! I hope that one of the TD creators remarks that and make her wins
Harold v. Lindsay would've been way better, or even Duncan v. Lindsay. Don't get me wrong, I love Beth, but I think Lindsay makes for a better choice, and it's not completely removing Beth since theyre both bffs. And thank god the Trent and Gwen thing got cleared up, they kinda ruined Trent's character in Action.
My way Episode 1 : Monster Cash Elimination: Reward Challenge Episode 2 Alien Resurr-eggtion Double Elimination: Ezekiel and Geoff Episode 3 : Riot On Set Elimination: Noah Reason: His sarcastic personality of not supporting his team constantly annoyed his teammates Episode 4 : Beach Blanket Bogus Elimination: Owen Reason: he costs the challenge for his team due to his girth Episode 5 : 3:10 To Crazytown Elimination: Trent Reason: Justin finds out that Trent has been costing their aims of winning thus he confronts Gwen and out of guilt she tells the Grips to vote off Trent tonight Episode 6: The Aftermath: I Interviewed Contestants: Ezekiel,Noah,Owen and Trent Episode 7: The Chefstank Redemption ( Owen Returns ) Elimination: Harold Reason: Because of Heather Episode 8: One Flu Over The Cuckoos Elimination: Reward Challenge Episode 9: The Sand Witch Project Elimination: DJ Reason: He quits Episode 10: Masters Of Disasters Elimination: Reward Challenge Episode 11: Full Metal Drama Elimination: Eva Reason: Because of Justin and her anger issues Episode 12: The Aftermath: II Interviewed Contestants: Harold,DJ,Eva Episode 12: Ocean's Eight Or Nine ( Courtney Debuts ) Elimination: Owen Reason: Because of Courtney Episode 13: One Million Dollar B.C Elimination: Bridgette Reason: Because of Heather Episode 13: Million Dollar Babies Elimination: Katie Reason: Because of Heather Merge Begins Contestants Still Remaining Heather Gwen Duncan Leshawna Sadie Tyler Lindsay Justin Courtney Beth Izzy Cody Episode 14 : Dial M For Merger Elimination: Justin Reason: Because of Courtney and Duncan Episode 15: Super Hero-Id Elimination: Cody Reason: Because of Heather Episode 16: The Aftermath: III Interviewed Contestants: Owen,Bridgette,Katie,Justin,Cody Episode 17: The Princess Pride Elimination: Duncan Reason: Because of Heather in order to enrage Courtney Episode 18: Get a Clue Elimination: Beth Reason: Because of Heather Episode 19: Rock n' Rule Elimination: Sadie Reason: Because of Courtney Episode 20: Crouching Courtney,Hidden Owen Elimination: Gwen Reason: Because of Heather and Courtney Episode 21: 2008: A Space Lindsay Elimination: Leshawna Reason: Because of Heather and Courtney Episode 21: Top Dog Elimination: Izzy Reason: She was automatically eliminated for coming last in the challenge Episode 22: Mutiny On The Soundstage Elimination: Courtney and Heather Reason: Because of each other Episode 23: The Aftermath: IV Lindsay vs Tyler!
Definitely agree with the two winners - I think they would also split the money! Though I would have it where Courtney and Duncan make the final four to make Lindsay and Harold overcoming them all the more satisfying. That said, I liked pretty much all of your elimination order. Man I really wish Action had all the original cast.
Dimensional Raven Thanks! And yes Harold & Lindsay did AMAZING this season they deserved to make it to the finale. Also I wish the whole cast was in Action too.
Harold defenetly should have been in the final 2 in TDA with duncan,lindsay or someone MORE RELEVANT THAN BETH, his character was well developed in this season and i must congratulate him for making it to the final 5(even though its bullshit that they didnt put him in the final 2) because thats something he will never achieve again sadly . Overall GREAT VIDEO
Vosla True Season 2 should have been Harold's Season. Duncan always makes merge, which is annoying in my opinion. Season 2 should have been Lindsay's season as well. I think Season 2 was also Beth's season. She went from being an underdog to being a good player, even though she may not be as popular as other characters she deserved it.
Lindsay All The Way ! Wohoo ! I adore her ! So proud to see so many TD fans that are doing their own way with a Lindsay winner ! I hope that one of the TD creators remarks that and make her wins
@@bryanomary6576 Yeah ! I actually love beth , just cz she is the friend of Lindsay ! And what happened with her on All Stars was the worst ! I can't believe she was eliminated 1st !
I mean Lindsay deserved to be in the final 2 with Duncan but if writeing in All-Stars was actually like....GOOD?! I still don't see Lindsay getting further than she did simply by the plot armor characters had this season. The ONLY characters i could think of getting eliminated before her are either Sierra or Sam. So i think if the writeing was good Sierra would go first then Sam and then Lindsay. I mean....even Jo had a better plot armor that Lindsay by her eliminating Lightning and her plot with Heather was nice and i'd like to see more of it. Let's face it everyone at the merge except for Duncan and Cameron had the plot armor of some kind. Science Lindsay had a good plot in action i don't see any plot for her in all stars. If you read all of this then i'm suprised. Congrats random person :D
My TDA teams and rankings: Teams: Screaming Gaffers - Duncan (Team captain), Courtney, Harold, Leshawna, DJ, Heather, Ezekiel, and Cody Killer Grips - Lindsay (Team captain), Tyler, Bridgette, Trent, E-Scope, Justin, Beth, and Owen Rankings: 17/18. Geoff/Eva - Voted out in Alien Resurr-eggtion Eliminated - E-Scope in Riot on Set. 16. Cody - Voted out in Wild, Wild Pests Izzy returns 15. Beth - Voted out in The Chefshank Redemption 14. DJ - Quits in The Sand Witch Project 13. Ezekiel - Voted out in Masters of Disasters 12. Owen - Voted out in Full Metal Drama 11. Leshawna - Voted out in Ocean's Final Eleven 10. Heather - Eliminated by the Grips in One Million Bucks, B.C. 9. Trent - Unfairly eliminated by Chris in Million Dollar Babies Merge 8. Izzy - Voted out in Dial M for Merger 7. Tyler - Eliminated by Duncan in Super Zeroes 6. Justin - Voted out in The Princess Pride 5. Duncan - Voted out in Guitar Zeroes 4. Courtney - Voted out in Astro-nots 3. Bridgette - Eliminated in a tiebreaker in Mutiny on the Soundstage 2. Harold - Runner-up 1. Lindsay - Winner
My way (start with original starting cast and teams but custom 4 returns, 17 contestants total) If you don't know the original teams, the eliminated contestants come from alternating teams, so nothing special. 17 & 16: Bridgette and Geoff (Voted off for making out. And to be the hosts of aftermath) 15: Trent (Voted off by Gwen) Tyler makes a guest appearance as a new intern for the challenge but accidentally screws up, where Heather is the unlucky victim 14: Heather (Quits) 13: DJ (Disappears, Chris cancels vote) Ezekiel And Noah Return (Ezekiel joins Screaming Gaffers, Noah joins Killer Grips) 12: Lindsay (Somehow gets abducted by aliens.) Owen hired as a spy similar to his original return (not counting as a return) 11: Izzy (Voted off for being Izzy) 10: Ezekiel (Voted off, for pissing off his teammates) Heather makes a guest appearance (with hair that is later revealed to be a wig) and sabotages Beth 9: Beth (Voted off after being the reason her team lost the challenge.) 8: Harold (Arrested for fraud) Courtney returns seconds after and is revealed to be the claimant of Harold's arrest. Merge! Owen is also fired from position as spy and a bunch of different interns replace him as spy over the course of the season. Katie and Sadie make a short guest appearance. 7: Justin (Voted off, challenge left him with a never-ending stench that his contestants couldn't bear) DJ is found in chefs fridge and returns 6: Gwen (Kicked out by Chris for destroying property, on accident) 5: Noah (Voted off, Courtney has Immunity 3 consecutive times and Noah's laziness gets him eliminated. ) 4: Courtney (Voted off. Similar to her original elimination, Duncan gets her eliminated after she seems to difficult of a person.) 3: DJ (Voted off. Duncan wins the challenge and gets to choose to eliminate, he keeps LeShawna as he thinks he can beat her. Original Winner / Alternative Runner-up = Duncan Alternative Winner / Original Runner-up = Leshawna
My way ( redone due to a few mistakes in terms of episode numbering ) Episode 1 : Monster Cash Elimination: Reward Challenge Episode 2 : Alien Resurr-egtion Double Elimination: Ezekiel and Geoff Episode 3 : Riot On Set Elimination: Noah and E-Scope Reason For Noah's Elimination : His sarcastic personality of not supporting his team constantly annoyed his teammates Reason For E-Scope's Elimination : She lost the acting challenge for her team Episode 4 : Beach Blanket Bogus Elimination: Owen Reason: He costs the challenge for his team due to his girth Episode 5 : 3:10 To Crazytown Elimination: Trent Reason: Justin finds out that Trent has been costing their aims of winning thus he confronts Gwen and out of guilt she tells the Grips to vote off Trent tonight Episode 6 : The Aftermath: I Interviewed Contestants: Ezekiel,Noah,E-Scope,Owen and Trent Episode 7 : The Chefstank Redemption ( Owen And Izzy Return ) Elimination: Harold Reason: Because of Heather Episode 8 : One Flew Over The Cuckoos Elimination: Reward Challenge Episode 9 : The Sand Witch Challenge Elimination: DJ Reason: He quits Episode 10 : Masters Of Disasters Elimination: Reward Challenge Episode 11 : Full Metal Drama Elimination: Eva Reason: Because of Justin and her anger issues Episode 12 : The Aftermath: II Interviewed Contestants: Harold,DJ,Eva Episode 13 : Ocean's Eight Or Nine ( Courtney Debuts ) Elimination: Owen Reason: Because of Courtney Episode 14 : One Million Dollar B.C Elimination: Bridgette Reason: Because of Heather Episode 15 : Million Dollar Babies Elimination: Katie Reason: Because of Heather Merge Begins Contestants Still Remaining Heather Gwen Duncan Leshawna Sadie Tyler Lindsay Justin Courtney Beth Izzy Cody Episode 16 : Dial M For Merger Elimination: Justin Reason: Because of Courtney and Duncan Episode 17 : Super Hero-Id Elimination: Cody Reason: Because of Heather Episode 18 : The Aftermath: III Interviewed Contestants: Owen,Bridgette,Katie,Justin,Cody Episode 19 : The Princess Pride Elimination: Sadie Reason: Because of Courtney Episode 20 : Get a Clue Elimination: Beth Reason: Because of Heather Episode 21 : Rock n' Rule Elimination : Duncan Reason: Because of Heather in order to enrage Courtney Episode 22 : Crouching Courtney,Hidden Owen Elimination: Gwen Reason: Because of Heather and Courtney Episode 23 : 2008: A Space Lindsay Elimination: Leshawna Reason: Because of Heather and Courtney Episode 24 : Top Dog Elimination: Izzy Reason: She was automatically eliminated for coming last in the challenge Episode 25 : Mutiny On The Soundstage Elimination: Courtney and Heather Reason: Because of each other Episode 26 : The Aftermath: IV Lindsay vs Tyler! Official Winner : Lindsay Alternate Winner : Tyler
My way would be: (only 12 people in my way sorry) EP:1 12th/11th Geoff, Cody ( They both got Eliminated Gwen didn't like Cody cause he was Flirting with her so she convinced everyone else to vote him off. And for Geoff, he wasn't helping) EP:2 Picking the teams Teams: Killer Grips: Duncan, Gwen, Zeke, Eva, Bridgette Screaming Gaffers: Trent, DJ, Noah, Tyler, Lindsay EP:3 No Elimination EP:3 Duncan (was being mean the everyone) EP:4 Eva (She thought since Duncan was gone she thought she could boss everyone around and they didn't like that) EP:5 No Elimination EP:6 DJ (Eliminated himself cause he was in an alliance an alliance with Chef) EP:7 AfterMatch EP:8 Lindsay (Was being useless not being mean sorry Lindsay Fans) Duncan Returns EP:9 Zeke (Was making everyone to vote him so they did) EP:10 MERGE! EP:11 Bridgette (Was Flirting with Tyler on my book she's not with Geoff) EP:12 Trent (Was acting very suspicious so they voted him off) (From now on I'm putting the votes on) EP:13 Noah (Was being a smartass) Votes: Noah, Noah, Noah Duncan (Izzy and Owen Return) EP:14 Izzy (For being Izzy) Votes: Izzy, Izzy, Izzy, Tyler, Tyler EP:15 Tyler and Gwen ( They were last ones to complete the challenge) Votes: Chris did not do a campfire ceremony FINALES!!! DUNCAN WINS!!!!
My Winners; Island - Geoff Action - Lindsey World Tour - Heather ROTI - Lightning All Stars - Courtney Pahkitew - Shawn Alternate Winners; Island - Gwen Action - Harold World Tour - Tyler ROTI - Brick All Stars - Scott Pahkitew - Sky
The sad thing is that Lindsay was originally supposed to win Action, and Beth was supposed to be eliminated. I'm guessing it would go down like this: Lindsay, beth, harold, and owen were discussing the original conversation But this would change: Courtney: Psst, Duncan! I can tell Lindsay and Beth have an Alliance! Vote Beth! Not only it will make her crazy, it would end their alliance! Duncan would say yes, but she didnt have enough time to convince the others . The Chris's would go to... Lindsay, Courtney, Harold, and Owen. But due to Beth voting herself without looking she was eliminated. Let me read the votes.: [ Beth ] Courtney [ Beth ] Duncan [ Duncan ] Lindsay [ Duncan ] Harold [ Courtney ] Owen, didnt count since she is immune. [ Beth ] Beth. Lindsay would eventually win.
Lindsay & Chill well that's ok this season overall wasn't to great I would've had the same finale or like a 1v1v1 with Harold,Lindsay,and Justin because let's face it,those were the 3 best characters in this season maybe besides Bridgette. It ruined people I love like Heather,Gwen,Izzy,and kind of Leshawna but she was just kind of toned down a bit. Heather I hated that gag of the wigs.
FrostyBear Gaming Bridgette wasn't good in this season, because the aftermaths were sort of irrelevant and she sucked in her 2 episodes that she was still competing in
Harold deserves to win, he's dedicated to win, last season and this season his own team abused him a little. But it would be cool if it was Harold vs. Cody, no matter what, a geek's gonna get a million big ones.
Best thing I heard all day 😀😀😀😀
3:46 Duncan is looking at Harold like: u ok bruh?
Wow! This was well done! Harold amd Lindsay are well deserving when making it to Top 2! And i'm glad Justin made it to Top 3 so he could be a goo antag!
Finally Lindsay and Harold win! I was rooting for them to win
Finally, a Lindsay vs. Harold finale!
Jubilee Jigsaw do Harold win
@@bigheadluke3104 Lindsay win
It really depends on where you watch the show from
The battle of the weirdos
Man, this version of the finale would be awesome af 👏Bonus points for bringing Justin to the final 3; he definitely needed to remain the main antagonist this season
Yes. How to make TDA better: Ditch Courtney being the main antagonist, use Justin instead
my brain would die from katie screaming
for 17 episodes straight. Yeah bye bye ears.
My Way
Killer Grips:Duncan,Cody,Justin,
Screaming Gaffers:Eva,DJ,
Killer Deer:Noah,Trent,Leshawna,Owen,
Episode 1:Team Picking
22nd:Geoff-He Wasn’t picked for a Team so Chris eliminates him
Episode 2:Alien Resurrection
1st:Screaming Gaffers
2nd:Killer Deer
3rd:Killer Grips
21st:Cody-Cody Was already upset He wasn’t on Gwens Team But also he wasn’t preforming the Best In Challenges because of this Cody is voted out
Episode 3:Beach blanket Bogus
*Reward Challenge*
Episode 4 3:10 to Crazy Town
1st:Killer Deer
2nd:Killer Grips
3rd:Screaming Gaffers
20th:Courtney-She And Gwen were in a huge argument But the Team decided that Gwen is More Valuable than Courtney
Episode 5:Monster Cash!
1st:Killer Deer
2nd:Killer Grips
3rd:Screaming Gaffers
19th:Eva-She Was Rude And A athletic Threat
Episode 6:After Math I
*Reward Challenge*
Episode 7:Riot On set!
1st:Killer Grips
2nd:Screaming Gaffers
3rd:Killer Deer
18th:Trent-He Was going Crazy without Gwen on his team because of that he was voted out
Episode 8:The Chefskank Redemption
1st:Killer Deer
2nd:Killer Grips
3rd:Screaming Gaffers
17th:Ezekiel-The Girls got tired of him and convinced Tyler and DJ to vote him as well
Episode 9:One flu over the Cuckoos
1st:Killer Grips
2nd:Killer Deer
3rd:Screaming Gaffers
16th:Bridgette-She lost in the Tiebreaker against Tyler
Episode 10:The Sandwitch Project
1st:Killer Grips
2nd:Screaming Gaffers
3rd:Killer Deer
15th:Sadie-The Team Thought She Was getting really annoying so when they lost they decided To vote Sadie out
Episode 11:Master of Disasters
1st:Killer Grips
2nd:Screaming Gaffers
3rd:Killer Deer
14th:Noah-He did the worst in the Challenge
Episode 12:After Math II
*Reward Challenge*
Episode 13:Full Mental Drama
1st:Killer Deer
2nd:Killer Grips
3rd:Screaming Gaffers
13th:DJ-He costed the team the challenge
Episode 14:Oceans Eight or Nine
1st:Killer Grips
2nd:Screaming Gaffers
3rd:Killer Deer
12th:Owen-He Was too busy looking for food and didn’t Participate
Episode 15:Dial M for Merger
11th:Gwen-They wanted to break up Duncan and Gwen as a duo
Episode 16:Million Dollar Babies
No votes
10th:Izzy-She Blew something up And Was disqualified
Episode 17:One billion Bucks B.C
9th/8th:Beth & Tyler-They both lost the tiebreaker
Episode 18:After Math III
*Reward Challenge*
Episode 19:Super Hero-Id
No votes
7th:Katie-She has the worst outfit and finished the course last being automatically eliminated
Episode 20:The Princess Pride
6th:Heather-Duncan heard she was about to make a big move but before she could do they voted her out
Episode 21:Get a clue
5th:Justin-Everyone Was getting tired of Him trying to Convince him he’s good looking
Episode 22:Rock ‘n rule
4th:Leshawna-Duncan won the tiebreaker against her
Episode 23:Kung fu dunc down
*Reward Challenge*
Episode 24:2008 a space Harold
*Reward Challenge*
Episode 25:Mutiny on the Soundstage
No votes
3rd:Duncan-He was the Last to finish
Episode 26:TDA Aftermath
Winners are:Lindsay & Harold
*Harold Wins in Canada*
*While Lindsay wins in the USA*
Aaron Hughes yay Lindsay won where I live
EP 1 : Ezekiel
EP 2 : Eva
EP 3 : Geoff
EP 4 : Duncan
EP 6 : Justin
EP 7 : Sadie
EP 8 : Izzy Jumps off plane from Air Force
EP 9 : Lashawna
EP 11 : Duncan Returns and DJ is eliminated.
EP 12 : Harold
EP 13 : Tyler
EP 14 : Lashawna Returns and Alejandro is eliminated
EP 15 : Bridgette is eliminated
EP 16 : Katie is eliminated
EP 18 : Duncan is eliminated
EP 19 : Courtney makes her team lose on purpose after seeing a home message from Duncan and runs off to see him.
EP 20 : Trent is eliminated
FINALS - Gwen, Heather, Beth, Lindsay, Cody and Noah and Lashawna.
EP 21 : Heather Rigs everyone's votes to get Beth off so Lindsay would be weaker.
EP 22 : Lindsay curses out heather and becomes stronger making everyone vote off Heather.
EP 23 : Noah
EP 24 : Lashawna
EP 25 : Cody
so it was a cody vs Lindsay ore?
Alejandro dont appear in action
heather regina sensualmente cattiva mortale sexy ikr
My way(no aftermath)
27: Eva
26: Heather
25: Duncan
24: Cody
23: Justin
22: Courtney
21: Ezikiel
20: trent
19: Dj
17: Izzy
16: Owen
15: Noah
14: Merge (Gwen)
13: Brigette
12: Leshawna
11: Katie
10: Sadie
9: Geoff
8: Tyler
7: (Alejandro join)
6: linsay
5: Alejandro(quit)
4: (Eva and Cody returned)
3: Eva
Lindsay Best !
I always want Harold to win and I hate it when Duncan bully’s him # team Harold
@@nickyjones3196 no duncan
@@burger4922 Harold for the win win
Total Drama Action My Way:
Screaming Gaffers; Gwen, Bridgette, Eva, Geoff, DJ, LeShawna, Harold, Duncan, and Cody
Killer Grips; Noah, Trent, Izzy, Lindsay, Justin, Tyler, Beth, Owen, and Courtney
Elimination Order:
18. Owen
17. Justin
16. Trent
15. Geoff
14. DJ
13. Eva
12. Izzy
11. Tyler
10. Noah
Merge 9. Heather
8. Gwen
7. Leshawna
6. Bridgette
5. Cody
4. Courtney
3. Beth
2. Harold
1. Lindsay
Lindsay All The Way ! Wohoo ! I adore her ! So proud to see so mamy TD fans that are doing their own way with a Lindsay winner ! I hope that one of the TD creators remarks that and make her wins
Yours sucks cuz Trent was not in merge
Where's Duncan?
Duncan wins! Since you didn’t add him
#All About Music pretty sure Lindsay was second...I mean they didn’t add Duncan
My Winner
S1: Ezekiel
S2: Harold
S3: Heather
S4: Brick
S5: Zoey
S6: Shawn
S7: Owen & Noah
S8: Priya
S9: Chase
I feel like people like sadie more than katie but i like katie better
Katie is better in my way Sadie was like the 8th person to be eliminated I think and Katie made it to the final 6 XD
There both clones with slight differences so it all comes to looks when its sadie vs katie but stat wise i like sadie better
I h8 sadie
My Winners
S1 Gwen
S2 Lindsay
S3 Heather
S4 Dawn
S5 Zoey
S6 Shawn
I see a small flaw.
And the runner ups ?
@@Justrobbiee runner ups
S1 Heather
S2 Duncan
S3 Alejandro
S4 Scott
S5 Mike
S6 Jasmine
My winner
S1: Harold
S2: Beth
S3: Leshawna
S4: Mike
S5: Zoey
S6: Sammy
S7: Cadets
Thanks for letting Harold in the final 2 he's my favorite
Harold v. Lindsay would've been way better, or even Duncan v. Lindsay. Don't get me wrong, I love Beth, but I think Lindsay makes for a better choice, and it's not completely removing Beth since theyre both bffs. And thank god the Trent and Gwen thing got cleared up, they kinda ruined Trent's character in Action.
My way (your cast)
22. Geoff
21. Bridgette
20. Ezekiel
19. Izzy
18. Gwen
17. Beth
16. Noah
15. Sadie
14. Owen
13. Courtney
12. Eva
11. Katie
10. Heather
9. DJ (quit)
8. Cody
7. Tyler
6. Harold
5. Lindsay
4. Justin
3. Duncan
*WINNER* LeShawna
Justyna Gałecka yeeeeeeeesss
That is awesome! My two favorite characters in the finale
I think sierra should have won world tour and Zoey in all stars because of mike personas
@@brwnkyraa2974 what is this comment? Wtf it's not about 2nd cast
Elimination order
23) Geoff (Alien)
22) Izzy (Drama)
21) Ezekiel (Beach)
20) Sadie (western)
19) Dj (Prison)
(Izzy returns)
18) Eva (Medical)
17) Gwen (Horror)
16) Noah (Disaster)
15) Izzy (Again)(War)
14)Owen (Bank heist)
13) Tyler (Prehistoric)
12) Heather (Sports)
11) Cody (Spy)
10) Katie (Superhero)
9) Bridgette (Fairytale)
8) Trent (Mystery)
7) Beth (Rock & Roll)
6) Leshawna (Kung fu)
5) Duncan (Space)
4) Courtney (Animal buddy)
3) Justin (Pirate)
Finale: Lindsay Vs Harold
Am I the only one who wanted Izzy or Sierra to win a season?
seems like it
Jamesy 101 yes you are the only one
Sierra, Cody finale. But there’s be no alternate ending bc Sierra would let him win
U r
I want Izzy to win.
I like the finale, cause Lindsay was the in my opinion, like the best competitor in this season, and Harold has done like film school, and yeah....
Harold to win :)
My way
Episode 1 : Monster Cash
Elimination: Reward Challenge
Episode 2
Alien Resurr-eggtion
Double Elimination: Ezekiel and Geoff
Episode 3 : Riot On Set
Elimination: Noah
Reason: His sarcastic personality of not supporting his team constantly annoyed his teammates
Episode 4 : Beach Blanket Bogus
Elimination: Owen
Reason: he costs the challenge for his team due to his girth
Episode 5 : 3:10 To Crazytown
Elimination: Trent
Reason: Justin finds out that Trent has been costing their aims of winning thus he confronts Gwen and out of guilt she tells the Grips to vote off Trent tonight
Episode 6: The Aftermath: I
Interviewed Contestants: Ezekiel,Noah,Owen and Trent
Episode 7: The Chefstank Redemption ( Owen Returns )
Elimination: Harold
Reason: Because of Heather
Episode 8: One Flu Over The Cuckoos
Elimination: Reward Challenge
Episode 9: The Sand Witch Project
Elimination: DJ
Reason: He quits
Episode 10: Masters Of Disasters
Elimination: Reward Challenge
Episode 11: Full Metal Drama
Elimination: Eva
Reason: Because of Justin and her anger issues
Episode 12: The Aftermath: II
Interviewed Contestants: Harold,DJ,Eva
Episode 12: Ocean's Eight Or Nine ( Courtney Debuts )
Elimination: Owen
Reason: Because of Courtney
Episode 13: One Million Dollar B.C
Elimination: Bridgette
Reason: Because of Heather
Episode 13: Million Dollar Babies
Elimination: Katie
Reason: Because of Heather
Merge Begins
Contestants Still Remaining
Episode 14 : Dial M For Merger
Elimination: Justin
Reason: Because of Courtney and Duncan
Episode 15: Super Hero-Id
Elimination: Cody
Reason: Because of Heather
Episode 16: The Aftermath: III
Interviewed Contestants: Owen,Bridgette,Katie,Justin,Cody
Episode 17: The Princess Pride
Elimination: Duncan
Reason: Because of Heather in order to enrage Courtney
Episode 18: Get a Clue
Elimination: Beth
Reason: Because of Heather
Episode 19: Rock n' Rule
Elimination: Sadie
Reason: Because of Courtney
Episode 20: Crouching Courtney,Hidden Owen
Elimination: Gwen
Reason: Because of Heather and Courtney
Episode 21: 2008: A Space Lindsay
Elimination: Leshawna
Reason: Because of Heather and Courtney
Episode 21: Top Dog
Elimination: Izzy
Reason: She was automatically eliminated for coming last in the challenge
Episode 22: Mutiny On The Soundstage
Elimination: Courtney and Heather
Reason: Because of each other
Episode 23: The Aftermath: IV
Lindsay vs Tyler!
Great way and I love the Finale
Wow, that's cool!
So, I wanna see the video about how you make it.
{My Way}
《Killer Grips》
- Trent
- Owen
- Justin
- Cody
- Ezekiel
- Geoff
- Lindsay
- Beth
- Courtney
- Eva
- Izzy
《Screaming Gaffers》
- Gwen
- Heather
- Leshawna
- Sadie
- Katie
- Bridgette
- Duncan
- Dj
- Harold
- Tyler
- Noah
23 - Geoff
22 - Izzy
21 - Sadie
20 - Dj
[Izzy Returns]
19 - Eva
18 - Trent
17 - Noah
16 - Gwen
15 - Izzy
14 - Owen
13 - Heather
12 - Katie
11 - Beth
10 - Cody
9 - Bridgette
8 - Justin
7 - Tyler
6 - Leshawna
5/4 - Duncan and Courtney
3 - Ezekiel
1 + 2 (Winners) - Harold and Lindsay 🎉🥇
Total Drama Action My Way
15/14 Geoff Heather
13 Owen
12 Gwen
11 Trent
10 DJ
Courntey Debuts
9 Courtney
8 Izzy
7 Leshawna
6 Beth
5 Bridgette
4 Justin
3 Harold
2 Duncan
1 Lindsay
There should be a season with Harold and Lindsay in the final 2
My winners
S1: Izzy
S2: Lindsay
S3: heather
S4: Mike
S5: Scott
S6: Jasmine
The ridiculous race: The sisters, Emma and kitty
Izzy supposed to win in island but her character was sick
jaredplays roblox oh wow
i love that you had the same final 7 because i just watched that episode and i looked at them all and thought wow, that’s a good ass final 7
Total Drama Action My Way:
Episode 1: Monster Cash
(Reward Challenge)
Episode 2: Alien Resurr-eggtion
17th Place: Geoff [Immunity: Trent and Gwen]
Episode 3: Riot on Set
16th Place: Izzy [Immunity: Screaming Gaffers]
Episode 4: Beach Blanket Bogus
(Reward Challenge) [Immunity: Screaming Gaffers]
Episode 5: 3:10 To Crazytown
15th Place: Bridgette [Immunity: Killer Grips]
Episode 6: The Aftermath I: Trent's Descent
(Reward Challenge)
Episode 7: The Chefshank Redemption (Izzy Returns)
14th Place: Trent [Immunity: Screaming Gaffers]
Episode 8: One Flu Over The Cuckoos
(Reward Challenge)
Episode 9: The Sand Witch Project
13th/12th Place: Gwen/DJ [Immunity: Killer Grips]
Episode 10: Masters of Disasters
(Reward Challenge)
Episode 11: Full Metal Drama
11th Place: Izzy (Again) [Immunity: Screaming Gaffers]
Episode 12: The Aftermath II: For-Gwen and Forget
(Reward Challenge)
Episode 13: Ocean's Eight - Or Nine (Courtney Debuts)
10th Place: Owen [Immunity: Screaming Gaffers]
Episode 14: One Million Bucks B.C.
(Reward Challenge)
Episode 15: Million Dollar Babies
9th Place: Leshawna [Immunity: Killer Grips]
Episode 16: Dial M For Merger (Merge)
(Reward Challenge)
Episode 17: Super Hero-Id
8th Place: Heather [Immunity: Courtney]
Episode 18: The Aftermath III: O-wen
or Lose
(Reward Challenge)
Episode 19: The Princess Pride
7th Place: Beth [Immunity: Courtney]
Episode 20: Get A Clue
(Reward Challenge)
Episode 21: Rock 'n Rule (Owen Returns)
6th Place: Justin [Immunity: Lindsay]
Episode 22: Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen
(Reward Challenge)
Episode 23: 2008 A Space Lindsay
5th Place: Owen (Again) [Immunity: Harold]
Episode 24: Top Dog
4th Place: Courtney [Immunity: Lindsay]
Episode 25: Mutiny on the Soundstage
3rd Place: Duncan [Immunity: Lindsay and Harold]
Episode 26: The Aftermath IV: Who Wants To Pick A Millionaire?
2nd Place: Harold (Alternative Winner)
1st Place: Lindsay (Official Winner)
I think Harold& Lindsey get in the final two is better then Duncan&Beth get in the final two.
Definitely agree with the two winners - I think they would also split the money! Though I would have it where Courtney and Duncan make the final four to make Lindsay and Harold overcoming them all the more satisfying. That said, I liked pretty much all of your elimination order. Man I really wish Action had all the original cast.
Dimensional Raven Thanks! And yes Harold & Lindsay did AMAZING this season they deserved to make it to the finale. Also I wish the whole cast was in Action too.
Harold is my 3rd fav and Lindsay is my 4th
Harold is my fav
Should’ve been Harold vs lindsay
Teenage Animations Omg same i made a vid about that xD
My favs are
1. Gwen
2. Harold
3. Leshawna
4. DJ
TotalDramaGoku who cares it's his\her opinion it's her own cast
Yay Lindsey and him won
What video software do you use for these? Want to start making my own videos for the fan-seasons I am working on.
Harold defenetly should have been in the final 2 in TDA with duncan,lindsay or someone MORE RELEVANT THAN BETH, his character was well developed in this season and i must congratulate him for making it to the final 5(even though its bullshit that they didnt put him in the final 2) because thats something he will never achieve again sadly . Overall GREAT VIDEO
Vosla True Season 2 should have been Harold's Season. Duncan always makes merge, which is annoying in my opinion. Season 2 should have been Lindsay's season as well. I think Season 2 was also Beth's season. She went from being an underdog to being a good player, even though she may not be as popular as other characters she deserved it.
I loved the relationship between Harold and Duncan
@@jamingrythm584 like leshawna or bridgette
“own cast” *literally everyone from island*
Lindsay All The Way ! Wohoo ! I adore her ! So proud to see so many TD fans that are doing their own way with a Lindsay winner ! I hope that one of the TD creators remarks that and make her wins
Lindsay deserved that spot against Duncan more than Beth. I love Beth, but I love Lindsay more.
@@bryanomary6576 Yeah ! I actually love beth , just cz she is the friend of Lindsay ! And what happened with her on All Stars was the worst ! I can't believe she was eliminated 1st !
That was unfair, plus the writers made her dumber than she is like how do you not know how to push a cart?
@@bryanomary6576 Yeah ! Seriously yes !
I mean Lindsay deserved to be in the final 2 with Duncan but if writeing in All-Stars was actually like....GOOD?! I still don't see Lindsay getting further than she did simply by the plot armor characters had this season. The ONLY characters i could think of getting eliminated before her are either Sierra or Sam. So i think if the writeing was good Sierra would go first then Sam and then Lindsay. I mean....even Jo had a better plot armor that Lindsay by her eliminating Lightning and her plot with Heather was nice and i'd like to see more of it. Let's face it everyone at the merge except for Duncan and Cameron had the plot armor of some kind. Science Lindsay had a good plot in action i don't see any plot for her in all stars.
If you read all of this then i'm suprised. Congrats random person :D
Very good
My way
22/21: Bridgette and Geoff
19: Sadie
18: Ezekiel
17: Izzy
16: Trent
14: Dj
13: Eva
12: Heather
11: Leshawna
10: Owen
9: Courtney
8: Noah
7: Cody
6: Beth
5: Katie
4: Justin
3: Duncan
2: Harold
Winner: LINDSAY!!!!!
My way:
S1: Courtney
S2: Lindsay
S3: heather
Lindsay should win btw
Lindsay was gonna win on S2 but her voice actor got sick so they chose Beth instead
I know lol
I am your 100th sub
I feel like harold vs duncan would be cool
finally some my way action with katie sadie and eva
This video was great, but I have to admit, I screamed when Noah got eliminated...
But, anyway, I'd like to see Harold win :)
My TDA teams and rankings:
Screaming Gaffers - Duncan (Team captain), Courtney, Harold, Leshawna, DJ, Heather, Ezekiel, and Cody
Killer Grips - Lindsay (Team captain), Tyler, Bridgette, Trent, E-Scope, Justin, Beth, and Owen
17/18. Geoff/Eva - Voted out in Alien Resurr-eggtion
Eliminated - E-Scope in Riot on Set.
16. Cody - Voted out in Wild, Wild Pests
Izzy returns
15. Beth - Voted out in The Chefshank Redemption
14. DJ - Quits in The Sand Witch Project
13. Ezekiel - Voted out in Masters of Disasters
12. Owen - Voted out in Full Metal Drama
11. Leshawna - Voted out in Ocean's Final Eleven
10. Heather - Eliminated by the Grips in One Million Bucks, B.C.
9. Trent - Unfairly eliminated by Chris in Million Dollar Babies
8. Izzy - Voted out in Dial M for Merger
7. Tyler - Eliminated by Duncan in Super Zeroes
6. Justin - Voted out in The Princess Pride
5. Duncan - Voted out in Guitar Zeroes
4. Courtney - Voted out in Astro-nots
3. Bridgette - Eliminated in a tiebreaker in Mutiny on the Soundstage
2. Harold - Runner-up
1. Lindsay - Winner
POV: the finale that should’ve actually happend
i love hariold ❤💙💚💚💜💖
Yes my boi Harold Harold's my favorite TDI character
Mine to
@@theresaashton892I want to become his apprentice!!!!!!!!!!
Lindsay has to win over Harold sorry Harold fans
Tyler in Episode 14: Ight ima head out.
This was actually a good my way thnkyou
apparently Izzy is an e-scope
Please tell me what app you used for this!!!!!
Frisk And Monsters Its PowerPoint
My way (start with original starting cast and teams but custom 4 returns, 17 contestants total)
If you don't know the original teams, the eliminated contestants come from alternating teams, so nothing special.
17 & 16: Bridgette and Geoff (Voted off for making out. And to be the hosts of aftermath)
15: Trent (Voted off by Gwen)
Tyler makes a guest appearance as a new intern for the challenge but accidentally screws up, where Heather is the unlucky victim
14: Heather (Quits)
13: DJ (Disappears, Chris cancels vote)
Ezekiel And Noah Return (Ezekiel joins Screaming Gaffers, Noah joins Killer Grips)
12: Lindsay (Somehow gets abducted by aliens.)
Owen hired as a spy similar to his original return (not counting as a return)
11: Izzy (Voted off for being Izzy)
10: Ezekiel (Voted off, for pissing off his teammates)
Heather makes a guest appearance (with hair that is later revealed to be a wig) and sabotages Beth
9: Beth (Voted off after being the reason her team lost the challenge.)
8: Harold (Arrested for fraud)
Courtney returns seconds after and is revealed to be the claimant of Harold's arrest.
Merge! Owen is also fired from position as spy and a bunch of different interns replace him as spy over the course of the season.
Katie and Sadie make a short guest appearance.
7: Justin (Voted off, challenge left him with a never-ending stench that his contestants couldn't bear)
DJ is found in chefs fridge and returns
6: Gwen (Kicked out by Chris for destroying property, on accident)
5: Noah (Voted off, Courtney has Immunity 3 consecutive times and Noah's laziness gets him eliminated. )
4: Courtney (Voted off. Similar to her original elimination, Duncan gets her eliminated after she seems to difficult of a person.)
3: DJ (Voted off. Duncan wins the challenge and gets to choose to eliminate, he keeps LeShawna as he thinks he can beat her.
Original Winner / Alternative Runner-up = Duncan
Alternative Winner / Original Runner-up = Leshawna
3:58 SAY WHAA????
Who was the real winner and who was the alter winner
I felt like katie whent full hope after Sadie got out
My way (Own Cast)
Harold , Ezekiel , Eva , Noah , Tyler , Justin , Katie , Courtney , Trent , Izzy , Dj , LeShawna , Duncan , Gwen .
14th/13th : Izzy/Tyler .
Teams form .
Screaming Gaffers : Harold , LeShawna , Gwen , Trent , Noah , Ezekiel .
Killer Grips : Justin , Duncan , Dj , Courtney , Eva , Katie .
Ep 2 : Winners : Screaming Gaffers .
12th : Katie .
Ep 3 : Winners : Screaming Gaffers .
11th : Dj .
Ep 4 : Aftermath . Hosts : Geoff , Bridgette . Guests : Dj , Katie .
Ep 5 : Winners : Screaming Gaffers .
10th : Duncan .
Ep 6 : Winners : Killer Grips .
9th : Noah .
Ep 7 : Winners : Killer Grips .
8th : Ezekiel .
Ep 8 : Winners : Killer Grips .
7th/6th : Trent/Harold .
Ep 9 : Aftermath . Guests : Harold , Trent , Noah , Duncan and Zeke .
Ep 10 : Merge . Harold returns and Owen debuts .
1st out after the merge : Eva .
Ep 11 : Immunity : Justin .
2nd out after the merge : Courtney .
Ep 12 : Immunity : Owen .
3rd out after the merge : LeShawna .
Ep 13 : Immunity : Harold .
4th out after the merge : Gwen . Justin rigged the votes .
Ep 14 : Aftermath . Guests : Gwen , LeShawna and Courtney .
Ep 15 : Immunity : Justin .
3rd place : Owen .
Winner : Harold .
Runner up : Justin .
My way ( redone due to a few mistakes in terms of episode numbering )
Episode 1 : Monster Cash
Elimination: Reward Challenge
Episode 2 : Alien Resurr-egtion
Double Elimination: Ezekiel and Geoff
Episode 3 : Riot On Set
Elimination: Noah and E-Scope
Reason For Noah's Elimination : His sarcastic personality of not supporting his team constantly annoyed his teammates
Reason For E-Scope's Elimination : She lost the acting challenge for her team
Episode 4 : Beach Blanket Bogus
Elimination: Owen
Reason: He costs the challenge for his team due to his girth
Episode 5 : 3:10 To Crazytown
Elimination: Trent
Reason: Justin finds out that Trent has been costing their aims of winning thus he confronts Gwen and out of guilt she tells the Grips to vote off Trent tonight
Episode 6 : The Aftermath: I
Interviewed Contestants: Ezekiel,Noah,E-Scope,Owen and Trent
Episode 7 : The Chefstank Redemption ( Owen And Izzy Return )
Elimination: Harold
Reason: Because of Heather
Episode 8 : One Flew Over The Cuckoos
Elimination: Reward Challenge
Episode 9 : The Sand Witch Challenge
Elimination: DJ
Reason: He quits
Episode 10 : Masters Of Disasters
Elimination: Reward Challenge
Episode 11 : Full Metal Drama
Elimination: Eva
Reason: Because of Justin and her anger issues
Episode 12 : The Aftermath: II
Interviewed Contestants: Harold,DJ,Eva
Episode 13 : Ocean's Eight Or Nine ( Courtney Debuts )
Elimination: Owen
Reason: Because of Courtney
Episode 14 : One Million Dollar B.C
Elimination: Bridgette
Reason: Because of Heather
Episode 15 : Million Dollar Babies
Elimination: Katie
Reason: Because of Heather
Merge Begins
Contestants Still Remaining
Episode 16 : Dial M For Merger
Elimination: Justin
Reason: Because of Courtney and Duncan
Episode 17 : Super Hero-Id
Elimination: Cody
Reason: Because of Heather
Episode 18 : The Aftermath: III
Interviewed Contestants: Owen,Bridgette,Katie,Justin,Cody
Episode 19 : The Princess Pride
Elimination: Sadie
Reason: Because of Courtney
Episode 20 : Get a Clue
Elimination: Beth
Reason: Because of Heather
Episode 21 : Rock n' Rule
Elimination : Duncan
Reason: Because of Heather in order to enrage Courtney
Episode 22 : Crouching Courtney,Hidden Owen
Elimination: Gwen
Reason: Because of Heather and Courtney
Episode 23 : 2008: A Space Lindsay
Elimination: Leshawna
Reason: Because of Heather and Courtney
Episode 24 : Top Dog
Elimination: Izzy
Reason: She was automatically eliminated for coming last in the challenge
Episode 25 : Mutiny On The Soundstage
Elimination: Courtney and Heather
Reason: Because of each other
Episode 26 : The Aftermath: IV
Lindsay vs Tyler!
Official Winner : Lindsay
Alternate Winner : Tyler
Lindsay deserves more than anyone to win a season !
but who won I'm so confused
thank you Duncan for winning total drama action
Nice vid,
But where did you get those icons??
My Way
Screaming Gaffers: Gwen, Duncan, Leshawna, DJ, Heather, Harold, Bridgette, Cody, Katie, Noah, Sadie
Killer Grips: Trent, Lindsay, Justin, Beth, Owen, Izzy, Ezekiel, Eva, Tyler, Courtney, Geoff
Monster Cash: *No Elimination*
Alien Resurr-eggtion: *Both Teams lose*
22nd Geoff/21st Bridgette
Riot on Set: *Killer Grips lose* 20th Izzy
Beach Blanket Bogus: *No Elimination/Reward Challenge*
3:10 to Crazytown: *Killer Grips lose*
19th Trent
Chefshank Redemption:
*Screaming Gaffers lose* 18th Gwen
One Flu Over the Cuckoos: *No Elimination/Reward Challenge*
Sand Witch Project:
*Screaming Gaffers lose* 17th DJ
Masters of Disasters: *Killer Grips lose*
16th Owen
Full Metal Drama: *Killer Grips lose*
15th Ezekiel
Ocean's Fourteen - Or Fifteen: *Screaming Gaffers lose* 14th Sadie
One Million Bucks BC:
*No Elimination/Reward Challenge*
Million Dollar Babies:
*Screaming Gaffers lose* 13th Cody
Dial M for Merger: (MERGE) 12th Beth
Super Hero-Id: 11th Heather
The Princess Pride: 10th Eva
Get a Clue: 9th Lindsay
Rock n' Rule: 8th Noah
Crouching Courtney, Hidden Harold:
7th Katie
2008: A Space Harold: 6th Leshawna
Top Dog: 5th Tyler/4th Courtney
Mutiny On the Soundstage: 3rd Justin
*AFTERMATH IV*: Runner Up: Duncan/Winner: Harold
Who won?!?!?!
My Way
Screaming Gaffers:
Killer Grips:
What if Sadie made it to the dock of shame in time to be in season 2 but not Katie in the total drama island special.
I like this final
loved it
Ur boi Duncan can act tho
My way would be:
(only 12 people in my way sorry)
EP:1 12th/11th Geoff, Cody ( They both got Eliminated Gwen didn't like Cody cause he was Flirting with her so she convinced everyone else to vote him off. And for Geoff, he wasn't helping)
EP:2 Picking the teams
Killer Grips:
Duncan, Gwen, Zeke, Eva, Bridgette
Screaming Gaffers:
Trent, DJ, Noah, Tyler, Lindsay
EP:3 No Elimination
EP:3 Duncan (was being mean the everyone)
EP:4 Eva (She thought since Duncan was gone she thought she could boss everyone around and they didn't like that)
EP:5 No Elimination
EP:6 DJ (Eliminated himself cause he was in an alliance an alliance with Chef)
EP:7 AfterMatch
EP:8 Lindsay (Was being useless not being mean sorry Lindsay Fans) Duncan Returns
EP:9 Zeke (Was making everyone to vote him so they did)
EP:11 Bridgette (Was Flirting with Tyler on my book she's not with Geoff)
EP:12 Trent (Was acting very suspicious so they voted him off)
(From now on I'm putting the votes on)
EP:13 Noah (Was being a smartass)
Votes: Noah, Noah, Noah Duncan
(Izzy and Owen Return)
EP:14 Izzy (For being Izzy)
Votes: Izzy, Izzy, Izzy, Tyler, Tyler
EP:15 Tyler and Gwen ( They were last ones to complete the challenge)
Votes: Chris did not do a campfire ceremony
My Winners;
Island - Geoff
Action - Lindsey
World Tour - Heather
ROTI - Lightning
All Stars - Courtney
Pahkitew - Shawn
Alternate Winners;
Island - Gwen
Action - Harold
World Tour - Tyler
ROTI - Brick
All Stars - Scott
Pahkitew - Sky
My way with your cast
23/22 katie and sadie
21 tyler
20 ezequiel
19 heather
18 geoff
17 izzy
16 Dj
15 trent
14 gwen
Izzy returns
13 owen
12 eva
11 noah
10 cody
9 izzy
8 bridgette
7 beth
6 leshawna
5 justin
4 courtney
3 harold
Final duncan vs lindsay
2 duncan
1 lindsay win
Love how Katie made it far
The sad thing is that Lindsay was originally supposed to win Action, and Beth was supposed to be eliminated. I'm guessing it would go down like this:
Lindsay, beth, harold, and owen were discussing the original conversation
But this would change:
Courtney: Psst, Duncan! I can tell Lindsay and Beth have an Alliance! Vote Beth! Not only it will make her crazy, it would end their alliance!
Duncan would say yes, but she didnt have enough time to convince the others .
The Chris's would go to... Lindsay, Courtney, Harold, and Owen. But due to Beth voting herself without looking she was eliminated. Let me read the votes.:
[ Beth ] Courtney
[ Beth ] Duncan
[ Duncan ] Lindsay
[ Duncan ] Harold
[ Courtney ] Owen, didnt count since she is immune.
[ Beth ] Beth.
Lindsay would eventually win.
Genial! Harold llego a los finalistas !
Mi sueño se cumplio
Hey! I really love your vids if you see this do you have any tips for me!
Hi what app do you use for this?
We all know Lindsay is the true winner.
18. Geoff
17. Bridgette
16. Beth
15. Harold
14. Trent
Courtney debuts
13. Owen
12. Gwen
Owen rejoins
11. Courtney
10. Leshawna
8. Heather
7. DJ
6. Izzy
5. Owen (again)
Izzy returns
4. Izzy (again)
3. Duncan
Winner: Lindsay
Runner up: Justin
My Way(Your cast)
25-Ezequiel(voted off)
24-Katie(voted off)
23-Izzy(Voted Off)
22-Geoff(Voted Off)
21-Owen(Voted Off)
-Izzy Returns-
19-Tyler(Voted Off)
18-DJ(he auto-eliminated)
17-Beth(Voted Off)
14-Noah(Voted off)
13-Cody(Voted off)
11-Izzy(Voted Off)
10/9-Harold(Voted off)
Merge -Bridgette and Dj returns-
8-Duncan(Voted Off)
6-Trent(auto-eliminated to go with Gwen)
2nd place-Dj!
Leshawna wins!!
my way no (returns)
Me sitting here like hmm right right 😂😂 great video btw
Also am I the only one who hates the Killer Grips team (canon Grips team)
FrostyBear Gaming Thanks, and I actually like it more than the Gaphers. Lol.
Lindsay & Chill well that's ok this season overall wasn't to great I would've had the same finale or like a 1v1v1 with Harold,Lindsay,and Justin because let's face it,those were the 3 best characters in this season maybe besides Bridgette. It ruined people I love like Heather,Gwen,Izzy,and kind of Leshawna but she was just kind of toned down a bit. Heather I hated that gag of the wigs.
FrostyBear Gaming Bridgette wasn't good in this season, because the aftermaths were sort of irrelevant and she sucked in her 2 episodes that she was still competing in
Sam Parker yeah but I still liked her in Aftermath.
I liked them! I would like to see Lindsay and Harold win, but not in Action although they are great choices!
What software you used?
My Way
Alec Lightwood EXACTLY
Katie is my 4th favorite
Who won!!?
This is cool
I think it was planned for Harold and Lindsay to be the winners of Action
It was planned for Lindsay to win but Idk about Harold
what wins??
Great I know I like the other one like the one with the yellow hair but she just messed up character so I'm going for gold Harold
Harold debe ganar
My way:
My order:
15th: Brigette
14th: Courtney
13th: Gwen
12th: Trent
11th: Geoff
10th: Beth
9th: DJ
8th: Izzy
7th: Leshawna
6th: Justin
5th: Duncan
4th: Harold
3rd: Owen
2nd: Heather
1st: Lindsay