BREATHTAKING! March of the Machine Collector Booster Box Opening

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @midtiermagic
    @midtiermagic Рік тому +18

    Gotta love how the foils just come out curled from the packs.

    • @controlaltdeleteish
      @controlaltdeleteish Рік тому +2

      haha I know right they are even curled before release😂

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому +1

      Really the only foils that appear to have any type of curling out of the packs have been the halo foils and maybe a little bit of the serialized foils, but I've only opened 4 of those so far, so hard to tell if they're all like that or not ;)

    • @midtiermagic
      @midtiermagic Рік тому +4

      @@RipAndShip Well, think about what you just said now. Aren't those supposed to be the most prestigious cards? The best that Wizards should have to offer.

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому

      @@midtiermagic they are the chase non serialized foil. If you get them in the right humidity and conditions I'm sure you could make them flatten out

    • @midtiermagic
      @midtiermagic Рік тому

      @@RipAndShip There in lies the problem. Why should I have to have them in X temperature on Y day in Z condition? I have a sizeable collection of expeditions, inventions and invocations. Cards that were produced seven or so years ago that are perfect. Why can't we just have that? Because they'd rather use cheaper material/processing and upcharge us for them instead.

  • @lordlucario8828
    @lordlucario8828 Рік тому +3

    the atraxa and wrenn pretty much paid for the box!! like holy wow!!!!

  • @gabemurgo
    @gabemurgo Рік тому

    Really good box. Well done!

  • @savannahlion3081
    @savannahlion3081 Рік тому +1

    Happy Easter Lance and fam ! 🐰🐣🐓

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому

      Thank you! Happy Easter to you too!

  • @omfgh4x
    @omfgh4x Рік тому +1

    These are some really nice looking cards in this set.

  • @kirknall6578
    @kirknall6578 Рік тому +1

    Ooooh that’s a neat one

  • @MichaelSpeaksHisTruth
    @MichaelSpeaksHisTruth Рік тому +1

    Nice box!

  • @BUss297
    @BUss297 Рік тому +2

    Awesome opening man. Great video as always

  • @ep1phany62
    @ep1phany62 Рік тому +1

    Tell me the serialised cards have unique art?

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому +2

      The praetors do, the multiverse legends do not.

  • @pphantomxd
    @pphantomxd Рік тому

    man no one has found the last mythics yet theirs 2 blues and a black missing. since each mono color usually gets 3 a set.

  • @cygnusx-1862
    @cygnusx-1862 Рік тому

    Dude must be double parked, flying through this opening

  • @TheDanteBoots
    @TheDanteBoots Рік тому +1

    Does the box have the artists name on it? I really like the art.

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому +1

      They do have an artist, not sure which part or if it is all of the art done by them. It is Valentina Remenar

    • @TheDanteBoots
      @TheDanteBoots Рік тому

      @@RipAndShip sweet, appreciate it

  • @stopfgans2496
    @stopfgans2496 Рік тому +1

    Wow so early? Can you open some lotr boxes next week pls 😂

  • @Mediterranian1
    @Mediterranian1 Рік тому

    How to know what hit card is in MTG? I feels like Pokémon is easy like there are ex, v, vmax, fa trainer, ar, sr and etc. But how to know in MTG BCS I really interested in mtg

    • @danielmarziali4889
      @danielmarziali4889 Рік тому

      It's the colour of the set symbol on the middle right side of the card:
      Black = common
      Silver = uncommon
      Gold = rare
      Orange/red = mythic

    • @Mediterranian1
      @Mediterranian1 Рік тому

      @@danielmarziali4889 so mythic is considered highest tier?

    • @danielmarziali4889
      @danielmarziali4889 Рік тому

      @@Mediterranian1 in terms of rarity, yes. On occasion they can still not be worth as much, but most of the time a mythic is a good card to hit. There is at least one rare/mythic in every pack, some rares are also valuable.

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому +1

      The Mythics (orange rarity symbols) tend to be the most valuable.

    • @MythIsland
      @MythIsland Рік тому +1

      Seasoned players can grasp the power of certain cards, usually more power the more valuable entwined with their rarity and card treatments. Between all of that you can generally give an idea of its worth.

  • @andrewhajipour40
    @andrewhajipour40 Рік тому

    Are you guys selling this at your shop already?

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому

      We're doing presales. Nothing can ship or be picked up until prerelease day.

  • @tcsmagicbox
    @tcsmagicbox Рік тому


  • @collinbeal
    @collinbeal Рік тому +1

    The two Atraxa's paid for the box! Congrats!

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому

      Yeah that last card of the box was amazing.

  • @kirknall6578
    @kirknall6578 Рік тому +1

    Oh my

  • @Woke-CardBoard
    @Woke-CardBoard Рік тому

    how much do you pay for boxes?

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому +1

      Depends where you buy them.

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому +2

      @@benjaminharding6386 We don't overprice. We offer a service, entertainment, and a night of fun for our customers. We're cheaper than walmart and target, too. We also sell sealed if you'd like to get a box shipped to your house.

    • @maxbodifee3263
      @maxbodifee3263 Рік тому

      So don't watch his channel either mr nice

  • @tdawgluxor1060
    @tdawgluxor1060 Рік тому

    I kind of like the idea that they reprinted all showcase and masterpiece artwork types but they should have left out a few and focused more on the popular ones like Kaladesh Masterpieces.
    Thank you for the confirmation that the Kaladesh Artworks dont look like the actual masterpieces.

  • @johnbts9216
    @johnbts9216 Рік тому

    Wow pringles are back! Not touching CBs since u get marked unplayables.

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому

      Really the halo and maybe serialized are the curly ones. The others look fine to me.

  • @GrimmTutelage
    @GrimmTutelage Рік тому +2

    That reaction face😂😂😂 the yt algorithim has him now....

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому +2

      I had to give it a shot... right?

    • @jedbex7070
      @jedbex7070 Рік тому +1

      I mean it’s proven to increase viewer engagement so it’s a good idea.

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому +1

      @@jedbex7070 yup always testing!

    • @GrimmTutelage
      @GrimmTutelage Рік тому

      @@RipAndShip definitely works!

  • @HamTheCat7087
    @HamTheCat7087 Рік тому

    Why is wotc afraid of making good werewolves?

  • @MythIsland
    @MythIsland Рік тому +1


    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому +1


    • @savannahlion3081
      @savannahlion3081 Рік тому

      Hey Myth, long time no see on DJ's.... hope no problems... Happy Easter. 🐰🐣🐓

    • @MythIsland
      @MythIsland Рік тому

      @@savannahlion3081 Hey! Hope you are doing well!

  • @royalfishness1
    @royalfishness1 Рік тому

    man, half of the good portion of collector boosters being reprints, regardless of chance at Atraxa, being reprints feels baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому

      I guess it depends if you already have the cards. If you don't, I'd love to pull one.

    • @royalfishness1
      @royalfishness1 Рік тому

      @@RipAndShip sure, but that would be more valid had they included more Atraxa level reprints. But instead the vast majority are uncommons or bulk rares. If someone didn’t have any of the multiverse legends and wanted one, the fanciest version is probably less than a dollar these days. We didn’t need more of the chaff that’s easy to get

  • @TripsAhoy
    @TripsAhoy Рік тому


  • @invntiv
    @invntiv Рік тому +3

    they gotta stop with this foiling every damn thing nonsense otherwise put some R&D money into perfecting the foil printing process. they just don't hold up

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому

      I think wizards has found their target customer and they buy. Personally, I prefer non-foil non-variant and that's what I go for.

  • @maxbodifee3263
    @maxbodifee3263 Рік тому

    The tumbnail doesn't seem to fit the vibe of your channel.

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому +1

      Everything is a test for UA-cam. Gotta see what works and what doesnt. This is the first set I've tried these thumbnails.

    • @maxbodifee3263
      @maxbodifee3263 Рік тому

      I get that. The new ones look better.

  • @zerosum789
    @zerosum789 Рік тому

    These packs are a mess. Who even knows what you are getting? If you can't tell then how do you even know if you are excited?

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому

      It's hard to tell when a set is so new which cards will end up being the standouts. Give it a couple weeks and it should be pretty clear. Pretty standard for new sets 1 week before prerelease.

  • @alexram1686217
    @alexram1686217 Рік тому

    This set sucks 😂

  • @supernova86
    @supernova86 Рік тому

    How do you have this already? :(

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому

      We're a WPN premium store doing presales. Nothing can ship or be picked up until prerelease day.

  • @madiseggsurpriseadventures5174

    So sad to see what magic has become from a player-focused game to a collectible-focused game. Couldn't give a shtt about all these variants. Just give me the base variant. None of these boxes are worth the money, definitely definitely buy singles.

    • @RipAndShip
      @RipAndShip  Рік тому

      Best part is you have that option and the variant chase should make base copies cheaper for you. I also collect the base versions