The two systems that were most similar (unplagerised) around this time were RTalsorian's (Cyberpunk/Mekton II Roadstriker) and Megatraveler. Both were d10 based with task based difficulty checks on skills. Both were deadly enough in combat that you really wanted to avoid a fight encouraging a more sensible approach to conflict. I'd met Mike Pondsmith during his initial marketing of Mekton (terrible game but Mike is a salesman) at a con in Oakland some years before. Mekton was a large box game that consisted of a fragile paperboard wrapper and a styrofoam block surrounding a sparse rules booklet and paper maps. He went on to do Teenagers from Outerspace which was a fun Anime Highshool themed take on RPGs. However some highschool friends of mine were publishing an affiliated supplement to Cyberpunk years later. So I bought it and everything (Mekton II, Roadstriker, etc) on the spot. I think I only ran a session or three of Cyberpunk before introducing players to RuneQuest (Chaosium's version), Champions, and Heroquest.
The two systems that were most similar (unplagerised) around this time were RTalsorian's (Cyberpunk/Mekton II Roadstriker) and Megatraveler. Both were d10 based with task based difficulty checks on skills.
Both were deadly enough in combat that you really wanted to avoid a fight encouraging a more sensible approach to conflict.
I'd met Mike Pondsmith during his initial marketing of Mekton (terrible game but Mike is a salesman) at a con in Oakland some years before. Mekton was a large box game that consisted of a fragile paperboard wrapper and a styrofoam block surrounding a sparse rules booklet and paper maps. He went on to do Teenagers from Outerspace which was a fun Anime Highshool themed take on RPGs.
However some highschool friends of mine were publishing an affiliated supplement to Cyberpunk years later. So I bought it and everything (Mekton II, Roadstriker, etc) on the spot.
I think I only ran a session or three of Cyberpunk before introducing players to RuneQuest (Chaosium's version), Champions, and Heroquest.
I still have my box set great review
Still got mine, sadly in storage as it's not something I use much.