@jaca van heesch The Republican Government of Spain wasn't socialist in any form, it was the syndicalist trade unions that took over Catalonia, they're the ones you're talking about, as well as various Marxist (excluding the Stalinists who decided to stir shit up and ruin things when a UNITED front was necessary) and Anarchist groups
@@comradewildcat1770 I meant it more for this case specifically, some communes abolished money and the state which would have almost made them communist but definition socialist. I don't really know what your definition of socialism is, but in my opinion, the workers had control of the means of production and therefore were socialists.
French comrade here, I'd like to apologise for what our government did, or rather didn't do during the civil war. That being said, alza la bandera revolucionaria que llevara el pueblo a la emancipacion ✊
Beaucoup de français sont venus se battre contre les fascistes ici en Espagne. Tu n'as pas à t'excuser. Ici on vous dit merci à ces français qui sont venus en Espagne donner leur vie pour la liberté. Salud camarada!!!
The name of the video should be "one hour of spanish anarchist music" or "one hour of music from the Spanish Civil War". The Spanish republic was a liberal republic. The CNT is an anarchist confederation that fought against the Republic, against fascism and against any state.
cosmoandante jajaja ya te wache. Lo mismo iba a decir, es música de la guerra civil y no son anarquistas me de hecho la de las barricadas ni es anarca.
@@SHOKERT11 a las barricadas es una canción anarquista, de hecho en un momento dado dicen ``por el triunfo de la Confederación´´ la Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, la CNT
Thank you so much for posting this wonderful play list. Many of these songs were used as background music in a 1982 Granada films documentary on the Spanish Civil War. It was a treat to hear them again and finally in full. Gracias!
@@Jakethesnake1281 Took me a long fucking time, but finally those bloody Carlists and Bourbons have been defeated. Time to build socialism! Viva la Federacion Iberica! Viva la CNT-FAI! Viva la Revolucion!
As George Habash, founder of the Palestinian-Marxist group, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) once said: "نعاهدك يا تراب وطننا, من صفد حتى رفح, ومن البحر حتى النهر, نعاهدك يا تراب الجنوب اللبناني, نعاهدك يا أرض لبنان المحتلة, بـأن يستمر كفاحنا التحرري المسلح رغم كل المتاعب, ورغم كل الأعداء, ورغم كل التضحيات ورغم كل الدماء." (We pledge to you, O soil of our homeland, from Safed to Rafah, and from the sea to the river, We pledge to you, oh soil of southern Lebanon, we pledge to you, oh occupied land of Lebanon, that our armed struggle will continue despite all the troubles, despite all the enemies, despite all the sacrifices and despite all the blood.)
I found out that the last song, "¡Viva la Anarquia!" has the melody similar to that of the Argentine national anthem. I wonder what was the history behind this song and the reasons the ones who wrote it chose this melody. I couldn't find the information about this anywhere.
The lyrics are tribute(or parody) of the Argentinian anthem also, thanks for this comment, i'll research about it. Fun fact while i research: Fanny Jacovski/Edelman was the president of the Communist party on Argentina, and fought on the Spanish Civil War.
It was made by Argentinian anarchists as their own anthem, later it was transported to Spain during the Civil War when Argentinian anarchists volunteered for the International Brigades and became popular there.
The melody itself is from The Varsovian of 1905 (also known as Whirlwinds of Danger) which became an important piece of music for the socialist and anarchist movements during the interwar period. Kind of late, but I hope it helps.
nope, it's the exact same melody of the argentine anthem, it's a mock to nationalism, anarchist in my country sang it in the '20 and '30 (they were very powerful before 1920) @@samuelconejo2862
My family fought in the civil war They were part of the miners of Huelva which had the mission of retake Seville but unfortunately, la guardia civil killed them Only one of them escaped and went walking to France
Alejo Alfonso. And btw you can't make it to France from Hueva because Hueva is on southern Spain. The nationalists took Spain from north to south. Your story makes no sense lol.
@@paranoikoc yep, but before it was, it was sung in Poland as anthem of the Polish Socialistic Party. The name of the original song is "Warszawianka 1905" and is now the anthem of Polish military.
Viva la Faaaaaaai y la CNTeeeee luchemos hermanos contra los tiranos y los requetés! Rojo pendón, negro color! Luchemos hermanos aunque en la batalla debamos morir, En los tiempos de Rivera y Torquemaaaaada Los fachistas nos querían mataaaaar Aliados con naciones extranjeras como Italia, Alemania y Portugal Empezaremos por el trooono y acabaremos por el cleeeero que es el animal más fieeeero al serviiiicio del poder! FAI FAI Viva la Faaaaaaai y la CNTeeeee luchemos hermanos contra los tiranos y los requetés! Rojo pendón, negro color! Luchemos hermanos aunque en la batalla debamos morir,
Do you imagine that Spain is divided into North (Communist), center ( monarchist Spain), South (Fascist), West (Replubicanism) and East (Anarchy). East Spain: BEST SPAIN
@Russia • 6 years ago more like > Some Anarchist Music > Some Republican (Spanish Communist) Music > Anarchist Flag > Is ignorant and puts Spanish Republic (solely)
the spanish republic was composed of communists and anarchists. the communists betrayed the anarchists during this war, which largely precipitated the fall of the spanish republic. Moreover, the communists betrayed the anarchists during this war, which largely precipitated the fall of the Spanish republic. ps ; I am French, sorry if my English is bad x)
@@zeinord8091 well, you arent wrong, but republic was actually a right goberment. Apart from that, there were anarchist, communist and other left parties, but then the anarchist went like "heck yeah, republic, now lets burn some priests" and the commies be like "heck yeah, republic, now lets turn it onto a leftist one" and then came the nationalist and fascist parties and saw what anarchist were doing and blamed the republic. Poor right second republic, it was trying to make leftist and rightist equaly happy and they just wanted more for their side
¡Viva la Republica de la España! Yo saludo por Los Defendor de la libertad, un gran saludo desde tu Hermano catolico, tu pequeña amigo país, ¡Filipinas!
Listening to this the day before USA may have a fascist coup. My main priority is to organize people and workers. I did vote green however. Viva Durruti!
If u believe that there is democracy in your country or has been for over 40 yrs then u are not living in the real world. Both parties are backed & paid for by the big corporations who donate billions to their election campaigns so when they get elected to power they have to pay back through favourable policy against the interests of the ppl. Democrat or republican they are the same bar social issues which have been used as a divisive measures to distract the working class from coming together against the powerful interests.
Thanks once again, GETChan, for posting these tunes! Where do you find them?! I once had an album of old 78's of some of these tunes made during the 1930's. On the discs, in Spanish, was a notice that the sound quality might fluctuate because they were recorded in Madrid under difficult conditions (i.e. fascist air raids, cuts in power, etc.). During the 1960's I counted amongst my friends at least one member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. In fact, during the marches against the war in Viet-Nam there was a contingent of veterans who marched under the banner of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. They are all gone now. Only wish I had recorded their stories before they passed along into history, but I was too young and thoughtless then. Thanks again, for these and similar posts, like those from Cuba.
No somos los ultimos de ayer, somos los primeros de mañana - Nu suntem ultimii de ieri, suntem primii de mâine - We are not the last of yesterday, we are the first of tomorrow -
The Spanish Republicans are probably the "basic example" of the Popular Front in action. An alliance of any and all groups that could even be called vaguely left-wing. And in the end, sadly, this was its downfall.
After some of my thoughts, I concluded myself not to be an "Anarchist". I found that my thoughts are similar to Democratic Socialism. But I admire all the anarchists who fight for the liberty most passionately and gave me a cherishable chance to think about myself. I love you, all my comrades fighting for eternal liberty!
im a communist from spain but i think that the anarquist did better than communist in the civil war PD: i would like that the anarchist from my country record these songs again with better quality xd
mira que irónico tenemos el mismo nombre e ideología, corrígeme si me equivoco pero según muchos camaradas ibéricos la República perdió debido a tremenda injerencia e impertinencia de los anarcos. ¿Cierto? PD:soy de Lima, Perú.
Por primera vez, escucho el himno nacional Argentino con letra anárquica!. O esta pergeñado por un anarcoargento o han captado que una de las semillas que germina más generosamente en nuestra tierra es esa. Los que queremos una república, estamos entrampados entre el autoritarismo y la anarquia.
Pout pourri (canciones libertarias) Quien ametralla al pueblo Quien lleva la batuta La rumba, la rumba, la rumba ( todo bis) Son los guardias de asalto que son hijos de puta La rumba, la rumba, la rumba, la rumba de cañón ( todo bis) Al llegar a Barcelona, lo primero que se ve (bis) Son los perros falangistas sentados en el café (bis) Llevan chaqueta de cuero, y pantalones también (bis) Y a nosotros en el frente, los c se nos ven (bis) El primer plato que dan son granadas rompedoras (bis) El segundo es de metralla para levantar memoria (bis) Si me quieres escribir, ya sabes mi paradero (bis) Debajo de un romerillo cargadito de canguelo (bis) En el tren que va a Madrid, agregaron dos vagones (bis) Uno para los fusiles y otro para los cañones (bis) Si me quieres escribir, ya sabes mi paradero (bis) En el frente de Madrid, primera línea de fuego (bis).
@@unaicanudas I understand a little bit of spanish cus my mother tongue filipino borrowed words from spanish. I have written the pieces I understand bc I was struggling to search it on google. thank you so much for this!
+Aizer Astracte no.. There were communists and anarchists in the struggle.. He should say Anarchist-Communist Revolutionary music of the Spanish Revolution..
todos mis tíos abuelos murieron en los campos en campos nariz en Austria muchos campos que la gente no conoce mi abuelo escapó de d'achau gracias al comunismo soviético viva el marxismo anarquista
Samuel Sances y a mi bisabuelo lo mataron los republicanos y ni siquiera era combatiente sino médico de Cruz Roja Internacional. Atendía a ambos bandos y lo asesinaron por curar a unos falangistas. Vuestros muertos me importan un carajo mientras nadie se acuerde de mi bisabuelo. Venga, y a la mierda.
I: 19 minutes in, and for some reason, this playlist gives me the vibe of Xmas carols xD The lyrics are surely way better, though. Can´t wait to learn Spanish and find out. /gen
¡A luchar, obreros! por los más rectos senderos serán los pasos primeros hacia el más bello ideal Por ellos luchamos pues ya no nos engañamos la revolución que hagamos será la social
the translation goes along the likes of: Let's fight, workers! along the straightest paths will be the first steps towards the most beautiful ideal For them we fight Well, we don't fool ourselves anymore the revolution we make it will be social
Debido a que los dos lucharon en contra del fascismo, es normal que la gente que no conoce sobre el tema los una. Pero lo entiendo, tenian cometidos diferentes. Salud compañero
Yo soy anarquista. La C.N.T. todavia existe y hay otras organizaciones anarquistas en otros paises. La idea de verse algun dia libres de toda clase social dominante para no vivir dominados, es una idea que no ha muerto. Pero la revolucion ya no puede hacerse. La lucha por la lucha no es buena idea. Lo mejor que hoy dia se puede hacer para sembrar la igualdad es no tener hijos. No darle mas obreros a la clase dominante. Dejarlos sin mano de obra y que tengan que trabajar ellos si quieren salvar sus negocios. Ese es el camino mas prometedor y es lo que la gente masivamente esta haciendo. A esa enorme accion de masas a nivel mundial es a la que hay que unirse. Viva la anarquia!
@@Viva_la_republica_española la anarquia es para mi un orden social sin jerarquia. Una especie de, llamemosle republica, donde todas las decisiones son tomadas por la asamblea general de todos los ciudadanos, en lugar de por un govierno central. Esa asamblea, para ser posible, debe dividirse en subasambleas regionales, comarcales y locales. De esa manera todo el mundo tendra cerca de si su punto de participacion en la toma de decisiones. Lo que salga acordado en esa asamblea general ciudadana es de obligado cumplimiento, y velaran su cumplimiento los comites locales, comarcales, regionales y el comite nacional. De esa forma los acuerdos tendran rango de ley. Todo ciudadano tiene derecho a hacer propuestas, participar en los debates y votar los acuerdos. Es la forma organizativa que ha tomado historicamente, y aun conserva, la C.N.T. y cualquier otra organizacion anarquista. Es la forma que se puso en practica durante la revolucion de 1936 en españa, tambien en la ucrania de Nestor makno, o en la corea desde 1929 a 1932. A esa forma organizativa hay que sumar la abolicion de la propiedad privada y la propiedad estatal, en favor de la propiedad comun de todos los ciudadanos, y la abolicion del trabajo esclavo, trabajo siervo, y trabajo asalariado, en favor del trabajo asociado, donde todos sean iguales y nadie sea mas que nadie. Eso ya se ensayo, en mi opinion con mucho exito, en los vrebes momentos historicos donde se logro implantar. Pero a dia de hoy solo rige en algunas cooperativas autogestionadas, los kibutz israelies y poco mas. Y no parece que se pueda poner en pie a gran escala en ningun sitio por el escaso numero y pocas fuerzas de los anarquistas actuales. Pero como ideal permanece en nuestras mentes. De todas formas el no tener hijos como metodo de accion que boicotea a la burguesia, lo cambiara todo. Ira transformando las estructuras organizativas actuales hasta lograr otras mas igualitarias. Lo hara por si solo, y no obedecera ya a un esquema preconcebido por los anarquistas. No sabemos exactamente como quedara al final. Pero sabemos que se acabara el dominio de la burguesia. Y eso es lo esencial. Gracias.
@@jartoman muchas gracias por contestar tan rápido,he leído tu respuesta y,aunque me parezca interesante ese sistema de gobierno bajo mi opinión españa (no todos los estados españa es un caso especial) tiene que ser una República federal dividida en 3 grandes entidades con sus respectivas subdivisiones castilla,cataluña(regiones que tienen el catalán como idioma oficial como Valenciay las Islas Baleares) y vasconia, las zonas que tienen el euskera como idioma oficial siento que con un sistema así seríamos una sociedad más unida que como estamos ahora,pero tendré que investigar más sobre la anarquia, ideología que no comparto pero me es interesante
@@Viva_la_republica_española si no sabes mucho de anarquismo te puedo recomendar algunos libros interesantes. O mejor aun, puedes llegarte a cualquier local de La C.N.T. y buscar alguna bibliografia que te guste. Por de pronto te recomiendo algo ligerito. Hay un libro titulado, jefes, cabecillas y abusones. No es anarquista. No es ideologico. Es un ensayo de antropologia de Marvin Harris. Pero habla de la epoca enque aun no habia aparecido el estado. La gente vivia sin estado, sin propiedad privada y sin muchas cosas que hoy consideramos imprescindibles. Luego ya lees lo que quieras. Pero te recomiendo una cosa. No te entusiasmes en esceso. Recuerda siempre que el anarquismo, a dia de hoy es un movimiento derrotado. No tenemos la fuerza que nos gustaria.no podemos hacer todo lo que nos gustaria. Y ademas estamos seriamente vigilados y controlados. No te entusiasmes y tomatelo con calma.
@@jartoman muchas gracias por la recomendación,lo leeré cuando pueda aunque actualmente estaba leyendo sobre el nacismo (no soy nazi) porqueme es interesante el porqué surgen las ideologías extremas (no digo que el anarquismo lo sea, no sabía lo que era claramente antes de tu respuesta) considero que el anarquismo es una ideología francamente interesante sobre las demás ya que a diferencia del socialismo,fascismo,liberalismo.... no ha llegado a probarse en un estado lo cual considero una lástima porque no sabríamos si este funcionaria (sin ofender no digo que no funcione sino que no se sabe) si nota algo que le moleste de mi forma de expresar e y le ha ofendido de alguna manera me gustaría que me lo comunicase,pues nose si de la manera en la que me expreso frente a las ideologías es ofensiva para la gente,si se ha ofendido,acepte mis disculpas, que tenga un gran dia
I noticed something really strange and I don't know who to share it with but "a las barricadas" has the exact same melody as the Kazakhstan national anthem (the real one not the Borat one). listen to them together its weird
@EmerBlox you... do realize that stalin was one of the core reasons why franco won this war right? he cracked down on the anarchists, who, at the time, were the only ones who were acheiving economic growth and whos front line was doing well. it's not just trots who hate stalin, it's most communists, anarchists and litterally anyone who isn't a tankie
EmerBlox so another stalin kid :)) communists support him bc he is communists. Stalin not the reason why socialism spread, it spread itself. He behaved with Vietnam communists like sucks, and anyone have another ideology with him will be call trótkists or somethings ??? :))) Stalin is your hero but not ours :))) Am i go to gulag bc of this :))
Now these are republicans I can get behind
@Thug Rose If it offends you so much, then you shouldn't have clicked on the video, dumbass.
@jaca van heesch The Republican Government of Spain wasn't socialist in any form, it was the syndicalist trade unions that took over Catalonia, they're the ones you're talking about, as well as various Marxist (excluding the Stalinists who decided to stir shit up and ruin things when a UNITED front was necessary) and Anarchist groups
@@davidmartinez688 Syndicalism is literally the definition of socialism
@@transparent6842 Syndicalism is a method to achieve socialism, but it's not socialism.
@@comradewildcat1770 I meant it more for this case specifically, some communes abolished money and the state which would have almost made them communist but definition socialist. I don't really know what your definition of socialism is, but in my opinion, the workers had control of the means of production and therefore were socialists.
One hundred years ago, today, Peter Kropotkin passed away of pneumonia. Rest in peace, comrade. 🚩🏴
He made his greatest contribution to anarchist theory - he died.
@@norberthyla9621 based
@@norberthyla9621 I: how hilarious /s
What contributions have _you_ made?
When the conservative kid calls you tankie.
@Legionario Franquista >when you unironically exagerate the numbers of black book of communism
@Legionario Franquista stop lying allready
@Legionario Franquista gtfo of here fascist
@Legionario Franquista When you talk about the deaths in the Soviet Union but you are a fascist.
@Legionario Franquista Both killed over ten millions. Both are mass murders.
What I mean when I tell people I'm a republican
The best type of republican
*BASED* camarada
This and also the Irish
Its the same marches "song" in all countries sounds like, and it sounds Russian to me
I'm an American populist.
French comrade here, I'd like to apologise for what our government did, or rather didn't do during the civil war. That being said, alza la bandera revolucionaria que llevara el pueblo a la emancipacion ✊
Beaucoup de français sont venus se battre contre les fascistes ici en Espagne. Tu n'as pas à t'excuser. Ici on vous dit merci à ces français qui sont venus en Espagne donner leur vie pour la liberté. Salud camarada!!!
Never apologise for your country or for actions of some people. Apologise only for your actions, brother.
The name of the video should be "one hour of spanish anarchist music" or "one hour of music from the Spanish Civil War". The Spanish republic was a liberal republic. The CNT is an anarchist confederation that fought against the Republic, against fascism and against any state.
cosmoandante jajaja ya te wache. Lo mismo iba a decir, es música de la guerra civil y no son anarquistas me de hecho la de las barricadas ni es anarca.
@@mitzavor8468 they had to... You were not there to judge.
@Francisco Miguel Martínez Orenes you're right the CNT was anarcho-collectivist and anarcho syndacalist. I was misinformed.
@@SHOKERT11 a las barricadas es una canción anarquista, de hecho en un momento dado dicen ``por el triunfo de la Confederación´´ la Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, la CNT
Franmiki You spelt POUM wrong.
Any syndicalists here?
im a bakuninite
I'd consider myself an Anarcho-Fascist.
So.... no luck with me.
A nonhierarchical hierarchicalist
Red Beret.
Look son, another Anarchist misunderstanding Fascism.
*takes a shot*
Then could you explain fascism
I'm from Ukraine and I like it. Wish you all best, Spanish anarchists
Махно был знаком с Испанскими анархистами. Украинский и Испанский анархизм самый лучший
Hope you're doing well, may the spirit of Makhno live on through the Ukranian Fighters 🏴☠️
@@KosmikTramrail Ukraina should not be very well, ruled by a NAZI puppet whose job is to play a clown on television
We also like ukranian anarchist music, and remember, no pasarán
No Pasaran!
+Mr. Propre jodl que haces aqui?! XD
+Mr. Propre Pasamos! Pasamos si senor!!!! Viva Espana Monarquica y Catolica!!!
+BRAgamer Nunca
+BRAgamer Fuck off.
Un Nazi diciendo no pasaran ¿A que punto emos llegado? XDDDD
Thank you so much for posting this wonderful play list. Many of these songs were used as background music in a 1982 Granada films documentary on the Spanish Civil War. It was a treat to hear them again and finally in full. Gracias!
Playing HoI as Republican Spain while listening to this!
Kaiserreich would fit in beautifully with this
Train those divisions right away and go take Zaratoga! Construct Land forts near the Madrid border and garrison those provinces!
@@Jakethesnake1281 Took me a long fucking time, but finally those bloody Carlists and Bourbons have been defeated. Time to build socialism! Viva la Federacion Iberica! Viva la CNT-FAI! Viva la Revolucion!
@@damonpearson2448 Why build the forts when you can do the !No Pasaran! focus
as argentinian i was suprised whit the lastm usic dint expect seeing a anarchist version of the anthem of my country
The playlist of all time. No pasaran! Viva la anarquia!
ثورة في كل البلدان
لتحيا فلسطين حرة عربية 🏴🚩
As George Habash, founder of the Palestinian-Marxist group,
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) once said:
"نعاهدك يا تراب وطننا, من صفد حتى رفح, ومن البحر حتى النهر, نعاهدك يا تراب الجنوب اللبناني, نعاهدك يا أرض لبنان المحتلة, بـأن يستمر كفاحنا التحرري المسلح رغم كل المتاعب, ورغم كل الأعداء, ورغم كل التضحيات ورغم كل الدماء."
(We pledge to you, O soil of our homeland, from Safed to Rafah, and from the sea to the river, We pledge to you, oh soil of southern Lebanon, we pledge to you, oh occupied land of Lebanon, that our armed struggle will continue despite all the troubles, despite all the enemies, despite all the sacrifices and despite all the blood.)
I found out that the last song, "¡Viva la Anarquia!" has the melody similar to that of the Argentine national anthem. I wonder what was the history behind this song and the reasons the ones who wrote it chose this melody. I couldn't find the information about this anywhere.
maybe related to Patagonia Rebelde?
The lyrics are tribute(or parody) of the Argentinian anthem also, thanks for this comment, i'll research about it.
Fun fact while i research: Fanny Jacovski/Edelman was the president of the Communist party on Argentina, and fought on the Spanish Civil War.
It was made by Argentinian anarchists as their own anthem, later it was transported to Spain during the Civil War when Argentinian anarchists volunteered for the International Brigades and became popular there.
The melody itself is from The Varsovian of 1905 (also known as Whirlwinds of Danger) which became an important piece of music for the socialist and anarchist movements during the interwar period.
Kind of late, but I hope it helps.
nope, it's the exact same melody of the argentine anthem, it's a mock to nationalism, anarchist in my country sang it in the '20 and '30 (they were very powerful before 1920) @@samuelconejo2862
España Tierra de Anarquista, los últimos hombres y mujeres buenas.✊🌹
Inmemoriam España 1936-1939 ,
Tierra y Libertad.
My favorite video from Getchan. To the barricades Comrades!
My family fought in the civil war
They were part of the miners of Huelva which had the mission of retake Seville but unfortunately, la guardia civil killed them
Only one of them escaped and went walking to France
Alejo Alfonso, Guardia Civil was on the side of the Republic at war.
Alejo Alfonso. And btw you can't make it to France from Hueva because Hueva is on southern Spain. The nationalists took Spain from north to south. Your story makes no sense lol.
Fury Of Titans lol before the conquest of catalonia in 1938 he actually could do that...
the anarchists and communist militias fought the republic as well as the fascists.
@@Eazycree The anarchist militias, yes. The communist militias, no.
So interesting to hear this first song: a re-working/cover of Varshavianka (or the original Polish Warszawianka).
A Las Barricadas was the official anthem of the CNT I believe
@@paranoikoc yep, but before it was, it was sung in Poland as anthem of the Polish Socialistic Party. The name of the original song is "Warszawianka 1905" and is now the anthem of Polish military.
Thanks! Great compilation! And thanks for listing the songs in order.
¡No Pasaran!
Zodiark 77 ya hemos pasao xd
awww, pobres rojos, ustedes estan mejor con una bala en la frente, y or cierto, YA HEMOS PASAO
@@aeiou6766 Viva la libertad. Muerte a tu rey.
@@alamo9606 Muerte a la libertad, Viva el rey
@@aeiou6766En España no parecen entender a los anarquistas...
No Pasaran, A Las Barricadas, Viva el libertad communista Revolucion !
@Hayden Brengel They shall not pass again then
Fuck commies
Ya hemos pasao!
@@santinojesuslopez7241 En las municipales no 🤣🤣🤣
🖤Beautiful, just beautiful.❤
❤ Bello, solamente Bello 🖤
Durruti era un hombre 😂😂😂
PD: Muy buen hombre
Viva la Faaaaaaai y la CNTeeeee
luchemos hermanos
contra los tiranos y los requetés!
Rojo pendón,
negro color!
Luchemos hermanos
aunque en la batalla
debamos morir,
En los tiempos de Rivera y Torquemaaaaada
Los fachistas nos querían mataaaaar
Aliados con naciones extranjeras
como Italia, Alemania y Portugal
Empezaremos por el trooono
y acabaremos por el cleeeero
que es el animal más fieeeero
al serviiiicio del poder!
Viva la Faaaaaaai y la CNTeeeee
luchemos hermanos
contra los tiranos y los requetés!
Rojo pendón,
negro color!
Luchemos hermanos
aunque en la batalla
debamos morir,
Do you imagine that Spain is divided into North (Communist), center ( monarchist Spain), South (Fascist), West (Replubicanism) and East (Anarchy).
East Spain: BEST SPAIN
that would make no sense as the CNT and FAI are both republican
Republican Spain are socialists leftists and Republicans. Very different to anarchism.
@@limus548 i don't mean republican as supportive to the II spanish republic but as the actual meaning of the word, a state with no monarch
@@notpotato0 OK, I understand but Anarchy is not state
Got a Mike Bloomberg before the video started.
>Spanish republic
>put a anarchist flag
@Russia • 6 years ago more like
> Some Anarchist Music
> Some Republican (Spanish Communist) Music
> Anarchist Flag
> Is ignorant and puts Spanish Republic (solely)
the spanish republic was composed of communists and anarchists. the communists betrayed the anarchists during this war, which largely precipitated the fall of the spanish republic. Moreover, the communists betrayed the anarchists during this war, which largely precipitated the fall of the Spanish republic.
ps ; I am French, sorry if my English is bad x)
@@zeinord8091 that's how most revolutions have gone
Yeah, I’m an anarchist, but the Republic had communists, socialist, anarchists, and even some liberals who were against the monarchy and fascism.
@@zeinord8091 well, you arent wrong, but republic was actually a right goberment. Apart from that, there were anarchist, communist and other left parties, but then the anarchist went like "heck yeah, republic, now lets burn some priests" and the commies be like "heck yeah, republic, now lets turn it onto a leftist one" and then came the nationalist and fascist parties and saw what anarchist were doing and blamed the republic. Poor right second republic, it was trying to make leftist and rightist equaly happy and they just wanted more for their side
A las barricadas !!!
Long live mother anarchy!
¡Viva la Republica de la España! Yo saludo por Los Defendor de la libertad, un gran saludo desde tu Hermano catolico, tu pequeña amigo país, ¡Filipinas!
Viva la lucha armada en las Filipinas!!
Lamentablemente ya no sois hispanos :c ojalá que lo fuerais pero sois un gran paisde todas formas!
Listening to this the day before USA may have a fascist coup. My main priority is to organize people and workers. I did vote green however. Viva Durruti!
"fascist coup" lmao
the neo nazi's in america failed that time but I'm scared for the future
If u believe that there is democracy in your country or has been for over 40 yrs then u are not living in the real world.
Both parties are backed & paid for by the big corporations who donate billions to their election campaigns so when they get elected to power they have to pay back through favourable policy against the interests of the ppl. Democrat or republican they are the same bar social issues which have been used as a divisive measures to distract the working class from coming together against the powerful interests.
@@SlyJustChilling do you think in anyway shape or form that neo-nazis have any political standing whatsoever?
Thanks once again, GETChan, for posting these tunes! Where do you find them?! I once had an album of old 78's of some of these tunes made during the 1930's. On the discs, in Spanish, was a notice that the sound quality might fluctuate because they were recorded in Madrid under difficult conditions (i.e. fascist air raids, cuts in power, etc.). During the 1960's I counted amongst my friends at least one member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. In fact, during the marches against the war in Viet-Nam there was a contingent of veterans who marched under the banner of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. They are all gone now. Only wish I had recorded their stories before they passed along into history, but I was too young and thoughtless then. Thanks again, for these and similar posts, like those from Cuba.
No somos los ultimos de ayer, somos los primeros de mañana - Nu suntem ultimii de ieri, suntem primii de mâine - We are not the last of yesterday, we are the first of tomorrow -
Sounds pretty awesome
Yo añadiria en la plaza de mi pueblo
En la plaza de mi pueblo, a las mujeres, andaluces de jaén y en el pozo de maría luisa
>Spanish republic
Well the CNT and FAI fought WITH the Republic against Franco, so i do think it's fitting.
Yes, against Franco and between them.
Álvaro River does a replubic mean that it has a leader? they had no leader so republic it not the fitting term i thought
The Spanish Republicans are probably the "basic example" of the Popular Front in action. An alliance of any and all groups that could even be called vaguely left-wing. And in the end, sadly, this was its downfall.
@@comrademartinofrappuccino A republic is any government that is not a monarchy.
After some of my thoughts, I concluded myself not to be an "Anarchist".
I found that my thoughts are similar to Democratic Socialism.
But I admire all the anarchists who fight for the liberty most passionately and gave me a cherishable chance to think about myself.
I love you, all my comrades fighting for eternal liberty!
im a communist from spain but i think that the anarquist did better than communist in the civil war
PD: i would like that the anarchist from my country record these songs again with better quality xd
mira que irónico tenemos el mismo nombre e ideología, corrígeme si me equivoco pero según muchos camaradas ibéricos la República perdió debido a tremenda injerencia e impertinencia de los anarcos. ¿Cierto?
PD:soy de Lima, Perú.
@@SpinoAdri2001 Así es. En mayo de 1937, los anarquistas se enfrentaron al Gobierno de la República 😒.
Más bien al revés. Siguiendo ordenes de Moscú, la republica atacó a los anarquistas.
Por primera vez, escucho el himno nacional Argentino con letra anárquica!. O esta pergeñado por un anarcoargento o han captado que una de las semillas que germina más generosamente en nuestra tierra es esa. Los que queremos una república, estamos entrampados entre el autoritarismo y la anarquia.
Fue escrita por Anarquistas Argentinos
As an American Anarchist comrade, may I wish the best to all Anarchist in the world, mother Anarchy is not for sale.
Viva la Repubblica, viva la Revolution!✊
Happy Birthday Durruti!
Curious thing, the last song is actually the argentinian anthem with the lyrics radically changed.
Lang lebe die Anarchie!
Viva la República!!...abajo la dictadura!!.
Esta es la música revolucionaria del año 1936 son cantos a la libertad y al anarquismo, viva la revolución social.
Lang leven anarchisme!
Ben jij ook nederlands??!
Betrunkenes deutsch
20:55 Pot Pourri (Potpourri)
Where can I find the lyrics for this?
Pout pourri (canciones libertarias)
Quien ametralla al pueblo
Quien lleva la batuta
La rumba, la rumba, la rumba ( todo bis)
Son los guardias de asalto que son hijos de puta
La rumba, la rumba, la rumba, la rumba de cañón ( todo bis)
Al llegar a Barcelona, lo primero que se ve (bis)
Son los perros falangistas sentados en el café (bis)
Llevan chaqueta de cuero, y pantalones también (bis)
Y a nosotros en el frente, los c se nos ven (bis)
El primer plato que dan son granadas rompedoras (bis)
El segundo es de metralla para levantar memoria (bis)
Si me quieres escribir, ya sabes mi paradero (bis)
Debajo de un romerillo cargadito de canguelo (bis)
En el tren que va a Madrid, agregaron dos vagones (bis)
Uno para los fusiles y otro para los cañones (bis)
Si me quieres escribir, ya sabes mi paradero (bis)
En el frente de Madrid, primera línea de fuego (bis).
@@unaicanudas you deserve a like
@@unaicanudas you deserve a hug
@@unaicanudas I understand a little bit of spanish cus my mother tongue filipino borrowed words from spanish. I have written the pieces I understand bc I was struggling to search it on google. thank you so much for this!
O hino da anarquia é o hino da argentina. Maravilhoso. (viva la anarquia)
This is what I call a safer space. ;D
There are better versions of A las barricadas, and you should rename the video to "Spanish Anarchist music!
+Aizer Astracte no.. There were communists and anarchists in the struggle.. He should say Anarchist-Communist Revolutionary music of the Spanish Revolution..
what happened to the one hour IWW songs I really liked that one
Desgraciadamente Madrid no fue la tumba del Fascismo...
Mi bisabuelo combatió en Madrid en el 1938
todos mis tíos abuelos murieron en los campos en campos nariz en Austria muchos campos que la gente no conoce mi abuelo escapó de d'achau gracias al comunismo soviético viva el marxismo anarquista
Samuel Sances y a mi bisabuelo lo mataron los republicanos y ni siquiera era combatiente sino médico de Cruz Roja Internacional. Atendía a ambos bandos y lo asesinaron por curar a unos falangistas. Vuestros muertos me importan un carajo mientras nadie se acuerde de mi bisabuelo. Venga, y a la mierda.
Fury Of Titans Lamento tu perdida.
Veo que cumplia con su juramento.
@@מושהאייטלבוים bien muerto está arriba España vosotros
@@enlosluceros7236 toda a gente perde na guerra.
Off to Zaragoza companeros!
At the second song, we also have our own Filipino version made by the new people's army. Same melody although Filipino
Самая правильная идея, потому что начальник бывает много хуже буржуя.❤❤❤
You should put download links to all your videos :)
Do you have one for mp3 versions of these songs?
The last one is an argentinian anarchist song, with the melody of the argentinian national anthem
A las Mujeres is fantastic.
I: 19 minutes in, and for some reason, this playlist gives me the vibe of Xmas carols xD The lyrics are surely way better, though. Can´t wait to learn Spanish and find out. /gen
¡A luchar, obreros!
por los más rectos senderos
serán los pasos primeros
hacia el más bello ideal
Por ellos luchamos
pues ya no nos engañamos
la revolución que hagamos
será la social
the translation goes along the likes of:
Let's fight, workers!
along the straightest paths
will be the first steps
towards the most beautiful ideal
For them we fight
Well, we don't fool ourselves anymore
the revolution we make
it will be social
Indeed a very nice compilation with classics and rarer songs. 😼🚩🏴
Anarchist music
Anarchist flag
Spanish republic
Tankies in the comments
if we leave who will protect you from the fascists?
@@shambosaha9727 the anarchists
@@aydin3103 Nah you anarchists are ineffective against fascists, historically we have been the most successful against fascists.
@@shambosaha9727 and historically you turn right back to fascism
guys i have a question: where is the ukrainian anarchist music ? It was deleted ?
(i like the spanish, but idk where is the ukrainian)
@@RedTsarStrongest45 Oh thanks!
It's time to liberate the people with this music!
Una hora de musica republicana cuando son himnos de la CNT/FAI es un oximoron, mas bien es una hora de música anarquista española.
Debido a que los dos lucharon en contra del fascismo, es normal que la gente que no conoce sobre el tema los una. Pero lo entiendo, tenian cometidos diferentes. Salud compañero
Mira el titulo
Merci, Pour mon et pour tous ces camarade des Brigades Internationales tombés pour L'Espagne.
Yo soy anarquista. La C.N.T. todavia existe y hay otras organizaciones anarquistas en otros paises. La idea de verse algun dia libres de toda clase social dominante para no vivir dominados, es una idea que no ha muerto. Pero la revolucion ya no puede hacerse. La lucha por la lucha no es buena idea. Lo mejor que hoy dia se puede hacer para sembrar la igualdad es no tener hijos. No darle mas obreros a la clase dominante. Dejarlos sin mano de obra y que tengan que trabajar ellos si quieren salvar sus negocios. Ese es el camino mas prometedor y es lo que la gente masivamente esta haciendo. A esa enorme accion de masas a nivel mundial es a la que hay que unirse. Viva la anarquia!
@@jartomanrespetable 👍xd pero que te refieres con anarquia,¿algo similar a una República federal?
@@Viva_la_republica_española la anarquia es para mi un orden social sin jerarquia. Una especie de, llamemosle republica, donde todas las decisiones son tomadas por la asamblea general de todos los ciudadanos, en lugar de por un govierno central. Esa asamblea, para ser posible, debe dividirse en subasambleas regionales, comarcales y locales. De esa manera todo el mundo tendra cerca de si su punto de participacion en la toma de decisiones. Lo que salga acordado en esa asamblea general ciudadana es de obligado cumplimiento, y velaran su cumplimiento los comites locales, comarcales, regionales y el comite nacional. De esa forma los acuerdos tendran rango de ley. Todo ciudadano tiene derecho a hacer propuestas, participar en los debates y votar los acuerdos. Es la forma organizativa que ha tomado historicamente, y aun conserva, la C.N.T. y cualquier otra organizacion anarquista. Es la forma que se puso en practica durante la revolucion de 1936 en españa, tambien en la ucrania de Nestor makno, o en la corea desde 1929 a 1932. A esa forma organizativa hay que sumar la abolicion de la propiedad privada y la propiedad estatal, en favor de la propiedad comun de todos los ciudadanos, y la abolicion del trabajo esclavo, trabajo siervo, y trabajo asalariado, en favor del trabajo asociado, donde todos sean iguales y nadie sea mas que nadie. Eso ya se ensayo, en mi opinion con mucho exito, en los vrebes momentos historicos donde se logro implantar. Pero a dia de hoy solo rige en algunas cooperativas autogestionadas, los kibutz israelies y poco mas. Y no parece que se pueda poner en pie a gran escala en ningun sitio por el escaso numero y pocas fuerzas de los anarquistas actuales. Pero como ideal permanece en nuestras mentes. De todas formas el no tener hijos como metodo de accion que boicotea a la burguesia, lo cambiara todo. Ira transformando las estructuras organizativas actuales hasta lograr otras mas igualitarias. Lo hara por si solo, y no obedecera ya a un esquema preconcebido por los anarquistas. No sabemos exactamente como quedara al final. Pero sabemos que se acabara el dominio de la burguesia. Y eso es lo esencial. Gracias.
@@jartoman muchas gracias por contestar tan rápido,he leído tu respuesta y,aunque me parezca interesante ese sistema de gobierno bajo mi opinión españa (no todos los estados españa es un caso especial) tiene que ser una República federal dividida en 3 grandes entidades con sus respectivas subdivisiones castilla,cataluña(regiones que tienen el catalán como idioma oficial como Valenciay las Islas Baleares) y vasconia, las zonas que tienen el euskera como idioma oficial siento que con un sistema así seríamos una sociedad más unida que como estamos ahora,pero tendré que investigar más sobre la anarquia, ideología que no comparto pero me es interesante
@@Viva_la_republica_española si no sabes mucho de anarquismo te puedo recomendar algunos libros interesantes. O mejor aun, puedes llegarte a cualquier local de La C.N.T. y buscar alguna bibliografia que te guste. Por de pronto te recomiendo algo ligerito. Hay un libro titulado, jefes, cabecillas y abusones. No es anarquista. No es ideologico. Es un ensayo de antropologia de Marvin Harris. Pero habla de la epoca enque aun no habia aparecido el estado. La gente vivia sin estado, sin propiedad privada y sin muchas cosas que hoy consideramos imprescindibles. Luego ya lees lo que quieras. Pero te recomiendo una cosa. No te entusiasmes en esceso. Recuerda siempre que el anarquismo, a dia de hoy es un movimiento derrotado. No tenemos la fuerza que nos gustaria.no podemos hacer todo lo que nos gustaria. Y ademas estamos seriamente vigilados y controlados. No te entusiasmes y tomatelo con calma.
@@jartoman muchas gracias por la recomendación,lo leeré cuando pueda aunque actualmente estaba leyendo sobre el nacismo (no soy nazi) porqueme es interesante el porqué surgen las ideologías extremas (no digo que el anarquismo lo sea, no sabía lo que era claramente antes de tu respuesta) considero que el anarquismo es una ideología francamente interesante sobre las demás ya que a diferencia del socialismo,fascismo,liberalismo.... no ha llegado a probarse en un estado lo cual considero una lástima porque no sabríamos si este funcionaria (sin ofender no digo que no funcione sino que no se sabe) si nota algo que le moleste de mi forma de expresar e y le ha ofendido de alguna manera me gustaría que me lo comunicase,pues nose si de la manera en la que me expreso frente a las ideologías es ofensiva para la gente,si se ha ofendido,acepte mis disculpas, que tenga un gran dia
¡No passarán!
Они не пройдут!
В туалет?
@@КартофельСтарший да, и умрут обоссавшись и обосравшись
¡Viva la República! ¡Viva el socialismo! ¡Viva España!
Darth Vindictae lo tercero te lo compro, hermano español ¡ARRIBA ESPAÑA!🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🤚🤚🤚
España, el México antifacista te saluda!
I noticed something really strange and I don't know who to share it with but "a las barricadas" has the exact same melody as the Kazakhstan national anthem (the real one not the Borat one). listen to them together its weird
It's Warszawianka 1905 melody
Here's to you, Nicola and Bart.
VIVA LA CNT et les anarchistes
El Himno de Riego debería estar el primero
viva la anarquía y la cerveza fria....
Liberdade e apoio mútuo!
Viva la Republica Espanola!
isn't supporting communism illegal in South Korea?
carlos salmeron palenzuela Supporting NK is illigal, not communism or socialism.
+carlos salmeron palenzuela Supporting the Spanish Republic isn't inherently communist, just anti-fascist.
박상진 not what a south korean friend told me
Red_Pirate yes ant fasist communism and anarchist ideology are prettty similiar both spreading power and resources more equal
Why are there adds?
Sérvia Da brate
¡no pasaran!
Do one hour KoreaNext Anarchist music.
¡No pasarán!
Pot Pourri video maker say but i can not find it. If you managed plz share. i
believe that i found it Si Me Quieres Escribir...it is not.
Todo mi amor ❤️
Salu from Turkiye ✌✌
_Spread the bread, algorhithm!_
When the Stalinists are getting all the resources and weapons
@EmerBlox yeb i made that post when i was an third camp trotskyist sorry for my cringe
@EmerBlox you... do realize that stalin was one of the core reasons why franco won this war right? he cracked down on the anarchists, who, at the time, were the only ones who were acheiving economic growth and whos front line was doing well. it's not just trots who hate stalin, it's most communists, anarchists and litterally anyone who isn't a tankie
EmerBlox so another stalin kid :)) communists support him bc he is communists. Stalin not the reason why socialism spread, it spread itself. He behaved with Vietnam communists like sucks, and anyone have another ideology with him will be call trótkists or somethings ??? :))) Stalin is your hero but not ours :))) Am i go to gulag bc of this :))
@@angquang2804 dude wtf
you posted cringe,subscribers are lost now
I would like to know how the youtube algorithm decided what ads to put in an anarchist video💀
Respect from Turkey
Respect, yoldaş!
Sarpi Moleni respect from the netherlands
what's the song that plays in the potpourri at 21:35 called
I only heard this lyric in this version, but the melody is from "Si me quieres escribir" there are many versions of this song
thank you, this is the closest match i could find
The C.N.T was cool and all but . . Makhno boutta make me forget how to act 😳😳
makhno was so cool they named an entire country after him
I'm spanish, and spanish anarchists are just a bunch of larpers compared to him
the algorithm knows what I want.