What use is this for retired person helping others all through life, now dealing with problems previously disguised by being hugely busy. Find communities? Where?how? Ours has changed beyond all recognition since the pandemic as has the family structure. We are happy and settled doing lots of stuff, learning, active, happy, yet still there is an undercurrent in my mind which lacks peace of purpose. Recognise past trauma roll but the how’s to tackle something so hard to define even.
We all need to be Stronger than our Circumstances.🙏🙏🙏💗💗
What use is this for retired person helping others all through life, now dealing with problems previously disguised by being hugely busy. Find communities? Where?how? Ours has changed beyond all recognition since the pandemic as has the family structure. We are happy and settled doing lots of stuff, learning, active, happy, yet still there is an undercurrent in my mind which lacks peace of purpose. Recognise past trauma roll but the how’s to tackle something so hard to define even.
We're never not addicted. Imo
Stop the NONSENSE!!
I agree, paying to live on this planet is an utter nonsense