Tracie's opening topic reminded me of a college friend I had once. One day, I don't remember how, we got into an argument about cows. He said that bulls had horns and cows didn't. I told him that this was not true. I further told him that as far as I knew there were breeds of hornless cattle but I didn't know if the bulls of the breeds had horns or not, but as for his "bulls have horns cows don't" thing, he was just wrong. Without a cow on hand it went nowhere and the topic drifted. A few weeks later we were on a field trip. On the journey, out of the coach window we saw a herd of grazing cows. Remembering our discussion I drew his attention to the field and the fact that the animals therein had both udders and horns making them specimens of the theretofore supposedly non-existent horned cow, to which he had no choice but to concede. Point made, no biggy, all forgotten. Some while after, weeks later I think, I overheard him having a virtual rerun of our original conversation with somebody else. Upon reminding him of the field of cows that we both saw, with our own eyes, at the same time, he just fixed me with a blank expression and would not be drawn further. To this day I have not figured out why this guy NEEDED to believe that he lived in a world where no cows had horns and had even tasked himself to convince others of this "fact" contrary to the evidence even of his own eyes. Whether it's a laziness thing, a comfort thing, an indoctrination or brainwashing thing, some people just will not change. It's as if facts, not mere evidence, but direct, hard, immediate, conclusive facts have an expiry date.
They absolutely know they are deluding themselves and therefore have no choice other than to either refuse to listen or dissociation to protect their weak fragile minds. Pathetic untermensch culls
He seems to have missed the point that, if Gabby Giffords hadn't been treated by skilled humans, trained scientists, she would almost certainly have died./ Never mind praising a god - give some credit to the humans that actually saved her.
"Mike" call took 3/4 of show. (background for context: He's a serial caller, a Poe...and ended up threatening cast members and trying to extort the show) My new point: He did call in under many other names. And the voice of Dave from Dallas...sounded kinda similar to me. Huh. Matt called in to say "one of best calls and best handled calls in the history of the show. Near end, Daniel mentioned that he "became Hassidic", - first thought: good thing the show's on Sunday. On Saturday he wouldn't be allowed to dial the phone to call them - married an Orthodox a "mixed" marriage - became still a "mixed" marriage. - Hey, there's the Clergy project, The Therapist 'bout the Hassidic project?
Super Show. The ladies deftly take apart the caller's delusion. I love this episode because it's a fine example of how one can, civilly, take apart the parasitic memes that trouble Humankind. I wonder how many religious people have been freed by this episode alone. The ladies make it look easy, but those who know, know better.
TRACY: "All it takes is a demonstration of a justification for your belief". CALLER: "Eeer... you use really big words when you talk, I am sorry". INSTANT CLASSIC!! This may just be one of my favorite episodes. Also, it is always remarkable to see clueless people complain that the hosts "beat up on" clueless people. The clueless should be ashamed to be clueless and learn about the things they lecture about, instead of whining that their ignorance is exposed!!!
Mike from Austin (first caller) was such a brilliant example of a theist that has never really thought about what he believes. The idea that he has never been put in a position to question his beliefs is fascinating.
You may notice that we are in this situation quite often in our lives. Living under a conception that may have once been the most accurate and suitable but no longer serves us and has stuck around. I don't mean in a religious context, but in anything to do with our perceptions, preferences, fears and conditioned reactions.
DemstarAus Yes - you're right. Theists are a good example of a bad thing. I was mulling over the stupidity of the human race this morning... There's what, been around 10 billion people so far on this planet for around 200,000 years. We pride ourselves on being intelligent yet after so much brain power has been around for so long we still can't make an electric toaster that works longer than the one year statutory guarantee period.
***** Oh no, you misunderstand, we're intelligent enough NOT to make electric toasters that would work for thousands of years. Our market depends on it. :P
Mike from Austin was an example of a poe (troll). He adopted many names and accents over the years, but was an atheist always posing as a theist of some sort. He admitted it at some point, claiming his intent was to get more theists calling in because it was more entertaining than having atheists call in.
I've thought about that lately (prompted in part by Matt's questions, posed on various episodes). Usually I think of it in terms of what the Bible SAYS he is (All good, All benevolent, yada yada) vs what almost all his ACTIONS demonstrate that he is (genocidal, jealous, egotistical... basically a stone son of a bitch) Well Christians discuss the value of faith vs works to get into heaven. If you judge god by his works, he would be judged a sinner and condemned. He also doesn't have faith in Himself. Faith is belief without evidence. And He's got evidence every time He looks in a mirror.
Tracie has an awesome talent to listen and understand where/how/why the callers are coming from. She really does listen with empathy towards the mental ability of the caller. I love how she approaches the conversations. Gr8! Peace ☮💜
Wow. Mike/Mark WAS a poe (a serial serial poe; became infamous). And Tracie nailed that within a few minutes of this, apparently his first call (as Mark anyhow). He gives himself away, on about his fifth or so call, in episode 726.
Mike, Mike, Mike..... there are so many religious "shows", AM/FM/TV and even shortwave, because you dare not let up for a second, lest you lose your foothold on this religious flock. Not to mention the income. Atheists don't have to prove anything to anyone, yet people turn to atheism in droves because they are intelligent and logical.
Tracie, I like your message and delivery, but frankly, I could listen to you read the phone book. Part brain, part beauty. She handles the "Stone Church" better than Matt.
I've watched a few of these and I agree with Matt that this was a goodun, Tracie rocked it! Also, Jen's hair sounds great. Wow, lot's of positive messages written below...didn't expect that. Is it me, or do believers tend to studder and stammer quite a bit.
excellent! I love it! I may modify it in "You must be mad that he never gave you anything", because this is actually verifiable and the other person must admit it is true :-)
God shows people he loves them by letting a bunch of people (including a nine year old) die horribly and giving one of them brain damage. And Christians wonder why someone would hate their God (Atheists of course don't, but I've heard of theists who do). I still get a kick out of that one at around the middle: Caller: Tell me one thing that Christians do to hurt people! Tracie and Jen: (lists several) Caller: HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME PERSONALLY! >:( Tracie, Jen and me: ?????????
I want to officially be the person who suggests that you change the name of the show to "you can't do science on it" i have watched hours of standup comedy and never laughed so hard...
In the case of alien abductions, people are usually asleep and float up through the ceiling/roof up into the space craft. The fact that one is asleep where mental experiences can occur doesn't seem to matter to them or being able to pass through solid objects.
One of the pastors of the Austin Stone (Ronnie Smith) mailed the Atheist Experience website and denounced this guy, ironically considering he was actually directly quoting the beliefs of the Austin Stone.
Possibly unconscious patrimony for Matt to call in and praise the ladies for their good work? I've watched a lot of these programs, and Matt has never called in before, and this is the only episode I have seen with two female hosts.
+e w -- Well, you're wrong; Matt called in to a much earlier episode -- before he even joined the ACA! He also called in one day when he was sick and couldn't DO the show.
Sure -- but it's a bit of a leap to go to a chauvinistic perspective on that small basis. It's almost like looking for trouble to cause -- no reason to do so. It's CHRISTIANS who are more likely to do that....spent 50+ years under that dismal umbrella, trust me...........
I am not digging my heals in on this. I am not sure it is chauvinism. It was a bit odd and I pointed it out. That's it. I agree with you that it's likely nothing. I don't feel that I should have to hold back an observation because it is possibly wrong or controversial.
Hey... Somewhat centered audio, and input gain not turned up to 300%. As usual, this is compensated by someone behind the scenes rubbing the microphone foam to make sure it sounds like we're camping in a rainstorm. DUDES... THE AUDIO SUCKS :/
I believe that many Christians don't debate their personal view on theology because it is a difficult subject to grasp. It is much easier to just listen to someone else explain "how things are" than to try and figure out your own beliefs...even harder to go further to determine why you believe those things. The Bible is a huge book, and to really understand it, one would need to know Greek and Hebrew, the history of cultures mentioned, geography, ancient mathematics (to get a good visual and to determine the validity of claims like how animals fit into Noah's ark), and the various religions of the people who were part of those cultures mentioned earlier. Why do all of that when you can just go sit in a chair (pew) for a few hours every week? Yet there seems to be a fear of debate, as if debating or questioning or even verbally exploring with anyone who shares a different viewpoint somehow minimizes one's belief. So I believe that debating/exploring these topics seems as a betrayal to many Christians, and instead of working through the why's of such a visceral reaction, it is easier to deflect, project, recite, or distract: anything to avoid self-examination. This is curious to me because the Bible says "iron sharpens iron" although this is generally taught to only be meaningful when both 'irons' share the same theological belief. I was reading an article about the Kalam argument and its fallacies when a co-worker asked what I was doing. (This was at lunch in the break room.) When I explained, she responded emphatically that she didn't understand why people would even bother trying to understand anything or argue about things like that when we have the Bible. That sudden, severely dogmatic approach struck me as so ignorantly hopeless I didn't even know how to respond.
Mike (the caller from Austin) made me literally laugh. Holy shit the world is truly in trouble. Does being shot in the head have a 100% mortality rate? It is not a miracle when an event takes place that is against the odds. Representative Gifford was extremely fortunate that the injury she sustained was one she was able to recover from. Rain puddles in heaven? The place where the streets are gold and lions lay down with lambs? Now they have shitty weather? Really dude?
It is not that they are only trying to misdirect. They are confronted by the possibility that someone could NOT believe what they believe. That possibility is incredibly threatening to them because they have to surround themselves with the likeminded to be able to keep believing something that does not hold water. If you do not believe, then they have to THINK about what they believe That is threatening to their EMOTIONALLY held belief
So is religion! There are thousands of religions all over the world. Christianity alone has thousands of denominations. Each has only a 1% chance of being the right one, hence we Atheists never worry about going to Hell "if we're wrong."
Darla Lathan Psssst.... if there are thousands of denominations of Christianity alone, the chance that you are worshiping the right god correctly is far less than 1% (provided that all faiths are on equal footing in terms of probability)
well "mike from Stone church" was a troll who stalked the Show to fake Christian callers. i think this Episode Shows his first call. now that i listened to it again after months i have to say that his start Dialoge seemed really faked, later he found his style to act more natural..hinsight most likely, mea culpa.
Hey Mike--we are ATHEISTS--we don't want to join your church, no matter how wonderful it is, no matter how good the donuts and coffee taste after services, no matter how smiley everyone is.
I hope whoever is working the audio during this episode learned from his or her mistakes. The mic placement on Jen is terrible. Her hair makes it sound like it's windy as fuck in the studio.
In my search for the creator of the universe I found Gad. Gad is God's hermaphroditic, Asexual creator. Gad told me that God is a narcissistic psychopathic killer that created us for his own sado-masochistic pleasure. Gad is great. Gad told me that we don't have to worry about God's promise of heaven and hell. He also told me to use the same evidence for God that God has left for everyone else's God claim. He told me that I'm still an atheist too, since technically Gad, isn't God and I still don't "know" God. God, has the same last name as his hermaphroditic parent, Gad Zooks. Now prove my claim isn't absolutely true. I mean just look at how beautiful the universe is. Your all loving God couldn't have created this fine tuned universe without having a creator also fine tuning God's existence. And Gad Zooks told me itself so it must be true, there's no other explanation. Wake up. Your skeptic alarm clock.
Man, Tracy looks half dead on this episode.. and this was 6 years ago. I'll never understand how any of you people can think she's good looking / attractive.
How can you point out the destruction Christianity causes when people void of God..I.E atheist commit horrible crimes every day.. Prisons are full of them.. Let's be honest If you're able
Tracie's opening topic reminded me of a college friend I had once.
One day, I don't remember how, we got into an argument about cows. He said that bulls had horns and cows didn't.
I told him that this was not true. I further told him that as far as I knew there were breeds of hornless cattle but I didn't know if the bulls of the breeds had horns or not, but as for his "bulls have horns cows don't" thing, he was just wrong.
Without a cow on hand it went nowhere and the topic drifted.
A few weeks later we were on a field trip. On the journey, out of the coach window we saw a herd of grazing cows. Remembering our discussion I drew his attention to the field and the fact that the animals therein had both udders and horns making them specimens of the theretofore supposedly non-existent horned cow, to which he had no choice but to concede. Point made, no biggy, all forgotten.
Some while after, weeks later I think, I overheard him having a virtual rerun of our original conversation with somebody else. Upon reminding him of the field of cows that we both saw, with our own eyes, at the same time, he just fixed me with a blank expression and would not be drawn further.
To this day I have not figured out why this guy NEEDED to believe that he lived in a world where no cows had horns and had even tasked himself to convince others of this "fact" contrary to the evidence even of his own eyes.
Whether it's a laziness thing, a comfort thing, an indoctrination or brainwashing thing, some people just will not change.
It's as if facts, not mere evidence, but direct, hard, immediate, conclusive facts have an expiry date.
They absolutely know they are deluding themselves and therefore have no choice other than to either refuse to listen or dissociation to protect their weak fragile minds. Pathetic untermensch culls
I love how Tracy is so upfront and honest.
OMG I love jen's expressions .. specially 32:19 when the caller says "she's up in heaven playing in rain "...
He seems to have missed the point that, if Gabby Giffords hadn't been treated by skilled humans, trained scientists, she would almost certainly have died./ Never mind praising a god - give some credit to the humans that actually saved her.
"You use really big words when you talk"
Debate over.
I hit the floor when I heard that.
HA!. 'Demonstration' and 'Justification' BRAIN EXPLODES!!
Me too. These are the people we deal with.
lol, my ex-girlfriend said that too much. lol
sfguy2000 That's when you know the relationship was doomed
"Mike" call took 3/4 of show. (background for context: He's a serial caller, a Poe...and ended up threatening cast members and trying to extort the show)
My new point: He did call in under many other names. And the voice of Dave from Dallas...sounded kinda similar to me.
Huh. Matt called in to say "one of best calls and best handled calls in the history of the show.
Near end, Daniel mentioned that he "became Hassidic",
- first thought: good thing the show's on Sunday.
On Saturday he wouldn't be allowed to dial the phone to call them
- married an Orthodox a "mixed" marriage
- became still a "mixed" marriage.
- Hey, there's the Clergy project, The Therapist 'bout the Hassidic project?
Super Show.
The ladies deftly take apart the caller's delusion.
I love this episode because it's a fine example of how one can, civilly, take apart the parasitic memes that trouble Humankind.
I wonder how many religious people have been freed by this episode alone.
The ladies make it look easy, but those who know, know better.
Love how they handled the callers. Excellent.
Traci asking about what makes a miracle a miracle. His response.
"You can't do science on it."
What even?
TRACY: "All it takes is a demonstration of a justification for your belief". CALLER: "Eeer... you use really big words when you talk, I am sorry". INSTANT CLASSIC!!
This may just be one of my favorite episodes. Also, it is always remarkable to see clueless people complain that the hosts "beat up on" clueless people. The clueless should be ashamed to be clueless and learn about the things they lecture about, instead of whining that their ignorance is exposed!!!
Mike from Austin (first caller) was such a brilliant example of a theist that has never really thought about what he believes. The idea that he has never been put in a position to question his beliefs is fascinating.
You may notice that we are in this situation quite often in our lives. Living under a conception that may have once been the most accurate and suitable but no longer serves us and has stuck around. I don't mean in a religious context, but in anything to do with our perceptions, preferences, fears and conditioned reactions.
DemstarAus Yes - you're right. Theists are a good example of a bad thing. I was mulling over the stupidity of the human race this morning... There's what, been around 10 billion people so far on this planet for around 200,000 years. We pride ourselves on being intelligent yet after so much brain power has been around for so long we still can't make an electric toaster that works longer than the one year statutory guarantee period.
Oh no, you misunderstand, we're intelligent enough NOT to make electric toasters that would work for thousands of years. Our market depends on it. :P
Mike from Austin was an example of a poe (troll). He adopted many names and accents over the years, but was an atheist always posing as a theist of some sort. He admitted it at some point, claiming his intent was to get more theists calling in because it was more entertaining than having atheists call in.
Hyperpandas Self-revealed in ep 726. Around the middle.
For the 'mad at God' thing, I go with this example
- "Do you believe in Santa?"
= "No."
- "You must be mad that he gave you coal."
I don't get it.Why believers always think god is nice?
I've thought about that lately (prompted in part by Matt's questions, posed on various episodes). Usually I think of it in terms of what the Bible SAYS he is (All good, All benevolent, yada yada) vs what almost all his ACTIONS demonstrate that he is (genocidal, jealous, egotistical... basically a stone son of a bitch)
Well Christians discuss the value of faith vs works to get into heaven. If you judge god by his works, he would be judged a sinner and condemned. He also doesn't have faith in Himself. Faith is belief without evidence. And He's got evidence every time He looks in a mirror.
Tracie has an awesome talent to listen and understand where/how/why the callers are coming from. She really does listen with empathy towards the mental ability of the caller. I love how she approaches the conversations. Gr8! Peace ☮💜
Tracy hands out "beat downs" on this episode. She's on point! Great show!
The first caller sounds a
Wow. Mike/Mark WAS a poe (a serial serial poe; became infamous). And Tracie nailed that within a few minutes of this, apparently his first call (as Mark anyhow). He gives himself away, on about his fifth or so call, in episode 726.
"We're not lost, don't have a soul" LMAO love that reply!
You guys use really big words.
Mike from Austin has to be related to G-Man. The stupidity is equivalent.
He has called in a few times and is entertaining every time.
Mike, Mike, Mike..... there are so many religious "shows", AM/FM/TV and even shortwave, because you dare not let up for a second, lest you lose your foothold on this religious flock. Not to mention the income.
Atheists don't have to prove anything to anyone, yet people turn to atheism in droves because they are intelligent and logical.
Mark has called under many different names. I believe that Mark suffers from multiple personality disorder.
Tracie, I like your message and delivery, but frankly, I could listen to you read the phone book. Part brain, part beauty. She handles the "Stone Church" better than Matt.
I've watched a few of these and I agree with Matt that this was a goodun, Tracie rocked it! Also, Jen's hair sounds great. Wow, lot's of positive messages written below...didn't expect that. Is it me, or do believers tend to studder and stammer quite a bit.
excellent! I love it! I may modify it in "You must be mad that he never gave you anything", because this is actually verifiable and the other person must admit it is true :-)
Great upload, but i would enjoy time scales for the calls in the description
17:05 I don't hate leprechauns, fairies, Bigfoot, or the loch Ness monster either.
God shows people he loves them by letting a bunch of people (including a nine year old) die horribly and giving one of them brain damage.
And Christians wonder why someone would hate their God (Atheists of course don't, but I've heard of theists who do).
I still get a kick out of that one at around the middle:
Caller: Tell me one thing that Christians do to hurt people!
Tracie and Jen: (lists several)
Tracie, Jen and me: ?????????
I want to officially be the person who suggests that you change the name of the show to "you can't do science on it" i have watched hours of standup comedy and never laughed so hard...
26:40 Is Mike THAT dumb or just killing time with his call!? 🤔🤣😭
Tracie is very smart
Why wouldn't a wholly benevolent god cause the remission of a rat's cancer?
Maybe the rat (or one its ancestors) was a sinner.
Maybe God just doesn't like rats.
Rats smell
The call Mike is the same guy who calls all the time and his name is Mark.
I doubt his name is Mark either. Mike, Mark, George... (why use a fake name...only some of the time?) Probably all fake.
I know but Mark is the name he uses most often.
In the case of alien abductions, people are usually asleep and float up through the ceiling/roof up into the space craft. The fact that one is asleep where mental experiences can occur doesn't seem to matter to them or being able to pass through solid objects.
One of the pastors of the Austin Stone (Ronnie Smith) mailed the Atheist Experience website and denounced this guy, ironically considering he was actually directly quoting the beliefs of the Austin Stone.
Possibly unconscious patrimony for Matt to call in and praise the ladies for their good work? I've watched a lot of these programs, and Matt has never called in before, and this is the only episode I have seen with two female hosts.
+e w -- Well, you're wrong; Matt called in to a much earlier episode -- before he even joined the ACA! He also called in one day when he was sick and couldn't DO the show.
That's fine. I could only go by my personal experience with the show, the roughly 100 episodes I had seen at the time.
Sure -- but it's a bit of a leap to go to a chauvinistic perspective on that small basis. It's almost like looking for trouble to cause -- no reason to do so.
It's CHRISTIANS who are more likely to do that....spent 50+ years under that dismal umbrella, trust me...........
I am not digging my heals in on this. I am not sure it is chauvinism. It was a bit odd and I pointed it out. That's it. I agree with you that it's likely nothing. I don't feel that I should have to hold back an observation because it is possibly wrong or controversial.
It is definitely advertising.
Would have been a perfect moment to reference Leviticus.
Ok he acted well for troll.
Was Jen doing jumping Jax when Tracy was talking, wth lol
Hey... Somewhat centered audio, and input gain not turned up to 300%. As usual, this is compensated by someone behind the scenes rubbing the microphone foam to make sure it sounds like we're camping in a rainstorm. DUDES... THE AUDIO SUCKS :/
43:09 - reference to Thomas Jefferson ;)
I believe that many Christians don't debate their personal view on theology because it is a difficult subject to grasp. It is much easier to just listen to someone else explain "how things are" than to try and figure out your own beliefs...even harder to go further to determine why you believe those things. The Bible is a huge book, and to really understand it, one would need to know Greek and Hebrew, the history of cultures mentioned, geography, ancient mathematics (to get a good visual and to determine the validity of claims like how animals fit into Noah's ark), and the various religions of the people who were part of those cultures mentioned earlier.
Why do all of that when you can just go sit in a chair (pew) for a few hours every week? Yet there seems to be a fear of debate, as if debating or questioning or even verbally exploring with anyone who shares a different viewpoint somehow minimizes one's belief. So I believe that debating/exploring these topics seems as a betrayal to many Christians, and instead of working through the why's of such a visceral reaction, it is easier to deflect, project, recite, or distract: anything to avoid self-examination. This is curious to me because the Bible says "iron sharpens iron" although this is generally taught to only be meaningful when both 'irons' share the same theological belief.
I was reading an article about the Kalam argument and its fallacies when a co-worker asked what I was doing. (This was at lunch in the break room.) When I explained, she responded emphatically that she didn't understand why people would even bother trying to understand anything or argue about things like that when we have the Bible. That sudden, severely dogmatic approach struck me as so ignorantly hopeless I didn't even know how to respond.
I wonder what happened to that closet queen? He use to call in all the time.
Mike (the caller from Austin) made me literally laugh. Holy shit the world is truly in trouble. Does being shot in the head have a 100% mortality rate? It is not a miracle when an event takes place that is against the odds. Representative Gifford was extremely fortunate that the injury she sustained was one she was able to recover from. Rain puddles in heaven? The place where the streets are gold and lions lay down with lambs? Now they have shitty weather? Really dude?
always amused when I hear that atheists hate god/s!!! Its like saying people hate invisible unicorns lol
I wonder if mike rides the Short Bus to church on Sunday.......
you got a point!
It is not that they are only trying to misdirect.
They are confronted by the possibility that someone could NOT believe what they believe.
That possibility is incredibly threatening to them because they have to surround themselves with the likeminded to be able to keep believing something that does not hold water.
If you do not believe,
then they have to THINK about what they believe
That is threatening to their EMOTIONALLY held belief
Ian Withintent Who is they?
"They" are the theists Tracy and Jen were referencing, from memory. It was a month ago I watched the vid and many of the callers are similar.
Only complaint I have is all the thumping and banging in the sound. Learn about mike placement to avoid those extremely loud and annoying sounds.
I know I dont have to say it here but I need to vent...
Beating the odds is not proof of god!
31:30 context
Did he just call his fellow sheep clueless and not serious? GJ I guess..
SO glad this twitch blew himself up. If only the rest of his church and all of Westbrook Baptist would follow his example.
So then a miracle is just a matter of opinion?
So is religion! There are thousands of religions all over the world. Christianity alone has thousands of denominations. Each has only a 1% chance of being the right one, hence we Atheists never worry about going to Hell "if we're wrong."
Darla Lathan You're not wrong, though your reply is a bit of a non sequitur on my comment. Still, you'll get no argument from me.
Darla Lathan Psssst.... if there are thousands of denominations of Christianity alone, the chance that you are worshiping the right god correctly is far less than 1% (provided that all faiths are on equal footing in terms of probability)
well "mike from Stone church" was a troll who stalked the Show to fake Christian callers. i think this Episode Shows his first call.
now that i listened to it again after months i have to say that his start Dialoge seemed really faked, later he found his style to act more natural..hinsight most likely, mea culpa.
He's actually "Mark" in other videos, right?
yes, he had several fake aliases and called maybe a dozen times.
smashthefascists Enough that the Mark subset of his calls yielded a 2.5 hour compilation video here on YT.
I read the open letter to him and the chrislanganfan comments. Seems very odd and confusing, I agree with Russell.
It was a miracle when the Cubs won the World Series. Nothing else could explain it. Hence god.
I also hate pink unicorns
Hey Mike--we are ATHEISTS--we don't want to join your church, no matter how wonderful it is, no matter how good the donuts and coffee taste after services, no matter how smiley everyone is.
It's funny when subtitles change the word theist to penis.
I hope whoever is working the audio during this episode learned from his or her mistakes. The mic placement on Jen is terrible. Her hair makes it sound like it's windy as fuck in the studio.
One of the biggest misconceptions among theists is their belief that talking about atheists will help them prove their imaginary god exists.🤡
Ugh Mike from Austin Stone took way too much time up.
Somehow Tracy just got better looking as she aged
Good job ladies,
Stop asking Mike questions you are hurting his brain 🙈
In my search for the creator of the universe I found Gad. Gad is God's hermaphroditic, Asexual creator. Gad told me that God is a narcissistic psychopathic killer that created us for his own sado-masochistic pleasure. Gad is great. Gad told me that we don't have to worry about God's promise of heaven and hell. He also told me to use the same evidence for God that God has left for everyone else's God claim. He told me that I'm still an atheist too, since technically Gad, isn't God and I still don't "know" God. God, has the same last name as his hermaphroditic parent, Gad Zooks. Now prove my claim isn't absolutely true. I mean just look at how beautiful the universe is. Your all loving God couldn't have created this fine tuned universe without having a creator also fine tuning God's existence. And Gad Zooks told me itself so it must be true, there's no other explanation. Wake up.
Your skeptic alarm clock.
Mike/Mark, etc is a POE. He has admitted he plays a theist.
+Will Boucher Reveal on ep 726. Also "Compilation of Mark's Calls"
I think hes just confused theist,
The God Virus stymies logic.
Just accept atheist don't believe god,Mike.
Man, Tracy looks half dead on this episode.. and this was 6 years ago. I'll never understand how any of you people can think she's good looking / attractive.
You are crazy as fuck. Both Jen and Tracie is hot, ESPECIALLY Tracie!
LMAO @ the first caller. Damn you wasting time. I want to hear the stupid theists call in, not atheist prankers..
Total Poe. Should have ended the call. Obvious Poe is obvious...
whats a poe
How can you point out the destruction Christianity causes when people void of God..I.E atheist commit horrible crimes every day.. Prisons are full of them.. Let's be honest If you're able
Ugh I hate this Mike/Mark/Andrew poe
Rag tag thrown together bullshit episode. What is this🤣