I would like to sincerely thank you for putting out this video. I am a newer hunter who over the last few years has been exploring the world of hunting. Saddle hunting seams to be calling me and this is the best video I have found explaining saddle setups and the only one I have seen that demonstrates step by step in a real world setting. Well done and thank you so much for this content.
Awesome explanation video man! Just bought my saddle a couple weeks ago and was really needing a video like this! One question, does your daisy chains not worry you a little bit how small they are? I’m a 6’2 240 lb dude and those scare the hell outta me. Lol
I watched another decent one, this video is probably better. Main difference was the other guy didn’t even use the lineman’s belt, I tried my first climb last week and only used the tether and it worked pretty well, I’ll have to try using the linemen belt as well
I am absolutely EXHAUSTED just watching this new way of hunting!!!!! I’m way TOO old to start the new ways!!!! I’ll have stick to my trusty ole ladder stands!!!!!🤣🤣🤣
Thank you for doing the whole setup. Other vids only attach one stick and then that's it. Seeing you attach each stick and climb was very helpful. Rock on man.
Your video was the first one I came across, fully explaining everything, and actually climbing the damn tree. The half dozen others I watched, they don't even bother showing how to get up the tree, and what equipment is used, and how to do so. Thank you. As for your "hopes" at 17:25. That's a "yes" on me appreciating it, "yes" on me learning something, "yes" on gaining some knowledge, and "no" not a horrible teacher. Thank you.
This is the first video I’ve seen explaining everything. Great job. I’ve been saddle hunting for a couple years and learned some stuff I’m gonna change.
So far best explanation I have found so far thank you for actually showing us an teaching us step by step unlike other people are doing this video has help me out more than anything
It's so awesome how we all have a very similar way of doing it but just a couple things change here and there from person to person that's one of the reasons I love saddle hunting it's very customizable and we can setup for our specific needs
You didn't mention it but, the kidex release holster is a cool idea. Got me thinking about trying to make one for mine as well as the rangefinder. Thanks Old dogs can learn new tricks. Giving the saddle a try this season at 66 yoa.
Yes and no I have one of every setup I like my climber but I find they are more tree specific with and saddle the weight and size is dramatically reduced. Also saddle hunting is the safest as you are always connected to the tree a little more better.But the swiftness on the climbing stand can't be beat
The climber is more simple to get up in the tree (not necessarily easier)(imo) but the saddle is definitely my favorite hunting method for a lot of reasons I won't get into
That trigger holster is sweet. This is a great demo video. I am going to try my saddle for the 1st time this am. Taking it to Colorado for a public land archery Mulie hunt. So i need to get use to this thing.
That's a great video for a true beginner. I'm planning on saddle hunting starting for my spring bear here in Manitoba next year, and doing my research on saddle gear to see if it's truely something I want to jump into. Be well over $1000 CAD to get into it, so this was a great video demonstrating the whole process. I can definitely see myself doing this next year. Thanks for your effort doing this video.
Awesome video. I’ve been wanting to get into saddle hunting due to hunting mostly public land in PA, OH, and NC this seems like the easiest way. Thanks for the directions as I had no idea how to get started.
You did a fine job explaining everything and showing how it works . Im 60 years old I my climber looks a lot easier and safer . I will leave this for you young bucks .
New to the saddle hunting game this year but so far it’s been fun. Not too difficult to learn but the first time it definitely took a while to get up😂 your videos have helped tremendously though!
I usually get my linemen belt a little higher and use a gear tie to hang my platform from my linemen belt to make it hands free setting up my platform then I don't worry about the rope going back over my platform cuz it's already above it. Just another idea to try. Still working out kinks in my saddle system. I prefer my lone wolf climbing stand. They don't make my model anymore but it's less moving parts. Saddle has alot of moving parts and can be a pain in the ass.
That was a good video!!! I do things slightly different but luv watching other guys and how they set up. I always find some new ideas. I like how you have the bow once setup!!! Funny I actually carry my bow like that on long walks into an area with a bow holder I used for 3D. I never thought about hanging it like that once set up for hunting. Great idea!!!
Just a suggestion, but i usually set my tether with extra slack above the platform and atach it then. Then you can disconnect the linemans rope and climb to the platform without having to manuever the linemans rope around the platform. Still stay attached to the tree at all times.
Great video! Do you have a video on how to tie the safety loop as a backup to your Kong Duck? I've been looking for a nice back up to the Kong Duck and I think this might be what I"m looking for.
Thanks a lot for the video. just ordered a xop saddle kit to hop into the saddle hunting world. Went with xop because I didn’t want to drop a grand just to find out that it’s not for me. I’m researching a bunch of videos before the saddle is delivered. Great channel and really dig the humor thrown in there
Great video. Gracias. Thinking about getting into tree/saddle hunting as our area is getting really overgrown and this would be a viable option. Your explanation and setup was on point. Brand new so I had a couple of questions- What is your preferred height to hunt from? How do you adjust rope on tree sticks for different size trees? What height above platform do you set your tether line? Is more/less comfortable higher or lower. Any other tricks or tips to make it easier for a noob?
Are you not worried about putting weight at different spots on your tether when using the hooks for backpack and bow? Seems like that weight on different sides would let the loop slide down the tree easier.
Pretty nice set up! For the most part our set ups are the same. Just different brand stuff. I'm running amsteel 2 step aider on bottom stick and 1 aider on the other 2 sticks . I do have a aider that you bring up as you go but I seem to like my aiders already attached to steps. I've tried alot of different stuff and ways like I'm sure you have. But you get your set up dialed in like we have ours they sure are nice. I love having so many options to go to and hunt. Ive Probably got a 100 different trees marked on hunt stand in the state land I hunt.
I’m considering the switch from a climber simply on weight and wanting to get deeper in the woods on public lands. Would love to see a detailed run down of your ropes as you showed here but maybe as ground level so we can see each piece a bit clearer
Save over $500 and buy the XOP elite carrying system. All my climber and gear weighs in at 32 lbs which is not heavy only if you’re a vagina (not saying you are). I can walk easily over 10 miles before getting tired. I don’t understand trying to cut so much weight, it’s just simply not that hheavy
@@tategasek1719 32lbs not including the rest of your gear is a bit excessive over 10 miles. My hiking pack loaded out with water for 3 days on a dry trail is only 25lbs lol and to be fair my summit climber is 25. Loaded out for a full day in stand im looking at well over 35lbs depending on what I am hunting with. I think the big difference here is the ability to get in and out fast and quiet and be semi mobile in changing on the fly if the wind changes as it normally does here in FL. Another thought for me is that after the kill I also have an animal to haul out as public land in Fl does not allow you to field dress or bone out. Yes Florida hunting SUCKS.
@@JohnathanAulabaugh no bud, all of my gear and climber weight is 32 pounds on the dot. Including my XOP carrying system. I’m not saying I do walk 10 miles I’m saying I CAN walk 10 miles before it started hurting. I’d argue that I can get in, set up and pack out faster than a saddle set up and I’ve tested against a buddy. It’s not even close.
@@tategasek1719 Ive sat net seats from other companies and really hated them for long sits. Just a preference thing. Very few that I know who have figured the saddle seats out dislike them. I mean I am sure some but the people I know personally, not just UA-camrs, love them. That said I am probably about done hunting FL. Bow season is miserable and by rifle season on public everything is nocturnal. If I get in to this lease I am looking at it is pretty much all ladder stands and box blinds.
Great Video. I'm just getting into saddle hunting and I like to watch and see how others setup up in a tree. I would be very cautious on how much slack you have in your linemens rope when stepping up. If your step gives way you are going to fall.
I've been researching saddle hunting . Thank you for this video. Also I'm a relatively big guy. 6'1 290# am I to big for a saddle? I've hunted out of a climber for years. What are the pros of a saddle vs a climber? Thanks
What is that thing on the left shoulder strap close to his shoulder is that a thing to keep a release in? If so can I use that on any pack? If so what is that thing called at video time 16:40
Im interested if you ever tried the rope mod with the mini sticks over the daisy chain or cam buckles. I basically got the same setup as you, just looking to get rid of the cam buckles on my sticks.
You are not a horrible teacher. I've had horrible teachers or should I say they've had me. Just kidding. I hope. The mind blocks things, ya know. But in any case, thanks for the video. I feel as though we are learning together . Keep the videos coming!
I thought the linemans rope helps keep you stable but I thought was ill advised to assume it will stop you from falling? I always run both while ascending or descending. Am I making my job harder doing this?
Hunt literally any tree you ever wanted to. Minimalistic profile while walking through the woods. 360 degrees of shooting possibilities. All day comfort. That’s the main advantages.
Great video that I cannot thank you enough for! I was curious about what rope you are using to hang your sticks and how do you get those loops in it to where they do not slip?
I would like to sincerely thank you for putting out this video. I am a newer hunter who over the last few years has been exploring the world of hunting. Saddle hunting seams to be calling me and this is the best video I have found explaining saddle setups and the only one I have seen that demonstrates step by step in a real world setting. Well done and thank you so much for this content.
Rock on brother! Good luck this season!
Awesome explanation video man! Just bought my saddle a couple weeks ago and was really needing a video like this! One question, does your daisy chains not worry you a little bit how small they are? I’m a 6’2 240 lb dude and those scare the hell outta me. Lol
Great video Sir. Thank you
I watched another decent one, this video is probably better. Main difference was the other guy didn’t even use the lineman’s belt, I tried my first climb last week and only used the tether and it worked pretty well, I’ll have to try using the linemen belt as well
I am absolutely EXHAUSTED just watching this new way of hunting!!!!! I’m way TOO old to start the new ways!!!! I’ll have stick to my trusty ole ladder stands!!!!!🤣🤣🤣
Thank you for doing the whole setup. Other vids only attach one stick and then that's it. Seeing you attach each stick and climb was very helpful. Rock on man.
Your video was the first one I came across, fully explaining everything, and actually climbing the damn tree. The half dozen others I watched, they don't even bother showing how to get up the tree, and what equipment is used, and how to do so. Thank you. As for your "hopes" at 17:25. That's a "yes" on me appreciating it, "yes" on me learning something, "yes" on gaining some knowledge, and "no" not a horrible teacher. Thank you.
NOT a horrible teacher. Great useful video to help me get acquainted with saddle hunting. Super thanks ❤
This is the first video I’ve seen explaining everything. Great job. I’ve been saddle hunting for a couple years and learned some stuff I’m gonna change.
This is probably the best step by step video I have seen on the full process. Kudos.
Thanks for doing this brother. I'm taking the plunge this year and this was the best video I've seen on UA-cam. Appreciate you man.
Best comprehensive saddle setup video I’ve found yet. Thank you!
So far best explanation I have found so far thank you for actually showing us an teaching us step by step unlike other people are doing this video has help me out more than anything
It's so awesome how we all have a very similar way of doing it but just a couple things change here and there from person to person that's one of the reasons I love saddle hunting it's very customizable and we can setup for our specific needs
What a great video!! I really needed this. Just bought my first sadle and this was one of the best step by step video I have found! Thanks again.
You didn't mention it but, the kidex release holster is a cool idea.
Got me thinking about trying to make one for mine as well as the rangefinder.
Old dogs can learn new tricks. Giving the saddle a try this season at 66 yoa.
I just got to be honest and say that like alot of work. I thought my lockon was hard to get up but i believe that I'll stay with my lockon and sticks
Great video. My first time seeing this type of setup. I feel like a climber is a lot easier after seeing this.
Yes and no I have one of every setup I like my climber but I find they are more tree specific with and saddle the weight and size is dramatically reduced. Also saddle hunting is the safest as you are always connected to the tree a little more better.But the swiftness on the climbing stand can't be beat
The climber is more simple to get up in the tree (not necessarily easier)(imo) but the saddle is definitely my favorite hunting method for a lot of reasons I won't get into
I’m looking to get into saddle hunting this year, thank you so much taking time to teach this.🙏🏽
Yep...solid. best step by step video out there...even after a year. Just got the dusk 2 dawn. thanks.
Good walkthrough, wish I saw this before I did my first climb last week 😂
Best saddle hunting video that I have seen. Great job!
Super helpful for a new saddle hunter! Thanks for the mock climb!
Thank you from France for this awesome vidéo! I’m a beginner bow Hunter and your great job will help me a lot. Thank you !
That trigger holster is sweet. This is a great demo video. I am going to try my saddle for the 1st time this am. Taking it to Colorado for a public land archery Mulie hunt. So i need to get use to this thing.
Thanks so much for taking the time to demonstrate how to set up a saddle. Great job!
That's a great video for a true beginner. I'm planning on saddle hunting starting for my spring bear here in Manitoba next year, and doing my research on saddle gear to see if it's truely something I want to jump into. Be well over $1000 CAD to get into it, so this was a great video demonstrating the whole process. I can definitely see myself doing this next year. Thanks for your effort doing this video.
Awesome video. I’ve been wanting to get into saddle hunting due to hunting mostly public land in PA, OH, and NC this seems like the easiest way. Thanks for the directions as I had no idea how to get started.
Great tutorial. I’m a first year saddle hunter. This was very helpful. Take care
This is the perfect intro to saddle hunting video. I’ve been looking for one and this popped up. Thank you for the informative video! 🤙🏼
Good video. I stand on the bottom step of the top stick to set up the platform, this way the lineman’s belt is above the platform.
Good video and thanks for the detailed explanation. I can see why some people like this, but not for me.
This is the first video that makes everything make sense.
The kydex release holder is slickkkkk. I like that.
You did a fine job explaining everything and showing how it works . Im 60 years old I my climber looks a lot easier and safer . I will leave this for you young bucks .
New to the saddle hunting game this year but so far it’s been fun. Not too difficult to learn but the first time it definitely took a while to get up😂 your videos have helped tremendously though!
I usually get my linemen belt a little higher and use a gear tie to hang my platform from my linemen belt to make it hands free setting up my platform then I don't worry about the rope going back over my platform cuz it's already above it. Just another idea to try. Still working out kinks in my saddle system. I prefer my lone wolf climbing stand. They don't make my model anymore but it's less moving parts. Saddle has alot of moving parts and can be a pain in the ass.
That was a good video!!! I do things slightly different but luv watching other guys and how they set up. I always find some new ideas. I like how you have the bow once setup!!! Funny I actually carry my bow like that on long walks into an area with a bow holder I used for 3D. I never thought about hanging it like that once set up for hunting. Great idea!!!
This was an awesome video. Just bought a tethrd and am hunting the first time this year, had no idea where to start
Rope climbing addict here, DSRT, SRT hitch climb, SRT pole climb, pursuit platform with some steps
Just a suggestion, but i usually set my tether with extra slack above the platform and atach it then. Then you can disconnect the linemans rope and climb to the platform without having to manuever the linemans rope around the platform. Still stay attached to the tree at all times.
Great video mate! I am a brand new hunter and still trying to figure out how to get up in a tree. I am pretty much sold on the saddle method!
Sweet set up. I’ve been thinking about switching to it over my older climber. I Appreciate the demonstration.
Thanks for the video, you basically made me decide a saddle is not for me. I would be a sloppy sweaty mess by the time I got done.
Great video I’m just getting into saddle hunting and this video is very helpful
I’ve been debating this . And your video was perfect and simple. Thank you again
Cool. Just heard about saddles, and looking to learn more.
Saved to my favorites, thanks for the video !!!!
Thank u very much for this video, I'm new to the saddle huntjng game and i was lost till i seen this video cause i have the same set up!
Thank you for your time I'm thinking of going with saddle hunting for archery season I really enjoyed your video you gained a subscriber
Great video! Do you have a video on how to tie the safety loop as a backup to your Kong Duck? I've been looking for a nice back up to the Kong Duck and I think this might be what I"m looking for.
Great video!! Can you explain the saftey hook up with your tree tether? Sounds like a solid idea to use. Thanks again for the great video.
Thanks a lot for the video. just ordered a xop saddle kit to hop into the saddle hunting world. Went with xop because I didn’t want to drop a grand just to find out that it’s not for me. I’m researching a bunch of videos before the saddle is delivered. Great channel and really dig the humor thrown in there
Awesome! Thanks for sharing, this was very informative.
Really good instructional video. Thanks for sharing your method of climbing in such detail. Good Job!
Excellent tutorial…thanks a bunch!
Just ordered that bow hoist. Looks like a game changer!
That seems like so much more work than my summit viper climber.
Great video!! Is there any way you can show a picture of the bow hook that you use that's hooked to you while hunting?? Thanks
wow that's a lot trickier than I thought It would be ;)
Good demonstration and seems like a nice setup but man, I’m glad I went with a climber after seeing this.
Great video. Gracias. Thinking about getting into tree/saddle hunting as our area is getting really overgrown and this would be a viable option.
Your explanation and setup was on point.
Brand new so I had a couple of questions-
What is your preferred height to hunt from?
How do you adjust rope on tree sticks for different size trees?
What height above platform do you set your tether line? Is more/less comfortable higher or lower.
Any other tricks or tips to make it easier for a noob?
I know this is an old video, but will you go over that safety prusik you tied underneath your tether ascender? Trying to figure out the tie.
Are you not worried about putting weight at different spots on your tether when using the hooks for backpack and bow? Seems like that weight on different sides would let the loop slide down the tree easier.
Use your lineman’s rope. It’s already in your hands, very adjustable and something else to hold on to.
Thanks for the video. I just can't imagine getting comfortable doing that. Makes my decision to not do it real easy. Get Em!!!
Thanks, man. Really appreciate it.
That's a nifty looking holster on your right shoulder 😜. I love seeing my equipment in the wild. Great video 👍.
You make excellent equipment man!
@@ManOverBeast thank you so much 👍
Pretty nice set up! For the most part our set ups are the same. Just different brand stuff. I'm running amsteel 2 step aider on bottom stick and 1 aider on the other 2 sticks . I do have a aider that you bring up as you go but I seem to like my aiders already attached to steps. I've tried alot of different stuff and ways like I'm sure you have. But you get your set up dialed in like we have ours they sure are nice. I love having so many options to go to and hunt. Ive Probably got a 100 different trees marked on hunt stand in the state land I hunt.
So many options! Part of the fun of mobile/saddle hunting 🤘🏻
Awesome video! Thx for posting. My set up is almost exactly as yours, I just purchased platow pack. Looking for to see how it does this yr
Thanks, super helpful and you seem like a good dude. Subscribed.
I’m considering the switch from a climber simply on weight and wanting to get deeper in the woods on public lands. Would love to see a detailed run down of your ropes as you showed here but maybe as ground level so we can see each piece a bit clearer
Save over $500 and buy the XOP elite carrying system. All my climber and gear weighs in at 32 lbs which is not heavy only if you’re a vagina (not saying you are). I can walk easily over 10 miles before getting tired. I don’t understand trying to cut so much weight, it’s just simply not that hheavy
@@tategasek1719 32lbs not including the rest of your gear is a bit excessive over 10 miles. My hiking pack loaded out with water for 3 days on a dry trail is only 25lbs lol and to be fair my summit climber is 25. Loaded out for a full day in stand im looking at well over 35lbs depending on what I am hunting with. I think the big difference here is the ability to get in and out fast and quiet and be semi mobile in changing on the fly if the wind changes as it normally does here in FL. Another thought for me is that after the kill I also have an animal to haul out as public land in Fl does not allow you to field dress or bone out. Yes Florida hunting SUCKS.
@@JohnathanAulabaugh no bud, all of my gear and climber weight is 32 pounds on the dot. Including my XOP carrying system. I’m not saying I do walk 10 miles I’m saying I CAN walk 10 miles before it started hurting. I’d argue that I can get in, set up and pack out faster than a saddle set up and I’ve tested against a buddy. It’s not even close.
@@JohnathanAulabaugh and I guarantee I can do it quieter
@@tategasek1719 Ive sat net seats from other companies and really hated them for long sits. Just a preference thing. Very few that I know who have figured the saddle seats out dislike them. I mean I am sure some but the people I know personally, not just UA-camrs, love them. That said I am probably about done hunting FL. Bow season is miserable and by rifle season on public everything is nocturnal. If I get in to this lease I am looking at it is pretty much all ladder stands and box blinds.
Great detailed video and some good pointer
Thanks for a good and informative demonstration 😀👍🏻
excellent walkthrough thank you man
Thanks very informative. Why did you not use your single step adder?
I’m not sure lol it’s been a year and I’m forgetful
Great video man new hunter lots of useful info here
Thank you for this video man.
Man I love your videos you do an awesome job with them also the hunting is super sweet your way to I am close to ya I hunt Eureka !
I think I can do this more effectively in a summit climber.
Cool, I always wondered how those sattles worked.
Great Video. I'm just getting into saddle hunting and I like to watch and see how others setup up in a tree. I would be very cautious on how much slack you have in your linemens rope when stepping up. If your step gives way you are going to fall.
I've been researching saddle hunting . Thank you for this video. Also I'm a relatively big guy. 6'1 290# am I to big for a saddle? I've hunted out of a climber for years. What are the pros of a saddle vs a climber? Thanks
No you’re not too big. I would say for pro: you can look all the way around the tree, and not matter the shape or limb volume you can get up it.
Really Really good video dude. Thanks
What is that thing on the left shoulder strap close to his shoulder is that a thing to keep a release in? If so can I use that on any pack? If so what is that thing called at video time 16:40
Yes, it’s for my release. It’s an AJB holster. It’s pretty handy.
Im interested if you ever tried the rope mod with the mini sticks over the daisy chain or cam buckles. I basically got the same setup as you, just looking to get rid of the cam buckles on my sticks.
Would you mind sharing where did you get your bow release holder that’s installed on your right shoulder?
You are not a horrible teacher. I've had horrible teachers or should I say they've had me. Just kidding. I hope. The mind blocks things, ya know. But in any case, thanks for the video. I feel as though we are learning together . Keep the videos coming!
I stick to my ground hunting damn you have to be a damn gymnast to put that up
Thanks for doing this!
Great video and great ideas
Where did you get the daisy chains at? I see some on Amazon but they look big and bulky the ones you have in there look perfect
The Amsteel Guy 🤙🏻
What size loops on your Daisy chains did you get for the versa button on the double step midi climbing sticks
Great video!! We’ll explained!!
I thought the linemans rope helps keep you stable but I thought was ill advised to assume it will stop you from falling? I always run both while ascending or descending. Am I making my job harder doing this?
Thank you!
Climber stand is so much simpler. What is the advantage of all of this?
Hunt literally any tree you ever wanted to. Minimalistic profile while walking through the woods. 360 degrees of shooting possibilities. All day comfort.
That’s the main advantages.
It looks interesting, problem is my climber was $150. I’ve seen saddles go on up into $1000 for a proper setup
Instead of sticks, I was wondering if a portable tree stand platform with stirrups may be a viable method to climb with the saddle?
Great video that I cannot thank you enough for! I was curious about what rope you are using to hang your sticks and how do you get those loops in it to where they do not slip?
Great video, thanks dude 😎
What binocular harness do you have
Well done. Thanks.