@@v05555 I'm 65 and my body is like I'm 16, I can still bounce around like a kid, and I attribute that largely to good diet AND VITAMINS. Yes vitamins can be a waste of time &money, but you need to take the RIGHT vitamins AND MINERALS, the ones that are naturally sourced, not synthetic ones produced in a lab.
Im 66 years old. I gave up sugar, grains, ate organic grassfed meat and cream and organic vegetables and intermittent fasting. I feel like a different person. I have so much more energy, mental clarity, disappearing joint pain. Its insane!
@Blue Sky Puzzle this is a tough one,I just said to myself if I want to keep walking and not get my leg cut off or go blind I can’t have NO MORE sugar or bread 🥯.I make my own bread (no flour) .for a treat I put peanut butter and some pure unpasteurized honey on it .mostly I have some real fruit,you’d be surprised how sweet it seems if you totally cut out sugar.walking and seeing are my priorities. It comes down to that.
@Blue Sky Puzzle Its hard to quit, but it only takes about 2 weeks to get over it. I was addicted, and never ever knew it , since I was a kid, mostly to ice cream. I just stopped about 20 years ago and then didn't think about it until just recently. I have been under a lot of stress so I had a bowl of ice cream; I was off the wagon and started eating it again. As of old, a meal didn't feel complete without it at the end. So, I'm quitting again and I'm sure it will stick for a long time because I did it before.
I listen to Dr. Fung - I have done a 30 day and a 21 day fast - lost almost 50 pounds and have kept it off a year later. I was completely fine. There is a lot of misinformation in this interview frankly. If you have fat for your body to eat then going beyond 10 days is not dangerous at all. It's common sense which is why I like Fung. You have excessive fat? Safe to fast. Not a lot of excessive fat? You don't need to do long term fasting. What is the difference between your body eating the excessive fat your body is already carrying or putting more fat in via your mouth? There is no difference. Here's the basic secret - if you have extra fat on your body let your body do the work and get out of the way. We overcomplicate all of this so much when the reality is our bodies know exactly what to do and you will be just fine. *Edit to add: beyond the first few days of your body adjusting to fasting you are not hangry or "bitchy" as this guy is saying. After a few days you feel more energetic and positive than you have ever felt. So much misinformation here.
I agree with much of what you've said, Positive. I'm a follower of Dr. Dom D'Agostino. Have been for many years. He sits alone at the top LMO. Peter Attia and Steven Gundry are good, but Gundry loses me whenever he begins to anthropomorphize the actions of cell organelles, processes and functions to explain them in simple terms to us. That tells me surgeons seldom have a clue how or why it works that way. It's not what they do. They have been trained to cut anything out if it doesn't work. For them it's about affecting tangible, yet hopefully less impactful changes to somebody's quality of life. You say there's a lot of misinformation here, and that's where we disagree. I can't give Asprey a pass like I do for those surgeons I mentioned. At least somewhere along the line they learned thru common sense to accept that surgery wasn't a good answer. Sorry, but what this self-declared nerd is selling is bullshit laced with cynicism. The rest he borrowed. You've been far too kind to call it misinformation.
Hello, I have just finished nineteen day, twenty -two hour fast. Post fast I have cut out processed food, no obvious carbs, cut out potatoes bread Pasta Rice. These people are making it more complicated than it need be. Before fasting. over a period of weeks cut out Sugar/Caffeine/ obvious carbs. Lot of waffle with these people, the lack of Sugar to the Brain, can create a clarity like a small LSD trip, nothing more. Since late 20/18, have done three fasts of 19 to 21 days, two fasts of nine days and two fasts of three days. My reason for fasting! June 20/18 had RP which was not successful, prior to RT starting in December 20/18 I did a twenty-one day water fast. Before fast my PSA was 0.22 post fast 0.17 then started to climb again till RT. In my case, there could be a link re fasting containing the PSA, hard to prove though. These people are making a fast more complicated than it need be. Also in my case, have no problem re refeeding after a fast, perhaps I am just lucky, never had any problems. I am retired so there is no work stress or family to contend with, for some people work during a fast could be problematic. so better to do it on holiday time.
I have a question for you I'm on my 68 hr water fast how much salt do I need to and to my water I'm using celtic salt? Also how did you break your fast?
I grew up fasting as a kid when we were sick- we did it because we lived on a farm and thats what animals do when they're sick. And it makes sense- every symptom is the body saying "don't eat please!" (food tastes bland because your nose is congested, your throat is sore, etc. etc.) I never had to take antibiotics once. And I rarely got sick. But when I was 14 I got Scarlet Fever and fasted for almost three weeks on just water. Last year I had covid and fasted for 10 days (on just water). The beautiful thing is when you get to the end of being sick you feel like your body has cleaned up all the house keeping it hasn't gotten to do when you're normally eaten. So when you fast when you get sick (which feels natural anyway) you can see that being sick is actually perhaps part of how we stay healthy in a larger sense.
@@smh457 nope I don’t think it’s that hard, maybe at the beginning of learning how to do it- I think it’s even more critical 😊electrolytes salts especially if your following more of a meat based diet, it’s so critical especially for electrical system for your heart ❤ you can get me up at the heart ❤doctors office for atrial flutter 😢afib and you don’t want to go they’re because the only fix they know is doing cardio shock to heart resetting it and the ablation… our medical system doesn’t really understand healing it only knows the power of the almighty dollar
@@smh457 I only eat once a day most days as I have an IBD. I always take a lot of supplements as well but I feel so much healthier eating a high quality meal once a day, rather than eating carbs/sugar three times a day.
I agree! People think when they fast they will die. Being hungry can be more a psychological thing because I notice that I am more hungry when I think about it. And, if I am busy I can go for hours.
I started intermittent fasting when I began long term world travel. I found it annoying to hunt for places for lunch in crowded cafes when I could be exploring. It was surprisingly easy, now I enjoy my single, very good meal at the end of the day.
Actually it's demons, not mitochondria as far as I know. My daughter talks to ghosts real easy and one admitted to possessing her and said every thing she eats, is exactly as if he ate it. So I cussed him out, he don't care if she's fat. She does and got the answer. Demons are no good, just there to share a body to enjoy being alive without being alive. Ghosts are the same but not as old and experienced as demons, so less tricks. These things get in on people's blame and anger when it's really their fault and they didn't humble down are realize it.
Jottings: - Theme: Fasting - Over-fasting (> 10 days) not good. Thats starving or malnutrition. - Fasting == go without (eating, digital, etc) that makes us stronger. - Metabolic/dietary Fasting = does not increase insulin (Water + little pre-biotic fiber) - Goals of fasting: - healing gut, - autophagy (little fat ok), - more energy, - lower inflammations (absence of toxins, ketone) - Intermittent fasting: 16 hrs Fasting, 8 hrs eat anything!! - Ketones: body burns fats and not sure, more energy than glucose, brain loves it, more clarity - Fasting is a practice, start slow. Don't make it painful unless for spiritual reason. - Spending energy heavily on: - Fear: run away from kill - Food: eat everything - F*: going crazy - Fasting is a way out of above spends.
You are just blindly following what he says without any experimentation, you have to find what works for your own unique self. You are unique, just like everyone else 👐 There is a million different ways to fast so find what works for you!!! Fasting over 10 days isnt necessarily a bad thing, once you switch over to running on ketones you will be full of energy. Rememever to always be careful and listen to your body! The main thing while water fasting is adding salt and potassium to your water. This is very important!
You are so right about doing a longer fast with others in an environment without distractions. And it's motivational when done with others doing the same. Comparing notes removes a lot of fear or panic when you see that it's quite normal to go through both physical and spiritual or emotional issues. I have been running a fasting clinic for over 30 years now where people book in to do a supervised and monitored water fast for anything between 10 to 30 days. I have truly witnessed many transformations over the years. No one has ever regretted their decision to do such a fast.
@@NotasdeSalida Hello, Since about August 2018 I have done two twenty one day fasts, one nineteen day fifteen hours and two nine day and one three day fasts. Just starting another and am about twenty eight hours in. Pre fasting I was about 15 stone 8lbs, after the first couple of fasts I was down to about 10stone 12lbs. June 18 2018 had robotic Surgery for Prostate Cancer "Gleason 9, T3B", the surgery was not successful, so managed to get radiation December 20 2018 to Feb 6 2019. In-between Surgery and Radiation did my first water fast. The reason for fasting was to achieve "Autography" which I did but there was an unusual twist. To get the Radiation treatment you have to have three rises in PSA level and fast doubling time. The effect of fasting brought my PSA level down to 0.17 from 0.22.and that could delay the Radiation I argued my case and they put me up for radiation. I had read up about fasting and just went for it and was prepared in the sense I was already more or less off sugar and caffeine so no withdrawal symptoms. Looking back, the initial fast was quite an undertaking and any discomfort I found was negated by the feeling that I was at least trying to fight the Cancer and doing something. There are similarities in all the long fasts the most interesting is the mind unleashed period, kind of like mild LSD, think of the religious people fasting in the desert and having visions, to them they got messages from God, for me just lack of sugar to the brain. Another benefit I found with fasting is anti inflammation effect. My right knee had some kind of age related issue, just a slight feeling! after weight loss am doing at least three miles a day walking in the woods, undulating paths so good exercise. Another effect of fasting is (for me) you can feel a bit cold on and off, solution, electric blanket and stay in bed for a day or two. Subsequent fasting I am not such a "Purist" Will initially take 50mg of Modafinil and coffee and am already non sugar so no sugar withdrawal. Apple cyder vinegar in the water and a little real salt and that seems to work for me. Pre Fast. Cut out Sugar and Caffeine, then starting Fast, Modafinil and an attack dose of caffeine, that should take you to day three of your fast. If you have pre-existing conditions, Diabetes or Gout or whatever , better get some advice from a doctor pre fasting. Good Luck
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
I’m on a 72 hrs fast I’ve got 19 hrs to go. Dropped 9.4 lbs so far. I’m doing my daily gym routine and 2 miles of cardio. Fasting has been a huge beneficial blessing for me. I was 236 and dropped to 178lbs In 3 months.
@@ash-js2bv it’s not hard once you put your mind into it and remember your “why” I have fasted for 8 and a half days and the first 5 days were quite easy but starting the 6th things started getting gradually tough ( cold sweating, stomach pain, acid reflux, fatigue ..) I believe because I went into it blindly without much knowledge about what I can have to balance my electrolytes and how to get rid of acid reflux, and the bad breath was just horrible I believe what made the 5 first days easy is that I was doing keto and OMAD for 3 months and have fasted 7 days several months before that so my body was quite used to it, so you need to work your way up just like the doctor said otherwise it would be incredibly tough much like my 6th day experience, good luck!
This is Tom's more impressive interview I have seen so far. The presenter's way to explain his knowledge is remarkable, but Tom's way to clarify, summarize, and make the issue understandable for us is out of this world. Thanks for your contribution to build a better world by having healthier and happier people.
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
I have to agree! Tom is used to interrupting his guest but this time he did not. I guess the Dave was in complete control and more or less was dropping so many gems Tom could not but just stay silent and listen
Out of all the interviewers I watch you Tom deserve so much acknowledgment. You are so present and really allow people to talk without the distracting little commentary and noises. Thank you so much for all the amazing interviews and knowledge you bring to your channel!
I started my fasting journey at 462lbs. First month i did 16/8 and only ate whole foods lost 25lbs. Second month i noticed lunch time was comming around and i wouldnt be hungry so i switched to omad lost anoth 22lbs. Third and 4th month i did a mix of different things were i fasted for 5 days ate for 2 days. I also did rolling 72's and at my 5th month i completed my first 21 day fast. Using only water, electrolyte powder, and prebiotic powder. In total i lost 132lbs in 6 months and maintained it for a year. Had a bunch of family deaths all at once and went right back to emotionally eating and went from 330 a mear 60lbs away from my goal weight of 270. Back to 444 currently. And today is day 2 of getting back on track and watching this video was definately interesting and great insight. I will say fasting has showed me how ridiculous my fast food addiction was and how that feeling i had when i felt like i needed to be gorged at all times was just dumb.
Love this podcast, especially for someone who's done all forms of fasting for almost 4 years. This not only solidify what has been done correctly but opens up my mind and closes the questions I had before. What a good close to a perfect opening!
168 being 80% of the time. The longer the fast the least frequently. The trick is be flexible. Do your resistance workout actually all of the workouts fasted. I do meditation yoga in the morning. If I have more time I would do some form of HIIT .
I am doing OMAD to teach myself to stop snacking and have control over the one thing in my life I can control. It has really helped me understand what I am capable of and that I don’t need to eat all the time. ☺️
I just started for the first time after doing 16/8 for a long time. This is my third day, pretty low energy and hungry all day, so I just made myself a bullet proof coffee with collagen. Hope it helps.
I make beef bone broth, and that really helps on the third day. Congrats! I will do my second 72 hour fast at the end of May. I buy the bones at Whole Foods: they are full of collagen-I cook them in a slow cooker for 24 hours. So delicious!
@@Morning2glory1 I don't Trust collagen at all. It's a white powder. I put a whole cup of it into half a cup of water and it didn't change the viscosity hardly at all. I noticed all the people selling it aren't losing any weight. They are lying and it's a product that can have poison in it if a bad guy figures out a way. You can just eat chicken skin and other things and get collagen. Why reduce it to a processed food?
My experience with fasting is that at 1st I got crazy hungry after 4-6 hours. Kept at it and the time between getting very hungry got longer and longer over the weeks. Now I'm at the stage where I can go 23 hours and I'm like, oh yeah, time to eat now, and sure I am a bit hungry but I could go hours longer. Just that I don't and I eat that one meal for the day. I'm not much overweight to start with, just wanted to lose that last 30 pounds. As a side effect, my joints don't ache anymore and I literally jump out of bed like a teenager again. I'm close to 60 years old btw.
I’m 60 and have had a similar experience. I mostly do intermittent fasting now. I have an IBD so the more rest I give my bowel the better, and the less bodily inflammation I suffer. BUT I do take a lot of multivitamins/supplements as well.
After 17 months of fasting, I achieved my goal this morning. Starting weight was 146kgs and I’m now just under 90kgs. Abstaining from food isn’t bad, there are healing attributes that come from this. Start along the lines of an overnight fast, build towards the 16 hour mark and celebrate with a wholesome meal. Reward yourself for the effort you’ve put in. Overtime, your food choices become more healthier and you crave the good stuff. Looking forward to breaking my fast at midday with a bowl of salad with home grown vegetables. Protein will come in the form of various meats as I’m cooking a barbecue later in the day. My vitals are at levels my doctor is proud of and he speaks in positive terms regarding restricting my food intake. Fasting will remain a part of my life going forward.
This is amazing. I fast differently almost everyday - I do 16-22 hours of fast during the weekdays, and eat normally on weekends. Some days I do all healthy, and others I include sweet desserts. I am at my goal weight and feel great. Add in exercise and I’m on cloud 9. Thanks for the great talk.
One year ago, I fell into the trap that Dave mentions in one of his books. I started 16:8 and as fasting became easier, I started doing OMAD and keto and I felt great and then my period was gone. I was so worried and I stopped fasting. I didn't know what the hell was wrong with me, my body was not letting me lose weight. Dave is the first one that explained and paid attention to fasting in women which helped me a lot improving my fasting routine. Thank you Dave 🙏
You haven't said why you couldn't lose weight. Can you elaborate on that? Women don't need a period, it's a cleansing that if not needing a cleans of toxins, no need to bleed.
18/6 squad member here. Last Month (3st of may, 2022 To be specific) was my 40th bday and after several weeks of indulging with parties, sex, alcohol and the inflammatory-inducing cuisine/processed foods, my joints were beginning to hurt, skin broke out, slept horribly and lost focus of the important things in life like ceasing my womanizing ways. Decided to take charge of my life and starting June 1st, decided to go on my first 46 hour fast. And from then on, 18 hour fasts daily and 24 hr fast every sunday evening into monday evening. Low carb, minimal sugar, only cheat was a few/several cocktails on sat nite (let me live, mom). End results? Acne cleared up, lost about 9 clean pounds, no sugar/carb cravings, joint paint dissipated, mental acuity stronger than ever and staying hungry feels totally fine. Above all else, i look more handsome now than i did in all of my 20’s. Wow!!! Not only am i aging like fine wine, i also feel greAt and can charm the skin mucous out of a slug!!!
I went on a 10 day silent meditation retreat a couple of years ago. It is my MOST favorite “vacation” I’ve ever taken. It was amazing to me, as an empath (learning to not absorb it all), the massive amount of energy I was using trying to interpret/anticipate/read people. Like, couldn’t even look anyone in the eye. Omg it was AMAZING. ❤️
@@ronwatson4689 oh cool! Was that at a Vipassana center? I can't wait for the next time I get to go. I may try a few fasting days, but TBH the food was ridiculous.
Beautiful beautiful beautiful wise wisdom words mediations power light Silence global wise words thankyou thankyou hidden secrets foods from Kenya journey souls breath
I do IF 20 hours a day mon-sat. I eat when i want on Sundays up to 8pm. The thing is I dont have pain or hunger during my fast as long as im busy working. I break fast with raw collards, feta, acv and olive oil vinegrette and walnuts. I eat dinner with my family around 6 and around 7 I have a berry smoothie with coconut milk. I feel so good.
What this guy had to be dropped off in a cave to do I have done in my own space in my home. This reminds me how we all have to make the most of our environments that is what we have available to us. Your cave absolutely can be your home if you commit to yourself. I feel fortunate that I wasn’t afraid of being alone in fact I embrace being alone. Having said all of that, I’m happy he found a way to realize his personal power.
Spiritual fasting is so introspective and is definitely a time to take inventory of your shortfalls and practice forgiveness of self and others!! 36 hours in and I feel so at peace and clarity.
Great interview. Yes I did my first spiritual fast filled with daily prayer and fast daily for 16hrs for 21 days. I have never fasted before and honestly thought I wouldn't survive but I did and have so many health benefits that I will keep going. This may be my new fasting lifestyle.
I’m a long time fan of this channel, I think your interviews are well structured, interesting and always positive. I was wondering if you ever plan on interviewing Jason Fung - that would be my dream interview to watch. Best wishes in 2021, keep up the great work! More channels like this!
Dr Jason Fung is incredible. He and Dr. Joe Dispenza are responsible for my having sent a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes into remission or reversal without the harmful medications. I would encourage anyone with chronic illnesses to take a look at intermittent fasting. Dr. Jason Fung seems to be among the most popular in advocating these fasts.
Dave, thank you sooooo much!! Finally someone addressing differences between men and women. I felt so relieved knowing that what he is saying actually goes for me as well, as a woman. Thank you!!
I'm into my 3rd day. Trying to reduce Stress created Cortisol! How long do you intend to go? I haven't decided. I am using MCT in teas and 1 cup coffee. Is this cheating?
I started intermittent fasting two weeks ago and am really excited about my results. My gut feels great because there isn't food there all the time. Then today, my fasting glucose level was under 100 for the first time since I got diagnosed with type II diabetes. At that time my A1C was 9.7.
Hi did u take any medication for your sugar levels? How to handle intermittent fasting and blood sugar medicine? ( my country doctors aren’t supportive of intermittent fasting 😞)
new to this channel. i have to say - tom, youre a superb interviewer! its great to see the people youre interviewing able to handle your interviewing skill. its no surprise why you have SO many subscribers.
Tom! How many books to you read each week to be able to provide us such incredible content??!! So appreciate it. But this one is all me. I have had such confusing gut and body issues this past year and now I know why! Fasting when I wasnt supposed to as it helped multiply the bad bacteria that led to a massive weight gain when I started eating again, even on a vegetarian green diet! I always want to re-lusten to everyone of your podcasts but then another one comes out and I never get the chance! But this time, I'm gonna listen to this one multiple times! Thank you and also thanks to the very generous guest!! Look forward to what you bring in 2021!!
Oh kaaay. I'm stumped on this one. You must have a different kind of body or using GMO and glyphosate greens. I just juice greens, suspecting it get's rid of the lectins in the fiber. I'm supposed to weigh 95 lbs for ideal but, I got up to 150. I took it down to 126, felt okay, started eating and 3 yrs later it all came back. Now I'm at 128 and working harder, learning a lot more with new videos out. I did notice if I do eat again, they say not to, and it don't stop the diabetes but I don't gain and weight on raw vegetables, and raw fruits and it makes me smell really good. But I have to pee all the time because my body is always pushing sugar out I guess. Now I have all this candida and this is the first time I fasted 10 days and my tongue white won't go away. That's when I break a fast when my tongue is red again.
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
In 2018my daughter suggested Water Fasting. I was 121 kgs depressed and had no energy. I did the WF for 21 days. Lost 12 kgs. Did WaterMelon only for follow on 10 days lost 6 kg’s. Fasted again till I reached 85 kgs. In 2022 I stopped all Medications for OA. Went onto clean Foods: good foods. Fresh fruit Pineapple strawberries wmelon bananas. Fish. Veggies. Brown rice. I had gained weight again. Got from 107kgs to 99 kgs. Cravings Emotions gut bacteria- Pulled when strawberries are harder to get & costly. My body revolted. I was upset. Strawberries in profuse amounts made my OA better. Walking better. Now back to bed. Walking stick! I listened to your video and others. The cycle of Life- algorithms with Water Fasting taking you to the eye of The Storm. Spiritual aliveness. I am battling. It has become more challenging to do water fasting. Am 62.
i did a vegetable broth fast for 30 days without knowing anything about fasting 30:yrs ago.. I just remember feeling so clean and my skin looked amazing! Now we have so many resources on the internet. ive just started 23/1 and i will keep it for life.. so easy to do less cooking!
I did it as well about 30 years ago for 21 days.I was feeling much energetic ,clean and happy it was amazing.I am going to repeat this fasting again.Thank you for remember it to me.❤.
I started IF last week for the first time. The idea of not eating has never interested me. First day, headache and low energy. 2nd time around, a little easier and no headache. 3rd time around, easier and I noticed that my hunger was much less after I broke my fast as well as sugar cravings. Weird but I’m going to continue on this journey.
I've been waiting so long for someone to clarify if it is be beneficial to 'trick our body' and mix up fasting regiments! sounds like that's a resounding YES for striving for metabolic flexibility. this video is so informative thank you!
This is one of the best and most informative videos I’ve seen on eating. I feel it will be key into my health going forward. I’m going to follow up with a few of Dave Asprey's books for full comprehension and protocol. Thank you so much!
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
I have been doing a IF for 5 weeks , 16 -8 ( 6pm - 10am ) . i eat two meals only in my food window and i have stopped eating all sugar , carbs , fast food etc etc. Also i exercise twice during my fasting 16 hours. once after my early evening meal and once at 630am in the morning. i have so far lost 19lbs and feel like a completely different human being. Its insane how great i feel. I guess that just proves how awful my lifestyle was before June 13th. Step two is going to IF 20 - 4 for a month. lets see how that works...
20:48This is the fasting focused life style that I have been experiencing for the past five years, all wrapped up in one interview!🤠This is no joke, I have shed over 70 lbs of fat, and I still have at least 30 lbs of fat to take off. I told myself that I would never buy a nother "diet" book again, but this may be an best fasting book ever written!🤠
I think they just recommend OMAD intermittent because of vitamin deficiencies and OMAD keto, makes it a lot easier to fast because you only have to skip one meal to get one with the next fast. I prefer fasting centers because you get the whole thing over with in one go.
I have learned so much from Dave! He is my guru, along with several other UA-camrs who teach Intermittent Fasting. 4.5 months later, I am down 40#, and I’m looking for someone who targets Seniors bc I’m 73, & these guys are all much younger, & they don’t address the older audience who is wary of the 4 horrible ways to die: diabetes, heart disease, & dementia, diabetes of the brain.
I ate zero for 10 days, lost 10 lbs, went on OMAD and got no weight loss for 5 days, I had about 1/2 lb of meat and grass fed cheese, and didn't know to look for grass fed meat. No weight loss when eating OMAD so I went 10 more days of nothing. Strength went to hell so I read that's a B1 deficiency to using a tblsp of Braggs nutritional yeast. Seems okay. I'm sort of afraid of 3 carbs because I like losing 1 lb a day and don't like waiting month after month. OMAD definitely is a no gain diet but, it don't lose weight for me.
This was a really good interview. I felt like I saw a side of Dave Asprey that I’ve never seen before, he felt much more human and compassionate. His thoughts on the spiritual journey of fasting are exactly how I feel. Overall an amazing interview.
I just did my first 5 day water fast and have been intermittent fasting around about 20/4 with varied days for around 6months. This talk was so informative, thankyou. I have just bought the book from audible and am listening to it already. Im so glad I stumbled across this interview which was so well done. I look forward to seeing more interviews also. Great job guys 😉💖🙏🏼😉
I'm Glad i heard this. I had a very strict diet and started IF for past 5 weeks. I continue strict diet, but before i started IF i felt like going up the wall. I had to have at least 1 cheat day per week to be able to continue. When i went to IF i continue losing more and more weight, my sugar and fast food cravings dissapeared 98% (i was having them all day every day before diet) and i feel more energized than ever în my entire life. Is simply amazing, this feeling. I am able to exercise even when i am on my menstrual cicle, which was never possible before. I feel like moving Mountains and before i was anemic and insulina resistant. Not only i feel so much energy but also i don't feel hungry at all. Even when hungwrs installer after many hours, is not painful. And yes it was at the first days but then it dissapeared compelty. No more hubger pain. I eat much less, much healtier and better, but i still have 1-2 cheat days (în The weekend) and i still loose 1-2 kg per week! Might be slow for some but to me is fantastic! Best week i had i lost 3 kg and felt the best energy ever. I truly swear by IF. This is not a diet anymore for me, is a life style. But earing this man saying is ok with the cheat days, feels much better, i felt a bit guilt but also confused of how i still managed to lose weight. I feel more at ease)) but as he says, i all about choosing the right things even when they are wrong. I have a coffee with Milk once a week, but the Milk is always vegetable and also a bit of whioped cream on top that îs also from vegetable milk, i can't tolerate normal Milk for a long time unfortunatelly, even before diet. No sugar, no oils, no syrop, but cinnamon. Cinammon became my "sugar" us an incredible spice, nicely balaced sweet and i love it. I reduce meat alot, i ate once a week, plus fish, but more vegetables, for snak fruit, soups, i am careful with portion. Once în a while i eat a simple burger în a bun, without cheese, just burger with salad and a bit of home made sous. No more cheese and meat combination, either cheese and vegetables or meat and vegetables. Only vegetable Milk that has no added sugar. I also eat prune jam, without added sugar, pasta from beans, Brown Rice, if i have to eat toast, only whole grain bread no more than 2 slices per day. I learned alot of healthy habbits that now when i am în The City and eat something bad i try to make the best possible choice even for that (such as no more terrible combinations, for eg în sandwaches). I cred alot of my illnesses like this too, never felt better. But yes, i do beleive în induling în a desert or something that makes your mouth water once a week. The difference is that you don't do it every day, like before, and well, we can also enjoy life whole we are at it. The Point is this is a susțină le lifestye, în my oppinion. Alternate, but yes, you can do it even 3 days per week and still fell the amazing difference
I did that! It's sooo liberating! I imprisoned myself and had so much anxiety oozing from my pores that I had to go it cold turkey! It took almost 2 months, but I was able to go eat at restaurants again! I know that it was the stress of the constant news that kept me in Fight or Flight mode. THAT was what was killing me, and not covid.
I am a muslim therefore I have been practicing fasting since I was 12 years old. It's natural know. It's amazing to now that in everything God has prescribed for us,it holds benefit for us in this life and in the hereafter whether it's a benefit we will come to know about or not God is all merciful. We think that going hungry is against our nature but most of the time it is the acts in which we go against our nature that will benefit us such as giving charity ,forgiving etc. May God guide us all to his true religion and to the way which pleases him. Ameen
God of the bible I agree. Satan, however, copies God and twists it to make people move away for the one true God. Just like shamans etc. Sure there’s some positives in certain things but mixed with error/negatives. May the true God of the bible, Christ Jesus bless you and help you seek the real truth and only way.
Love ur videos. Binging on alot of things and trying to detox and fix my lifestyle. Just started day 1 of my 30 day planned fast. I know my body. I’ll stop if it gets ridiculous. I have been living an unhealthy lifestyle a while now. Takeout almost every other night. 20 yrs old turning 21 this year. I know if i can make a change at anytime it should be NOW! Thanks for the educational videos always! And dealing with both sides of controversy so viewers can make there own choice!
My wife and I have done the one meal a day for two years now and we’ve not been this healthy since we were in our 30s . I’m 60 . Small amount of carbs , mostly meat and sourdough for a treat . So I’d take the poo poo on one meal a day with a pinch of salt . It’s all down to the individual . We don’t feel hungry because we eat quality real meat, fats and a little organic greens and drink green tea and nettle tea. Oh and lots of coconut oil , olive oil and garlic , lots of garlic. !! All the Best .
Thank you gentlemen.....great interview! The first three days are usually tough for me because of caffein withdrawal headaches but after the third day it is magical. My longest fast was 11 days on just water and it was wonderful. The benefits are clarity of thought and boundless energy. Fearless living and successful fasting everyone. Namaste
Namasthe 🙏🏾, greetings to you. Did you take any supplementation at the time of fasting? I started my fasting two days ago (16:8 .. but eating a lot in that 8 hour window) and I am feeling very low on energy today and lot of vertigo as well.. is this normal? Does supplementation help?
@@Youdontknowme444-r3s No. Just joint pains and I stay active because I have so much more energy. I ended up taking care of my community's entrance.....planted flowers and care for them. Wishing you the very best. Try it and see how you feel. Blessings.
@@saisankethmandumula5077 That's what I got and spend most of my time in bed. Energy, hardly. I read it's a B1 deficiency that you have no energy while fasting, so I'm eating Bragg's nutritional yeast and see if that's the case. Seems like it might be working after 2 days. I'm having hunger cravings I have to keep sipping water to get past it.
Tom, could you drill down on Dave's comment about kale and spinach in this interview? it sounds like Dave said you shouldn't eat these, but you didn't drill down on his response. I was just listening to Dr. Gundry's interviews this past week on your show, and kale and spinach are on his "do eat" list. But it sounds like Dave is against those and I just changed my shopping list to order those. Please advise!
That was an amazing interview. I love Dave's position on fasting. It just takes the extreme out of it all. I learned new stuff that make so much sense. Thank you!
Positivity is just like negativity, like a snowball rolling down a hill attracting more snow. I have recently just got really bad things going on in my life, self pity leads to drinking too much and any the other vices and negative thought patterns that come with that attitude. After finding my blood pressure was 145/91 I decided to give up drinking a week ago, then 4 days ago started a 3 day fast, I have lost 6 pounds and blood pressure is around 125/83. I have always seen fasting as spiritual as well as physical. I have very hard times ahead, but will face them with mindfulness and positive action as much as possible, that spiral into negativity that can start with self pity and offers you the easy way, it is a lie. Just one step in a different direction can change your course by a mile, this door is always open.
@15.51 that explains the story of my life. For the last five years I thought for sure I'm allergic to basically all food. Now I understand it seems like I just insensitive to those chemicals he talked about and I can tell they're affecting me. I fast for 16 hours a day minimum and I feel amazing and I've never looked better. All of my acne is cleared up. I've suffered was acne for over 20 years before I started fasting.
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
It’s so easy to fall into a routine that’s easy - eating the same things and fasting the same time each day. Thanks Dave & Tom for the reminder we need to change things up to make our body & metabolism more adaptable and flexible. I’m off to break my fast early today! ✅
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
I listened to this and tried autophagy fasting on 2 days, once with activated charcoal and once without, and I can't believe the difference. I felt so much better with taking the activated charcoal. It works.
On day 3 of my 72 hour fast. My doctor was wondering why I don’t feel miserable. It’s bc I’ve been taking sea moss, activated charcoal and apple cider vinegar in the morning!
Fasting from time to time just makes sense. The human body just hasn't evolved to deal with a permanent surplus and there is likely a reason a good portion of civilizations around the globe developed some form of fasting!
@@silys5253 Not necessarily. My Ma lived to 107. She never fasted but she never ate processed or junk foods. And during most of her life, food was No GMO and likely mostly organic. She was never sick, did not get Alzheimer's and was not on any prescription drugs, ever.
If I eat a lot before bed, I wake up very hungry, but all day. Is not about a big breakfast, is about having two breakfast, then maybe lunch late and repeat the same that night. If I go to be skipping dinner, I wake up not thinking about food until midday. I am over 65 and more or less skinny. Super great video.. Tom is Legendary
Cabbage is healthy and is not sprayed. Kale and broccoli is not so healthy in reality and both are hard on your guy while cabbage and krout are amazingly good for the gut.
Break your fasts (3day+) with a small tomato, cucumber and avacado salad with a little salt. You will be amazed at how good it tastes and how great you feel. After about 2-3 hours you can have a normal meal. The salad is one of the most gentle ways to restart your stomach.
nice to mention these kinds of topics, but people have been doing this for centuries, for the believing Jews and Christians this was mandatory. The only faith that is active in fasting is the Muslims now, and 1000 books have been written about fasting and its benefits and attainment of spiritual status.
Eat one healthy meal a day , do exercise, take vitamin tabs and sleep well.
That's what I've done and it's my 90th birthday next week. 😊
Happy birthday brother!
@@v05555 I'm 65 and my body is like I'm 16, I can still bounce around like a kid, and I attribute that largely to good diet AND VITAMINS. Yes vitamins can be a waste of time &money, but you need to take the RIGHT vitamins AND MINERALS, the ones that are naturally sourced, not synthetic ones produced in a lab.
Hey hey congratulations stud keep going strong, don’t forget to have fun especially with this troubled time’s.
@@glennrobinson7193 may I ask what vitamins you take, I would love the help
Happy Birthday!! 🎁🎉🎊🎈
Im 66 years old. I gave up sugar, grains, ate organic grassfed meat and cream and organic vegetables and intermittent fasting. I feel like a different person. I have so much more energy, mental clarity, disappearing joint pain. Its insane!
What is acacia gum and where can you buy it.???
@Blue Sky Puzzle this is a tough one,I just said to myself if I want to keep walking and not get my leg cut off or go blind I can’t have NO MORE sugar or bread 🥯.I make my own bread (no flour) .for a treat I put peanut butter and some pure unpasteurized honey on it .mostly I have some real fruit,you’d be surprised how sweet it seems if you totally cut out sugar.walking and seeing are my priorities. It comes down to that.
Ty for sharing
right behind you sister!!
@Blue Sky Puzzle Its hard to quit, but it only takes about 2 weeks to get over it. I was addicted, and never ever knew it , since I was a kid, mostly to ice cream. I just stopped about 20 years ago and then didn't think about it until just recently. I have been under a lot of stress so I had a bowl of ice cream; I was off the wagon and started eating it again. As of old, a meal didn't feel complete without it at the end. So, I'm quitting again and I'm sure it will stick for a long time because I did it before.
I listen to Dr. Fung - I have done a 30 day and a 21 day fast - lost almost 50 pounds and have kept it off a year later. I was completely fine. There is a lot of misinformation in this interview frankly. If you have fat for your body to eat then going beyond 10 days is not dangerous at all. It's common sense which is why I like Fung. You have excessive fat? Safe to fast. Not a lot of excessive fat? You don't need to do long term fasting. What is the difference between your body eating the excessive fat your body is already carrying or putting more fat in via your mouth? There is no difference. Here's the basic secret - if you have extra fat on your body let your body do the work and get out of the way. We overcomplicate all of this so much when the reality is our bodies know exactly what to do and you will be just fine. *Edit to add: beyond the first few days of your body adjusting to fasting you are not hangry or "bitchy" as this guy is saying. After a few days you feel more energetic and positive than you have ever felt. So much misinformation here.
I agree with much of what you've said, Positive. I'm a follower of Dr. Dom D'Agostino. Have been for many years. He sits alone at the top LMO. Peter Attia and Steven Gundry are good, but Gundry loses me whenever he begins to anthropomorphize the actions of cell organelles, processes and functions to explain them in simple terms to us. That tells me surgeons seldom have a clue how or why it works that way. It's not what they do. They have been trained to cut anything out if it doesn't work. For them it's about affecting tangible, yet hopefully less impactful changes to somebody's quality of life.
You say there's a lot of misinformation here, and that's where we disagree. I can't give Asprey a pass like I do for those surgeons I mentioned. At least somewhere along the line they learned thru common sense to accept that surgery wasn't a good answer. Sorry, but what this self-declared nerd is selling is bullshit laced with cynicism. The rest he borrowed. You've been far too kind to call it misinformation.
Hello, I have just finished nineteen day, twenty -two hour fast.
Post fast I have cut out processed food, no obvious carbs, cut out potatoes bread Pasta Rice.
These people are making it more complicated than it need be.
Before fasting. over a period of weeks cut out Sugar/Caffeine/ obvious carbs.
Lot of waffle with these people, the lack of Sugar to the Brain, can create a clarity like a small LSD trip, nothing more.
Since late 20/18, have done three fasts of 19 to 21 days, two fasts of nine days and two fasts of three days.
My reason for fasting! June 20/18 had RP which was not successful, prior to RT starting in December 20/18 I did a twenty-one day water fast. Before fast my PSA was 0.22 post fast 0.17 then started to climb again till RT. In my case, there could be a link re fasting containing the PSA, hard to prove though.
These people are making a fast more complicated than it need be.
Also in my case, have no problem re refeeding after a fast, perhaps I am just lucky, never had any problems.
I am retired so there is no work stress or family to contend with, for some people work during a fast could be problematic. so better to do it on holiday time.
quick question did you get loose skin?
I have a question for you I'm on my 68 hr water fast how much salt do I need to and to my water I'm using celtic salt? Also how did you break your fast?
Have you ever noticed when you go to bed hungry you wake up feeling fine, but go to bed after eating a giant meal and you wake up starving? 🙂 🙂 🙂
That is so true! I never thought about it. Interesting observation.
I try to never over-eat. It's bad for digestive tract & feels awful. I do intermittent fasting which has taught me how to eat - or not eat!
My grandma always told me that too.
I was just telling my wife this exact thing
I grew up fasting as a kid when we were sick- we did it because we lived on a farm and thats what animals do when they're sick. And it makes sense- every symptom is the body saying "don't eat please!" (food tastes bland because your nose is congested, your throat is sore, etc. etc.)
I never had to take antibiotics once. And I rarely got sick. But when I was 14 I got Scarlet Fever and fasted for almost three weeks on just water.
Last year I had covid and fasted for 10 days (on just water). The beautiful thing is when you get to the end of being sick you feel like your body has cleaned up all the house keeping it hasn't gotten to do when you're normally eaten.
So when you fast when you get sick (which feels natural anyway) you can see that being sick is actually perhaps part of how we stay healthy in a larger sense.
I've been OMAD fasting for 2 months & I'm all of a sudden noticing my arthritis going away. I didn't expect this but I'm so glad for it.
Same here 🎉I’ve noticed it In just following 16-8 intermittent fasting and occasional 24-40 hr fast
@@smh457 nope I don’t think it’s that hard, maybe at the beginning of learning how to do it- I think it’s even more critical 😊electrolytes salts especially if your following more of a meat based diet, it’s so critical especially for electrical system for your heart ❤ you can get me up at the heart ❤doctors office for atrial flutter 😢afib and you don’t want to go they’re because the only fix they know is doing cardio shock to heart resetting it and the ablation… our medical system doesn’t really understand healing it only knows the power of the almighty dollar
@@smh457 I only eat once a day most days as I have an IBD. I always take a lot of supplements as well but I feel so much healthier eating a high quality meal once a day, rather than eating carbs/sugar three times a day.
and fat loss?
@@VirtualRonnie so far I've lost 20 lbs
I agree! People think when they fast they will die. Being hungry can be more a psychological thing because I notice that I am more hungry when I think about it. And, if I am busy I can go for hours.
Fasting,,think you will die,, reality,,exact opposite amazing 🥲
I started intermittent fasting when I began long term world travel. I found it annoying to hunt for places for lunch in crowded cafes when I could be exploring. It was surprisingly easy, now I enjoy my single, very good meal at the end of the day.
People used to say you would pass out if you waited too long to eat
Actually it's demons, not mitochondria as far as I know. My daughter talks to ghosts real easy and one admitted to possessing her and said every thing she eats, is exactly as if he ate it. So I cussed him out, he don't care if she's fat. She does and got the answer. Demons are no good, just there to share a body to enjoy being alive without being alive. Ghosts are the same but not as old and experienced as demons, so less tricks. These things get in on people's blame and anger when it's really their fault and they didn't humble down are realize it.
- Theme: Fasting
- Over-fasting (> 10 days) not good. Thats starving or malnutrition.
- Fasting == go without (eating, digital, etc) that makes us stronger.
- Metabolic/dietary Fasting = does not increase insulin (Water + little pre-biotic fiber)
- Goals of fasting:
- healing gut,
- autophagy (little fat ok),
- more energy,
- lower inflammations (absence of toxins, ketone)
- Intermittent fasting: 16 hrs Fasting, 8 hrs eat anything!!
- Ketones: body burns fats and not sure, more energy than glucose, brain loves it, more clarity
- Fasting is a practice, start slow. Don't make it painful unless for spiritual reason.
- Spending energy heavily on:
- Fear: run away from kill
- Food: eat everything
- F*: going crazy
- Fasting is a way out of above spends.
thanks for your notes
Thank you!!
I couldnt understand If antioxidans are okay for fasting - e.g fisitin, Querstein ect? ...which are okay ? Thank you
You are just blindly following what he says without any experimentation, you have to find what works for your own unique self.
You are unique, just like everyone else 👐
There is a million different ways to fast so find what works for you!!!
Fasting over 10 days isnt necessarily a bad thing, once you switch over to running on ketones you will be full of energy. Rememever to always be careful and listen to your body!
The main thing while water fasting is adding salt and potassium to your water. This is very important!
Thanks for making this available!
You are so right about doing a longer fast with others in an environment without distractions. And it's motivational when done with others doing the same. Comparing notes removes a lot of fear or panic when you see that it's quite normal to go through both physical and spiritual or emotional issues.
I have been running a fasting clinic for over 30 years now where people book in to do a supervised and monitored water fast for anything between 10 to 30 days.
I have truly witnessed many transformations over the years.
No one has ever regretted their decision to do such a fast.
I went on a 21 day water fast at a clinic, and I was fine. It healed my BP and vision.
Did you take supplements
@@NotasdeSalida Hello, Since about August 2018 I have done two twenty one day fasts, one nineteen day fifteen hours and two nine day and one three day fasts. Just starting another and am about twenty eight hours in. Pre fasting I was about 15 stone 8lbs, after the first couple of fasts I was down to about 10stone 12lbs.
June 18 2018 had robotic Surgery for Prostate Cancer "Gleason 9, T3B", the surgery was not successful, so managed to get radiation December 20 2018 to Feb 6 2019. In-between Surgery and Radiation did my first water fast. The reason for fasting was to achieve "Autography" which I did but there was an unusual twist. To get the Radiation treatment you have to have three rises in PSA level and fast doubling time. The effect of fasting brought my PSA level down to 0.17 from 0.22.and that could delay the Radiation I argued my case and they put me up for radiation.
I had read up about fasting and just went for it and was prepared in the sense I was already more or less off sugar and caffeine so no withdrawal symptoms.
Looking back, the initial fast was quite an undertaking and any discomfort I found was negated by the feeling that I was at least trying to fight the Cancer and doing something. There are similarities in all the long fasts the most interesting is the mind unleashed period, kind of like mild LSD, think of the religious people fasting in the desert and having visions, to them they got messages from God, for me just lack of sugar to the brain.
Another benefit I found with fasting is anti inflammation effect. My right knee had some kind of age related issue, just a slight feeling! after weight loss am doing at least three miles a day walking in the woods, undulating paths so good exercise. Another effect of fasting is (for me) you can feel a bit cold on and off, solution, electric blanket and stay in bed for a day or two.
Subsequent fasting I am not such a "Purist" Will initially take 50mg of Modafinil and coffee and am already non sugar so no sugar withdrawal.
Apple cyder vinegar in the water and a little real salt and that seems to work for me.
Pre Fast. Cut out Sugar and Caffeine, then starting Fast, Modafinil and an attack dose of caffeine, that should take you to day three of your fast.
If you have pre-existing conditions, Diabetes or Gout or whatever , better get some advice from a doctor pre fasting.
Good Luck
Hallo, please, what is BP?
@@oliviabaklaton4552 ...my blood pressure. It went right down to normal.
This guy makes me feel human. I have failures that I beat myself over consistently. I wish I had found this interview a lot sooner.
Anybody who did anything right had plenty of failures. Decide what you want & keep trying. Be your best friend, it helps.
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
I have Crohn’s and arthritis. Changing to IF, exercising and eating a very low carb diet has changed my health dramatically!
I have both of those two. I will give this a try.
This is one of those talks that one has to discect and study. Listen many times.
Knowledge is power. Liberating.
I’m on a 72 hrs fast I’ve got 19 hrs to go. Dropped 9.4 lbs so far. I’m doing my daily gym routine and 2 miles of cardio. Fasting has been a huge beneficial blessing for me. I was 236 and dropped to 178lbs In 3 months.
How often do you fast?
How long do you do a 3 day fast?
how'd you train yourself to fast so long?
@@ash-js2bv it’s not hard once you put your mind into it and remember your “why” I have fasted for 8 and a half days and the first 5 days were quite easy but starting the 6th things started getting gradually tough ( cold sweating, stomach pain, acid reflux, fatigue ..) I believe because I went into it blindly without much knowledge about what I can have to balance my electrolytes and how to get rid of acid reflux, and the bad breath was just horrible
I believe what made the 5 first days easy is that I was doing keto and OMAD for 3 months and have fasted 7 days several months before that so my body was quite used to it, so you need to work your way up just like the doctor said otherwise it would be incredibly tough much like my 6th day experience, good luck!
I think Dave is a very down to earth nice sort of chap. I like that he tells people to take things easy, go slow and not beat themselves up.
This is Tom's more impressive interview I have seen so far. The presenter's way to explain his knowledge is remarkable, but Tom's way to clarify, summarize, and make the issue understandable for us is out of this world. Thanks for your contribution to build a better world by having healthier and happier people.
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
I agree 👍
I have to agree! Tom is used to interrupting his guest but this time he did not. I guess the Dave was in complete control and more or less was dropping so many gems Tom could not but just stay silent and listen
First I didnt realy like him so much but I watch him moore and moore, he is genuinly interested in this and moore humble they you might think.
I agree about Tom! I've been watching him since he started and he has wonderful interaction with guests.
Out of all the interviewers I watch you Tom deserve so much acknowledgment. You are so present and really allow people to talk without the distracting little commentary and noises. Thank you so much for all the amazing interviews and knowledge you bring to your channel!
My thoughts exactly word by word..👍
I started my fasting journey at 462lbs. First month i did 16/8 and only ate whole foods lost 25lbs. Second month i noticed lunch time was comming around and i wouldnt be hungry so i switched to omad lost anoth 22lbs. Third and 4th month i did a mix of different things were i fasted for 5 days ate for 2 days. I also did rolling 72's and at my 5th month i completed my first 21 day fast. Using only water, electrolyte powder, and prebiotic powder. In total i lost 132lbs in 6 months and maintained it for a year. Had a bunch of family deaths all at once and went right back to emotionally eating and went from 330 a mear 60lbs away from my goal weight of 270. Back to 444 currently. And today is day 2 of getting back on track and watching this video was definately interesting and great insight. I will say fasting has showed me how ridiculous my fast food addiction was and how that feeling i had when i felt like i needed to be gorged at all times was just dumb.
Heck yes! Keep it up!
Good for you, I’m in a similar boat. Nothing wrong with starting over.
@Jacqueline's Journal you can still be eating over your daily calories in 8 hours
All the best bro. I know u can do it.
@Jacqueline's Journal Cut down on the fats if you're gaining weight
Love this podcast, especially for someone who's done all forms of fasting for almost 4 years. This not only solidify what has been done correctly but opens up my mind and closes the questions I had before. What a good close to a perfect opening!
What is your fasting regime?
@@nareegreel move freely between 16/8 minimum to 48 hours fasting.
168 being 80% of the time. The longer the fast the least frequently. The trick is be flexible. Do your resistance workout actually all of the workouts fasted. I do meditation yoga in the morning. If I have more time I would do some form of HIIT .
@@eddieyutub Thank you, this was very helpful
@@nareegreel ufyyyygyyyyydyyfyugygfyydutyyyfyyfyfgyugyfgfffyugyyyigyyyfyfugyyyyiyydyyygyyfyygtyyygdyygyyyyygiyydiyyyygydyyyyugyyyftugyyyygygyyyftyfyyfyguggiyyyigdttuyyyyigyyytftydettttitttettutttttydtettddtteytttttttttitttttytredtttettttttetttetttttett7e8ettttttttrteteettttty
I am doing OMAD to teach myself to stop snacking and have control over the one thing in my life I can control. It has really helped me understand what I am capable of and that I don’t need to eat all the time. ☺️
I just started for the first time after doing 16/8 for a long time. This is my third day, pretty low energy and hungry all day, so I just made myself a bullet proof coffee with collagen. Hope it helps.
@@Morning2glory1 day 2-3 is always gardest for me....then it us pretty ok
Makes you feel “in charge!”❤
I make beef bone broth, and that really helps on the third day. Congrats! I will do my second 72 hour fast at the end of May. I buy the bones at Whole Foods: they are full of collagen-I cook them in a slow cooker for 24 hours. So delicious!
@@Morning2glory1 I don't Trust collagen at all. It's a white powder. I put a whole cup of it into half a cup of water and it didn't change the viscosity hardly at all. I noticed all the people selling it aren't losing any weight. They are lying and it's a product that can have poison in it if a bad guy figures out a way. You can just eat chicken skin and other things and get collagen. Why reduce it to a processed food?
The genius of this gentleman is his pragmatism. He has change my whole attitude towards fasting vs trading off enjoying my life. Thank you!
My experience with fasting is that at 1st I got crazy hungry after 4-6 hours. Kept at it and the time between getting very hungry got longer and longer over the weeks. Now I'm at the stage where I can go 23 hours and I'm like, oh yeah, time to eat now, and sure I am a bit hungry but I could go hours longer. Just that I don't and I eat that one meal for the day.
I'm not much overweight to start with, just wanted to lose that last 30 pounds. As a side effect, my joints don't ache anymore and I literally jump out of bed like a teenager again. I'm close to 60 years old btw.
Amazing info. Thanks for sharing your insights
I’m 60 and have had a similar experience. I mostly do intermittent fasting now. I have an IBD so the more rest I give my bowel the better, and the less bodily inflammation I suffer. BUT I do take a lot of multivitamins/supplements as well.
So true about not being hungry for hours. 20 hours fasting like nothing. Even 23hours
WOW! The missing link in my fasting. NO SUGAR. NO HARMFUL OILS. Thanks! From the bottom of my heart. THANKS!🤩🙃🙃🙃🙃
After 17 months of fasting, I achieved my goal this morning. Starting weight was 146kgs and I’m now just under 90kgs. Abstaining from food isn’t bad, there are healing attributes that come from this. Start along the lines of an overnight fast, build towards the 16 hour mark and celebrate with a wholesome meal. Reward yourself for the effort you’ve put in. Overtime, your food choices become more healthier and you crave the good stuff. Looking forward to breaking my fast at midday with a bowl of salad with home grown vegetables. Protein will come in the form of various meats as I’m cooking a barbecue later in the day. My vitals are at levels my doctor is proud of and he speaks in positive terms regarding restricting my food intake. Fasting will remain a part of my life going forward.
This is amazing. I fast differently almost everyday - I do 16-22 hours of fast during the weekdays, and eat normally on weekends. Some days I do all healthy, and others I include sweet desserts. I am at my goal weight and feel great. Add in exercise and I’m on cloud 9. Thanks for the great talk.
Same and lost 80lbs in like 7 months. Now I’m to skinny lol
Thanks for sharing! Doing it this way sounds very doable (also from a social perspective 😊)
Same.. On the weekends I "let loose" a bit. During the week I'd go 18-22.
Tom - you've asked exactly the questions I've wanted answered for years! Thanks for being super diligent on this one!
I love the way you pay attention and listen to your guests.
One year ago, I fell into the trap that Dave mentions in one of his books. I started 16:8 and as fasting became easier, I started doing OMAD and keto and I felt great and then my period was gone. I was so worried and I stopped fasting. I didn't know what the hell was wrong with me, my body was not letting me lose weight. Dave is the first one that explained and paid attention to fasting in women which helped me a lot improving my fasting routine. Thank you Dave 🙏
So what do you do now?
You haven't said why you couldn't lose weight. Can you elaborate on that? Women don't need a period, it's a cleansing that if not needing a cleans of toxins, no need to bleed.
@@ouivalerie Buy his book lol OP cant do justice to the knowledge in the book
A period is not about "cleaning toxins"--it is about expelling the lining of the uterus if the woman does not become pregnant during that period.
Tom, please interview Dr Jason Fung - he is amazing
Yes yes yessss
Yes!!!!!! He’s amazing!!!
YES !!!
I just saw a vid on Jason Fung. Liked him a lot.
18/6 squad member here. Last Month (3st of may, 2022 To be specific) was my 40th bday and after several weeks of indulging with parties, sex, alcohol and the inflammatory-inducing cuisine/processed foods, my joints were beginning to hurt, skin broke out, slept horribly and lost focus of the important things in life like ceasing my womanizing ways. Decided to take charge of my life and starting June 1st, decided to go on my first 46 hour fast. And from then on, 18 hour fasts daily and 24 hr fast every sunday evening into monday evening. Low carb, minimal sugar, only cheat was a few/several cocktails on sat nite (let me live, mom).
End results? Acne cleared up, lost about 9 clean pounds, no sugar/carb cravings, joint paint dissipated, mental acuity stronger than ever and staying hungry feels totally fine. Above all else, i look more handsome now than i did in all of my 20’s. Wow!!! Not only am i aging like fine wine, i also feel greAt and can charm the skin mucous out of a slug!!!
I changed the word hunger to addiction in many places and it still makes sense. This video was great, thank you.
Thank you for that. Now I’m seeing it that way as well.
@@stintza what ever your challenges are my friend, you have the power. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You’ve got this, I believe in you.
@HFC Fasting Center won't do that, but seems like a hotel is cheaper than those places anymore.
I went on a 10 day silent meditation retreat a couple of years ago. It is my MOST favorite “vacation” I’ve ever taken. It was amazing to me, as an empath (learning to not absorb it all), the massive amount of energy I was using trying to interpret/anticipate/read people. Like, couldn’t even look anyone in the eye.
Omg it was AMAZING. ❤️
Awesome. Ive been to several 10 day meditation retreats. Next one I will skip breakfast and lunch.
@@ronwatson4689 oh cool! Was that at a Vipassana center? I can't wait for the next time I get to go. I may try a few fasting days, but TBH the food was ridiculous.
@@skyelincoln7296 Yep! I went to one in Westminster, Maryland. and yes, the vegan food was ridiculous!!
@@ronwatson4689 😲 that's the one I went to! It was beautiful in the fall 💜
Beautiful beautiful beautiful wise wisdom words mediations power light Silence global wise words thankyou thankyou hidden secrets foods from Kenya journey souls breath
6th day of fasting ...enjoyed watching this , feeling peaceful .
I do IF 20 hours a day mon-sat. I eat when i want on Sundays up to 8pm. The thing is I dont have pain or hunger during my fast as long as im busy working. I break fast with raw collards, feta, acv and olive oil vinegrette and walnuts. I eat dinner with my family around 6 and around 7 I have a berry smoothie with coconut milk. I feel so good.
Sounds like you have created a good agenda that works well for you! It is good to have an idea of what other people are doing. Thank you for sharing!
Have you lost weight? Fat weight?
Two men who are easy in their own skin and super insightful....Bravo!!
What this guy had to be dropped off in a cave to do I have done in my own space in my home. This reminds me how we all have to make the most of our environments that is what we have available to us. Your cave absolutely can be your home if you commit to yourself. I feel fortunate that I wasn’t afraid of being alone in fact I embrace being alone. Having said all of that, I’m happy he found a way to realize his personal power.
Spiritual fasting is so introspective and is definitely a time to take inventory of your shortfalls and practice forgiveness of self and others!! 36 hours in and I feel so at peace and clarity.
What is spiritual fasting?
@@savannakokitka601 Fasting thats not for weight loss but for a closer relationship and direction from God
Before: I can't afford food.
Now: I do intermittent fasting. 😀 😂 😜
Being broke has its benefits 👏🏽😂
That’s smart.
I save like 100$ when I do a 7 day fast. :)
All procrastination is fear - that’s a nice simple insight right there alone. This is a great one thankyou both
Great interview. Yes I did my first spiritual fast filled with daily prayer and fast daily for 16hrs for 21 days. I have never fasted before and honestly thought I wouldn't survive but I did and have so many health benefits that I will keep going. This may be my new fasting lifestyle.
me too 💯
@@YarelySilvas same here, started July 2021 till now, daily 16 to 18 hours. Feeling amazing
I’m a long time fan of this channel, I think your interviews are well structured, interesting and always positive. I was wondering if you ever plan on interviewing Jason Fung - that would be my dream interview to watch. Best wishes in 2021, keep up the great work! More channels like this!
Yes Jason Fung would be amazing
You are so pretty what's your ethnicity or back ground?
Dr Jason Fung is incredible. He and Dr. Joe Dispenza are responsible for my having sent a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes into remission or reversal without the harmful medications. I would encourage anyone with chronic illnesses to take a look at intermittent fasting. Dr. Jason Fung seems to be among the most popular in advocating these fasts.
At moment, I believe this is the most important health video on the internet. Invaluable. Lots to dissect here. Powerful.
Dave, thank you sooooo much!! Finally someone addressing differences between men and women. I felt so relieved knowing that what he is saying actually goes for me as well, as a woman. Thank you!!
Perfect timing! I’m 60 hours into my New Year fast.
I'm into my 3rd day. Trying to reduce Stress created Cortisol! How long do you intend to go? I haven't decided. I am using MCT in teas and 1 cup coffee. Is this cheating?
I’m (my son too) into my 5th and last day of fasting 🥰 perfect timing on this subject!
This channel is a goldmine. So happy I found it.
I started intermittent fasting two weeks ago and am really excited about my results. My gut feels great because there isn't food there all the time. Then today, my fasting glucose level was under 100 for the first time since I got diagnosed with type II diabetes. At that time my A1C was 9.7.
my son got rid of type 2 changing eating habits
i have lived like this on my own nit knowing it was that i never get sick am 62
Hi did u take any medication for your sugar levels? How to handle intermittent fasting and blood sugar medicine? ( my country doctors aren’t supportive of intermittent fasting 😞)
@@senanijayaratne2351 he probably went on keto diet to speed up the process..
My husband was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, and was able to reverse this with diet and exercize.@@misamisa2677
Love the visual timeline of the interview. Really helpful 🙌
It great. He's the only one doing it.
new to this channel. i have to say - tom, youre a superb interviewer! its great to see the people youre interviewing able to handle your interviewing skill. its no surprise why you have SO many subscribers.
The most wise advice I’ve ever learned about fasting, Dave blows my mind!
Dr. Fung is the best person regarding fasting.
He is .
Dr. Sten Ekberg is the ultimate "health champion".
It would be cool if Fung & Ekberg would interview together with Tom.
He truly is! I’ve watched several of his lectures and bought his book for reference. He breaks it down so simply...
So true
I love this guys enthusiasm for life ❤ thanks for this enjoyable chat.
Tom, thank you! the subject progress bar at the bottom is greatly appreciated! It helps to better keep track of the conversation.
Fasting on and off is a great idea for self-control and It's great for all around health... Fantastic video!
A truly profound discussion worth listening to more than once.
Tom! How many books to you read each week to be able to provide us such incredible content??!! So appreciate it. But this one is all me. I have had such confusing gut and body issues this past year and now I know why! Fasting when I wasnt supposed to as it helped multiply the bad bacteria that led to a massive weight gain when I started eating again, even on a vegetarian green diet! I always want to re-lusten to everyone of your podcasts but then another one comes out and I never get the chance! But this time, I'm gonna listen to this one multiple times! Thank you and also thanks to the very generous guest!! Look forward to what you bring in 2021!!
Oh kaaay. I'm stumped on this one. You must have a different kind of body or using GMO and glyphosate greens. I just juice greens, suspecting it get's rid of the lectins in the fiber. I'm supposed to weigh 95 lbs for ideal but, I got up to 150. I took it down to 126, felt okay, started eating and 3 yrs later it all came back. Now I'm at 128 and working harder, learning a lot more with new videos out. I did notice if I do eat again, they say not to, and it don't stop the diabetes but I don't gain and weight on raw vegetables, and raw fruits and it makes me smell really good. But I have to pee all the time because my body is always pushing sugar out I guess. Now I have all this candida and this is the first time I fasted 10 days and my tongue white won't go away. That's when I break a fast when my tongue is red again.
Dave seems more relaxed in this interview about diet than I have ever noticed him being before.
Right? I thought he was trying nootropics a little bit too hard or something in the past. Now he sounds and looks better
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
In 2018my daughter suggested Water Fasting. I was 121 kgs depressed and had no energy. I did the WF for 21 days. Lost 12 kgs. Did WaterMelon only for follow on 10 days lost 6 kg’s. Fasted again till I reached 85 kgs.
In 2022 I stopped all Medications for OA.
Went onto clean Foods: good foods.
Fresh fruit Pineapple strawberries wmelon bananas. Fish. Veggies. Brown rice.
I had gained weight again. Got from 107kgs to 99 kgs. Cravings Emotions gut bacteria-
Pulled when strawberries are harder to get & costly. My body revolted. I was upset. Strawberries in profuse amounts made my OA better. Walking better. Now back to bed. Walking stick!
I listened to your video and others.
The cycle of Life- algorithms with Water Fasting taking you to the eye of The Storm.
Spiritual aliveness.
I am battling. It has become more challenging to do water fasting. Am 62.
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
How is the forex investment done.
Yes, fx and Stock investment, I heard it's very profitable
Yes, true but I don't know anything about it.
I have heard so much about Stock how does it work
Did i hear someone say forex ?
i did a vegetable broth fast for 30 days without knowing anything about fasting 30:yrs ago.. I just remember feeling so clean and my skin looked amazing! Now we have so many resources on the internet. ive just started 23/1 and i will keep it for life.. so easy to do less cooking!
I did it as well about 30 years ago for 21 days.I was feeling much energetic ,clean and happy it was amazing.I am going to repeat this fasting again.Thank you for remember it to me.❤.
I've never fasted in my life but I'm sold. I'd love to experience that clarity and move from black and white to thinking in colour.
I started IF last week for the first time. The idea of not eating has never interested me. First day, headache and low energy. 2nd time around, a little easier and no headache. 3rd time around, easier and I noticed that my hunger was much less after I broke my fast as well as sugar cravings. Weird but I’m going to continue on this journey.
Please interview Dr. Berg!!!!!!!
100% agree!
Berg has some good stuff out, Fung does too. Sten Ekberg is my all-time favorite doc though. 🏆
@@coachkelli9131 Sten Ekberg is great. I wish all my teachers at school had been like him, i would have learned so much more
@@coachkelli9131 All three are like my favorites
Wow. This line just jumped out at me, "When you face your fears they loose their power".
I've been waiting so long for someone to clarify if it is be beneficial to 'trick our body' and mix up fasting regiments! sounds like that's a resounding YES for striving for metabolic flexibility. this video is so informative thank you!
This is one of the best and most informative videos I’ve seen on eating. I feel it will be key into my health going forward. I’m going to follow up with a few of Dave Asprey's books for full comprehension and protocol. Thank you so much!
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
I have been doing a IF for 5 weeks , 16 -8 ( 6pm - 10am ) . i eat two meals only in my food window and i have stopped eating all sugar , carbs , fast food etc etc. Also i exercise twice during my fasting 16 hours. once after my early evening meal and once at 630am in the morning. i have so far lost 19lbs and feel like a completely different human being. Its insane how great i feel. I guess that just proves how awful my lifestyle was before June 13th. Step two is going to IF 20 - 4 for a month. lets see how that works...
Hi what are you eating for your two meals? I’ve been fasting but feel I haven’t been getting my full nutrition
One of the best interviews about fasting, well done and thank you
20:48This is the fasting focused life style that I have been experiencing for the past five years, all wrapped up in one interview!🤠This is no joke, I have shed over 70 lbs of fat, and I still have at least 30 lbs of fat to take off. I told myself that I would never buy a nother "diet" book again, but this may be an best fasting book ever written!🤠
I think they just recommend OMAD intermittent because of vitamin deficiencies and OMAD keto, makes it a lot easier to fast because you only have to skip one meal to get one with the next fast. I prefer fasting centers because you get the whole thing over with in one go.
I have learned so much from Dave! He is my guru, along with several other UA-camrs who teach Intermittent Fasting. 4.5 months later, I am down 40#, and I’m looking for someone who targets Seniors bc I’m 73, & these guys are all much younger, & they don’t address the older audience who is wary of the 4 horrible ways to die: diabetes, heart disease, & dementia, diabetes of the brain.
I ate zero for 10 days, lost 10 lbs, went on OMAD and got no weight loss for 5 days, I had about 1/2 lb of meat and grass fed cheese, and didn't know to look for grass fed meat. No weight loss when eating OMAD so I went 10 more days of nothing. Strength went to hell so I read that's a B1 deficiency to using a tblsp of Braggs nutritional yeast. Seems okay. I'm sort of afraid of 3 carbs because I like losing 1 lb a day and don't like waiting month after month. OMAD definitely is a no gain diet but, it don't lose weight for me.
Losing a pound a day long term is probably not healthy--or sustainable. You have to be a bit more patient.@@ouivalerie
This was a really good interview. I felt like I saw a side of Dave Asprey that I’ve never seen before, he felt much more human and compassionate. His thoughts on the spiritual journey of fasting are exactly how I feel. Overall an amazing interview.
Can you eat vitamin c tablets on the fast
@@elliehannan5139 no l no lol lol
@@elliehannan5139 Count the carbs.
I just did my first 5 day water fast and have been intermittent fasting around about 20/4 with varied days for around 6months. This talk was so informative, thankyou. I have just bought the book from audible and am listening to it already. Im so glad I stumbled across this interview which was so well done. I look forward to seeing more interviews also. Great job guys 😉💖🙏🏼😉
How did your hormones feel and cortisol levels? Did you notice any barriers with hormonal balance and cortisol stresss?
I'm Glad i heard this. I had a very strict diet and started IF for past 5 weeks. I continue strict diet, but before i started IF i felt like going up the wall. I had to have at least 1 cheat day per week to be able to continue. When i went to IF i continue losing more and more weight, my sugar and fast food cravings dissapeared 98% (i was having them all day every day before diet) and i feel more energized than ever în my entire life. Is simply amazing, this feeling. I am able to exercise even when i am on my menstrual cicle, which was never possible before. I feel like moving Mountains and before i was anemic and insulina resistant. Not only i feel so much energy but also i don't feel hungry at all. Even when hungwrs installer after many hours, is not painful. And yes it was at the first days but then it dissapeared compelty. No more hubger pain. I eat much less, much healtier and better, but i still have 1-2 cheat days (în The weekend) and i still loose 1-2 kg per week! Might be slow for some but to me is fantastic! Best week i had i lost 3 kg and felt the best energy ever. I truly swear by IF. This is not a diet anymore for me, is a life style. But earing this man saying is ok with the cheat days, feels much better, i felt a bit guilt but also confused of how i still managed to lose weight. I feel more at ease)) but as he says, i all about choosing the right things even when they are wrong. I have a coffee with Milk once a week, but the Milk is always vegetable and also a bit of whioped cream on top that îs also from vegetable milk, i can't tolerate normal Milk for a long time unfortunatelly, even before diet. No sugar, no oils, no syrop, but cinnamon. Cinammon became my "sugar" us an incredible spice, nicely balaced sweet and i love it. I reduce meat alot, i ate once a week, plus fish, but more vegetables, for snak fruit, soups, i am careful with portion. Once în a while i eat a simple burger în a bun, without cheese, just burger with salad and a bit of home made sous. No more cheese and meat combination, either cheese and vegetables or meat and vegetables. Only vegetable Milk that has no added sugar. I also eat prune jam, without added sugar, pasta from beans, Brown Rice, if i have to eat toast, only whole grain bread no more than 2 slices per day. I learned alot of healthy habbits that now when i am în The City and eat something bad i try to make the best possible choice even for that (such as no more terrible combinations, for eg în sandwaches). I cred alot of my illnesses like this too, never felt better. But yes, i do beleive în induling în a desert or something that makes your mouth water once a week. The difference is that you don't do it every day, like before, and well, we can also enjoy life whole we are at it. The Point is this is a susțină le lifestye, în my oppinion. Alternate, but yes, you can do it even 3 days per week and still fell the amazing difference
Why do you need cheat days if the "restricted" eating is so fantastic? Make it make sense
Thankyou Tom n Dave. Your insights were very timely for me.
I need to go on a news fast.
I did that! It's sooo liberating! I imprisoned myself and had so much anxiety oozing from my pores that I had to go it cold turkey! It took almost 2 months, but I was able to go eat at restaurants again! I know that it was the stress of the constant news that kept me in Fight or Flight mode. THAT was what was killing me, and not covid.
Yes!! Smart!
The country needs a 'progressive' fast for about 100 years
Lol 🤣 I have done that for a while plus deleted facebook , instagram never had twitter .Happier than ever .
Best stuff I've seen in years. Thank you!!!
*I love how fasting can have such a huge impact on ur health* 🙏
_saying it, but not being consistent with it_ 😅
Haha, try to stick it out bro!
Faith ua-cam.com/video/m5ikcZNC3Y8/v-deo.html
I am a muslim therefore I have been practicing fasting since I was 12 years old. It's natural know. It's amazing to now that in everything God has prescribed for us,it holds benefit for us in this life and in the hereafter whether it's a benefit we will come to know about or not God is all merciful. We think that going hungry is against our nature but most of the time it is the acts in which we go against our nature that will benefit us such as giving charity ,forgiving etc. May God guide us all to his true religion and to the way which pleases him. Ameen
God of the bible I agree. Satan, however, copies God and twists it to make people move away for the one true God. Just like shamans etc. Sure there’s some positives in certain things but mixed with error/negatives.
May the true God of the bible, Christ Jesus bless you and help you seek the real truth and only way.
Currently breaking a 7 day fast. Wish I came across this video before hand lol good info!
Love ur videos. Binging on alot of things and trying to detox and fix my lifestyle. Just started day 1 of my 30 day planned fast. I know my body. I’ll stop if it gets ridiculous. I have been living an unhealthy lifestyle a while now. Takeout almost every other night. 20 yrs old turning 21 this year. I know if i can make a change at anytime it should be NOW! Thanks for the educational videos always! And dealing with both sides of controversy so viewers can make there own choice!
I would love to see Jason Fung in your show Tom, please :)
Buy his Book!!
ME TOO! He’s awesome! I’m sure he will at some stage, as Tom loves fasting!
My wife and I have done the one meal a day for two years now and we’ve not been this healthy since we were in our 30s .
I’m 60 .
Small amount of carbs , mostly meat and sourdough for a treat . So I’d take the poo poo on one meal a day with a pinch of salt . It’s all down to the individual . We don’t feel hungry because we eat quality real meat, fats and a little organic greens and drink green tea and nettle tea. Oh and lots of coconut oil , olive oil and garlic , lots of garlic. !! All the Best .
Thank you, Dave Asprey, for your sharing your work with us.....I enjoyed your talk.
Thank you gentlemen.....great interview! The first three days are usually tough for me because of caffein withdrawal headaches but after the third day it is magical. My longest fast was 11 days on just water and it was wonderful. The benefits are clarity of thought and boundless energy. Fearless living and successful fasting everyone. Namaste
Namasthe 🙏🏾, greetings to you. Did you take any supplementation at the time of fasting? I started my fasting two days ago (16:8 .. but eating a lot in that 8 hour window) and I am feeling very low on energy today and lot of vertigo as well.. is this normal? Does supplementation help?
Did you loose muscle
@@Youdontknowme444-r3s No. Just joint pains and I stay active because I have so much more energy. I ended up taking care of my community's entrance.....planted flowers and care for them. Wishing you the very best. Try it and see how you feel. Blessings.
@@saisankethmandumula5077 That's what I got and spend most of my time in bed. Energy, hardly. I read it's a B1 deficiency that you have no energy while fasting, so I'm eating Bragg's nutritional yeast and see if that's the case. Seems like it might be working after 2 days. I'm having hunger cravings I have to keep sipping water to get past it.
@@ouivalerie did the yeast help? I just started taking it daily… I notice my constantly chapped bottom lip is not so chapped
Tom, could you drill down on Dave's comment about kale and spinach in this interview? it sounds like Dave said you shouldn't eat these, but you didn't drill down on his response.
I was just listening to Dr. Gundry's interviews this past week on your show, and kale and spinach are on his "do eat" list. But it sounds like Dave is against those and I just changed my shopping list to order those. Please advise!
That was an amazing interview. I love Dave's position on fasting. It just takes the extreme out of it all. I learned new stuff that make so much sense. Thank you!
But I am confused. For an average person like me, how do I know what I can have during fasting.
@@pjasmine if you are "fasting", water and black coffee.
When I fast I have water, black coffee, and green or herbal tea. Sometimes I will have a cup of vegetable broth.@@pjasmine
I love the clarity and focus that comes with fasting🙌
Positivity is just like negativity, like a snowball rolling down a hill attracting more snow. I have recently just got really bad things going on in my life, self pity leads to drinking too much and any the other vices and negative thought patterns that come with that attitude. After finding my blood pressure was 145/91 I decided to give up drinking a week ago, then 4 days ago started a 3 day fast, I have lost 6 pounds and blood pressure is around 125/83. I have always seen fasting as spiritual as well as physical. I have very hard times ahead, but will face them with mindfulness and positive action as much as possible, that spiral into negativity that can start with self pity and offers you the easy way, it is a lie. Just one step in a different direction can change your course by a mile, this door is always open.
@15.51 that explains the story of my life. For the last five years I thought for sure I'm allergic to basically all food. Now I understand it seems like I just insensitive to those chemicals he talked about and I can tell they're affecting me. I fast for 16 hours a day minimum and I feel amazing and I've never looked better. All of my acne is cleared up. I've suffered was acne for over 20 years before I started fasting.
Tom I love that you ask the questions that are so interesting and important!!
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
I've been following Dave for years... He finally looks healthy so now I will take his advice.
It’s so easy to fall into a routine that’s easy - eating the same things and fasting the same time each day. Thanks Dave & Tom for the reminder we need to change things up to make our body & metabolism more adaptable and flexible. I’m off to break my fast early today! ✅
I want to Specially appreciate you for being a big fan . Thanks for your nice Comment on my post , it means a lot to me . I want you to send me a direct message via hangout using my personal email . Also endeavour to add your name to the text so I can know you are the one because I don't reply unnecessary messages . Hangout mail, daveaspreyconnect@gmail.com
@@daveasprey7466 ¹
@@shamalakaranjkar9812 1,aàaàaa
I listened to this and tried autophagy fasting on 2 days, once with activated charcoal and once without, and I can't believe the difference. I felt so much better with taking the activated charcoal. It works.
Good to know! What brand did you buy?
@@autumnallaround11 Yes, I used Nature's Way.
What's the best dosage please?
On day 3 of my 72 hour fast. My doctor was wondering why I don’t feel miserable. It’s bc I’ve been taking sea moss, activated charcoal and apple cider vinegar in the morning!
Fasting from time to time just makes sense. The human body just hasn't evolved to deal with a permanent surplus and there is likely a reason a good portion of civilizations around the globe developed some form of fasting!
Hindus called it "Upwas"(उपवास) for over 1000s of years
Human body did not evolve to live to 100 years also
@@silys5253 Not necessarily. My Ma lived to 107. She never fasted but she never ate processed or junk foods. And during most of her life, food was No GMO and likely mostly organic. She was never sick, did not get Alzheimer's and was not on any prescription drugs, ever.
Actually, more and more people are living to be 100 these days.@@silys5253
It's such a pleasure to get such information for free.
Yes, but I'm starting to feel guilty! Hmmm.
If I eat a lot before bed, I wake up very hungry, but all day. Is not about a big breakfast, is about having two breakfast, then maybe lunch late and repeat the same that night.
If I go to be skipping dinner, I wake up not thinking about food until midday. I am over 65 and more or less skinny. Super great video.. Tom is Legendary
I break my fast with four scrambled eggs with lots of (grass-fed) butter and sautéed cruciferous vegetables/leaves
Cabbage is healthy and is not sprayed. Kale and broccoli is not so healthy in reality and both are hard on your guy while cabbage and krout are amazingly good for the gut.
@@LTPottenger yes kimchee is my personal fave
Wow that's heavy..
Break your fasts (3day+) with a small tomato, cucumber and avacado salad with a little salt.
You will be amazed at how good it tastes and how great you feel.
After about 2-3 hours you can have a normal meal.
The salad is one of the most gentle ways to restart your stomach.
Thanks for the advice I love avocado salad
Thank you!! :) was just trying to think up of something to eat after my (hopefully!) 3 days fast. 2 days in right now.. Beginner :)
Can't believe I'm finding this more than a year later. I've been trying to figure this out. Buying the book today. Thanks, Dave and Tom
"Nobody talks about the spiritual side of fasting"....ummmm....really? Like most major religions worldwide?
Haha true! I think he meant no people who also understand the science and biology behind fasting so well are talking about spirituality
Honestly, I'm watching this to help me practice spiritual fasting more often.
nice to mention these kinds of topics, but people have been doing this for centuries, for the believing Jews and Christians this was mandatory. The only faith that is active in fasting is the Muslims now, and 1000 books have been written about fasting and its benefits and attainment of spiritual status.
@@MM-cx7zl not so. Not just Muslims.
Mainstream Christians don’t fast.