According to "melee range" + "triggering an attack of opportunity" I will just add an essential thing which is important to know I suppose: At least during Turn Based Mode - when you are in melee range you can step out/disengage of that melee range without triggering an attack of opportunity against you = using the 5 feet move action instead of the ordinary move action. Either by using the 5F Button on the action bar or by using the right mouse button for performing the move action instead of the left mouse button. So during Turn Based Mode - when for instance your spellcaster/ or your ranged fighter got engaged by a mellee fighting opponent now standing right next to him in his melee range then your spellcaster/ranged fighter can disengage from his melee range with performing that mentioned 5 feet move action without getting hit by an attack of opportunity and then he can perform savely his spellcasting attack/range attack ( because he isn´t in the mellee range of the opponent anymore) at that same turn. For playing Real Time with Pause when everyone on the battlefield is acting simultanously that is obviously obsolet because it is simply not possible to perform
I pinned your message as I find this is a very important thing to know if you're playing with Turn Based. It's quite rare that I play in that mode so I forgot to mention it :(
@@CoredumpedGaming I play Turn Based quite rare too. But for beginners it is the best way to play in order to get a grasp of how the game mechanics work..especially when you always keep an eye on the protocol as well. That´s how I learned to play the game + by watching Unfair playthroughs especially by watching a French guy who played WOTR on unfair turn based and he explained every single step what he did and also why throughout the entire game..although it took me a bit time until I could follow because he spoke broken English with a heavy French accent and I´m not familiar with French at all which would had helped according to his pronunciation :D But he did a very very good job. The best guided Pathfinder walkthrough I´ve seen so far despite his English language skills. Your guide is truely excellent as well but also overwhelming for a beginner, but that´s not avoidable because that´s the nature of the game :D
Yep, like I mention in the video, turn based is what I would also recommend to a new player, at least until they get a grasp on the mechanics. As for the guide, I try to simplify and focus on the more important aspects but there's really no getting around the fact that it takes some time and dedication to get familiar with pathfinder. And if time wasn't an issue, I always feel while doing these videos that I could go on about many other topics or trying to delve deeper into others. For that I'm planning on doing separate videos which will be more specific.
@@CoredumpedGaming Looking forward to it. Although I´m quite familiar with the game mechanics already, I have to refresh my memories, because I just recently (last week) started a Kingmaker run on hard difficulty ..that´s why I stepped across your channel. (my last Kingmaker run was about 4 years ago on normal difficulty and that wasn´t the last patched version which I play right now.. and my last WOTR run was also a year ago on Core difficulty which I will play again with the new patch + new DLC after I´ve finished Kingmaker I heard the last WOTR patch changed a lot/fixed a lot/nerved a lot - how ever you will see it - according game mechanics)
I wish you best of luck and fun :D WotR I think got better with the latest DLC/patches. They did fix a lot of things and nerfed some others as well either with balance or fixes. Stuff like mounted combat not actually requiring a shield on the mount for instance is now working as intended. And you can no longer double dip charisma from nature oracle with a scaled fist which a bit too much. Getting new subclasses to play with is also a good thing of course :D
Thank you very much good sir! I think that's the first time I've heard that regarding my accent ahah but I'm happy for it :D Glad to hear it was helpful
Very nice video. there is 1 class however, that i would personally add to the "good beginner classes" as a main char (fairly high up even). Feyspeaker Druid. For those reasons: Gets an animal Companion from level 1. Since animal Companions are the strongest thing for new players in this game, i think that is a big plus. and while druid is probably the weakest of the 3 casters (arcane, clerics, druids), he is the best in buffing his animal companion. and since the animal companions are so good, that's even more of "so good". they also at least have some decent spells. the AI for example seems pretty bad in handling swarms. sometimes the ai flatout doesnt seem to know how to kill them lol. there are some other decent druid spells also. druid in addition is totally fine as a pure class too. feyspeaker in addition adds some illusion and entchantment spells from the arcane line, which is not too bad. and finally, feyspeaker uses charisma instead of wisdom to cast, making it a good "face/talker" for your party. which i usually like for my main character. i am the center of attention afterall! :D druid just isnt a good meta class. but for a first normal/challange run, i think it fits really well. Oh and also, there is no NPC druid in the game. i like being unique.. which makes paladin and druid a good choice for me.
I've been meaning to try out a druid (never actually played one in pathfinder yet :p) and I may give this one a try. And from your description it does sound like a nice beginner class.
There is another factor that i like to consider when doing a firstrun/lorerun/story run. I dont know if people can relate. but i factor in story friendlyness. for that, i consider "is this class unique, or does an npc companion already have it" as mentioned above. but other factors are relevant to me as well. for example, how well does it fit into the story. considering kingmakers story (without spoilers) i feel like feyspeaker druid or paladin seem to fit surpisingly well. in terms of paladin that is hardly surprising. basically every rpg that has a paladin class seems to also have a story where the paladin fits the player character "hero" role :D. kingmakers story in addition has parts that make the feyspeaker druid fit really well as the player character imo. then personally i do factor in items/weapons the game offers. in that regard i think the paladin gets another win. even though there is no paladin companion, owlcat went the extra mile to design weapons that scream "to be wielded by a paladin. seriously, we didnt add a paladin companion, take it as a hint!" :D. If you look at longswords, light of valor +5 seems to be 100% designed with a paladin lore run in mind. even the "lower" version, the redeemer +4 also seems to be screaming paladin. Don't like a sword and board paladin? oh no problem, the greatsword remnant +5 with it's devine theme also seems to be screaming paladin. but if you do like sword and board paladins and take a look the the heavy shields, you might want to take a look at the blessed defense +3 shield, that slaps you in the face with the hint of being wielded by a paladin in combination with light of valor. and to round that out there is the blessed path full plate armor, specifically designed for paladins. there you go, the game offers a full paladin set basically, but has no npc to wear it hmm... :D. so for a first run on normal or challanging, to experience the story...i would actually place paladin on number 1 spot for a good aligned run. @@CoredumpedGaming
Excellent video...a really much needed one. I enjoyed Bladur's Gate 1-2 to the max but I was completely taken aback by the complexity here. Greetings, fellow European.
Definitely a change of pace from baldur's gate eheh this ruleset tends to be a lot more complex and a lot of the mechanics, while similar, can still be very different.
If it's your first time, I personally recommend playing with the option "dead rise after combat" checked on. This is a game where, though no fault of your own, characters can get critically hit by multiple attacks in one round before you even know what hit them, and can die with no real warning. If you are like most people, you're going to reload from a previous save when this happens. If you check "dead rise after combat" your fallen companions will simply get back up when the combat ends. This means you can slog through the fight and then move on without having to save-scum every tough fight. I also recommend setting kingdom management difficulty to "Effortless" which isn't really as easy as it sounds. Skills: You get a party of up to 6 people, one of which is always your main character. There might be some rare cases where the main character has to do a skill check on their own, but for the most part, the game uses the best person for the job on most skill checks. As such, your character doesn't truly need any one specific skill. That said, I like to give all of my party members full ranks in Perception and I like to have that and Persuasion on my main character. If you have any left over skill points, you might want to put points into Use Magic Device on your main, just to be able to use cure scrolls, if you're not a cleric to begin with. The main character sometimes needs to be a king and solve problems with his words rather than weapons. As for Perception, that is the one skill that the game uses ALL of the party members for, not just the best one. So when you walk close to a hidden trap or treasure cache, everyone on the team get s a Perception check to notice it. As such, the math works out in such a way that teamwork solves that problem really well. If you have one Perception expert, that person might be lucky to have a high enough Perception bonus that they can only fail to notice a thing if they roll a 1. That would equate to a 5% chance to miss a hidden object, and tus a 95% chance of success, and you'll therefore fail to see ~5% of hidden things, including hidden treasure, some of which is really good to have. If you do the math, a team of 6 people who individually have a 50% chance to find a hidden object will only fail to find it, as a team, if they ALL fail, so the odds of that failure are then (0.5)^6 which is less than 2%. This means that the team of 6 "mediocre" Perception checkers is better than the single specialist. And if any of your team has a better than 50% chance or if you have an animal companion (the get to make Perception checks too), the odds of success go up from there. There are "good" versions of the Sorcerer and Cleric classes, in terms of this game specifically. They're both mostly buff/debuff class builds, and they both get animal companions. The Sylvan Sorcerer get's an animal companion, and some bonus spells learned that are not bad, plus you can make them a Museborn Aasimar and get +Dex and +CHa racial bonuses, combined with a racial ability to cast Glitterdust 1/day from level 1. As for the Cleric, there's a very good cleric build to be had, you adopt Erastil as your deity and take the Animal Domain, which gives you an animal companion similar tot he Ranger and you take Community Domain which gives you a special ability at level 8 called Guarded Hearth which is an absolute game-changer in boss fights. Guarded Hearth is a fairly large, long duration AoE that gives friendlies within the area a bonus to hit and to saving throws equal to the cleric's Wisdom modifier, and those bonuses stack with basically every other kind of bonus, so in the late game, you're getting like +8 or 9 to hit and to all saves. Also buff and debuff spells are really good. The game has a lot of opportunities to use cleric spells like Freedom of Movement, Death Ward, Communal Resist Energy, Communal Delay Poison, Remove Fear, Restoration, Heal, and many others.
All of these are excellent suggestions and a nice information for anyone starting out, especially the one about dead rise after combat which I forget exists (it will certainly save a lot of frustration). Totally agree with the skill checks and I often do the same. This build of the cleric you suggest is actually the one I'm using in my ongoing playthrough in the channel and it is in fact my only mercenary as I do really value those domains on my clerics! Thank you for all the awesome information :D
@@CoredumpedGaming I hope all is going well in your current run. I just finished my third, and it was my first one without using mods. I'm quite familiar with the paper and pencil Pathfinder 1st Edition rules, and I feel like it took me two aborted restarts and two full runs (with mods) to get to the point where I knew how to make the best decisions in kingdom management. As for stacking bonuses, that is one of the most complicated math issues this game has, both on paper and in the video game. The most common items for increasing stats are belts which give enhancement bonuses to Str, Dex and/or Con, and headbands which give enhancement bonuses to Int, Wis and /or Cha. Virtually nothing stacks with those, as almost all other bonuses to those scores will be "enhancement" type bonuses as well, so casting Bull's Strength will not stack with a Str belt. The most common AC-increasing items are the Ring of Protection and the Amulet of Natural Armor. The rings give a "deflection" bonus, and the amulets give an "enhancement bonus to natural armor". Part of the reason for this rule is that the game designers didn't want you to be able to jack up your AC by unlimited amounts by drinking multiple potions of Barkskin, so the rule is that most things don't stack with themselves. The spell Shield of Faith does not stack with the ring and the spell Barkskin does not stack with the amulet. Mage Armor gives an "armor" bonus to AC, and so this does not stack with whatever actual armor a person wears, so Mage Armor should only be cast on people who don't wear armor, like wizards. One of the nice things about animal companions is that they cannot wear or wield any items, so all of the above buff spells WILL increase their stats, generally. It's also worth noting that the Bard spells Linzi gets, like Heroism and Good Hope tend to give "morale" bonuses, which DO stack with most equippable items, and the bard performance buffs give "competence" bonuses to things, which stack with morale and enhancement as well.
Thanks for this video got this game a few years ago and i didnt play it at first for whatever reason. Getting back into it now is hard since there is so much depth. Your video has helped alot.
Thank you kind sir, there is definitely a lot to know about this game, and a lot of it comes from practice also. I'm also currently doing a last azlanti unfair* playthrough in the channel in case you want to see how I deal with the encounters in the game. Good luck and have fun with your playthrough :D
Thankfully they actually changed that cave. It was indeed a cause of major frustration for a lot of new players. Now you can avoid the swarms entirely as they are off to an optional, side area, and get the fangberries without having to worry about them.
Very useful and well presented. As a newcomer to Pathfinder I appreciate it very much, it’s saved me from a lot of assumptions that I had. Thank you mate ✌️
This is the staff I am looking for the past two years after finishing DOS 1 & 2 and POE 1 & 2. Since Pathfinder is based upon this Dice System and different types of AC's are there I was unable to beat the second chapter of this game and quit playing after becoming frustrated. Now, after going through this excellent training guide I realise this game is far more complicated and much more challenging than those previously mentioned. Thanks for this outstanding tutorial, as I am now geared with thorough knowledge to tackle this Jem. Take my regards A. Mukherjee Kolkata, INDIA
Thank you very much good sir :) Pathfinder is definitely a different beast from DOS or PoE, and uses a much more complex system which does take some getting used to. Glad to have been of help, have fun in your new adventures in Pathfinder :D
I was pressing F5 since you posted the first EP. from Kingmaker, just waiting for something more. Mate, i really like you. Your voice, your accent. I love the content, i wachetd the PoE walkthrough. Now your voice is like a safe spot for me. I like to hear yuo when i'm anxious , or trying to sleep. It may sound weird ... but actually is a giant praise for you and your work. Greets from Brasil =D
I wish they had the chance to flesh out kingmaker more. I actually prefer its setting to Wrath of the righteous, but it's undeniable how much more depth Wrath of the righteous has
Oh I totally agree. For me Kingmaker is the better game in terms of story, setting and companions. Wrath of the Righteous however, added a lot of quality of life features and it does reach new levels of epicness with the mythic paths. I enjoy both games quite a bit, though I wish WotR wasn't so much "demon demon demon" everywhere.
Quite a comprehensive guide! Thank you! This is the first CRPG I play which is not based on DnD but because the Pathfinder system is so similar I just found it too confusing to read all the differences up. It's like 80% the same but the remaining 20% are just completely different. You did a good job on explaining this. Thank you!
Thank you sir :) a lot of similarities but those differences can make a big... difference :p Enjoy pathfinder friend, it can be quite unforgiving at times but it is very worth it!
Thank you very much. This is an excellent video. In fact, it's just what I needed to try and play this game again, something I've tried at least 5 times over the last few years without getting very far (I never got past the tutorial). I've always been interested in this game, but right from the character creation screen something told me that it was too much information and that I simply wouldn't be able to progress (or enjoy myself) because I simply didn't have a sense of what was most important at any given moment. This video showed me just that. I wish your video got more recognition and I think that's down to UA-cam. It's the best beginners guide I've found for this game, and there are many.
Thank you very much good sir! Always happy to hear from players that the video is useful and that I am able to provide some help getting started with this game. As you said, it is very complex and the amount of information that gets dumped on the player right from the start can be very overwhelming. I wish you the best of luck and fun for your playthrough and don't hesitate to ask questions if you have them. There's also a full playthrough in the channel in case you want to see how I deal with certain areas/fights - Enjoy!
It tells a lot about the game, when the new player guide is over two hours long :D Great video, answered a lot of the "wtf is going on" questions, thank you for that. I started playing this game after Rogue Trader, and while there are no "obviously bugged" abilities and stuff like in Rogue Trader, the number of hidden or not obvious interactions between mechanics is absurd. At least, for someone not familiar with pathfinder or old dnd mechanics. One thing I recently learned is that for Magus, I didn't realise at first that spellstrike and spell combat adds ANOTHER melee attacks. And it seems like the way to go. BUT THEN I learned that if you turn it off you get 1.5 melee damage bonus as "you use a one handed weapon with two hands". Maybe I didn't notice it in the game descriptions, but it is so not obvious and adds another decision you need to keep in mind (probably at some higher levels turning off spellstrike and spell combat would yield higher damage). The resurrection scrolls and spell specify that you would get "negative levels" as debuff, and you would need higher level stuff for that not to happen, but... It's just not in the game I guess, you resurrect without debuffs. Coup de grace is a good way to kill enemies that require some kind of special damage to kill them (trolls, troll dogs, some kind of lizard that required cold iron weapon to finish him off). And there's a lot of obscure stuff like that for new player. Honestly, just talking about mechanics and balance, I enjoyed the Rogue Trader more. No pre-buffing mess, much harder to "fail" at the game on just building your characters, much better balance (I won't even start on how infuriating some encounters are in Kingmaker, if you don't know they are coming). Rogue Trader just needs balancing starting from mid-game. Before that, it's just spot on, you can overcome difficult encounters with just changing your strategy or different approach, experiment, rather than finding the "proper way" to the fight. I traveled the entire map in act 2 in Rogue Trader and never encountered anything that I cannot overcome, it was just a bit challenging in a good way on max difficulty. Tried the same (traverse the whole map) in act 2 of Kingmaker and oh boy... Rogue Trader though becomes obscenely easy later on even on max difficulty, the class balance needs to be addresed. Officer + arch-militant, getting insane armor via operative, virtually unkillable melee tanks and Cassia (lol). Not to say I don't like Kingmaker, it's just very rough for newcomers. And this turned out to be a very large comment, I didn't plan on that at first :D
2 hours long and it doesn't cover a lot of more "specific" stuff :p The Magus is a prime example of that with those interactions. There is certainly a lot that is not obvious and not explained in a good way for new players, which leads to a lot of confusion. The Magus, btw, is also one of the classes that benefits a lot from playing in Turn Based as it can be micro intensive which is not at all easy to manage in RTwP (though still perfectly usable, just not as maximized). For the early game for instance, he's just better with a two handed weapon and smashing faces without caring about spell combat for the most part, using his spell slots for buffing. I do agree that Rogue Trader has a lot going for it by removing the pre-buffing, which can get rather tedious after a while (I can't play these games anymore without mods that buff for me for example). I haven't gotten that far in Rogue Trader yet, but I can already see certain classes and especially some companions as you point out very well there (looking at you Cassia) are going to be insanely good. Pathfinder is a lot rougher on new players, there's a lot of trial and error, frustration and pain with certain encounters and sometimes you basically are just dead unless you already know what you will be fighting wherever you go. I still love the game, but it's definitely a game that grows on you :p Also, worry not about large comments, I like to hear people's thoughts on these games :D
Thank u for the guide. I’m quite new to cRPG. My 1st one was DOS2. Haven’t finished it as I’m not really liking the story and companions. Like the combat though. Then BG3 came out. Love it. At act 3 now. The story is just OK for me. Looking for other cRPG now, and stumbled on pathfinder. Playing Kingmaker now. Wow! I love the story and companions. I also like that it has RTWP as well as turn based. I don’t mind the kingdom management, in fact I quite like it as it sort of makes the story more focused. I’m quite familiar with basic rules of D&D now. Gonna dive deep into D&D now, and I feel like pathfinder has lots of depths to it.
Pathfinder is a much more complex system than what BG3 has, which is D&D 5th edition. Nice to hear that you are enjoying cRPGs, there's definitely a really nice selection out there for you if you enjoy pathfinder :D
@@CoredumpedGamingYeah, now that I know a bit more about cRPG, BG3 feels a bit too simple. I got bored in act 3, and all the cut scenes got annoying after a while. 😆 The combat in DOS2 on the other hand feels too tideous now with the physical/magical armor system. Pathfinder just feels about right for me. It’s the first RTWP that I play, and I really like it. I only use turn based on difficult fight. Gonna play WoTR after this, then Rogue Trader.
Thanks for putting the time in to make this, Just about to jump in but was suffering from 'paralysis by analysis' (didn't realise I needed a masters degree to know what I was doing 😅) Feeling much more confident and ready to jump in after this 🙏🏻 Thanks and Merry Christmas in advance 🎅 👊🏻
Happy to hear friend! There is a lot to learn about the game, but it's also something that comes from trying stuff out and practice ^^ Merry Christmas :D
Love this content! Had the game istalled for quite some time now, but only played about 20 hours. I love brewing character builds, but honestly I got a bit overwhelmed by this game. Also the timed quests and kingdom management weren't to my tastes. But I'm getting in the mood by watching your videos.
It is a game that-s quite worth playing through but it is not without its quirks. The Kingdom management is something that personally I really dislike as well lol You can actually set it to automatic so you don't have to bother with it (but you miss out on some good items that way)
I would also not mind another pathfinder game :D I am ok with owlcat experimenting with new stuff as well though since they've proven they can do some great stuff with Rogue Trader
very good guide - i wanted more info on pathfinder as i have really started playing Pathfinder: Wrath of the righteous by understanding several core systems of pathfinder itself (touch AC, Stat damage and how to heal it etc)
This is great. I wish I had had such a detailed guide when I started playing this game way back in 2018. I knew D&D, and thought Pathfinder was just D&D with a few tweaks. Man, was I wrong. It took me two playthroughs to learn enough to make a party fit for the "hard" difficulty. Never did the final boss on "hard" even so.
Oh, same with me trust me. I came into this thinking, I've played a lot of cRPGs in my life, I played a lot of D&D video games, from what I've seen online, pathfinder is basically D&D so I'm good. *proceeds to dying over and over and over again in the tutorial on unfair* "ok, this game is stupid, this difficulty is way too hard", *switch to hard* through pain, suffering and tears I beat the tutorial and move on to Oleg's. Game proceeds to murder me without mercy in the trading post defense... *switch to challenging* "Phew, beat the trading post, what's next? Oh I know, I'll go for the fangberries. It's a quest to pick berries, how hard could this be?" *tiny spiders burst through any and all orifices in my party members* "This quest is dumb, I'll move on to the Old Sycamore, oh look at these cute mites and such a cute cave" *Dies to poison stat drains* - try to rest, forgot to purchase camp supplies so I can't rest in the cave........... This game was a wild ride... xD But I love it! (now)
@@CoredumpedGaming LOL@ your reaction "OK this game is stupid and much too hard" after selecting a difficulty literally named "unfair". What did you expect? Meanwhile, poison stat drains and swarms, yeah, those were the first roadblocks back then. I'm still glad they toned the swarms down, because while I know what to with them now, you don't usually have the means at this point in the game.
I mean, you're right of course lol but in my defense, most games I play in the hardest difficulty don't really present that much of challenge, or at least nowhere near Pathfinder levels :p As for the swarms, if there's something I'm really afraid of for this playthrough it's that, those devilish mandragora swarms are just pure pain.
Very informative video. I've played cRPG's like Pillars of Eternity before but the Pathfinder system is so overwhelming and complex, it was driving me crazy. It's still so weird that armor/accessory pieces don't stack; I usually love to customize the looks of any character in an rpg. Anyways, thank you for the video!
Currently liking the game, but i find myself struggling in combat pretty poorly. Level 3 with a full party of 6 getting washed by boggarts. Hoping this guide helps me not suck lol. Thanks for the content.
Boggarts are especially nasty btw, since they like to charge the backline squishier companions. You can try leave those for a bit later, or if you really want to take them on, my suggestion would be to engage with your frontline members while your backline companions are out of sight and only once the boggarts engage your sturdier friends do you bring in the less armoured people to help out. It takes some getting used to. There's also a playthrough in the channel in case you want to see how I deal with those areas. Best of luck and have fun :D
@@CoredumpedGaming I disagree on a few points, but it's a very good new player guide. Pathfinder is a system that LOVES min maxing, theory crafting. So, multiclassing is actually really good, but mostly for magic casters. There's some cool stuff you can do with spell casters and sneak attack. ( I also know about some cool stuff you can do with fighter classes where you have insane stats with the dragon bloodline buffs, etc. ) Obviously monk is a strong class to multi-class with certain things to make you a solo god. Summoning animals, pets, all that is OP as all hell. They make the game easy, and thanks to that you can actually make a party 3 guys who just have their pets do all the tanking and fighting while they spam their spells. It's honestly wild. Ranged weapons are pretty okay in this game, but where they really shine is wrath of the righteous for sure.
To your point, my ongoing playthrough in the channel which is reaching its conclusion (last azlanti unfair) has an arcane trickster main character and I do use the dragon disciple class to buff up my frontline :D
Cannot wait for the WOTR guide. Mortismal made a video on it but a Coredumped detailed video about the mechanics will help me understand it. I want to play Pathfinder games but they're by far the hardest cRPGs to get into for people who never played DnD.
Indeed they are! The complexity is quite high and can be a bit daunting for new players. When I begin my playthrough of WotR I will also be making a guide for it :) Stay tuned!
Man, i bought this game 3 days ago and i fell in love with it, its so much better than divinity sin2 ! Your guide is so good you went over all the points i was a bit confused about.
Good video Coredumped. This game is based on Pathfinder 1e. Which is very different from the latest version of pathfinder. Pathfinder 2e. Pathfinder 1e is a derivative of DnD3e.
It has been a *very* long time since I played nwn but it's certainly possible it was one of the reasons. Lots of different games have different stacking rules so it's easy to assume certain things work in a way that's not exactly correct.
Thank you for this feedback! It is definitely a confusing aspect of the game and may be worth going over it in a dedicated video. I do go over kingdom management a bit, but it's in the middle of my ongoing playthrough.
@CoredumpedGaming - ah sorry, by little content, I mean in general. There's not a huge amount of material out there that covers Kingdom Management in any great detail. Maybe a gap for you to fill perhaps?
Yeah, I understood your meaning. And it's very much appreciated when these things are mentioned as indeed it can be something I can dedicate some time to and help people :D
At 1:31:00 you mention that the character can only do sneak attack damage because the target they were attacking was being flanked. Does attacking directly from stealth not offer a sneak attack like other games, and it can only be done through flanking?
Attacking directly from stealth does count for sneak attacks. If the enemy cannot see you, be it because you have an invisibility effect on your character or the enemy is blinded by lets say a glitterdust spell, all your attacks will target flat footed AC and will be sneak attacks (if you have the ability to sneak attack of course). For the most part though, it's a lot easier to sneak attack flanked targets since the only thing you require is someone else also attacking that target in melee, which you already want, because flanking gives you a bonus to hit chance.
I have a love hate relationship ship with this game. I love the premise, the music is amazing and the 3.5 style gameplay is great but the writing in execution is lacking in many areas especially towards the late game. Miss rolling characters thought point buy are too min-maxy. At least there is a mod for that in WOTR. The late game combat also has lot of problems with even on unfair combat ending in 2-4 rounds difficult to handle as it's quite boring compared to TOB scs. I will say the best combat I had was Varnhold'sdifficulty
Pathfinder does play a lot differently from Baldur's Gate. I also find Baldur's Gate combat more involved especially with SCS. Optimal pathfinder game flow is buffing up to infinity and then trample everything like a giant meatgrinder. Pathfinder I find is much more about building the characters and gearing up than actually making a lot of decisions during combat (naturally this also happens, but not to the same extent as Baldur's Gate with SCS).
I've just bought this game and it's due to watching this as I've heard it's overwhelming to new CRPG players such as myself. Do you have a guide on kingdom management or is it all pretty straightforward. Thanks again for your excellent guide.
I do not have a guide on kingdom management, but I'm thinking of doing one as multiple people have requested this. I do have an episode in my playthrough where I essentially made a "guide" on how to deal with that aspect of the game - If you have any specific question about it let me know
i had girl on red in the background while watching the guide, but i was watching it fullscreen so i didn't notice and i legit thought that you were putting a whole girl in red playlist in the guide and i thought this was your coming out video or sm
Playing through this game for the first time recently. Ended up restarting like 5 times after learning more about character building 😂 my biggest tip is… SNEAK ATTACK. Man it is so strong and busted if you build for it properly! And easy to pull off.
Damage wise, sneak attacks are definitely one of the strongest options for pushing damage. It is sad when we meet those sneak immune enemies though, but thankfully they are quite rare.
@@CoredumpedGaming I’m still pretty early in the game but I got a Rogue knife master with a Keen +1 Kukri that crits on a 15-20 and he’s been shredding. Having so much fun with it!
Oh yeah, keen weapons with nice crit ranges on rogues are extremely satisfying :D In my current playthrough in the channel I also have a knife master companion dual wielding keen kukries and he's like a blender :p
Super helpful guide. I just got the game recently since it was on sale and I'm really enjoying it a lot and that's only being 6 hours in. It's already left an impression and I can't wait to jump back in. AB/AC/ST was something I was a bit confused on but you explained it perfectly so now I get how it works. I always play very vanilla in fantasy games so choosing the fighter class was a no brainer as I love a sword and shield. Small question. For a fighter, the subclasses like Aldori Defender, Tower Shield Specialist and or Two Handed fighter is pretty much based on the players preference right? I mainly took a lot of time deciding here but just opted to roll with a plain fighter since it's my first playthrough. I'm willing to learn as I go with my companions as I'm sure they will have a variety of differences in comparison to my MC.
Thank you! As for your question, not sure I understand the entire scope of what you ask regarding the preference of the subclasses but the idea there is that they are all fighters but specialized in different things. This normally means they have a very similar baseline but may have different abilities, bonuses or feats depending on the specialization. As the name implies, a tower shield specialist will be better at fighting in heavy armour and with a tower shield gaining bonuses that other fighters would not get. Same goes for the others like for example the two handed specialist will have bonuses unique to it when wielding two handed weapons. If you're asking whether you will have a different experience story wise by picking one fighter subclass or just the base fighter class, no, it will be the same. You can have a lot of fun with a simple fighter in this game. Buff him up and send him in :p Best of luck for your playthrough and if I didn't answer your question let me know.
You're welcome and you answered my question. Thank you!! I was worried I would be missing out since I chose to stick with a base class fighter. Felt like most of my time in character creation was spent on making a decision for an archetype lol but I'm glad to hear the experience will be the same as I progress through the story. Haha thanks I absolutely plan to buff my character and have him be on the frontline. After the encounters I've had thus far I have a vision of how I'd like to deploy my companions so I'm excited for that. Thanks again for the in depth response and for provided the clarity I needed.
I have trouble managing the kingdom. I upgrade all the regions best I can and things stall out, nothing happens, maybe I'm supposed to go adventure more. I'm unsure what to do to progress the game.
Normally you want to prioritize main quests over everything else. But some quests do require time to pass before they develop. It's a bit of a weird mechanic that takes some getting used to unfortunately. But I would say that if you have quests to do, go for them, don't just sit in the barony upgrading stuff.
Thank you so much for your videos I've learned so much from various games from your channel. One question I have, is there a class in kingmaker that is similar to the Warlock class from dnd? I am about to finish bg2 and want to play kingmaker next.
Thank you, always happy to hear they are useful :D I wouldn't consider any class from pathfinder similar to a dnd warlock, at most you could have the kineticists which just keep on blasting people without spending resources. Could be something like an eldritch blast, but other than that they're not similar at all :p
I'm a year late, but this video is so important to me today because I bought the Pathfinder series during the winter sale. I'm ready to dig in. Is it okay for new players to play on easy just to love on the story for my 1st play through and normal my final?
Hi, of course it is. Totally depends on what you want to go for. If you're in mostly for the story and don't care too much about beating the enemies, you can play in the lower difficulties for a smoother experience. If you find the difficulty to be too easy to your taste, you can always increase it or decrease it at any point :D Enjoy friend!
There is yes, it works more like pillars of eternity rather than the infinity games. I don't find it as useful as in those other games, though it can play a part in certain situations.
Just wonderfull as usual with your explanation like in general in your videos. Thanks a lot. I have always wanted to play this type of game but it was so difficult that I always died. Thanks to you, now I can continu the advendure with understandind the game a lot more even if I have so much more to learn. I just asking myself about difficulty, I always choose the normal difficulty (as I am a big beginner) but I change some of the features to normal like critical ennemy, normal ennemy without minus or bonus. Is it a good idea? Because if I leave the normal difficulty with some feature that downgrade the ennemy, for me it's like cheating with the rule. What's your opinion? Again, thanks to you to be so helpfull and continu to happy us!!!
First of all, thank you very much :D very happy to hear you are enjoying these and they are being helpful! As for your question, if you are still learning the game, definitely don't jump into the higher difficulties yet, the game can be very punishing and frustrating in those difficulties if you are not already very familiar with the game and the mechanics. As for customizing the difficulty, in my opinion, just tune it to what makes you enjoy the game the most. If you feel like certain changes are "cheating" don't use them. At the same time, if you feel that certain things the enemies can do are too powerful for what you are comfortable with at the moment, tone them down. In case you are interested or want more information about the game, I am currently ongoing in a pathfinder kingmaker playthrough in the channel if you want to see how I build my characters and deal with the various areas and enemies of the game. Good luck on your run, have fun, and report back on progress, I would love to hear about it :D
A big thanks again for your answer and you are totaly right. I will begin with the normal difficulty without changing anything to be more comfortable, less frustrating, learning the mechanics and the most important be happy to play... One step at a time :)!!! After I think that I will be ready to play with the right normal rules to try "wotr" but I will never go further in difficulties after, I'm not mad like you :D :D :p :p!!). After I will also play BD3 that I have begin a little bit and love a lot but the rules are a less different (D&D). I've tried pillars of eternity 1 but I don't like it. So, for sure, I will watch your differents games guides and walkthrough to help me. Continue to enjoy us with your very good and clear explantion. You spot very well the differents difficulties subjects we need for those games. Have a nice day.@@CoredumpedGaming
What type of information would you like to know on that regard? I will likely make other videos in time for other aspects of Pathfinder and could include this.
For example, Breastplate vs Chainmail vs Scalemail. They all have the same AC so which to pick? I see there are price and weight differences but why have them at the same AC then? Chainshirt vs Hide Armor...same issue. For weapons, is it simple just going for whatever your character has proficiency in that does the most damage? I dont see anything about slashing/crushing/piercing damage types or protection against them.
Ok, got it. There are definitely a lot of things to take into consideration and some are indeed not very obvious. As for your question regarding weapons, it's more complex than that. For lower difficulties you're fine picking whatever seems fun to use and that your characters can use, but there are also other things to take into consideration such as one-handing them vs two handing them, critical damage multiplier, critical threat range, light vs heavy, agile, reach, etc. Which is when you can start to delve into for trying to squeeze as much power as possible out of them and find the best ones. Suggestion duly noted and I'll try to work on a guide for this :)
Swarms are a real pain, especially early on and for new players. Swarms have specific mechanics which can be extremely punishing. Alchemical fire is one way to try and deal with them, so is smacking them with torches as it can be more effective than regular weapons. The best way to deal with them though is through pure fire damage, usually coming in from magic or bombs. Early on, the best thing you likely have is burning hands. My advice would quite honestly be to just avoid those enemies (I imagine you're talking about the spider swarms in the cave where you get the berries for Bokken)
To use ranged attacks effectively you really need Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot. In the Pathfinder system when you make an attack against an enemy in melee you take a -4 to hit and since the swarms just run up chances are you'll have someone in melee with them. It's meant to be an optional encounter that's challenging because of swarms mechanics. Just remember if an encounter is challenging you can always just ignore it and come back later. Things like the inspect feature are your friend in a game like this for seeing enemies resistances, and weaknesses if they have any. That information is locked behind skill checks though so having someone good in at least 1 of each Knowledge and Lore skill is good for inspecting
I tend to use it one of two ways: 1. Out of combat I open up with grease on a group of enemies to disable a couple before engaging. 2. (and most common) I engage with my frontline, wait for everyone to be engaged in place, enemies included, and then just carefully aim grease in front of my frontline in a way that hits most of the enemies. It is sometimes a little tricky and may take some getting used to as the area the game shows is not always exactly the real area, you can just move it a little further for extra safety for your party. The most annoying part about it is that you cannot remove it once the battle is over
I would say that if you would like to try a cRPG, and you're new to this genre, you can either go for simpler games (pathfinder really is the most complex one you can get) like divinity original sin, baldur's gate 3 which are both not as complex or for a more classical feel of a cRPG without it being overly complicated, pillars of eternity. The other option is to still try the game but keep it on the easier difficulties and maybe even automatic character builds to get a feel for the game, it can still be very enjoyable without having to worry about all the complex systems behind it.
Ah! Welcome to the club good sir :p I also restarted the game a bunch of times until I was somewhat happy with my character eheh Worry not, you'll find one you like! A suggestion though, if you're a new player, stick to pure classes at least for an initial playthrough, it helps remove some confusion in the character builds
There are still a good amount of relevant enemies which are evil, but you are right, it is much more prevalent in WotR. It is however still a simple class that's easy to play, does well pure, has access to some divine magic while being similar to a fighter and also plays really well into what most people enjoy for first playthroughs which is more along the lines of lawful good.
I played wotr quite a bit, but I can't stand the companions/dialogue. Too childish fanfic. Wonder if this is better. I've been on pillars 1 which I enjoy quite a bit and liked your video for it
I definitely find the story and companions a lot better in kingmaker than I do on WotR. Compared to both of these pillars is still better in terms of story and mood if you like something a little more "serious" and dark.
That is how I usually do it yes, but I find that this game especially really stands to benefit from some guidance early on as it can be quite difficult to get into. When I was doing the video explaining my character build I kept thinking to myself "there's so much more that I should be explaining here" which was one of the reasons that motivating the creation of this one. And also some viewers commented that they liked the character "guide" (if we can call it that) and that it was useful, which is a nice extra push :p
What do you mean, my dear friend? Me, untrustworthy? Perish the thought! Every word I offer is steeped in sincerity, aimed solely at your benefit. Now, here, take this ring- it will undoubtedly prove invaluable to you.
2 hour new player guide. PFFFFT. Yeah okay.... Spends the next 14 hours staring at the character creation screen. Ohhhhhhhh. Also I am trying to create a alchemist grenadier dex fighter. Help me!
Ah yes, time spent in the character creation screen is a real thing xD I know it all too well! As for your grenadier dex fighter, not sure I can help much here as I've never tried this and am not fully sure on how two weapon combat works when throwing bombs. I would say that if it does work, most of the build would use that in order to get more attacks in. My main concern though, is that one of the best feats for a grenadier is quite simply "Extra bombs". So, if you're trying to make someone shoot a lot of bombs per round, not only are you not getting necessary "Extra bombs" feats in place of other needed ones, but you'll also burn through your bombs very very quickly. I find that alchemists are one of those classes that benefit a lot from being a pure class (Vivisectionist excluded). If it were me, for that role, I think I would just do a level 20 grenadier focusing mainly on DEX and INT and the build wouldn't be too different from Jubilost in my current playthrough, except maybe trying to get some more combat focused feats instead of support ones here and there. He will do quite a nice job at it especially since if you really need more AB (attack bonus), you have access to the Transformation spell which will put you on par with a fighter AB for those more demanding fights.
According to "melee range" + "triggering an attack of opportunity"
I will just add an essential thing which is important to know I suppose:
At least during Turn Based Mode - when you are in melee range you can step out/disengage of that melee range without triggering an attack of opportunity against you = using the 5 feet move action instead of the ordinary move action. Either by using the 5F Button on the action bar or by using the right mouse button for performing the move action instead of the left mouse button.
So during Turn Based Mode - when for instance your spellcaster/ or your ranged fighter got engaged by a mellee fighting opponent now standing right next to him in his melee range then your spellcaster/ranged fighter can disengage from his melee range with performing that mentioned 5 feet move action without getting hit by an attack of opportunity and then he can perform savely his spellcasting attack/range attack ( because he isn´t in the mellee range of the opponent anymore) at that same turn.
For playing Real Time with Pause when everyone on the battlefield is acting simultanously that is obviously obsolet because it is simply not possible to perform
I pinned your message as I find this is a very important thing to know if you're playing with Turn Based. It's quite rare that I play in that mode so I forgot to mention it :(
@@CoredumpedGaming I play Turn Based quite rare too.
But for beginners it is the best way to play in order to get a grasp of how the game mechanics work..especially when you always keep an eye on the protocol as well. That´s how I learned to play the game + by watching Unfair playthroughs especially by watching a French guy who played WOTR on unfair turn based and he explained every single step what he did and also why throughout the entire game..although it took me a bit time until I could follow because he spoke broken English with a heavy French accent and I´m not familiar with French at all which would had helped according to his pronunciation :D But he did a very very good job. The best guided Pathfinder walkthrough I´ve seen so far despite his English language skills.
Your guide is truely excellent as well but also overwhelming for a beginner, but that´s not avoidable because that´s the nature of the game :D
Yep, like I mention in the video, turn based is what I would also recommend to a new player, at least until they get a grasp on the mechanics.
As for the guide, I try to simplify and focus on the more important aspects but there's really no getting around the fact that it takes some time and dedication to get familiar with pathfinder. And if time wasn't an issue, I always feel while doing these videos that I could go on about many other topics or trying to delve deeper into others. For that I'm planning on doing separate videos which will be more specific.
@@CoredumpedGaming Looking forward to it.
Although I´m quite familiar with the game mechanics already, I have to refresh my memories, because I just recently (last week) started a Kingmaker run on hard difficulty ..that´s why I stepped across your channel.
(my last Kingmaker run was about 4 years ago on normal difficulty and that wasn´t the last patched version which I play right now.. and my last WOTR run was also a year ago on Core difficulty which I will play again with the new patch + new DLC after I´ve finished Kingmaker I heard the last WOTR patch changed a lot/fixed a lot/nerved a lot - how ever you will see it - according game mechanics)
I wish you best of luck and fun :D
WotR I think got better with the latest DLC/patches. They did fix a lot of things and nerfed some others as well either with balance or fixes. Stuff like mounted combat not actually requiring a shield on the mount for instance is now working as intended. And you can no longer double dip charisma from nature oracle with a scaled fist which a bit too much.
Getting new subclasses to play with is also a good thing of course :D
Thanks. In-depth and easy to understand. Thanks to your accent which funnily makes your speech pattern easy to listen to.
Thank you very much good sir! I think that's the first time I've heard that regarding my accent ahah but I'm happy for it :D
Glad to hear it was helpful
I had the same thought. I struggle with bad hearing but your accent is really charming and your speech perfectly weighted and flowing.
Very nice video. there is 1 class however, that i would personally add to the "good beginner classes" as a main char (fairly high up even). Feyspeaker Druid. For those reasons: Gets an animal Companion from level 1. Since animal Companions are the strongest thing for new players in this game, i think that is a big plus. and while druid is probably the weakest of the 3 casters (arcane, clerics, druids), he is the best in buffing his animal companion. and since the animal companions are so good, that's even more of "so good". they also at least have some decent spells. the AI for example seems pretty bad in handling swarms. sometimes the ai flatout doesnt seem to know how to kill them lol. there are some other decent druid spells also. druid in addition is totally fine as a pure class too. feyspeaker in addition adds some illusion and entchantment spells from the arcane line, which is not too bad. and finally, feyspeaker uses charisma instead of wisdom to cast, making it a good "face/talker" for your party. which i usually like for my main character. i am the center of attention afterall! :D druid just isnt a good meta class. but for a first normal/challange run, i think it fits really well. Oh and also, there is no NPC druid in the game. i like being unique.. which makes paladin and druid a good choice for me.
I've been meaning to try out a druid (never actually played one in pathfinder yet :p) and I may give this one a try. And from your description it does sound like a nice beginner class.
There is another factor that i like to consider when doing a firstrun/lorerun/story run. I dont know if people can relate. but i factor in story friendlyness. for that, i consider "is this class unique, or does an npc companion already have it" as mentioned above. but other factors are relevant to me as well. for example, how well does it fit into the story. considering kingmakers story (without spoilers) i feel like feyspeaker druid or paladin seem to fit surpisingly well. in terms of paladin that is hardly surprising. basically every rpg that has a paladin class seems to also have a story where the paladin fits the player character "hero" role :D. kingmakers story in addition has parts that make the feyspeaker druid fit really well as the player character imo. then personally i do factor in items/weapons the game offers. in that regard i think the paladin gets another win. even though there is no paladin companion, owlcat went the extra mile to design weapons that scream "to be wielded by a paladin. seriously, we didnt add a paladin companion, take it as a hint!" :D.
If you look at longswords, light of valor +5 seems to be 100% designed with a paladin lore run in mind. even the "lower" version, the redeemer +4 also seems to be screaming paladin. Don't like a sword and board paladin? oh no problem, the greatsword remnant +5 with it's devine theme also seems to be screaming paladin. but if you do like sword and board paladins and take a look the the heavy shields, you might want to take a look at the blessed defense +3 shield, that slaps you in the face with the hint of being wielded by a paladin in combination with light of valor. and to round that out there is the blessed path full plate armor, specifically designed for paladins. there you go, the game offers a full paladin set basically, but has no npc to wear it hmm... :D. so for a first run on normal or challanging, to experience the story...i would actually place paladin on number 1 spot for a good aligned run. @@CoredumpedGaming
Excellent video...a really much needed one. I enjoyed Bladur's Gate 1-2 to the max but I was completely taken aback by the complexity here. Greetings, fellow European.
Definitely a change of pace from baldur's gate eheh this ruleset tends to be a lot more complex and a lot of the mechanics, while similar, can still be very different.
If it's your first time, I personally recommend playing with the option "dead rise after combat" checked on. This is a game where, though no fault of your own, characters can get critically hit by multiple attacks in one round before you even know what hit them, and can die with no real warning. If you are like most people, you're going to reload from a previous save when this happens. If you check "dead rise after combat" your fallen companions will simply get back up when the combat ends. This means you can slog through the fight and then move on without having to save-scum every tough fight. I also recommend setting kingdom management difficulty to "Effortless" which isn't really as easy as it sounds.
Skills: You get a party of up to 6 people, one of which is always your main character. There might be some rare cases where the main character has to do a skill check on their own, but for the most part, the game uses the best person for the job on most skill checks. As such, your character doesn't truly need any one specific skill. That said, I like to give all of my party members full ranks in Perception and I like to have that and Persuasion on my main character. If you have any left over skill points, you might want to put points into Use Magic Device on your main, just to be able to use cure scrolls, if you're not a cleric to begin with. The main character sometimes needs to be a king and solve problems with his words rather than weapons. As for Perception, that is the one skill that the game uses ALL of the party members for, not just the best one. So when you walk close to a hidden trap or treasure cache, everyone on the team get s a Perception check to notice it. As such, the math works out in such a way that teamwork solves that problem really well. If you have one Perception expert, that person might be lucky to have a high enough Perception bonus that they can only fail to notice a thing if they roll a 1. That would equate to a 5% chance to miss a hidden object, and tus a 95% chance of success, and you'll therefore fail to see ~5% of hidden things, including hidden treasure, some of which is really good to have. If you do the math, a team of 6 people who individually have a 50% chance to find a hidden object will only fail to find it, as a team, if they ALL fail, so the odds of that failure are then (0.5)^6 which is less than 2%. This means that the team of 6 "mediocre" Perception checkers is better than the single specialist. And if any of your team has a better than 50% chance or if you have an animal companion (the get to make Perception checks too), the odds of success go up from there.
There are "good" versions of the Sorcerer and Cleric classes, in terms of this game specifically. They're both mostly buff/debuff class builds, and they both get animal companions. The Sylvan Sorcerer get's an animal companion, and some bonus spells learned that are not bad, plus you can make them a Museborn Aasimar and get +Dex and +CHa racial bonuses, combined with a racial ability to cast Glitterdust 1/day from level 1. As for the Cleric, there's a very good cleric build to be had, you adopt Erastil as your deity and take the Animal Domain, which gives you an animal companion similar tot he Ranger and you take Community Domain which gives you a special ability at level 8 called Guarded Hearth which is an absolute game-changer in boss fights. Guarded Hearth is a fairly large, long duration AoE that gives friendlies within the area a bonus to hit and to saving throws equal to the cleric's Wisdom modifier, and those bonuses stack with basically every other kind of bonus, so in the late game, you're getting like +8 or 9 to hit and to all saves. Also buff and debuff spells are really good. The game has a lot of opportunities to use cleric spells like Freedom of Movement, Death Ward, Communal Resist Energy, Communal Delay Poison, Remove Fear, Restoration, Heal, and many others.
All of these are excellent suggestions and a nice information for anyone starting out, especially the one about dead rise after combat which I forget exists (it will certainly save a lot of frustration).
Totally agree with the skill checks and I often do the same.
This build of the cleric you suggest is actually the one I'm using in my ongoing playthrough in the channel and it is in fact my only mercenary as I do really value those domains on my clerics!
Thank you for all the awesome information :D
@@CoredumpedGaming I hope all is going well in your current run. I just finished my third, and it was my first one without using mods. I'm quite familiar with the paper and pencil Pathfinder 1st Edition rules, and I feel like it took me two aborted restarts and two full runs (with mods) to get to the point where I knew how to make the best decisions in kingdom management. As for stacking bonuses, that is one of the most complicated math issues this game has, both on paper and in the video game. The most common items for increasing stats are belts which give enhancement bonuses to Str, Dex and/or Con, and headbands which give enhancement bonuses to Int, Wis and /or Cha. Virtually nothing stacks with those, as almost all other bonuses to those scores will be "enhancement" type bonuses as well, so casting Bull's Strength will not stack with a Str belt. The most common AC-increasing items are the Ring of Protection and the Amulet of Natural Armor. The rings give a "deflection" bonus, and the amulets give an "enhancement bonus to natural armor". Part of the reason for this rule is that the game designers didn't want you to be able to jack up your AC by unlimited amounts by drinking multiple potions of Barkskin, so the rule is that most things don't stack with themselves. The spell Shield of Faith does not stack with the ring and the spell Barkskin does not stack with the amulet. Mage Armor gives an "armor" bonus to AC, and so this does not stack with whatever actual armor a person wears, so Mage Armor should only be cast on people who don't wear armor, like wizards. One of the nice things about animal companions is that they cannot wear or wield any items, so all of the above buff spells WILL increase their stats, generally. It's also worth noting that the Bard spells Linzi gets, like Heroism and Good Hope tend to give "morale" bonuses, which DO stack with most equippable items, and the bard performance buffs give "competence" bonuses to things, which stack with morale and enhancement as well.
Thanks for this video got this game a few years ago and i didnt play it at first for whatever reason. Getting back into it now is hard since there is so much depth. Your video has helped alot.
Thank you kind sir, there is definitely a lot to know about this game, and a lot of it comes from practice also. I'm also currently doing a last azlanti unfair* playthrough in the channel in case you want to see how I deal with the encounters in the game.
Good luck and have fun with your playthrough :D
I still remember spider cave giving everyone problems
Thankfully they actually changed that cave. It was indeed a cause of major frustration for a lot of new players.
Now you can avoid the swarms entirely as they are off to an optional, side area, and get the fangberries without having to worry about them.
Loved the video and learned a lot, your beautiful accent and sense of humour was a very pleasing bonus to it too, thank you sir.
Thank you kind sir :D always happy to hear it was useful
Very useful and well presented. As a newcomer to Pathfinder I appreciate it very much, it’s saved me from a lot of assumptions that I had. Thank you mate ✌️
Thank you good sir! Always happy to hear it was helpful.
Enjoy pathfinder :D
This is the staff I am looking for the past two years after finishing DOS 1 & 2 and POE 1 & 2. Since Pathfinder is based upon this Dice System and different types of AC's are there I was unable to beat the second chapter of this game and quit playing after becoming frustrated. Now, after going through this excellent training guide I realise this game is far more complicated and much more challenging than those previously mentioned.
Thanks for this outstanding tutorial, as I am now geared with thorough knowledge to tackle this Jem.
Take my regards
A. Mukherjee
Kolkata, INDIA
Thank you very much good sir :)
Pathfinder is definitely a different beast from DOS or PoE, and uses a much more complex system which does take some getting used to.
Glad to have been of help, have fun in your new adventures in Pathfinder :D
Can't wait to tune into this later! Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together.
Enjoy friend :)
I was pressing F5 since you posted the first EP. from Kingmaker, just waiting for something more.
Mate, i really like you.
Your voice, your accent. I love the content, i wachetd the PoE walkthrough.
Now your voice is like a safe spot for me. I like to hear yuo when i'm anxious , or trying to sleep.
It may sound weird ... but actually is a giant praise for you and your work.
Greets from Brasil =D
Pathfinder ASMR :D No worries of course, happy to hear you enjoy it!
Saudações de Portugal!
I just found him but he's being added to my lore relaxing videos even tho it's not lore.
I wish they had the chance to flesh out kingmaker more. I actually prefer its setting to Wrath of the righteous, but it's undeniable how much more depth Wrath of the righteous has
Oh I totally agree. For me Kingmaker is the better game in terms of story, setting and companions. Wrath of the Righteous however, added a lot of quality of life features and it does reach new levels of epicness with the mythic paths. I enjoy both games quite a bit, though I wish WotR wasn't so much "demon demon demon" everywhere.
Quite a comprehensive guide! Thank you! This is the first CRPG I play which is not based on DnD but because the Pathfinder system is so similar I just found it too confusing to read all the differences up. It's like 80% the same but the remaining 20% are just completely different. You did a good job on explaining this. Thank you!
Thank you sir :) a lot of similarities but those differences can make a big... difference :p
Enjoy pathfinder friend, it can be quite unforgiving at times but it is very worth it!
@@CoredumpedGaming :-)
Thank you very much. This is an excellent video. In fact, it's just what I needed to try and play this game again, something I've tried at least 5 times over the last few years without getting very far (I never got past the tutorial). I've always been interested in this game, but right from the character creation screen something told me that it was too much information and that I simply wouldn't be able to progress (or enjoy myself) because I simply didn't have a sense of what was most important at any given moment. This video showed me just that. I wish your video got more recognition and I think that's down to UA-cam. It's the best beginners guide I've found for this game, and there are many.
Thank you very much good sir! Always happy to hear from players that the video is useful and that I am able to provide some help getting started with this game. As you said, it is very complex and the amount of information that gets dumped on the player right from the start can be very overwhelming. I wish you the best of luck and fun for your playthrough and don't hesitate to ask questions if you have them. There's also a full playthrough in the channel in case you want to see how I deal with certain areas/fights -
It tells a lot about the game, when the new player guide is over two hours long :D Great video, answered a lot of the "wtf is going on" questions, thank you for that.
I started playing this game after Rogue Trader, and while there are no "obviously bugged" abilities and stuff like in Rogue Trader, the number of hidden or not obvious interactions between mechanics is absurd. At least, for someone not familiar with pathfinder or old dnd mechanics.
One thing I recently learned is that for Magus, I didn't realise at first that spellstrike and spell combat adds ANOTHER melee attacks. And it seems like the way to go. BUT THEN I learned that if you turn it off you get 1.5 melee damage bonus as "you use a one handed weapon with two hands". Maybe I didn't notice it in the game descriptions, but it is so not obvious and adds another decision you need to keep in mind (probably at some higher levels turning off spellstrike and spell combat would yield higher damage).
The resurrection scrolls and spell specify that you would get "negative levels" as debuff, and you would need higher level stuff for that not to happen, but... It's just not in the game I guess, you resurrect without debuffs. Coup de grace is a good way to kill enemies that require some kind of special damage to kill them (trolls, troll dogs, some kind of lizard that required cold iron weapon to finish him off). And there's a lot of obscure stuff like that for new player.
Honestly, just talking about mechanics and balance, I enjoyed the Rogue Trader more. No pre-buffing mess, much harder to "fail" at the game on just building your characters, much better balance (I won't even start on how infuriating some encounters are in Kingmaker, if you don't know they are coming). Rogue Trader just needs balancing starting from mid-game. Before that, it's just spot on, you can overcome difficult encounters with just changing your strategy or different approach, experiment, rather than finding the "proper way" to the fight. I traveled the entire map in act 2 in Rogue Trader and never encountered anything that I cannot overcome, it was just a bit challenging in a good way on max difficulty. Tried the same (traverse the whole map) in act 2 of Kingmaker and oh boy... Rogue Trader though becomes obscenely easy later on even on max difficulty, the class balance needs to be addresed. Officer + arch-militant, getting insane armor via operative, virtually unkillable melee tanks and Cassia (lol).
Not to say I don't like Kingmaker, it's just very rough for newcomers. And this turned out to be a very large comment, I didn't plan on that at first :D
2 hours long and it doesn't cover a lot of more "specific" stuff :p The Magus is a prime example of that with those interactions. There is certainly a lot that is not obvious and not explained in a good way for new players, which leads to a lot of confusion. The Magus, btw, is also one of the classes that benefits a lot from playing in Turn Based as it can be micro intensive which is not at all easy to manage in RTwP (though still perfectly usable, just not as maximized). For the early game for instance, he's just better with a two handed weapon and smashing faces without caring about spell combat for the most part, using his spell slots for buffing.
I do agree that Rogue Trader has a lot going for it by removing the pre-buffing, which can get rather tedious after a while (I can't play these games anymore without mods that buff for me for example).
I haven't gotten that far in Rogue Trader yet, but I can already see certain classes and especially some companions as you point out very well there (looking at you Cassia) are going to be insanely good.
Pathfinder is a lot rougher on new players, there's a lot of trial and error, frustration and pain with certain encounters and sometimes you basically are just dead unless you already know what you will be fighting wherever you go. I still love the game, but it's definitely a game that grows on you :p
Also, worry not about large comments, I like to hear people's thoughts on these games :D
Thank u for the guide.
I’m quite new to cRPG.
My 1st one was DOS2. Haven’t finished it as I’m not really liking the story and companions. Like the combat though.
Then BG3 came out. Love it. At act 3 now.
The story is just OK for me.
Looking for other cRPG now, and stumbled on pathfinder.
Playing Kingmaker now.
Wow! I love the story and companions. I also like that it has RTWP as well as turn based.
I don’t mind the kingdom management, in fact I quite like it as it sort of makes the story more focused.
I’m quite familiar with basic rules of D&D now.
Gonna dive deep into D&D now, and I feel like pathfinder has lots of depths to it.
Pathfinder is a much more complex system than what BG3 has, which is D&D 5th edition.
Nice to hear that you are enjoying cRPGs, there's definitely a really nice selection out there for you if you enjoy pathfinder :D
@@CoredumpedGamingYeah, now that I know a bit more about cRPG, BG3 feels a bit too simple. I got bored in act 3, and all the cut scenes got annoying after a while. 😆
The combat in DOS2 on the other hand feels too tideous now with the physical/magical armor system.
Pathfinder just feels about right for me.
It’s the first RTWP that I play, and I really like it. I only use turn based on difficult fight.
Gonna play WoTR after this, then Rogue Trader.
Thanks for putting the time in to make this,
Just about to jump in but was suffering from 'paralysis by analysis'
(didn't realise I needed a masters degree to know what I was doing 😅)
Feeling much more confident and ready to jump in after this 🙏🏻
Thanks and
Merry Christmas in advance 🎅 👊🏻
Happy to hear friend! There is a lot to learn about the game, but it's also something that comes from trying stuff out and practice ^^
Merry Christmas :D
Love this content! Had the game istalled for quite some time now, but only played about 20 hours. I love brewing character builds, but honestly I got a bit overwhelmed by this game. Also the timed quests and kingdom management weren't to my tastes. But I'm getting in the mood by watching your videos.
It is a game that-s quite worth playing through but it is not without its quirks. The Kingdom management is something that personally I really dislike as well lol You can actually set it to automatic so you don't have to bother with it (but you miss out on some good items that way)
Great video bro, really precise and detailed... Pathfinder 1 and 2 are my favorite games so far, I'm eagerly waiting for one more installment!
I would also not mind another pathfinder game :D I am ok with owlcat experimenting with new stuff as well though since they've proven they can do some great stuff with Rogue Trader
very good guide - i wanted more info on pathfinder as i have really started playing Pathfinder: Wrath of the righteous by understanding several core systems of pathfinder itself (touch AC, Stat damage and how to heal it etc)
This is great. I wish I had had such a detailed guide when I started playing this game way back in 2018. I knew D&D, and thought Pathfinder was just D&D with a few tweaks. Man, was I wrong. It took me two playthroughs to learn enough to make a party fit for the "hard" difficulty. Never did the final boss on "hard" even so.
Oh, same with me trust me. I came into this thinking, I've played a lot of cRPGs in my life, I played a lot of D&D video games, from what I've seen online, pathfinder is basically D&D so I'm good.
*proceeds to dying over and over and over again in the tutorial on unfair*
"ok, this game is stupid, this difficulty is way too hard", *switch to hard* through pain, suffering and tears I beat the tutorial and move on to Oleg's.
Game proceeds to murder me without mercy in the trading post defense...
*switch to challenging* "Phew, beat the trading post, what's next? Oh I know, I'll go for the fangberries. It's a quest to pick berries, how hard could this be?"
*tiny spiders burst through any and all orifices in my party members*
"This quest is dumb, I'll move on to the Old Sycamore, oh look at these cute mites and such a cute cave"
*Dies to poison stat drains* - try to rest, forgot to purchase camp supplies so I can't rest in the cave...........
This game was a wild ride... xD But I love it! (now)
@@CoredumpedGaming LOL@ your reaction "OK this game is stupid and much too hard" after selecting a difficulty literally named "unfair". What did you expect? Meanwhile, poison stat drains and swarms, yeah, those were the first roadblocks back then. I'm still glad they toned the swarms down, because while I know what to with them now, you don't usually have the means at this point in the game.
I mean, you're right of course lol but in my defense, most games I play in the hardest difficulty don't really present that much of challenge, or at least nowhere near Pathfinder levels :p
As for the swarms, if there's something I'm really afraid of for this playthrough it's that, those devilish mandragora swarms are just pure pain.
Thank you for the great guide! Appreciated it!
Very informative video. I've played cRPG's like Pillars of Eternity before but the Pathfinder system is so overwhelming and complex, it was driving me crazy. It's still so weird that armor/accessory pieces don't stack; I usually love to customize the looks of any character in an rpg. Anyways, thank you for the video!
Thanks allot Core, I finished POE 1 with your help.
That's great to hear :D Did you enjoy the game?
@@CoredumpedGaming Very much so, it was an awesome ride. Loved the priest dude :)
Which one? Tristian or the mega awesome tiny dwarf Harrim? :p
The everything is pointless one. :)
Currently liking the game, but i find myself struggling in combat pretty poorly. Level 3 with a full party of 6 getting washed by boggarts. Hoping this guide helps me not suck lol. Thanks for the content.
Boggarts are especially nasty btw, since they like to charge the backline squishier companions. You can try leave those for a bit later, or if you really want to take them on, my suggestion would be to engage with your frontline members while your backline companions are out of sight and only once the boggarts engage your sturdier friends do you bring in the less armoured people to help out.
It takes some getting used to. There's also a playthrough in the channel in case you want to see how I deal with those areas. Best of luck and have fun :D
from my experience, non native accents usually give the best guides so this gonna be good
Lol hope I don't disappoint!
@@CoredumpedGaming I disagree on a few points, but it's a very good new player guide.
Pathfinder is a system that LOVES min maxing, theory crafting. So, multiclassing is actually really good, but mostly for magic casters. There's some cool stuff you can do with spell casters and sneak attack.
( I also know about some cool stuff you can do with fighter classes where you have insane stats with the dragon bloodline buffs, etc. )
Obviously monk is a strong class to multi-class with certain things to make you a solo god.
Summoning animals, pets, all that is OP as all hell. They make the game easy, and thanks to that you can actually make a party 3 guys who just have their pets do all the tanking and fighting while they spam their spells. It's honestly wild.
Ranged weapons are pretty okay in this game, but where they really shine is wrath of the righteous for sure.
To your point, my ongoing playthrough in the channel which is reaching its conclusion (last azlanti unfair) has an arcane trickster main character and I do use the dragon disciple class to buff up my frontline :D
@@CoredumpedGaming Arcane tricksters are busted, yeah. Good choice.
Cannot wait for the WOTR guide. Mortismal made a video on it but a Coredumped detailed video about the mechanics will help me understand it. I want to play Pathfinder games but they're by far the hardest cRPGs to get into for people who never played DnD.
Indeed they are! The complexity is quite high and can be a bit daunting for new players. When I begin my playthrough of WotR I will also be making a guide for it :) Stay tuned!
thanks bro for your great work. love this guide 😍😍😍. so complete.
Thank you good sir, happy to hear it was useful :D
Awesome guide, thank you.
Thank you very much good sir! Hope it was helpful.
Varsågod :D
Using Jubilost for the thumbnail is so fitting.
He just felt right for the job :D
Very good guide, thanks
Man, i bought this game 3 days ago and i fell in love with it, its so much better than divinity sin2 ! Your guide is so good you went over all the points i was a bit confused about.
Pathfinder and divinity are definitely very different games. Happy to hear the guide was useful :D
Good video Coredumped. This game is based on Pathfinder 1e. Which is very different from the latest version of pathfinder. Pathfinder 2e. Pathfinder 1e is a derivative of DnD3e.
Thank you! And good to know. I don't know pathfinder at all outside of these games so I'm not sure how it compares with other editions or PnP
You probably were thinking of neverwinter nights when stacking mage armour with armour.
It has been a *very* long time since I played nwn but it's certainly possible it was one of the reasons. Lots of different games have different stacking rules so it's easy to assume certain things work in a way that's not exactly correct.
Oh my, those hares in and about the sycamore tree are huge, almost human size. I bet they hunt people for food regularly. :)
They come straight from the quest for the holy grail :D
Great video 🚦🚦really helped 💯🤝🏾but lol… 1:05:50
It’s so funny cause to me at least he didn’t wanna say it then when he did kinda thought about it a lil 😂😭
It would be great to do a video on Kingdom Management. Very little content in terms of guides on the system and to navigate it.
Thank you for this feedback! It is definitely a confusing aspect of the game and may be worth going over it in a dedicated video. I do go over kingdom management a bit, but it's in the middle of my ongoing playthrough.
@CoredumpedGaming - ah sorry, by little content, I mean in general. There's not a huge amount of material out there that covers Kingdom Management in any great detail. Maybe a gap for you to fill perhaps?
Yeah, I understood your meaning. And it's very much appreciated when these things are mentioned as indeed it can be something I can dedicate some time to and help people :D
At 1:31:00 you mention that the character can only do sneak attack damage because the target they were attacking was being flanked. Does attacking directly from stealth not offer a sneak attack like other games, and it can only be done through flanking?
Attacking directly from stealth does count for sneak attacks. If the enemy cannot see you, be it because you have an invisibility effect on your character or the enemy is blinded by lets say a glitterdust spell, all your attacks will target flat footed AC and will be sneak attacks (if you have the ability to sneak attack of course).
For the most part though, it's a lot easier to sneak attack flanked targets since the only thing you require is someone else also attacking that target in melee, which you already want, because flanking gives you a bonus to hit chance.
I have a love hate relationship ship with this game. I love the premise, the music is amazing and the 3.5 style gameplay is great but the writing in execution is lacking in many areas especially towards the late game. Miss rolling characters thought point buy are too min-maxy. At least there is a mod for that in WOTR.
The late game combat also has lot of problems with even on unfair combat ending in 2-4 rounds difficult to handle as it's quite boring compared to TOB scs. I will say the best combat I had was Varnhold'sdifficulty
Pathfinder does play a lot differently from Baldur's Gate. I also find Baldur's Gate combat more involved especially with SCS. Optimal pathfinder game flow is buffing up to infinity and then trample everything like a giant meatgrinder. Pathfinder I find is much more about building the characters and gearing up than actually making a lot of decisions during combat (naturally this also happens, but not to the same extent as Baldur's Gate with SCS).
I've just bought this game and it's due to watching this as I've heard it's overwhelming to new CRPG players such as myself.
Do you have a guide on kingdom management or is it all pretty straightforward.
Thanks again for your excellent guide.
I do not have a guide on kingdom management, but I'm thinking of doing one as multiple people have requested this. I do have an episode in my playthrough where I essentially made a "guide" on how to deal with that aspect of the game -
If you have any specific question about it let me know
Great video. Thanks.
i had girl on red in the background while watching the guide, but i was watching it fullscreen so i didn't notice and i legit thought that you were putting a whole girl in red playlist in the guide and i thought this was your coming out video or sm
LOL no, not the case at all :p
Playing through this game for the first time recently. Ended up restarting like 5 times after learning more about character building 😂 my biggest tip is… SNEAK ATTACK. Man it is so strong and busted if you build for it properly! And easy to pull off.
Damage wise, sneak attacks are definitely one of the strongest options for pushing damage. It is sad when we meet those sneak immune enemies though, but thankfully they are quite rare.
@@CoredumpedGaming I’m still pretty early in the game but I got a Rogue knife master with a Keen +1 Kukri that crits on a 15-20 and he’s been shredding. Having so much fun with it!
Oh yeah, keen weapons with nice crit ranges on rogues are extremely satisfying :D
In my current playthrough in the channel I also have a knife master companion dual wielding keen kukries and he's like a blender :p
2024 first time player checking in 🫡
Best of luck my friend, you're in for a wild ride :D
Come back and let me know how your run is going!
Super helpful guide. I just got the game recently since it was on sale and I'm really enjoying it a lot and that's only being 6 hours in. It's already left an impression and I can't wait to jump back in. AB/AC/ST was something I was a bit confused on but you explained it perfectly so now I get how it works. I always play very vanilla in fantasy games so choosing the fighter class was a no brainer as I love a sword and shield. Small question. For a fighter, the subclasses like Aldori Defender, Tower Shield Specialist and or Two Handed fighter is pretty much based on the players preference right? I mainly took a lot of time deciding here but just opted to roll with a plain fighter since it's my first playthrough. I'm willing to learn as I go with my companions as I'm sure they will have a variety of differences in comparison to my MC.
Thank you!
As for your question, not sure I understand the entire scope of what you ask regarding the preference of the subclasses but the idea there is that they are all fighters but specialized in different things. This normally means they have a very similar baseline but may have different abilities, bonuses or feats depending on the specialization. As the name implies, a tower shield specialist will be better at fighting in heavy armour and with a tower shield gaining bonuses that other fighters would not get. Same goes for the others like for example the two handed specialist will have bonuses unique to it when wielding two handed weapons. If you're asking whether you will have a different experience story wise by picking one fighter subclass or just the base fighter class, no, it will be the same.
You can have a lot of fun with a simple fighter in this game. Buff him up and send him in :p
Best of luck for your playthrough and if I didn't answer your question let me know.
You're welcome and you answered my question. Thank you!! I was worried I would be missing out since I chose to stick with a base class fighter. Felt like most of my time in character creation was spent on making a decision for an archetype lol but I'm glad to hear the experience will be the same as I progress through the story.
Haha thanks I absolutely plan to buff my character and have him be on the frontline. After the encounters I've had thus far I have a vision of how I'd like to deploy my companions so I'm excited for that. Thanks again for the in depth response and for provided the clarity I needed.
Best of luck good sir! If any other questions feel free to ask and also come back and let me know how your adventure is going :D
I have trouble managing the kingdom. I upgrade all the regions best I can and things stall out, nothing happens, maybe I'm supposed to go adventure more. I'm unsure what to do to progress the game.
Normally you want to prioritize main quests over everything else. But some quests do require time to pass before they develop. It's a bit of a weird mechanic that takes some getting used to unfortunately.
But I would say that if you have quests to do, go for them, don't just sit in the barony upgrading stuff.
Thank you so much for your videos I've learned so much from various games from your channel. One question I have, is there a class in kingmaker that is similar to the Warlock class from dnd? I am about to finish bg2 and want to play kingmaker next.
Thank you, always happy to hear they are useful :D
I wouldn't consider any class from pathfinder similar to a dnd warlock, at most you could have the kineticists which just keep on blasting people without spending resources. Could be something like an eldritch blast, but other than that they're not similar at all :p
Well done!
I'm a year late, but this video is so important to me today because I bought the Pathfinder series during the winter sale. I'm ready to dig in. Is it okay for new players to play on easy just to love on the story for my 1st play through and normal my final?
Hi, of course it is. Totally depends on what you want to go for. If you're in mostly for the story and don't care too much about beating the enemies, you can play in the lower difficulties for a smoother experience. If you find the difficulty to be too easy to your taste, you can always increase it or decrease it at any point :D Enjoy friend!
Also late, but man is this guide good, even if you’ve played some 30-40 hours in the game, to better get a feel for it :) 1:31:36
there's no concept of going hidden like in pillars of eternity or hide in shadows like in infinity games?
There is yes, it works more like pillars of eternity rather than the infinity games. I don't find it as useful as in those other games, though it can play a part in certain situations.
Love your accent! :D
Really great video you put together, but just so you know, the "C" in "CRPG" stands for "Computer" not "Classic"
Uh, I'm so used to referring to these like this because of the "classic" cRPGs that it kind of stuck with me :p Today I learned! Thank you
Just wonderfull as usual with your explanation like in general in your videos. Thanks a lot. I have always wanted to play this type of game but it was so difficult that I always died. Thanks to you, now I can continu the advendure with understandind the game a lot more even if I have so much more to learn. I just asking myself about difficulty, I always choose the normal difficulty (as I am a big beginner) but I change some of the features to normal like critical ennemy, normal ennemy without minus or bonus. Is it a good idea? Because if I leave the normal difficulty with some feature that downgrade the ennemy, for me it's like cheating with the rule. What's your opinion? Again, thanks to you to be so helpfull and continu to happy us!!!
First of all, thank you very much :D very happy to hear you are enjoying these and they are being helpful!
As for your question, if you are still learning the game, definitely don't jump into the higher difficulties yet, the game can be very punishing and frustrating in those difficulties if you are not already very familiar with the game and the mechanics.
As for customizing the difficulty, in my opinion, just tune it to what makes you enjoy the game the most. If you feel like certain changes are "cheating" don't use them. At the same time, if you feel that certain things the enemies can do are too powerful for what you are comfortable with at the moment, tone them down.
In case you are interested or want more information about the game, I am currently ongoing in a pathfinder kingmaker playthrough in the channel if you want to see how I build my characters and deal with the various areas and enemies of the game. Good luck on your run, have fun, and report back on progress, I would love to hear about it :D
A big thanks again for your answer and you are totaly right. I will begin with the normal difficulty without changing anything to be more comfortable, less frustrating, learning the mechanics and the most important be happy to play... One step at a time :)!!! After I think that I will be ready to play with the right normal rules to try "wotr" but I will never go further in difficulties after, I'm not mad like you :D :D :p :p!!). After I will also play BD3 that I have begin a little bit and love a lot but the rules are a less different (D&D). I've tried pillars of eternity 1 but I don't like it. So, for sure, I will watch your differents games guides and walkthrough to help me. Continue to enjoy us with your very good and clear explantion. You spot very well the differents difficulties subjects we need for those games. Have a nice day.@@CoredumpedGaming
Sounds like a plan! Have fun in your new adventures and keep me posted on how it's going :D
A good day to you as well good sir!
WOTR guide / playthrough when?
As soon as Kingmaker and Rogue Trader are finished, WotR shall begin :D
Awesome information! Can we go over weapons and armor? I think some of that can be a bit confusing, for me at least.
What type of information would you like to know on that regard? I will likely make other videos in time for other aspects of Pathfinder and could include this.
For example, Breastplate vs Chainmail vs Scalemail. They all have the same AC so which to pick? I see there are price and weight differences but why have them at the same AC then? Chainshirt vs Hide Armor...same issue. For weapons, is it simple just going for whatever your character has proficiency in that does the most damage? I dont see anything about slashing/crushing/piercing damage types or protection against them.
Ok, got it. There are definitely a lot of things to take into consideration and some are indeed not very obvious.
As for your question regarding weapons, it's more complex than that.
For lower difficulties you're fine picking whatever seems fun to use and that your characters can use, but there are also other things to take into consideration such as one-handing them vs two handing them, critical damage multiplier, critical threat range, light vs heavy, agile, reach, etc. Which is when you can start to delve into for trying to squeeze as much power as possible out of them and find the best ones.
Suggestion duly noted and I'll try to work on a guide for this :)
Thanks! Yep, a lot more than I thought as you so nicely put!
How do I get my characters to hit something? Took 35 Alc Fire into the first cave and it took 32 to kill 4 spider swarms. Really not having fun.
Swarms are a real pain, especially early on and for new players. Swarms have specific mechanics which can be extremely punishing.
Alchemical fire is one way to try and deal with them, so is smacking them with torches as it can be more effective than regular weapons.
The best way to deal with them though is through pure fire damage, usually coming in from magic or bombs.
Early on, the best thing you likely have is burning hands. My advice would quite honestly be to just avoid those enemies (I imagine you're talking about the spider swarms in the cave where you get the berries for Bokken)
To use ranged attacks effectively you really need Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot. In the Pathfinder system when you make an attack against an enemy in melee you take a -4 to hit and since the swarms just run up chances are you'll have someone in melee with them. It's meant to be an optional encounter that's challenging because of swarms mechanics. Just remember if an encounter is challenging you can always just ignore it and come back later. Things like the inspect feature are your friend in a game like this for seeing enemies resistances, and weaknesses if they have any. That information is locked behind skill checks though so having someone good in at least 1 of each Knowledge and Lore skill is good for inspecting
How do u typically use grease?
I find it annoying because the allies end up falling prone as well.
I tend to use it one of two ways:
1. Out of combat I open up with grease on a group of enemies to disable a couple before engaging.
2. (and most common) I engage with my frontline, wait for everyone to be engaged in place, enemies included, and then just carefully aim grease in front of my frontline in a way that hits most of the enemies.
It is sometimes a little tricky and may take some getting used to as the area the game shows is not always exactly the real area, you can just move it a little further for extra safety for your party. The most annoying part about it is that you cannot remove it once the battle is over
@@CoredumpedGaminggonna try that.
I agree on that last point. Especially if it’s at a narrow area.
Grease is best cc spell in this game. It should vanish after the fight though.
@@CoredumpedGaming You can use the "Dispel Magic (point)" spell to remove area of effect spells
I’ve never played a CRPG before and with this level of difficulty/complication I’m not going tostart playing now.
I would say that if you would like to try a cRPG, and you're new to this genre, you can either go for simpler games (pathfinder really is the most complex one you can get) like divinity original sin, baldur's gate 3 which are both not as complex or for a more classical feel of a cRPG without it being overly complicated, pillars of eternity. The other option is to still try the game but keep it on the easier difficulties and maybe even automatic character builds to get a feel for the game, it can still be very enjoyable without having to worry about all the complex systems behind it.
New player here. I ran tutorial 5 tines with different characters already. Cant decide what to pick. 😂
Ah! Welcome to the club good sir :p I also restarted the game a bunch of times until I was somewhat happy with my character eheh
Worry not, you'll find one you like! A suggestion though, if you're a new player, stick to pure classes at least for an initial playthrough, it helps remove some confusion in the character builds
Huh, I would not have recommended a paladin for the simple reason that virtually no enemies in Kingmaker are evil.
There are still a good amount of relevant enemies which are evil, but you are right, it is much more prevalent in WotR. It is however still a simple class that's easy to play, does well pure, has access to some divine magic while being similar to a fighter and also plays really well into what most people enjoy for first playthroughs which is more along the lines of lawful good.
Epá... topa-se a pronúncia á milha
Há quem diga também que é sotaque de leste da europa :p
I played wotr quite a bit, but I can't stand the companions/dialogue. Too childish fanfic. Wonder if this is better. I've been on pillars 1 which I enjoy quite a bit and liked your video for it
I definitely find the story and companions a lot better in kingmaker than I do on WotR. Compared to both of these pillars is still better in terms of story and mood if you like something a little more "serious" and dark.
How strange, you usually make this type of videos after the last chapter of the game.
That is how I usually do it yes, but I find that this game especially really stands to benefit from some guidance early on as it can be quite difficult to get into. When I was doing the video explaining my character build I kept thinking to myself "there's so much more that I should be explaining here" which was one of the reasons that motivating the creation of this one. And also some viewers commented that they liked the character "guide" (if we can call it that) and that it was useful, which is a nice extra push :p
guy kinda sounds like tartuccio, dont know if I trust him
What do you mean, my dear friend? Me, untrustworthy? Perish the thought! Every word I offer is steeped in sincerity, aimed solely at your benefit. Now, here, take this ring- it will undoubtedly prove invaluable to you.
@@CoredumpedGaming Don't mind if I do. Oh wow, it gives 1 AC. Maybe you are a trustworthy guy after all.
2 hour new player guide. PFFFFT. Yeah okay.... Spends the next 14 hours staring at the character creation screen. Ohhhhhhhh.
Also I am trying to create a alchemist grenadier dex fighter. Help me!
Ah yes, time spent in the character creation screen is a real thing xD I know it all too well!
As for your grenadier dex fighter, not sure I can help much here as I've never tried this and am not fully sure on how two weapon combat works when throwing bombs. I would say that if it does work, most of the build would use that in order to get more attacks in. My main concern though, is that one of the best feats for a grenadier is quite simply "Extra bombs". So, if you're trying to make someone shoot a lot of bombs per round, not only are you not getting necessary "Extra bombs" feats in place of other needed ones, but you'll also burn through your bombs very very quickly. I find that alchemists are one of those classes that benefit a lot from being a pure class (Vivisectionist excluded).
If it were me, for that role, I think I would just do a level 20 grenadier focusing mainly on DEX and INT and the build wouldn't be too different from Jubilost in my current playthrough, except maybe trying to get some more combat focused feats instead of support ones here and there. He will do quite a nice job at it especially since if you really need more AB (attack bonus), you have access to the Transformation spell which will put you on par with a fighter AB for those more demanding fights.