I feel really sad for her. Maligned and hurt she was actually a nice lady who always made an effort to look glamorous and stand on her dignity, despite the scandal and all the mud-slinging. I met her back in the 1970s and she was kind to me, helping me out when I was stuck a long way from where I was staying. She made the offer to get me back safely. I intensely dislike reading the insults about her. She doesn't deserve it. She was indeed beautiful and dazzled in her era - but suffered great misfortune in her life of a kind that today's society would barely even notice.
What women went thru in history is horrid. Sold, raped essentially, forced to give birth, and had no control over their finances. Once married they couldn’t even hold jobs. And of course they placed blame on the woman for the sex of the baby. Lord, glad I’m alive today.
😅Did you miss the part where she was engaged to several people at once and just discarded them ? Just because she was 'nice 'to you for a minute doesnt mean she was nice per se
It isn't hugely uncommon for a change in personality after a head injury. It happened to a little girl I used to babysit for - she fell down and knocked herself out (I think she got a concussion) and, according to her twin sister, wasn't the same after that. I think this woman's change was a combination of injury, some sort of personality disorder, and the stress of her early life experiences.
No, it’s hardly rare. It depends on the location to of the brain injury. People with a severe TBI (especially serious enough to experience a coma) often emerge with a change in personality. A concussion? It’s possible, depending in what part of her brain was injured & whether or not a clot may have formed that caused atrophy. Many serial killers have damage to the area of the brain that controls emotions: The prefrontal cortex is hugely important in regulation of emotions and empathy. Damage to that area causes a lack of empathy, sadistic behavior including sexual assault that escalates to murder. There’s mounting evidence that people thought to have certain “personality” disorders actually have brains that aren’t like yours or mine. The people we dismiss as “evil” aren’t fixable because we just don’t know enough about neuroscience to fix them. At least not yet.
@@ailleananaithnid2566 This is true. It's even in the Bible. See Psalms 58:3-5. They are born with reptilian amygdalas (part of brain that controls emotions) because their ancestral father is the Serpent (via Cain's line).
Can't she just like sex? Oh how society has changed. Also, a lot of people live in apartments and get tired when they are really old, and the poor soul had a broken neck and she died in those days. Don't speak ill of the dead.
Falling down lift shafts happen. I worked in an office - I won't say where - where one colleague apparently went to go into the lift that had opened - only to discover it wasn't even there - she found herself gazing into an empty shaft. So it's best to always check the wretched thing has actually arrived before rushing through the doors. She, of course, was lucky.
Don't wonder, please. This is how rumours start and innocent people, some no longer alive, are erroneously branded It wae a different world then, so different.
Yes yes finally.... A rational explanation....for those who may be wondering , TBI means traumatic Brain Injury.... We didn't have CTs , MRI and PET scans in the 1940s or was it 30s
Don't I know it.... I have had several TBIs. The last one is the worst. I'm not the same person anymore. I feel like my life before the last TBI was a completely different person. It's all a living hell.
To save everyone some time, the skeleton in her closet (locked drawer) was a bunch of Polaroid photos of her performing sex acts on men with their heads out of frame.
T o s a v e e v e r y o n e s o m e t i m e, t h e s k e l e t o n i n h e r c l o s e t ( l o c k e d d r a w e r ) w e r e a b u n c h o f P o l a r o i d p h o t o s of h e r b l o w i n g r i c h g u y s .
Those dark circles under her say a lot about her unhappiness. Back then, to label a woman as a nymphomaniac was the kiss of death. A woman's reputation was a fragile thing. It could be destroyed in a heartbeat. And if a woman did anything to contribute to her bad reputation, the public could be merciless. Btw, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. really got around back then. But no one called him a nympho...on the contrary, he was a playboy, a lovable rogue..it seems only a woman could earn a bad reputation. I wish her memoirs could be published.
Promiscuity in women and men could be bipolar. Stephen Fry made a programme about how bipolar effects people. They dontbeven have fo have been molested in early childhood to turn "nympho." It is a medical condition which is inherited. Gifted actors are often diagnosed with it. It's a double edged sword because for a few days the sufferer will be on a spending spree partying bonking and invisible, possibly writing an epic book, then they crash and attempt suicide or becoming a recluse. They often say they want their bipolar because they like the highs. But they are in w terrible way when they are low. Dark 4ings around the eyes is likely kidney infection.
I had to look up how old she was when she got pregnant and had this forced abortion. 16. She was just 16 when she had her encounter with Neven. In many countries today this would be considered statutory rape. I'm putting this in context as the comments here seem wildly prejudiced and ignoring the fact that she must have experienced severe trauma and ptsd. The forced abortion at this time would not have been what we would today see as a safe medical procedure. I doubt it would have been entirely pain-free, and it undoubtedly led to the miscarriages. I also wouldn't surprised if there was child sexual abuse earlier given her actions. So here is a woman with severe trauma and painful experience before she is even an adult. We know through research today that such traumas change brain chemistry permanently. She is repeatedly told there is no value in her except her body i.e. how she looks and if she can produce children. She trauma is compounded by societal sexualisation/objectification and later her controlling partners and miscarriages. THEN she has a brain injury which clearly causes permanent brain damage. Her ability to have sex was probably the only way she felt valued. I'm unsurprised by this. I'm also unsurprised by the hypocritical way her society spoke about her. Aristocrats are notorious for sleeping around. Heck, there is a fair amount of evidence that Prince Philip did. Just be a little kinder people. It'll do you good.
Prince Phillip was always very angry about the lies told about him. He was faithful to his wife, you could see it in his eyes. Don't sully his good name.
Telling people to “be kind” and protect the reputation of elitists who will never read any of the comments is a little Orwellian. And assigning the victim & PTSD label to everyone that has had hardship, as if you know what is going on in their heads, is a very trendy idea. By this standard 99.9% of adults could qualify as sufferers of PTSD. How about let people draw their own conclusion, or at least add additional insight without telling them they are wrong?
Better to be the castle in the gutter than the gutter in the castle. There’s just nothing bad about pearls. In her mind they were as much a part of her as skin. This is however, such a very sad tale. She obviously suffered a brain injury in the fall, long before modern understanding of the complication of such an injury. Though in full honesty she seemed to lack a fundamental level of ethics or morality long before her fall (physically and reputation-wise)
@@playnicechannel What's sad is thinking that someone's ethics and morals are lacking simply because they had sexual relations. What an archaic way of thinking about females.
I think she looked so beautiful, stylish and she had kind eyes. My heart goes out to her with all that she went through. She must have felt so isolated at times and was looking for love. Rest in peace dear lady 🎉
In the costume section of the National Museum of Scotland in Chambers Street, Edinburgh, there are two beautiful dresses bequeathed by Margaret: one is a duck-egg blue number with feathers, by Halston of New York, the other is black and red, by Yves Saint Laurent. She absolutely was, and is, a fashion icon, but what a train-wreck of a life, poor old thing 🫦 It’s nice that Lady C is speaking up for her to today’s generation.
What a double standard. Too bad she was born too early. She sounds like a tough old bird, going through so much sadness but it sounds like she was well on her way to being a nympho long before her horrific elevator accident.
Thanks for this. I felt so sorry for her - that 40' fall - ooh shudder. Her nursing home was on the same square as my London flat. I had only ever heard of her scandals but your video gave a much deeper picture.
A few years ago a pub opened on Argyle Street in the Finnieston area of Glasgow called The Duchess of Argyll. Before too long the name was dropped, I suspected because of pressure from Inveraray. The pub took the new name, The Dirty Duchess which l don't imagined pleased the Campbells any better!
People were (are) such hypocrites. Men like Errol Flynn were applauded for having 100 lovers but not a woman. The British upper class has always had lovers. Always.
There's more it's believed margert wasn't in the photo of the sex act. It was believed to be two men & homosexuality was illegal. So margert wouldn't say to protect her friends from getting arrested & careers ruined
When I read of these peoples lives lived according to their own natural desires, ending without them finding higher meaning and inner peace it sobers and motivates me to prioritise my relationship with the creator even more ,never taking for granted the gift of the life that I am now living, in order to build a good foundation for the life to come 🙏
@@julieannewaller7541So she kept this photo of an alleged homosexual act between her "friends" in her locked drawer for the purpose of shielding their reputations ? Or maybe she got a kick out of looking at it occasionally ?? Or maybe she stored this "evidence " just in case she needed to blackmail them one day ??? Or maybe it was simply her in the photo standing on her knees in front of a naked ' headless' man ...
Lord Mount-Bottom and Lady Mountbatten: they would’ve had a wonderful marriage if they hadn’t spent so much time jumping in and out of other people’s beds….
@ianchandl He was up to some very repugnant activities with minors. Even some of those who knew him well admit this. He got away with these loathsome crimes because of his exalted position of course
I read a wonderful biography on Margaret last year called The Grit in the Pearl. It had just popped up in my Amazon feed and it looked interesting as I’d not heard of her before. I felt desperately sorry for Margaret. She ended up with her friends dumping her, and living alone… poor lady.
@FallenAngel9979...talk about misplaced empathy...she was nowhere near poor be it materially or experiencially...an attractive woman having a lot of sex in her life with scores or hundreds of men is a pretty common theme on this planet...the woman fully enjoyed getting slammed by lots of men and probably had lots of great memories and then she checked out..a wealthy life of luxury feeding ones desires is nothing to feel sorry for anybody about...its what most poor people want but they dont have the means to be joy riders..why do you think they are called the 'filthy rich'? it's because their money can buy them the experience of any kink or fetish they wish to indulge in...MOST humans want that
@reesedaniel5835 I've only had 1 true friend.....she took up for me behind my back. All the other "friends" were busy back stabbing me & tongue lashing me behind my back. I have no desire for any friends, cause they can't be trusted
It takes 2 people to have a sexual encounter, yet the women (Margaret) is labeled as “Promiscuous “,…..what is the man in this sexual encounter labeled? Just being a normal man? A conqueror of woman? Whatever the label given, it seems a little hypocritical the woman is the cause of the encounter and the man (I assume it’s a man) doesn’t seem to have his reputation effected! In that male dominated era, I guess it was all her fault and the poor upstanding man simply another innocent victim of this promiscuous female? Well, that sounds fair!!! 17:30
Margaret’s step daughter-in- law, Lady Colin Campbell, said that “A Very British scandal wasn’t an accurate portrayal of her and was quite angry on her behalf.
Is Ian Campbell Duke of Argyle related to Cap. Argyle who was responsible for the kidnapping of Pocahontas? I believe they are from the same lineage. If that can be verified Campbell's monstrous behavior tracks.
Great story. Many have mentioned how she may have suffered from a traumatic brain injury after her fall that caused her erratic behavior. I just can’t help but wonder…who exactly was taking all of those photos? Her life is an example of the old adage “Money can’t buy happiness.” However, she did have luxurious linens to cry on.
And brain trauma does not excuse promiscuous or other bad behavior. She obviously still knew right from wrong judging by the locked drawer full of her porno pics.
One colleague of mine working in a paper mill boasted how well he looked after his wife--"Listen pal , when my wife turns over in bed she farts through Silk ".
If her personality seemed totally different after her elevator fall she might have been suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury from hitting her head. This can cause all kinds of problems and personality changes even including a propensity for making poor decisions!
Disinhibition is still a well known symptom of a traumatic brain injury. She was lucky to be spared a mental asylum, as often happened to poorer women with the affliction at the time.
@@maurad5378back then, elevators occasionally misoperated. Usually by opening up before the elevator box was lined up correctly with a floor which could lead to someone falling down the entire shaft.
I worked with a woman who said her personality completely changed after her car accident . A refrigerator that was being transport on truck came undone and flew straight on her car. It was a miracle she survived, but became very promiscuous after it
@@AntonioPerales-bb8pmHead trauma can change you personality in ways you couldn't comprehend. My spouse had severe head trauma from a car accident. I was in the medical field and had to retire to take care of them. Believe it or not until you have come face to face with the damage that's cause by head trauma you have no room to comment.
Agreed. I care for my younger sister who has early onset Alzheimer's and epilepsy. She has suffered several head injuries and assaults by special needs children at a school. She's not the first.
They often led to death. They were called Back Alley abortions and often performed with coat hangers and deadly concoctions given to the “patient” to drink. A pregnant unmarried women or an incest victim was considered the scourge of society. And a disgrace to her family. Imagine the burden of such shame that these girls had to carry for the rest of their lives. Many women and young girls took chances with these dangerous abortions and far too many committed suicide. Society was brutal.
@@dshe8637after six miscarriage and a stillbirth. But OK, two children, so it's fine. Do you have any idea what that would feel like, physicality? All that trauma.
@VesnaVK my point was that the miscarriages didn't stop her from becoming pregnant, (if the children WERE hers and not stolen as she later tried to do with other ones.) Her behaviour was attrocious before she had the abortion.
fascinating scandal...I first saw a 1932 picture of Maggie in the 80s and taken back with her beauty and stylishness. I read somewhere it was Doug Fairbanks she was performing on.
You make the mistake of thinking what was so then is as it is now and that this story is representative. Loveless marriages and class obsession were not confined to the 'upper classes', but for common mortals it would have been much less newsworthy. 'Know your place' and 'I know my place' was more often stated by those down the tree than by the upper classes. Inverse snobbery is and was a thing too.
Why is this lady being billed as " Dirty" ? Her husband was a money grabbing brute who abused her terribly! Why the hell was he breaking into her private things anyway? She was vilified by this scandal,and he got away scot free, his reputation intact. If she had a bit of fun and love....good on her!
Has one thing changed? This is 2024 and NOW women’s rights are being taken. Wake up ladies, these men can push all they want, but very very few can live without a woman.
Fascinating story, thankyou. Just a small point, it’s pronounced Duncan Sands, not sandees. He of the infamous Sandstorm, which basically shafted the UK aviation industry. The repercussions of his decisions is being still felt today.
Going back 30 years the holiday home on the Isle of White owned by David Niven’s parents was available to rent. I stayed there in my mid 20’s. There was a self contained flat/apartment in the garden that apparently was built for David and his brother so that their “ romantic antics “ didn’t disturb his parents!
This screams of some kind of abuse either sexual or psychological. It must have been awful in those days for a beautiful young woman. I don’t Judge her because men treat beautiful women like objects and chase hard then lose interest when the fantasy version of this beauty doesn’t match the reality. She experienced so much terrible trauma
Oh please!--There is enough blame to go around here, all the way around, & this was both before & after her accident--She had a pampered life from day one, & considering 3/4 of a Billion people are forced to drink unsafe water everyday, I have little respect or sympathy for any of the playboy's & party girl's of the world, past & present...
People who suffer traumatic brain injuries will often exhibit behaviors such as this. Coupled with her inherent "eccentricities," the result was predictably tragic. Just a theory.
The Duchess life was crazy brave, unconventional, and a lot of wrong, but she did it well dressed and style. Love this video and will look for more.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Yet if it had been the duke of Argyll all the good old boys would be slapping his shoulder and saying good on you and secretly wishing it was them being so free. Same old double standards.
Amongst men at their club, but in polite society they would always be the subject of gossip and no upstanding woman would have associated themselves with a womanizer. I don’t know why people always say men sleeping around would be applauded by everyone.
Well done video. I never knew about this. About her. Attractive women most times have rough times. Because of all the men they can attract. It really does mess with a woman’s mind. Most people think they have it made. But not necessarily. This proves it.
There are two very odd breaks in the narration of this video. First, at 5:10, comes "...the business man, and avid golfer, Charles - " followed by no last name. So you don't know the full name of her first husband till 5:19, when the narrator says "But when she tried to have children with Sweeney..." Next, there's no mention of her divorce from Sweeney. She's recovered from her elevator-shaft plunge...then she's having affairs. At 7:05 there's a bit of an unidentifiable word that's been partly cut off by an edit, followed by an incomplete sentence: "...among her conquests was a broken engagement..." No mention of the divorce till after this, so you don't know that she's now unmarried. Very strange and annoying.
Falls and head injuries are now known to change personalities and sexual urges, but not known then. Could very well be the case as her personality has been recognised as changing after.
They are finding lately that head trauma causes a lot of "unacceptable" behaviour. Not just promiscuity, but violence. Research into serial killers and violent people has found that many of them had been hit in the head in childhood. We know so little about the brain. But she's also not the only one whose been taken in by terrible men and suffered because of it. Not myself, but an old school friend. She just couldn't seem to see the bad side to the men she married until it was too late.
@@deanfirnatine7814no...it prevents us from being able to make sound decisions for ourselves. (I know right from wrong. )We lose that ability. I also lost that 3 second delay that occurs in normal brains. Mine is gone. It does come in handy ....like the times I've been able to make split second maneuvers to avoid hitting a deer running out in front of my vehicle for instance. But it can be bad if that maneuver was incorrect....because it's a knee jerk reaction ....I don't think about it. My brain has overcompensated since I was only 7 when my brain injury occurred. Thank you
No......I just know that some people who are promiscuous were abused as children and it affects their self esteem and self worth. In adulthood they unconsciously attract the wrong kind of partners. Thats a fact and can be read in any psychology text book @@khworker1322
Well, the women were treated as commodities. They "came out" at age 18 to be put on the marriage market. If a marriage was arranged a dowry would be paid for the bride......and she also brought wealth to the groom and he could spend her money any way he liked. Women lived such constricted lives' back then and some of them rebelled. Their sexuality was the only power they had......sadly they often hurt themselves. @@ZarpSterr
The contrast of how promiscuous men were treated and promiscuous women. David niven was a well connected friend in my family and Douglas fairbanks junior. But these people were interesting and even very heroic, there sexlives were also larger than life.instead of getting parental love their parents had been messing around with people they were not married to. Their parents likely di the same. The husband's spent all the money from their rich beautiful wives, while they were In bed with another more sympathetic man and when husband finds out the woman would be harshly judged by a hypocrite high court judge who is likely spending all his wife's money on a callgirl hired out by Christine Keala's boss, the cousin of another family friend. Noone is better than anyone but money without moral obligations corrupts when not enough family love. Everyone needs love, money can't replace that.
Are you a relative of the actor, Joel McCrea's, by any chance?? If so, Wow! Because he and Robert Cummings- another sweet and sadly damaged soul with the voice of an Angel. I could listen to his tone from 'Sleep, My Love' for the rest of my life- are my favorite Old Hollyweird actors. I like your writing style. Maybe you have a book in you??! 😮😂
@@sunnyadams5842 thanks. I'm not related to that actor but I will look him up. I'm related to Michael trubshaw. My great aunt had to stop him spending her money but it meant she didn't get to spend her money iether. He was good friends with David Niven. The daughters of my aunt turned out very nicely, so it doesn't have to repeat disaster.
@@carolinemacrae6227 NEAT-O! I will look up your actor ancestor!! I am just a junkie for old b&w movies-preferably Pre-Code, but after the silents🤓. Silent movies make me nervous for some reason Lol. Was he any good? Are there any films he's in you would recommend? You are writing with a Chain Breaker. You are💯🎯. Intergenerational Trauma does NOT HAVE TO KEEP REPEATING!! But that is up to each of us to choose differently. Patterns don't change too much by accident. The chain of events is interrupted as soon as we make up our minds to change it. ❤️
She knew the standards of sociery & behaved horribly. But I think there is something to the idea she may have been sexually abused as a child. It changes thought processes, habits & priorities & is so hard to recover from, especially alone, without sharing..
It was a TBI Traumatic Brain Injury on top of the traumas from 8 miscarriages and 1 stillborn child but the Traumatic Brain Injury top the Sour Cake of life's Journey.
I cannot recall how long ago it was, but Lady Colin Campbell put out a video of the life of The Duchess of Argyle. Her ex husband ( a shortlived marriage) was Ian Campbell's brother. It was also very interesting content.
I cannot wrap my head around the fact that she saved all those photos. Was she proud of her past? People hang on to mementos because they represent some sort of happiness. Did i just answer my own question? IDK. 🙏❤
This comment, and the ones in reply, are quite possibly the most polly-anna, oblivious, and prudish I've seen in a very long time. lolol! If you own any pearls (3 strands or no) I have no doubt they are being clutched with white knuckles. 😂
Wow, I just ordered a book called The Unfit Heiress. Apparently she (Ann Cooper Hewitt) had a very similar experience. I thought that was who you were talking about. It is just tragic how these young women were medically violated (sterilized or receiving abortions) at the request of their parents or made notorious because of their “scandalous” lives. Now I hope to find Campbell’s autobiography Forget Not, published in 1975. I am also looking forward to seeing A VERY BRITISH SCANDAL (2021 miniseries starring Claire Foy as Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyle) Edited: Oops! I just looked for the autobiography and it is available for $93 to $350! I think I’ll skip that. I’m still intrigued and eagerly awaiting the arrival of The Unfit Heiress.
What a touching story of this fascinating female pioneer of mathematics and computer science! Just missing an emotional bridge from past historical traces to presence: Granting a training for my company I had the great pleasure to spend one week in the castle of East Horsley, 20 miles south east of London, where the lady spent some of her lifetime. A great Manor, stylish old castle and an active reorganized stables area, where the De Vere group runs an extraordinary touching hotel. Worth feeling this atmosphere for some days!
I knew about her as when I was in graduate school, I did a deep dive on her. Additionally, time and space allowed me to speak with those few that were still alive.. she really is a somewhat sympathetic woman, who just loved and a solid place in society never was hers. (outside of those lavish parties, they would attend, and people would laugh and scoff @ them). Sadly, both were never her portion especially @ the end of her days....Thank you for posting.
I was looking at her and trying to see the "striking beauty" the narrator claims she possessed. At about the 1:00 mark I got my answer. Compared to the other 5 women in the picture she's a real beauty indeed.
If you read about that era , it seems the aristocracy is always up to something . Churchill mother was quite the “romantic explorer”. I think it has something to do with entitlement and aristocracy
Poor Margaret was born in the wrong time. A time when people were much more judgemental and words like scandal and reputation were bandied around. I would not call her attractive or beautiful but she had style (for the time) and presented well.
"A time when people were much more judgmental..." Based on some of the comments on this thread, those days are nowhere near in our back mirror. :/ The world is still littered with Judge Judy's who think their own lives are as pure as the driven snow. 🙄
@@tmac7547 Well, it isn't like everyone takes pictures of themselves performing sexual acts with men/women while married to someone else. If you're so understanding of the woman, you could also be more forgiving of "judgmental prudes" or wtv you want to call people who think she's a "hussy". 😂
I feel really sad for her. Maligned and hurt she was actually a nice lady who always made an effort to look glamorous and stand on her dignity, despite the scandal and all the mud-slinging. I met her back in the 1970s and she was kind to me, helping me out when I was stuck a long way from where I was staying. She made the offer to get me back safely. I intensely dislike reading the insults about her. She doesn't deserve it. She was indeed beautiful and dazzled in her era - but suffered great misfortune in her life of a kind that today's society would barely even notice.
What women went thru in history is horrid. Sold, raped essentially, forced to give birth, and had no control over their finances. Once married they couldn’t even hold jobs. And of course they placed blame on the woman for the sex of the baby. Lord, glad I’m alive today.
@@sshaw4429 Also if a man had the same affairs they'd be slapped on the shoulder and given a knowing wink.
@@sshaw4429Even today, if a man wants to ruin your life ; he can do it.
😅Did you miss the part where she was engaged to several people at once and just discarded them ? Just because she was 'nice 'to you for a minute doesnt mean she was nice per se
Humans are so much more complex than good or bad.
It isn't hugely uncommon for a change in personality after a head injury. It happened to a little girl I used to babysit for - she fell down and knocked herself out (I think she got a concussion) and, according to her twin sister, wasn't the same after that. I think this woman's change was a combination of injury, some sort of personality disorder, and the stress of her early life experiences.
No, it’s hardly rare. It depends on the location to of the brain injury. People with a severe TBI (especially serious enough to experience a coma) often emerge with a change in personality. A concussion? It’s possible, depending in what part of her brain was injured & whether or not a clot may have formed that caused atrophy.
Many serial killers have damage to the area of the brain that controls emotions: The prefrontal cortex is hugely important in regulation of emotions and empathy. Damage to that area causes a lack of empathy, sadistic behavior including sexual assault that escalates to murder.
There’s mounting evidence that people thought to have certain “personality” disorders actually have brains that aren’t like yours or mine. The people we dismiss as “evil” aren’t fixable because we just don’t know enough about neuroscience to fix them. At least not yet.
Happened to henry viii
@@ailleananaithnid2566 This is true. It's even in the Bible. See Psalms 58:3-5. They are born with reptilian amygdalas (part of brain that controls emotions) because their ancestral father is the Serpent (via Cain's line).
Can't she just like sex? Oh how society has changed. Also, a lot of people live in apartments and get tired when they are really old, and the poor soul had a broken neck and she died in those days. Don't speak ill of the dead.
Highly likely, after the accident during a jousting tournament, where he was knocked out for a while. I assume that’s what you’re referring to.
I knew the Duchess towards the end of her life. I found her to be a nice, pleasant person.
Falling down a lift shaft. You have to wonder how.
Falling down lift shafts happen. I worked in an office - I won't say where - where one colleague apparently went to go into the lift that had opened - only to discover it wasn't even there - she found herself gazing into an empty shaft. So it's best to always check the wretched thing has actually arrived before rushing through the doors. She, of course, was lucky.
Don't wonder, please.
This is how rumours start and innocent people, some no longer alive, are erroneously branded
It wae a different world then, so different.
Money does not buy happiness
The judge was more than impartial.. not legal now a days.
TBI's with frontal lobe damage can reduce a person's impulse control to a very serious level.
Yes yes finally.... A rational explanation....for those who may be wondering , TBI means traumatic Brain Injury.... We didn't have CTs , MRI and PET scans in the 1940s or was it 30s
Don't I know it.... I have had several TBIs. The last one is the worst. I'm not the same person anymore. I feel like my life before the last TBI was a completely different person. It's all a living hell.
To save everyone some time, the skeleton in her closet (locked drawer) was a bunch of Polaroid photos of her performing sex acts on men with their heads out of frame.
T o s a v e e v e r y o n e s o m e t i m e, t h e s k e l e t o n i n h e r c l o s e t ( l o c k e d d r a w e r ) w e r e a b u n c h o f P o l a r o i d p h o t o s of h e r b l o w i n g r i c h g u y s .
To save everyone some time...
Those dark circles under her say a lot about her unhappiness. Back then, to label a woman as a nymphomaniac was the kiss of death. A woman's reputation was a fragile thing. It could be destroyed in a heartbeat. And if a woman did anything to contribute to her bad reputation, the public could be merciless. Btw, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. really got around back then. But no one called him a nympho...on the contrary, he was a playboy, a lovable rogue..it seems only a woman could earn a bad reputation. I wish her memoirs could be published.
Promiscuity in women and men could be bipolar. Stephen Fry made a programme about how bipolar effects people. They dontbeven have fo have been molested in early childhood to turn "nympho." It is a medical condition which is inherited. Gifted actors are often diagnosed with it. It's a double edged sword because for a few days the sufferer will be on a spending spree partying bonking and invisible, possibly writing an epic book, then they crash and attempt suicide or becoming a recluse. They often say they want their bipolar because they like the highs. But they are in w terrible way when they are low. Dark 4ings around the eyes is likely kidney infection.
Dark circles around her eyes can be a sign of kidney malfunction, anemia or heavy smoking.
@@CurlyblondeAnemia or heavy smoking could explain the miscarriages--but most likely anemia.
@@CurlyblondeAlso genetics & lack of sleep
Well, for my money, anyone who falls 40ft. down a lift shaft and survives is entitled to be a bit strange, go off the rails. Which she did.
I had to look up how old she was when she got pregnant and had this forced abortion. 16. She was just 16 when she had her encounter with Neven. In many countries today this would be considered statutory rape.
I'm putting this in context as the comments here seem wildly prejudiced and ignoring the fact that she must have experienced severe trauma and ptsd. The forced abortion at this time would not have been what we would today see as a safe medical procedure. I doubt it would have been entirely pain-free, and it undoubtedly led to the miscarriages. I also wouldn't surprised if there was child sexual abuse earlier given her actions.
So here is a woman with severe trauma and painful experience before she is even an adult. We know through research today that such traumas change brain chemistry permanently. She is repeatedly told there is no value in her except her body i.e. how she looks and if she can produce children. She trauma is compounded by societal sexualisation/objectification and later her controlling partners and miscarriages. THEN she has a brain injury which clearly causes permanent brain damage. Her ability to have sex was probably the only way she felt valued. I'm unsurprised by this. I'm also unsurprised by the hypocritical way her society spoke about her. Aristocrats are notorious for sleeping around. Heck, there is a fair amount of evidence that Prince Philip did.
Just be a little kinder people. It'll do you good.
Prince Phillip was always very angry about the lies told about him. He was faithful to his wife, you could see it in his eyes. Don't sully his good name.
Really? l mean who cares?
Telling people to “be kind” and protect the reputation of elitists who will never read any of the comments is a little Orwellian. And assigning the victim & PTSD label to everyone that has had hardship, as if you know what is going on in their heads, is a very trendy idea. By this standard 99.9% of adults could qualify as sufferers of PTSD. How about let people draw their own conclusion, or at least add additional insight without telling them they are wrong?
Don't feel sorry for none of these aristocrates. They enjoyed their lives while the working class suffered.
Prince Philip was an ass!!
I LOVE how she kept wearing her pearls. Iconic
@samantha...Maybe someone gave them to her? 🙏❤
Better to be the castle in the gutter than the gutter in the castle. There’s just nothing bad about pearls. In her mind they were as much a part of her as skin.
This is however, such a very sad tale. She obviously suffered a brain injury in the fall, long before modern understanding of the complication of such an injury. Though in full honesty she seemed to lack a fundamental level of ethics or morality long before her fall (physically and reputation-wise)
Was never seen to clutch them ...good stock, that
@@playnicechannel What's sad is thinking that someone's ethics and morals are lacking simply because they had sexual relations. What an archaic way of thinking about females.
I think she looked so beautiful, stylish and she had kind eyes. My heart goes out to her with all that she went through. She must have felt so isolated at times and was looking for love. Rest in peace dear lady 🎉
In the costume section of the National Museum of Scotland in Chambers Street, Edinburgh, there are two beautiful dresses bequeathed by Margaret: one is a duck-egg blue number with feathers, by Halston of New York, the other is black and red, by Yves Saint Laurent. She absolutely was, and is, a fashion icon, but what a train-wreck of a life, poor old thing 🫦 It’s nice that Lady C is speaking up for her to today’s generation.
❤🎉❤❤😂❤🎉 0:43 0:43 ❤
What a double standard. Too bad she was born too early. She sounds like a tough old bird, going through so much sadness but it sounds like she was well on her way to being a nympho long before her horrific elevator accident.
Greetings from Florida 🐬 Thank You for Sharing ❤
Thanks for this. I felt so sorry for her - that 40' fall - ooh shudder. Her nursing home was on the same square as my London flat. I had only ever heard of her scandals but your video gave a much deeper picture.
A few years ago a pub opened on Argyle Street in the Finnieston area of Glasgow called The Duchess of Argyll. Before too long the name was dropped, I suspected because of pressure from Inveraray. The pub took the new name, The Dirty Duchess which l don't imagined pleased the Campbells any better!
Hahhaa 😂 that’s amazing. Bet they wish they’d never asked (if they did ask them to change it )
Lol I’m from Glasgow now in Coatbridge & I knew at 10 about them TRAITOR CAMPBELL’S😂
People were (are) such hypocrites. Men like Errol Flynn were applauded for having 100 lovers but not a woman. The British upper class has always had lovers. Always.
Wasn't he a pedophile too? At least I believe I heard that quite a few years ago now?
The American upper class does, too.
Wonder why they made such a big deal out of it.
Not all of us.
Both are wrong, man or woman
Sounds like a terribly sad life and I have a lot of compassion for her.
Sounds to me like she had a lot of fun while her husband was pacing the floor of his dilapidated castle. But that’s just my opinion
There's more it's believed margert wasn't in the photo of the sex act.
It was believed to be two men & homosexuality was illegal. So margert wouldn't say to protect her friends from getting arrested & careers ruined
Would you if she wasn’t wealthy?
When I read of these peoples lives lived according to their own natural desires, ending without them finding higher meaning and inner peace it sobers and motivates me to prioritise my relationship with the creator even more ,never taking for granted the gift of the life that I am now living, in order to build a good foundation for the life to come 🙏
@@julieannewaller7541So she kept this photo of an alleged homosexual act between her "friends" in her locked drawer for the purpose of shielding their reputations ? Or maybe she got a kick out of looking at it occasionally ?? Or maybe she stored this "evidence " just in case she needed to blackmail them one day ??? Or maybe it was simply her in the photo standing on her knees in front of a naked ' headless' man ...
May I suggest that you do a video on Edwina Mountbatten? She could rival Margaret Campbell's wild life.
So could her husband!
@@mariontanner7557 Agreed. Was hated by his own servicemen.
Lord Mount-Bottom and Lady Mountbatten: they would’ve had a wonderful marriage if they hadn’t spent so much time jumping in and out of other people’s beds….
@ianchandl He was up to some very repugnant activities with minors. Even some of those who knew him well admit this. He got away with these loathsome crimes because of his exalted position of course
@@richardingamells7213Karma caught up with him eventually...
I read a wonderful biography on Margaret last year called The Grit in the Pearl. It had just popped up in my Amazon feed and it looked interesting as I’d not heard of her before. I felt desperately sorry for Margaret. She ended up with her friends dumping her, and living alone… poor lady.
Guessing those people were not really her friends
Most so-called "friends" are really true friends. I learned this from experience
@FallenAngel9979...talk about misplaced empathy...she was nowhere near poor be it materially or experiencially...an attractive woman having a lot of sex in her life with scores or hundreds of men is a pretty common theme on this planet...the woman fully enjoyed getting slammed by lots of men and probably had lots of great memories and then she checked out..a wealthy life of luxury feeding ones desires is nothing to feel sorry for anybody about...its what most poor people want but they dont have the means to be joy riders..why do you think they are called the 'filthy rich'? it's because their money can buy them the experience of any kink or fetish they wish to indulge in...MOST humans want that
@@judycrisenbery2982 Assuming you mean "NOT really true friends".....if so I agree totally.
@reesedaniel5835 I've only had 1 true friend.....she took up for me behind my back. All the other "friends" were busy back stabbing me & tongue lashing me behind my back. I have no desire for any friends, cause they can't be trusted
It takes 2 people to have a sexual encounter, yet the women (Margaret) is labeled as “Promiscuous “,…..what is the man in this sexual encounter labeled? Just being a normal man? A conqueror of woman? Whatever the label given, it seems a little hypocritical the woman is the cause of the encounter and the man (I assume it’s a man) doesn’t seem to have his reputation effected! In that male dominated era, I guess it was all her fault and the poor upstanding man simply another innocent victim of this promiscuous female? Well, that sounds fair!!! 17:30
They say "it takes two to tango".
A stud.
Well said ❤
Thank you for putting my thoughts into words!
@@sunnyadams5842 Exactly! And given a way to go stud by his envious friends.
Always a Poodle and only a Poodle and 3-strains of pearls. I love it! Thank you!
The word is strands not strains.
@@Cozycountry1 Yes of course. My bad and auto-correct. Please forgive me.
So a poodle and 3 strand of pearls will get you off the hook huh. Only in those days. Now we don't judge as harshly, but we can hold a grudge.
Margaret’s step daughter-in- law, Lady Colin Campbell, said that “A Very British scandal wasn’t an accurate portrayal of her and was quite angry on her behalf.
Lady Colin Campbell is an absolutely vile and horrifying personality.
Is Ian Campbell Duke of Argyle related to Cap. Argyle who was responsible for the kidnapping of Pocahontas? I believe they are from the same lineage. If that can be verified Campbell's monstrous behavior tracks.
I'm happy her loved one is standing up for her
Lady C is a treasure!
I liked your voice, how you told the story. So do more videos like this.
Yes please totally agree. Very soothing 😊
With a charming little Scotish zing.@@Angel4UTwo
Must be that pleasing Scots lilt... ;-)!
@@Hector8 😃
This guy is your channel’s best narrator, PLEASE use him more 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
He isn't. He should know that Duncan Sandys is pronounced "Sands".........
Lol, what are you smoking
💯 agree @poetryjones7946 I said exactly the same thing on another video I watched. lol I don’t smoke by the way lollollol
Usually the narrator is an artificial intelligence robot
Excellent story of Margaret, well researched. Thank you, new subscriber.
Great story. Many have mentioned how she may have suffered from a traumatic brain injury after her fall that caused her erratic behavior. I just can’t help but wonder…who exactly was taking all of those photos? Her life is an example of the old adage “Money can’t buy happiness.” However, she did have luxurious linens to cry on.
And brain trauma does not excuse promiscuous or other bad behavior. She obviously still knew right from wrong judging by the locked drawer full of her porno pics.
One colleague of mine working in a paper mill boasted how well he looked after his wife--"Listen pal , when my wife turns over in bed she farts through Silk ".
@@amezcuaist 😄😄😄 such picturesque speech!!
Excellent narration. Thank you for this fascinating tale.
If her personality seemed totally different after her elevator fall she might have been suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury from hitting her head. This can cause all kinds of problems and personality changes even including a propensity for making poor decisions!
Exactly 💯
Disinhibition is still a well known symptom of a traumatic brain injury. She was lucky to be spared a mental asylum, as often happened to poorer women with the affliction at the time.
How the heck did she fall in an elevator shaft anyway? That’s weird and yes, freaky.
@@maurad5378back then, elevators occasionally misoperated. Usually by opening up before the elevator box was lined up correctly with a floor which could lead to someone falling down the entire shaft.
You think 😂😂😂
Sounds likely she had had a severe concussion, that resulted in brain damage.
Loved this, as my mother was a Campbell, and the history is fascinating! Thank you SO much! ❤
My mother was a Colin from the line of Lady Colin Campbell 😮🎉!
Never take photos, never post online…crazy that people will do stuff they don’t want anyone to know but will record it.
Thank you. That was fascinating. I had no idea of her life. I hope she actually enjoyed most of it!
Interesting! I’d never heard of her. Thanks for the story 😊
I worked with a woman who said her personality completely changed after her car accident . A refrigerator that was being transport on truck came undone and flew straight on her car. It was a miracle she survived, but became very promiscuous after it
Good excuse as any. 🍷😊
@@AntonioPerales-bb8pmHead trauma can change you personality in ways you couldn't comprehend. My spouse had severe head trauma from a car accident. I was in the medical field and had to retire to take care of them. Believe it or not until you have come face to face with the damage that's cause by head trauma you have no room to comment.
Agreed. I care for my younger sister who has early onset Alzheimer's and epilepsy. She has suffered several head injuries and assaults by special needs children at a school. She's not the first.
@@bq6950 I'm so sorry my heart goes out to you and your sister.
@@AntonioPerales-bb8pmsuch an ignorant comment
She was the one with the money. She restored the castle with her fathers money
Perhaps she should have spent some on plastic surgery for the dour-faced Campbell and enhancing his 3-incher.
Or rather, her husband did.
If she did then it was better spent than the way she squandered her money to the point of eventual poverty.
I have watched three of your videos and have fallen in love with history all over again. Hard to be a woman in the early 1900s. ❤️🇨🇦❤️
Abortions done in the 1920s caused a lot of damage to a woman, and probably led to all those miscarriages and bad behavior.
True, she might have caught an infection.
But she went on to have two children and abortions don't cause bad behaviour.
They often led to death. They were called Back Alley abortions and often performed with coat hangers and deadly concoctions given to the “patient” to drink.
A pregnant unmarried women or an incest victim was considered the scourge of society. And a disgrace to her family. Imagine the burden of such shame that these girls had to carry for the rest of their lives. Many women and young girls took chances with these dangerous abortions and far too many committed suicide. Society was brutal.
@@dshe8637after six miscarriage and a stillbirth. But OK, two children, so it's fine. Do you have any idea what that would feel like, physicality? All that trauma.
@VesnaVK my point was that the miscarriages didn't stop her from becoming pregnant, (if the children WERE hers and not stolen as she later tried to do with other ones.)
Her behaviour was attrocious before she had the abortion.
Thanks for this. Good research and presentation.
fascinating scandal...I first saw a 1932 picture of Maggie in the 80s and taken back with her beauty and stylishness. I read somewhere it was Doug Fairbanks she was performing on.
Was that remark a little teeny bit Snark-ily
I now plan to use the phrase "explore their personal landscapes".
I truly pity the 'upper classes' with their loveless marriages, class obsession and out of touch with reality attitudes.
I just finished reading "Brideshead Revisited"......the upper classes are truly miserable.
You make the mistake of thinking what was so then is as it is now and that this story is representative. Loveless marriages and class obsession were not confined to the 'upper classes', but for common mortals it would have been much less newsworthy. 'Know your place' and 'I know my place' was more often stated by those down the tree than by the upper classes. Inverse snobbery is and was a thing too.
I come from money and it’s not always that way
Out of touch with who's reality
Love marriages for EVERYONE is a very recent phenomenon in the greater span of human history tbh…
Why is this lady being billed as " Dirty" ? Her husband was a money grabbing brute who abused her terribly! Why the hell was he breaking into her private things anyway? She was vilified by this scandal,and he got away scot free, his reputation intact.
If she had a bit of fun and love....good on her!
Uppity woman unite!
Best Statement Yet x
14:39 😅
Because misogyny
They were both scoundrels in my opinion. Ugly mules in horses harness
This was a fascinating story and was brilliantly told!
Very well put together video . Thank you , I will subscribe.
There are known head injuries that can cause erratic behavior and nymphomanic tendencies.
What about the dirty men who were involved with this lady. To call her the Dirty Duchess, is shameful
Just other women that has NO loyalty to man that has power. Just like all women of today NO love NO loyalty, just married men for their money.
When a society puts up standards that the elites push they will do any thing to keep those standards least they be judge like anybody else.
Has one thing changed? This is 2024 and NOW women’s rights are being taken. Wake up ladies, these men can push all they want, but very very few can live without a woman.
a better title than slut or whore - is what the non-nobility would be called.
The truth hurts? Bless you.
Always enjoy hearing about the scandals of high society in the early 20th century. Always interesting!
Fascinating! She was gorgeous. Thank you!
Fascinating story, thankyou. Just a small point, it’s pronounced Duncan Sands, not sandees. He of the infamous Sandstorm, which basically shafted the UK aviation industry. The repercussions of his decisions is being still felt today.
Her eyes look really dead.
True....why do you think so many castles and mansions are haunted.
All the soulless ones and their practices, who dwelled there, of course.
The Dutchess was very much alive.
Too much!!
Excellent episode Sir and Team, you actually have my attention and that's a good thing!!!🙏✨👌🦉❣️
Going back 30 years the holiday home on the Isle of White owned by David Niven’s parents was available to rent. I stayed there in my mid 20’s. There was a self contained flat/apartment in the garden that apparently was built for David and his brother so that their “ romantic antics “ didn’t disturb his parents!
Her husband was an a$$! His daughter apologized to her for helping him steal those pictures. Even Lady Colin Campbell is on her side. She knew her.
@@dy9278 Yes, REALLY, Margaret was Lady Colin's Mother in Law. Unless you know differently of course.
@@dianewray1867 you're right. And I liked that she defended her on her channel.
@dianewray1867 Absolutely not; I follow Lady C but failed to make the connection.
@@dy9278 I saw the video she did on it on her channel. It's true. Google it.
This screams of some kind of abuse either sexual or psychological. It must have been awful in those days for a beautiful young woman. I don’t Judge her because men treat beautiful women like objects and chase hard then lose interest when the fantasy version of this beauty doesn’t match the reality. She experienced so much terrible trauma
Oh please!--There is enough blame to go around here, all the way around, & this was both before & after her accident--She had a pampered life from day one, & considering 3/4 of a Billion people are forced to drink unsafe water everyday, I have little respect or sympathy for any of the playboy's & party girl's of the world, past & present...
@@gregsayles9253Do tell us what you are doing, personally, to end this condition. What can people do to help?
@@gregsayles9253I do agree with you 💯
@@ViceroyVisagothblah blah blah
Great video. Thanks.
Fantastic video. Thank you! 🙏🪷❤️
Why should this be news or a story. Isn't this the way a great many men behave??
People who suffer traumatic brain injuries will often exhibit behaviors such as this. Coupled with her inherent "eccentricities," the result was predictably tragic. Just a theory.
I feel that the psychological trauma brought on by the forced termination of her pregnancy was the beginning of the end 😢
@@letitia4423 May well have.
Head trauma can do that.
Traumatic brain injury
Although she was behaving like that beforehand too
Maybe had amnesia, forgot who her husband was.
so very informative . Thankyou so much. 🤗
The Duchess life was crazy brave, unconventional, and a lot of wrong, but she did it well dressed and style. Love this video and will look for more.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Yet if it had been the duke of Argyll all the good old boys would be slapping his shoulder and saying good on you and secretly wishing it was them being so free. Same old double standards.
Amongst men at their club, but in polite society they would always be the subject of gossip and no upstanding woman would have associated themselves with a womanizer. I don’t know why people always say men sleeping around would be applauded by everyone.
Well done video. I never knew about this. About her. Attractive women most times have rough times. Because of all the men they can attract. It really does mess with a woman’s mind. Most people think they have it made. But not necessarily. This proves it.
There are two very odd breaks in the narration of this video. First, at 5:10, comes "...the business man, and avid golfer, Charles - " followed by no last name. So you don't know the full name of her first husband till 5:19, when the narrator says "But when she tried to have children with Sweeney..."
Next, there's no mention of her divorce from Sweeney. She's recovered from her elevator-shaft plunge...then she's having affairs. At 7:05 there's a bit of an unidentifiable word that's been partly cut off by an edit, followed by an incomplete sentence: "...among her conquests was a broken engagement..." No mention of the divorce till after this, so you don't know that she's now unmarried.
Very strange and annoying.
Dirty Dutchess title or not - she was beautiful, poised, and if that was TODAY.... She would have been near celebrated.
She would be an honorary Kardashian.
@@jabbermocky4520She wouldn’t, because all of her partners were white, lol.
@@jabbermocky4520Please don’t insult a real lady with those ghastly people
@@FallenAngel9979 Sorry. That was a low blow. I apologize.
She’d have an only fans
Falls and head injuries are now known to change personalities and sexual urges, but not known then. Could very well be the case as her personality has been recognised as changing after.
Even Plato wrote of head injuries and consequences. Hth
“Must have been those Scottish genes.” Yasss sir! 🙌♥️
Great video, documentary. Happy new year .
Her husband was no better himself. He was NO angel. The headless man was a lucky man!
Bravo! I really enjoyed this documentary.
They are finding lately that head trauma causes a lot of "unacceptable" behaviour. Not just promiscuity, but violence. Research into serial killers and violent people has found that many of them had been hit in the head in childhood. We know so little about the brain. But she's also not the only one whose been taken in by terrible men and suffered because of it. Not myself, but an old school friend. She just couldn't seem to see the bad side to the men she married until it was too late.
Head trauma has been known to cause the loss of all sense of right and wrong
@@deanfirnatine7814no...it prevents us from being able to make sound decisions for ourselves. (I know right from wrong. )We lose that ability. I also lost that 3 second delay that occurs in normal brains. Mine is gone. It does come in handy ....like the times I've been able to make split second maneuvers to avoid hitting a deer running out in front of my vehicle for instance. But it can be bad if that maneuver was incorrect....because it's a knee jerk reaction ....I don't think about it. My brain has overcompensated since I was only 7 when my brain injury occurred. Thank you
Oh! My mother had a head injury...
Loved this! Bravo!
I'm picking there was sexual abuse in her childhood.....
Would yo stay the same if it was the Duke? Small minded double standards
Quite a common practice for those "to the manor born."
No......I just know that some people who are promiscuous were abused as children and it affects their self esteem and self worth. In adulthood they unconsciously attract the wrong kind of partners. Thats a fact and can be read in any psychology text book @@khworker1322
Well, the women were treated as commodities. They "came out" at age 18 to be put on the marriage market. If a marriage was arranged a dowry would be paid for the bride......and she also brought wealth to the groom and he could spend her money any way he liked. Women lived such constricted lives' back then and some of them rebelled. Their sexuality was the only power they had......sadly they often hurt themselves. @@ZarpSterr
Thanks Prince. @@ZarpSterr
Love this! Thank you ❤
How sad and tragic . Margaret sounds like her encounter with Niven at 16 -forced abortion- was the start of her undoing . Can you imagine ?
She saved the castle and got nothing. She was ruined in the end. So sad....
So fascinating! Thank you!
Head injuries can cause loss of impulse control, poor judgement. After the elevator accident, you say she lost all control.
The contrast of how promiscuous men were treated and promiscuous women. David niven was a well connected friend in my family and Douglas fairbanks junior. But these people were interesting and even very heroic, there sexlives were also larger than life.instead of getting parental love their parents had been messing around with people they were not married to. Their parents likely di the same. The husband's spent all the money from their rich beautiful wives, while they were In bed with another more sympathetic man and when husband finds out the woman would be harshly judged by a hypocrite high court judge who is likely spending all his wife's money on a callgirl hired out by Christine Keala's boss, the cousin of another family friend. Noone is better than anyone but money without moral obligations corrupts when not enough family love. Everyone needs love, money can't replace that.
Are you a relative of the actor, Joel McCrea's, by any chance?? If so, Wow! Because he and Robert Cummings- another sweet and sadly damaged soul with the voice of an Angel. I could listen to his tone from 'Sleep, My Love' for the rest of my life- are my favorite Old Hollyweird actors. I like your writing style. Maybe you have a book in you??! 😮😂
@@sunnyadams5842 thanks. I'm not related to that actor but I will look him up. I'm related to Michael trubshaw. My great aunt had to stop him spending her money but it meant she didn't get to spend her money iether. He was good friends with David Niven. The daughters of my aunt turned out very nicely, so it doesn't have to repeat disaster.
@@carolinemacrae6227 NEAT-O! I will look up your actor ancestor!! I am just a junkie for old b&w movies-preferably Pre-Code, but after the silents🤓. Silent movies make me nervous for some reason Lol.
Was he any good? Are there any films he's in you would recommend?
You are writing with a Chain Breaker. You are💯🎯. Intergenerational Trauma does NOT HAVE TO KEEP REPEATING!! But that is up to each of us to choose differently. Patterns don't change too much by accident. The chain of events is interrupted as soon as we make up our minds to change it. ❤️
Funny, you just spoke my thoughts. Thank You.
@@sunnyadams5842 exactly. Break the chain.
She knew the standards of sociery & behaved horribly. But I think there is something to the idea she may have been sexually abused as a child. It changes thought processes, habits & priorities & is so hard to recover from, especially alone, without sharing..
Not necessary, some girl just like to live free, wild, and reckless .
Maybe the abortion left scars that were never dealt with.
She suffered brain trauma from her fall down the elevator shaft. They talk about her personality change.
A lot of truth to what you are saying.
Maybe she didn’t agree with the “standards of society,” head injury or not. Taking it out on the kids is terrible. The sex was sex 🤷🏻♀️
This was so cool to hear.... born in Campbeltown.... Argyll so it's neat learning of her
It was a TBI Traumatic Brain Injury on top of the traumas from 8 miscarriages and 1 stillborn child but the Traumatic Brain Injury top the Sour Cake of life's Journey.
Who took the polaroid photos though?
I cannot recall how long ago it was, but Lady Colin Campbell put out a video of the life of The Duchess of Argyle.
Her ex husband ( a shortlived marriage) was Ian Campbell's brother. It was also very interesting content.
I cannot wrap my head around the fact that she saved all those photos. Was she proud of her past? People hang on to mementos because they represent some sort of happiness. Did i just answer my own question? IDK. 🙏❤
Who in the world would be taking such intimate and private photos?
@@leannemori9688 Good question. They were said to be polaroids, so that means a 3rd person had to be present. 🙏❤
And why would she keep them, risking her reputation if someone else found out about her private life?@@leannemori9688
Women are strange they sleep around and keep the photos to show the husband and kids 🤷♂️and as for Margret well
This comment, and the ones in reply, are quite possibly the most polly-anna, oblivious, and prudish I've seen in a very long time. lolol! If you own any pearls (3 strands or no) I have no doubt they are being clutched with white knuckles. 😂
Yes....who took the polaroids?
Tripod. ?
Thank you for sharing this piece of history. Every family has its scandels.
They had wire taps in 1940 50s? That's nuts especially for the public to purchase
Wow, I just ordered a book called The Unfit Heiress.
Apparently she (Ann Cooper Hewitt) had a very similar experience. I thought that was who you were talking about.
It is just tragic how these young women were medically violated (sterilized or receiving abortions) at the request of their parents or made notorious because of their “scandalous” lives.
Now I hope to find Campbell’s autobiography Forget Not, published in 1975. I am also looking forward to seeing A VERY BRITISH SCANDAL (2021 miniseries starring Claire Foy as Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyle)
Edited: Oops! I just looked for the autobiography and it is available for $93 to $350! I think I’ll skip that.
I’m still intrigued and eagerly awaiting the arrival of The Unfit Heiress.
The irony is that the Duke of Argyll was himself a notorious womaniser who used and abused women and was never loyal to any of his wives.
I want the movie that they keep showing clips of.
What qualifies as beauty is a lot different now.
What a touching story of this fascinating female pioneer of mathematics and computer science! Just missing an emotional bridge from past historical traces to presence: Granting a training for my company I had the great pleasure to spend one week in the castle of East Horsley, 20 miles south east of London, where the lady spent some of her lifetime. A great Manor, stylish old castle and an active reorganized stables area, where the De Vere group runs an extraordinary touching hotel. Worth feeling this atmosphere for some days!
I thought she was a bird brain...
Why was no e of this mentioned?
_"Margaret couldn't just sit back and take it."_
The pics suggest otherwise.
I knew about her as when I was in graduate school, I did a deep dive on her. Additionally, time and space allowed me to speak with those few that were still alive.. she really is a somewhat sympathetic woman, who just loved and a solid place in society never was hers. (outside of those lavish parties, they would attend, and people would laugh and scoff @ them). Sadly, both were never her portion especially @ the end of her days....Thank you for posting.
I was looking at her and trying to see the "striking beauty" the narrator claims she possessed. At about the 1:00 mark I got my answer. Compared to the other 5 women in the picture she's a real beauty indeed.
It sounds like her first husband and her children loved her
She would have been better off staying with him
But, she only loved herself
she had a major head injury @@cynthiasnyder1561
"She was kneeling in front of a headless man"... I was thinking she has serious issues... 😮😮 ...😂😂
She was Lady C's mother in law.
She spoke about her in her last video on UA-cam. Very interesting.
Margaret's story is so very sad. Her behavior at 15 years reminds me of girls who've been sexually assaulted 😢
Excellent video! I very much enjoyed the narrator.
If you read about that era , it seems the aristocracy is always up to something . Churchill mother was quite the “romantic explorer”. I think it has something to do with entitlement and aristocracy
I think it has more to do with a relatively small island and inbreeding in an aristocracy.
Please, these men were after her money. And how about an expose’ on the Argyll men and what they’ve done to their wives?
So David Niven was David Levin. Interesting.
Poor Margaret was born in the wrong time. A time when people were much more judgemental and words like scandal and reputation were bandied around.
I would not call her attractive or beautiful but she had style (for the time) and presented well.
Ikr he keeps saying she’s beautiful and I’m like ?really? But I guess $ increase attractiveness
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you like her looks, you call her beautiful, if not, then she had style.
"A time when people were much more judgmental..." Based on some of the comments on this thread, those days are nowhere near in our back mirror. :/ The world is still littered with Judge Judy's who think their own lives are as pure as the driven snow. 🙄
@@tmac7547 Well, it isn't like everyone takes pictures of themselves performing sexual acts with men/women while married to someone else. If you're so understanding of the woman, you could also be more forgiving of "judgmental prudes" or wtv you want to call people who think she's a "hussy". 😂
Lol. @@GrannieAnnieMB2024
Oh the misery of shallowness.
❤️ this is great.