What Do the Laws of Physics Tell Us About the Universe? | The Creation Podcast: Episode 43

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024


  • @newcreationinchrist1423
    @newcreationinchrist1423 Рік тому +17

    I like how he states that in a biblical worldview it all makes sense. A source for the laws of physics. A source for the information. In a secular worldview they have no idea where it all comes from and how it is orderly and not chaotic. Everything in life starts to make more sense when we get to know our Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ. I can remember when I was a young child that I used to have these recurring dreams that I was traveling to the edge of space. When I would reach the end I would always ask "what comes after this?" And all I would see is a bright light. I think God was challenging my mind. Getting me to think that the only thing keeping this whole thing together was Him.

    • @tlafleur8433
      @tlafleur8433 Рік тому +1

      Isn't that how all true Christians see it ? 7es! I agree with his assessment.

    • @martelinaalmissa39
      @martelinaalmissa39 Рік тому

      I agree for all but one thing..
      created is false narative of evolution and Darwin and real look of universe around us is all by purpose that hides God and everything is about coincidances and some lucky fluke....all is whothout meaning all is whithout God and reason for are lives on eartj.....Sotonist must know tbere is good and God and evil and Satan/ Lucifer/ ligjt berer as they like too say about lying and evil one!!!

  • @Mr4eversaved
    @Mr4eversaved Рік тому +5

    16:07 This Mark Hallam Your talk was excellent I go out every Tuesday night and witness to people on the streets in Waterloo On. Canada we talk to lot of students and they are taught to disbelief that God doesn’t exist and there favourite saying is oh Iam ok. I often ask on what basics are they ok and there answer is I just know it in myself.

  • @newcreationinchrist1423
    @newcreationinchrist1423 Рік тому +22

    08:27 I love how secular astronomers make all of these claims (like a multiverse) without any evidence to back it up and expect us to believe it. As if they know these things beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    • @scottsmith9232
      @scottsmith9232 Рік тому +8

      And then they question that there is God.

    • @dongee1664
      @dongee1664 Рік тому

      With the overwhelming evidence that you have, it must be frustrating for you being so clever and the majority of us non-believers being so stupid.

    • @lawrencegreen8952
      @lawrencegreen8952 Рік тому

      In science all concepts are accepted provisionally because there is always the possibility that subsequent evidence may alter that acceptance.
      "I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned". - Richard P. Feynman

  • @williamhoward2731
    @williamhoward2731 Рік тому +4

    I wish to thank you for sharing this awesome Podcast # 43 video with me .

  • @surrenderdaily333
    @surrenderdaily333 Рік тому

    This is my first time on this podcast. I am a little disappointed that you are speaking on the laws of physics and the person being interviewed is not a physicist ( 4:21 ) nor does the interviewer have much background in science ( 13:49 ). But it's a good starter video that gives general information, so I thank you for that. I have loved ICR since I was a kid. I always believed you would accomplish great things! And here you are, half a century later, teaching how science agrees with the Bible and not evolution. Absolutely wonderful! PS. God also kept the Israelites from the disease we today call, Beri Beri, which is caused by eating a diet of the same thing and was/is common in the east. The manna apparently had everything a human being needs nutritionally so that their "foot did not swell" - Deuteronomy 8:4 GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

    • @icrscience
      @icrscience  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for stopping by. To clarify, Dr. Hebert IS a physicist. His particular expertise is in other areas.

  • @refuse2bdcvd324
    @refuse2bdcvd324 10 місяців тому

    Scripture is a sufficient framework for the foundation of science.

  • @dagwould
    @dagwould 6 місяців тому

    Energy; I'm glad you bought this up. It was the first thing created. God called it 'light'. Visible light is merely the part of the e-m spectrum that is...visible, so a good simulacrum for the entire energy field, and essential for everything else in the material cosmos.

  • @angelalewis3645
    @angelalewis3645 Рік тому +3

    “I might pop out of existence in the next five minutes.”
    “Not yet! We’re not done!” 😂

  • @rollingstone3017
    @rollingstone3017 Рік тому +7

    Another fascinating thing is that Mathematics is purely conceptual. Yet the Universe slavishly obeys these concepts.

  • @mathiasalpizar-qe1pz
    @mathiasalpizar-qe1pz Рік тому +3

    Can you explain the 4th dimension? I am confused because I am not very shure that it fits with the Biblical frame, and with common sense.❔❔❔

    • @TheGuitarReb
      @TheGuitarReb Рік тому

      We only see length, width & height because our visual range is very limited. Other dimensions may exist beyond 40000 to 70000 cm.

  • @mathiasalpizar-qe1pz
    @mathiasalpizar-qe1pz Рік тому +3

    Very interesting, and reinforces that God has authority that surpasses all the things we know about space, time, and matter.

  • @bluesioux9538
    @bluesioux9538 Рік тому +2

    I find the 2nd law of thermodynamics flies directly in the face of evolution, which requires more input of information/energy to head toward orderliness (while decay is the law in this realm)

    • @cherrydoctorpepper7
      @cherrydoctorpepper7 Рік тому

      Evolution seems to be creating order of chaos which seems to violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Entropy should always be increasing. I don't see the universe always moving towards disorder.

  • @newcreationinchrist1423
    @newcreationinchrist1423 Рік тому +8

    11:00 information comes from intelligence. It is not something that is produced naturally.

  • @DavidFuller2036
    @DavidFuller2036 Рік тому

    I am by no means a Pysicist don't even know how to spell it. However I have studied the second law of thermodynamics. This is what I remember:
    Any closed system, without
    the input of energy and intelligence from an outside source, will slow down, cool off, tend twards chaos and eventually collapse. As disciples of Jesus Christ we have do have a source of both power and wisdom which is energy and intelligence. Therefore through Him we do not slow down, cool off, tend twards chaos or collapse. Also humans are closed systems because we have skin. Next, I observed that born again people don't seem to be suffering the effects of this law the way Godless people do. Look at how rebels against JAHOVA have all the symptoms, they are collapsing before my very eyes. Hallelujah!

  • @SK-bw2cv
    @SK-bw2cv Рік тому +1

    Thanks ICR

  • @damonsisk4270
    @damonsisk4270 Рік тому

    I am a Christian and I teach thermodynamics. The Sun transfers low entropy energy to us, while our planet transfers high entropy energy to space. That is how the entropy on our planet can be low. If it were not for this, life would not exist on earth.

  • @gregjones2217
    @gregjones2217 Рік тому

    The laws of physics answer more questions about the universe than we know how to ask.

  • @stuartofblyth
    @stuartofblyth Рік тому +1

    When ice forms from water there is a decrease in entropy as the disordered water molecules take up a regular arrangement in the ice crystal lattice. This decrease of entropy is compensated for by the release of latent heat of ice formation into the surroundings.
    When the Universe becomes highly ordered (star and galaxy formation) after the supposed "Big Bang", where does the entropy go since the Universe is all there is?

  • @TheGuitarReb
    @TheGuitarReb Рік тому +2

    There was darkness on the void. God said let there be light ( AKA electromagnetic radiation)

    • @damonsisk4270
      @damonsisk4270 Рік тому

      What is a bit more interesting to me is the fact that later it says God separated the light from the darkness. Separation processes require mixing somewhere in the universe according to the second law of thermodynamics. It is astounding and impressive that God is apparently saying that he destroyed entropy to make creation!

    • @TheGuitarReb
      @TheGuitarReb Рік тому

      Separation of light and darkness means His "Force caused the Earth to spin on it's axis thus causing day & night. Are you saying the ratio obtained by dividing the quantity of heat added to a substance by the absolute temperature at which it is added is entropy. Of course the electromagnetic radiation (light side) would be warmer. Whoever wrote the Book of Genesis probably thought the Earth to be flat and that the Sun went around the Earth.

    • @damonsisk4270
      @damonsisk4270 Рік тому

      @@TheGuitarReb Maybe that is what the separation means. You have a good point because the creation of the earth was mentioned before Genesis talks about the separation of light and darkness. I don't know, I was not there... But I seriously doubt the writer of Genesis thought the earth was flat; maybe I'm wrong there, but the Bible clearly says in Job 26:7 that God hung the earth on nothing, and the book of Job is considered by many to be the oldest book of the Bible. Anyway, we always run into trouble when we put natural laws above God's abilities, similar to when we try to apply our current understanding of physics to extreme things such as the big band or how black holes work on the inside. At some point, we must make a decision about what we either believe, do not believe, or refuse to be concerned with. This decision is in my opinion the essence of faith, and we all make a choice whether we want to or not. This is not to say we should ever employee the 'God of the gaps' approach and stop trying to figure things out (though it seems science has essentially resigned itself to this in QED, and just model events on random probabilities.) It is just very interesting to me when God describes something in the Bible that we later understand on a much deeper level (like the earth 'hanging' on nothing, or separation of two entities being accomplished by God without any other apparent mixing.

    • @TheGuitarReb
      @TheGuitarReb Рік тому

      Just remember that God created the natural laws of all things.@@damonsisk4270

  • @RobertA-oi6hw
    @RobertA-oi6hw Рік тому +3

    Astronomers claim to know it all but what do they really "know?"

    • @MitchHinde
      @MitchHinde Рік тому

      Disney, bedtime Story telling fiction, CGI eternal cover up.

  • @leroybrown9143
    @leroybrown9143 Рік тому +2

    If God is, life is subject to decay due to separation from the renewing presence of His spirit and the purifying effects His spirit has on sin.
    The 'multiverse' violates finite causation.
    The physical universe must have an ultimate first cause that's outside of and greater than itself. The laws of physics (and inference from reason to best explanation) indicate the ultimate, first cause must be:
    1. Exquisitely ordered
    2. Non-material and not subject to material law
    3. Able to impose function on the material universe.
    4. Eternal
    5. Infinite
    6. Able to create matter and energy
    7. Able to impose order on matter and energy
    8. Thoughtful and planning (functions of mind).

  • @jameshale6401
    @jameshale6401 10 місяців тому

    A qestion to anyone do you have to know all the answers about GOD
    I mean we know tons of things we shouldnt do that are self desructive so if he gave us all the answers would it change us for better or worse
    99 percent of our problems are our own fault

  • @stevenwhite8937
    @stevenwhite8937 Рік тому

    What miracles? If you create a computer program and then temporarily change the code to perform something else, are you performing a miracle?

  • @JL-qo7cs
    @JL-qo7cs Рік тому

    How is it a mathematical description?

  • @dongee1664
    @dongee1664 Рік тому

    Congratulations, you've found that one person to support your viewpoint. Just a few more to go..

  • @jasonhenn7345
    @jasonhenn7345 Рік тому +2

    God can and has stasised entropy

    • @UserRandJ
      @UserRandJ Рік тому

      I like your thinking. Jake

  • @TheGuitarReb
    @TheGuitarReb Рік тому

    Nothing happens without a "Force" acting on it. If there is no God there is no force therefore we don't exist. Wait! but we do exist, right? Maybe God is just having a bad dream, like I do some nights. Maybe we don't exist after all.

  • @duradim1
    @duradim1 Рік тому

    We can't say for sure the second law of physics was in effect. I would hazard to guess the first law may not have been. It could have been different laws all together before the fall. God is not limited by our understanding nor by our imagination.

  • @georgejacob6378
    @georgejacob6378 Рік тому

    Bible as science.,...😢

  • @thomdavis4142
    @thomdavis4142 Рік тому

    So sad that you start with your answer. That is the opposite of how science works.

    • @damieno3470
      @damieno3470 Рік тому

      Exactly where is it he starts with an answer? From start to finish I heard him start with an observation, then has questions and provides a hypothesis ect......this is EXACTLY how science works.
      Will you make that same comment to other scientists that do start with an answer and provide no explanation of evidence such as the multiverse believers for an example? It's not observable, it's not testable THAT is not science nor are ideas like the unseen, no evidence existence of an oort cloud they push off as fact.....WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER! HOW is that science?
      It's a belief system trying to disguise itself as science. At least a belief in God is a belief and people are using science to test it and the evidence for God, at least in my opinion, there is definitely much stronger evidence for God than the evidence of big bang evolutionary development.
      I started as most everyone does, growing up being taught big bang, evolution, ect ect., believed it. Than discovered there was more that isn't being discussed and is rather being actively suppressed and in careful comparison of the evidence have made a choice just as a jury would do during a court case. You have a prosecution and a defense both supply evidence or often the same evidence and try to put interpretation on that evidence. At the end of the day one side will have a more compelling argument than the other. In this case the evidence for God is overwhelming! If your only looking at one side or are too biased you'll only want to choose what fits that biased thinking. Without reasoning there will only be one choice. There are people out there that want to give the impression that nearly all scientists are in lockstep agreement on things, that's simply not the case! In fact more and more scientists are pulling away from big bang and macro evolution because that case just doesn't hold water once you really start looking into it. I once too mocked at the evidence until my eyes were opened and overcame the bias instilled from youth. If you really start looking and asking questions, you might be pleasantly surprised!

    • @truthbebold4009
      @truthbebold4009 Рік тому

      Junk DNA. Real scientists wouldn't have called it junk.

    • @dagwould
      @dagwould 6 місяців тому

      Wrong: it is observation, hypothesis, test to destruction, if it survives, a provisional theory can be declared.