I love Jasper because she is such a sympathetic villain, who isn't really a villain, and the formation of Malachite blew me away. Steven Universe isn't afraid to touch on serious subjects and I'm glad they even did something like this relationship to show even fusion can be through an abusive relationship. Even something like fusion isn't perfect.
The reason I like her so much is because I am able to understand her actions. I mean, i'd be pretty pissed if the gem who made my life go to an infinite downward spiral ever since I popped out of the ground was rumored to be alive, go to earth to find out that she's basically gone, discover that her followers are alive as well, get beaten by one of them, having to resort to a basically criminal action by homeworld standards to get back at them, only for my partner to turn against me and basically treat me like a punching bag for nine months(?), then come out of the fusion mentally unstable, sealing the fact that my life is basically a living hell.
That's why I feel Jasper is fairly sympathetic. You can understand her actions and you feel bad for what happened to her. Her diamond is gone and homeworld left earth behind, leaving Jasper with no closure and a whole lot of hatred towards Rose. Yet Jasper still respected her and never went below a fair fight. I feel Jasper deserves a lot more credit than some people give her.
I think the reason jasper stayed in the water was to in a way show Stockholm syndrome. lapis tricked her and pretty much kidnapped her, forcing her into the abusive relationship they were in. after the fact once they split jasper literally came crawling back to lapis. When lapis refused I think the ocean was all Jasper had left to remember Lapis and what being malachite was like. afterward she started to try and fuse with corupted jems, craving the feeling of fusion and the power that comes with it. in the end it kinda led to her own demise... just my opinion though! 😅
Yeah I was thinking of Stockholm Syndrome too. It also seemed like Jasper might have felt like Lapis was the only one who could 'get' her...the whole thing reminds me of someone in an abusive relationship who stays with someone because they are all all they've ever had/they think the abuser is all they will ever have.
Madelin Elaine That was what I was thinking too and I can't believe Slice of Otaku didn't catch that. For Jasper, going back to the ocean... it's like crying over your ex's stuff that they left at your place. Forcing fusion with whatever other gems, it's like having sex/dating whoever else you can find in a desperate attempt to feel the sensation again. Jasper is one of my favorite gems because of her story and I hope she gets her resolution.
SliceofOtaku huh...nice to know you all agree with me, especially you! just wanna say thanks! after watching you and other similar UA-cam's i was able to catch things like this! also, it is really an amazing show, with all the things it shows that people tend to sugar coat or overshadow when speaking of it, if they ever actually do talk about it. hence why i love this show. it in a way defends the downtrodden in our uncertain times within a world build for those who fit a mold. that being said leading to another realization I made (which I'm not sure if you or anyone else has covered) which is the diamond authority is kinda like our world. we have a strict mold and stereotypes we are forced to follow, wether they be because or race, gender, sexuality, grades, ect. if you don't fit into this mold they you are to be shattered. this in my opinion symbolizes the fact that anyone who isn't exactly like everyone else tends to be bulied, ridicules, and in some places arrested or even put to death. the rebellion of rose quartz was gems standing up for earth and organic life. if you look throughout history there has been plenty of scenarios all around the world showing people standing against their government for whatthey believe is right. to protect those who need protecting. For instance Gandhi and India, slavery of Africans/african Americans and the Jews, the civil rights movement, and one of the most recent, lgbt rights. at one time or another these people didn't fit the mold, and some still don't, there for they must be "purged" as jasper has said many a time. again, I could be completely wrong and crazy, but its my opinion and I just wanted to share it. also sorry for putting another theory on you! it just kinda came out as i typed this! xD if you think this is long, trust me, there's more details and a little more of everything to it!
im honestoy dissapointed w the crewniverse. Lapis could be a great character and peridot too but they barned them and made them comic relief side characters.
Yea,that bummed me out. The reason people want Homeworld Gems redeemed is so they could get screen time and we get to knows them like Garnet Amethyst and Pearl. So they could join the main cast,to see new interactions of foes becoming friends. But no,they've been barned!
Since Malachite has the abilities of both Lapis &Jasper, thus leading her to being a strong fusion; would you believe that location of the battles that happen between gems (fusions included) changes the turn out?
I mean, interpret it the way you will just like I will too, but I didn't think it was Stockholm, it was more of "I've changed, lets make up and get back together"
But it's also a line victims use too; victims can often feel like their abusers protect them, or will stand up for their abusers - Ken Rex's underage wives, for example, defended him when he was clearly abusive - because abusers can get so deep into their victims head, that when their abuser rejects them they panic and become desperate.
Stockholm syndrome is forged through love and affection for your kidnapper if she was really going through Stockholm syndrome she would have never lifted a hand towards Steven or anybody that lapis cared about because she knew that would have hurt the one that she had affection for lapis but we see that she doesn't care for that so until the crewniverse clarifies I'm going off of the psychiatric definition lol
I would agree, but Jasper literally uses the words "I've changed; you've changed me". The fault does lie on Lapis, I totally agree, but that was definitely an "I've changed, take me back" speech. She literally says the words.
When Lapis first tricks and traps Jasper, it feels like she did so to protect Steven. She even told Steven, "Just let me do this for you!" Later it's revealed Lapis just liked taking all her hatred and frustration out on Jasper. That makes her the abuser.
I'm kinda confused on how you worded that. Do you mean that Lapis' original intentions were to protect steven, but later the reason became was because she took her frustration and hatred on Jasper? :o
Basically she was claiming her reasoning was to protect Steven, but she later admitted that it was actually so she could take everything she was feeling out on Jasper.
Jasper is sort of a victim of wobbly writing - in Jailbreak and Chille Tid she clearly wanted out. Something happened to make Jasper change her mind. That, or the crew just forgot Jasper clearly hated the fusion.
Malachite is also my favorite. 1. That design is AMAZING. 2. A fusion between two of my favorite characters (just get Peridot and Topaz in there... come on...). 3. HOLY COW WHAT IS THAT FIGHTING TACTIC! If/when Jasper gets her arc. For the love of... Whatever, BRING HER BACK. (Note on Lapis: Can people just STOP taking her for the one and only victim?)
SliceofOtaku hey slice can you see the other comment I dropped for you to see? It's about what I think of jasper and what she went through! Please just take a look! Great video by the way! You rock!
Something I really want to see in the future in the show is Jasper and Lapis interacting with Topaz and Aquamarine, the relationship between the two feels pretty similar at time's and almost like a reflection of the truth of the Malachite situation with Aquamarine looking pretty innocent and defenseless in a appearance is a lot more dominant then Topaz who although has an intimidating appearance is somewhat at the hands of Aquamarine until she decides to take the wheel like in the end of stuck together. Also seems very likely that Topaz could be the reason why Jasper despises fusion seeing how Topaz is a fusion who's a high ranked gem in yellow diamon's court while jasper this super soldier isn't given that same title, thats interaction I especially want to see.
Before I say the rest of this, let me say that I adored Malachite in terms of character and her depth. I thought that she was wonderfully characterized, despite my not liking the abusive relationship she represents. My thoughts on the Jasper/Lapis dynamic and people calling Jasper the abuser is because of Lapis' other actions in episodes like Alone at Sea. As you say with Jasper, you really need to look deeper with Lapis. For instance, when Greg offers to let her steer the boat, Lapis refuses, saying that she shouldn't be in control. She's afraid of being in power because she saw what happened with Malachite, and she was kind of traumatized by it. One of the lesser emphasized parts of abusive relationship (that's still important to keep in mind) is the shifting of the blame on the abuser, making it hard to tell who played what role, and how a toxic relationship can bring out the worst of either member of it because of the cyclical revenge involved. When Jasper made her move to fuse, Lapis knew what she was getting into, and she retaliated against Jasper's aggression by keeping her tied down (literally and figuratively), and Jasper retaliated by breaking the bonds and seizing control of Lapis. During Malachite vs Alexandrite, Malachite had Jasper in full control, judging by the voice. That was Jasper sucking Lapis dry of her strength, a deprivation we saw taking its toll on Lapis later. Again, it's a cycle. Lapis kept Jasper tied down with Malachite to protect Steven, but she developed such a severe hatred for Jasper and her values that it had a lasting toll on her. In my opinion, Alone at Sea was Lapis sharing how toxic Malachite had been for her, and Jasper was doing the same in her own way, as she was craving the strength that hatred was giving her, the opposite reaction that Lapis had, associating power and control with hatred and fear.
I've always seen Jasper as the one in the relationship that has the mentality that it is their fault that the relationship. The one that has tried time and again to change themselves to better the relationship, even putting whatever pride they have left aside even when the fault is not with them. Malachite, to me, is that twisted sort of relationship where everyone can see that it's terrible and toxic for both parties but both may be feeding off of each other or one (in this case Jasper) is in denial of how bad it really is and is trying to mend what can't be ignored as best they can.
I definitely agree that Lapis was abusing Jasper. Jasper began to need the abuse because, even if it was negative, she was still getting attention and wasn't alone. That is extremely unhealthy for someone and that's why Malachite is my least favorite fusion. I love both Lapis and Jasper and I don't like what that fusion did to either of them. I know that it was Lapis' choice to take Jasper prisoner, but she was doing it to protect Steven so I don't hate her for what she did, and it definitely hurt her mental health too. Sure they might be kinda similar based on the points in your video and they're super powerful and they look beautiful (minus the doofy legs), etc., but I will never be supportive of it because of how toxic the fusion was. I will fully support Jasper and Lapis making up in a redemption arc, but I don't think Malachite should make a reappearance unless both parties have moved on and the situation is dire
All that being said, I'm really glad things happened the way they did. I'm glad the show touched on such a serious subject because kids do need to learn about things like abuse and, for kids who are abused, show that people can move on and be happy (another reason I NEED a Jasper redemption)
Malachite is my favorite fusion, but I don't support it. I just think she's interesting (abusive relationships are a topic that I have a scary fascination for). On a separate note (kinda), do you know that people actually ship Jasper and Lapis?
HiMyNameIsWeirdo yeah I do and I really hate the idea. Like I know all this makes for a really good story but it just makes me think of real abusive relationships and it puts a bad taste in my mouth, you know?
Kerri Yeah, I definitely don't think Jasper and Lapis should be together, but I do believe there needs to be some closure between them. Kind of like how Greg and Pearl finally made up, except Lapis and Jasper definitely need a lot more time for healing (and I don't just mean corruption).
This video itself was just perfect, in my opinion Malachite was an incredible fusion and I did love her despite what it was that she stood for. I never understood myself why Jasper was called the abuser but I got tired of writing the same response so I eventually gave up. Once again, thanks for such a great vid about such a lit character~
we all know why people think Jasper is the abuser. we ALL know. she's muscular, she's "manly". we all know that a lot of people these days - particularly a lot of the people who watch this show - think that masculine people cannot be abused. they're always the abusers, whether they actually are or not.
Autumn White the way I, me, myself, see it is that Jasper just fitted that role better than lapis did in the eyes of everyone else. I don't want to victimize Jasper nor do I want to lie when I say she wasn't an abuser and lapis was. I just think they BOTH were to blame for the whole ordeal. I guess Jasper just acted more like the abuser in "alone at sea" typical abuser behavior of victimizing themselves, saying that they have changed and that everything will be better so I guess it was just easier to balmed Jasper? Am I explaining myself?
Autumn White Jasper forced Lapis to fuse when she didn't want to. Lapis reluctantly agreed to it and trapped Jasper to keep the one person she cared about safe "steven". Lapis was pressured but Lapis hates everyone and mainly want to protect steven.
There are those few seconds zoomed out with the ocean in view and then on Lapis' face before she extends her hand - this is a clear indicator of deception. Lapis takes her time, literally. Lapis never behaves like she feels threatened, because she knows she has nothing to fear from Jasper. On top of that, Jasper never abused Lapis - ever. She tugged her around a few times and said some mean things. That does not abuse make. It doesn't matter how much of an asshole someone is - you can't bind them and torture them for months on end.
I really liked your point about jaspers appearance and how that warps fans’ perception of her!! The show kinda has a history with ‘demonizing’ larger and muscular women (ie sugilite, jasper, topaz even) or, in the case of bismuth, painting her in the wrong. None of the good gems fit that huge, jacked, butch stereotype, yet a lot of the antagonists of the show do. It’s unfair, and I’m glad more people are talking about it!!
Malachite's not my favorite (that title is tied with Alexandrite and Sugilite) but I totally agree with her being strong. Her reasoning for existing is tied with Garnet as the best imo (although they're the only fusions to stay fused for more than 1 episode.) Her debut in Jailbreak gave me shivers. The "spider" like appearance was weird at first but I got used to it.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this channel. You make sure to look at Steven Universe from perspectives most fans are too closeminded to even consider, and I really, really appreciate that. Keep up the good work, Slice, you've got a good thing going!
Jasper's abuse of Lapis basically comes down to her using fusion - love - for power alone. She asked Lapis to fuse, not because of her feelings for Lapis, but because of her own hunger for power. She was taking advantage of Lapis, and Lapis then turned the tables to become the abuser herself, in retribution to begin with, but in the long run, on account of her own bitterness and anger. Neither of them were the "good" guy in this relationship, which is not just complex and interesting, it's realistic. Most people in an abusive relationship will exhibit abusive behaviour themselves without knowing it. This is why Malachite is so unstable - it's not just one strong gem ordering a weak one around, it's two equally powerful gems constantly trading blows.
Well yeah, Garnet is pretty simple when it comes down to it. She's just two lovers with an unbreakable bond. The relationship within Malachite is much more complicated. It can't be described as just one word as 'love' or 'hatred.' Both components of Malachite struggle with internal pain, and they cope by letting out their anger and frustration into their fusion.
Slice,Lapis is my favorite character and I respect that you don't like her, And I show respect all opions you and everyone has, so Let the keyboard warriors make you laugh,you'll be the only one to win in the end,because when it all comes down to it we all are gonna have hate and love,my point is I love you're videos,and I may disagree with some of it to a slightly point,but please never stop, I love you're video's.
I love this video! I always get shit on by people when i bring up that wasn't Lapis the one who abused Jasper? Iv gotten yelled at because of my opinion. I can't help it. I never saw Jasper as the abuser. The theory fits more with how Lapis is in the newer episodes after Jasper is gone. She broke Peridots recorder and never apologized , she never apologized to Connie trying to drown her. I mean is it that crazy that Lapis is the abuser and not Jasper? Because she never abused Lapis.
Shyrocker123 I agree with the Lapis being an abuser to Jasper, but I don't see why people bring up Peridot and Connie. Peridot was one of her captors then she was asked to play nice and get along, Lapis wanted to be alone and Peridot constantly was trying to force friendship onto her, in order to stop her Lapis was cold and personally attacked her by destroying an object she loved. As for Connie I really saw no on camera opportunity for her to apologize. I understand Lapis isn't a nice character but she isn't a mean one either.
I agree because Lapis knew how bad it was to be imprisoned, and its already been clearly shown Lapis is an emotional abuser. She might have imprisoned Jasper to protect Steven, but that sense of control over jasper def made her sadistic toward Jasper. I think realizing that Lapis had betrayed her, Jasper fought back, only to grow "Stockholm syndrome" / masochist for Lapis feelings and full power. The balance was actually pretty perfect for both characters, however the reason Lapis ran away because she feared how much she actually enjoyed all that power. She was afraid to become addicted like Jasper had become.
Shyrocker123 Yeah, Lapis was an abuser, but I personally think Jasper was an abuser as well. I definitely don't think that "Oh Lapis was the ONLY abuser!" and "Oh Jasper was the ONLY abuser!" Nah. I believe they're both abusers to each other. Malachite is my favorite fusion, excluding Garnet. I would like to see Malachite appear again, but this time more trustful and stable. Not fully stable though, I actually want Jasper and Lapis to keep a small grudge between each other and not completely become "friends."
Shyrocker123- Boy, I really have no clue on the extent of this mentality is in the fandom. Most comments I read, people seem to realize it was a toxic relationship on both ends. Both of them fought for dominance, and Lapis, was the one to stay on top. It even came out of her own mouth! So, I can't see why people would just pin it on Jasper. Was Jasper innocent? No. But Lapis' hands are by no means were clean of the situation either.
Ya know, every gem is weak when compared to BDSM Bismuth Death Shattering Machine. I'm pretty sure if you shatter a gem during a fusion they would both die
A.R.D. Project I doubt it, though the other gems involved in said fusion would definitely need time to reform. Not to mention the psychological damage of having been linked to someone who was shattered effecting their physical forms. It wouldn't kill them, but they would feel what it is like to die, as well as the fallen's final moments.
Man, I really enjoy videos where characters are broken down like this. Their themes brought to light, their mentalities explained, and so on. It just helps give a greater appreciation for those characters, as well as open eyes to ideas that hadn't been explored before. Thanks SliceofOtaku for the awesome video!
i personally love watching the character analysis videos! i think you have a very interesting perspective on malachite and her separate component gems, especially regarding all the abuse controversy in the fandom. i'd be very interested in seeing a character analysis video along the same lines as these about pearl since a bunch of people in the fandom claim that she's an abusive character too.
I absolutely love every time you speak about Jasper because you actually understand her charter and the struggles she’s been put through. And I when you talked about how Lapis abused her I had to stand up and applaud.
YES YES YES OMG PLEASE, YOU UNDERSTAND THE CHARACTERS AND THATS WHATS NEEDED! People don't see under the shell of the characters but you do (and I) and you're needed so people understand the depth of them! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH Tbh you're my favorite SU youtuber
My favorite fusion is the unknown quartz fusion in the episode "Earthlings". It's just so cool and scary, the way it looks and behaves is like a complete fusion of man and beast and I love it's color scheme. I could gush about it forever but I don't want to.
I've watched SU all the way through like five times now, but there are so many ideas you present in your videos that I've never before considered. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us.
9:55 me too. I'm hoping that the reason Lapis's character development seems to just have stopped, and been left incomplete, is only because it has only been put on pause. I hope it'll be put on play again by Jasper getting a redemption arc, Lapis taking part in it- and getting more character development that way.
Malachite is aesthetics asf too, I was originally surprised and kinda wierded out by her design, and as time went on I began to love it. Also, WATER POWERS!!! ;D
We all saw how jasper was with Steven when she found out he was a diamond. She was obsessed with the idea of being controlled of course she came crawling back to lapis
I remember watching when lapis first appeared and being really excited for her character. I was very disappointed when she turned out so...average? If she’s your favorite character I understand. People tend to like more edgy characters that seem depressing or like there ‘babies’ but I would love to go back and find out more about her. She makes me curious to find out more about her and that is one thing the crewniverse did right.
Great analysis!! And for putting this out so fast, I couldn't wait to watch this video. Malachite is the most interesting fusion, thus far. And I like how you pointed out Jasper's feeling towards fusion overall. After all the things we know about her, the fact Jasper wanted to fuse *at all* really stands out to me. I mean, her desperation to eliminate the Gems, which maybe to her would simultaneously erase the stain of her past, is really sad to me. She was willing to put her reputation and everything on the line for the sake of that one goal! And it’s kinda tragic how she went back to Earth to prove she was better and *deserved* to be free from “it’s prison” only to get her ass handed to her numerous times. And just like she has similarities to Lapis, she has a lot to Amethyst as well. I think people tend to forget that, because while Ame hid her insecurities with jokes and occasional emotional outburst, Jasper used aggression and bravado to cover hers. And while Ame’s defense mechs. could arguably be more tolerable to deal with, it doesn’t make Jasper’s any less sympathetic. On a side note personally, I think Mal's fusion was more of a toxic relationship rather than abusive. And let me explain, abuse did take place in this relationship, on *both* sides, which was why it was bad. However, to me, abusive relationship sounds like one abuser and their victim. Whereas, toxic to me is a relationship that is bad because both partners bring a destructive force to it. Sorry for this long post, but I just had to share my thoughts as well. Great video again! P.S. at 6:22 Malachite looks like an adorable muffin.
I didn't even realize that Jasper was essentially trying to recreate Malachite without Lapis by dwelling in the ocean I love watching your videos because of how much is discussed and how your show takes different perspectives
I am so glad you touched on the issues of Malachite while acknowledging that they are a powerful fusion. I will admit I was in the boat of "Jasper was the 'abuser' until later on when we Jasper beg to get back with Lapis and then what happens with her fusing with corrupted gems, the consequences be darned.
I like how the crewniverse used Malichite to show not only what goes on in a mutually abusive relationship, but also how they used the memory of her to show the aftermath. Jasper starting to believe that she's only powerful if she's fused with someone showing how one side can end up feeling worthless without a partner, and Lapis developing PTSD not only from what she went through but also from what she did, it's beautiful.
You know what I appreciate about Malachite physical form? Her body is a consistent of grabbing complexities. Everything is just latching and holding on to the problems/goals and they wouldn't let go. And by holding on it does become stronger what it was previously. And I just adore how much it reflects their minds.
I really liked this video and always appreciate your work for character analysis because while it has a short track record and isn't fully realized, it's very engaging and promising. I can't wait to see more as you dive into new characters in the future. Malachite is a very interesting choice, but I can see why you love her so much from this video. Best of Luck on your computer project!
lol, I was literally just exiting one of your videos and going to the next over and over and over and your intros all sound exactly the same which is hilarious
I honestly don't see why people made Jasper out to be the abuser. It's so obvious from the episode content that Lapis was the bad guy in that situation. Jasper actually did nothing wrong. She thought Lapis was on her side at that point (Lapis was in prison, but only because she was being interrogated and not for being a rebel at that point) and ASKED her to help her win the fight. At no point does she force her. She asks for her consent. And Lapis gives it. If we're using the "fusion is sex" metaphor, Jasper did everything you're supposed to. It's made especially clear in Alone At Sea. Lapis isn't scared of Jasper, she isn't scared that Jasper's going to hurt her. She's scared of what SHE could do to Jasper. Jasper awoke a dark side of Lapis that she didn't even know existed, a side willing to hurt and punish, and it terrified her.
Malachite was the scariest thing in the show, imo. Not based on primal fear like those cluster experiments, with the bodyhorror aspect. But just the lingering, looming since of dread that followed her all the way up to her liberation.
Malachite was always my favorite fusion, solely on her first introduction with Jasper and Lapis's fusion dance. Also you can't believe how happy I am to hear someone else say how Lapis was pretty much the abuser of the relationship equivalent of the fusion.
You know everyone thinks " OH LAPIS AND PERIDOT ARE THE BEEEEEEST " but they never appreciate how jasper no matter how horrible she might seem, is obeying her homeworld and still has a heart! When she was getting corrupted you could see how she is really afraid and sad she is. You could see how betrayed and horrible she felt, she must have felt that she could have protected pink diamond if she was just stronger!, that's why she acts so feisty and makes it look like she can't feel remorse.... but inside that's all she feels! You have to understand how desperate and confused how this gem is! All she wants to do is make it up to pink diamond and avenge her being shattered! She just needs some help and love! Thanks for reading all this! Please like it so slice of Otaku can see it! Thank you!
Honestly, after Jasper had been denyed from Malachite by Lapis, she TURNED into the abuser, she forced a fusion into a corruped gem, in wich created Zebra Jasper, wich not only is a toxic fusion, but a straight up rape in Jasper's part, since Ocean Jasper didn't partaque in the want of the fusion, but Jasper just didn't want to loose to 'Rose Quartz and her defective little quartz', like, girl turned from victim to straight up abuser in that part
At first I was interested in Malachite but didn't particularly love her. Now after this video I can't help but gush with love and affection at how complex a fusion malachite is. It would be bad if she came back, but I can't help but kind of wonder how that fusion would be if Jasper was redeemed and more at peace with herself.
Steven Universe- All about characters that are both good and bad. There really seems to be no black or white character in the series, all of them fall into a grey area and are always deeper than the 'good guy' or 'bad guy' concept.
She was like a homophobe who found that she had feelings for the same gender, but also a bad person who a good one took advantage of and abused. Redemption trampled by toxicity. A recipe for disaster. Can we just get Jasper a hug? She deserves it by now.
one thing ive been thinking of since i watched your jasper analysis video was like... it's been hard for me to accept jasper because im an abuse victim and her displays of physical aggression and violence make me uncomfortable. but like. ive been through a lot of emotional abuse and manipulation as well, but somehow glanced over the scenes where lapis was displaying manipulation and emotional abuse... i think a lot of people, even abuse victims ourselves, internalize this idea that emotional abuse isn't "real" abuse and forgiving emotionally abusive characters and manipulators or looking past their actions... i dunno. it's obviously a lot harder to recognize but yeah
SliceofOtaku Yeah! One thing I've come across a lot in this fandom is people who are like "why does it matter, why would you debate about it, why do you care, it's just a cartoon, they're just fictional characters, don't get so worked up about it" but these stories and characters really do matter because they can represent real issues in a very real way and that's important to people who have been through similar struggles, victories, emotions, relationships, and developments that we see our favorite characters having. So it's important to keep conversations going about representation and the serious aspects of the show and characters !!!
I just wanted to say that as another victim of abuse jaspers actions and words also made me uncomfortable and were unsettlingly familiar. I pretty much related to everything you said so thank you for putting it into words because I certainly didn’t know how to.
It's really herd to choose my favorite fusion. I do REALLY love malachite though, A LOT! And one little thing I always loved about her is how her voice can change from lapis's voice to Jasper's
I still hope the show delves further into Lapis's past. Specifically when Jasper tells Steven got his shield pointed at the "wrong person". An 80 gem killing machine regards a Terraforming Lapis as a threat greater than herself. I think Lapis let more of her darker side slip out when she was chaining the pair of them under the ocean.
Lapis not only agreed to fuse with the intent to torture Jasper, not only did she lashed out at her, but she also admitted that she LIKED it. HOw the hell does this fandom love her so much and go around saying how aweful and abusive Jasper is?....
I'm here for this analysis. Also, Mr.Slice if you haven't seen the movie Perfect Blue you should really check it out such an incredible psychological thriller that I think you'd love. Anyways wish you the best I love you!
Malachite is my favorite fusion and Lapis is my favorite gem, but you're right that after alone at sea Lapis went downhill. She went from a gem wiling to do terrible things to help her friend, with parallels to pearl, to a pointless. Like peridot, the writers "stripped them of their dignity."
A cool feature that I love about Malachite is that she doesn't have her own voice actress. She instead just has Lapis and Jasper's actresses speaking at the same time. I feel as though this is very symbolic of their relationship as Malachite, being that they do not agree on any part of what they are doing, and that while they are fused physically, they are still miles apart mentally.
Jasper "asking" Lapis to fuse was not a choice, it was an ultimatum. Jasper told Lapis to just say yes while holding her down from fleeing. Lapis took that and spun it back onto Jasper. Additionally, Jasper was introduced into the series as a "bad guy," and that's largely why lots of people (myself included) initially felt like Jasper was the abusive one. I've come to see their relationship how you see it, but I think you overlooked a part of the explanation as to why people might have seen it the other way around. Aside from that, I loved this video and you've helped me appreciate Malachite so much more than before! I love your videos! Keep up the good work :D
I'm honestly just waiting for people claiming Jasper was the abuser to just admit they only see her as an abuser because she's more masculine than Lapis. How else can they justify this when Lapis outright admits she liked hurting Jasper like ??? Even as someone who liked Lapis, after really watching the episodes over again it was really hard *NOT* to see her as an abuser. Jasper *asks* her to fuse, Lapis wasn't forced she chose to fuse in order to imprison Jasper and hurt her considering the crystal gems would have taken her out easily. Then when Jasper tried to leave she forced her to stay so she could continue hurting her while using protecting Steven as an excuse, then she flat out admits that she enjoyed hurting her and took everything out on her. Jasper's whole "i've changed' thing sounds WAY more like a person with stockholm syndrome.
Malachite had me shook when I first saw her! Like you said, that internal conflict and communication was one of the things that had me so interested too.
I love seeing your P.O.V. on this and your analyses on Jasper and lapis (tho I really love the Jasper one, it really made me think on Jasper as a character and her perspective) I hope to see more of these type of videos soon! Wuv you, :D
I love Jasper because she is such a sympathetic villain, who isn't really a villain, and the formation of Malachite blew me away. Steven Universe isn't afraid to touch on serious subjects and I'm glad they even did something like this relationship to show even fusion can be through an abusive relationship. Even something like fusion isn't perfect.
The reason I like her so much is because I am able to understand her actions. I mean, i'd be pretty pissed if the gem who made my life go to an infinite downward spiral ever since I popped out of the ground was rumored to be alive, go to earth to find out that she's basically gone, discover that her followers are alive as well, get beaten by one of them, having to resort to a basically criminal action by homeworld standards to get back at them, only for my partner to turn against me and basically treat me like a punching bag for nine months(?), then come out of the fusion mentally unstable, sealing the fact that my life is basically a living hell.
That's why I feel Jasper is fairly sympathetic. You can understand her actions and you feel bad for what happened to her. Her diamond is gone and homeworld left earth behind, leaving Jasper with no closure and a whole lot of hatred towards Rose. Yet Jasper still respected her and never went below a fair fight. I feel Jasper deserves a lot more credit than some people give her.
infectioustrations Jasper is still a villain. She fused with corrupted gems tried to kill Amethyst and Steven fused with a corrupted gem and etc
"And she was tearing them apart."
_"I can't wait to tear you gems apart!"_
SHSL Editor that's what I thought!
I think the reason jasper stayed in the water was to in a way show Stockholm syndrome. lapis tricked her and pretty much kidnapped her, forcing her into the abusive relationship they were in. after the fact once they split jasper literally came crawling back to lapis. When lapis refused I think the ocean was all Jasper had left to remember Lapis and what being malachite was like. afterward she started to try and fuse with corupted jems, craving the feeling of fusion and the power that comes with it. in the end it kinda led to her own demise... just my opinion though! 😅
Yeah I was thinking of Stockholm Syndrome too. It also seemed like Jasper might have felt like Lapis was the only one who could 'get' her...the whole thing reminds me of someone in an abusive relationship who stays with someone because they are all all they've ever had/they think the abuser is all they will ever have.
Erratic Pants exactly
Madelin Elaine That was what I was thinking too and I can't believe Slice of Otaku didn't catch that. For Jasper, going back to the ocean... it's like crying over your ex's stuff that they left at your place. Forcing fusion with whatever other gems, it's like having sex/dating whoever else you can find in a desperate attempt to feel the sensation again. Jasper is one of my favorite gems because of her story and I hope she gets her resolution.
...Dear lord thinking about it like that hurts like hell.
SliceofOtaku huh...nice to know you all agree with me, especially you! just wanna say thanks! after watching you and other similar UA-cam's i was able to catch things like this! also, it is really an amazing show, with all the things it shows that people tend to sugar coat or overshadow when speaking of it, if they ever actually do talk about it. hence why i love this show. it in a way defends the downtrodden in our uncertain times within a world build for those who fit a mold. that being said leading to another realization I made (which I'm not sure if you or anyone else has covered) which is the diamond authority is kinda like our world. we have a strict mold and stereotypes we are forced to follow, wether they be because or race, gender, sexuality, grades, ect. if you don't fit into this mold they you are to be shattered. this in my opinion symbolizes the fact that anyone who isn't exactly like everyone else tends to be bulied, ridicules, and in some places arrested or even put to death. the rebellion of rose quartz was gems standing up for earth and organic life. if you look throughout history there has been plenty of scenarios all around the world showing people standing against their government for whatthey believe is right. to protect those who need protecting. For instance Gandhi and India, slavery of Africans/african Americans and the Jews, the civil rights movement, and one of the most recent, lgbt rights. at one time or another these people didn't fit the mold, and some still don't, there for they must be "purged" as jasper has said many a time. again, I could be completely wrong and crazy, but its my opinion and I just wanted to share it. also sorry for putting another theory on you! it just kinda came out as i typed this! xD if you think this is long, trust me, there's more details and a little more of everything to it!
im honestoy dissapointed w the crewniverse. Lapis could be a great character and peridot too but they barned them and made them comic relief side characters.
Yea,that bummed me out. The reason people want Homeworld Gems redeemed is so they could get screen time and we get to knows them like Garnet Amethyst and Pearl. So they could join the main cast,to see new interactions of foes becoming friends. But no,they've been barned!
she definitely had an advantage being in the ocean.
CrystalQueen90 not to mention having less gems on the fusion. more gems = more instable
I did enjoy every twisted moment of malachite though ❤
CrystalQueen90 same
Since Malachite has the abilities of both Lapis &Jasper, thus leading her to being a strong fusion; would you believe that location of the battles that happen between gems (fusions included) changes the turn out?
Yes because alot of her attacks were with water.
I saw Jasper's pleading to be Malachite again as a Stockholm syndrome kind of thing instead of an "I've changed, take me back" kind of thing.
It's heavily implied that is true.
I mean, interpret it the way you will just like I will too, but I didn't think it was Stockholm, it was more of "I've changed, lets make up and get back together"
But it's also a line victims use too; victims can often feel like their abusers protect them, or will stand up for their abusers - Ken Rex's underage wives, for example, defended him when he was clearly abusive - because abusers can get so deep into their victims head, that when their abuser rejects them they panic and become desperate.
Stockholm syndrome is forged through love and affection for your kidnapper if she was really going through Stockholm syndrome she would have never lifted a hand towards Steven or anybody that lapis cared about because she knew that would have hurt the one that she had affection for lapis but we see that she doesn't care for that so until the crewniverse clarifies I'm going off of the psychiatric definition lol
I would agree, but Jasper literally uses the words "I've changed; you've changed me". The fault does lie on Lapis, I totally agree, but that was definitely an "I've changed, take me back" speech. She literally says the words.
Still holding out hope that jasper gets another arc
dσcтσя єиzумє αρσcαlуρѕє luv yo pic
dσcтσя єиzумє αρσcαlуρѕє Kimberly Brook pretty much confirmed that she's getting redeemed
Yeah, I'd love to see more of her
When Lapis first tricks and traps Jasper, it feels like she did so to protect Steven. She even told Steven, "Just let me do this for you!" Later it's revealed Lapis just liked taking all her hatred and frustration out on Jasper. That makes her the abuser.
I'm kinda confused on how you worded that. Do you mean that Lapis' original intentions were to protect steven, but later the reason became was because she took her frustration and hatred on Jasper? :o
Basically she was claiming her reasoning was to protect Steven, but she later admitted that it was actually so she could take everything she was feeling out on Jasper.
Well that's what Lapis said but that's just words. She probably did it to have a control over what's going on.
Jasper is sort of a victim of wobbly writing - in Jailbreak and Chille Tid she clearly wanted out. Something happened to make Jasper change her mind. That, or the crew just forgot Jasper clearly hated the fusion.
In my opinion, I think that Lapis did it for both reasons - to protect Steven as well as take out her anger and frustration.
Malachite is also my favorite.
1. That design is AMAZING.
2. A fusion between two of my favorite characters (just get Peridot and Topaz in there... come on...).
If/when Jasper gets her arc. For the love of... Whatever, BRING HER BACK.
(Note on Lapis: Can people just STOP taking her for the one and only victim?)
"before i dive deep" i see what you did slice
SliceofOtaku hey slice can you see the other comment I dropped for you to see? It's about what I think of jasper and what she went through! Please just take a look! Great video by the way! You rock!
Something I really want to see in the future in the show is Jasper and Lapis interacting with Topaz and Aquamarine, the relationship between the two feels pretty similar at time's and almost like a reflection of the truth of the Malachite situation with Aquamarine looking pretty innocent and defenseless in a appearance is a lot more dominant then Topaz who although has an intimidating appearance is somewhat at the hands of Aquamarine until she decides to take the wheel like in the end of stuck together. Also seems very likely that Topaz could be the reason why Jasper despises fusion seeing how Topaz is a fusion who's a high ranked gem in yellow diamon's court while jasper this super soldier isn't given that same title, thats interaction I especially want to see.
damn! i never caught this parallel! you're so right about aquamarine & topaz vs. jasper & lapis. good catch.
thanks man :)
Before I say the rest of this, let me say that I adored Malachite in terms of character and her depth. I thought that she was wonderfully characterized, despite my not liking the abusive relationship she represents. My thoughts on the Jasper/Lapis dynamic and people calling Jasper the abuser is because of Lapis' other actions in episodes like Alone at Sea. As you say with Jasper, you really need to look deeper with Lapis. For instance, when Greg offers to let her steer the boat, Lapis refuses, saying that she shouldn't be in control. She's afraid of being in power because she saw what happened with Malachite, and she was kind of traumatized by it. One of the lesser emphasized parts of abusive relationship (that's still important to keep in mind) is the shifting of the blame on the abuser, making it hard to tell who played what role, and how a toxic relationship can bring out the worst of either member of it because of the cyclical revenge involved. When Jasper made her move to fuse, Lapis knew what she was getting into, and she retaliated against Jasper's aggression by keeping her tied down (literally and figuratively), and Jasper retaliated by breaking the bonds and seizing control of Lapis. During Malachite vs Alexandrite, Malachite had Jasper in full control, judging by the voice. That was Jasper sucking Lapis dry of her strength, a deprivation we saw taking its toll on Lapis later. Again, it's a cycle. Lapis kept Jasper tied down with Malachite to protect Steven, but she developed such a severe hatred for Jasper and her values that it had a lasting toll on her. In my opinion, Alone at Sea was Lapis sharing how toxic Malachite had been for her, and Jasper was doing the same in her own way, as she was craving the strength that hatred was giving her, the opposite reaction that Lapis had, associating power and control with hatred and fear.
10000% AGREED!
I've always seen Jasper as the one in the relationship that has the mentality that it is their fault that the relationship. The one that has tried time and again to change themselves to better the relationship, even putting whatever pride they have left aside even when the fault is not with them. Malachite, to me, is that twisted sort of relationship where everyone can see that it's terrible and toxic for both parties but both may be feeding off of each other or one (in this case Jasper) is in denial of how bad it really is and is trying to mend what can't be ignored as best they can.
I definitely agree that Lapis was abusing Jasper. Jasper began to need the abuse because, even if it was negative, she was still getting attention and wasn't alone. That is extremely unhealthy for someone and that's why Malachite is my least favorite fusion. I love both Lapis and Jasper and I don't like what that fusion did to either of them. I know that it was Lapis' choice to take Jasper prisoner, but she was doing it to protect Steven so I don't hate her for what she did, and it definitely hurt her mental health too. Sure they might be kinda similar based on the points in your video and they're super powerful and they look beautiful (minus the doofy legs), etc., but I will never be supportive of it because of how toxic the fusion was. I will fully support Jasper and Lapis making up in a redemption arc, but I don't think Malachite should make a reappearance unless both parties have moved on and the situation is dire
All that being said, I'm really glad things happened the way they did. I'm glad the show touched on such a serious subject because kids do need to learn about things like abuse and, for kids who are abused, show that people can move on and be happy (another reason I NEED a Jasper redemption)
Malachite is my favorite fusion, but I don't support it. I just think she's interesting (abusive relationships are a topic that I have a scary fascination for). On a separate note (kinda), do you know that people actually ship Jasper and Lapis?
HiMyNameIsWeirdo yeah I do and I really hate the idea. Like I know all this makes for a really good story but it just makes me think of real abusive relationships and it puts a bad taste in my mouth, you know?
Kerri Yeah, I definitely don't think Jasper and Lapis should be together, but I do believe there needs to be some closure between them. Kind of like how Greg and Pearl finally made up, except Lapis and Jasper definitely need a lot more time for healing (and I don't just mean corruption).
This video itself was just perfect, in my opinion Malachite was an incredible fusion and I did love her despite what it was that she stood for. I never understood myself why Jasper was called the abuser but I got tired of writing the same response so I eventually gave up. Once again, thanks for such a great vid about such a lit character~
we all know why people think Jasper is the abuser. we ALL know. she's muscular, she's "manly". we all know that a lot of people these days - particularly a lot of the people who watch this show - think that masculine people cannot be abused. they're always the abusers, whether they actually are or not.
Autumn White yeah fucking sjw's
Autumn White they were both abusive, jasper was abusive to her prior to fusion. And malachite was lapis' revenge for that.
Autumn White the way I, me, myself, see it is that Jasper just fitted that role better than lapis did in the eyes of everyone else. I don't want to victimize Jasper nor do I want to lie when I say she wasn't an abuser and lapis was. I just think they BOTH were to blame for the whole ordeal. I guess Jasper just acted more like the abuser in "alone at sea" typical abuser behavior of victimizing themselves, saying that they have changed and that everything will be better so I guess it was just easier to balmed Jasper? Am I explaining myself?
Autumn White Jasper forced Lapis to fuse when she didn't want to. Lapis reluctantly agreed to it and trapped Jasper to keep the one person she cared about safe "steven". Lapis was pressured but Lapis hates everyone and mainly want to protect steven.
There are those few seconds zoomed out with the ocean in view and then on Lapis' face before she extends her hand - this is a clear indicator of deception. Lapis takes her time, literally. Lapis never behaves like she feels threatened, because she knows she has nothing to fear from Jasper. On top of that, Jasper never abused Lapis - ever. She tugged her around a few times and said some mean things. That does not abuse make. It doesn't matter how much of an asshole someone is - you can't bind them and torture them for months on end.
When Slice sais " I love you", my day just brightens up.
I really liked your point about jaspers appearance and how that warps fans’ perception of her!! The show kinda has a history with ‘demonizing’ larger and muscular women (ie sugilite, jasper, topaz even) or, in the case of bismuth, painting her in the wrong. None of the good gems fit that huge, jacked, butch stereotype, yet a lot of the antagonists of the show do. It’s unfair, and I’m glad more people are talking about it!!
Malachite's not my favorite (that title is tied with Alexandrite and Sugilite) but I totally agree with her being strong. Her reasoning for existing is tied with Garnet as the best imo (although they're the only fusions to stay fused for more than 1 episode.) Her debut in Jailbreak gave me shivers. The "spider" like appearance was weird at first but I got used to it.
Obnoxiously Terrific garnet fused for more then one episode ;)
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this channel. You make sure to look at Steven Universe from perspectives most fans are too closeminded to even consider, and I really, really appreciate that. Keep up the good work, Slice, you've got a good thing going!
I love Jasper.
I love Malachite.
I love videos where someone describes these characters and actually gets them.
*Casual Subscribe/like of joy*
Jasper's abuse of Lapis basically comes down to her using fusion - love - for power alone. She asked Lapis to fuse, not because of her feelings for Lapis, but because of her own hunger for power. She was taking advantage of Lapis, and Lapis then turned the tables to become the abuser herself, in retribution to begin with, but in the long run, on account of her own bitterness and anger. Neither of them were the "good" guy in this relationship, which is not just complex and interesting, it's realistic. Most people in an abusive relationship will exhibit abusive behaviour themselves without knowing it. This is why Malachite is so unstable - it's not just one strong gem ordering a weak one around, it's two equally powerful gems constantly trading blows.
I feel as if malachite is most complex fusion...even more so than garnet
Well yeah, Garnet is pretty simple when it comes down to it. She's just two lovers with an unbreakable bond. The relationship within Malachite is much more complicated. It can't be described as just one word as 'love' or 'hatred.' Both components of Malachite struggle with internal pain, and they cope by letting out their anger and frustration into their fusion.
Finally! Malachite gets some love!!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Wait run Malachite is here-
Kay.Bay. Edits
Ruby’s are red
Sapphires are blue
Malachite is going to flatten you
Slice,Lapis is my favorite character and I respect that you don't like her, And I show respect all opions you and everyone has, so Let the keyboard warriors make you laugh,you'll be the only one to win in the end,because when it all comes down to it we all are gonna have hate and love,my point is I love you're videos,and I may disagree with some of it to a slightly point,but please never stop, I love you're video's.
SliceofOtaku So are you,You are amazing and I love every bit of hard work and research into you're videos.
bruh even my boyfriend doesnt say "i love you" that passionately
I'm not the only one that loves Malachite?!?!
I love this video! I always get shit on by people when i bring up that wasn't Lapis the one who abused Jasper? Iv gotten yelled at because of my opinion. I can't help it. I never saw Jasper as the abuser. The theory fits more with how Lapis is in the newer episodes after Jasper is gone. She broke Peridots recorder and never apologized , she never apologized to Connie trying to drown her. I mean is it that crazy that Lapis is the abuser and not Jasper? Because she never abused Lapis.
Shyrocker123 I agree with the Lapis being an abuser to Jasper, but I don't see why people bring up Peridot and Connie. Peridot was one of her captors then she was asked to play nice and get along, Lapis wanted to be alone and Peridot constantly was trying to force friendship onto her, in order to stop her Lapis was cold and personally attacked her by destroying an object she loved. As for Connie I really saw no on camera opportunity for her to apologize. I understand Lapis isn't a nice character but she isn't a mean one either.
I agree because Lapis knew how bad it was to be imprisoned, and its already been clearly shown Lapis is an emotional abuser. She might have imprisoned Jasper to protect Steven, but that sense of control over jasper def made her sadistic toward Jasper. I think realizing that Lapis had betrayed her, Jasper fought back, only to grow "Stockholm syndrome" / masochist for Lapis feelings and full power. The balance was actually pretty perfect for both characters, however the reason Lapis ran away because she feared how much she actually enjoyed all that power. She was afraid to become addicted like Jasper had become.
Yeah, Lapis was an abuser, but I personally think Jasper was an abuser as well. I definitely don't think that "Oh Lapis was the ONLY abuser!" and "Oh Jasper was the ONLY abuser!" Nah. I believe they're both abusers to each other. Malachite is my favorite fusion, excluding Garnet. I would like to see Malachite appear again, but this time more trustful and stable. Not fully stable though, I actually want Jasper and Lapis to keep a small grudge between each other and not completely become "friends."
peridorrito was doing her job
Shyrocker123- Boy, I really have no clue on the extent of this mentality is in the fandom. Most comments I read, people seem to realize it was a toxic relationship on both ends. Both of them fought for dominance, and Lapis, was the one to stay on top. It even came out of her own mouth! So, I can't see why people would just pin it on Jasper. Was Jasper innocent? No. But Lapis' hands are by no means were clean of the situation either.
malachite has the best design and i love the unstable relationship it has. it's the most interesting fusion for me haha
Ya know, every gem is weak when compared to BDSM
Bismuth Death Shattering Machine. I'm pretty sure if you shatter a gem during a fusion they would both die
I think only one of the components would die. Why would both die if one of the stones is intact?
Phesheya Bhembe Because they are connected. well, we don't know how it works so...
A.R.D. Project I doubt it, though the other gems involved in said fusion would definitely need time to reform. Not to mention the psychological damage of having been linked to someone who was shattered effecting their physical forms. It wouldn't kill them, but they would feel what it is like to die, as well as the fallen's final moments.
BDSM? You mean Jasper?
Killerainbow BDSM means bismuth death shattering machine
Man, I really enjoy videos where characters are broken down like this. Their themes brought to light, their mentalities explained, and so on.
It just helps give a greater appreciation for those characters, as well as open eyes to ideas that hadn't been explored before. Thanks SliceofOtaku for the awesome video!
i personally love watching the character analysis videos! i think you have a very interesting perspective on malachite and her separate component gems, especially regarding all the abuse controversy in the fandom. i'd be very interested in seeing a character analysis video along the same lines as these about pearl since a bunch of people in the fandom claim that she's an abusive character too.
I absolutely love every time you speak about Jasper because you actually understand her charter and the struggles she’s been put through. And I when you talked about how Lapis abused her I had to stand up and applaud.
It's kind of funny seeing Jasper pop out of the water being like:
"Sup" and then going back in being like:"You haven't seen the last of me"
Atleast Someone Else Loves Malachite as much as me
"Jasper is alone, even when she's around others"
*I see what you did there*
YES YES YES OMG PLEASE, YOU UNDERSTAND THE CHARACTERS AND THATS WHATS NEEDED! People don't see under the shell of the characters but you do (and I) and you're needed so people understand the depth of them! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
Tbh you're my favorite SU youtuber
My favorite fusion is the unknown quartz fusion in the episode "Earthlings". It's just so cool and scary, the way it looks and behaves is like a complete fusion of man and beast and I love it's color scheme. I could gush about it forever but I don't want to.
I've watched SU all the way through like five times now, but there are so many ideas you present in your videos that I've never before considered. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us.
Also do you think Malachite could stand a chance against at least one diamond?
n o
James Kenny don't you mean gem destabilizers?
9:55 me too. I'm hoping that the reason Lapis's character development seems to just have stopped, and been left incomplete, is only because it has only been put on pause. I hope it'll be put on play again by Jasper getting a redemption arc, Lapis taking part in it- and getting more character development that way.
Malachite is aesthetics asf too, I was originally surprised and kinda wierded out by her design, and as time went on I began to love it. Also, WATER POWERS!!! ;D
I never thought about why she was living in the water, really made me see that whole season in a different light
We all saw how jasper was with Steven when she found out he was a diamond. She was obsessed with the idea of being controlled of course she came crawling back to lapis
Is it just me or is Malachite weirdly attractive...
she has that dominatrix charm.. I guess..
She moist... literally.
Roman.Davis she looked really pretty when she first emerged from the ocean with her eyes closed. I think Malachite is beautiful
Was here for this vid in 2017, watched every single one in 2018, and ready to break down 2019 with Papa Slice too!! #weloveMalachitearoundhere
I remember watching when lapis first appeared and being really excited for her character. I was very disappointed when she turned out so...average? If she’s your favorite character I understand. People tend to like more edgy characters that seem depressing or like there ‘babies’ but I would love to go back and find out more about her. She makes me curious to find out more about her and that is one thing the crewniverse did right.
Great analysis!! And for putting this out so fast, I couldn't wait to watch this video. Malachite is the most interesting fusion, thus far. And I like how you pointed out Jasper's feeling towards fusion overall. After all the things we know about her, the fact Jasper wanted to fuse *at all* really stands out to me. I mean, her desperation to eliminate the Gems, which maybe to her would simultaneously erase the stain of her past, is really sad to me. She was willing to put her reputation and everything on the line for the sake of that one goal! And it’s kinda tragic how she went back to Earth to prove she was better and *deserved* to be free from “it’s prison” only to get her ass handed to her numerous times. And just like she has similarities to Lapis, she has a lot to Amethyst as well. I think people tend to forget that, because while Ame hid her insecurities with jokes and occasional emotional outburst, Jasper used aggression and bravado to cover hers. And while Ame’s defense mechs. could arguably be more tolerable to deal with, it doesn’t make Jasper’s any less sympathetic. On a side note personally, I think Mal's fusion was more of a toxic relationship rather than abusive. And let me explain, abuse did take place in this relationship, on *both* sides, which was why it was bad. However, to me, abusive relationship sounds like one abuser and their victim. Whereas, toxic to me is a relationship that is bad because both partners bring a destructive force to it. Sorry for this long post, but I just had to share my thoughts as well. Great video again!
P.S. at 6:22 Malachite looks like an adorable muffin.
*sees a new video is posted*
*immediately likes it multiple times*
I didn't even realize that Jasper was essentially trying to recreate Malachite without Lapis by dwelling in the ocean
I love watching your videos because of how much is discussed and how your show takes different perspectives
Malachite's my favorite fusion too! She's amazing!
I am so glad you touched on the issues of Malachite while acknowledging that they are a powerful fusion. I will admit I was in the boat of "Jasper was the 'abuser' until later on when we Jasper beg to get back with Lapis and then what happens with her fusing with corrupted gems, the consequences be darned.
I like how the crewniverse used Malichite to show not only what goes on in a mutually abusive relationship, but also how they used the memory of her to show the aftermath. Jasper starting to believe that she's only powerful if she's fused with someone showing how one side can end up feeling worthless without a partner, and Lapis developing PTSD not only from what she went through but also from what she did, it's beautiful.
You know what I appreciate about Malachite physical form? Her body is a consistent of grabbing complexities. Everything is just latching and holding on to the problems/goals and they wouldn't let go.
And by holding on it does become stronger what it was previously. And I just adore how much it reflects their minds.
why can't i like a video 100 more times
I really liked this video and always appreciate your work for character analysis because while it has a short track record and isn't fully realized, it's very engaging and promising. I can't wait to see more as you dive into new characters in the future. Malachite is a very interesting choice, but I can see why you love her so much from this video. Best of Luck on your computer project!
THis is my second video and I'm absolutely in love with your channel .
lol, I was literally just exiting one of your videos and going to the next over and over and over and your intros all sound exactly the same which is hilarious
I honestly don't see why people made Jasper out to be the abuser. It's so obvious from the episode content that Lapis was the bad guy in that situation. Jasper actually did nothing wrong. She thought Lapis was on her side at that point (Lapis was in prison, but only because she was being interrogated and not for being a rebel at that point) and ASKED her to help her win the fight. At no point does she force her. She asks for her consent. And Lapis gives it. If we're using the "fusion is sex" metaphor, Jasper did everything you're supposed to.
It's made especially clear in Alone At Sea. Lapis isn't scared of Jasper, she isn't scared that Jasper's going to hurt her. She's scared of what SHE could do to Jasper. Jasper awoke a dark side of Lapis that she didn't even know existed, a side willing to hurt and punish, and it terrified her.
this was actually an amazing analysis video, and pretty much smashed a lotta my expectations for it :0
amazing work as usual my man
Malachite was the scariest thing in the show, imo. Not based on primal fear like those cluster experiments, with the bodyhorror aspect. But just the lingering, looming since of dread that followed her all the way up to her liberation.
Malachite was always my favorite fusion, solely on her first introduction with Jasper and Lapis's fusion dance.
Also you can't believe how happy I am to hear someone else say how Lapis was pretty much the abuser of the relationship equivalent of the fusion.
You know everyone thinks " OH LAPIS AND PERIDOT ARE THE BEEEEEEST " but they never appreciate how jasper no matter how horrible she might seem, is obeying her homeworld and still has a heart! When she was getting corrupted you could see how she is really afraid and sad she is. You could see how betrayed and horrible she felt, she must have felt that she could have protected pink diamond if she was just stronger!, that's why she acts so feisty and makes it look like she can't feel remorse.... but inside that's all she feels! You have to understand how desperate and confused how this gem is! All she wants to do is make it up to pink diamond and avenge her being shattered! She just needs some help and love! Thanks for reading all this! Please like it so slice of Otaku can see it! Thank you!
No offense to lapis and peridot fans! I respect your liking for these characters! It's just my silly opinion here so no hard feelings!
Honestly, after Jasper had been denyed from Malachite by Lapis, she TURNED into the abuser, she forced a fusion into a corruped gem, in wich created Zebra Jasper, wich not only is a toxic fusion, but a straight up rape in Jasper's part, since Ocean Jasper didn't partaque in the want of the fusion, but Jasper just didn't want to loose to 'Rose Quartz and her defective little quartz', like, girl turned from victim to straight up abuser in that part
At first I was interested in Malachite but didn't particularly love her.
Now after this video I can't help but gush with love and affection at how complex a fusion malachite is. It would be bad if she came back, but I can't help but kind of wonder how that fusion would be if Jasper was redeemed and more at peace with herself.
Lapis: gets trapped in a mirror for possibly more than 5000 years
Jasper: trapped for months and gets sympathized
Steven Universe- All about characters that are both good and bad. There really seems to be no black or white character in the series, all of them fall into a grey area and are always deeper than the 'good guy' or 'bad guy' concept.
Malachite was one of my favorite fusions.
She was like a homophobe who found that she had feelings for the same gender, but also a bad person who a good one took advantage of and abused. Redemption trampled by toxicity. A recipe for disaster. Can we just get Jasper a hug? She deserves it by now.
You: *has a solid reason to like malachite and has evidence to back up why she’s actually a cool fusion*
Me: hah *p r e t t y c o l o r s*
one thing ive been thinking of since i watched your jasper analysis video was like... it's been hard for me to accept jasper because im an abuse victim and her displays of physical aggression and violence make me uncomfortable. but like. ive been through a lot of emotional abuse and manipulation as well, but somehow glanced over the scenes where lapis was displaying manipulation and emotional abuse... i think a lot of people, even abuse victims ourselves, internalize this idea that emotional abuse isn't "real" abuse and forgiving emotionally abusive characters and manipulators or looking past their actions... i dunno. it's obviously a lot harder to recognize but yeah
SliceofOtaku Yeah! One thing I've come across a lot in this fandom is people who are like "why does it matter, why would you debate about it, why do you care, it's just a cartoon, they're just fictional characters, don't get so worked up about it" but these stories and characters really do matter because they can represent real issues in a very real way and that's important to people who have been through similar struggles, victories, emotions, relationships, and developments that we see our favorite characters having. So it's important to keep conversations going about representation and the serious aspects of the show and characters !!!
kittykat490 so many people don’t seem to think emotional abuse is not real abuse because the scars are not seen on the outside
I just wanted to say that as another victim of abuse jaspers actions and words also made me uncomfortable and were unsettlingly familiar. I pretty much related to everything you said so thank you for putting it into words because I certainly didn’t know how to.
It's really herd to choose my favorite fusion. I do REALLY love malachite though, A LOT! And one little thing I always loved about her is how her voice can change from lapis's voice to Jasper's
I still hope the show delves further into Lapis's past. Specifically when Jasper tells Steven got his shield pointed at the "wrong person". An 80 gem killing machine regards a Terraforming Lapis as a threat greater than herself. I think Lapis let more of her darker side slip out when she was chaining the pair of them under the ocean.
I really love these character analyses too! I would love to see these for different shows
my favorite fusion:
smol space dorito...
she's a fusion of an Xbox, key lime pie, mt. dew, and a cat...
I absolutely love your opinions on Lapis and Jasper. They are so spot on.
Oh man you always impress me with your arguments and theory but GOOD VIDEO LIKE ALWAYS PAPA OTAKU !!! 😘😘
this is such a great video!!! i had never thought about lapis as the abuser tho! that’s super interesting. awesome job, slice!!💖💖
Lapis not only agreed to fuse with the intent to torture Jasper, not only did she lashed out at her, but she also admitted that she LIKED it.
HOw the hell does this fandom love her so much and go around saying how aweful and abusive Jasper is?....
I'm here for this analysis. Also, Mr.Slice if you haven't seen the movie Perfect Blue you should really check it out such an incredible psychological thriller that I think you'd love. Anyways wish you the best I love you!
Malachite is my favorite fusion and Lapis is my favorite gem, but you're right that after alone at sea Lapis went downhill. She went from a gem wiling to do terrible things to help her friend, with parallels to pearl, to a pointless. Like peridot, the writers "stripped them of their dignity."
My favorite fusion is the lovely sardonyx
Malachite might have an amazing background and stuff, but they're also really frickin cool! Love their color palette.
laffy lapis YESSSS!! She's my favorite fusion!!
All the better to fist you with
You made me love Jasper and Malachite so much.
but now obsidan is now the greatest asset
You nailed it SliceofOtaku! Great video!
i love lapis and she's crazy powerful but my favorite fusion is opal...jus love everything about opal
Jasper can't smell
This point is only valid when makite is near water really
A cool feature that I love about Malachite is that she doesn't have her own voice actress. She instead just has Lapis and Jasper's actresses speaking at the same time. I feel as though this is very symbolic of their relationship as Malachite, being that they do not agree on any part of what they are doing, and that while they are fused physically, they are still miles apart mentally.
Jasper "asking" Lapis to fuse was not a choice, it was an ultimatum. Jasper told Lapis to just say yes while holding her down from fleeing. Lapis took that and spun it back onto Jasper.
Additionally, Jasper was introduced into the series as a "bad guy," and that's largely why lots of people (myself included) initially felt like Jasper was the abusive one.
I've come to see their relationship how you see it, but I think you overlooked a part of the explanation as to why people might have seen it the other way around.
Aside from that, I loved this video and you've helped me appreciate Malachite so much more than before! I love your videos! Keep up the good work :D
I just rewatched the scene, and Jasper lets go of Lapis after she asks. There was a choice, and Lapis took advantage of it.
I'm honestly just waiting for people claiming Jasper was the abuser to just admit they only see her as an abuser because she's more masculine than Lapis. How else can they justify this when Lapis outright admits she liked hurting Jasper like ??? Even as someone who liked Lapis, after really watching the episodes over again it was really hard *NOT* to see her as an abuser.
Jasper *asks* her to fuse, Lapis wasn't forced she chose to fuse in order to imprison Jasper and hurt her considering the crystal gems would have taken her out easily. Then when Jasper tried to leave she forced her to stay so she could continue hurting her while using protecting Steven as an excuse, then she flat out admits that she enjoyed hurting her and took everything out on her.
Jasper's whole "i've changed' thing sounds WAY more like a person with stockholm syndrome.
Malachite had me shook when I first saw her! Like you said, that internal conflict and communication was one of the things that had me so interested too.
never clicked a button so fast
I love seeing your P.O.V. on this and your analyses on Jasper and lapis (tho I really love the Jasper one, it really made me think on Jasper as a character and her perspective) I hope to see more of these type of videos soon! Wuv you, :D
Malachite is cool
Slice: uploads video
Me and him simultaneously: "Hey how are you I'm SliceofOtaku"