You left out the biggest, most important change: *Politicians cannot be allowed to personally profit off their actions in any way, shape, or form.*
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@TheOldFinalChapters Until there is fundamental rearchitecture rebuilt on the foundation of separation between church and wealth and mass media and state, corruption by the capitalist class will continue unabated for the foreseeable future. The only way forward to eliminate this entrenched corruption that exists pervasively inside and outside of the establishment is revolution. Voting, wishing, petitions, interest groups, initiatives, and political candidates solve absolutely nothing but serve to defer and distract from the roots of the problem.
Well, good luck with THAT. The socialist elites, while pandering to the masses with lip service and gifts of borrowed money will always dishonor their trust.
@@sirkylanthered There will always be an elite class. Communists, socialists, fascists, capitalists, Trumpists, it doesn't matter. Some animals will always be more equal than others, to paraphrase George Orwell.
Except it’s full of lies and half truths. The reasons unions have less power is because what unions used to offer is now codified in law and business practices. Most corporations take very good care of their employees. Corporate consolidation is a result of small companies not being able to compete with more efficient businesses. Ironically most of what he is saying is bad is s result of bad Democratic policy.
@@Aikidoman06 Hello, My name is Arturo. I just graduated with my Master's degree in Economics from UA. I would like to clear up a point you made which doesn't line up with corporate structuring. The reason why corporations consolidate isn't because of a lack of competitiveness, it is because by consolidating they benefit from greater efficiency. The answer isn't breaking up big business; all big corporations need to be refiled as nonprofits. Nonprofit doesn't mean no profit, the profit motive still exists, its just that the gains of the business need to take stakeholder considerations into account first before shareholder's dividends. Your comment on corporations treatment of their workers doesn't line up with the incentive structure of corporations. Corporations try to generate profit. Profit is revenue minus cost. Workers are considered a cost. It isn't in a corporation's interest to treat workers fairly or pay them livable wages with benefits because then it would decrease profits. I hope this helps clear the misnomers between the two sides of this debate in the comments. God Bless.
I know I'm an old geezer but when I was a young man there was a lot of Congressional action breaking up monopolies......what has happened to the mechanisms that were used to accomplish those goals? It is my contention that Congress is no longer responsible to the people as a whole but many congresspersons have become prostitutes to big business mainly to get funds for their re-election coffers and lavish lifestyles. Of course, our current president and the Republicans are the major cheerleaders for this situation......not exclusively but mainly. It's way past time to put in place term limits, kick out lobbies and PACs, taxpayer fund election campaigns, reconstitute labor unions, and prosecute all forms of insider trading. Any comments?
This "new" set of congressional representatives are far too busy at the trough lining their pockets with campaign funds from these giant corporations, not all but too many. Check Google for the combined wealth of an elected official prior to Congressional office then compare with their combined wealth after being in office a few election cycles. Congress is just about the only place a person can go to riding a mule and in a few years return home in a privately owned jet to ask, beg or plead for more money for the chance to represent us.
@@lking1540 1. Robert actually has an education in economics, I'm going to assume you don't otherwise you wouldn't be this ignorant. 2. He doesnt "offer problems with no real solutions" he points out problems with clear cut examples of how we can begin to fix the issue. Obviously they would be temporary fixes because he isnt proposing for a full economic reform to socialism. I know you commented this 11 months ago, so I'm going to hope you've grown since then.
You notice he never mentions how companies can under bid unions by hiring illegals who will work for less? His boss Bill Clinton also passed NAFTA that would easily outsource jobs to Mexico. His hero Obama also tried to pass the TPP which would have outsource many more jobs and made it harder to protect foreign workers from abuse and environmental laws.
Sickening, isn't it? While we toil away for a modest living at best, destroy our bodies, and miss out on our kids growing up, these rich pukes, that don't do much in the way of actual work, live like kings off of our blood sweat and tears.
Centralization of political power is a symptom of centralized economic power. Centralization happens due to resource constraints in search of a perceivable increase in efficiency. It's time to begin to accept the fact that power always follows property. We cannot have liberty without ownership of capital. Worker ownership is necessary for the preservation of individual freedom. Americans inherited the legal form of the corporation from Britain, where it was bestowed as a royal privilege on certain institutions or, more often, used to organize municipal governments. Just after the Revolution, new state legislators had to decide what to do about these charters. They could abolish them entirely, or find a way to democratize them and make them compatible with the spirit of independence and the structure of the federal republic. They chose the latter. So the first American corporations end up being cities and schools, along with some charitable organizations. We don’t really begin to see economic enterprises chartered as corporations until the 1790s. Some are banks, others are companies that were going to build canals, turnpikes, and bridges - infrastructure projects that states did not have the money to build themselves. Citizens petitioned legislators for a corporate charter, and if a critical mass of political pressure could build in a capital, they got an act of incorporation. It specified their capitalization limitations, limited their lifespan, and dictated the boundaries of their operations and functions. I should add, too, that as part of this effort to democratize corporations, state charters specifically spelled out how shareholder elections were to be conducted to choose directors. Corporations were supposed to resemble small republics, with directors balancing interests among shareholders. When they printed material or conducted correspondence, it was usually in the name of the President, Directors, and Shareholders of the X Company. Anyone, in this very uncertain and inconsistent time, who's looking to be wealthy by simply working hard and earning high salaries will be frustrated in the end. The answer to fair equality is affixing restrained democracy to the business structure and the liberalization of ownership of capital across all forms of capital (money/credit, land, shareholding, etc.) We too often ignore an inefficient individual responsibility that is repeatedly practiced by those with advantages; we should apply the same compromised values and principles to our economic structures as we do our political structures. "Power (influence and control) always follows property... The only possible way then of preserving the balance of power on the side of equal liberty and public virtue, is to make the acquisition of land (potential productive capital) easy to every member of society: to make a division of the land into small quantities, So that the multitude may be possessed of landed estates (established productive capital)." - John Adams
This can be laid DIRECTLY at the door of Chief Justice Roberts and SCOTUS, who ruled in favour of Citizens United. How can USA expect impartial justice when the highest judges in the land are political appointees? How stupid do you have to be, to not realise that these judges are going to be partisan? Their power gives them the ability to overturn anything, no matter how much the people are in favour of it. That's not democracy.
Pretty simple math in my book. But you ask an old Republican, they spent their whole lives trying to convince everyone that they can make 1 + 1 = 3. 1 for you, 1 for me. 1 for you, 1 + 1 for me.....
Getting Money Out of Politics should be the most important issue in the Entire American Politics ! Because Money (Corporate Donations, Lobbying etc.) could eventually CORRUPT Everything and KILL Progressive Policies that benefit the Majority of American People. Most American Politicians are OWNED and BOUGHT by Big Corporate Money, Lobbyists and Military-Industrial Complex. They do NOT even work for the Common Good and regular American People in the first place ! - My good radical idea is that United States should ABOLISH Lobbying (NOT advocacy) and Corporate Donations ! as Many Other Countries did. Because the Lobbying and Donations have the possibility to be used as LEGALIZED Bribery and Do More Harm than Good. Yeah, I know that it's nearly impossible wish to be come true in American Plutocracy. ??????
@Gerri Wright Ingerson ranked choice. I think that any lifetime appointment is too long, even for Supreme Court. (Sorry Ruth, love ya but we must be fair here). Term LIMITS. No years long reign of terror from the likes of a Mitch McConnel. I never voted for him. Why does he get so much say. I hope that he goes down. He has manage to get a lot of funds (bribes) for his state that he generally ignores. But it is an election year. You too Pelosi. Enough! These positions in Congress should rotate among the Congress including the House. All good ideas that I am seeing here. Let's elect ourselves guys.
Exactly at some point even "They" will have to realize the need to actually shovel money to the bottom, (opposite of trickle down). But it will be too late by the time "they" realize that.
The trouble is, Crystal, that large and huge corporations don't rely solely on American consumers any more--the global marketplace has diminished the once-held power of the American public. The good news is that we still do have the vote, and an enlightened pool of political talent to run for office to replace those whose interest is not our own.
@@Red-Brick-Dream The Jamie Dimon's of the world are so untouchable and remote... + Dimon always relishes a crash, but maybe not the next one that's coming. We are mere ants... with tiny squeaky guillotines with barely enough clout to nibble their toes in a slightly annoying and easily ignorable manner.
Which, when followed for long periods ends in destruction of the economy because if nobody but a privileged few can buy - your customer base shrinks so far there is no one left to sell to.... Even Henry Ford - monster that he was understood that basic fact.
That's the American version of capitalism at its finest. And that's how the likes of bezos, musk, the waltons and all the rest of the one percenters (and a he'll of a lot of the ten-percenters) like it. The lsss wage earners get, the more the obscenely wealthy get to keep -- and the fat cats really need all that wealth, don't they?
"The good and just society is neither the thesis of capitalism nor the antithesis of communism, but a socially conscious democracy which reconciles the truths of individualism and collectivism." "Whenever the government provides opportunities in privileges for white people and rich people they call it “subsidized” when they do it for Negro and poor people they call it “welfare.” The fact that is that everybody in this country lives on welfare. Suburbia was built with federally subsidized credit. And highways that take our white brothers out to the suburbs were built with federally subsidized money to the tune of 90 percent. Everybody is on welfare in this country. The problem is that we all to often have socialism for the rich and rugged free enterprise capitalism for the poor. That’s the problem." - Martin Luter King jr
Wow... that shows that suburbia is indeed NOT naturally occurring but propped up by the government by socialism. Ditto the farm subsidies in rural America. The bootstrap arguments are mostly phony. Great quote from Dr King
I'm an old geezer too and Mr Nekuda hit the nail on the head. Mr. Reich should have listed breaking up monopolies first in his list of solutions. We should start by ignoring political parties and voting for the politicians who have shown a desire to work for the people. I may be wasting my vote but I plan to write in Bernie Sanders for President. Biden knew he had the nomination even before a single primary started. Just as representatives like AOC worked to get elected all representatives must put in the work to be reelected. We need to be educated on what our elected representatives are doing and not bombarded with distorted half truths and out right lies. We must be more aggressive than ever before in fighting for a balance economy and a government that works for all the people. Thank you Mr. Reich for continuing to represent issues in simplified and easy to understand videos. But you did say how unions couldn't even get a simple reform passed to make it easier to organize. I have to ask, is our situation hopeless? A look at history shows workers had to fight and even pay the ultimate sacrifice for what we used to have. I'm fortunate to have a union job but in all my forty years and in spite of the work I've done I still see our pay and working conditions diminishing with each new contract. Especially with the pay raises being so small we lose every year. I meant to keep this brief but I could go on and on.
Writing in Bernie ruins your ballot meaning one less vote against Trump. Vote for the other candidate(Biden) because that counts as a vote AGAINST TRUMP. (I worked at polling stations-anything other than an X invalidates your vote. Biden can't be as bad as Trump. EVEN IF HE TRIED.)
Alison Diaz they say the same thing every time. The people saying that today, were saying “anyone but Bush” in 2004. (Then Biden put the medal of freedom on Bush after his next four years). They were Begging Nader to suspend his campaign, John Kerry denied Nader’s concessions. Then Nader was subpoenaed to 13 different states for one morning...for “ballot access”. If Biden wants Bernie’s base, it’s up to Biden to earn it. And it’s easy to earn it. Medicare alone would get it done. Acknowledging that weed must be federally legalized, if not for anything but the technical definition of “schedule 1 controlled substance” being non medicinal, but in vision to end the war on drugs and private prisons ...would get it done. These two extremely simplistic issues would absolutely bring in Bernie voters.... so, ask Biden and the DNC won’t do something so easy to get rid of “dangerous Trump”? Ask why they would support Trump’s coup attempt on Venezuela? And Bolivia? Especially after LOSING in 2016, taking advice on how to beat Trump from a media that won’t admit losing to Trump, is condescending at best, but add in the demand to fall in line and vote?? Condescension turns to contempt. I’m Canadian, so you have no Bernie smears to throw at me. Tell “Democrats” to look in the mirror!!! (As Pelosi won’t even debate her opponent... “Democrats”.) So disgusting. So very disgusting.
Sad thing is, whether Trump gets re-elected, or Biden defeats him, the outcome for workers will continue to remain the same. This is why it's more important to elect Bernie-esque progressives like Jamaal Bowman, Paula Jean Swearengin, Shahid Buttar, etc. into the House and Senate to hold the White House accountable, no matter who the occupant is.
@Frederic Bastiat Plunder... Idiot... Good luck driving the Lamborghini you can afford not paying taxes on the dirt road leading to your tar-paper shack that has no municipal water or sewer service. And hope that that tar-paper shack don't catch fire because there ain't gonna be a fire department to come put it out. And hope that your well water doesn't get contaminated by pollution or biological contaminants because there wont be a hospital to treat you at. Get the picture ? Taxes are the dues WE ALL pay to live in civilized society.
@Frederic Bastiat I think all the plundering is about done. It is HOW THAT PLUNDER is spent. Up to now, it is going into pockets without being spent PROPERLY. They need to be held in account for every penny.
@Frederic BastiatJeff Bezos can afford to pay his share. Exploiting his employees made him more than anyone could spend. Fred, Bernie wants less from the 99% and more from the 1% because the balance has shifted the burden on you and you can't afford it. Take a look at the National Debt Clock. This Government borrows $1000 for every man woman and child every month. Americans are too poor to pay for America. Where did it go?
One of the dirtiest tricks that the Neoliberals and Republicans ever successfully pulled in this country was to convince working people that OTHER working people were their enemies. - Blaming teachers Unions for busted state budgets, demonizing all labor unions for the corrupt practices of a few bad players, walking back union organizing protections, convincing consumers that high prices are the fault of unions, and many more, but the final insult to labor is actually demonizing immigrant workers as the architects of all that is wrong in America.
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_"Be a good, obedient worker and we may give you a doggie treat!"_
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@ES 2020 Quit spamming. It's dishonest and unhelpful.
Back in my day, more than a half century ago, we were FORBIDDEN to join or even talk about forming a union if we wants to be employed by the organization. That was begore the Civil Rights movement that ma
...that matured later in the mid-to-late 1960s. I never did take that job, and the practice of forbidding employees from joining or forming unions were turned into federal offenses that were punishable with stiff fines and in rare cases actual jail terms.
true Mark. The HJR48 and HJR2 are competing bills introduced in House of Representatives but the HJR48 bill is more powerful and needs greater support to be able to fight and reverse the Supreme Court decision of Citizen's United to get the amendment to the Constitution. These corporations are not in the interest of the public citizen for sure and and it's up to the public citizen to do something about it especially for the security, health and safety of their children's future.
Robert, my friend, you speak directly to me and my public sector Union Sisters and Brothers. We stand for all working class people who are fighting for a voice and a seat at the table, and not just for membership dues. When Unions win, all non-organized workers rise with us and see the value and strength in Solidarity. Thank you!
Instead of a pension workers have a 401K , and made to believe owning a few shares they are part owner of the company while those in power have thousands of shares.
This problem affects almost everything we Americans deal with: higher costs, fewer jobs, and lower wages. It's rare that mergers benefit anyone except the person orchestrating the merger. Thank you, Professor Riech, for this post
@ Also why judge people you dont know personally as 'failing with magical thinking and learned helplessness'? You dont know what I think or have learned. Maybe focus on your own words and how your comment contradicts itself. Perhaps if you focused on your thoughts and not declaring the thoughts of others, your point would have more clarity. Just a thought. Every time I engage this way on UA-cam, it never goes well. So any potential further ignorance sent my way at this point...I blame myself. Have a good one.
If Republicans actually wanted to stop jobs going overseas they would simply tax companies the difference between wages paid and federal minimum wage. Suddenly it's not cheaper.
Many Americans have already realized that Corporate Democrats and Republicans are really just two sides of the SAME coin. They are NOT only UNTIED in the Endless Regime Change Wars, Richmans' Wars and War Profiteering, BUT ALSO agree on the SAME old PLUTOCRACY, Corporatism, Crony Capitalism and Neoliberalism.
@chris younts or at least only one that has a wage that is about the same as us minimal wage 75 percent or more or no trade progressive or regressive the choice is yours
Reich is just a Marxist propagandist. GOVERNMENT cost us four times more than all corporate profits combined! Big wasteful government is the only thing holding us back. Republican tax cuts and deregulation gave us the best JOBS economy in 50 years.
@@DavidAdkins78 Hey, do you know what "Marxism" even is ? Did you even watch the video until the end ? - "Republican tax cuts and deregulation gave us the best JOBS economy in 50 years." - - You are truly out-of-touch boomer or living in your own bubble and fantasy land. - - The reality is that Reganomics and Neoliberalism etc. have shrunk American middle-class over the past DECADES ! - - One of the dirtiest tricks that the Neoliberals and Republicans ever successfully pulled in this country was to convince working people that OTHER working people were their enemies. - Blaming teachers Unions for busted state budgets, demonizing all labor unions for the corrupt practices of a few bad players, walking back union organizing protections, convincing consumers that high prices are the fault of unions, and many more, but the final insult to labor is actually demonizing immigrant workers as the architects of all that is wrong in America.
@@ongoinglife , only productivity creates prosperity, not regulations, redistribution, or a union monopoly on labor. With 30 million employers to choose from exploitation is impossible. In a free market employers compete for labor, workers compete for jobs, and nothing could be more productive, more fair, or create more widespread prosperity. Unions are dying and yet we have the richest middle class ever. Neoliberalism is actually the key to prosperity for all.
Organized labor and grassroots action from the working class is what broke up monopolies of the Guilded Age, and those are the same forces that are needed to break up the corporate benefactors of today's American kleptocratic oligarchy. Break them up and reassert control over these insatiable forces of late stage capitalism and neuter them again as we did back then. Organize and oppose.
One of the dirtiest tricks that the Neoliberals and Republicans ever successfully pulled in this country was to convince working people that OTHER working people were their enemies. - Blaming teachers Unions for busted state budgets, demonizing all labor unions for the corrupt practices of a few bad players, walking back union organizing protections, convincing consumers that high prices are the fault of unions, and many more, but the final insult to labor is actually demonizing immigrant workers as the architects of all that is wrong in America.
LiteKipe: Unfortunately, our federal judiciary has made many unfriendly rulings over the last half century toward unions and labor. And neoliberals in the Democratic party and, of course, Republicans have sold out the NLRB to corporate interests by nominating corporate hacks to the board. Add on top of that, globalization and free trade agreements (instead of fair trade agreements) that have allowed corporations to bypass unionized workers and seek out bottom barrel, cheap overseas labor that have barely any of the rules, protections and regulations that they'd have to deal with in the US.
@@ongoinglife: Very true! The ruling elites have been using this tactic for a long time. A major reason Reconstruction failed after the Civil War is because the ruling class was able to turn poor working whites against the newly freed slaves; natural allies that could have been a formidable force against the Southern elites. Sadly, the elites were able to use racism and fear mongering to divide them.
I don't understand such thirst for power. Seems like a huge burden rather than whatever they see it as. It has to stem from fear, and a scarcity mindset. It would be sad if it didn't do so much damage.
@@sethbritton6970 that's a very good point. I'm not a game player, so I didn't think of that. In that context, I suppose it's all about winning. If you win, you're the best, right? So what psychology lies behind that? Some kind of self-image problem?
@Meg - People keep trying for reforms (fight for $15/hr, Medicare for All, Green New Deal, end the wars, Wall Street tax). Yet every reform is undone by the wealthy. If we really want to make change, first we have to cut off the infinite wealth gathering. Make a law that limits wealth accumulation for the sake of mandatory social, economic and ecological change. All other ways have been attempted and failed. Consider this, when an individual cannot exceed $3 million in accumulated wealth, it will be nearly impossible for politicians to be bribed. The elites will become ordinary.
They grew out of control and became a detriment just like management was out of control before there were unions.There is a middle ground, unions and management can coexist if we bring the pendulum back to center.
Sorry, but that is not correct. The mean unionization rate in Europe is 23%. Finland and Sweden top the list, at 74 and 70%. My country, the Netherlands, does poorly at only 20%. What we do have in Europe is a reasonably well-educated populace, a high level of secularization, a fair degree of media that take their power-controlling tasks seriously, one-person-one vote election procedures, and an inheritance of social-democratic political parties waiting in the wings to correct too-blatant neoliberal aberrations. Yes, we are lucky. I really hope you will find your way back. For now, please first get rid of Trump and McConnell c.s.
When Volkswagen wanted to set up a second plant in the US and make EV's, they stated loud and clear that they wanted Unionized employees. Because this has the handy effect of actually taking some management effort off their shoulders, and it's good PR. But the state they were going to set up shop in said "No, we won't have you spreading that commie Union garbage here", and POOF, no factory, and no new 1000 jobs. Because Tenessee's own VW plant workers drank the Kool Aid and rejected a Union. Which VW actually wanted. So now VW's been looking at setting up in Turkey or Ghana. Nice work, dumbshits.
One of the dirtiest tricks that the Neoliberals and Republicans ever successfully pulled in this country was to convince working people that OTHER working people were their enemies. - Blaming teachers Unions for busted state budgets, demonizing all labor unions for the corrupt practices of a few bad players, walking back union organizing protections, convincing consumers that high prices are the fault of unions, and many more, but the final insult to labor is actually demonizing immigrant workers as the architects of all that is wrong in America.
@@jandenbrok9574 This was my source, so I have to blame them.
"Business Creation" actually peaked in the 1970's. It's hard to believe a decade known for high inflation and stagnant wages could accomplish this. I try to support small brick and mortar stores in my area. I hope they can hold on.
They're doomed. The current civil unrest and pandemic have played right into the hands of big business that claim to be economically hurting but are in reality are trimming down and trickling up their incomes above the upper middle manage level at the expense of everyone else in their corporations. When the current situation dies down and the economy "normalizes" (It will be under a New World Order and only peripherally like Aldus Huxley's "Brave New World"), a great many small businesses will disappear forever into the maws of Amazon, Wal Mart and their like, and the employed workforce will be only a shadow of what it was before trump and the republicans took over. I bleed for the losses of my younger years because I see no path to a "better" life in these United States of America if after November 3rd we have more of-- or more likely worse than -- the same as we've suffered these past 3-1/2 years. I expect dystopia or possibly even moral Armageddon in the near future.
"Somehow people are under the mistaken impression that calling for the complete overthrow of the entire ruling class is not a simple and practical solution"
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It may not be simple, or even bloodless, but it sure is damn practical and damn effective when there is absolutely no other means to solve the issues, and threats to our very survival, brought on by the corruption and class war by a few thousand capitalists. Kill them all and redistribute their wealth. Then, separate church and wealth and mass media and state going forward, for all time.
It never was simple but it HAS TO BE DONE. Beheading by Samuri sword(it has been done)double bladed axe(been done)guillotine(done)hanging(done)crucified on a wooden stake(done)in Transylvania (by Vlad the impaler)- All to get rid of nobility(who were the rich elitists.) It needs to be bloody to be remembered.
@Frederic Bastiat oh far more than 6 have failed, 6 have claimed bankruptcy. there's a difference. Bankruptcy is failing so hard you lose everything, among which includes a Casino, which is literally rigged to make money. The phrase "The house always wins" should be edited to include "Unless run by Donald Trump"
I think some unions are weak. I worked for an airline that was unionized. I had to pay high dues and received little. On the other hand, my brother worked for an engineering union and now even has a healthy retirement pay. Not all unions are equal. If you are in a field where you can be easily replaced, the union really cant help you. This is true for grocery stores, airline front end workers and others who pay out but get very little in return, especially when the corporation does not consider striking to be an embarrassment.
So, the bottom line I can draw from this great presentation by prof.Reich is that even when there are good laws preventing corporate power and monopolizing, even when there are strong unions and social programs, even then corporations will crush those laws and unions, and come out on top as the most powerful, unelected political power. That is why it is strange to me that prof.Reich proposes a solution that is known to not work - reinstating those same ineffective laws that got easily crushed by corporations. How will a solution which was tried and didn't work suddenly start working for you?! The main issue is - private companies. Allowing private ownership of means of production and natural resources is what incentivizes greed, power, corruption and the chase for profits as ultimate measure of success. You MUST ban private property (in other words, ownership of companies, housing units, factories, and natural resources). Only THEN will people lose a lot of blackmailing potential and start being more equal. The amount of scammers would also go down! It's high time to act, because if you just wait for a handful of people who make unimaginable profits from the current state to voluntarily change the state of things, well...
You need to address the harm that lawyers have done to the country, how multi-million dollar lawsuits have been allowed to flourish by politicians, who are mainly lawyers.
This is an immensely informative video, filled with practical, actionable steps. Thank you, Secretary Reich. Thumbs up and subscribed. So who among these two party politicians will work towards these goals for the betterment of the country at large or should we seek leadership from a third?
Brilliant work Mr Reich, all Americans should watch this piece, and understand how honest, hard working people have been abused and cheated out of prosperity. Well done sir.
I miss Andrew Yang. Some sort of secure income for Americans even if it just covers the mortgage or rent would go a long way into transforming America into a more equal and just country.
I feel it in my right to repair. Very difficult to find the parts to fix cars, gadgets, and increasingly appliances. In my opinion, repair shops were a great source for small businesses that is losing in this new age. Many of the innovations and sheer inventiveness of American exceptionalism of the past came from the challenges in repairing broken goods. Now we are in an iterative design model created to replace in short time windows. For all the talk about environmental friendliness, the fight against reuse seems to be counter productive.
Some people are afraid to organize and feel they can’t afford to loose a week of wages at this time as inflation increases. This is not new. But it is happening and a reality for many. Thank you please do more of these education videos!
Besides being educated on things that happened in America; I also find your video's really engaging and a pleasure to watch. The US government could definitely do with having you in office, Professor Reich !!
Just a question about that: who will be hurt by a drastic reduction in buying? The workers whose jobs depend on people purchasing things/services. How about if we all consumed less as a public demand that workers' jobs be unionized?
Remember Ronald Reagan and the airline strike? He forced their strike to end. And that was the beginning of the end of unions. Now we work long hours for little money. No real raises and 'right to work.' That's if you can find a job. Working people are the core of a moving economy not corporations.
These types of your videos which include suggestions on how to remediate changes so desperately needed are my favorites. They leave greater opportunity for change to take place in the markets and our lives. @Janet Yellon @Jerome Powell @Joe Manchin @senator Sinema, use your consolidated power wisely.
I live in Alberta, Canada, a province whose labour laws equate closely with the worst of U.S. states. Our Christian right governments have turned workers against one another and most people think unions are evil.
The naivete--or deliberate obtuseness--is that anyone honestly believes one party at this point is better than the other at representing the real needs and concerns of the everyday person. They are both bought and paid for by corporate interests. And anyone with half an ounce of sense should know what that means. It's an exclusive club and, to quote George Carlin, "you ain't in it."
@@Loenthall88 Exactly. Having travelled around the US many times, one thing that stood out to me was how hard the working class have it there. They pay tax and seem to get very little back in return. Meanwhile, large corporations get bail outs, subsidies etc. I would describe the US economic system as corporatism. It’s certainly not capitalism.
Another problem is our employer based healthcare system. The US is the only industrialized nation where health insurance is treated as a benefit to be bargained. Over the years an increasing amount on money earmarked for salary increase has gone to pay insurance premiums. Guess who gets that salary increase? The top five insurance companies. 🤔😠
In Michael Moore's film, 'Capitalism: A Love Story,' he states that after the end of WWII the U.S. wrote the right of labor to organize into the new German Constitution, equal rights for women into the new Italian Constitution, and the right to academic freedom into the new Japanese Constitution. It is high time to add those same rights to our own U.S. Constitution along with FDR's Economic Bill of Rights.
And a side note, 95% of what you buy from Amazon ends up being absolute garbage. Any brick and mortar would close immediately with what they get away with.
I have said many times the stock market says nothing about employment or economic health of most people. Pay no attention to it. How are you and those you know doing is the key. And also consumers spending is the key to putting this economy back together, because those not rich spend more liquid assets to survive than the rich. Letting corporations and the rich lead is one of the biggest mistakes we make in America. Too many don't see it yet.
America is not alone in this, here in the UK it’s very similar, just not quite so openly brazen. We don’t live in a democracy anymore, we live in a graft system that’s directed and controlled by greed and corruption.
Just like my momma told me for all the years I can remember. I’m 72, she would have been 103. I learned this from my mother , not in school. I am a college graduate, BSME. She talked of living through the Great Depression. Schools closed for an entire year in some locations. Strangers knocking on your door in the middle of the night begging for food and money. It was brought about by the same forces currently at work to undermine the ability of the producers of products and services from ever having any say in their work place environment. They still have the ability to shut the whole system down. They use to call them wild cat walk outs or wild cat strikes . Now , with even more technically complicated systems it doesn’t take a lot of people to go for a walk in the park rather than go to work and the whole machine stops. Hope it doesn’t come to that but have you seen reasonable people lately talking about preventing another catastrophe like the Great Depression? A very small group talked about working out plans in case of a pandemic, Bush2, Obama but they forgot to get the $$$. Oh, and that plan wasn’t any good according to the big D because it wasn’t done in PowerPoint and put in a 3 ring binder in transparency sheets like his.
Every American should view this video to become informed, in this concise and easy to understand manner, in order to change laws to improve the lives of everyday citizens.
A luxury goods and real estate tax is also needed. The rich will always be able to avoid income tax because the system is in place for their advantage. Someone who buys a gold watch, exotic car, or million dollar home can afford a 30%+ tax. I'd be happy to have that tax problem if I was rich.
These kind of power plays have been going on for centuries. There are NO easy or cheap ways to fix this issue. Big Business has its hamfists in Big Government's short 'n' curlies.
Part of the problem I've always had with unregulated capitalism is that Monopolies are *encouraged*. They are the end goal of any competitive corporation - to outdo the competition and either destroy or absorb them. If you are the only company left standing, you win. With modern technology making distance a non-issue for managing a sprawling corporation, there is no reason for a company to limit their sphere of influence and every reason to pursue monopolization.
First we have to take back the Senate. At this point, the Presidency is a foregone conclusion. The coal miners in West Virginia aren't going to fall for "I'm bringing back coal, believe me!" a second time.
9:18 I remember that! My aunt & uncle were still working for GE Ft. Wayne then when all that went down. It's pretty much a derelict building now. Workers only operate in one corner of a 2 block long building & lots of the windows have been smashed & boarded up. My dad got to work there for all of 2 days, but because of Indiana's nepotism laws, somebody reported the fact that they were his in-laws & he got fired & we ended up the poor relatives in the family.
We're at Peak capitalism I believe it is time for the Communist Revolution. Peak capitalism equals fascism. This country is ran by and for plutocrats in short we have a plutocracy. Wealth inequality has never been this bad since the French Revolution
No need to go to the "other extreme", communism, there are solutions somewhere around the middle. Capitalism with a good deal of socialism.
4 роки тому+2
No, you lose everyone before you even start. And, it doesn't matter what -ism is had if the powerful twist the government for their exclusive benefit and exploitation. The power must be returned to the people and fundamentally rearchitected so this situation doesn't happen again for a thousand years: separate church and wealth and mass media and state. Then and only then should less cult-of-celebrity public administrators stop the gold-plating of socialism for the rich and austerity for everyone else, and start repairing the damage to rehabilitate an impoverished and cheated populace. Revolution is the only solution, but it must be only started to accomplish a specific, strategic long-game.
Breaking up monopolies would be a start but it's not a final answer. It's the nature of industries to consolidate in the capitalist system, and the nature of business to use its money to undermine regulations that get in the way of profit. The only way to solve these problems is to dismantle capitalism and organise production based on human need.
'Right to Work' actually means, 'Right to Work For Less'.
Right to get fired.
Right to be a slave.
Do you suppose that the people who named the "Cares Act" and the "Heroes Act" had anything to do with naming "Right to Work"?
Or call it what it is not right to work right to fire
joe schmoe right to work is slave labour
You left out the biggest, most important change:
*Politicians cannot be allowed to personally profit off their actions in any way, shape, or form.*
Until there is fundamental rearchitecture rebuilt on the foundation of separation between church and wealth and mass media and state, corruption by the capitalist class will continue unabated for the foreseeable future.
The only way forward to eliminate this entrenched corruption that exists pervasively inside and outside of the establishment is revolution. Voting, wishing, petitions, interest groups, initiatives, and political candidates solve absolutely nothing but serve to defer and distract from the roots of the problem.
Well, good luck with THAT. The socialist elites, while pandering to the masses with lip service and gifts of borrowed money will always dishonor their trust.
@@timjohnson1199 Using socialist and elites like you did is a massive oxymoron. Socialists detest the elite class.
@@sirkylanthered There will always be an elite class. Communists, socialists, fascists, capitalists, Trumpists, it doesn't matter. Some animals will always be more equal than others, to paraphrase George Orwell.
you leave out donors and other forms through campignes and stuff they profit from but maybe you are suggesting that too sorry just wanted to say
This should be played during the Super Bowl’s Halftime!
Who will pay for it????????????????????????????
@@sa-iw4dr enact legislation that would fund it ;)
@@sa-iw4dr Everyone who believes in the idea! Someone like Robert Reich (with a big following) could create a go fund me for the ad
Except it’s full of lies and half truths. The reasons unions have less power is because what unions used to offer is now codified in law and business practices. Most corporations take very good care of their employees.
Corporate consolidation is a result of small companies not being able to compete with more efficient businesses.
Ironically most of what he is saying is bad is s result of bad Democratic policy.
@@Aikidoman06 Hello, My name is Arturo. I just graduated with my Master's degree in Economics from UA. I would like to clear up a point you made which doesn't line up with corporate structuring. The reason why corporations consolidate isn't because of a lack of competitiveness, it is because by consolidating they benefit from greater efficiency. The answer isn't breaking up big business; all big corporations need to be refiled as nonprofits. Nonprofit doesn't mean no profit, the profit motive still exists, its just that the gains of the business need to take stakeholder considerations into account first before shareholder's dividends.
Your comment on corporations treatment of their workers doesn't line up with the incentive structure of corporations. Corporations try to generate profit. Profit is revenue minus cost. Workers are considered a cost. It isn't in a corporation's interest to treat workers fairly or pay them livable wages with benefits because then it would decrease profits. I hope this helps clear the misnomers between the two sides of this debate in the comments. God Bless.
People never should have been forced back to work during a pandemic, We need to again fight to unionize!!!
One of my friends was able to get another job where he would have little contact with the public, related field. He really did not want to risk it.
“American millionaires, bandits constantly clinging to unjust privileges, who fight their opposition with bribery and tear-gas bombs.” - George Orwell
I know I'm an old geezer but when I was a young man there was a lot of Congressional action breaking up monopolies......what has happened to the mechanisms that were used to accomplish those goals? It is my contention that Congress is no longer responsible to the people as a whole but many congresspersons have become prostitutes to big business mainly to get funds for their re-election coffers and lavish lifestyles. Of course, our current president and the Republicans are the major cheerleaders for this situation......not exclusively but mainly. It's way past time to put in place term limits, kick out lobbies and PACs, taxpayer fund election campaigns, reconstitute labor unions, and prosecute all forms of insider trading. Any comments?
This "new" set of congressional representatives are far too busy at the trough lining their pockets with campaign funds from these giant corporations, not all but too many. Check Google for the combined wealth of an elected official prior to Congressional office then compare with their combined wealth after being in office a few election cycles. Congress is just about the only place a person can go to riding a mule and in a few years return home in a privately owned jet to ask, beg or plead for more money for the chance to represent us.
You are 100% correct.
You are totally correct.Tom.Too bad most people.cannot see it as clearly as you do. Salute.
@Stellar Graham . Drag them out to the guillotine.
Beating them won't change their behaviour.
@Stellar Graham 👍
Exactly true. This is the story that most people never hear. Thank you Bob.
He offers problems with no real solutions and no understanding of eccomics.
Coming from someone who can't even spell "economics".
@@Lonsoleil that's my phone fault, grammar nazi. Since you completely missed the point of my comment.
1. Robert actually has an education in economics, I'm going to assume you don't otherwise you wouldn't be this ignorant.
2. He doesnt "offer problems with no real solutions" he points out problems with clear cut examples of how we can begin to fix the issue. Obviously they would be temporary fixes because he isnt proposing for a full economic reform to socialism.
I know you commented this 11 months ago, so I'm going to hope you've grown since then.
You notice he never mentions how companies can under bid unions by hiring illegals who will work for less? His boss Bill Clinton also passed NAFTA that would easily outsource jobs to Mexico. His hero Obama also tried to pass the TPP which would have outsource many more jobs and made it harder to protect foreign workers from abuse and environmental laws.
The 'Great Thieves of America" and they get undeserved praise, also.
Sickening, isn't it? While we toil away for a modest living at best, destroy our bodies, and miss out on our kids growing up, these rich pukes, that don't do much in the way of actual work, live like kings off of our blood sweat and tears.
"Undeserved praise". Like obama.
You spelled trump wrong.
The top run the economy poorly. Their company on welfare and they still think they deserve a god like salaries.
Centralization of political power is a symptom of centralized economic power. Centralization happens due to resource constraints in search of a perceivable increase in efficiency. It's time to begin to accept the fact that power always follows property. We cannot have liberty without ownership of capital. Worker ownership is necessary for the preservation of individual freedom.
Americans inherited the legal form of the corporation from Britain, where it was bestowed as a royal privilege on certain institutions or, more often, used to organize municipal governments. Just after the Revolution, new state legislators had to decide what to do about these charters. They could abolish them entirely, or find a way to democratize them and make them compatible with the spirit of independence and the structure of the federal republic. They chose the latter. So the first American corporations end up being cities and schools, along with some charitable organizations.
We don’t really begin to see economic enterprises chartered as corporations until the 1790s. Some are banks, others are companies that were going to build canals, turnpikes, and bridges - infrastructure projects that states did not have the money to build themselves. Citizens petitioned legislators for a corporate charter, and if a critical mass of political pressure could build in a capital, they got an act of incorporation. It specified their capitalization limitations, limited their lifespan, and dictated the boundaries of their operations and functions.
I should add, too, that as part of this effort to democratize corporations, state charters specifically spelled out how shareholder elections were to be conducted to choose directors. Corporations were supposed to resemble small republics, with directors balancing interests among shareholders. When they printed material or conducted correspondence, it was usually in the name of the President, Directors, and Shareholders of the X Company.
Anyone, in this very uncertain and inconsistent time, who's looking to be wealthy by simply working hard and earning high salaries will be frustrated in the end. The answer to fair equality is affixing restrained democracy to the business structure and the liberalization of ownership of capital across all forms of capital (money/credit, land, shareholding, etc.) We too often ignore an inefficient individual responsibility that is repeatedly practiced by those with advantages; we should apply the same compromised values and principles to our economic structures as we do our political structures.
"Power (influence and control) always follows property... The only possible way then of preserving the balance of power on the side of equal liberty and public virtue, is to make the acquisition of land (potential productive capital) easy to every member of society: to make a division of the land into small quantities, So that the multitude may be possessed of landed estates (established productive capital)." - John Adams
What do you get when the law allows corporations to fund electoral campaigns ? Rulers who make laws benefiting the corporations.
This can be laid DIRECTLY at the door of Chief Justice Roberts and SCOTUS, who ruled in favour of Citizens United. How can USA expect impartial justice when the highest judges in the land are political appointees? How stupid do you have to be, to not realise that these judges are going to be partisan? Their power gives them the ability to overturn anything, no matter how much the people are in favour of it. That's not democracy.
Pretty simple math in my book.
But you ask an old Republican, they spent their whole lives trying to convince everyone that they can make 1 + 1 = 3.
1 for you, 1 for me. 1 for you, 1 + 1 for me.....
Getting Money Out of Politics should be the most important issue in the Entire American Politics !
Because Money (Corporate Donations, Lobbying etc.) could eventually CORRUPT Everything and KILL Progressive Policies that benefit the Majority of American People.
Most American Politicians are OWNED and BOUGHT by Big Corporate Money, Lobbyists and Military-Industrial Complex.
They do NOT even work for the Common Good and regular American People in the first place !
My good radical idea is that United States should ABOLISH Lobbying (NOT advocacy) and Corporate Donations ! as Many Other Countries did.
Because the Lobbying and Donations have the possibility to be used as LEGALIZED Bribery and Do More Harm than Good. Yeah, I know that it's nearly impossible wish to be come true in American Plutocracy. ??????
Aw, I was hoping for a knock knock joke.
@Gerri Wright Ingerson ranked choice. I think that any lifetime appointment is too long, even for Supreme Court. (Sorry Ruth, love ya but we must be fair here). Term LIMITS. No years long reign of terror from the likes of a Mitch McConnel. I never voted for him. Why does he get so much say. I hope that he goes down. He has manage to get a lot of funds (bribes) for his state that he generally ignores. But it is an election year. You too Pelosi. Enough! These positions in Congress should rotate among the Congress including the House.
All good ideas that I am seeing here. Let's elect ourselves guys.
How many times will they expect bailouts until they realize we're too broke to spend?
The parasites will eventually kill the host. That that will bring about their own deaths, will be our consolation prize.
Exactly at some point even "They" will have to realize the need to actually shovel money to the bottom, (opposite of trickle down). But it will be too late by the time "they" realize that.
@@extradimension7356 They're going to learn the importance of guillotine insurance. One way or another.
The trouble is, Crystal, that large and huge corporations don't rely solely on American consumers any more--the global marketplace has diminished the once-held power of the American public. The good news is that we still do have the vote, and an enlightened pool of political talent to run for office to replace those whose interest is not our own.
@@Red-Brick-Dream The Jamie Dimon's of the world are so untouchable and remote... + Dimon always relishes a crash, but maybe not the next one that's coming. We are mere ants... with tiny squeaky guillotines with barely enough clout to nibble their toes in a slightly annoying and easily ignorable manner.
Prices go up while wages go down.
Which, when followed for long periods ends in destruction of the economy because if nobody but a privileged few can buy - your customer base shrinks so far there is no one left to sell to....
Even Henry Ford - monster that he was understood that basic fact.
That's the American version of capitalism at its finest. And that's how the likes of bezos, musk, the waltons and all the rest of the one percenters (and a he'll of a lot of the ten-percenters) like it. The lsss wage earners get, the more the obscenely wealthy get to keep -- and the fat cats really need all that wealth, don't they?
"The good and just society is neither the thesis of capitalism nor the antithesis of communism, but a socially conscious democracy which reconciles the truths of individualism and collectivism."
"Whenever the government provides opportunities in privileges for white people and rich people they call it “subsidized” when they do it for Negro and poor people they call it “welfare.” The fact that is that everybody in this country lives on welfare. Suburbia was built with federally subsidized credit. And highways that take our white brothers out to the suburbs were built with federally subsidized money to the tune of 90 percent. Everybody is on welfare in this country. The problem is that we all to often have socialism for the rich and rugged free enterprise capitalism for the poor. That’s the problem." - Martin Luter King jr
We need more of MLK's wisdom in these turbulent times!
Even politicians are on welfare they depend on hard working Americans tax dollars in order to exist
Great insights!! How the Neoliberals framed the debate to justify their Libertarian religion.
Wow... that shows that suburbia is indeed NOT naturally occurring but propped up by the government by socialism. Ditto the farm subsidies in rural America. The bootstrap arguments are mostly phony.
Great quote from Dr King
Philip Angelo super false libertarianism... if it weren’t false none of this would have happened with government involvement.
I'm an old geezer too and Mr Nekuda hit the nail on the head. Mr. Reich should have listed breaking up monopolies first in his list of solutions. We should start by ignoring political parties and voting for the politicians who have shown a desire to work for the people. I may be wasting my vote but I plan to write in Bernie Sanders for President. Biden knew he had the nomination even before a single primary started. Just as representatives like AOC worked to get elected all representatives must put in the work to be reelected. We need to be educated on what our elected representatives are doing and not bombarded with distorted half truths and out right lies. We must be more aggressive than ever before in fighting for a balance economy and a government that works for all the people.
Thank you Mr. Reich for continuing to represent issues in simplified and easy to understand videos. But you did say how unions couldn't even get a simple reform passed to make it easier to organize. I have to ask, is our situation hopeless? A look at history shows workers had to fight and even pay the ultimate sacrifice for what we used to have. I'm fortunate to have a union job but in all my forty years and in spite of the work I've done I still see our pay and working conditions diminishing with each new contract. Especially with the pay raises being so small we lose every year. I meant to keep this brief but I could go on and on.
Solution is the guillotine
Writing in Bernie ruins your ballot meaning one less vote against Trump. Vote for the other candidate(Biden) because that counts as a vote AGAINST TRUMP.
(I worked at polling stations-anything other than an X invalidates your vote. Biden can't be as bad as Trump. EVEN IF HE TRIED.)
I completely agree.
Alison Diaz they say the same thing every time. The people saying that today, were saying “anyone but Bush” in 2004. (Then Biden put the medal of freedom on Bush after his next four years). They were Begging Nader to suspend his campaign, John Kerry denied Nader’s concessions. Then Nader was subpoenaed to 13 different states for one morning...for “ballot access”. If Biden wants Bernie’s base, it’s up to Biden to earn it. And it’s easy to earn it. Medicare alone would get it done. Acknowledging that weed must be federally legalized, if not for anything but the technical definition of “schedule 1 controlled substance” being non medicinal, but in vision to end the war on drugs and private prisons ...would get it done. These two extremely simplistic issues would absolutely bring in Bernie voters.... so, ask Biden and the DNC won’t do something so easy to get rid of “dangerous Trump”? Ask why they would support Trump’s coup attempt on Venezuela? And Bolivia? Especially after LOSING in 2016, taking advice on how to beat Trump from a media that won’t admit losing to Trump, is condescending at best, but add in the demand to fall in line and vote?? Condescension turns to contempt. I’m Canadian, so you have no Bernie smears to throw at me. Tell “Democrats” to look in the mirror!!! (As Pelosi won’t even debate her opponent... “Democrats”.) So disgusting. So very disgusting.
You are noble soul Prof Robert. How I wish there were even a few thousand more like you on earth!
Sad thing is, whether Trump gets re-elected, or Biden defeats him, the outcome for workers will continue to remain the same. This is why it's more important to elect Bernie-esque progressives like Jamaal Bowman, Paula Jean Swearengin, Shahid Buttar, etc. into the House and Senate to hold the White House accountable, no matter who the occupant is.
@Frederic Bastiat Plunder... Idiot... Good luck driving the Lamborghini you can afford not paying taxes on the dirt road leading to your tar-paper shack that has no municipal water or sewer service. And hope that that tar-paper shack don't catch fire because there ain't gonna be a fire department to come put it out. And hope that your well water doesn't get contaminated by pollution or biological contaminants because there wont be a hospital to treat you at.
Get the picture ? Taxes are the dues WE ALL pay to live in civilized society.
@Frederic Bastiat I think all the plundering is about done. It is HOW THAT PLUNDER is spent. Up to now, it is going into pockets without being spent PROPERLY. They need to be held in account for every penny.
@Frederic BastiatJeff Bezos can afford to pay his share. Exploiting his employees made him more than anyone could spend. Fred, Bernie wants less from the 99% and more from the 1% because the balance has shifted the burden on you and you can't afford it. Take a look at the National Debt Clock. This Government borrows $1000 for every man woman and child every month. Americans are too poor to pay for America. Where did it go?
@Frederic Bastiat if you so much love to join them and follow them for every step you take, you gonna follow along to the gallows with them?
The democrats will not allow anyone close to Bernie to get elected, don't be silly.
When I went through training at Target back in 2013 we were told that we were to avoid joining a union in a training video.
One of the dirtiest tricks that the Neoliberals and Republicans ever successfully pulled in this country was to convince working people that OTHER working people were their enemies.
Blaming teachers Unions for busted state budgets,
demonizing all labor unions for the corrupt practices of a few bad players,
walking back union organizing protections,
convincing consumers that high prices are the fault of unions,
and many more,
but the final insult to labor is actually demonizing immigrant workers
as the architects of all that is wrong in America.
_"Be a good, obedient worker and we may give you a doggie treat!"_
@ES 2020
Quit spamming. It's dishonest and unhelpful.
Back in my day, more than a half century ago, we were FORBIDDEN to join or even talk about forming a union if we wants to be employed by the organization. That was begore the Civil Rights movement that ma
...that matured later in the mid-to-late 1960s. I never did take that job, and the practice of forbidding employees from joining or forming unions were turned into federal offenses that were punishable with stiff fines and in rare cases actual jail terms.
& Citizen`s United decision of SCOTUS, added much of the corporate stranglehold of our economy, too .
true Mark. The HJR48 and HJR2 are competing bills introduced in House of Representatives but the HJR48 bill is more powerful and needs greater support to be able to fight and reverse the Supreme Court decision of Citizen's United to get the amendment to the Constitution. These corporations are not in the interest of the public citizen for sure and and it's up to the public citizen to do something about it especially for the security, health and safety of their children's future.
joe schmoe literally the opposite of free speech. It’s paid speech. Buckley Valeo and FNB of Boston are pro political bribery legislation.
Robert, my friend, you speak directly to me and my public sector Union Sisters and Brothers. We stand for all working class people who are fighting for a voice and a seat at the table, and not just for membership dues. When Unions win, all non-organized workers rise with us and see the value and strength in Solidarity. Thank you!
Instead of a pension workers have a 401K , and made to believe owning a few shares they are part owner of the company while those in power have thousands of shares.
This problem affects almost everything we Americans deal with: higher costs, fewer jobs, and lower wages. It's rare that mergers benefit anyone except the person orchestrating the merger. Thank you, Professor Riech, for this post
He'd be shot in a week.
Yes Pleaseeeeeeee!!!
Thomas Sowell would be way better!
@ if the system is untouchable, how can a street revolution cure it? If it can than the system is not untouchable.
@ Also why judge people you dont know personally as 'failing with magical thinking and learned helplessness'? You dont know what I think or have learned. Maybe focus on your own words and how your comment contradicts itself. Perhaps if you focused on your thoughts and not declaring the thoughts of others, your point would have more clarity. Just a thought. Every time I engage this way on UA-cam, it never goes well. So any potential further ignorance sent my way at this point...I blame myself. Have a good one.
If Republicans actually wanted to stop jobs going overseas they would simply tax companies the difference between wages paid and federal minimum wage. Suddenly it's not cheaper.
Yeah, they dont really want that.
Many Americans have already realized that Corporate Democrats and Republicans are really just two sides of the SAME coin.
They are NOT only UNTIED in the Endless Regime Change Wars, Richmans' Wars and War Profiteering,
BUT ALSO agree on the SAME old PLUTOCRACY, Corporatism, Crony Capitalism and Neoliberalism.
@chris younts or at least only one that has a wage that is about the same as us minimal wage 75 percent or more or no trade progressive or regressive the choice is yours
What an Excellent presentation!
Reich is just a Marxist propagandist.
GOVERNMENT cost us four times more than all corporate profits combined!
Big wasteful government is the only thing holding us back.
Republican tax cuts and deregulation gave us the best JOBS economy in 50 years.
Hey, do you know what "Marxism" even is ?
Did you even watch the video until the end ?
"Republican tax cuts and deregulation gave us the best JOBS economy in 50 years."
- You are truly out-of-touch boomer or living in your own bubble and fantasy land.
The reality is that Reganomics and Neoliberalism etc. have shrunk American middle-class over the past DECADES !
One of the dirtiest tricks that the Neoliberals and Republicans ever successfully pulled in this country was to convince working people that OTHER working people were their enemies.
Blaming teachers Unions for busted state budgets,
demonizing all labor unions for the corrupt practices of a few bad players,
walking back union organizing protections,
convincing consumers that high prices are the fault of unions,
and many more,
but the final insult to labor is actually demonizing immigrant workers
as the architects of all that is wrong in America.
@@ongoinglife , only productivity creates prosperity, not regulations, redistribution, or a union monopoly on labor.
With 30 million employers to choose from exploitation is impossible.
In a free market employers compete for labor, workers compete for jobs, and nothing could be more productive, more fair, or create more widespread prosperity.
Unions are dying and yet we have the richest middle class ever.
Neoliberalism is actually the key to prosperity for all.
This is a quality video in terms of researched historical facts and problem analysis and reporting. A presentation Well done.
Organized labor and grassroots action from the working class is what broke up monopolies of the Guilded Age, and those are the same forces that are needed to break up the corporate benefactors of today's American kleptocratic oligarchy. Break them up and reassert control over these insatiable forces of late stage capitalism and neuter them again as we did back then. Organize and oppose.
One of the dirtiest tricks that the Neoliberals and Republicans ever successfully pulled in this country was to convince working people that OTHER working people were their enemies.
Blaming teachers Unions for busted state budgets,
demonizing all labor unions for the corrupt practices of a few bad players,
walking back union organizing protections,
convincing consumers that high prices are the fault of unions,
and many more,
but the final insult to labor is actually demonizing immigrant workers
as the architects of all that is wrong in America.
LiteKipe: Unfortunately, our federal judiciary has made many unfriendly rulings over the last half century toward unions and labor. And neoliberals in the Democratic party and, of course, Republicans have sold out the NLRB to corporate interests by nominating corporate hacks to the board.
Add on top of that, globalization and free trade agreements (instead of fair trade agreements) that have allowed corporations to bypass unionized workers and seek out bottom barrel, cheap overseas labor that have barely any of the rules, protections and regulations that they'd have to deal with in the US.
@@ongoinglife: Very true! The ruling elites have been using this tactic for a long time. A major reason Reconstruction failed after the Civil War is because the ruling class was able to turn poor working whites against the newly freed slaves; natural allies that could have been a formidable force against the Southern elites. Sadly, the elites were able to use racism and fear mongering to divide them.
Blame the pursuit of infinite wealth. We allow it, even though no system can achieve infinite growth.
I don't understand such thirst for power. Seems like a huge burden rather than whatever they see it as. It has to stem from fear, and a scarcity mindset. It would be sad if it didn't do so much damage.
They play real life economics like its a video game economy.
@@sethbritton6970 that's a very good point. I'm not a game player, so I didn't think of that. In that context, I suppose it's all about winning. If you win, you're the best, right? So what psychology lies behind that? Some kind of self-image problem?
@Meg - People keep trying for reforms (fight for $15/hr, Medicare for All, Green New Deal, end the wars, Wall Street tax). Yet every reform is undone by the wealthy. If we really want to make change, first we have to cut off the infinite wealth gathering. Make a law that limits wealth accumulation for the sake of mandatory social, economic and ecological change. All other ways have been attempted and failed. Consider this, when an individual cannot exceed $3 million in accumulated wealth, it will be nearly impossible for politicians to be bribed. The elites will become ordinary.
If the media were to cover constantly “Inequality “ , the middle class would stand a chance!! Thank you Robert!!
Thank you Robert for getting the truth out there
This guy really is an example human being... Wish more politicians were like him... :(
Good Man! Thanks for shedding some light on the problems we face, sometimes when we don't even know it.
They grew out of control and became a detriment just like management was out of control before there were unions.There is a middle ground, unions and management can coexist if we bring the pendulum back to center.
Great job explaining what has happened to our country you are a wonderful teacher.
As always you are so informative and helpful - and in an easy to understand, even entertaining way! Thank you so much.
Unions cover the majority of workers in Europe, some countries 98%. Maybe they have the right idea.
Sorry, but that is not correct. The mean unionization rate in Europe is 23%. Finland and Sweden top the list, at 74 and 70%. My country, the Netherlands, does poorly at only 20%. What we do have in Europe is a reasonably well-educated populace, a high level of secularization, a fair degree of media that take their power-controlling tasks seriously, one-person-one vote election procedures, and an inheritance of social-democratic political parties waiting in the wings to correct too-blatant neoliberal aberrations. Yes, we are lucky. I really hope you will find your way back. For now, please first get rid of Trump and McConnell c.s.
When Volkswagen wanted to set up a second plant in the US and make EV's, they stated loud and clear that they wanted Unionized employees. Because this has the handy effect of actually taking some management effort off their shoulders, and it's good PR. But the state they were going to set up shop in said "No, we won't have you spreading that commie Union garbage here", and POOF, no factory, and no new 1000 jobs. Because Tenessee's own VW plant workers drank the Kool Aid and rejected a Union. Which VW actually wanted.
So now VW's been looking at setting up in Turkey or Ghana. Nice work, dumbshits.
One of the dirtiest tricks that the Neoliberals and Republicans ever successfully pulled in this country was to convince working people that OTHER working people were their enemies.
Blaming teachers Unions for busted state budgets,
demonizing all labor unions for the corrupt practices of a few bad players,
walking back union organizing protections,
convincing consumers that high prices are the fault of unions,
and many more,
but the final insult to labor is actually demonizing immigrant workers
as the architects of all that is wrong in America.
@@jandenbrok9574 This was my source, so I have to blame them.
@@WindFireAllThatKindOfThing willfully against their own best interests
"Business Creation" actually peaked in the 1970's. It's hard to believe a decade known for high inflation and stagnant wages could accomplish this. I try to support small brick and mortar stores in my area. I hope they can hold on.
They're doomed. The current civil unrest and pandemic have played right into the hands of big business that claim to be economically hurting but are in reality are trimming down and trickling up their incomes above the upper middle manage level at the expense of everyone else in their corporations.
When the current situation dies down and the economy "normalizes" (It will be under a New World Order and only peripherally like Aldus Huxley's "Brave New World"), a great many small businesses will disappear forever into the maws of Amazon, Wal Mart and their like, and the employed workforce will be only a shadow of what it was before trump and the republicans took over. I bleed for the losses of my younger years because I see no path to a "better" life in these United States of America if after November 3rd we have more of-- or more likely worse than -- the same as we've suffered these past 3-1/2 years. I expect dystopia or possibly even moral Armageddon in the near future.
"Somehow people are under the mistaken impression that calling for the complete overthrow of the entire ruling class is not a simple and practical solution"
It may not be simple, or even bloodless, but it sure is damn practical and damn effective when there is absolutely no other means to solve the issues, and threats to our very survival, brought on by the corruption and class war by a few thousand capitalists. Kill them all and redistribute their wealth. Then, separate church and wealth and mass media and state going forward, for all time.
@Frederic Bastiat you mean like dear leader, Donald Trump?
It never was simple but it HAS TO BE DONE. Beheading by Samuri sword(it has been done)double bladed axe(been done)guillotine(done)hanging(done)crucified on a wooden stake(done)in Transylvania (by Vlad the impaler)- All to get rid of nobility(who were the rich elitists.) It needs to be bloody to be remembered.
@Frederic Bastiat But at Least the money was spent into the community,
@Frederic Bastiat oh far more than 6 have failed, 6 have claimed bankruptcy. there's a difference.
Bankruptcy is failing so hard you lose everything, among which includes a Casino, which is literally rigged to make money. The phrase "The house always wins" should be edited to include "Unless run by Donald Trump"
All of this makes me so sad. I'm not American, but similar shit happens in Australia.
I think some unions are weak. I worked for an airline that was unionized. I had to pay high dues and received little. On the other hand, my brother worked for an engineering union and now even has a healthy retirement pay. Not all unions are equal. If you are in a field where you can be easily replaced, the union really cant help you. This is true for grocery stores, airline front end workers and others who pay out but get very little in return, especially when the corporation does not consider striking to be an embarrassment.
It's mind blowing how many people keep saying that "the stock market doesn't make sense." Thanks for trying to spread the word Bob.
So, the bottom line I can draw from this great presentation by prof.Reich is that even when there are good laws preventing corporate power and monopolizing, even when there are strong unions and social programs, even then corporations will crush those laws and unions, and come out on top as the most powerful, unelected political power. That is why it is strange to me that prof.Reich proposes a solution that is known to not work - reinstating those same ineffective laws that got easily crushed by corporations. How will a solution which was tried and didn't work suddenly start working for you?!
The main issue is - private companies. Allowing private ownership of means of production and natural resources is what incentivizes greed, power, corruption and the chase for profits as ultimate measure of success. You MUST ban private property (in other words, ownership of companies, housing units, factories, and natural resources). Only THEN will people lose a lot of blackmailing potential and start being more equal. The amount of scammers would also go down! It's high time to act, because if you just wait for a handful of people who make unimaginable profits from the current state to voluntarily change the state of things, well...
Then get your ass out there and organize, comrade. There can be no revolution against capitalism without the infrastructure to produce it.
Workers of America, Unite!
Sherman anti trust ---- how quaint, a Govt. that even gives half a damn.
They give zero f*cks.
You need to address the harm that lawyers have done to the country, how multi-million dollar lawsuits have been allowed to flourish by politicians, who are mainly lawyers.
I'm a proud union member and was raised by union parents.. I dare say nearly all the food I've ate all my life were paid for by union wages.
Robert Reich, I am very impressed with your continual high quality video production. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
This is an immensely informative video, filled with practical, actionable steps. Thank you, Secretary Reich. Thumbs up and subscribed. So who among these two party politicians will work towards these goals for the betterment of the country at large or should we seek leadership from a third?
Not Joe Biden.
Brilliant work Mr Reich, all Americans should watch this piece, and understand how honest, hard working people have been abused and cheated out of prosperity. Well done sir.
We don't even get our monthly cash while passing go on the 1st of every month!
I miss Andrew Yang. Some sort of secure income for Americans even if it just covers the mortgage or rent would go a long way into transforming America into a more equal and just country.
I feel it in my right to repair. Very difficult to find the parts to fix cars, gadgets, and increasingly appliances. In my opinion, repair shops were a great source for small businesses that is losing in this new age. Many of the innovations and sheer inventiveness of American exceptionalism of the past came from the challenges in repairing broken goods. Now we are in an iterative design model created to replace in short time windows. For all the talk about environmental friendliness, the fight against reuse seems to be counter productive.
Some people are afraid to organize and feel they can’t afford to loose a week of wages at this time as inflation increases. This is not new. But it is happening and a reality for many. Thank you please do more of these education videos!
He is right about Right to work states. Truman wanted to get rid of Taft-Hartly.
Some follow up news; we passed a tax on Amazon here in Seattle and it's 4x bigger. The funding basically saved the city's budget during the pandemic.
Besides being educated on things that happened in America; I also find your video's really engaging and a pleasure to watch. The US government could definitely do with having you in office, Professor Reich !!
Corporations love Robert Reich.
Thats great, but we dont have anyone with real power in government to make this happen, aoc, bowman and one or two others isnt enough
Thank you Robert Reich. Diversifying the markets follows the wisdom of diversifying our agricultural practices.
American's need to protest by only purchasing the basic nothing extra and start bargaining with each other for the thing's we need.
This needs to happen globally.
There's more of us than them.
The message would be impossible to ignore if we brought back the guillotine
I'm hoping the present situation will actually change the ways we do business. Like you say, deal with each other instead of Them.
@@Redskirt . All the hoping will never achieve anything.
@@MartintheTinman true that. It takes an idea catching fire, and then the determination to work at it. Same with the guillotine idea, haha.
Just a question about that: who will be hurt by a drastic reduction in buying? The workers whose jobs depend on people purchasing things/services. How about if we all consumed less as a public demand that workers' jobs be unionized?
*1:10* as a Wisconsinite I find that photo of Scott Walker’s mug as the backdrop for the “Right to Work” schlock to be all too fitting
Scott Walker is a W wannbe.
Where I live in eastern Canada we have the monopoly of media owned by the Irving family.
Remember Ronald Reagan and the airline strike? He forced their strike to end. And that was the beginning of the end of unions. Now we work long hours for little money. No real raises and 'right to work.' That's if you can find a job.
Working people are the core of a moving economy not corporations.
These types of your videos which include suggestions on how to remediate changes so desperately needed are my favorites. They leave greater opportunity for change to take place in the markets and our lives. @Janet Yellon @Jerome Powell @Joe Manchin @senator Sinema, use your consolidated power wisely.
Thanks bob. Always clear news.
I live in Alberta, Canada, a province whose labour laws equate closely with the worst of U.S. states. Our Christian right governments have turned workers against one another and most people think unions are evil.
Democrat or Republican Economic Plan: Corporate welfare, socialism for the rich, and jungle capitalism for everyone else.
Frederic Bastiat Lol... “stupid”? 1880’s has a corporate person ruling too. Your Revisionist history is funny though.
The naivete--or deliberate obtuseness--is that anyone honestly believes one party at this point is better than the other at representing the real needs and concerns of the everyday person. They are both bought and paid for by corporate interests. And anyone with half an ounce of sense should know what that means. It's an exclusive club and, to quote George Carlin, "you ain't in it."
@Frederic Bastiat Please explain what you are saying is stupid?
@@Loenthall88 Exactly. Having travelled around the US many times, one thing that stood out to me was how hard the working class have it there. They pay tax and seem to get very little back in return. Meanwhile, large corporations get bail outs, subsidies etc. I would describe the US economic system as corporatism. It’s certainly not capitalism.
@@Loenthall88 Exactly. They are both completely corrupt. Vote Libertarian.
Another problem is our employer based healthcare system. The US is the only industrialized nation where health insurance is treated as a benefit to be bargained. Over the years an increasing amount on money earmarked for salary increase has gone to pay insurance premiums. Guess who gets that salary increase? The top five insurance companies. 🤔😠
I really appreciate this insight.
In Michael Moore's film, 'Capitalism: A Love Story,' he states that after the end of WWII the U.S. wrote the right of labor to organize into the new German Constitution, equal rights for women into the new Italian Constitution, and the right to academic freedom into the new Japanese Constitution. It is high time to add those same rights to our own U.S. Constitution along with FDR's Economic Bill of Rights.
And a side note, 95% of what you buy from Amazon ends up being absolute garbage. Any brick and mortar would close immediately with what they get away with.
I have said many times the stock market says nothing about employment or economic health of most people. Pay no attention to it. How are you and those you know doing is the key.
And also consumers spending is the key to putting this economy back together, because those not rich spend more liquid assets to survive than the rich.
Letting corporations and the rich lead is one of the biggest mistakes we make in America. Too many don't see it yet.
From Australia ,Thank you
Thank you, Robert!
God bless you 🙏
Let’s make these changes now! Too many are jobless and homeless. Why is housing considered a luxury?
Very good lecture!
America is not alone in this, here in the UK it’s very similar, just not quite so openly brazen. We don’t live in a democracy anymore, we live in a graft system that’s directed and controlled by greed and corruption.
Thanks for this. US Corporate Media fails us.
GET RID OF CITIZENS UNITED ! MONEY needs to get OUT of Politics or this will Never end
Comcast cost increased 30% for the same service.
Great video. Very good and straight❤
Just like my momma told me for all the years I can remember. I’m 72, she would have been 103. I learned this from my mother , not in school. I am a college graduate, BSME. She talked of living through the Great Depression. Schools closed for an entire year in some locations. Strangers knocking on your door in the middle of the night begging for food and money. It was brought about by the same forces currently at work to undermine the ability of the producers of products and services from ever having any say in their work place environment. They still have the ability to shut the whole system down. They use to call them wild cat walk outs or wild cat strikes . Now , with even more technically complicated systems it doesn’t take a lot of people to go for a walk in the park rather than go to work and the whole machine stops. Hope it doesn’t come to that but have you seen reasonable people lately talking about preventing another catastrophe like the Great Depression? A very small group talked about working out plans in case of a pandemic, Bush2, Obama but they forgot to get the $$$. Oh, and that plan wasn’t any good according to the big D because it wasn’t done in PowerPoint and put in a 3 ring binder in transparency sheets like his.
Right -to - work = no workers rights
Every American should view this video to become informed, in this concise and easy to understand manner, in order to change laws to improve the lives of everyday citizens.
Also pensions seems hard to come by and now we have no choice but to give money to shareholders and investors in hopes we can retire with dignity.
Thank you
SPOT ON, Robert!
Amazing video. I'm all fired up now!!
A luxury goods and real estate tax is also needed. The rich will always be able to avoid income tax because the system is in place for their advantage. Someone who buys a gold watch, exotic car, or million dollar home can afford a 30%+ tax. I'd be happy to have that tax problem if I was rich.
Corporations need to be recognized as corporations and not people. Their "donations" need to be made illegal as well.
These kind of power plays have been going on for centuries. There are NO easy or cheap ways to fix this issue. Big Business has its hamfists in Big Government's short 'n' curlies.
Really particularly appreciated the choice to represent media darling Elon Musk as a caricature of an employer who breaks up unionization efforts.
Part of the problem I've always had with unregulated capitalism is that Monopolies are *encouraged*. They are the end goal of any competitive corporation - to outdo the competition and either destroy or absorb them. If you are the only company left standing, you win. With modern technology making distance a non-issue for managing a sprawling corporation, there is no reason for a company to limit their sphere of influence and every reason to pursue monopolization.
First we have to take back the Senate. At this point, the Presidency is a foregone conclusion. The coal miners in West Virginia aren't going to fall for "I'm bringing back coal, believe me!" a second time.
@Trevor Johnson . Too right.
The big corporations must be brought down!
9:18 I remember that! My aunt & uncle were still working for GE Ft. Wayne then when all that went down. It's pretty much a derelict building now. Workers only operate in one corner of a 2 block long building & lots of the windows have been smashed & boarded up.
My dad got to work there for all of 2 days, but because of Indiana's nepotism laws, somebody reported the fact that they were his in-laws & he got fired & we ended up the poor relatives in the family.
Thanks for telling the truth.
I feel we have returned to the 1890s when the robber barons were king. It did not work in the long run then, and it will not work now.
We're at Peak capitalism I believe it is time for the Communist Revolution. Peak capitalism equals fascism. This country is ran by and for plutocrats in short we have a plutocracy. Wealth inequality has never been this bad since the French Revolution
Bring back the guillotine
No need to go to the "other extreme", communism, there are solutions somewhere around the middle. Capitalism with a good deal of socialism.
No, you lose everyone before you even start. And, it doesn't matter what -ism is had if the powerful twist the government for their exclusive benefit and exploitation.
The power must be returned to the people and fundamentally rearchitected so this situation doesn't happen again for a thousand years: separate church and wealth and mass media and state.
Then and only then should less cult-of-celebrity public administrators stop the gold-plating of socialism for the rich and austerity for everyone else, and start repairing the damage to rehabilitate an impoverished and cheated populace.
Revolution is the only solution, but it must be only started to accomplish a specific, strategic long-game.
Not until the French had the elites running for their very lives did things change..we are there once again.
Thank you so much. This was a great video and I hope teachers use it as a historical, economic, and social teaching tool.
THANK YOU 😘❤️❤️😘😊
Breaking up monopolies would be a start but it's not a final answer. It's the nature of industries to consolidate in the capitalist system, and the nature of business to use its money to undermine regulations that get in the way of profit. The only way to solve these problems is to dismantle capitalism and organise production based on human need.