Things you should know before living in the UK

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • 1. Some people might assume that you speak English (but most people are kind and understanding!)
    2. The humour might be different from what you're used to.
    3. Racist, homophobic or other prejudiced remarks aren't generally tolerated (if you're speaking with most normal people).
    4. Lots of people are interested in house-buying and decorating type topics of conversation.
    5. People might be more private about their personal life than you're used to.
    6. The streets might not be as safe as where you're from (depending on where you are).
    Everything I say is just from my experience being British and living in the UK - of course most of this stuff is open to debate!
    Thanks everyone and hope you enjoy your stay in the UK 💙💙
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  • @genelin8262
    @genelin8262 Рік тому +23

    分享Newcastle 留學經驗
    1. 晚上確實路上比較多奇怪的人,但我好幾次大半夜一兩點遇過醉漢,他們非常有趣,只要是他不小心撞到你或是嚇到你(因為他們喝醉都愛亂叫亂吼或是大聲唱歌),我遇到的這幾個人都說”Sorry I’m drunk.”🤣
    2. 另外就是一直聽說英國北部人是相對友善的,原本不太相信,直到前幾個月跟朋友去了倫敦,晚上在一間酒吧朋友被指著鼻子罵fuck off,我就信了😂
    3. Newcastle 當地的口音”Geordie accent “對於初學者極度不友善🤣因為連其他地方的來的英國人都要猜一下想一想才能聽懂,更不用說我們這非母語者,但也是因為這樣,Geordies都明白自己口音獨特其他人可能沒辦法馬上聽懂,所以他們常常很有耐心的多講幾次或是想辦法換個簡單的字或詞來表達,尤其在當地菜市場🤣Geordie 的nice程度絕對絕對可以當英國第一!到後來猜Geordie 表達什麼意思變成非常生活中非常有趣的一部分❤ Newcastle number 1 !! haha
    4. 學校老師教授、職員來自英國各地、世界各地,大家都明白並且尊重別人的文化,只要你聽不懂他們也很願意再多說幾次,尤其老職員都是Geordie,他們最可愛,每次聽不懂的時候他們就會說”Sorry about my accent.” 然後更努力的要跟你解釋🤣I love them!❤

  • @giannishen
    @giannishen 2 роки тому +39


  • @nynasdiary4243
    @nynasdiary4243 Рік тому +18


  • @kuochenssu2593
    @kuochenssu2593 2 роки тому +35


    • @野人频道
      @野人频道 2 роки тому +1

      But your is women, I am is man.还是用中文说吧, 可能因为你是女生,人家才会对你客气吧?我是男生,身体看上去很壮,人家还会对我客气吗?会不会把我当作坏人?😅

    • @kuochenssu2593
      @kuochenssu2593 2 роки тому +6

      @@野人频道 可是我覺得友善或客氣跟對象的性別無關,這是人品修養的關係,端看你遇上什麼樣的人。你言行舉止得當,仍被當作壞人或是遭遇不公對待的話是對方的問題,不是你的呀!我也有女性朋友在英國跟歐洲受到歧視,只是我比較幸運沒遇過,如我所言我常常收到幫助,所以很喜歡倫敦,但出門在外我依然會小心謹慎。

    • @tonyuwu9630
      @tonyuwu9630 2 роки тому +1


    • @oelyoely
      @oelyoely Рік тому +2


    • @野人频道
      @野人频道 Рік тому +1

      @@kuochenssu2593 哦!了解,我觉得主要还是看个人吧!检讨自己,善待他人。不与没有共同爱好的人交朋友。就OK了!如果自己没有问题,被歧视也无所谓,不跟这些人一般见识。我重庆人,去北京被北京人歧视,去上海被上海人歧视。我无法理解他们不知道哪里来的自信。住在车水马龙的嘈杂的市区,还歧视别人。我还歧视他们呢?😅

  • @smallbale713
    @smallbale713 2 роки тому +9

    分享一下目前在巴斯留學的狀況。我的室友們都是英國人,但大部分都挺友善的,有人會放慢速度跟我對話,有人問我問題的時候會paraphrase,讓我有機會可以加入他們談話,而且雖然大家都是英國人,卻都是來自不同的文化背景跟家庭,我們甚至有一次flat聚餐時每個人輪流播自己家鄉的傳統音樂;至於歧視方面,學校在fresher's week曾經有上課特別說明偏見、歧視、霸凌的定義,資料上也有寫清楚不能容忍這些狀況,如果遇到了可以尋求哪些資源幫助,我覺得這塊學校滿用心處理的;至於問比較私人的問題,可能因為我室友們都是年輕人,對這些問題比較沒有顧忌,開學第二周過完,flatmates對彼此的感情狀況都大概了解😆

  • @chiao-anwang346
    @chiao-anwang346 2 роки тому +17


    • @西梁
      @西梁 2 роки тому


    • @jkwok6105
      @jkwok6105 Рік тому +4

      Email去記錄事件 會比口同鼻拗好

    • @chiao-anwang346
      @chiao-anwang346 Рік тому +1

      @@jkwok6105 了解,Email確實是好方法,但這幾個technician,沒有確實收發Email的習慣,儘管cc老師也一樣,他們只回覆他們想回的信,所以逼我們只能當面找他們。

    • @rhu7689
      @rhu7689 Рік тому

      Not sure whether or not you will see my note, but still would like to make a point about it. Am teaching and researching in a Bham Uni myself and if you really want to sort things out properly, you can email the PGR administrator in your department, and copy your lead supervisors, and/or the lead of the PGR at your Uni to the email, depending on how much you want to go down the formal complaint route dealing with the technician. I would if I were you, if the technician has been difficult with you and other colored students. Making a formal complaint about the person and make the relevant people in charge know that you are not just moaning about an unfriendly colleague, they will, or should, deal with it by following a certain procedure. 祝你好运!也祝你博士学业顺利

  • @kevinf6577
    @kevinf6577 2 роки тому +5


    • @susiewooenglish
      @susiewooenglish  Рік тому +1

      Aw thanks for joining, it's great to have you here! 🥰

  • @linfoote512
    @linfoote512 Рік тому +7


    • @hkpfalldie
      @hkpfalldie Рік тому


  • @zhuquedajie
    @zhuquedajie Рік тому +12

    刚从伦敦回来 对英国印象非常好。英国人有礼貌 克制的热情 治安非常好 全世界的美食应有尽有。历史文化的内容逛也逛不完。城市规划设计合理,交通方便 大气,个人认为比欧洲大多数国家都要好。至于banter 我只能说 英国人比法国人有礼貌多的多了! 治安比意大利好的多的多。

  • @leopoldslikkvstamkiu8718
    @leopoldslikkvstamkiu8718 2 роки тому +9

    That’s really useful. Low crime doesn’t mean no crime. No matter if you go to work or going to meet someone, Just be vary from all surroundings and stay vigilant. Even if you work in different job position, always be alert from someone who might be speak something might offending you. If not, everything will be fine.

  • @derektrotter3053
    @derektrotter3053 Рік тому +1

    Susie 的英語很好聽, 很舒服👍

  • @kachai
    @kachai Рік тому +1

    Thanks for your information, so many HKers have been moved and planning to move to UK.

  • @simonwong5641
    @simonwong5641 Рік тому +1

    Susie, 我是香港人但我跟家人將會在明年2023年初移民地英國。我英文不是很好只是僅僅听懂,但是我很驚呀一个外國年輕美女但是普通話可以说得那麼流利?並且你会用淺白的英語跟听众溝通,現在我开始常常听你的視頻去学聆聽英語,真的感謝你的視頻。👍🥴😜👻

  • @ydw9527
    @ydw9527 Рік тому

    刚从英国旅游回来,遇到两次不愉快。第一次是在伦敦看冰雪奇缘的舞台剧,旁边有个老太婆对我们非常没有礼貌。还有在爱丁堡的一个披萨店一个服务员也有点歧视我们。不过除此以外其他人都很友好,天空岛的景色更是breathtaking。由于没有订到住宿,在天空岛的三天我们一家三口住的帐篷,帐篷充气垫是从中国背过去的,然后在argos买了一床被子。 所有这些都是为了天空岛的quiraing,果然一切都是值得的,真的太美了。

  • @eddielin6334
    @eddielin6334 2 роки тому +3

    Very useful tips as to understanding UK people. Thanks.

  • @oweerogee1263
    @oweerogee1263 Рік тому +1

    the newest thing to know about uk is that 10 downing st is a perfect place for short stay, according to airbnb.

  • @jocelynzhao4743
    @jocelynzhao4743 2 місяці тому +1


  • @appleapple-hn6xy
    @appleapple-hn6xy 2 роки тому


  • @HcDaN
    @HcDaN Рік тому


  • @ArthurLin043
    @ArthurLin043 2 роки тому +4

    Related to your saying about taking the piss - a random joke came to mind.
    When my girlfriend called someone b*tch - they are best friends. When she calls someone sweet heart, they are probably archenemy.
    You really have to be very close to mock someone without fear of them taking offense.

  • @monoblues
    @monoblues Рік тому

    Ooh....thx a lot 4 your valuable information and its very interesting as well.Great...I enjoy hearing that from a native in UK who is also have a excellent knowledge of chinese language.! Cool !

  • @Foodieyummygood
    @Foodieyummygood 2 роки тому +3

    Thoughtful advice
    Helpful for foriegn residents who arrived UK and not much known of your norms

  • @natalietsai1275
    @natalietsai1275 2 роки тому +14

    我覺得很多英國人很假,嘴巴說會做會做 ,實際上都不做,懶成這樣還喜歡對別人說教,超級爆炸沒有禮貌!這是我在學校跟教職人員打交道的感覺
    英國最有名的準則應該要是:expensive price, average quality 在這裡花大錢也未必會買到有品質的東西,通常就是超普通的東西,房子也是一樣
    倫敦市中心的bar 11點就關了,11點後沒地方去,只能去clubbing,不想clubbing就沒地方去
    學校還問我們:你們要不要搬到其他宿舍? 為什麼是我們搬家而不是打人的人搬

    • @西梁
      @西梁 2 роки тому


    • @tingting7555
      @tingting7555 Рік тому +2

      我聽過住倫敦以外的英國人說, 住倫敦的英國人最不英國 (least British)

    • @王右長
      @王右長 Рік тому


  • @tanrobert7930
    @tanrobert7930 Рік тому +2

    我觉得英国的文化魅力十足, 让生活其中的人觉得自己的未来有无限的可能。。

  • @anniew2798
    @anniew2798 Рік тому +4

    Regarding English, adapting to non-native accents is more difficult to me. I would say listening to Indian accent is quite challenging as they usually speak very fast and their intonation is quite different from standard accent. 😅

    • @jamesc3704
      @jamesc3704 Рік тому +1

      A tip for listening to Indian accent is, they don't different T and D, like Desk, they pronounced as Tesk, etc.

  • @tonyuwu9630
    @tonyuwu9630 2 роки тому +2

    i really agree with what you said about the safety in the UK, Susie. it is very interesting

  • @lingyenyen2224
    @lingyenyen2224 6 місяців тому

    上個月有去倫敦 晚上我都不太敢出門~ 而且把包包夾緊~ 但實際上我遇到的都是友善的人~ 路人幫忙拍照,或是花時間等我翻譯😂 還會想再去英國玩❤🎉

  • @jamesc3704
    @jamesc3704 Рік тому +1

    I feel Sussie's voice sounds much nicer when she is speaking Chinese, she is born to be a Chinese speaker!!! 😊

    • @jamesc3704
      @jamesc3704 Рік тому

      On the other hand, some Chinese girls sounds so mean when they are talking w/ Chinese.

  • @周亭臨
    @周亭臨 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing. I still learning how to live others things including English.

  • @ramaschoi844
    @ramaschoi844 Рік тому

    Very good information for new comers to the UK! 👍👍

  • @phoebelee1995
    @phoebelee1995 Рік тому

    I had been to UK five years ago and I agree to what you had said in this video.

  • @yuchampagne807
    @yuchampagne807 2 роки тому +2

    On the way to apply for PhD in the UK 💪 thanks

  • @yl6111
    @yl6111 Рік тому

    Thank you very much for your sharing on British culture. It is very useful . As mentioned in your video, you mentioned that we have to be more careful at night. At this point, I have thought of the weather in UK. As the sky turns dark a bit earlier sometimes even turning dark in the afternoon during winter . I am thinking if it would be more dangerous for kids/ young teenagers to go around by themselves even in the afternoon during winter. Thank you ! 🙏

  • @moriikarashi1509
    @moriikarashi1509 2 роки тому

    I will be traveling to UK soon and hope to take pictures with you. 😊

  • @winglesswingless7142
    @winglesswingless7142 Рік тому +1

    😄,说到houseproud,不知道现在Hove Actually 这句玩笑话还在流行吗?😉

  • @chuanchen9221
    @chuanchen9221 Рік тому


  • @annauwuu
    @annauwuu 2 роки тому

    Thank you susie ! I’m going to a boarding school in england next year and this helps !

  • @hsuanchuanshen6495
    @hsuanchuanshen6495 Рік тому

    I have been there for a month .. I feel 🇬🇧 people are nice❤

  • @winglo5892
    @winglo5892 2 роки тому +3


  • @silvermky
    @silvermky 2 роки тому

    My phone was pickpocketed in London, and also was robbed by a guy on bike for twice within just 8 months. My friend’s phone also robbed by a guy on a bike in London too. I’m very alert on the street now. Don’t use phone and walk close to the road. Be careful even when you are using phone to search maps. Using earphone is easy to become target too.

  • @josephlownang6992
    @josephlownang6992 2 роки тому +1

    good video mate

  • @doreenl44
    @doreenl44 Рік тому

    Thank you for your sharing, it is useful.

  • @jshek4653
    @jshek4653 Рік тому

    Yey, Susie is doing this!!!

  • @wongsl2004
    @wongsl2004 2 роки тому +1

    the BNO scheme for ppl who born after 1997 will be launched in this month ,Hongkongers can seize this opportunity to move to the UK~

  • @nichoysw
    @nichoysw 2 роки тому


  • @maplerogue1525
    @maplerogue1525 2 роки тому +1

    I remember that when I was in London. At the Friday's and Saturday's night, people were likely to be drunk anyway. Hahahaha
    And I should be careful whilst I passed by them.

  • @一粒微塵-n4s
    @一粒微塵-n4s 2 роки тому

    I love your channel.

  • @陳庸桂-d5m
    @陳庸桂-d5m Рік тому


  • @terrylee5064
    @terrylee5064 Рік тому

    thank you for sharing really useful for new comers

  • @taichikuen
    @taichikuen 2 роки тому

    Thanks, Susie.

  • @adrian1321
    @adrian1321 2 роки тому +2

    l love 英國🇬🇧

  • @vincentng2392
    @vincentng2392 2 роки тому

    Could you take us to Rugby League World Cup somewhere in England (like Manchester)?

  • @wwkdwong
    @wwkdwong 2 роки тому

    Very informative

  • @ColinsMatas
    @ColinsMatas Рік тому

    Can you talking about how to make local friends in the UK without able to speak very good English?

  • @hongkongsmartboy
    @hongkongsmartboy 2 роки тому +1


  • @paulgrieve7031
    @paulgrieve7031 2 роки тому

    Have you been to Yorkshire love? I’ll meet you at York station. Bring some lard and plenty of money! Looking forward! Don’t worry about qlrpf etc up ere!!!

  • @samhan9703
    @samhan9703 Рік тому +1

    我喜欢英音 比美音好听多了 比澳洲英文还有南非的英文都好听

  • @ABC-je8yq
    @ABC-je8yq 2 роки тому

    Scotland 在2023年 是不是準備舉行 獨立公投 然後加入EU ? 最新的民調投贊成票的可能超越50%了, 在前英國女皇Elizabeth走了之後, 還有趁著英國Liz Truss內閣 大亂之際, 蘇格蘭人趁勢追擊? "Scotland independence vote could be held next October, says Nicola Sturgeon", 不過Scotland 只有500萬人口, 但土地遼闊, 『脱英加歐』是否會帶來更好的生活水平呢?

  • @jerometsowinghuen
    @jerometsowinghuen 2 роки тому

    Even I have no intentions on living in the Great Britain, having a better knowledge on English language is definitely the most important part when living or studying there.

  • @elonwoo1330
    @elonwoo1330 Рік тому


  • @BinYang-ci7bb
    @BinYang-ci7bb 2 роки тому


  • @mhtinla
    @mhtinla 2 роки тому

    It's a good time to visit UK, as GBP is getting dirt cheap. Thanks Truss, keep it up!

  • @000ragnarokPK
    @000ragnarokPK Рік тому

    They talk English, but never in the RP accent that we learned;
    They're really houseproud, and brag their gardening, cooking, retrofitting garage to bedroom, bedroom to kitchen and kitchen to bathroom in their leisure time. They just have nothing else to do;
    Yes, this is prejudice, based on the observations over them, sorry.
    In non-city areas, there can be almost no street lights, which could be quite dangerous. If you don't want to be dogged, bring a tactical torch with you.

  • @tunghsiangyu3423
    @tunghsiangyu3423 Рік тому +2

    倫敦真的小偷很多 警察似乎也不怎麼在乎 兩年前在倫敦的Pret被偷了後背包 裡面有兩台筆電跟護照 快要氣死😢

  • @gorillachen9256
    @gorillachen9256 Рік тому

    About English….
    Can I say to a British that “Can you use a proper accent?”😆

  • @太公-c8l
    @太公-c8l Рік тому +1


    • @JallahBomber
      @JallahBomber Рік тому


    • @太公-c8l
      @太公-c8l Рік тому

      @@JallahBomber 還說是自少在英國和加拿大留學的哦。

  • @Foodieyummygood
    @Foodieyummygood 2 роки тому

    Your putonghua is excellent
    Every time listen to your channel
    Can't help feeling you are language pro!
    You can read the chinese characters too
    We write so little now due to the use of phone
    Losing chinese character word by word
    Alarming …

  • @chenbanker2837
    @chenbanker2837 6 місяців тому

    i am curious why The UK's not so safe. because too many immigrants from poor countries?

  • @weizhang9451
    @weizhang9451 2 роки тому +1

    漂亮的小轩 你的中文讲的真好 我来英国也有十几年了 但是英文还是讲不好 能不能推荐几本英语初级的书籍 谢谢

    • @西梁
      @西梁 2 роки тому

      throw out all those non English books and apps of yours.

  • @JrKim96
    @JrKim96 3 місяці тому

    Is it considered British humour if someone laughs at you for speaking or if you don't understand English?

  • @bestuish
    @bestuish 2 роки тому

    What's the different between banter and toast? 🤔

  • @tlitsai1772
    @tlitsai1772 Рік тому


  • @LAIR00
    @LAIR00 2 роки тому

    Any chance we will see you visiting Asia sometime soon?

  • @vitusyu9583
    @vitusyu9583 2 роки тому

    Here (hk), i'd freely without much concern to go out at very night time for jogging in practically anywhere i'd like to go to. So, do you mean that it is not a good idea to go for walking in a park in UK?

    • @null79856
      @null79856 Рік тому

      Parks are usually not well-lit as Hong Kong, won't prefer to walk in park at night

  • @analog_music_lover
    @analog_music_lover Рік тому

    up主的样子很像前prime minister

  • @peterhe1685
    @peterhe1685 Рік тому

    你的英文名字是 Susie Della 吗?

  • @此生有悔入华夏来世不
    @此生有悔入华夏来世不 2 роки тому


  • @exlife9446
    @exlife9446 2 роки тому


  • @Rick760922
    @Rick760922 Рік тому +2

    Privacy 這部分台灣人可能需要適當檢討了,因為隱私問太多細節真的我也不喜歡

  • @alexyoung3609
    @alexyoung3609 2 роки тому

    10th like✌️

  • @nba5368
    @nba5368 2 роки тому

    UK is a great country,but if you want to obtain a ILR is extremely hard now expect you are Irish.

  • @will-ly4ef
    @will-ly4ef Рік тому


  • @bonegold3155
    @bonegold3155 2 роки тому +4


  • @pikmv873
    @pikmv873 Рік тому


  • @mavis9637
    @mavis9637 2 роки тому

    I just move to live in London for 1-year studying. Now I live with a local 42 years old woman, but I do not really like her :( She always likes to tell others what things we can put at public place, and what things cannot just because she think that it is not beautiful for her. Besides, she really likes to raise lots of plants, but she seldom clean up the dried leaves... and I think there are around 50% of whole things which belong to this woman in this house. Above all what I said, I think that I still can tolerate, but the worst is her live habits! After cooking and having a meal, she does not like to clean immediately, and always like to put them several hours later or even tomorrow... and after cleaning, there are still some food residue on the tableware:') Moreover, when we argue something about these, she just said that all of roommates do not appreciate what she did for this house? she think that she makes a really comfortable living environment. (Actually, I think that she does little to this house, and she just does what she needs and likes... Since I live in this house one month ago, I never saw her clean this house, like mopping floors and taking out the trash.)
    So, all in all, I cannot understand why she always like to ask others not to do something, but she can? and why a person has lived 42 year, but she still does not know how to clean and wash tableware... how a dirty woman :)

  • @willnc8744
    @willnc8744 2 роки тому


  • @CanadaWuWei
    @CanadaWuWei 2 роки тому


  • @Moneyball365
    @Moneyball365 Рік тому

    纯正欧洲源头,英国本土团队 💷💵💶

  • @diegoleo1279
    @diegoleo1279 2 роки тому


  • @储宁
    @储宁 2 роки тому

    嗨 戴舒萱好,我是大家……

  • @Whisky1011
    @Whisky1011 Рік тому

    Hello lady

  • @edgarchan9429
    @edgarchan9429 Рік тому


  • @chinaharry
    @chinaharry 9 місяців тому

    国际文凭IB与Allevel 的区别和选择

  • @dalu-bh9jf
    @dalu-bh9jf Рік тому

    i like u oh yeah

  • @samhan9703
    @samhan9703 Рік тому

    千万不要问你吃了吗?不要问年龄尤其是女性 更不能问收入

  • @asianaucklandshu7998
    @asianaucklandshu7998 2 роки тому

    i think racist is reasonable

  • @此生有悔入华夏来世不
    @此生有悔入华夏来世不 2 роки тому


  • @schorschoppenheim1825
    @schorschoppenheim1825 Рік тому


  • @goodmorning5571
    @goodmorning5571 2 роки тому

    Your name is 戴舒萱 while your UA-cam channel is called Susie Woo . 吴 and 戴 are different last names In China . Is Chinese last name 吴or 戴? it is confusing . BTW , your Chinese mandarín me has a Taiwanese accent .

  • @tlitsai1772
    @tlitsai1772 Рік тому
