I am a coach and one of my 9yo athletes came up to me and said we should celebrate Christmas everyday. I said wouldn't it be amazing to celebrate the birth of Jesus every day? It made her think, but she agreed, yes it would be wonderful indeed.
Great word brother! We discovery the origins of these things about 15 years ago, and it changed our walk deeply. Now celebrating Jesus through the Feast Days and Chanukah, all while walking in the freedom of grace and the Spirit! Love this! It’s time we come out of “Babylon” :) keep sharing truth brother! 🔥
Amen and HalleluYah which actually means Praise Yah. Did you know Jesus is a factually man made name given to us via the Catholics. Why would they remove the true Hebrew name given in... Mattithyahu (Matthew) 1:21 TS2009 “And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call His Name יהושע for He shall save His people from their sins." You see it? Yahu-sha means Yah is Salvation. Jesus factually means nothing. Command 3 says in (Exodus) 20:7 TS2009 “You do not bring the Name of יהוה your Elohim to naught, for יהוה does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught." Naught aka nothing. Blessings
@@markdlt2989You aren't quoting a real Bible with all the books in it, and he shall be called Immanuel. I used to run a print Christian ad agency, LPI of St. Louis and no Christian denomination referred to God the Father, Jesus Christ the son of God and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity as yah or yashua or yeshua this nonsense comes from the torahists who are lost souls, so are the ci types and the evangelical israeliniks, all were programmed by the electric talmudic toilet and the (goblin) media to reject belonging to a real Christian parish, keeping them from the sacraments of confession and Communion. Try praying in Latin, Catholic exorcists such as Father Chad Ripperger and Father Dan Reehil have documented that demons hate hearing prayers in Latin, hate hearing the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, hate hearing the Rosary being recited especially in Latin and hate hearing Gregorian chant.
@@markdlt2989 It's actually Yeshua , brother. Yeshua means Salvation. YeHoVaH is God's Name. Pronounced YAHOVAH. Joshua is actually, YeHoshua in Hebrew, Meaning Yehovah Saves.
@TheFamilyFirst08 Amen! Yeshua does mean Salvation from the word yahsh. Note the suffix sha? Joshua's name was changed remember it was Hoshua/sha then Moses added the Yah as a foreshadow to Yahusha. In Mat 1 we learn the name given by the Messenger that denoted what He (Yahusha) came to do. Our Saviors name is NOT salvation it's Yahu is Salvation which is correct in Scripture. Yahusha came go do the fathers will so wh ultimately saves Yahuah the father or Yahusha the son? Yahusha is the mediator for Yahuah. His name is in The Father remember? John 17. Plus a little digging and you'll find that Yahusha is Aramaic and stemmed from after Babylon. There is NO e or o in ancient Hebrew. Lastly, I really don't bother with how people pronounce the name only that they pronounce it. We know it's not Jesus or Lord or God or Yahova or yahweh etc. Shalom
Years ago, I heard the testimony of a Christian recording artist (very popular at the time). He shared part of his testimony and said he strayed away from the church and his relationship with God as a teenager. His thinking as he grew up "you lied to me about the Easter bunny; you lied to me about the Great Pumpkin; you lied to me about Santa Claus; so why should I believe you when you tell me about Jesus?" That was a very powerful testimony about how the church mixes truth and lies. He did come back to Christ as a young man but look at the pain he could have avoided had not Christians lied to him. I have never forgotten his testimony - powerful.
This is the most poignant and calm explanation of this I have ever heard. Thank you for keeping the truth simple and straightforward. We came to the same epiphany with our family and we can all live honoring Jesus every day!
Im 41. Recently found Christ. It was a door Id kept closed but never locked, metaphorically speaking. Ive been overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit for the last few months. Its amazing. Gonna pay attention when you guys talk about this stuff on ypur channel. I believe the things ypu are saying and it helps me on my path.
I used to love Christmas, but the corporate side of it has ruined it for me. I have decided this year to embrace the season and celebrate the birth of Christ, and participate in the gift giving only for the joy of others.
I was raised in a generational Christian home. We celebrated Christmas, we also had Santa clause. But...the birth of Christ even though it wasn't the actual day of his birth, was always emphasized as why we celebrated. It wasn't Santa it wasn't getting gifts, it was the gift of God sending his son to die on the cross so that we had salvation. What an incredible gift.
@@texastornado1195 If you read scripture and try to square celebrating a holiday that we are not told to celebrate but instead of celebrating the "reason for the season" or the stated reason you add in a fictional savior or supernatural being that does not exist and lie to your children packing the rest of the holduay with all Pagan customs from early times and do it on a day or a time period that was the birthday of Nimrod or Baal the world's first antichrist. It is mind blowing how so many just blow all of this off like it is nothing and if we state that we are doing it for God or saying God knows our heart solved everything makes it all just fine! I'm not singling anyone here out either because you have Christians like Kirk Cameron who says the reason we should celebrate Christmas is because it is his favorite time of the year and of course it is all Pagan because our people were all Pagan at one time!
Celebrate God every day, he is the Alhpa and the omega. God please bless everyone, let them know you love them. People please do the same, God wants you to talk with him every day. Through the good and the bad. Merry Christmas.
Then you should be doing the Sabbath Day? Stop eating pigs and other unclean animals, celebrate the Feasts of the Lord. You catholics are all the same, you follow the pope.
It all boils down to this: Who matters most to you - God, or your family? Let’s look at how God sees Christmas: Deuteronomy 12: 30-31-(30) take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, "How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise." (31) You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way; for every abomination to the LORD which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. We are told specifically NOT to worship him in the ways the pagans worship their gods. Do not be deceived-Christmas is a blend of rituals and items pagans used to worship their gods, and around the mid to late 1800’s, Protestant Christians started slapping a Jesus sticker on it and calling it good. No! Man can declare it whatever he wants but it won’t change how God sees it. It is still putrid to God and he does not accept it. We are to worship in spirit and in truth. There is NO truth in Christmas. (I bring this message with the humblest of heart because I, too, used to celebrate Christmas for years and years before I was convicted and my eyes were opened with understanding.)
Having reached the grand old age of 62 (after 21 years in the Corps there were times I figured I’d never make it this far) I’ve decided to read the Scriptures holistically. And so, there is this, “Therefore do not let anyone judge you with respect to food or drink, or in the matter of a feast, new moon, or Sabbath days - these are only the shadow of the things to come, but the reality is Christ!” Colossians 2: 16-17 What you say is true. What are you celebrating? Merry Christmas!
Although we are not commanded to remember the birth of christ, but the death burial and resurrection of christ which happens on the first day of the week. Everyone is focusing on christ. It would make sense to use this opportunity to lead them from the birth to the death burial and resurrection. That's where the blood is and the key to our salvation.
I celebrate Christmas with my family and thank God because my granny is with me one more year, my parents and brothers too, the smile on the faces of the kids when they get the presents, whether Santa is a lie or not. Again, I thank God every day because I can do it one more time. I think that's the point.
I retired from the Army at 41 years old and seven years later, God started moving in a big way in my life. For twleve years now, I have not celebrated christmas and my wife and kids are ok with it. The Word of God says not to worship Him as the Nations worship their gods.
Jeremiah chapter 10 told me all I needed to know about Christmas or Yuel. It all depends on your relationship with The Most High. If you feel no conviction after reading His Word, then by all means, carry on. But if you do, you know what needs to be done.
that has nothing to do with a Christmas tree, it talks of a tree cut down and carved into a idol with metal on it. Jer 10:3-5 NASB For the customs of the peoples are delusion; Because it is wood cut from the forest, The work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. (4) "They decorate it with silver and with gold; They fasten it with nails and with hammers So that it will not totter. (5) "Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field are they, And they cannot speak; They must be carried, Because they cannot walk! Do not fear them, For they can do no harm, Nor can they do any good." Isa 44:12-13 NASB The man shapes iron into a cutting tool and does his work over the coals, fashioning it with hammers and working it with his strong arm. He also gets hungry and his strength fails; he drinks no water and becomes weary. (13) Another shapes wood, he extends a measuring line; he outlines it with red chalk. He works it with planes and outlines it with a compass, and makes it like the form of a man, like the beauty of man, so that it may sit in a house.
@ it actually does the pine tree was used for purposes of idolatry and witchcraft and construction of anything idolatry related is against the first commandment. Read Bel and the Dragon from the book of daniel same concept. also the tree represents Nimrods penis the ornaments his balls and the garland well that’s his semen.
Thank you Chad for this very important & timely topic. Sadly most Christians don"t read of understand their Bible, thats why they go to church on Sunday. The tree mocks God's tree of life Rev 22:17 / Exodus 15:25 , his name Rev 22:4 / Rev 2:17, Jerimiah 10:25, the morning star Rev 2:28, and all of us and our Salvation Isaiah Chapter 52. Pray for wisdom and understanding our father gives it freely, proverbs 3:18. She is the wise virgin (bride of Christ) who lamp is lit (white stone) & has already gone into the feast Rev 22:16-17. Peace , Love and Grace at this wonderful time to be born Rev 22:20-21.
This year, heavy new awareness of how we've adopted so many things that are "good" enough (gifts) but if they become where our heart lies instead of being in the gift of Christ Himself, then it's like mixing worship of the true God with worship of idols. Rethinking everything under the light of true Christ-worship. And it's so exciting!
The book (Jeremiah 10) says specifically NOT to celebrate the pagan feasts. "Christmas" is a perversion of the Roman pagan feast of Saturnalia, which honors the pagan god nimrod. Leviticus 23 explains which feasts you ARE supposed to celebrate (passover, feast of Tabernacle) "for every generation, no matter where you live" It states this in Leviticus 23 FOUR TIMES. The enemy (satan) is clever enough to get the people to worship him without them even knowing it. Energy & witchcraft is real, and folks need to stop with the "I dont see anything wrong with it because this or that." You can't serve 2 masters. "For my people will perish from lack of knowledge."
I'm 51 years old been telling people this for 30 years before UA-cam, been shunned been called names but im still here and they are now questioning, stand for the truth, stand on the KJV bible and it will all work out.
Here’s a question do you buy others gifts on your own birthday? No we don’t, so I don’t agree with the gift giving to others. It’s not giving reverence to Jesus. I used to celebrate Christmas then I read the Bible, I stopped, something just changed. I did research and made sense to me that Jesus was more probable to be born in spring. I don’t have kids, but I remember the heart break when I found out it was all a lie the whole Santa thing. So I take umbrage on lying to a child about any of the make believe things, ie tooth fairy. Based on my past experiences. Also people go so overboard in debt, I would rather just get together fellowship worship God without all the gifting. As I get further into the word I began to celebrate the feast of the Bible rather than Christmas. I agree with you Chadd. Maranatha King Jesus.
Chad, merry Christmas and a happy and blessed new year to you my brother. When we were young parents, we told our children about Saint Nicholas and showed how his selfless giving should be mirrored by our everyday living. We also tied the gifts in by having them think of a gift to give their brother or sister and I think that worked for us. Hope you and Brooke have a great year and look forward to hearing from you again this next year.
Christmas: On the 21st of December the Sun stops moving south. It is dead in the tomb for 3 days. On the morning of the 25th the Sun rises, where the three kings (belt of Orion) was the night before. The rising Sun has moved one degree north. This happens the same time every year. It is God's handy work. Blessings
For many years I was against celebrating it and saw it as pagan and didn’t participate. However, now that I have a family, I changed my mind. As long as your main focus is Christ and remembering him, I don’t see it as an issue. Be humble, live in repentance, be thankful for the life we have, reject materialism and give all praise to Christ Jesus.
I've went on this journey about Christmas and I fell in line with Chad's opinion for a while untill I really. Started studying. 99.9 percent of the traditions we use to celebrate Christmas are based on pagan or anti christ traditions. That will upset many, I know, but it's a fact that cannot be disputed. There is no scripture that gives us permission to take pagan traditions and christinize them. Now when people are ignorant of the fact I can understand but we now live in the information age and it's obvious that not only Christmas but Easter traditions are all Pagan based. But we claim well Jesus knows our hearts and we do this for Jesus. How did that excuse work out with God for the Isrealites! When they built the golden calf and Aaron said they were having a festival to the lord? Jesus when talking with the religious leaders of the day told them that there traditions which were man made but not actually pagan based Made the Word of God to no effect. Those are some scary words if we want to hang our hat on traditions. Now if a family wants to celebrate Resurrection Day as many In the past have I have and I don't believe the Bible has any issues with that. I see so many trying to justify there actions with a few versus and not taking scripture as a whole just to justify their actions. There is no place in scripture that justifies christianizing pagan traditions and making it acceptable, it is just not there. GOD said in the old testement concertning holidays that men made up that they sicken him and he detest them! Pretty strong words that leave litte room to misunderstand. OK so if you want to celebrate Jesus birth without all the pagan traditions fine I don't have an issue and I don't believe the Bible does either but 99.9 percent don't want to celebrate Jesus birth without the pagan traditions because it is the pagan traditions that make Christmas special to them! This Is an incknvienant truth but it is a fact. I know because it was the pagan traditions that made Christmas special for me for decades!
The celebration was a Pagan festival long before christians invented the superstitious primitive nonsense that is christ. In the socially advanced, secular Nordics, we still celebrate the winter solstice festival that was Jul. my wife and I celebrated this year by each having a virgin birth in the early hours of the 25th. Virgin birth was an impossibility in the primitive Middle East but, thanks to advanced medical technology is commonplace in the modern civilised world and even in the US. Easter was also a Pagan festival, marking the Spring solstice and celebrating Oestre, the Pagan goddess of fertility. It was used by Christian’s to invent the nonsense of the birth and resurrection of their imaginary magic man
Christmas has been commercialized for so many years. It stresses a lot of people out. And that's a shame. For generations Christmas was about Family and Friends coming together to express love and appreciation for one another. People for centuries visited people and sang Christmas Carols honoring Jesus Christ. If you are spending Christmas alone this year, may God's love shine down on you. God Bless You, and Merry Christmas.
Time of Christ birth is laid out in Luke’s gospel. (If anyone wants to do an exciting research project) Zachariah, priest from tribe of Abijah- serving in the temple, each tribe (12) serve 2 appointed set times in the temple. Take John the Baptist conception to Christ’s and do the math. Remember that they used a lunar calendar (not Gregorian) And you will come to find that Christ was born on The Feast of Tabernacles. The appointed time that the Lord set as a commandment (an appointed time to mark) His coming among His people (on earth) in the Tabernacle. All praise to our Father in heaven and His Son Jesus Christ 🙏
I woke up this morning, my 8 year old daughter wakes up first with a big smile comes over to greet me with a hug, my oldest son comes out of his room shortly after… first thing out of his mouth is “you can’t guess what I got you ?” To his sister. “The wrapping kind of sucks!” When I his one eyed father wrapped his gift. This is officially the last year I celebrate this holiday! I get no gratitude all year, I get this bullshit disregard and disrespect this morning.
That obviously has nothing to do with a Christmas tree. Poor teachers make that up without real knowledge of history and you just took their word for it. They are wrong.
Most who are awake know we've been lied to about everything. Yet when it comes to scripture "oh no they didn't lie to us." Think! Thousands of religions. Why? Paul said the wolves would come after He left. And they did. Messiah nor scripture says to celebrate His birth. Birthday is mentioned twice is scripture and both are bad. The baker and john the Baptist. Scripture says to celebrate his death and resurrection. Birthdays are inherently pagan. From the wish to cakes and candles. Look it up. Oh and the gifts were given TWO years after His birth not on His birth date. Fact! And what did they bring? Why did they bring what they did?
I quit celebrating Christmas many years ago, because nowhere in the Bible are we told to celebrate Christ's birth. I am not good at following along with the crowd and blindly participating in the customs of man. I want to honor my Lord every day in every way that I can. Ask yourself if Jesus came to your house on Christmas day and seen you decorated tree and house with all the presents, would he be happy about it? There are so many issues with all of our holidays, if you really dig deep. Why not celebrate the holidays set forth in the Bible, you know... the ones that he actually wants us to observe?
@@annieaviles4760 they paid homage 1 time for the arrival of the King. They didn't prepare a feast every year afterwards, decorate trees (which God condemns in Jeremiah) and give him presents. It's pagan no matter how you all try to put it
@tehya, you're right, I started celebrating Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Atonement, Trumpets, and Tabernacles a few years ago. Love that I'm not alone
thank you for speaking truth....we havent celebrated it for about 8 years now because of strong convictions from God. All of our family still does and most of our friends. we give no one any grief for celebrating it, but we sure get grief for not.
I get push back when I tell people it's associated with other pagan holidays and the Roman Catholic want either to 1. Pull pagans into the church or 2. To get Believers accustomed to pagans. I mean even all out days of the week and I believe month of the year is either a pagan name or in a way after a pagan god.
Celebrate Christ’s unbelievable sacrifice for us sinners for Christmas. This time of year is a perfect time to share Christ with people, it’s a perfect time to answer questions about him with your children and grandchildren. May Christmas be a time you are able to follow the great commission
God loves all his children. Do we really believe that God or Jesus looks upon us and says, "Look at all my sinners." When we're taught we're sinners, we'll never be perfect, and the most we can hope for is live a good life, follow the "rules" of the church, and be saved to ensure our place in heaven . . . do we really believe that dogma is coming from God or Jesus? Or is it mans "interpretation", delivered to the flock to ensure control? After all, if we don't do as we're taught, we will surely go to hell because that is the wrath of God upon his naughty children. Hmmm.
Merry Christmas to all my brothers and sisters, praying every one of you has a blessed time with God, Christ, and our Holy Spirit, your family and the church you are involved with. Stay frosty Christians, SF
My children are grown adults now, so my Christmas is completely Christ centered, with no tree or decorations, except the ceramic nativity scene my mother made over 60 years ago, which is now a family heirloom. We don't do the gift giving thing, we get together as a family and express our gratitude to God for sending Jesus for our salvation, and to enjoy a day together as family, so the grandchildren know the true meaning of Christmas, and we instill Christian family values in the generations to come.
10 Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. 5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
Amen! It's hard to argue against it when it's there in black and white. 15 or so years ago I found it there in Jeremiah. I found more in Ezekiel. Stay blessed my friend 😊
The Christmas that we celebrate today is on Augustus Caesar's birthday Jesus was born in the lambing season which is spring like your content found you today will be watching more God bless my famly have Jesus Christ with us every day ❤
I appreciate Christmas as the recognition of the birth of Christ. I also appreciate family fellowship and a blessing of friends. Gifts as a n expression of caring and recognition towards each other. So, Christ is among us and we should celebrate his presence along with the fellowship and blessings he provides.
I teach little kids. They are very aware that we are celebrating the birth of Christ and it leads to lots of good conversation on the meaning of the day. I can't find a way to see that as a bad thing.
I first became a Seven Day Adventist around 2011 and started helping those in need rather than continuing on the charade of giving frivolous gifts. Now , I just enjoy the simple things of life even more. Im 59 living a blessed life . Mountain biking, trail running, sailing and hiking are still high priorities, however sharing with friends is icing on the cake. Thanks fir sharing from the bluezone . Jesus is the reason
How can a man lead his properly family when he allows peer pressure from school children and their lost pagan (mostly single) parents to guide his choices for his family?
The world celebrates Jesus's birth but I'm not supposed to?? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Without Him I have no hope so I will......every day and especially at Christmas time. Hallelujah
@ No, the world does not celebrate Jesus’ birth. They celebrate Christmas. This is how paganism gets mixed into Christianity and Christians clap and cheer for it.
I celebrate the heck outta it. We sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. We speak of Jesus. We enjoy each others’ company. It’s a day we are allowed to at least stop and appreciate our neighbors alongside our celebrations. Celebrating him brings unity in-person more so than bring unity to a one-self that chooses isolation on a homestead. Jesus said love thy neighbor, and I don’t see a thing wrong about Christmas so long as you spend your day appreciating each other whilst thanking Jesus for his sacrifice. Way too many of you overthink this.
You don't need the day to be Dec25th to do all the Christmas things that u do. Ya know peace on earth, good will twards men, thoughtfull of others you know, ect ect. We should act like thst every day. Blessing All.
Customs is what I think it is and the Bible says not take up their heathen ways. Make no festivals unto your self. Cutting down a tree, ressurecting it, adorning it with Balls of Gold and Silver. Bow before the tree and place offerings. Bow before the tree to receive rewards... Place yourself in debt to give gifts you can't afford and they feel need to reciprocate. Envy, Jealousy, Greed.
I did go through a period where I was questioning the whole Christmas celebration and how it had become a warped commercial bastard of what the true meaning of this season is supposed to be about. The commercialization of the day does bother me a little, but I realize that to change that would be a losing battle, and to be blunt we really need to pick and choose our battles. So the whole shopping thing, I am a reluctant participant, and having the internet makes it a lot easier to avoid the mall and wandering around searching for ideas on what to get someone; not to mention how much more efficient going online vs shopping in person. But I do make it a point to absolutely remember, and to share with whoever I am with, the real reason for this day and this season. I keep this thought in my heart so as to pay respect and to honor the reason why for this season, and I refuse to accept the PC wish “Happy Holidays” from anyone. To me this is an opportunity to say Merry Christmas, and if they try to justify their PC excuse I always respond that this is the reason for this season, and I do not appreciate being offended with their excuse. Not going to the malls make it easier to avoid the clowns that still choose to argue about this point. After all of that, I don’t really know if we can do more than that. And to you Chad, and your wife and family, and to everyone else who is a part of this small community, along with your families, Merry Christmas to one and all.
All i heard throughout your comment was “Compromise with the devil because it’s difficult to go against the world.” I believe Christmas is the hardest tradition of men to let go for Christians especially Americans because it used to be our highlight of our year. Now that our eyes are open we cannot look back no matter how hard it is.
We do not get to choose how me worship/obey. Proverbs 3:5 Lean not on your own understanding. We know the origins of Christmas are pagan. We are warned not “christianize” pagan worship practices, regardless of the intent in our heart. Look into the golden calf incident, some 3000 men were killed by the Father over it. They were worshipping the golden calf in order to honor the Father, and he didn’t like that much. Jeremiah 10:2 Learn not the way of the nations…
Merry Christmas 🎄 Christmas is in the heart, not in the meals and packages. It's about the gathering and peace making....a chance to repent and accept your enemies and acknowledge our own failures ❤
Ever wonder why people 'celebrate' communion? They celebrate to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Chirst. 'Mass' (Latin: misa = 'celebrate'). Words are much more subtle and concurrently complex than we can imagine. Christmas could just as easily be translated as Christ celebration. I do not celebrate modern holidays or birthdays. ..but I will not allow my beliefs to become a stumbling block to other sincere Christians who have liberty / freedom in and through Jesus Christ.
Chadd, Jesus was born on one of the Fathers Feast days. It is called “Sukkot “ and in English it is called Tabernacles, where God dwells with us. The manger scene the temporary booth that is built for this festival. Luke chapter 1 gives the time line, you got to dig a little deeper to understand what you are reading. Try a tradition that the Father said to celebrate and see how things go.
@@definit1on119I agree too many Protestants still protesting everything and condemning everything. No wonder there are thousands of Protestant denominations.
No. Full stop. It is not a form of worship which is commanded. It is a tradition of men and if you call yourself a follower of messiah bit do not worship as commanded, then you truly love the tradition more than the father.
One of my thoughts I had when starting a family was to celebrate Christmas with them.. God's hand is in every aspect of Christmas, from spiritual to economic..
Chadd, if you want to know the Truth, NO, Christians should not celebrate it. Christmas is pagan and always has been, problem is, believers don't know what God's Word teaches. In fact, the Bible tells us to recognize and remember his death till he comes, example, The Lord's Supper. I'm really not trying to be confrontational, just speaking the Truth. The real issue is , most people don't want to know the Truth, all one has to do is research it plain and simple. The biggest backlash comes from fellow " believer's ", nuff said !
I respect you my brother and I agree with you about alot of what you said so I thought you might want to research the "coarse of Abijah" because you will find that it's a date a very special date ie: Christ's birthday and remember there's are two physical"birthdays" if you will the conception and the "birthday". Check it out brother you will find that the conception is in late December and the "birthday" is late September. We celebrate Christ everyday but go all out on these special days because God's word tells us of these date for a reason. God bless all of my brothers and sisters on this most blessed day.
What's the Lord have to say about it? Jeremiah 10:2-5 KJV [2] Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. [3] For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. [4] They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. [5] They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
Celebrate Jesus everyday!!!!
and Easter!!!
I am a coach and one of my 9yo athletes came up to me and said we should celebrate Christmas everyday. I said wouldn't it be amazing to celebrate the birth of Jesus every day? It made her think, but she agreed, yes it would be wonderful indeed.
Yes !!! AMEN 🙏 ❤
Great word brother! We discovery the origins of these things about 15 years ago, and it changed our walk deeply. Now celebrating Jesus through the Feast Days and Chanukah, all while walking in the freedom of grace and the Spirit!
Love this! It’s time we come out of “Babylon” :) keep sharing truth brother! 🔥
Amen and HalleluYah which actually means Praise Yah. Did you know Jesus is a factually man made name given to us via the Catholics. Why would they remove the true Hebrew name given in...
Mattithyahu (Matthew) 1:21 TS2009 “And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call His Name יהושע for He shall save His people from their sins."
You see it? Yahu-sha means Yah is Salvation. Jesus factually means nothing.
Command 3 says in (Exodus) 20:7 TS2009
“You do not bring the Name of יהוה your Elohim to naught, for יהוה does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught."
Naught aka nothing.
Yes amen! Same with me and my circle of family/friends.
@@markdlt2989You aren't quoting a real Bible with all the books in it, and he shall be called Immanuel. I used to run a print Christian ad agency, LPI of St. Louis and no Christian denomination referred to God the Father, Jesus Christ the son of God and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity as yah or yashua or yeshua this nonsense comes from the torahists who are lost souls, so are the ci types and the evangelical israeliniks, all were programmed by the electric talmudic toilet and the (goblin) media to reject belonging to a real Christian parish, keeping them from the sacraments of confession and Communion. Try praying in Latin, Catholic exorcists such as Father Chad Ripperger and Father Dan Reehil have documented that demons hate hearing prayers in Latin, hate hearing the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, hate hearing the Rosary being recited especially in Latin and hate hearing Gregorian chant.
@@markdlt2989 It's actually Yeshua , brother. Yeshua means Salvation. YeHoVaH is God's Name. Pronounced YAHOVAH.
Joshua is actually, YeHoshua in Hebrew, Meaning Yehovah Saves.
@TheFamilyFirst08 Amen! Yeshua does mean Salvation from the word yahsh. Note the suffix sha?
Joshua's name was changed remember it was Hoshua/sha then Moses added the Yah as a foreshadow to Yahusha.
In Mat 1 we learn the name given by the Messenger that denoted what He (Yahusha) came to do.
Our Saviors name is NOT salvation it's Yahu is Salvation which is correct in Scripture. Yahusha came go do the fathers will so wh ultimately saves Yahuah the father or Yahusha the son? Yahusha is the mediator for Yahuah. His name is in The Father remember? John 17.
Plus a little digging and you'll find that Yahusha is Aramaic and stemmed from after Babylon.
There is NO e or o in ancient Hebrew.
Lastly, I really don't bother with how people pronounce the name only that they pronounce it. We know it's not Jesus or Lord or God or Yahova or yahweh etc.
Years ago, I heard the testimony of a Christian recording artist (very popular at the time). He shared part of his testimony and said he strayed away from the church and his relationship with God as a teenager. His thinking as he grew up "you lied to me about the Easter bunny; you lied to me about the Great Pumpkin; you lied to me about Santa Claus; so why should I believe you when you tell me about Jesus?" That was a very powerful testimony about how the church mixes truth and lies. He did come back to Christ as a young man but look at the pain he could have avoided had not Christians lied to him. I have never forgotten his testimony - powerful.
This is the most poignant and calm explanation of this I have ever heard. Thank you for keeping the truth simple and straightforward. We came to the same epiphany with our family and we can all live honoring Jesus every day!
Im 41. Recently found Christ. It was a door Id kept closed but never locked, metaphorically speaking. Ive been overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit for the last few months. Its amazing. Gonna pay attention when you guys talk about this stuff on ypur channel. I believe the things ypu are saying and it helps me on my path.
Put reading the Word of God above all else first.
@@jayclyde6045 Amen! And when you do read the word of God, also pray for understanding and wisdom. Jesus, and only Jesus, Saves!!!!
God Bless this made my day, stay strong build up your armor one day at a time.
Same thing with me since last October. Enjoy the blessing and give back with submission to him.
@@chato12377The Arabic word for one that submits to god Is Muslim.
I used to love Christmas, but the corporate side of it has ruined it for me. I have decided this year to embrace the season and celebrate the birth of Christ, and participate in the gift giving only for the joy of others.
I suspect if you do this, you'll still receive the same joy. Do it for YOU and for them, if corporations benefit then whatever
I was raised in a generational Christian home. We celebrated Christmas, we also had Santa clause. But...the birth of Christ even though it wasn't the actual day of his birth, was always emphasized as why we celebrated. It wasn't Santa it wasn't getting gifts, it was the gift of God sending his son to die on the cross so that we had salvation. What an incredible gift.
That is how most typical Americans do it.
Where in the bible does it say that? Or is it again what the "church" said and not God.
That’s just like going to a gay pride parade and saying we’re only here for the strait folks.
@@gabbygabs5766 your question is not very specific.
@@texastornado1195 If you read scripture and try to square celebrating a holiday that we are not told to celebrate but instead of celebrating the "reason for the season" or the stated reason you add in a fictional savior or supernatural being that does not exist and lie to your children packing the rest of the holduay with all Pagan customs from early times and do it on a day or a time period that was the birthday of Nimrod or Baal the world's first antichrist.
It is mind blowing how so many just blow all of this off like it is nothing and if we state that we are doing it for God or saying God knows our heart solved everything makes it all just fine! I'm not singling anyone here out either because you have Christians like Kirk Cameron who says the reason we should celebrate Christmas is because it is his favorite time of the year and of course it is all Pagan because our people were all Pagan at one time!
Every day is Christmas. May you all have salvation, joy, and peace.
Celebrate God every day, he is the Alhpa and the omega. God please bless everyone, let them know you love them. People please do the same, God wants you to talk with him every day. Through the good and the bad. Merry Christmas.
Then you should be doing the Sabbath Day? Stop eating pigs and other unclean animals, celebrate the Feasts of the Lord. You catholics are all the same, you follow the pope.
It all boils down to this: Who matters most to you - God, or your family?
Let’s look at how God sees Christmas:
Deuteronomy 12: 30-31-(30) take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, "How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise." (31) You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way; for every abomination to the LORD which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.
We are told specifically NOT to worship him in the ways the pagans worship their gods. Do not be deceived-Christmas is a blend of rituals and items pagans used to worship their gods, and around the mid to late 1800’s, Protestant Christians started slapping a Jesus sticker on it and calling it good. No! Man can declare it whatever he wants but it won’t change how God sees it. It is still putrid to God and he does not accept it.
We are to worship in spirit and in truth. There is NO truth in Christmas.
(I bring this message with the humblest of heart because I, too, used to celebrate Christmas for years and years before I was convicted and my eyes were opened with understanding.)
Having reached the grand old age of 62 (after 21 years in the Corps there were times I figured I’d never make it this far) I’ve decided to read the Scriptures holistically. And so, there is this,
“Therefore do not let anyone judge you with respect to food or drink, or in the matter of a feast, new moon, or Sabbath days -
these are only the shadow of the things to come, but the reality is Christ!” Colossians 2: 16-17
What you say is true. What are you celebrating? Merry Christmas!
Although we are not commanded to remember the birth of christ, but the death burial and resurrection of christ which happens on the first day of the week. Everyone is focusing on christ. It would make sense to use this opportunity to lead them from the birth to the death burial and resurrection. That's where the blood is and the key to our salvation.
Well done Chad.
I try to celebrate the feast and festivals mandated by Adonai.
I celebrate Christmas with my family and thank God because my granny is with me one more year, my parents and brothers too, the smile on the faces of the kids when they get the presents, whether Santa is a lie or not. Again, I thank God every day because I can do it one more time. I
think that's the point.
I understand where you're coming from.I do it for the kids.I talk to and think about God everyday as my Christmas.
Love yah Chad, Thankful for your channel 🇺🇸
I retired from the Army at 41 years old and seven years later, God started moving in a big way in my life. For twleve years now, I have not celebrated christmas and my wife and kids are ok with it. The Word of God says not to worship Him as the Nations worship their gods.
Only two birthdays in the bible, one is Pharoah and one is Herod, which was unfortunately marked with the murder of John.
What about Job’s children wasn’t he perfect in his ways didn’t his children have feast days for each of them
Wasn’t the sun moon stars placed for special days signs seasons
There is nothing wrong with celebrating Jesus Birthday family all days belong to Jesus ❤️
@ShermanMays-fw8ko it's not Jesus birthday
Merry Christmas to all and to all of the 3 of 7 project
Merry Christmas!
Some people still believe in St Nick!
What is crazier is many still believe the government is here to help its citizens!
@ for real
We should not lie to children. I know children who have never been lied to and they are still excited about Christmas and receiving gifts.
Jeremiah chapter 10 told me all I needed to know about Christmas or Yuel. It all depends on your relationship with The Most High. If you feel no conviction after reading His Word, then by all means, carry on. But if you do, you know what needs to be done.
Facts Praise Yah.
that has nothing to do with a Christmas tree, it talks of a tree cut down and carved into a idol with metal on it.
Jer 10:3-5 NASB For the customs of the peoples are delusion; Because it is wood cut from the forest, The work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. (4) "They decorate it with silver and with gold; They fasten it with nails and with hammers So that it will not totter. (5) "Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field are they, And they cannot speak; They must be carried, Because they cannot walk! Do not fear them, For they can do no harm, Nor can they do any good."
Isa 44:12-13 NASB The man shapes iron into a cutting tool and does his work over the coals, fashioning it with hammers and working it with his strong arm. He also gets hungry and his strength fails; he drinks no water and becomes weary. (13) Another shapes wood, he extends a measuring line; he outlines it with red chalk. He works it with planes and outlines it with a compass, and makes it like the form of a man, like the beauty of man, so that it may sit in a house.
@ it actually does the pine tree was used for purposes of idolatry and witchcraft and construction of anything idolatry related is against the first commandment. Read Bel and the Dragon from the book of daniel same concept. also the tree represents Nimrods penis the ornaments his balls and the garland well that’s his semen.
Thank you Chad for this very important & timely topic. Sadly most Christians don"t read of understand their Bible, thats why they go to church on Sunday. The tree mocks God's tree of life Rev 22:17 / Exodus 15:25 , his name Rev 22:4 / Rev 2:17, Jerimiah 10:25, the morning star Rev 2:28, and all of us and our Salvation Isaiah Chapter 52. Pray for wisdom and understanding our father gives it freely, proverbs 3:18. She is the wise virgin (bride of Christ) who lamp is lit (white stone) & has already gone into the feast Rev 22:16-17. Peace , Love and Grace at this wonderful time to be born Rev 22:20-21.
So what does a celebration of a Christ-mass look like? You go to church and build a crip, sing a few songs? or is there something more?
The whole gift giving thing should be for children only, that does warm my heart at Christmas time.
This year, heavy new awareness of how we've adopted so many things that are "good" enough (gifts) but if they become where our heart lies instead of being in the gift of Christ Himself, then it's like mixing worship of the true God with worship of idols. Rethinking everything under the light of true Christ-worship. And it's so exciting!
The book (Jeremiah 10) says specifically NOT to celebrate the pagan feasts. "Christmas" is a perversion of the Roman pagan feast of Saturnalia, which honors the pagan god nimrod. Leviticus 23 explains which feasts you ARE supposed to celebrate (passover, feast of Tabernacle) "for every generation, no matter where you live" It states this in Leviticus 23 FOUR TIMES. The enemy (satan) is clever enough to get the people to worship him without them even knowing it. Energy & witchcraft is real, and folks need to stop with the "I dont see anything wrong with it because this or that." You can't serve 2 masters. "For my people will perish from lack of knowledge."
On the money. Thank you for this!!
@jflannel1965 Shalom
@@GhostriderElectric Im American but you as well lol
I'm 51 years old been telling people this for 30 years before UA-cam, been shunned been called names but im still here and they are now questioning, stand for the truth, stand on the KJV bible and it will all work out.
Do you understand that the kjv bible and all protestant bibles are heretical texts with 7 books tore out and rewritten by religious heretics.
Here’s a question do you buy others gifts on your own birthday? No we don’t, so I don’t agree with the gift giving to others. It’s not giving reverence to Jesus. I used to celebrate Christmas then I read the Bible, I stopped, something just changed. I did research and made sense to me that Jesus was more probable to be born in spring. I don’t have kids, but I remember the heart break when I found out it was all a lie the whole Santa thing. So I take umbrage on lying to a child about any of the make believe things, ie tooth fairy. Based on my past experiences. Also people go so overboard in debt, I would rather just get together fellowship worship God without all the gifting.
As I get further into the word I began to celebrate the feast of the Bible rather than Christmas. I agree with you Chadd. Maranatha King Jesus.
Chad, merry Christmas and a happy and blessed new year to you my brother. When we were young parents, we told our children about Saint Nicholas and showed how his selfless giving should be mirrored by our everyday living. We also tied the gifts in by having them think of a gift to give their brother or sister and I think that worked for us. Hope you and Brooke have a great year and look forward to hearing from you again this next year.
spread love, that's all, peace
Spot on Chadd!.
Giving gifts to those who align with our Lord’s belief as a meaningful way to show kindness, encouragement, and solidarity
Thank you Chad and 3 of 7. Merry Christmas to you and your family.✌️❤️🙏🐾
Christmas: On the 21st of December the Sun stops moving south. It is dead in the tomb for 3 days. On the morning of the 25th the Sun rises, where the three kings (belt of Orion) was the night before. The rising Sun has moved one degree north. This happens the same time every year. It is God's handy work. Blessings
For many years I was against celebrating it and saw it as pagan and didn’t participate. However, now that I have a family, I changed my mind. As long as your main focus is Christ and remembering him, I don’t see it as an issue. Be humble, live in repentance, be thankful for the life we have, reject materialism and give all praise to Christ Jesus.
lol. Sounds like you go whichever way the wind blows huh?
@@pigslayer106if the wind leads me to Christ, absolutely.
Satan claws is a deceiver !
Watch that Huff fellas vidya "is Christmas pegan?" The answer is NO according to that fellar
That’s what Paul said …. But what did Jesus say ?
How fitting to celebrate the eternal light coming into the darkness of the world during the darkest part of the year.
Merry Christmas, 3 of 7, from the hills and hollers of Eastern Kentucky!!
Just west of you! You out there by Carter Caves?
Chadd Wright - my brother in Christ - Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours - ❤- as always a wonderful message to share - and I did to X and FEDbook
I've went on this journey about Christmas and I fell in line with Chad's opinion for a while untill I really. Started studying. 99.9 percent of the traditions we use to celebrate Christmas are based on pagan or anti christ traditions. That will upset many, I know, but it's a fact that cannot be disputed. There is no scripture that gives us permission to take pagan traditions and christinize them. Now when people are ignorant of the fact I can understand but we now live in the information age and it's obvious that not only Christmas but Easter traditions are all Pagan based. But we claim well Jesus knows our hearts and we do this for Jesus. How did that excuse work out with God for the Isrealites! When they built the golden calf and Aaron said they were having a festival to the lord? Jesus when talking with the religious leaders of the day told them that there traditions which were man made but not actually pagan based Made the Word of God to no effect. Those are some scary words if we want to hang our hat on traditions. Now if a family wants to celebrate Resurrection Day as many In the past have I have and I don't believe the Bible has any issues with that. I see so many trying to justify there actions with a few versus and not taking scripture as a whole just to justify their actions. There is no place in scripture that justifies christianizing pagan traditions and making it acceptable, it is just not there.
GOD said in the old testement concertning holidays that men made up that they sicken him and he detest them! Pretty strong words that leave litte room to misunderstand.
OK so if you want to celebrate Jesus birth without all the pagan traditions fine I don't have an issue and I don't believe the Bible does either but 99.9 percent don't want to celebrate Jesus birth without the pagan traditions because it is the pagan traditions that make Christmas special to them! This Is an incknvienant truth but it is a fact. I know because it was the pagan traditions that made Christmas special for me for decades!
Spot on,shalom ❤
Easter = Ishtar.
I agree .
The celebration was a Pagan festival long before christians invented the superstitious primitive nonsense that is christ. In the socially advanced, secular Nordics, we still celebrate the winter solstice festival that was Jul. my wife and I celebrated this year by each having a virgin birth in the early hours of the 25th. Virgin birth was an impossibility in the primitive Middle East but, thanks to advanced medical technology is commonplace in the modern civilised world and even in the US. Easter was also a Pagan festival, marking the Spring solstice and celebrating Oestre, the Pagan goddess of fertility. It was used by Christian’s to invent the nonsense of the birth and resurrection of their imaginary magic man
Christmas has been commercialized for so many years. It stresses a lot of people out. And that's a shame. For generations Christmas was about Family and Friends coming together to express love and appreciation for one another. People for centuries visited people and sang Christmas Carols honoring Jesus Christ. If you are spending Christmas alone this year, may God's love shine down on you. God Bless You, and Merry Christmas.
Time of Christ birth is laid out in Luke’s gospel. (If anyone wants to do an exciting research project)
Zachariah, priest from tribe of Abijah- serving in the temple, each tribe (12) serve 2 appointed set times in the temple.
Take John the Baptist conception to Christ’s and do the math. Remember that they used a lunar calendar (not Gregorian)
And you will come to find that Christ was born on The Feast of Tabernacles.
The appointed time that the Lord set as a commandment (an appointed time to mark) His coming among His people (on earth) in the Tabernacle.
All praise to our Father in heaven and His Son Jesus Christ 🙏
There is no gift like the gift of Salvation! No not one!
I woke up this morning, my 8 year old daughter wakes up first with a big smile comes over to greet me with a hug, my oldest son comes out of his room shortly after… first thing out of his mouth is “you can’t guess what I got you ?” To his sister. “The wrapping kind of sucks!” When I his one eyed father wrapped his gift. This is officially the last year I celebrate this holiday! I get no gratitude all year, I get this bullshit disregard and disrespect this morning.
Christmas tree is called an idol in Jeremiah chapter 10. Associated with the Groves and as a sacrifice to Baal.
That obviously has nothing to do with a Christmas tree. Poor teachers make that up without real knowledge of history and you just took their word for it. They are wrong.
Merry Christmas Chad, your family and crew. God Bless you brother.
Most who are awake know we've been lied to about everything. Yet when it comes to scripture "oh no they didn't lie to us." Think! Thousands of religions. Why? Paul said the wolves would come after He left. And they did.
Messiah nor scripture says to celebrate His birth. Birthday is mentioned twice is scripture and both are bad. The baker and john the Baptist.
Scripture says to celebrate his death and resurrection. Birthdays are inherently pagan. From the wish to cakes and candles. Look it up.
Oh and the gifts were given TWO years after His birth not on His birth date. Fact! And what did they bring? Why did they bring what they did?
Well said Chad, thank you and Merry Christmas to all of 3 of 7.
I quit celebrating Christmas many years ago, because nowhere in the Bible are we told to celebrate Christ's birth. I am not good at following along with the crowd and blindly participating in the customs of man. I want to honor my Lord every day in every way that I can. Ask yourself if Jesus came to your house on Christmas day and seen you decorated tree and house with all the presents, would he be happy about it? There are so many issues with all of our holidays, if you really dig deep. Why not celebrate the holidays set forth in the Bible, you know... the ones that he actually wants us to observe?
Why did the three wise men celebrate His birth?
@@annieaviles4760 they paid homage 1 time for the arrival of the King. They didn't prepare a feast every year afterwards, decorate trees (which God condemns in Jeremiah) and give him presents. It's pagan no matter how you all try to put it
@tehya, you're right, I started celebrating Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Atonement, Trumpets, and Tabernacles a few years ago. Love that I'm not alone
Exactly! I cannot/ will not honor pagan gods and strap Jesus on to make people feel good!
@@annieaviles4760 they did but he was born in the spring or fall, not Dec 24-25 which is the birthday of Tammuz a pagan god.
Of course it’s 👍 done ✅
thank you for speaking truth....we havent celebrated it for about 8 years now because of strong convictions from God. All of our family still does and most of our friends. we give no one any grief for celebrating it, but we sure get grief for not.
Same here
@@coreysmithsvt God bless you brothers!
I get push back when I tell people it's associated with other pagan holidays and the Roman Catholic want either to 1. Pull pagans into the church or 2. To get Believers accustomed to pagans.
I mean even all out days of the week and I believe month of the year is either a pagan name or in a way after a pagan god.
Merry Christmas Chadd! 🎄
Merry Christmas Chad!
Merry Christmas 🎄
Celebrate Christ’s unbelievable sacrifice for us sinners for Christmas. This time of year is a perfect time to share Christ with people, it’s a perfect time to answer questions about him with your children and grandchildren. May Christmas be a time you are able to follow the great commission
God loves all his children. Do we really believe that God or Jesus looks upon us and says, "Look at all my sinners." When we're taught we're sinners, we'll never be perfect, and the most we can hope for is live a good life, follow the "rules" of the church, and be saved to ensure our place in heaven . . . do we really believe that dogma is coming from God or Jesus? Or is it mans "interpretation", delivered to the flock to ensure control? After all, if we don't do as we're taught, we will surely go to hell because that is the wrath of God upon his naughty children. Hmmm.
Merry Christmas to all my brothers and sisters, praying every one of you has a blessed time with God, Christ, and our Holy Spirit, your family and the church you are involved with. Stay frosty Christians, SF
My children are grown adults now, so my Christmas is completely Christ centered, with no tree or decorations, except the ceramic nativity scene my mother made over 60 years ago, which is now a family heirloom. We don't do the gift giving thing, we get together as a family and express our gratitude to God for sending Jesus for our salvation, and to enjoy a day together as family, so the grandchildren know the true meaning of Christmas, and we instill Christian family values in the generations to come.
Touche' 🎉❤🎉
I got a really nice tree and lights put up and still celebrate Jesus Christ!! And I also got my wife a gift :)
I keep my Nativity Scene up all year long.
Giving with a cheerful heart, Corinthians 9:7 give generously and joyfully without reluctance or obligation
10 Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:
2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
Amen! It's hard to argue against it when it's there in black and white. 15 or so years ago I found it there in Jeremiah. I found more in Ezekiel. Stay blessed my friend 😊
The Christmas that we celebrate today is on Augustus Caesar's birthday Jesus was born in the lambing season which is spring like your content found you today will be watching more God bless my famly have Jesus Christ with us every day ❤
Our 3rd year with out satan claus and his evil ways. God's Holy days are in the bible but people choose man's holidays.
I appreciate Christmas as the recognition of the birth of Christ. I also appreciate family fellowship and a blessing of friends. Gifts as a n expression of caring and recognition towards each other. So, Christ is among us and we should celebrate his presence along with the fellowship and blessings he provides.
Brother Chadd, get a copy of Alexander Hyslop's "The Two Babylons" it traces the roots of Catholicism all the way back to ancient Babylon.
I teach little kids. They are very aware that we are celebrating the birth of Christ and it leads to lots of good conversation on the meaning of the day. I can't find a way to see that as a bad thing.
Merry Christmas brother!!!
It's still about Jesus to me even if we know it's not His real birthday
I first became a Seven Day Adventist around 2011 and started helping those in need rather than continuing on the charade of giving frivolous gifts. Now , I just enjoy the simple things of life even more. Im 59 living a blessed life . Mountain biking, trail running, sailing and hiking are still high priorities, however sharing with friends is icing on the cake. Thanks fir sharing from the bluezone . Jesus is the reason
The world celebrates Christmas. How can we be a peculiar people if we act like the world?
How can a man lead his properly family when he allows peer pressure from school children and their lost pagan (mostly single) parents to guide his choices for his family?
Exactly. They celebrate it and many don't even believe in Jesus. Its pretty obvious to me what we should do.
The world celebrates Jesus's birth but I'm not supposed to??
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Without Him I have no hope so I will......every day and especially at Christmas time. Hallelujah
@ No, the world does not celebrate Jesus’ birth. They celebrate Christmas. This is how paganism gets mixed into Christianity and Christians clap and cheer for it.
Thank you for your 2 cents!!!❤❤❤
Nowadays i don't celebrate just to avoid family drama..
Halleluyah! Thank you brother
What you forgot to mention was the entire season of Advent. God Is with us!
Amen to that comment
I celebrate the heck outta it. We sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. We speak of Jesus. We enjoy each others’ company. It’s a day we are allowed to at least stop and appreciate our neighbors alongside our celebrations. Celebrating him brings unity in-person more so than bring unity to a one-self that chooses isolation on a homestead. Jesus said love thy neighbor, and I don’t see a thing wrong about Christmas so long as you spend your day appreciating each other whilst thanking Jesus for his sacrifice.
Way too many of you overthink this.
You don't need the day to be Dec25th to do all the Christmas things that u do. Ya know peace on earth, good will twards men, thoughtfull of others you know, ect ect. We should act like thst every day. Blessing All.
Merry Christmas, 3 of 7, from the lumpy parts of Kansas (the ones along the Missouri R.)!
Customs is what I think it is and the Bible says not take up their heathen ways. Make no festivals unto your self.
Cutting down a tree, ressurecting it, adorning it with Balls of Gold and Silver. Bow before the tree and place offerings. Bow before the tree to receive rewards... Place yourself in debt to give gifts you can't afford and they feel need to reciprocate. Envy, Jealousy, Greed.
I did go through a period where I was questioning the whole Christmas celebration and how it had become a warped commercial bastard of what the true meaning of this season is supposed to be about. The commercialization of the day does bother me a little, but I realize that to change that would be a losing battle, and to be blunt we really need to pick and choose our battles. So the whole shopping thing, I am a reluctant participant, and having the internet makes it a lot easier to avoid the mall and wandering around searching for ideas on what to get someone; not to mention how much more efficient going online vs shopping in person. But I do make it a point to absolutely remember, and to share with whoever I am with, the real reason for this day and this season. I keep this thought in my heart so as to pay respect and to honor the reason why for this season, and I refuse to accept the PC wish “Happy Holidays” from anyone. To me this is an opportunity to say Merry Christmas, and if they try to justify their PC excuse I always respond that this is the reason for this season, and I do not appreciate being offended with their excuse. Not going to the malls make it easier to avoid the clowns that still choose to argue about this point. After all of that, I don’t really know if we can do more than that.
And to you Chad, and your wife and family, and to everyone else who is a part of this small community, along with your families, Merry Christmas to one and all.
All i heard throughout your comment was “Compromise with the devil because it’s difficult to go against the world.”
I believe Christmas is the hardest tradition of men to let go for Christians especially Americans because it used to be our highlight of our year. Now that our eyes are open we cannot look back no matter how hard it is.
The whole world will be decieved,christmas proves that.
A lie system
'happy Nimrod day everybody!'
I believe it was Tammuz that was celebrated on Dec.25 the son of Nimrod and Semiramis........
@@His1child you are correct
@@His1childthammuz was supposedly nimrod incarnate
Absolutely celebrate!!!
We do not get to choose how me worship/obey. Proverbs 3:5 Lean not on your own understanding. We know the origins of Christmas are pagan. We are warned not “christianize” pagan worship practices, regardless of the intent in our heart. Look into the golden calf incident, some 3000 men were killed by the Father over it. They were worshipping the golden calf in order to honor the Father, and he didn’t like that much. Jeremiah 10:2 Learn not the way of the nations…
Merry Christmas 🎄
Christmas is in the heart, not in the meals and packages. It's about the gathering and peace making....a chance to repent and accept your enemies and acknowledge our own failures ❤
Ever wonder why people 'celebrate' communion? They celebrate to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Chirst. 'Mass' (Latin: misa = 'celebrate'). Words are much more subtle and concurrently complex than we can imagine. Christmas could just as easily be translated as Christ celebration.
I do not celebrate modern holidays or birthdays. ..but I will not allow my beliefs to become a stumbling block to other sincere Christians who have liberty / freedom in and through Jesus Christ.
You are correct
SANTA and SATAN, both steal the true meaning of CHRISTMAS, from the real reason for the season!!
Chadd, Jesus was born on one of the Fathers Feast days. It is called “Sukkot “ and in English it is called Tabernacles, where God dwells with us. The manger scene the temporary booth that is built for this festival.
Luke chapter 1 gives the time line, you got to dig a little deeper to understand what you are reading.
Try a tradition that the Father said to celebrate and see how things go.
Bruh this is not true. The early church agreed on December 25th as the birth of our Lord
@ I think you should investigate this, it’s not that hard.
Loved your message at Dirt World Summit in TX.
Seeing as how Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of Jesus birthday, I would say yes
Adopted from pagan traditions. His name isn’t jesus.. it’s Yahusha (it means YAH is our salvation).
@epthcepher What is your source to make that claim? If your not of the Catholic or Orthodox Church you have no claim to our Lords title
@@definit1on119I agree too many Protestants still protesting everything and condemning everything. No wonder there are thousands of Protestant denominations.
Shadapp .
You too..shaddap
Thank you Chadd for truth!!
If you rearrange the letters of santa it spells satan
Red is always 🐍......or siths !
He was born in the spring, when the shepherd would be grazing their sheep, but He is needed daily
No. Full stop. It is not a form of worship which is commanded. It is a tradition of men and if you call yourself a follower of messiah bit do not worship as commanded, then you truly love the tradition more than the father.
Happy Birthday Jesus 🕊️🔥
One of my thoughts I had when starting a family was to celebrate Christmas with them.. God's hand is in every aspect of Christmas, from spiritual to economic..
Your invisible magic man plays no part whatever in our celebrations
I’m glad you said gift giving is ok cause I purchased one of your shirts for my son, lol
Chadd, if you want to know the Truth, NO, Christians should not celebrate it. Christmas is pagan and always has been, problem is, believers don't know what God's Word teaches. In fact, the Bible tells us to recognize and remember his death till he comes, example, The Lord's Supper. I'm really not trying to be confrontational, just speaking the Truth. The real issue is , most people don't want to know the Truth, all one has to do is research it plain and simple. The biggest backlash comes from fellow " believer's ", nuff said !
I’m a born again believer in Jesus Christ and i celebrate his coming into this world to save sinners like me. God bless
Very good topic and you did your research brother
Only if they spell correctly
I respect you my brother and I agree with you about alot of what you said so I thought you might want to research the "coarse of Abijah" because you will find that it's a date a very special date ie: Christ's birthday and remember there's are two physical"birthdays" if you will the conception and the "birthday". Check it out brother you will find that the conception is in late December and the "birthday" is late September. We celebrate Christ everyday but go all out on these special days because God's word tells us of these date for a reason. God bless all of my brothers and sisters on this most blessed day.
What's the Lord have to say about it?
Jeremiah 10:2-5 KJV
[2] Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. [3] For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. [4] They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. [5] They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
Merry Christmas Chad.
Short answer: Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity. It is a forked tradition, actually "serving" very, very different purposes..