Hey, I don't often get to say hi to everyone but I just want to say thanks for watching my channel and supporting me! I hope the content I make is good and let me know if I can do anything better!!
Just a suggestion, but for these videos that are much longer and cover more topics, would you be able to add chapters/sections to the videos. Would be really nice to jump to specific time stamps in the video. Edit: wanted to say thanks for all the work you put into your uploads and discussion. Love the channel
I usually dont comment on videos. But i appreciate that Rob took the time to actually analyze the Sons of Behemat changes. As a passionate SoB player it allways stings a bit when he brushes them off, so its great to get his insights about them this time :).
Bro these changes are awesome for my Flesh-eater courts. I just ran a tournament list that would have 170 extra points to work with had they been live last week!
My main issue with the priority roll is when the player who is ahead gets arbitrarily rewarded even more by getting a double turn so they can just stomp on you and you can’t do anything about it. As long as the double exists, that will always be the case. This just gives you some way to come back from that. When the priority roll, which is always 50/50, decides the game more than any other roll, that negates your gameplay decisions more than any other “elastic’ mechanic.
They still really need to help IJ,. One thing they complete missed on was not making the war chanter a sub hero, it doesn’t make any sense to me that a mega boss can be a sub hero but not a warchanter, but I think IJ really need some help on the punchy side, they don’t hit the way IJ should
A couple of thoughts as a whole, and on my factions (Hedonites, Seraphon, and Ogors): - as a whole, I agree with you on them wanting no to move away from initiative roll. I think they’ve seen the writing on the walls for a while about alternating activations, and I feel strongly that when AoS 5 rolls around, that’s what we’ll be using. - changing the body guard to not charge is great, especially for twinsouls. -2 attacks when charged is INSANE. - I look forward to running more minis in Hedonites as well as Seraphon. - Ogors felt like the point hike for gluttons was way overvalued, they took away our one toy. I don’t like the forced emphasis on monsters and I don’t want to see the army just be “big bois on big monsters” or something else. Monster trucks is fun, but with SoB it isn’t quite as unique. - I’m a casual player so overall I’m happy with the opportunity to run sillier lists and units, though I like to win so the other rules will be interesting. Keep up the amazing work you absolute legend.
I really enjoy the CoS changes. Since our ability is tied to heroes, I always resigned myself to never getting the choice of who goes first, and instead always filled out as many regiments as I could to maximise my officar’s orders. Now I get a small bonus for having more regiments, AND I can fit more heroes in those regiments, with huge point reductions all around to afford the extra Lieutenants? Excellent all around. One combo I’m particularly looking forward to is giving +2” move from Doralia, who I usually run with a squad or two of Wildercorps, for an extra 4” Wildercorps movement between deployment and first turn.
for prized beast, it doesnt say the monster can't be a hero, so something like a sludgeraker in gobsprakk's regiment or a mega gargant that's not leading for example will very much benefit from this
Thing to note about the change to honour guard. Yes chosing who goes first is better than a second bonus but since that often means you have the same amount of regiments (2) and you won the dice roll then roughly half the time you get nothing from running less regiments.And that is sure worse than 2 honour guard traits. Might be that the bonus is a better choice in that context
Also that more drops/heroes is theoretically its own reward. This update is to help that that factor has not previously outweighed choice of first turn.
The change to Companion weapons in Slaanesh feels huge to me as a Glutos player who also loves Fiends. I felt Fiends were a bit undervalued, and their one big downside to me was them not working with Euphoric. I think my pile of 6 Fiends with some possible D3 mortal wounds sounds great. Edit: Apparently they cannot receive the mortal wound buff, but still getting Euphoric is a big deal for them! Double hit crits with D3 damage is still looking nice.
I’m kind of casual into AoS. I play tournaments as a means to get a ton of games in and meet new people. I appreciate that they are trying to give us some more options. While it adds complexity to the more casual like myself I love that the prized beast ability gives me some options for my Seraphon monsters. I’m glad they are trying and I hope to see more changes like this.
As a Lumineth player I really like that they brought down the Bladelords and mountain stuff!! I really want to see more than just wind temple all the time
If you take the double while being behind by 6 VP or more, the rules do not state, as you imply, that your opponent can never be the underdog. They simply say that you are not penalized and that the penalties in question (the ones you do not suffer) are not being able to take a battle tactic and your opponent becoming the underdog. So if I'm behind by 6, take a double and score 10 and my opponent only manages to score 3, they will be the underdog in the following round.
Your videos are fantastic to watch. Great info. Constant reminders of why I stopped playing AoS and switched to MESBG. But I constantly check back in thanks to your updates to see if the game has changed to something I'd play. Keep it up!
If they want to fix seraphon for me it would be to give the monster artillery units shoot in combat. Stegs and basties. Soon as they get into melee they lose half to most of their damage.
Disciples of Tzeentch was way overnerfed. As a brand new player to this game who just started a few months ago I don't own any Tzaangor besides the 10 that came on the Spearhead. I wanted a list I could play in both AoS and Warhammer 40k, sadly these changes means I painted a bunch of units that I can't play anymore. If they had just increased Kairos by 30 points and Pink and Blue Horrors by 10 it would have been plenty but instead they nerfed my army by hundreds of points. Even units that were actively bad and not played like Flamers got nerfed.
I don't think this underdog change is gonna change anything really. Peoole choosing to double turn so they can table you round 2 is just too strong a prospect
Prized Beast would be tempting for my Leviadon... except with all the cavalry I'm running Akhellian Beastmasters provides a good chunk of the effect on it's own; and to more of my army. So I don't know... Ignoring battle damage is nice though... so there is absolutely that.
I think “blue shell” mechanics are great for casual multiplayer games, but probably not as appropriate for a competitive 2-player game. Even when played casually, if one person is winning by a landslide, you can just concede and start a new game very easily when it’s just 2 people. Being way behind in a 4-player boardgame, though, can be just awful, and conceding isn’t a good option if you’re the only one way behind.
Like some of these changes. After a while of being a bit underwhelmed with 4th edition I think some of these changes are genuinely going to be for the better. I might even finally get round to that Sylvaneth army I always was on and off again about doing. Saying that I need to see how my existing armies work out with these changes before I commit to anything more for AoS
Just for clarity. The honour guard abilities all now say "unit leading the regiment" not General, because of the fact that you can pick 2 honour guard abilities if you're a higher drop list. The bodyguard change is only in the wording, it always only worked if you hadn't charged.
Before you could charge with your general because the Honor guard was the only one that should not charge (the app isn't change, you can still see that is written only the honor guard) Now you can't charge with your general. Heroes like Karazai can't do no more the "i charge you ans give you -2 attacks" Now they have to wait the charge
I like the attempt to buff infantry and monsters, its an interesting approach to deal with unit type imbalances in the game. Overall this feels like they are trying to listen to feedback. I know Rob you don't like the underdog mechanic at all but personally I really like it. While it does reduce the competitiveness of the game it also increases the fun level in my experience. The most fun games I've had where tight games decided in BR 5 and underdog mechanics help that happen more often. I'm also a competitive player and try to walk the line of feeling like I earned my victories/defeats and just having a good time with the game.
On the surface it looks like IDK didn't change much but I think the new rule that can give a monster +1 to hit is pretty great on Leviadon if you want to take the end of turn up down detachment. And the soulscryer's rules where always great but you didn't want to take another drop for him but he can now be taken in an Eidolon or Volturnos drop I think he might but a much better option. Not to mention that IDK was already in a good place.
I loved the updates! Torgillius is still recovering from getting kicked in the nuts and not getting back up though, they really don't wanna give the man a break.
Thanks for the content. Great listen whilst I'm doing the kids lunch boxes. My stormcast army now has 70pts to play with. The cheapest thing in the list is 80 points 😂 I'm thinking of taking loads of knight judicators!
may address it later as i am just starting the video but Prized Beast works on Blood Thirsters now since the wrath of khorne can now take another no-unique thirster as a sub-commander. A non bracketing +1 hit Thirster would be pretty fun.
re priority roll changes, I think its more the 'games lost at the top of turn two because your opponent made you go first & now they're doubling into you with underdog from being exactly one vp behind and by your turn two half your army is gone and they're nine vp ahead. Yeah you borked your deployment & turn one if that happwned, but for new or even not so new but not super tactically savvy players those kinds of situations have been super common in 4e ime.
Also, yeah, the priority roll actually DOES stop people from playing the game. It's the most common reason I hear cited by people who play other GW games on why they're not even interested in trying AoS - even more so than whfb bitterness since tOW's release. All the other problems with 4e - games too long, gotcha moments, manifestation jank, battle tactics jank, underdog jank, balance problems - those are things you kind of already need to be playing the game to understand. The double turn stops a set of people from setting foot in the door to begin with. And while most people who actually play the game kind of like it, or at least don't mind it (though that's kind of a given due to self filtering), I don't think many players list it as the reason they play AoS, like they'd quit if it disappeared. Heck, a lot of the other jank in the game is only there because of the double turn, as attempts to either shore it up or mitigate the problems it creates. Manifestations, if you recall, were themselves originally introduced primarily as a way to dis-incentivize the double, and now battle tactics and underdog, the two things I like least about 4e, are also tied to it. And I DON'T see that as an attempt to do away with the double - if GW wanted to do away with the double they could and would just DO that. These changes are yet another attempt to prop it up and keep it around.
No rule changes for anything I run. I was initially please with points changes for units I run, only later did I notice the keyword changes to units in regiment building and I'm hyped. I can fit Eltharion and kruleboy monsters into lists now, sweet
This happened to me too, i had never played AoS before and was painting my list. I wanted to play Demons so I could run it in both AoS and Warhammer 40k, but before I could even finish it they nerfed it to the ground.
I am a busy working parent of young kids and while I haven't had time to play much Warhammer over the last several years, your content has helped inspire me to stay engaged with the hobby and gaming communities. I can definitively say I would not still be involved with the hobby if not for your content and Warhammer is the only fun thing I get to engage with purely for myself. Thank you for being a positive force in my life and keeping the fire lit
I gotta say I've been loving deepkin this edition. Wish the thralls were a bit more effective but now I can decide between taking them in my list over Lotan these days
Prized Beast could have been nice in Kruleboyz for Breakaboss on Troggoth, had they made it a mob wrangler instead of a swamp beast, or given the option to take a swamp beast to more than Gobsprakk which is still not worth taking, even with the points reduction.
For me as a slaanesh player, this feels like an early slaaneshmas! The companion weapon buff is big! Also love the points drops, maybe synessa can be worth it now? Probably not :P
As a casual player, I like seizing the initiative, but I could totally see why competitive players would want it gone. I usually play 1 game of full size AoS a day and I'm good, having to play 3 I would definitely want an option to speed things up.
lots of points drops - do they want more models on the table = people buy more models? esp over xmas? Thanksfor al the videos Rob, much easier to watch this than read it ;) although I've had a quick readthrough Seraphon
Tbh changes to Tahlia doesn't mean anything about timeline of book if Ironjawz just received pig changes with book already announced to be the next. And yes. That's my loud wishful thinking :D
Rob- the way you talk about Varanguard, Chosen and Beli you would think S2D players have it easy but your stats center show tells a different story about S2D win rates. Can you square this conflict in the numbers?
You mention the 'field marshal' honor guard ability as being good for OBR, but they can't use it at all. It can only be given to a non-fly infantry hero who can be taken as part of another hero's regiment. The only OBR heroes that can be taken as part of another hero's regiment are liege kavalos and Zandtos, both of which are cavalry, not infantry.
i was excited to try and run mortek guard with a field marshal and the slightly improved harvester to see if the changes were enough to make them viable, even if I doubted it, but sadly field marshal at least doesn't apply. Yet another log in the 'mortek guard anti-synergies' pile.
Your first honour guard has to be, because of seasonal rules that didn't get changed so didn't get mentioned. A lot of wording has been updated to not mention generals because you can now have a second honour guard in a different regiment if you have more regiments than your opponent
Just commenting on Honor Guard Prized Beast not being that good, well I´ll take it on my reinforced unit of stormdrake guard tyvm, i can see a smidge of value there ...
I dont know if this makes me a scrub but it is actually the priority roll that makes me not want to play. The minis are brilliant for AoS and I use several for my 40k.
I think Seraphon forgot the memo about those sub-heroes changes. You telling me a Terradon Chief or a Scar vet MUST lead a regiment? I wish I could pick the Scar Vet on aggradron or carno inside a regiment. But holy shit those Kroak buffs are huge.
Rob i want to tell you that you're content isn't good, it's great. If there is one thing i could tell you to improve, it's that I'd love to hear you be a bit more kind to yourself. I watch almost all of your content regarding AOS and all your content on juggs and one persistent theme is that you tend to sell your effort, achievements and impact on the overall community a bit short, atleast in my opinion. You have absolutely amazing insight into the game (I mean who called prosecutors way in advance? and the "Age of Sigmar Strategy Guide: Become a Pro at Screening and Zoning" is just a fucking masterpiece in both presentation and content") and your passion for the community aspect of the game just shines through your every video. I'm sorry that you don't have the numbers of louise or peachy but your content is for a less wide audience (and when you do f*cking huge numbers on stuff like slap chop you constantly talk about ONLY lucking out, drives me nuts) but that doesn't mean it's not great. Rob you're a f*cking amazing guy. I can tell, your audience can too and anyone that isn't a dirty sons of behemat player can tell by watching 10 seconds of your content. I wish you all the best and thank you so much for all you do. You're just the f*cking coolest oh my god.
Prized beast could work well on a treelord in allarielles detachment. Horror build got over-nerfed when you combine it with other factions getting buffed. I'm shelving mine for this patch. LoC is NOT a 400 point unit. Tzaangor is good and buffed even. Magister on disk+6 enlightened on disk is down 50 points. Tzaangor untouched, and skyfyres only up 20 on 6. DoT as a faction is fine but demon build is dead sadly, biggest mistake of the patch IMO. Kairos becomes more of an auto-take the more expensive he is, you never take a LoC without kairos first,and expensive LoC to bring back expensive horrors seems...ya I think you just don't. Kairos+LoC+20 pinks and 20 blues is 1500....
How bout instead of trying to make the mega boss good because he’s cheap make him good by making his stats actually good. Give him more health or dmg or maybe MAKE HIM HIT ON 3+
Probably gonna be a bad take but i feel like BoK is still shit, yeah i get that we can use.blood tithe more freely but the army in general is still so ridiculously expensive. (And i play casually and only make lists with what models i have...which isnt a lot.)
I don't know if I'm the only one here but I'm having such a hard time learning Age of Sigmar this year. I'm a seasonal worker with Dec -April open to play. Last year I focused 40k this year I'm trying AOS and I'm just getting frustrated with the mechanics. It's almost as if it's just too much. I practice mock games to go through the rules at home and I have to back track over and over. Eventually I'm gonna reach out and find someone to teach me how to play. It just bothers me It's so difficult and I have to resort to that.
@theDackjanielz sorry to say those are just too small. I don't mind the length or size of the game. It's stuff like guard rules the underdog rules. It just feels like out of no where. Another way to look at it. I taught my girlfriend a non table top wargamer how to play 40k last year. She had no problem picking it up and kicking my butt with thousand sons. I started telling her the rules for aos and I could see confusion on her eyes. I know warcry and spearhead are smaller scale to make it easier but honestly it's kind of a burden for me to drive out 30/45 min to play a game that's maybe an hour long? There's potentially more driving than playing there. Also it sounds like spearhead rules may be different found out the hard way the objective marker area is different.
@thehonestwargamerstreams why not? Every faction got all greens and nighthaunt got basically all reds. 2k ain't achievable anymore with the same formations, will have to remove units while others will add stuff. As if NH was even a thing in the meta
@@thehonestwargamerstreams im yet to have a game that made me go "man double turn made this match so fun!" I have had plenty games where it turned a nice close game into a steamroll. Just cuz one side rolled higher on a D6. It swings the game far too much far to randomly at the same time what little strategy it adds to the game is not worth the strategy that it removes from the game. And when you said that it does not turn new players off the game i can give you contact info to at least several players that tried AOS and decided agains it due to the double turn and several player that returned to the game hoping the 4th edition nerf would make it less prevalent.
@honestwargamer As a new player, the double turn is by far my least favorite part of Age of Sigmar. Worse than the cost of units, worse than painting them, even worse than GW nerfing my army before I got to even play it.
Hey, I don't often get to say hi to everyone but I just want to say thanks for watching my channel and supporting me! I hope the content I make is good and let me know if I can do anything better!!
Just a suggestion, but for these videos that are much longer and cover more topics, would you be able to add chapters/sections to the videos. Would be really nice to jump to specific time stamps in the video.
Edit: wanted to say thanks for all the work you put into your uploads and discussion. Love the channel
Always appreciate your breakdowns. As you'd say: pretty cool.
What's Updog tho?
You're da best Rob. Your analysis make me appreciate more the game.
Thank you for creating content!
“Is it good.? No. But could you do it? Yes.” Is my entire approach to this game, so I’m very happy with this update.
Cheers for posting this rob, as a destruction player, I don’t want to read stuff but I’m happy to listen you talk about it
same here babe. its really hard for me
I usually dont comment on videos. But i appreciate that Rob took the time to actually analyze the Sons of Behemat changes. As a passionate SoB player it allways stings a bit when he brushes them off, so its great to get his insights about them this time :).
I'm sorry about that. It's all meant as a joke
Meant as a joke just like the army
jk you lovers of the big lads are v lovely
That clawlord points drop is huge. Now my 240 clanrat army, which use to have to have 2 clawlords, can now swap one out for a grey seer.
The ogor changes were like trying to put out a raging house fire with one (1) bucket of water.
Bro these changes are awesome for my Flesh-eater courts. I just ran a tournament list that would have 170 extra points to work with had they been live last week!
My main issue with the priority roll is when the player who is ahead gets arbitrarily rewarded even more by getting a double turn so they can just stomp on you and you can’t do anything about it. As long as the double exists, that will always be the case. This just gives you some way to come back from that. When the priority roll, which is always 50/50, decides the game more than any other roll, that negates your gameplay decisions more than any other “elastic’ mechanic.
Holy MacarOni, the man is fast
thats what she said
They still really need to help IJ,. One thing they complete missed on was not making the war chanter a sub hero, it doesn’t make any sense to me that a mega boss can be a sub hero but not a warchanter, but I think IJ really need some help on the punchy side, they don’t hit the way IJ should
A couple of thoughts as a whole, and on my factions (Hedonites, Seraphon, and Ogors):
- as a whole, I agree with you on them wanting no to move away from initiative roll. I think they’ve seen the writing on the walls for a while about alternating activations, and I feel strongly that when AoS 5 rolls around, that’s what we’ll be using.
- changing the body guard to not charge is great, especially for twinsouls. -2 attacks when charged is INSANE.
- I look forward to running more minis in Hedonites as well as Seraphon.
- Ogors felt like the point hike for gluttons was way overvalued, they took away our one toy. I don’t like the forced emphasis on monsters and I don’t want to see the army just be “big bois on big monsters” or something else. Monster trucks is fun, but with SoB it isn’t quite as unique.
- I’m a casual player so overall I’m happy with the opportunity to run sillier lists and units, though I like to win so the other rules will be interesting.
Keep up the amazing work you absolute legend.
I really enjoy the CoS changes. Since our ability is tied to heroes, I always resigned myself to never getting the choice of who goes first, and instead always filled out as many regiments as I could to maximise my officar’s orders. Now I get a small bonus for having more regiments, AND I can fit more heroes in those regiments, with huge point reductions all around to afford the extra Lieutenants? Excellent all around.
One combo I’m particularly looking forward to is giving +2” move from Doralia, who I usually run with a squad or two of Wildercorps, for an extra 4” Wildercorps movement between deployment and first turn.
now is my time for stormvermin and globadier hordes!
for prized beast, it doesnt say the monster can't be a hero, so something like a sludgeraker in gobsprakk's regiment or a mega gargant that's not leading for example will very much benefit from this
Big update! 🎉🎉🎉 Thank you for the great coverage!
Our pleasure!
Thing to note about the change to honour guard.
Yes chosing who goes first is better than a second bonus but since that often means you have the same amount of regiments (2) and you won the dice roll then roughly half the time you get nothing from running less regiments.And that is sure worse than 2 honour guard traits. Might be that the bonus is a better choice in that context
Also that more drops/heroes is theoretically its own reward. This update is to help that that factor has not previously outweighed choice of first turn.
The change to Companion weapons in Slaanesh feels huge to me as a Glutos player who also loves Fiends. I felt Fiends were a bit undervalued, and their one big downside to me was them not working with Euphoric. I think my pile of 6 Fiends with some possible D3 mortal wounds sounds great.
Edit: Apparently they cannot receive the mortal wound buff, but still getting Euphoric is a big deal for them! Double hit crits with D3 damage is still looking nice.
show me please!!
It's not possible ,cuz sadistic spite doesn't affect on companions.
@@Moria476 Well, still, the double hit crits is still good!
I’m kind of casual into AoS. I play tournaments as a means to get a ton of games in and meet new people. I appreciate that they are trying to give us some more options. While it adds complexity to the more casual like myself I love that the prized beast ability gives me some options for my Seraphon monsters. I’m glad they are trying and I hope to see more changes like this.
*sad dark elf noises*
But honestly I appreciate they are willing to make bigger changes so i'm overall happy about this update
As a Lumineth player I really like that they brought down the Bladelords and mountain stuff!! I really want to see more than just wind temple all the time
If you take the double while being behind by 6 VP or more, the rules do not state, as you imply, that your opponent can never be the underdog. They simply say that you are not penalized and that the penalties in question (the ones you do not suffer) are not being able to take a battle tactic and your opponent becoming the underdog.
So if I'm behind by 6, take a double and score 10 and my opponent only manages to score 3, they will be the underdog in the following round.
8:30 It's almost like the priority roll/double turn is a terrible game mechanic...
Your videos are fantastic to watch. Great info. Constant reminders of why I stopped playing AoS and switched to MESBG. But I constantly check back in thanks to your updates to see if the game has changed to something I'd play. Keep it up!
oh thanks so much!! Hows mesbg?
@@thehonestwargamerstreams AFAIK, it continues to be the best game GW has ever made :P
If they want to fix seraphon for me it would be to give the monster artillery units shoot in combat. Stegs and basties. Soon as they get into melee they lose half to most of their damage.
Great summaray, thanks.
I really hope the IJ book will be good
Disciples of Tzeentch was way overnerfed. As a brand new player to this game who just started a few months ago I don't own any Tzaangor besides the 10 that came on the Spearhead. I wanted a list I could play in both AoS and Warhammer 40k, sadly these changes means I painted a bunch of units that I can't play anymore.
If they had just increased Kairos by 30 points and Pink and Blue Horrors by 10 it would have been plenty but instead they nerfed my army by hundreds of points. Even units that were actively bad and not played like Flamers got nerfed.
Stormcast having the most 5-0s makes the most sense since they are the most popular army....
I love the long videos helps me get through work
I don't think this underdog change is gonna change anything really. Peoole choosing to double turn so they can table you round 2 is just too strong a prospect
Prized Beast would be tempting for my Leviadon... except with all the cavalry I'm running Akhellian Beastmasters provides a good chunk of the effect on it's own; and to more of my army.
So I don't know... Ignoring battle damage is nice though... so there is absolutely that.
You're my hero, Rob!
Putrid march begins, Blightkings with 7 movment are coming (new honour guard and command trait)
have a great time
I think “blue shell” mechanics are great for casual multiplayer games, but probably not as appropriate for a competitive 2-player game. Even when played casually, if one person is winning by a landslide, you can just concede and start a new game very easily when it’s just 2 people. Being way behind in a 4-player boardgame, though, can be just awful, and conceding isn’t a good option if you’re the only one way behind.
Like some of these changes. After a while of being a bit underwhelmed with 4th edition I think some of these changes are genuinely going to be for the better. I might even finally get round to that Sylvaneth army I always was on and off again about doing. Saying that I need to see how my existing armies work out with these changes before I commit to anything more for AoS
Just for clarity. The honour guard abilities all now say "unit leading the regiment" not General, because of the fact that you can pick 2 honour guard abilities if you're a higher drop list. The bodyguard change is only in the wording, it always only worked if you hadn't charged.
Before you could charge with your general because the Honor guard was the only one that should not charge (the app isn't change, you can still see that is written only the honor guard)
Now you can't charge with your general.
Heroes like Karazai can't do no more the "i charge you ans give you -2 attacks"
Now they have to wait the charge
@icarosun8445 oh you know what I completely missed that part! Thank you.
I like the attempt to buff infantry and monsters, its an interesting approach to deal with unit type imbalances in the game. Overall this feels like they are trying to listen to feedback. I know Rob you don't like the underdog mechanic at all but personally I really like it. While it does reduce the competitiveness of the game it also increases the fun level in my experience. The most fun games I've had where tight games decided in BR 5 and underdog mechanics help that happen more often. I'm also a competitive player and try to walk the line of feeling like I earned my victories/defeats and just having a good time with the game.
I once saw a video essay on the Mario Kart blue shell that makes me a lot more on board with stuff like Underdog lol
God damn it I actually fell for the up dog joke lol
On the surface it looks like IDK didn't change much but I think the new rule that can give a monster +1 to hit is pretty great on Leviadon if you want to take the end of turn up down detachment. And the soulscryer's rules where always great but you didn't want to take another drop for him but he can now be taken in an Eidolon or Volturnos drop I think he might but a much better option. Not to mention that IDK was already in a good place.
1:15 seconds in already hyped for my blight lords to get +2 inches of movement just for being next to the Lord of Plagues. We ZOOMING.
and now -1 to wound!!!
@@thehonestwargamerstreams What do they get the -1 to wound from?
@JacobSmallshire our spell finally working.
Great video as always!
I appreciate that
I loved the updates!
Torgillius is still recovering from getting kicked in the nuts and not getting back up though, they really don't wanna give the man a break.
Thanks for the content. Great listen whilst I'm doing the kids lunch boxes.
My stormcast army now has 70pts to play with. The cheapest thing in the list is 80 points 😂
I'm thinking of taking loads of knight judicators!
Yeah... I'm thinking about reducing my Longstrikes to 3 and taking the Knight Judicator with them.
@Mithlinthar The KJ is great with the mirror shield to snipe other shooty stuff.
What a fantastic summary video 🙏❤️
Thank you so much for your work and going through all of this. You droped a Video faster then GW uptated the App. 😁
Happy to help!
may address it later as i am just starting the video but Prized Beast works on Blood Thirsters now since the wrath of khorne can now take another no-unique thirster as a sub-commander. A non bracketing +1 hit Thirster would be pretty fun.
I think the issue for slayers is the point reductions help.. but a lot of better army's came down by just as much.
Great analysis of some huge changes. Is this the start of widespread points drops, now that the build meta is maturing?
re priority roll changes, I think its more the 'games lost at the top of turn two because your opponent made you go first & now they're doubling into you with underdog from being exactly one vp behind and by your turn two half your army is gone and they're nine vp ahead.
Yeah you borked your deployment & turn one if that happwned, but for new or even not so new but not super tactically savvy players those kinds of situations have been super common in 4e ime.
Also, yeah, the priority roll actually DOES stop people from playing the game. It's the most common reason I hear cited by people who play other GW games on why they're not even interested in trying AoS - even more so than whfb bitterness since tOW's release. All the other problems with 4e - games too long, gotcha moments, manifestation jank, battle tactics jank, underdog jank, balance problems - those are things you kind of already need to be playing the game to understand. The double turn stops a set of people from setting foot in the door to begin with. And while most people who actually play the game kind of like it, or at least don't mind it (though that's kind of a given due to self filtering), I don't think many players list it as the reason they play AoS, like they'd quit if it disappeared.
Heck, a lot of the other jank in the game is only there because of the double turn, as attempts to either shore it up or mitigate the problems it creates. Manifestations, if you recall, were themselves originally introduced primarily as a way to dis-incentivize the double, and now battle tactics and underdog, the two things I like least about 4e, are also tied to it.
And I DON'T see that as an attempt to do away with the double - if GW wanted to do away with the double they could and would just DO that. These changes are yet another attempt to prop it up and keep it around.
No rule changes for anything I run. I was initially please with points changes for units I run, only later did I notice the keyword changes to units in regiment building and I'm hyped. I can fit Eltharion and kruleboy monsters into lists now, sweet
I want to try prized beast on my tree Lord.
My tzeench list went up by so much as i run pure demons.
This happened to me too, i had never played AoS before and was painting my list. I wanted to play Demons so I could run it in both AoS and Warhammer 40k, but before I could even finish it they nerfed it to the ground.
I am a busy working parent of young kids and while I haven't had time to play much Warhammer over the last several years, your content has helped inspire me to stay engaged with the hobby and gaming communities. I can definitively say I would not still be involved with the hobby if not for your content and Warhammer is the only fun thing I get to engage with purely for myself. Thank you for being a positive force in my life and keeping the fire lit
Jeez that is a lot of points drop on FEC and a new way to get noble need points!
FeC point drop on ushoran and morbid make no sense
I gotta say I've been loving deepkin this edition. Wish the thralls were a bit more effective but now I can decide between taking them in my list over Lotan these days
When do points adjustments and profile changes get updated in the app? I just looked and nothing has changed.
I can’t find the update sheet rob is using in the video on the warhammer community website.. am I missing something? 😢
Changes I’d like to see for Khorne, just give us our 3rd ed battketome
Khorne's problem is mostly in the points.
Can we do that for Cities as well, plz?? Our 3rd Ed. tome was so much more fun than this...
Also. Monster buff will be quite nice for the Aralith LRL lists.
Prized Beast could have been nice in Kruleboyz for Breakaboss on Troggoth, had they made it a mob wrangler instead of a swamp beast, or given the option to take a swamp beast to more than Gobsprakk which is still not worth taking, even with the points reduction.
For me as a slaanesh player, this feels like an early slaaneshmas! The companion weapon buff is big! Also love the points drops, maybe synessa can be worth it now? Probably not :P
where to find the document?
Darkoath point drops!!!! Hell yeah!
they need more
I hope games do not get much longer. Last tournament O went to had players hit almost 4 hours.
i think it could happen
As a casual player, I like seizing the initiative, but I could totally see why competitive players would want it gone. I usually play 1 game of full size AoS a day and I'm good, having to play 3 I would definitely want an option to speed things up.
Lmao take that Kroak 😂
lots of points drops - do they want more models on the table = people buy more models? esp over xmas? Thanksfor al the videos Rob, much easier to watch this than read it ;) although I've had a quick readthrough Seraphon
Wait… did GW forget that Arch Revs fly? They added a hero that could become a Field Sergeant to most armies it looks like soooooo
You keep doing you Rob awesome mate thanks 👍
I liked this video😍
Appreciate you
Tbh changes to Tahlia doesn't mean anything about timeline of book if Ironjawz just received pig changes with book already announced to be the next. And yes. That's my loud wishful thinking :D
So I can now run the Ogor list I was running at launch again. Do these buffs take us to 46-48% win rate? Maybe
Rob- the way you talk about Varanguard, Chosen and Beli you would think S2D players have it easy but your stats center show tells a different story about S2D win rates. Can you square this conflict in the numbers?
Kind of interested in the Monster Honor guard for the Tree Lord, given they made it so cheap.
You mention the 'field marshal' honor guard ability as being good for OBR, but they can't use it at all. It can only be given to a non-fly infantry hero who can be taken as part of another hero's regiment. The only OBR heroes that can be taken as part of another hero's regiment are liege kavalos and Zandtos, both of which are cavalry, not infantry.
i was excited to try and run mortek guard with a field marshal and the slightly improved harvester to see if the changes were enough to make them viable, even if I doubted it, but sadly field marshal at least doesn't apply. Yet another log in the 'mortek guard anti-synergies' pile.
OBR can get 2inch extra movement through their battle trait anyway
It seems that you don't become the underdog anymore by having less victory point? Only if your opponent takes a doubt and turn?
Where does it say the honor guard has to be in the generals regiment. The abilities don't say that in the update.
Your first honour guard has to be, because of seasonal rules that didn't get changed so didn't get mentioned. A lot of wording has been updated to not mention generals because you can now have a second honour guard in a different regiment if you have more regiments than your opponent
Just commenting on Honor Guard Prized Beast not being that good, well I´ll take it on my reinforced unit of stormdrake guard tyvm, i can see a smidge of value there ...
I dont know if this makes me a scrub but it is actually the priority roll that makes me not want to play. The minis are brilliant for AoS and I use several for my 40k.
Fusil-Major unfortunately only buff humans units, so sadly no buff for Hammerers
The point changes don't fix the Fyre slayers problems
I think Seraphon forgot the memo about those sub-heroes changes. You telling me a Terradon Chief or a Scar vet MUST lead a regiment? I wish I could pick the Scar Vet on aggradron or carno inside a regiment.
But holy shit those Kroak buffs are huge.
What Kroak buffs?
@NexUtInfinitus his spell is 18" now instead of 12", and it deals d3 damage instead of only dealing damage on +2/d3
Rob i want to tell you that you're content isn't good, it's great.
If there is one thing i could tell you to improve, it's that I'd love to hear you be a bit more kind to yourself. I watch almost all of your content regarding AOS and all your content on juggs and one persistent theme is that you tend to sell your effort, achievements and impact on the overall community a bit short, atleast in my opinion.
You have absolutely amazing insight into the game (I mean who called prosecutors way in advance? and the "Age of Sigmar Strategy Guide: Become a Pro at Screening and Zoning" is just a fucking masterpiece in both presentation and content") and your passion for the community aspect of the game just shines through your every video.
I'm sorry that you don't have the numbers of louise or peachy but your content is for a less wide audience (and when you do f*cking huge numbers on stuff like slap chop you constantly talk about ONLY lucking out, drives me nuts) but that doesn't mean it's not great.
Rob you're a f*cking amazing guy. I can tell, your audience can too and anyone that isn't a dirty sons of behemat player can tell by watching 10 seconds of your content. I wish you all the best and thank you so much for all you do. You're just the f*cking coolest oh my god.
Sooo... Eltharion is a bonus hero now. Can I choose him for the +2" bonus?
I think so. He's Infantry without Fly, right?
Is rob not feeling well? He said that something related to gargants was cool
Can I just say I think you do an amazing job of explaining rules. I do enjoy hearing your thoughts.
Glad you think so!
Prized beast could work well on a treelord in allarielles detachment.
Horror build got over-nerfed when you combine it with other factions getting buffed. I'm shelving mine for this patch. LoC is NOT a 400 point unit.
Tzaangor is good and buffed even. Magister on disk+6 enlightened on disk is down 50 points. Tzaangor untouched, and skyfyres only up 20 on 6.
DoT as a faction is fine but demon build is dead sadly, biggest mistake of the patch IMO. Kairos becomes more of an auto-take the more expensive he is, you never take a LoC without kairos first,and expensive LoC to bring back expensive horrors seems...ya I think you just don't. Kairos+LoC+20 pinks and 20 blues is 1500....
What's "up dog"?
How bout instead of trying to make the mega boss good because he’s cheap make him good by making his stats actually good. Give him more health or dmg or maybe MAKE HIM HIT ON 3+
What’s updog?
Probably gonna be a bad take but i feel like BoK is still shit, yeah i get that we can use.blood tithe more freely but the army in general is still so ridiculously expensive. (And i play casually and only make lists with what models i have...which isnt a lot.)
I don't know if I'm the only one here but I'm having such a hard time learning Age of Sigmar this year.
I'm a seasonal worker with Dec -April open to play. Last year I focused 40k this year I'm trying AOS and I'm just getting frustrated with the mechanics. It's almost as if it's just too much.
I practice mock games to go through the rules at home and I have to back track over and over.
Eventually I'm gonna reach out and find someone to teach me how to play. It just bothers me It's so difficult and I have to resort to that.
i suggest Spearhead / Warcry my friend!
@theDackjanielz sorry to say those are just too small. I don't mind the length or size of the game. It's stuff like guard rules the underdog rules. It just feels like out of no where.
Another way to look at it. I taught my girlfriend a non table top wargamer how to play 40k last year. She had no problem picking it up and kicking my butt with thousand sons. I started telling her the rules for aos and I could see confusion on her eyes.
I know warcry and spearhead are smaller scale to make it easier but honestly it's kind of a burden for me to drive out 30/45 min to play a game that's maybe an hour long? There's potentially more driving than playing there. Also it sounds like spearhead rules may be different found out the hard way the objective marker area is different.
@@kennethrichards8520 the rules and gameplay is much simpler for both games, but its up to you :)
Ogors will remain bottom of the barrel.
thats where the food is!
@@thehonestwargamerstreams Eyyy *fingerguns*
They have made the impossible,now double turn Is totally no sense.
they killed nighthaunt
@thehonestwargamerstreams why not? Every faction got all greens and nighthaunt got basically all reds. 2k ain't achievable anymore with the same formations, will have to remove units while others will add stuff.
As if NH was even a thing in the meta
@maxilofredo4125 yeah, the top army of the meta, actually
Only me who thinks Tzeentch wasn´t hit hard enough? :D
Yay double turn nerf. More plz. Hopefully its nerfed into the ground.
gross take
@@thehonestwargamerstreams im yet to have a game that made me go "man double turn made this match so fun!"
I have had plenty games where it turned a nice close game into a steamroll. Just cuz one side rolled higher on a D6.
It swings the game far too much far to randomly at the same time what little strategy it adds to the game is not worth the strategy that it removes from the game.
And when you said that it does not turn new players off the game i can give you contact info to at least several players that tried AOS and decided agains it due to the double turn and several player that returned to the game hoping the 4th edition nerf would make it less prevalent.
@honestwargamer As a new player, the double turn is by far my least favorite part of Age of Sigmar. Worse than the cost of units, worse than painting them, even worse than GW nerfing my army before I got to even play it.
that Underdog and doubleturn thing'y is non sens to me. Looks like an aim assist for the loosing side 🤣
Lets see how it turns out...
thats about right