What would you do to save a people? For the great queen Azshara, it is within the deeps that she finds what she needs most: opportunity. WorldofWarcraft... Subscribe! www.youtube.com...
Nzoth: I have an unpaid internship position open if you are intere- Azshara: Project Manager and full benefits or I’d rather just die Nzoth: Understandable, have a nice day
Honestly they could extend this game indefinitely if they did it that way. They could have done the jaina and ash vane arc for bfa which led into ashvane making a deal with azshara. Then had a full azshara expack(the underwater thing halted me on this idea but thier open"underwater" zone was extremely well done). Then smoothly rolled it into a nzoth/nyalotha expack.
What's really stupid is they went thru a very similar character in Grand Magistrix Elisande right before BFA. A character that didn't exist before Legion and was dealt with in a patch. Azshara who was introduced in WC3 and has been invading Azeroth's coastlines since Classic? Also dealt with in a patch! Sure, she's alive for future content but Nazjatar was her place of power and you can't hype that up again.
Better Timeline Expansion 8: Battle for Azeroth. Faction war/South Seas. Kul'tiras, Zandalar, Mechagon, and Nazjatar. Uldir, Thros, Dazar'alor, Crucible, Eternal Palace and Azshara. Expansion 9: Shadows Awaken. Nyalotha is an elemental plane akin to the Twisting Nether and the Shadowlands. Black forests, ashen deserts, lava pits, frozen mountain peaks. All 4 Old Gods are back, Mantid, Nerubians, Aqir, Xal'atath shows up for a bit and helps us. New race: Naga. Expansion 10: Shadowlands
SheathTV Who's more pathetic: the guys that enjoy a 'garbage game' or an idiot who, even though he thinks that the game is garbage, he still watches the videos and writes comments?
N'zoth, the Drowned God. Corrupter of the Emerald Dream. Helped drive Neltharian to madness thus creating Deathwing and as we see here, creator of the Naga.
It just highlights how intellectual Azshara is. Even from a position of nothing, she realizes she holds the key in the negotiation because what N'zoth wants is her and without her, he has nothing.
In truth, they both had nothing. A god, trapped beneath the sea, no people to rule, no servants to oversee! A queen, her people all dead, her home washed away! But together? He he he, together the god has a queen to act as his will! The god has a queen to reveal his power! And the queen has the power to rule and conquer all they desire! Alone, they are nothing! Together, they are everything!
N'Zoth made a mistake because he revealed too much. If he is so powerful as he claims to be why did he watch for a thousand years instead of ruling. So Azshara knew N'Zoth had to take the deal.
I love how she straight plays him at the start. N'zoth: "Be my servant and we shall rebuild my empire" Azshara: "Nah either i'm queen or i'm out" N'zoth: "Aight you got me"
N'zoth knows her more than she knows herself. Wether or not she's a queen she'll serve him nonetheless. Giving her that title makes her think she's in control while she really isn't. N'zoth played her easily, moreso, he let her play herself.
D00mnoodle except she plays the game almost perfectly. She was planning to kill him and had no loyalty for him. He just happened to be there at the right time
Blizzard got tired of people complaining about Sylvanas' cinematic, so they united the Alliance and the Horde against the new enemy... TURTLES that make it to the water.
they were scared about sylvanass power so they united both factions against an enemy like azshara..i didnt read the scrypt at all neither i play wow but i know how blizzard were thinking on this expansion thats for sure :D
@@evangelionaddict8212 Honestly... a title, and the illusion that SHE is still commanding her people, can make all the difference in how a person perceives their role / if they will 'serve' someone else. That's what happened here. And she still is the queen of her people, according to her and her people. It puts her on more equal standing with n'zoth... At least in her mind
Being a queen is not just a title. It means that she rules Nazjatar, not N'zoth, and she makes the political decisions. The greatest proof of this is the Naga themselves: they worshipp Azshara as a goddess, not the Old God. That's why she made the deal. Azshara is no fool. She know that N'zoth is just using her. And she hold no true loyalty for him.
+Sowh but the Well of Eternity collapsed 10 000 years ago, and first encounter between Naga and land walkers happened in Frozen Throne when Illidan summoned them and Naga began to emerge everywhere in the world, so it took Naga 10 000 years to finally reappear. Queen Azshara is an ancient being.
last i checked the ones summoned by Illidan only server Illidan they dont care of the Queen Azhara they see her as a traitor cus they still hate her for not saving them
@@notoriousbig3k okay, how about Night Elves never seeing Nagas until Illidan's escape into Broken Islands? (Events of Frozen Throne) There were clearly no visible interferences of Naga until the Thrall's encounter with Sea Witch during departure to Kalimdor and their resurface after the defeat of Burning Legion, that suddenly caused then to invade a large portion of land, Rexar found one group of them in Dustwallow Marsh, and 4 years later there were already a large number of them in the areas like Darkshore, Ashenvale, Desolace, Feralas, Arathi Highlands and so on. Naga seemingly began their invasions only recently.
Yeah no kidding, I know I am not the first to say it, but its a real shame that they are capable of producing such AMAZING content with all of their cinematics but the WoW film was so lack luster. I wish they would do something similar to how Advent Children was with just highly produced CGI and motion capture effects.
Using artwork felt lazy on Blizzard's part, I dont understand why they couldn't just do cgi of some sort. I'm not refering to the realistic CGI but the in game cutscene style where it's good enough.
You mean for this video it felt lazy? I would imagine generating this type of art style took far more work than just using the game engine to render a scene, I think its by far to their credit that they chose this style.
Most movies cant do in 90 minutes what Warbringers did in 7 minutes. This is a true masterclass of audio-visual entertainment, and new bar has been set.
Kudos to the team behind this: They managed to make a tyrannical, self-absorbed, megalomaniac seem sympathetic and relatable. Which is no mean feat to accomplish, let alone in a short video.
I love how she kept the water at bay. Her eyes glowing showing that she uses everything in her power to keep it at bay. She was a symbol of greatness and beauty. A powerful, intelligent, charismatic and very prideful ruler that comes once in a thousand of years. That was HER empire, an empire she build in her own image. In a way that Empire was an extension of herself and Azshara wasn't willing to let it go. She would rather die than be left with nothing. Also that fish. It basically represented drowning, death. A denizen that lives in a completely different environment, an environment that she won't survive in. A bitter reminder of the fate she will have very soon, flapping on the floor infront of her, while she struggles to survive. In this scene basically it's sheer strength and determination against fate itself.
what does ishnu-alah mean in WoW? I play HS and if two druids play against each other, and if your playing the centurion druid she says "Ishnu-alah Archdruid" to malfurion.
The sound design in this is fantastic, kudos to those that made it possible. The distortion around N'Zoth when he yells "I AM A GOD" is just so perfect and so striking by how inexplicably alien and powerful it sounds.
i'd like to disagree i think the sound in this particular short is quite bad their voices doesn't seem to fit and n'zoth voice doesn't sound like an old god voice at all even with the distortion
Luca Mihai and you know what an old god sounds like? Sorry it didn't live up to your imagination, that doesn't make it bad, it just means you created a false image of what they are meant to sound like in your head. The voice actor is superb.
It's a shame how they masterfully built N'zoth to be this Lovecraftian elder God with power beyond our comprehension, to have him be killed by a single champion with a Deus Ex Machina magufin in one of the most lackluster cinematic since their introduction. I was honestly hooked into the lore of a Lovecraftian God in a scenery such as WoW.
They dropped the Old Gods = Lovecraft Gods a long time ago, now they were just powerful emissaries send to planets to corrupt them. The big baddies now are the Void Lords and probably something equal to that on the light side.
While I totally agree that N'zoth should've had a bigger impact and probably stuck around until next expansion, it is entirely possible that he is alive in some way given the fact that Y'shaarj dying caused Pandaria to be absolutely ravaged. Here's hoping...
If I recall correctly, Alleria has a dialogue where she says Void whispers in her mind didn't disappear, but are even louder. It is possible that N'zoth arranged everything so that if he "dies", he returns to the Void mostly intact and with knowledge about Azeroth, so that the Void Lords can launch a full-scale invasion.
So N’Zoth, directly resposnible for the Emerald nightmare, the corruption of Deathwing, and deal maker with Azshara. Gotta say, not a bad way to spend 1000 years of solitude.
Eh, technically good old Yoggie boi is responsible for creating the nightmare but didn't do anything with it afterwards. N'zoth got his hands on it trough xavius afterwards
It's funny how N'zoth is the weakest but so far seems to be the smartest of the Old God's. C'thun seems to not be all that smart compared to the other 3 lol.
How about making an "Avatar of N'zoth" rare fish, and whichever poor sod catches him initiates a fight with a huge max level world boss which sticks around a little while, like 20-30m, and murders people before going back to the water and reverting back into fish form? Any zone in Azeroth, any water should have a chance, but can only be active once at a given time per continent. Imagine the level 6 Tauren, who just wanted to level fishing in the pond in Thunder Bluff catching this! It'd be *FUN!*
Ok but can blizzard PLEASE do this?? Everyone who sees this suggest it to blizzard cause come on, that would be an amazing (if albeit sometimes terrifying) experience💯✨
"The God of Nothing" as he is the weakest of the Old ones but the smartest... and technically she is wrong as everything comes from the void... light aka life = corruption... that's why the OLD Gods were created by the Void Lords... to cleanse the corruption from planets... the corruption on Azeroth = The Titans... Bottom line... as we speak... N'Zoth is the most powerful entity on Azeroth... He had Deathwing unders his command, Vol'jin and now probably Sylvanas... basically he influences all being on Azeroth only using his mind.... Let's see what happens when he gets out of his prison.... The one that everyone ignored... because he was too weak... now he has become the most powerful on Azeroth... and there are NO TITANS this time to stop the Rise of the Black Empire ;)
I'm pretty sure we should all be glad that the void is filled with darkness. If we actually got to see what all was in there... Seeing Nzoth here would probably be the LEAST horrifying thing around.
Well, she did learn something after dealing with Sargeras through Xavius - Always talk directly to the main BIG BOSS, don't fear death and demand as much as you can.
I have come to Bargain N'zoth: I like Deals Dr. Strange:you thought it was Azshara but it was me,Dr. Strange N'zoth:Oh hey hehe *SWEATING NERVOUSLY* i guess I have picked the wrong one hehe...Bye!!!!!! Dr. Strange:Wait I've come to bargain N'zoth:sh..sh...shi...f...fu..fu...Can I go home?😭😭please
That's every loa, really. Makes sense; seems like none of the Loa (minus maybe Bwonsamdi who gets his followers for keeps...) get to have the power they do without the explicit and powerful worship and tribute of their people. And in a way, that's almost every powerful villain in WoW; Sargeras making deals with the Eredar to grant them power in exchange for joining his crusade, Gul'dan and the Draenic orcs, and yeah, everyone who consorts with the Void, up to and including *Freaking Deathwing* getting corrupted by them Old Gods. None of them could be nearly as threatening as they were had they not tempted into deals their followers. The only exception feels like the Lich King, who is less about making deals and more "You're in my way, so I'm making you my zombie slave."
Did anyone else use that addon back in the day that would randomly use a speech line from a creepy moment in the game? Would randomly hear that my heart would explode or other sp00ky stuff. That was an addon right?
Question. Why did I think it was Cthun the first time yet everyone else realised it was n’zoth. Was it just cause she’s dying. I feel like I need this explained in very simple terms 😅
the silhouette in the flashback is very clearly c'thun's (as can be seen in the Whispers of the Old Gods trailer for hearthstone) as opposed to n'zoth's.
I'm really glad The Shape Of Water is getting a sequel. Jokes aside, Blizzard have aboslutely nailed the Old God aesthetic. The shot of Azshara forming into a Naga with the eye making her look like a developing foetus was awesome and creepy AF.
"Lovecraft basically built it for them" is hardly a critique of Old God stories when you consider that Lovecraftian Horror literally laid the foundations for pretty much every story about weird ancient gods/things from space in Western media since the 1920's. That's like critiscising Darkest Dungeon for being unoriginal or dismissing literally any fantasy for including Elves that are depicted as being slender, territorial and adept archers because of Tolkein. Warhammer's pantheon of gods are really more in line with Norse ones than Lovecraftian ones. They all have pretty solidly defined personalities, modus operandi and are- to a degree- understandable. The only exceptions are Tzeench who is more of a schemer than a cosmic horror and The Great Maw, which would be a straight up Lovecraftian god if it wasn't just established as the god of Ogres who marched under it without really bothering to lose their minds understanding it. Also, I'm fairly sure there's no examples of lovecraftian Gods that end up striking a mutual deal with a mortal after coming to terms with their own lack of reach.
Eyy one year later and the dumpsterfire called shadowlands now has the confirmed lowest population of all times recorded in WoW history. It is enough to make BfA look golden lol.
God the whole intro, the intense af battle drums, N'Zoth's voice, his eye opening on her silhouette at the end, friggin breathtaking. Love it to bits 👍🏼 Also I would throw money to get to adventure around a beautiful Night Elven city like this one from back when they were a massive world-spanning empire.
This may be the most powerful display of Arcane magic we've seen from anyone other than the Titans. She held back the force of the Sundering (albeit temporarily) , which is frankly unimaginably difficult.
I think she was witnessing a prophecy of N'Zoth but (if so) who's future was he forseeing? Azshara's or someone else's that Azshara was witnessing from her point of view
Maybe it's because I'm watching in the dark, and I hate the sea and water - this genuinely unnerved me. N'Zoth is super creepy. I think this depiction does him justice!
Crusadus Prime yeah I agree, the initial voice was spot on, but his sudden subwoofer "I shall smite thee" God voice felt a bit strange after all that soft silkiness
I know that the whole "making a deal with an Old God" part is great, but my personal favorite moment is in between 5:18 to 6:03 As she floats there. First she looks smug, as if thinking "Hah! I won!" then waiting for something to happen. But it doesn't. And her expression becomes more and more worried and afraid. For all of her pride, confidence and arrogance of her power and importance to both her people and to N'Zoth's schems, this short moment really highlights how utterly helpless she really is. I'd like to think that N'zoth is deliberately toying with her, as a little reminder that while she might be the one who holds the cards in this deal, without him, she WILL die. And that is something she clearly doesn't want. So who is really the one in control?
I've watched this cinematic since its release (like many others), daily. I never thought about how powerful she is just by holding back the waves for a matter of seconds. Azshara is literally a speck in the world, able to hold off the crushing might of an entire ocean. Just wow.
@@brunom7162 Yeah I remember In the novel when Azshara walked up to Mannoroth and asked him what was taking so long. He got mad and then sensed how much power she had and how it would take Archie or KJ to match her.
I like how they kept true to the puzzle box of yogg saron from cataclysm. There was a quote about how fish know all the secrets. Looks like he is using fish as messengers or something
So, when I'm fishing... What exactly am I doing?? Killing N'zoth's little gossipers or just adding more gossip about the surface for N'zoth's ears (or whatever he uses to listen to fish)?? Something's really fishy here...
Actualy you are playing into n'zoths hands. if you eat the fish or someone eats it, basically you let him corrupt you, or someone else. Don't think you can defeat an old god, mortal!
@@revergiltheramorne3280 I WOULD expect a ES fan here. I mean I'm one. Their both good fantasy game franchises. I would play WoW if it weren't for the online play requirement and the monthly subscription fee. I love the lore but the online elements are not desirable to me at all.
Lord Proteus the fifth old god(kind of bcuz he was a mistake, an anomaly while testing by the Titans to find a way to kill an old god) G'huun is associated with corruption and rot. N'zoth is associated with manipulation or cunning ( I suppose). Y'Shaarj is associated with rage and anger.
Alvin Tam hes playing his game like He or the other old god did to Deathwing, i man Neltharion. Just whispers IS what can azshara hear and they Will give her what she want.
N'zoth is shocked for a moment. Even Deathwing didn't outright say 'no'. He's at first stunned that she's that stupid and prideful-- and then, in typical N'Zoth fashion, pleased that she's prideful enough to be manipulated anyway.
I think Nzoth is both pissed and impressed (if he wasn't impressed he would have just let her drown...). But in the end, he does manage to take control over her and her people... Just as Sargeras used her. That is what is so paradoxical about her. She is the most beautiful, smartest and powerful mortal (or immortal?) ever on Azeroth. A master manipulator. But still greater are her ambitions and that is what lead her straight into the arms of, well, beings she is just not on level with. Sargeras, Nzoth. And they use her as a puppet. She is a slave to her ambitions in the end.
I think that it's a little more complicated than Azshara simply being N'zoth's pawn. Azshara was the pawn of Sargeras and look how that turned out. I think the reason she demanded to be a Queen and not a slave was because she learned from her failure with Sargeras. She wanted to make it clear how valuable she is and that she is not selling her soul to N'zoth, instead she is entering a partnership with him. In this deal Nzoth does not hold all the cards since he can't afford to lose her and she knows it. He has to treat her with respect and grant her a lot of freedom and power if he wants her to work for him. Even a deal with the devil can work out if you have enough leverage and know how to use it.
Right, it's a story about strong independent women who are ruining everything for everyone else. So basically Blizzard is offending everyone and I love it.
This is awesome, best reveal for Azshara's true form. Feels truly Warcraft, like the Warcraft 3 cinematic for Frozen Throne - Naga in all their glory. Great artwork and always a spectacular job bringing it to life.
2:13 "To find him, drown yourself in a circle of stars." The night elves were known as the Kaldorei, aka the children of *stars* Here we get a circle of bodies of the Kaldorei, and sure enough, she meets N'zoth soon after.
@@josephy4784 She's a Highborne, the Nightborne are the highborne that got tainted by the Nightwell. And she wasn't a Kaldorei either, the Kaldorei were the peasants that served Azshara and the Highborne.
I have to agree with a lot of the others here. The presentation for the story, in game and or Warbringers has been on point. Jaina and Azshara's stories are really good. Also--is it just me or is this ten minute video the best portrayal we've seen of an old god? o.o
I really liked it too. The old gods want to rule, not just make people crazy. This vid made them make more sense. In the game it seemed like they just want to make people crazy. The game never really explained how much power or territory they really had.
the old gods just want the ppl to go crazy . i mean, they follow a kind of logic that is considerate twisted by other life forms , and considerate crazy ... its the point of view . if i'm not wrong , the old gods are offspring of the god of the void right?
emh... so, they DO WANT to make ppl crazy :D , since its theyr way of doing things. you can pill up reasons over reasons, what they do its still the same . :D
I can imagine how the voice recording session went. Voice actress: Uhm, do I really need to moan this much? I didn't sign up for an erotic project. Director: Oh, there's nothing to worry about. You see there's this tentacle monster... *Actress begins to worry*
@Adûnâi well while I would like an even spread of characters both Male and female, I don't mind this simply because the other expansions were mainly Male dominated. Its surprising that it took this long to see a female main for the expansion. You also have to think that you need to keep your entire audience invested and so many have been invested in these side characters that blizzard have built up into op characters. So many have wanted to see something like this. And who's to say that this won't contain anything regarding the great Male characters.
If there's been a gender imbalance in previous side series that has resulted in one side having more fleshed out characters than the other, I'm open to having a few more unbalanced series in the opposite direction to bring back balance. This is so long as it isn't overdone. This is also coming from somebody that has not done anything with Warcraft or World of Warcraft so tell me if this scenario is different.
I like at the end where she's just sitting in the water, air leaving her lungs, basically playing chicken with an Old God. It's like N'Zoth is waiting for her to cave out of desperation. She really was willing to die if she didn't get what she wanted. He was the more desperate one.
I actually hated that. Letting aside that it's not how it happened before, it also makes Azshara more 'dominant'(which as a character she doesn't really need more of) at N'zoth expense. And it didn't make sense, someone whos whole world just shattered not 1 minute ago shouldn't be this smug.
@@podrickfookinpayne2329 I loved it. On both points that it showed her as she's always been, hungry for power at the expense of her people and on N'zoth's end showing he could just let her drown, that smug smile vanished and she felt that very probable death. He could have simply immediate transformed her but he waited till she panicked, I found it to be a humbling experience for her
I feel this actually makes the dynamic more interesting. N'Zoth is still a more powerful being than Azshara, but being imprisoned he's stuck in a compromised position. Although she's weaker, she's at least observant enough to recognize her leverage here. N'Zoth realizes he really has nothing to lose by playing into her vanity, indulging her with some power to have a capable ally that could possibly lead to his escape. Besides, N'Zoth is a very old being and probably willing to play the long game. He can use Azshara's narcissism as a weakness, probably why he panders to that very aspect of her by calling her 'his queen' after her transformation. Slowly over time he can degrade her sanity like Old Gods do, until she lets him out of his prison, or just wait until he finds himself with the upper hand.
The more I think about it the more I believe N'zoth's anger/the anger in his voice is justified. Even though he's the schemer Old God and we would imagine him to come off calm and collected (as he does before yelling "I AM A GOD"), I don't think he's used to having his plans rejected or gone any other way than he's imagined them for THOUSANDS of years. I get pissed when my friends cancel on plans we made a day ago.
Oh I 100% agree that his "I am a god!" line is him showing his power and dominance. Just his voice before that sounded much more calm, collected, in control, and terrifying (in the sense that it strikes a creepy fear).
The Queen asks the barkeep for a beer no wait an ale and the Lord Admiral asks for a wine and the Warchief asks for a beer wait no a wine wait lemme start over...
Nobody can match Azshara this side of Kil'jaeden or the Titans or the old gods themselves (who are not really gods, they are more like high end demigods) Elune is the only true deity on Azeroth). She is so far beyond anyone else on Azeroth it's not even close. She's more powerful than Archimonde. Sargeras himself warned Mannoroth not to mouth off to her, saying that she could destroy him with a thought. (in the Warcraft dnd system, she had to cast spells every day so often of like 3rd level or higher just to avoid con damage from the arcane wellspring within her.)
Some of these short story videos are truly incredible, this one being a shining example. The music, the art style, the imagery, the characters, the voice actors, the subtlety, the grandness - they're all superb. A delight to watch.
Nzoth: I have an unpaid internship position open if you are intere-
Azshara: Project Manager and full benefits or I’d rather just die
Nzoth: Understandable, have a nice day
this is one of the funniest things i've read in a while now, props
This deserves so many more likes.
@Deutscher Geist And Telling her to let go but she refuses at beginning but she releases then :D
Why can't I favorite comments?! Argh! :P
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Who lives in a twisted temple under the sea?
That made me laugh more than it should.
LOL! x'D This is why I love the comment section.
i get the joke its from spoongebob
*Old Cod Nzoth... get it... cause he's was a fish... I'll see myself out...
Full of evil and fishy is he!
Would be fun if the final boss of the expansion is the fish. Not n'zoth. Just the fish.
how about a reverse yogg saron? He first appears as this giant tentacle mosnter and then transforms himself into a fish when the fight begins?
That's usually what Yogg Saron does... in Hearthstone. Just not a fish, but a frog instead.
Skylair Frogg Saron.
N'Zoth used Spalsh
@Edohiguma genius
She should've had an entire expansion based around her.
Honestly they could extend this game indefinitely if they did it that way. They could have done the jaina and ash vane arc for bfa which led into ashvane making a deal with azshara. Then had a full azshara expack(the underwater thing halted me on this idea but thier open"underwater" zone was extremely well done). Then smoothly rolled it into a nzoth/nyalotha expack.
Well now N'Zoth's gone, but Azshara's still around, so you may get your chance.
Considering she's still alive after her "defeat" makes me think it isn't the last we've seen of her... or N'zoth.
What's really stupid is they went thru a very similar character in Grand Magistrix Elisande right before BFA. A character that didn't exist before Legion and was dealt with in a patch. Azshara who was introduced in WC3 and has been invading Azeroth's coastlines since Classic? Also dealt with in a patch! Sure, she's alive for future content but Nazjatar was her place of power and you can't hype that up again.
Better Timeline
Expansion 8: Battle for Azeroth. Faction war/South Seas. Kul'tiras, Zandalar, Mechagon, and Nazjatar. Uldir, Thros, Dazar'alor, Crucible, Eternal Palace and Azshara.
Expansion 9: Shadows Awaken. Nyalotha is an elemental plane akin to the Twisting Nether and the Shadowlands. Black forests, ashen deserts, lava pits, frozen mountain peaks. All 4 Old Gods are back, Mantid, Nerubians, Aqir, Xal'atath shows up for a bit and helps us. New race: Naga.
Expansion 10: Shadowlands
Gadgetzan Auctioneer : I got the best deals!
N'zoth : Deal?, I like deals.
Nohir and then Bwonsamdi pokes his head in
Gadgetzan Auctioneer then proceeds to rob N'zoth blind.
Step aside old god, you've got nothing on the greed of goblins.
N'zoth: SERVE ME!
Azshara: No.
N'zoth: *white man blinking.gif*
N'zoth: *slaps Azshara with a tentacle*
N'zoth: This girl can make SO many deals!
Lmao hilarious
N’Zoth: deal? I like deals
Me: can’t tell if your an old god or a goblin
N’Zoth: I jsut want MAGA
Or Bownsamdi
Time is money friend.
Azshara: Sargeras had a big sword. You?
N'zoth: I have tentacles
Azshara: Magnificent!
Clearly a big fan of japanese culture xD
please tell me how to unsee your comment, lol. you ruined my childhood story
Azshara weeb confirmed
She's seen enough hentai to know where this is going?
What can I say, I am very well educated.
That last “ Magnificent” voice was everything
i guess you could say it was...
1 minute in and my wife already wanted to know what I was watching in the other room :)
xLetalis glad I had headphones on.
So you both enjoy a garbage game LUL
Hope no one else heard
Imagine not being able to watch something for even one minute without hearing the crack of the whip.
SheathTV Who's more pathetic: the guys that enjoy a 'garbage game' or an idiot who, even though he thinks that the game is garbage, he still watches the videos and writes comments?
1k years for N’zoth is just a crazy weekend.
I was just about to ask if this was N'zoth.
It is. He is the Old God beneath the sea.
It's better down where it's wetter.
take it from me
(creepy red crab wiggling its eyebrows)
N'zoth, the Drowned God. Corrupter of the Emerald Dream. Helped drive Neltharian to madness thus creating Deathwing and as we see here, creator of the Naga.
Making an advantageous bargain from a position of nothing? Thats pretty boss.
Man, can't agree more. The balls on this one are impressive. Lol
It just highlights how intellectual Azshara is. Even from a position of nothing, she realizes she holds the key in the negotiation because what N'zoth wants is her and without her, he has nothing.
In truth, they both had nothing. A god, trapped beneath the sea, no people to rule, no servants to oversee! A queen, her people all dead, her home washed away! But together? He he he, together the god has a queen to act as his will! The god has a queen to reveal his power! And the queen has the power to rule and conquer all they desire! Alone, they are nothing! Together, they are everything!
N'Zoth made a mistake because he revealed too much. If he is so powerful as he claims to be why did he watch for a thousand years instead of ruling. So Azshara knew N'Zoth had to take the deal.
I love how she straight plays him at the start.
N'zoth: "Be my servant and we shall rebuild my empire"
Azshara: "Nah either i'm queen or i'm out"
N'zoth: "Aight you got me"
N'zoth knows her more than she knows herself. Wether or not she's a queen she'll serve him nonetheless. Giving her that title makes her think she's in control while she really isn't. N'zoth played her easily, moreso, he let her play herself.
D00mnoodle except she plays the game almost perfectly. She was planning to kill him and had no loyalty for him. He just happened to be there at the right time
The biggest egos are the more easy to manipulate.
@@d00mnoodle nah I'd wager that she is more powerful than him by now. If anything she's just waiting for the right opportunity.
1:33 "The fish know all the secrets. They know the cold. They know the dark." - Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
Not really.
"In the sunken city, he lays dreaming" - Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
“At the bottom of the ocean even light must die.” - Puzzel Box Of Yogg-Saron
And they all get fished up by anyone with a fishing pole, to be sold, or eaten.
Pretty sure the box didn't say that
Blizzard got tired of people complaining about Sylvanas' cinematic, so they united the Alliance and the Horde against the new enemy... TURTLES that make it to the water.
Isabella Quinns a turtle made it to the water!
The cycle of life can be cruel.
they were scared about sylvanass power so they united both factions against an enemy like azshara..i didnt read the scrypt at all neither i play wow but i know how blizzard were thinking on this expansion thats for sure :D
But battle for Azeroth is an expansion all about faction war :)
The music this expansion has been nothing short of eargasmic.
Wrath of the Lich King had the best music. The cinematic was amazing and the music was astounding imo
Mop had the best music
I agree MOP had the best. WOTLK was epic/sad but not much diversity
You mean "Magnificent" right? :-D
GRM Adrian Right?!?!
-Serve me !
- No.
- Serve me as a queen !
- OK.
"I have a different title so it's ok!" -Azshara, probably.
I love the moment of desperation when she thinks he's just going to let her drown slowly.
@@evangelionaddict8212 Honestly... a title, and the illusion that SHE is still commanding her people, can make all the difference in how a person perceives their role / if they will 'serve' someone else. That's what happened here. And she still is the queen of her people, according to her and her people. It puts her on more equal standing with n'zoth... At least in her mind
Being a queen is not just a title. It means that she rules Nazjatar, not N'zoth, and she makes the political decisions. The greatest proof of this is the Naga themselves: they worshipp Azshara as a goddess, not the Old God. That's why she made the deal.
Azshara is no fool. She know that N'zoth is just using her. And she hold no true loyalty for him.
@@brunom7162 N'Zoth rules the naga through Azshara.
@@brunom7162 That's probably true, but all power she has now is granted by him, and can be taken away by him. N'zoth is no fool, either.
Nzoth is fish confirmed, good thing we didn’t lose our fishing artifact, we’ll need them for the nzoth raid.
I pity the fool that will accidentally fish up N'Zoth from a random school of fish.
Magnificent... Now, let's wait 10 000 years before we actually do something noticable.
It probably took time to repurpose anything sunken into her new kingdom and to propagate their new race to have the numbers needed for an army.
What do you mean the naga have been a threat we've been fighting through every single expansion lmao
+Sowh but the Well of Eternity collapsed 10 000 years ago, and first encounter between Naga and land walkers happened in Frozen Throne when Illidan summoned them and Naga began to emerge everywhere in the world, so it took Naga 10 000 years to finally reappear.
Queen Azshara is an ancient being.
last i checked the ones summoned by Illidan only server Illidan they dont care of the Queen Azhara they see her as a traitor cus they still hate her for not saving them
@@notoriousbig3k okay, how about Night Elves never seeing Nagas until Illidan's escape into Broken Islands? (Events of Frozen Throne)
There were clearly no visible interferences of Naga until the Thrall's encounter with Sea Witch during departure to Kalimdor and their resurface after the defeat of Burning Legion, that suddenly caused then to invade a large portion of land, Rexar found one group of them in Dustwallow Marsh, and 4 years later there were already a large number of them in the areas like Darkshore, Ashenvale, Desolace, Feralas, Arathi Highlands and so on. Naga seemingly began their invasions only recently.
The artists for this series deserve some significant praise. This one in particular was both breathtaking and engaging, really loved this.
i dont honestly know which art style i love most, the incredibly realistic CGI or this amazing pop up book pastel style.
Yeah no kidding, I know I am not the first to say it, but its a real shame that they are capable of producing such AMAZING content with all of their cinematics but the WoW film was so lack luster. I wish they would do something similar to how Advent Children was with just highly produced CGI and motion capture effects.
Using artwork felt lazy on Blizzard's part, I dont understand why they couldn't just do cgi of some sort. I'm not refering to the realistic CGI but the in game cutscene style where it's good enough.
You mean for this video it felt lazy? I would imagine generating this type of art style took far more work than just using the game engine to render a scene, I think its by far to their credit that they chose this style.
Ey? CGI is so ugly and overused. Hand drawn is infinitely more attractive.
I love nzoth’s chill voice when he says “i like deals” imo it sounds way more intimidating than his I AM A GOD line.
Kind of made me think of Hades from Hercules, that fast talking vibe.
That's the Samuel Hayden voice actor from DOOM 2016.
Most movies cant do in 90 minutes what Warbringers did in 7 minutes. This is a true masterclass of audio-visual entertainment, and new bar has been set.
Kevin Cowart agreed!💙
Do we know the artists?
Hrm not really....most movies do far in mere moments what these warbringers did.
yeah no, let's not exaggerate, too much fan boy. The Warbringers is good, I'll leave it at good.
Calm down lad. We both know it's not true.
I never thought I would be jump scared by a fish
You've never played Subnautica, have you?
@@Ky-kx2hd nope
Kudos to the team behind this: They managed to make a tyrannical, self-absorbed, megalomaniac seem sympathetic and relatable. Which is no mean feat to accomplish, let alone in a short video.
You mean Asharah or N'zoth? XF
@@GabrielaPerez-tj9sb LOL Both.
They know how to tell stories in these videos
@@Cowinator66 Shame they can't do it this well in-game or even in some of the books.
I love how she kept the water at bay. Her eyes glowing showing that she uses everything in her power to keep it at bay. She was a symbol of greatness and beauty. A powerful, intelligent, charismatic and very prideful ruler that comes once in a thousand of years. That was HER empire, an empire she build in her own image. In a way that Empire was an extension of herself and Azshara wasn't willing to let it go. She would rather die than be left with nothing.
Also that fish. It basically represented drowning, death. A denizen that lives in a completely different environment, an environment that she won't survive in. A bitter reminder of the fate she will have very soon, flapping on the floor infront of her, while she struggles to survive. In this scene basically it's sheer strength and determination against fate itself.
Excellent observations.
Definetly nothing about old Gods in this expansion confirmed by this Warbringers.
Alliance vs horde btw
As Taliesin would say: Definitely no Old Gods, because this expansion is just about the Faction War 😉
It's clearly the alliance behind this idk what you're talking about XD
Thats clearly the voice of Elune.
there are no old gods
Tentacles? AHHHHHH, ishnu-alah weary Queen!
Nixxiom needs to see this :P
I never thought I'd live to see the day Leo Koutakis made a Nixxiom reference.
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH, ishnu alla weary night elf
what does ishnu-alah mean in WoW? I play HS and if two druids play against each other, and if your playing the centurion druid she says "Ishnu-alah Archdruid" to malfurion.
*"In the sunken city, he lays dreaming..."*
*and with strange aeons, even death may die*
*He is a clever one*
that all will see and die
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh N'zoth Vashj'ir wgah'nagl fhtagn
*When my dreaming ends, your nightmare begins*
The best non-cinematic they have done. Truly a masterpiece. The Azshara voice actor and the N'zoth one are Oscar worthy.
Blizzard writes are pretty iffy theses days but their voice actors carry most the of the weight and do great with what they are given.
**Azshara sees tentacles**
_M A G N I F I C E N T_
this comment made me laugh. ty
Glad it did :D
Verdadi neh
After her traumatic break up with Sargeras, Azshara travels far and wide to find a new love.
Plenty of other fish in the sea...
...but they all smell.
Can you smell it underwater?
ask the sharks, yes you can
sargeras was just afraid of her
The sound design in this is fantastic, kudos to those that made it possible. The distortion around N'Zoth when he yells "I AM A GOD" is just so perfect and so striking by how inexplicably alien and powerful it sounds.
i'd like to disagree i think the sound in this particular short is quite bad their voices doesn't seem to fit and n'zoth voice doesn't sound like an old god voice at all even with the distortion
Luca Mihai and you know what an old god sounds like? Sorry it didn't live up to your imagination, that doesn't make it bad, it just means you created a false image of what they are meant to sound like in your head. The voice actor is superb.
UB3RFR3NZY is that trying to be an insult or?
@@lucamihai8421 Sound design isn't the same as casting choices.
@@lucamihai8421well what wouldve been more fitting then?
It's a shame how they masterfully built N'zoth to be this Lovecraftian elder God with power beyond our comprehension, to have him be killed by a single champion with a Deus Ex Machina magufin in one of the most lackluster cinematic since their introduction. I was honestly hooked into the lore of a Lovecraftian God in a scenery such as WoW.
They dropped the Old Gods = Lovecraft Gods a long time ago, now they were just powerful emissaries send to planets to corrupt them. The big baddies now are the Void Lords and probably something equal to that on the light side.
@@Myosuke97 guys i found the dumbfuck
While I totally agree that N'zoth should've had a bigger impact and probably stuck around until next expansion, it is entirely possible that he is alive in some way given the fact that Y'shaarj dying caused Pandaria to be absolutely ravaged. Here's hoping...
If I recall correctly, Alleria has a dialogue where she says Void whispers in her mind didn't disappear, but are even louder. It is possible that N'zoth arranged everything so that if he "dies", he returns to the Void mostly intact and with knowledge about Azeroth, so that the Void Lords can launch a full-scale invasion.
@@kacperdrabikowski5074 Another "invasion"...they need something new, like maybe the bad guys win, for once.
So N’Zoth, directly resposnible for the Emerald nightmare, the corruption of Deathwing, and deal maker with Azshara. Gotta say, not a bad way to spend 1000 years of solitude.
Eh, technically good old Yoggie boi is responsible for creating the nightmare but didn't do anything with it afterwards. N'zoth got his hands on it trough xavius afterwards
N'Zoth out here playing the longest game of chess
Yeah, the longest game of chess with entire world as pawns
It's funny how N'zoth is the weakest but so far seems to be the smartest of the Old God's. C'thun seems to not be all that smart compared to the other 3 lol.
He also seems to be the only one that is able perform proper conversations, all the other ones just like whispering sweet nothings into your ear lol
Wow N'zoth is really amazingly pictured in this cinematic, and the constant vibes of the Black Empire,ooohhh and the FISH AVATAR! I love it
How about making an "Avatar of N'zoth" rare fish, and whichever poor sod catches him initiates a fight with a huge max level world boss which sticks around a little while, like 20-30m, and murders people before going back to the water and reverting back into fish form?
Any zone in Azeroth, any water should have a chance, but can only be active once at a given time per continent. Imagine the level 6 Tauren, who just wanted to level fishing in the pond in Thunder Bluff catching this! It'd be *FUN!*
Dr. Obvious dude, that sounds dope! I hope blizzard starts to do stuff like this. It keeps everyone on their toes.
I don't know dude, that sounds too fun for WoW. I'd rather have yet another difficulty level for raids.
Ok but can blizzard PLEASE do this?? Everyone who sees this suggest it to blizzard cause come on, that would be an amazing (if albeit sometimes terrifying) experience💯✨
@@EnejiChris You gotta remember we're asking something from *Blizzard.*
It sounds fun, therefore Blizz wont ever do it xd
Deals? I like deals...
Who are you?! Show yourself!
Dr. Badtimes I lol’d
time is money friend
*grifta runs in from the side*
It be me, mon. Loony ol' Bwansambi! Huahahhahahaha!
Azshara: you're god. Of nothing...
N'zoth: *triggered*
TFW you triggered an Old God and became the greatest "troll" of them all ...
Retreating to his safe space to play with his crayons and puppy
What is it with triggering in wow? Sylvanas and now Yog saron. and many more before!
Sylvanas: N'zoth is NOTHING!
You either die a Queen, or live long enough to make a pact with an Old God and become an Amphibious Serpent.
You mean Ursula knockoff :^)
Still a queen, tho.
*amphibious serpent queen... 👑
The God of Nothing ?
Well Isn't he a spawn of the *Void* ?
then technically she's not wrong.
Punname for Void lords.
you... have a point there actually.
"The God of Nothing" as he is the weakest of the Old ones but the smartest... and technically she is wrong as everything comes from the void... light aka life = corruption... that's why the OLD Gods were created by the Void Lords... to cleanse the corruption from planets... the corruption on Azeroth = The Titans...
Bottom line... as we speak... N'Zoth is the most powerful entity on Azeroth... He had Deathwing unders his command, Vol'jin and now probably Sylvanas... basically he influences all being on Azeroth only using his mind.... Let's see what happens when he gets out of his prison.... The one that everyone ignored... because he was too weak... now he has become the most powerful on Azeroth... and there are NO TITANS this time to stop the Rise of the Black Empire ;)
Oh and please don't say that you think that the void is filled with nothingness... darkness is not nothingness ;)
I'm pretty sure we should all be glad that the void is filled with darkness. If we actually got to see what all was in there... Seeing Nzoth here would probably be the LEAST horrifying thing around.
Well, she did learn something after dealing with Sargeras through Xavius - Always talk directly to the main BIG BOSS, don't fear death and demand as much as you can.
Exactly, she knows how valuable she is and she makes sure those she deals with know it too.
I was about to say, isn't this the second time this has happened to her... and how well did the first time go XD
absolutely loving the war drums and "I am a god". Jeez this is so good
Yeah and then the drums during chrysalis. Reminds me of Kargath cinematic on the day of his final fight.
"N'zoth, I have come to bargain"
Female Dr. Strange confirmed.
*I like Deals*
I have come to Bargain
N'zoth: I like Deals
Dr. Strange:you thought it was Azshara but it was me,Dr. Strange
N'zoth:Oh hey hehe *SWEATING NERVOUSLY* i guess I have picked the wrong one hehe...Bye!!!!!!
Dr. Strange:Wait I've come to bargain
N'zoth:sh..sh...shi...f...fu..fu...Can I go home?😭😭please
The fish know all the secrets....they know the cold, they know the dark.
Lol what
It feels like you're drowning with her, dam that scene of her uncertainty was good! Well done!
TheFinalScone I found myself holding my breathe 😂
Finally a proper introduction to Nagas and Queen Azshara. It was long overdue even before Vanilla! Also, welcome N’Zoth! We were waiting for you!
Andres Valdevit I agree
Well at least there was that Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne cinematic where Illidan summons the Naga from the sea.
What are you talking about? Everything here was already known, except that Azshara was more smug than someone in her situation should be.
@@podrickfookinpayne2329 Are you that dense or just trolling?
I'd ask the same thing if I knew what your problem was.
Oh that drum beat when she was changing...
Gets the blood pumping
Ye, Music for life!
I haven't liked all of their games, but i will NEVER knock Blizzard's orchestral pieces. All of them are amazing.
Yeah, that drumbeat that made me think "drums are so out of place here...".
where can we find it without useless words
When Nzoth said "deal? I like deals.." I initially thought my boi Bwansamdi was talking lol.
That's every loa, really. Makes sense; seems like none of the Loa (minus maybe Bwonsamdi who gets his followers for keeps...) get to have the power they do without the explicit and powerful worship and tribute of their people. And in a way, that's almost every powerful villain in WoW; Sargeras making deals with the Eredar to grant them power in exchange for joining his crusade, Gul'dan and the Draenic orcs, and yeah, everyone who consorts with the Void, up to and including *Freaking Deathwing* getting corrupted by them Old Gods. None of them could be nearly as threatening as they were had they not tempted into deals their followers. The only exception feels like the Lich King, who is less about making deals and more "You're in my way, so I'm making you my zombie slave."
Dude same.
Imagine casually going fishing and catching some n'zoth possesed fish that starts whispering things while omniously looking at you
A good day to a shadow priest or a warlock
Did anyone else use that addon back in the day that would randomly use a speech line from a creepy moment in the game? Would randomly hear that my heart would explode or other sp00ky stuff. That was an addon right?
"The fish know all the secrets." -Yogg Saron's Puzzle Box
Question. Why did I think it was Cthun the first time yet everyone else realised it was n’zoth. Was it just cause she’s dying. I feel like I need this explained in very simple terms 😅
the silhouette in the flashback is very clearly c'thun's (as can be seen in the Whispers of the Old Gods trailer for hearthstone) as opposed to n'zoth's.
I'm really glad The Shape Of Water is getting a sequel.
Jokes aside, Blizzard have aboslutely nailed the Old God aesthetic.
The shot of Azshara forming into a Naga with the eye making her look like a developing foetus was awesome and creepy AF.
tought the same
its not hard. Lovecraft basically built it for them.. i mean Warhammer .....no wait i mean Blizzard basically just STOLE EVERYTHING FROM OTHERS !!!!
"Lovecraft basically built it for them" is hardly a critique of Old God stories when you consider that Lovecraftian Horror literally laid the foundations for pretty much every story about weird ancient gods/things from space in Western media since the 1920's. That's like critiscising Darkest Dungeon for being unoriginal or dismissing literally any fantasy for including Elves that are depicted as being slender, territorial and adept archers because of Tolkein.
Warhammer's pantheon of gods are really more in line with Norse ones than Lovecraftian ones. They all have pretty solidly defined personalities, modus operandi and are- to a degree- understandable. The only exceptions are Tzeench who is more of a schemer than a cosmic horror and The Great Maw, which would be a straight up Lovecraftian god if it wasn't just established as the god of Ogres who marched under it without really bothering to lose their minds understanding it.
Also, I'm fairly sure there's no examples of lovecraftian Gods that end up striking a mutual deal with a mortal after coming to terms with their own lack of reach.
The lovecraftian feel was to real!
Taliesin is probably currently locked in his room analysing every single frame.
Rizz CS ima give him a couple more hours to come out with a video lol
Maybe he can identify an Old God on this video
Didn't think I'd find a critter here.
No old god silly. This is the expansion of the great faction war! The lion vs the banshee... Theres no room for old gods ;)
@@potrichh idk he'd have too look pretty hard to find one here, after all there are no old gods in bfa as we all know
Sad that this turned out to be better than the whole expansion
exactly what a wasted concept. so much hype so much failure.
@@phgamer4393 At least Azshara made it out alive from this dumpster fire of an expansion. Maybe she'll be done justice somewhere down the line.
Eyy one year later and the dumpsterfire called shadowlands now has the confirmed lowest population of all times recorded in WoW history. It is enough to make BfA look golden lol.
*"The fish know all the secrets. They know the cold. They know the dark."*
Exactly what I was thinking when I first saw it.
Something smells fishy
At the bottom of the ocean, even light must die, the light in the eye of Azshara... OMG
"In the land of Ny'alotha, there is only sleep..."
In the sleeping city of Ny'alotha walk only mad things.
okay, okay, I'll buy your game
Don't forget to make "Azshara and Funny moments" video!
and then buy it again, and again, and again.
Buy the game but don't stop uploading HoTS videos! Anything but stopping uploading HoTS videos!
It is you destiny! ( Buy WOW)
now we need azshara in hots as ' assassin '
Now its in my head again😂😂😂
i swear this is "AN ILLUSION?! WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?" of Battle for Azeroth lol
God the whole intro, the intense af battle drums, N'Zoth's voice, his eye opening on her silhouette at the end, friggin breathtaking. Love it to bits 👍🏼
Also I would throw money to get to adventure around a beautiful Night Elven city like this one from back when they were a massive world-spanning empire.
H.P. Warcraft
I mean, the Old Gods' names are references to Lovecraft, so yeah.
And we like it.
next expansion: WOW Cthulhu
BfA is wow cthulu
We've defeated Cthulhu and Yog-Sothoth, now it's time for Zoth-Ommog. Wait...
Welcome to the Hotel Ny'alotha.
Such a lovely place.
Such a lovely face.
Such a lovely fish.
Plenty of room at the Hotel Ny'alotha.
Any time of year. (any time of year.)
You can find it here.
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave!
Poor N'zoth just wanted a friend.
Got a queen and an army instead. I'd be OK with that.
A potential friend. roasts him in 1 minute
Feels bad man
he got queen zoned instead
This may be the most powerful display of Arcane magic we've seen from anyone other than the Titans. She held back the force of the Sundering (albeit temporarily) , which is frankly unimaginably difficult.
And as she sank beneath the waves
Betrayed by her own greed
To her people, with her last breath cried-
This was NOT the deal I made
what's the reference to?
@@racsostrebor Jaina's warbringer song
I think she was witnessing a prophecy of N'Zoth but (if so) who's future was he forseeing? Azshara's or someone else's that Azshara was witnessing from her point of view
Maybe it's because I'm watching in the dark, and I hate the sea and water - this genuinely unnerved me. N'Zoth is super creepy. I think this depiction does him justice!
Personally i wouldnt have given him this voice. For a god whos about deals and manipulation, his temper goes through the roof.
Crusadus Prime yeah I agree, the initial voice was spot on, but his sudden subwoofer "I shall smite thee" God voice felt a bit strange after all that soft silkiness
If the guy who did sauron from the original lotr trilogy didnt die, he wouldve been perfect.
I know that the whole "making a deal with an Old God" part is great, but my personal favorite moment is in between 5:18 to 6:03 As she floats there. First she looks smug, as if thinking "Hah! I won!" then waiting for something to happen. But it doesn't. And her expression becomes more and more worried and afraid. For all of her pride, confidence and arrogance of her power and importance to both her people and to N'Zoth's schems, this short moment really highlights how utterly helpless she really is.
I'd like to think that N'zoth is deliberately toying with her, as a little reminder that while she might be the one who holds the cards in this deal, without him, she WILL die. And that is something she clearly doesn't want.
So who is really the one in control?
Bikutolu N'zoth got what he wanted, doesn't matter if Azshara is acting all bossy like. N'zoth is trully in control.
You, Sir, deserve a cookie.
Its like Megatron & Starscream
Yeah man that pause was 10/10! this short is nothing but a magnificent control of the rythm and flow.
I found the pause to be odd and overdone.
By far in the top 3 of the best cinematic they’ve done. So well written
Final boss of the BfA confirmed.
It's Magikarp.
We've wanted to be done with that for years. It is about time we will get to do so.
Good. Now all Blizzard has to do is make Tuskar a playable race
nope it's feebas actually
Stormik spoiler alert.
"I swear to N'Zoth when I evolve I'm going to kill you all" -Magik'Arp, probably.
The fact she wasn't driven to insanity in the face of a lovecraftian old god is quite the feat.
Feat of strength : Success in talking to an old god without being driven to madness.
I mean, can’t go crazy when you’re already mad with power
The fact that she held her ground is an even greater feat.
big brain btw
Mmmyes quite
I've watched this cinematic since its release (like many others), daily. I never thought about how powerful she is just by holding back the waves for a matter of seconds. Azshara is literally a speck in the world, able to hold off the crushing might of an entire ocean.
Just wow.
She's not just a powerful mage. She is the MOST powerful mage to have ever lived in Azeroth. Even Mannoroth was afraid of her.
@@brunom7162 Yeah I remember In the novel when Azshara walked up to Mannoroth and asked him what was taking so long. He got mad and then sensed how much power she had and how it would take Archie or KJ to match her.
Who else loves the war drums?
imo i think the drums are much more sinister, less warlike, more cultist-y if you get my drift. But yeah the drums were dope.
best beat
Oh my god I KNOW, RIGHT???
The Drums of War Calling Again! 🎶🎶🎶
I took them as kind of mimicking a beating heart, sound like its trying to drive you mad which would make sense for N'zoth
"The drums of war thunder, once again." - vanilla wow cinematic text
Kyle Kronk fancy seeing you here
That doesn't sound cool
I 🐟 AM 🐟 A 🐟 COD
The Cod of Nothing
deadphishiy I love the tuna of where this is going
deadphishiy When that happened I really liked the Bass
This deserves all the likes.
My favourite comment so far
Comming back here after six years... ya still awesome.
Happy days
That's a tortoise
make it stop
I lost my turtle today. She is a big turtle i dont know why i cant find her ive been searching for hours halp ;(
And this is why I did not choose fishing as one of my professions.
you afraid you would fish up a N'zoth or a dead body?
I caught Azshara while fishing as a Rogue... I had to use Vanish
[reels up a fish]
"let go. serve m-"
[throws the fish back]
@@jem5378 (reels in a fish)
"let go, serve m-"
(consumes fish) What, I wasn't listening!!!
I like how they kept true to the puzzle box of yogg saron from cataclysm. There was a quote about how fish know all the secrets. Looks like he is using fish as messengers or something
Shanghai Cola i thought this was chuun
So, when I'm fishing... What exactly am I doing?? Killing N'zoth's little gossipers or just adding more gossip about the surface for N'zoth's ears (or whatever he uses to listen to fish)?? Something's really fishy here...
Actualy you are playing into n'zoths hands. if you eat the fish or someone eats it, basically you let him corrupt you, or someone else. Don't think you can defeat an old god, mortal!
Murloc are part fish. Oh my God, N'Zoth could see us newbies failing against packs in Tirisfal or Elwynn. He knows our deepest, darkest secrets.
N'zoth now knows to never, EVER trust worms with hooks on them.
Catch and release is a terrible thing.
Hermeus mora, looking for servants again smh.
HAHAHAHAHA Did not expect to find a lost Elder Scrolls fan here
@@revergiltheramorne3280 I WOULD expect a ES fan here. I mean I'm one. Their both good fantasy game franchises. I would play WoW if it weren't for the online play requirement and the monthly subscription fee. I love the lore but the online elements are not desirable to me at all.
A moment ago I started to worship Hermaeus
N'Zoth, God of Jumpscares
And then it was just a fish lol.
I think he's supposed to be the God of Corruption or Rage. Not sure.
C'thun = Madness
Yogg Sarron = Death
Yshaarj = Fear
Lord Proteus the fifth old god(kind of bcuz he was a mistake, an anomaly while testing by the Titans to find a way to kill an old god) G'huun is associated with corruption and rot. N'zoth is associated with manipulation or cunning ( I suppose). Y'Shaarj is associated with rage and anger.
@@LordProteus yshaarj is dead so n'zoth took his job
I feel like N'zoth is both pissed and impressed? I can't read old gods that well.
Alvin Tam hes playing his game like He or the other old god did to Deathwing, i man Neltharion. Just whispers IS what can azshara hear and they Will give her what she want.
He's playing her like a fiddle.
N'zoth is shocked for a moment. Even Deathwing didn't outright say 'no'. He's at first stunned that she's that stupid and prideful-- and then, in typical N'Zoth fashion, pleased that she's prideful enough to be manipulated anyway.
I think Nzoth is both pissed and impressed (if he wasn't impressed he would have just let her drown...). But in the end, he does manage to take control over her and her people... Just as Sargeras used her.
That is what is so paradoxical about her. She is the most beautiful, smartest and powerful mortal (or immortal?) ever on Azeroth. A master manipulator. But still greater are her ambitions and that is what lead her straight into the arms of, well, beings she is just not on level with. Sargeras, Nzoth. And they use her as a puppet. She is a slave to her ambitions in the end.
I think that it's a little more complicated than Azshara simply being N'zoth's pawn. Azshara was the pawn of Sargeras and look how that turned out. I think the reason she demanded to be a Queen and not a slave was because she learned from her failure with Sargeras. She wanted to make it clear how valuable she is and that she is not selling her soul to N'zoth, instead she is entering a partnership with him. In this deal Nzoth does not hold all the cards since he can't afford to lose her and she knows it. He has to treat her with respect and grant her a lot of freedom and power if he wants her to work for him. Even a deal with the devil can work out if you have enough leverage and know how to use it.
So, Warbringers as a whole is a series about three powerful women who lost everything and how they responded and adapted to that loss.
It's a *RESPEK WEAMEN* type of shenanigans.
this is a pretty good summary...
More like WAAAHbringers
+Seth H Malware, spyware, trojan, all gon foreveeer
Right, it's a story about strong independent women who are ruining everything for everyone else. So basically Blizzard is offending everyone and I love it.
A queen is still a piece of chess on the table
So is the king. Let us see if the alliance has enough blinged out pawns to run them both over.
True,b ut i've seen Queen sacrafices to win a game. You can't say that for the King.
@swagMEISTER what kind of player ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@swagMEISTER he isn't the old gods are pawns at the void lords table
God man better watch out cuz she can go in any direction
Close your eyes at 0:50
You're a legend.
duuude :D
Omg hahaha
omg lol...
Nooooooooooooooooooo hahaha
Queen Azshara...the only being who managed to bargain with an Old God whilst in the face of utter annihilation.
Long Live the Queen.
Are you a Naga?
If you think she got anything she wanted, or that N'zoth didn't see this coming, you got another thing coming.
Wasn't even the first god she sassed
Right? Queen Azshara is the strongest being born of Azeroth to this day. I love her.
Getting what you wanted and winning in the end aren't always the same thing.
This is awesome, best reveal for Azshara's true form. Feels truly Warcraft, like the Warcraft 3 cinematic for Frozen Throne - Naga in all their glory. Great artwork and always a spectacular job bringing it to life.
2:13 "To find him, drown yourself in a circle of stars."
The night elves were known as the Kaldorei, aka the children of *stars*
Here we get a circle of bodies of the Kaldorei, and sure enough, she meets N'zoth soon after.
But she isn't a night elf she's a nightbourne
@@josephy4784 She's a Highborne, the Nightborne are the highborne that got tainted by the Nightwell.
And she wasn't a Kaldorei either, the Kaldorei were the peasants that served Azshara and the Highborne.
@@DirtyBlueDahlia She was a Kaldorei. The Highborne were just Kaldorei of noble birth, hence the title "Highborne."
lightwiz She is Quel’dorei, which as you say means ‘children of noble birth’ - they’re all night elves basically.
Dey a Trolls mon
I have to agree with a lot of the others here. The presentation for the story, in game and or Warbringers has been on point. Jaina and Azshara's stories are really good.
Also--is it just me or is this ten minute video the best portrayal we've seen of an old god? o.o
I really liked it too. The old gods want to rule, not just make people crazy. This vid made them make more sense. In the game it seemed like they just want to make people crazy. The game never really explained how much power or territory they really had.
I think someone from the Darkest Dungeon is helping them out with the cutscenes.
the old gods just want the ppl to go crazy . i mean, they follow a kind of logic that is considerate twisted by other life forms , and considerate crazy ... its the point of view . if i'm not wrong , the old gods are offspring of the god of the void right?
They don't JUST want people to go crazy, people going mad and crazy makes it easier for the Old Gods to come in and rule the world
emh... so, they DO WANT to make ppl crazy :D , since its theyr way of doing things. you can pill up reasons over reasons, what they do its still the same . :D
Where’s ”Warbringers: Turtle who made it into the water” ?
the circle of life can be so cruel
I've seen things, that would scare you shellless!
hello sir and or ma'am
Milan Gallo Lmaooo
Have anything ancient to trade? Must be at least 2 centuries old.
When you already tried to summon and wed a titan so bargaining with death in your own terms is just another crazy Wednesday.
Every single time she says "Magnificent"... it just sends chills up my spine
I can imagine how the voice recording session went.
Voice actress: Uhm, do I really need to moan this much? I didn't sign up for an erotic project.
Director: Oh, there's nothing to worry about. You see there's this tentacle monster...
*Actress begins to worry*
Then you pretend you're Miko Mado from La Blue girl, only with an attitude.
MDR dude.you're creasy
Jordan Valencia nobody knows who that is you weeb
+Bolek Lolek You deserve a medal.
Those drums. Those goddamn drums.
make it 1 hour my dude q:)
Hope that'll be the new Old God/N'zoth leitmotif.
"Drums, Drums in the Deep"
Can someone make an extended version like 10-20 minutes?
+dfool06 Was that a Lord of the Rings reference? If so, brilliant haha xD
Absolutely lovin' the Warbringers series!
ITs the last one till next expansion
Its nicr to sre you here
Women confused/angry/screaming. That's the pattern in this xpac. Oh and a whole lotta death like characters.
@Adûnâi well while I would like an even spread of characters both Male and female, I don't mind this simply because the other expansions were mainly Male dominated. Its surprising that it took this long to see a female main for the expansion. You also have to think that you need to keep your entire audience invested and so many have been invested in these side characters that blizzard have built up into op characters. So many have wanted to see something like this. And who's to say that this won't contain anything regarding the great Male characters.
If there's been a gender imbalance in previous side series that has resulted in one side having more fleshed out characters than the other, I'm open to having a few more unbalanced series in the opposite direction to bring back balance. This is so long as it isn't overdone. This is also coming from somebody that has not done anything with Warcraft or World of Warcraft so tell me if this scenario is different.
STUNNING! Easily my new favorite cinematic. The voice acting, the drums and the visuals.. just wow. KUDOS
"There are no fingerprints, deep under water."
Murder, mermaid, murder!"
Nothing to tie one to a crime.....
axe, check...
Rocks, check.
Nice! Fellow Batmetal viewers! (Kidding no flamerino)
I like at the end where she's just sitting in the water, air leaving her lungs, basically playing chicken with an Old God. It's like N'Zoth is waiting for her to cave out of desperation. She really was willing to die if she didn't get what she wanted. He was the more desperate one.
I actually hated that. Letting aside that it's not how it happened before, it also makes Azshara more 'dominant'(which as a character she doesn't really need more of) at N'zoth expense. And it didn't make sense, someone whos whole world just shattered not 1 minute ago shouldn't be this smug.
@@podrickfookinpayne2329 I loved it. On both points that it showed her as she's always been, hungry for power at the expense of her people and on N'zoth's end showing he could just let her drown, that smug smile vanished and she felt that very probable death. He could have simply immediate transformed her but he waited till she panicked, I found it to be a humbling experience for her
I feel this actually makes the dynamic more interesting. N'Zoth is still a more powerful being than Azshara, but being imprisoned he's stuck in a compromised position. Although she's weaker, she's at least observant enough to recognize her leverage here. N'Zoth realizes he really has nothing to lose by playing into her vanity, indulging her with some power to have a capable ally that could possibly lead to his escape.
Besides, N'Zoth is a very old being and probably willing to play the long game. He can use Azshara's narcissism as a weakness, probably why he panders to that very aspect of her by calling her 'his queen' after her transformation. Slowly over time he can degrade her sanity like Old Gods do, until she lets him out of his prison, or just wait until he finds himself with the upper hand.
She’s a complete sociopath, is that not obvious?
Bill Harkins As someone who doesn’t play WoW, your explanation seems the most plausible to me.
"Just to reiterate: this is an expansion about the faction war" - Taliesin
Just to be clear, There are NO OLD GODS in BFA.
Can't wait for his next video now haha.
@@blazingmonolith4323 c'thun is technically a minor one and N'zoth was just in the trailer.
*hint hint* *wink wink*
Only Azshara could mouth off to an Old God and tell it what to do. Magnificent.
Dude, N'Zoth was the one who had the upper hand. He manipulated her and made her think she was the winner.
The more I think about it the more I believe N'zoth's anger/the anger in his voice is justified. Even though he's the schemer Old God and we would imagine him to come off calm and collected (as he does before yelling "I AM A GOD"), I don't think he's used to having his plans rejected or gone any other way than he's imagined them for THOUSANDS of years. I get pissed when my friends cancel on plans we made a day ago.
So the friend replied angrily: " I AM A GODDDDDDD!!!!". And now your a fish. The end.
Oh I 100% agree that his "I am a god!" line is him showing his power and dominance. Just his voice before that sounded much more calm, collected, in control, and terrifying (in the sense that it strikes a creepy fear).
Yo. 0:29 the look on that buildings face.
Why must you do this to me?
Hahaha 😂😂😂
My sides
lmfaoooo cannot unseen
A Queen, a Lord Admiral, a Warchief and Princess walk into a bar...
Allen ...
And the queen talked about how she talked to a N’zoth possessed fish once.
The Queen asks the barkeep for a beer no wait an ale and the Lord Admiral asks for a wine and the Warchief asks for a beer wait no a wine wait lemme start over...
Nobody can match Azshara this side of Kil'jaeden or the Titans or the old gods themselves (who are not really gods, they are more like high end demigods) Elune is the only true deity on Azeroth). She is so far beyond anyone else on Azeroth it's not even close. She's more powerful than Archimonde. Sargeras himself warned Mannoroth not to mouth off to her, saying that she could destroy him with a thought. (in the Warcraft dnd system, she had to cast spells every day so often of like 3rd level or higher just to avoid con damage from the arcane wellspring within her.)
My mind immediately shoots to Disenchantment.
@@sjcrocker98 I loved that show :) R.I.P Elfo :'(
Some of these short story videos are truly incredible, this one being a shining example. The music, the art style, the imagery, the characters, the voice actors, the subtlety, the grandness - they're all superb. A delight to watch.
N'Zoth: I have tasted your essence .
Azshara: I need an adult.
N'Zoth: *I am an adult!*
Nerdtron Gaming Warbringers : Abridged
This gets a lot worse when you realized all their sewers lead to the ocean, uhmm so about that "essence" N'Zoth.
Oh my god... Is that the TFS Dragonball Z Abridged reference or the general "I need an adult!" reference??? Hilarious anyways!!!
I took her and threw her on the GROUNND
Kozuu That's dark and deep at the same time... But hilarious nonetheless!
1:14 "To find him, drown yourself in circle of stars"