I have used Maltego in the past to learn about my stalker. I contacted Maltego and explained my situation and they were kind enough to grant me extended access to the social media plug-in free of charge.
That is why it's called OSINT. It's Open Source. It's all publically available information. No difference then opening up a phone book and looking at everyone's phone numbers and addresses
....O....kay... so no connection between the three topics just... here's the topics? Maltego was the clickbate for "Here's how to pivot using Venmo to OSINT Facebook Associations"
we love OSINt content bro.
I have used Maltego in the past to learn about my stalker. I contacted Maltego and explained my situation and they were kind enough to grant me extended access to the social media plug-in free of charge.
you can drag and drop around maltego with a right click and hold/drag
This is why I never commented publicly before 2016, but nowadays I decided to make things easier for the private investigators/AI/CIA lol
Obituaries are gold mines for spouse names, kids, etc.
Love the content!
is it legal though ? just to pick websites..
That is why it's called OSINT. It's Open Source. It's all publically available information. No difference then opening up a phone book and looking at everyone's phone numbers and addresses
its called a link diagram
OSINT Content is love🖤
Was Lindsey convicted?
....O....kay... so no connection between the three topics just... here's the topics? Maltego was the clickbate for "Here's how to pivot using Venmo to OSINT Facebook Associations"
I'm sorry you found no value in this video.
Yea pretty disappointed
could you PLEASE get to the freaking discussion about Facebook OSINT. This is basically clickbait!!!!! You are not Sherlock Holmes, dude!