A laptop to fault find on a LED lantern that's a first for me, lol. These LEDs are horrible vile lights again. Politicians know what's best. World would be a better place if they weren't here that's gor sure! Love your Videos mate keep up the good work! ❤
Haha, yes exactly, the computer is definitely needed to read the program in the drivers and then transfer it to others! It just keeps getting more and more complicated. Thanks a lot, my friend! ❤️🫶
Yes i know.There were a few that had issues. Disconnecting the fixtures and then bringing them inside, well, that took ten minutes on-site, so it went smoothly. But sometimes we do take them inside and troubleshoot in the warehouse.
That's why LEDs are stupid because in 5 years they will show the first problems! the electronic ballast happened to be faulty, how old is this light fixture?
I really enjoyed this video, these new LED lights are very useful and versatile, great work friends 👋🏻😃.
Haha, thank you so much, buddy! 🫶😂❤️
As always, you are dedicated in your work. The other night I praised these lamps, and here's the problem, greetings. 😁
Haha, thanks 🙏. Yeah, but it's normal considering how many we replace. We have to expect a few issues.
@@Skyworkss Exactly, for such a large number of installed LED lamps, the percentage of failures is negligible.
A laptop to fault find on a LED lantern that's a first for me, lol. These LEDs are horrible vile lights again. Politicians know what's best. World would be a better place if they weren't here that's gor sure! Love your Videos mate keep up the good work! ❤
Haha, yes exactly, the computer is definitely needed to read the program in the drivers and then transfer it to others! It just keeps getting more and more complicated. Thanks a lot, my friend! ❤️🫶
Very interesting ballast🤔
what an absolute nightmare.
Can't the fixture be replaced in situ, and then any diagnostics and repair take place in the workshop?
Yes i know.There were a few that had issues. Disconnecting the fixtures and then bringing them inside, well, that took ten minutes on-site, so it went smoothly. But sometimes we do take them inside and troubleshoot in the warehouse.
Repairing LEDs is very tedious and time consuming.
Yes, it is, but unfortunately, it has to be done.
That's why LEDs are stupid because in 5 years they will show the first problems! the electronic ballast happened to be faulty, how old is this light fixture?
Yes, the electronic ballast was faulty, and we had to replace it. The fixture is newly installed. It has been in the warehouse for about a year.