Thank you so much for explaining about the care of Paphs in a way that a dunce like me can understand. I just adore Paphs, but I have only been able to get one of my 5 plants to re-bloom. I am very grateful to you, thank you.
This is a great discussion. This is reassurance that I'm doing well growing my paphs. Your plants are very impressive and look really healthy so any advice you give on paphs, I'm all ears 👂😊
Sorry for the delay in replying. Very pleased for you that your paphs are doing well and thankyou for your kind remarks regarding my plants. I'm fast running out of essential tips for phrags but if I dig to the back of my mind something will turn up....................probably brains!!!!! Ed.
Great no fuss straight up info. Absolutely loved it. I am out of pond baskets but ad soon as spring comes my paph is going out if spagnum moss perlite and small bark i to chunky bark small bark andd charcoal in a pond basket. I did not k ow they needed to dry fast. I keep mine soon as the spagnum looks dry-ish i water....oopw i so hope that i did not causes any damage... Ooo and ed im still slowly recuperating your orchids with a but of extra spagnum moss...and slowly i to my plant room... the leaves on the ainsworthii are sooo hard and dry and realy hated the cold so i mobed them from my hall way of 19 celsius to my living room 21 into my plant room amd i will repot tonight. I was so scared to shock them and kill them after bieng to cold... i think i smokes 5 sigarets before bed time after i e-mailed you wondering what to do best... I sterilized 2 rose pots good tall black pots and have everyting ready...just a few cup's of coffee and ill habe to start cracking its sint nicolas weekend its a saint the original santa and he arived in holland today and comes to town tomorrow so cheyenne is in all states of nerve and even in full helper outfit (they are called zwarte piet ) its a long story but it means holliday cookies presents and standing in the cold and rain to shake an actors hand and have my baby girl happy... 😁 but do you habe any tips for cold damadge leaves... the ones that turned crispy and hard or is it just keeping the roots happy and the new growts and wait till they grow out of it ? Im sooo sad and sorry and sooooooo happy i told my mother in law i got 2 orchids from the king of paphs and phrags and she looked at me like i truly gone i explained showed your videos and that you specialise in those 2 genera. I can still jump up and down and do a happy dance. Im very happy gratefull and just totaly in love with your hand written note. But i do have to ask to please email me your return adress so i can send a thank you card 😁 its on there i know but i like to be certain i send it to the right adress. I so ramble im nervous sorry im worried i muck up the repot... anyway ill start cracking break time is over. Ow yes sorry lol tha ks for teh video cant wait for the phrag one...
Stop worrying Rose the leaves of ainsworthii are not soft and pliable like the garren weaver. The only thing you need to do is pot them up in bark and perlite and a little sphagnum and some shell or limestone. You don't need to soak the bark as long as you give the plants a good watering for the next three days or so. Don't leave them in the sphagnum for a very long time --- it will tend to go acidicand counteract the calcium. There's no need to show any concern Rose. Have a good Sunday. Ed.
Eds Orchids thank you for the encouragement. I did not know that about the ainswortii. 🙈 Im shure (hope) they like the new rose pot and mix i made the calcium i have to get i used egg shels now 😁 but when i order from a nursery ill order some calcium soil amenments. Wishing you a grand day. Kind regards rose🌹
Eds Orchids hahaha ooo there is a video im just very sick atm having a stomach flu and its a mayor holliday so between sleep festivities and repotting no time for editing and youtube i try to reply to comments and thats it for the last few days. I have received a big box of bromeliads that took 2 weeks to get here from Florida that needed care to so im a bit overwelmed....but I'll post the video asap. Havent filmed the unboxing but did film the repot. In between all other things. Sorry for the delay 😅😇 hope your not insulted or dissapointed cuz i am realy happy and honored and wanted to do it right instead of rushing it... will do my best to get it up tonight. Kind regards rose 🌹
I never get disappointed with anything Rose -- you just do what and when you can, absolutely no pressure on you to do anything. Hope your tummy bug gets better soon. Ed.
Hi Ed hope you are having a good weekend. I learned a lot from this video. I think my paphs have been kept too wet. I will repot in orchiata and see how they do. Thanks so much for the very helpful video. I have 2 or 3 paphs and they don't do too much. Hopefully they will start to pick up.
As I said treat them as epiphytes and you wont have any problems especially if you give them around a 10c drop at night time. They will be fine in orchiata providing they are quite well grown and the grade of orchiata is not too small. The 9mm-14mm grade together with perlite will be just fine. Ed.
+Eds Orchids Thank you so much Ed. I have the medium grade Orchiata and I can add some perlite. It will be a relief if they start to pick up. Of course I will also need to see about my water quality. Thanks again and have a great day!
Ed, I have a question. You say you let the Paphs dry between watering. The American Orchid Society culture sheet says to keep the roots moist at all times, and to never let them dry. I'm confused. You have the most beautiful Phrag and Paphs that I have ever seen. Do you think it is the difference between weather in the USA and England? I wonder what to do.
Good morning Susan and thanks for the question. What I should have said was almost dry but they will stand total dryness for short periods of a day or two. But to be fair allow them to get almost dry before watering again. Things like Paphiopedilum fairrieanum - which I think is the most beautiful of all the paphs- have a dry period of around 4 months in the wild ( no rain ) but are subjected to high humidity all the time. I wouldn't think the weather differences between the two countries is relevant in this instance. Ed.
Hi. I was told that Paphs like their feet wet. Keep in a shallow saucer with a thin layer of water. In a forest under the dry top layer the leaf mulch it is always damp to wet. I am more confused to watering with your use of a warming sand table. But you did mention to water when ALMOST dry.
Hi. Phrags are the ones which like to be kept very wet with some growers standing them in water. I don't like doing this because phrags love their roots in ever changing water......that's why I water mine every two days ...... standing in water without changing it will eventually cause all kinds of problems. On the other hand Paphs like their roots to be kept damp.....wetness and standing in water will definitely cause complete root loss because you are depriving the roots of air. If possible always plant your Paphs in some kind of basket to make sure that they do receive air to their roots. The heated sand beds ( 20c ) always ensures that the roots are provided with a little heat which I have found helps them considerably in their development. These are only my opinions Angelo. Thankyou for the comment... Ed.
Eds Orchids Thank you Ed for the clarifications. I recently received half a dozen unlabeled Paphs and will have to wait for the blooms to try and find their names. Your help is greatly appreciated. Watching your videos and learning from you while seeing your beautiful orchids certainly brightens my day!!! BTW, I live in the Philippines. Still hunting for a philippinensis! Have a great day.
Hello Ed. I just purchased my first paph and I don't know a thing about them except that they have some beautiful leaves. Can they take hot temperatures? My environment is sub-tropical and very hot in the long summer months. I am keeping it outdoors in my screened in porch so it will receive a little bit of morning sun, but I am concerned about the heat. Thank you in advance. Have a great weekend.
Good morning Blanca. Your paph will take a good deal of heat but try to make sure the leaves don't get too warm or else they will stop growing. and give them plenty of air movement. The darker you keep the plant the more luscious the leaves will become -- but at the expense of the flowering. Ed.
Hello Ed concerning your added feed around top of your plant's, I'm wondering if I add Oyster crushed shell (powder) around my orchids? I thought give added Calcium but not really a feed as such and give say every 6 months or so? Just thought ask for your thoughts on the above. Best wishes Peter
Hi Peter I'm of the opinion that you cannot give too much calcium to your plants they will only take the amount they need for cell stimulation and growth. I've said before that calcium nitrate is the best for your plants because it is easily taken up by the roots ans also adds some nitrogen, Shell feeds tend to be too hard to give up the calcium need and there are a few discussions whether they do any good at all . Sorry I have never used powdered Oyster Shell but I would have thought it would get washed away when watering. Ed.
You wont be dissapointed with it. If you are using magnesium ( Epsom Salts) make sure you dissolve them seperately before adding together or else they will dissipate and form sludge. Make sure , whatever feed you use to keep the tds less than 200ppm and flush with pure water every third watering to get rid of excess salts. Ed.
Hi Ed! Great video! I like your thoughts that even paphs are epiphytes. With that in mind, you've covered the media and the feeding. My question is more on the flushing and any other waterings that don't contain fertilizer. Is your RO water at pH 7? My RO water is basic, probably due to the addition of ozone? It reads nearly 0 on the TDS meter so I add a pinch of citrate to lower the pH to at least a 7. Any thoughts on this? As always thank you for your valued feedback🙂
Hi. I don't fully understand what you mean by the addition of ozone. Once the water has passed through the RO unit everything will have been removed from the water and if your reading is 0ppm on the tds pen then you have pure unadulterated water. Is your RO unit relatively new? I ask this question because at 0ppm your reading on the pH meter should not be alkaline!! I would calibrate both your tds and pH pens. I wouldn't worry at all about your readings although it is always nice to know when your readings are correct. I would just flush the plants with the RO water on a regular basis without any additions. The worst things to do is to complicate things. My RO water pH is 6,8. Have a great week, Ed.
Hi Ed. I forgot to mention that my RO water is bought from a vendor that ozonates the water to keep it fresh. All bottled water regardless of source has ozone added to it to prevent bacterial growth. It is supposed to dissipate once the bottle is opened. I don't have an RO system in my house. Thanks for the info.
Hi Ed - Very good information. Do you do the blood fish and bone a couple of times a year on the paphs? As well as the calcium and phospate? Thank you.
Hi Valerie. No I don't use FB/B on the paphs because they have more sensitive roots and I don't want fert around them all the time --- another good reason for regular flushing with pure water. You can grow paphs without ever fertilizing but they do a little better with some feed, Ed.
Hi Ed, That is good to know. I give mine liquid feed 2 weeks a month, but will scale back to once a month. I have had a bit of trouble with rot in the roots and the crowns, so am much more conscious now about not overdoing it with the water too. Thank you for your very interesting and educational videos. with best wishes, Valerie
Good morning Valerie and thanks for the reply. To my mind flushing is probably more important than feeding providing you have a quick drying substrate, Ed.
My barbatum just came and it seem that the seller had cut the toppest leaf crown due to rotting/browning, now it just has 3 bottom not so very fine leaves either.. can I save it, Ed?
Good evening Witra. The only way you can almost be certain of saving it is to plant the barbatum in live moss. I would tell the dealer that you are not happy recieving an unsatisfactory plant and see what reply you get.......if you ever get an answer. So sorry I can't help you more but paphiopedilums are notorious for being difficult to revive. take care and thank you. i have just added to your subscribers, Ed
Hello again Melene. I try and use the same mix for all my plants providing I can get the ingredients that. are not always available in the UK. My preference for Paphiopedilums is a medium bark with perlite. Sphagnum is something I rarely use but if you want to add a little chopped up sphagnum to the mix that would make sure dampness was always present. It is very important to have a media that is quick drying which will make sure that the roots are getting enough air.....thanks again and take care, Ed.
Hi tina. Couldn't tell you how much per litre I just use a 2 gallon bucket put the stuff in and measure with the tds meter until it's around 180ppm. Hope this help Have a good Sunday, Ed.
Boring! this doesn't help at all, firstly no actual video, don't understand a word he said, just talk and no demonstration e.g. potting mix, how to water, fertilise etc.
Sorry you found it boring.regarding the speech I come from the north of England where the accent is totally different from the South. This video is over one year old and if you look you can find everything you need to know on my other videos........but I'll not guarantee you will understand!!! Thanks for taking a look anyhow. Ed.
Thanks for this informative video! Oh, and you too have a Lady Isabel? Great, then I get to see some blooms of my namesake orchid, because mine, although growing well, is still years off blooming.
Hello again and so nice to hear from you. My Lady Isobel was bought about three years ago as a half grown plant .Last year it spiked but before the blooms opened I had knocked and broken the spike -- it happens to us all!!! You will find that once your plant starts to show a new growth it will grow very quickly and multiply at a very rapid pace. take care and have a good week, Ed.
Very interesting video, i always enjoying your videos and talk ED.
Thank you so much knowing orchidists enjoy the videos makes everything worthwhile.
I always love peeking into your grow room. Thanks.
And a big thankyou to you for watching Kyra.
Thank you so much for explaining about the care of Paphs in a way that a dunce like me can understand. I just adore Paphs, but I have only been able to get one of my 5 plants to re-bloom. I am very grateful to you, thank you.
I am so pleased that I have been able to help you Marie-Michelle and thank you for taking a look at my channel.
I like the way you broke it down into clear parts. Great information Ed !
Thankyou William your feedback is always welcome. How are your Multis getting on?
Ed, great information, they are now doing great here in Southern California.
That's the type of news I like to hear Joe.... thank you.
Very good information. Thanks 😊
You're very welcome Nature and the pleasure for me is giving as much information as I can. Have a good weekend.
This is a great discussion. This is reassurance that I'm doing well growing my paphs. Your plants are very impressive and look really healthy so any advice you give on paphs, I'm all ears 👂😊
Sorry for the delay in replying. Very pleased for you that your paphs are doing well and thankyou for your kind remarks regarding my plants. I'm fast running out of essential tips for phrags but if I dig to the back of my mind something will turn up....................probably brains!!!!!
Great no fuss straight up info. Absolutely loved it. I am out of pond baskets but ad soon as spring comes my paph is going out if spagnum moss perlite and small bark i to chunky bark small bark andd charcoal in a pond basket. I did not k ow they needed to dry fast. I keep mine soon as the spagnum looks dry-ish i water....oopw i so hope that i did not causes any damage...
Ooo and ed im still slowly recuperating your orchids with a but of extra spagnum moss...and slowly i to my plant room... the leaves on the ainsworthii are sooo hard and dry and realy hated the cold so i mobed them from my hall way of 19 celsius to my living room 21 into my plant room amd i will repot tonight. I was so scared to shock them and kill them after bieng to cold... i think i smokes 5 sigarets before bed time after i e-mailed you wondering what to do best...
I sterilized 2 rose pots good tall black pots and have everyting ready...just a few cup's of coffee and ill habe to start cracking its sint nicolas weekend its a saint the original santa and he arived in holland today and comes to town tomorrow so cheyenne is in all states of nerve and even in full helper outfit (they are called zwarte piet ) its a long story but it means holliday cookies presents and standing in the cold and rain to shake an actors hand and have my baby girl happy... 😁 but do you habe any tips for cold damadge leaves... the ones that turned crispy and hard or is it just keeping the roots happy and the new growts and wait till they grow out of it ? Im sooo sad and sorry and sooooooo happy i told my mother in law i got 2 orchids from the king of paphs and phrags and she looked at me like i truly gone i explained showed your videos and that you specialise in those 2 genera. I can still jump up and down and do a happy dance. Im very happy gratefull and just totaly in love with your hand written note. But i do have to ask to please email me your return adress so i can send a thank you card 😁 its on there i know but i like to be certain i send it to the right adress.
I so ramble im nervous sorry im worried i muck up the repot... anyway ill start cracking break time is over.
Ow yes sorry lol tha ks for teh video cant wait for the phrag one...
Stop worrying Rose the leaves of ainsworthii are not soft and pliable like the garren weaver. The only thing you need to do is pot them up in bark and perlite and a little sphagnum and some shell or limestone. You don't need to soak the bark as long as you give the plants a good watering for the next three days or so.
Don't leave them in the sphagnum for a very long time --- it will tend to go acidicand counteract the calcium.
There's no need to show any concern Rose.
Have a good Sunday.
Eds Orchids thank you for the encouragement. I did not know that about the ainswortii. 🙈
Im shure (hope) they like the new rose pot and mix i made the calcium i have to get i used egg shels now 😁 but when i order from a nursery ill order some calcium soil amenments.
Wishing you a grand day. Kind regards rose🌹
OK Rose ===== what no video??
Take care,
Eds Orchids hahaha ooo there is a video im just very sick atm having a stomach flu and its a mayor holliday so between sleep festivities and repotting no time for editing and youtube i try to reply to comments and thats it for the last few days. I have received a big box of bromeliads that took 2 weeks to get here from Florida that needed care to so im a bit overwelmed....but I'll post the video asap. Havent filmed the unboxing but did film the repot. In between all other things. Sorry for the delay 😅😇 hope your not insulted or dissapointed cuz i am realy happy and honored and wanted to do it right instead of rushing it... will do my best to get it up tonight.
Kind regards rose 🌹
I never get disappointed with anything Rose -- you just do what and when you can, absolutely no pressure on you to do anything. Hope your tummy bug gets better soon.
I love Paphiopedilums!!! Yours are beautiful!!!
Thank you Terry --- do you grow Paphs?? have a great day,
Hi Ed hope you are having a good weekend. I learned a lot from this video. I think my paphs have been kept too wet. I will repot in orchiata and see how they do. Thanks so much for the very helpful video. I have 2 or 3 paphs and they don't do too much. Hopefully they will start to pick up.
As I said treat them as epiphytes and you wont have any problems especially if you give them around a 10c drop at night time. They will be fine in orchiata providing they are quite well grown and the grade of orchiata is not too small. The 9mm-14mm grade together with perlite will be just fine.
+Eds Orchids Thank you so much Ed. I have the medium grade Orchiata and I can add some perlite. It will be a relief if they start to pick up. Of course I will also need to see about my water quality. Thanks again and have a great day!
Ed, I have a question. You say you let the Paphs dry between watering. The American Orchid Society culture sheet says to keep the roots moist at all times, and to never let them dry. I'm confused. You have the most beautiful Phrag and Paphs that I have ever seen. Do you think it is the difference between weather in the USA and England? I wonder what to do.
Good morning Susan and thanks for the question. What I should have said was almost dry but they will stand total dryness for short periods of a day or two. But to be fair allow them to get almost dry before watering again. Things like Paphiopedilum fairrieanum - which I think is the most beautiful of all the paphs-
have a dry period of around 4 months in the wild ( no rain ) but are subjected to
high humidity all the time. I wouldn't think the weather differences between the two countries is relevant in this instance.
Thank you Ed. Appreciate your answer.
great video. Your's are always so educational. Thank you ♥
Thank you Orchid Queen, glad you could find a little info in the video -- I try to put into them as much as I can remember!!!!
Have a great week,
Hi. I was told that Paphs like their feet wet. Keep in a shallow saucer with a thin layer of water. In a forest under the dry top layer the leaf mulch it is always damp to wet. I am more confused to watering with your use of a warming sand table. But you did mention to water when ALMOST dry.
Hi. Phrags are the ones which like to be kept very wet with some growers standing them in water. I don't like doing this because phrags love their roots in ever changing water......that's why I water mine every two days ...... standing in water without changing it will eventually cause all kinds of problems. On the other hand Paphs like their roots to be kept damp.....wetness and standing in water will definitely cause complete root loss because you are depriving the roots of air. If possible always plant your Paphs in some kind of basket to make sure that they do receive air to their roots. The heated sand beds ( 20c ) always ensures that the roots are provided with a little heat which I have found helps them considerably in their development. These are only my opinions Angelo.
Thankyou for the comment...
Eds Orchids Thank you Ed for the clarifications. I recently received half a dozen unlabeled Paphs and will have to wait for the blooms to try and find their names. Your help is greatly appreciated. Watching your videos and learning from you while seeing your beautiful orchids certainly brightens my day!!! BTW, I live in the Philippines. Still hunting for a philippinensis! Have a great day.
Hello Ed. I just purchased my first paph and I don't know a thing about them except that they have some beautiful leaves. Can they take hot temperatures? My environment is sub-tropical and very hot in the long summer months. I am keeping it outdoors in my screened in porch so it will receive a little bit of morning sun, but I am concerned about the heat. Thank you in advance. Have a great weekend.
Good morning Blanca. Your paph will take a good deal of heat but try to make sure the leaves don't get too warm or else they will stop growing. and give them plenty of air movement. The darker you keep the plant the more luscious the leaves will become -- but at the expense of the flowering.
Hello Ed concerning your added feed around top of your plant's, I'm wondering if I add Oyster crushed shell (powder) around my orchids? I thought give added Calcium but not really a feed as such and give say every 6 months or so? Just thought ask for your thoughts on the above. Best wishes Peter
Hi Peter I'm of the opinion that you cannot give too much calcium to your plants they will only take the amount they need for cell stimulation and growth. I've said before that calcium nitrate is the best for your plants because it is easily taken up by the roots ans also adds some nitrogen, Shell feeds tend to be too hard to give up the calcium need and there are a few discussions whether they do any good at all . Sorry I have never used powdered Oyster Shell but I would have thought it would get washed away when watering.
Eds Orchids Thank you for advice, I've ordered some Calcium Nitrate today to give it a go. Best wishes Peter
You wont be dissapointed with it. If you are using magnesium ( Epsom Salts) make sure you dissolve them seperately before adding together or else they will dissipate and form sludge. Make sure , whatever feed you use to keep the tds less than 200ppm and flush with pure water every third watering to get rid of excess salts.
very informative video, Thank you
Hi Denise. So pleased that you can get a little information from the videos and I hope it helps you to grow more slippers successfully.
Hi Ed! Great video! I like your thoughts that even paphs are epiphytes. With that in mind, you've covered the media and the feeding. My question is more on the flushing and any other waterings that don't contain fertilizer. Is your RO water at pH 7? My RO water is basic, probably due to the addition of ozone? It reads nearly 0 on the TDS meter so I add a pinch of citrate to lower the pH to at least a 7. Any thoughts on this?
As always thank you for your valued feedback🙂
Hi. I don't fully understand what you mean by the addition of ozone. Once the water has passed through the RO unit everything will have been removed from the water and if your reading is 0ppm on the tds pen then you have pure unadulterated water. Is your RO unit relatively new? I ask this question because at 0ppm your reading on the pH meter should not be alkaline!! I would calibrate both your tds and pH pens. I wouldn't worry at all about your readings although it is always nice to know when your readings are correct. I would just flush the plants with the RO water on a regular basis without any additions. The worst things to do is to complicate things. My RO water pH is 6,8.
Have a great week,
Hi Ed. I forgot to mention that my RO water is bought from a vendor that ozonates the water to keep it fresh. All bottled water regardless of source has ozone added to it to prevent bacterial growth. It is supposed to dissipate once the bottle is opened. I don't have an RO system in my house.
Thanks for the info.
Didn't know you bought the RO water. It looks like you have to give it a good agitation before using. Thanks for coming back to me.
Hi Ed - Very good information. Do you do the blood fish and bone a couple of times a year on the paphs? As well as the calcium and phospate? Thank you.
Hi Valerie. No I don't use FB/B on the paphs because they have more sensitive roots and I don't want fert around them all the time --- another good reason for regular flushing with pure water. You can grow paphs without ever fertilizing but they do a little better with some feed,
Hi Ed, That is good to know. I give mine liquid feed 2 weeks a month, but will scale back to once a month. I have had a bit of trouble with rot in the roots and the crowns, so am much more conscious now about not overdoing it with the water too. Thank you for your very interesting and educational videos. with best wishes, Valerie
Good morning Valerie and thanks for the reply. To my mind flushing is probably more important than feeding providing you have a quick drying substrate,
My barbatum just came and it seem that the seller had cut the toppest leaf crown due to rotting/browning, now it just has 3 bottom not so very fine leaves either.. can I save it, Ed?
Good evening Witra. The only way you can almost be certain of saving it is to plant the barbatum in live moss. I would tell the dealer that you are not happy recieving an unsatisfactory plant and see what reply you get.......if you ever get an answer. So sorry I can't help you more but paphiopedilums are notorious for being difficult to revive. take care and thank you. i have just added to your subscribers,
@@EdsOrchids thank you Ed.. I really appreciate it..
What medium mix are you using please ?
Hello again Melene. I try and use the same mix for all my plants providing I can get the ingredients that. are not always available in the UK. My preference for Paphiopedilums is a medium bark with perlite. Sphagnum is something I rarely use but if you want to add a little chopped up sphagnum to the mix that would make sure dampness was always present. It is very important to have a media that is quick drying
which will make sure that the roots are getting enough air.....thanks again and take care,
We enjoyed that Ed😊
Thanks Vince.
Cheers Jens...thank you.
Interesting video Ed
How much phostrogen and tomatoe food to Litres of water?
Hi tina. Couldn't tell you how much per litre I just use a 2 gallon bucket put the stuff in and measure with the tds meter until it's around 180ppm. Hope this help
Have a good Sunday,
I really should get a tds meter?
Boring! this doesn't help at all, firstly no actual video, don't understand a word he said, just talk and no demonstration e.g. potting mix, how to water, fertilise etc.
Sorry you found it boring.regarding the speech I come from the north of England where the accent is totally different from the South. This video is over one year old and if you look you can find everything you need to know on my other videos........but I'll not guarantee you will understand!!!
Thanks for taking a look anyhow.
Thanks for this informative video! Oh, and you too have a Lady Isabel? Great, then I get to see some blooms of my namesake orchid, because mine, although growing well, is still years off blooming.
Hello again and so nice to hear from you. My Lady Isobel was bought about three years ago as a half grown plant .Last year it spiked but before the blooms opened I had knocked and broken the spike -- it happens to us all!!! You will find that once your plant starts to show a new growth it will grow very quickly and multiply at a very rapid pace.
take care and have a good week,