Forecasting - Exponential Smoothing

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @shilpichaudhary802
    @shilpichaudhary802 9 років тому +2

    hats off to u sir.........itna ache se aj tak kise b teacher ne 20yrs mien nai padhaya ...thanks a lot

  • @ryankarran3863
    @ryankarran3863 8 років тому +17

    This guy is amazing, I found his capacity in teaching very effective.

  • @xavierhicks9008
    @xavierhicks9008 4 роки тому +2

    OMG Thank you!!!!! My professor can't explain this in a simple way. I spent 3hours last night trying to understand this based on his teaching. 15mins of your video and it's simple

  • @lizramos1084
    @lizramos1084 5 років тому +2

    The way you explained the actual formula was great. It really helped me understand it. Thanks

  • @tylerx8848
    @tylerx8848 3 роки тому

    This helped me so much more than the book and the over-complicated way they explain variables. Thank you, Professor!

  • @harunajaafar9754
    @harunajaafar9754 6 років тому

    Thanks for the lecturers for dedicating themselves to give these educating lectures.

  • @sandrapuig9034
    @sandrapuig9034 9 років тому +5

    The tutorial is great. I'm doing a Revenue Management project and I'm studying Pick up and Exponential Smoothing Forecasting, your video was really useful, thanks a lot!

  • @AldosWorldTV
    @AldosWorldTV 8 років тому +11

    You're a fucking legend bruh

  • @xhenihoxha7093
    @xhenihoxha7093 Рік тому

    THIS IS IS THE BEST EXPLANATION EVERRRRRR🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 thank youuu so much!!!!!

  • @maxwellbenjamin7958
    @maxwellbenjamin7958 9 років тому

    It seemed extremely complicated until you explained it. You're the man!! Many thanks from Alabama!!

  • @tiffanyestrada8000
    @tiffanyestrada8000 9 років тому +5

    You taught very simply, and it made me learn this so easily. Thank you!

  • @francisluwe1635
    @francisluwe1635 3 роки тому

    You are a fantastic teacher well explained and straight to the point 👌 just amazing

  • @RashidAli800
    @RashidAli800 8 років тому +2

    Very informative and easy to understand: thanks a lot for sharing knowledge.

  • @leog9079
    @leog9079 7 років тому +3

    Wow... how the hell did 16 people dislike this??? This was perfectly explained!

    • @shiandadam
      @shiandadam 6 років тому +1

      Leo Gatz simply because they don't get it, that's why all they can response is unliking it..

  • @bbadm7662
    @bbadm7662 8 років тому

    Really helped me a lot for my exams hope I can perform better. Thanks for uploading the video.

  • @discover_zanzibar400
    @discover_zanzibar400 5 років тому

    Nice i have understood very very much... May Allah bless you for this good tutorial sir 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @karalindstrom7729
    @karalindstrom7729 9 років тому

    OMG. Thank you so much. My textbook didn't teach me at all but my test asked about it O.o This has saved me

  • @lm5050
    @lm5050 8 років тому +3

    very helpful! I wish my masters level lecturer was half as good at explaining things as you. I hope you make more videos someday.

  • @meowmeowsd
    @meowmeowsd 6 років тому

    Thanks for breaking it down completely!!!

  • @angelicaalfon6799
    @angelicaalfon6799 5 років тому +1

    Very helpful. Well explained. Thank you so much

  • @vinitandhari
    @vinitandhari 9 років тому +6

    Most simple way of explain....Help to understand in details..Thanks for Video.

  • @Talia_IceCreamPaints
    @Talia_IceCreamPaints 9 років тому

    This is excellent! Thanks from California. :)

  • @retiredgamer2388
    @retiredgamer2388 Рік тому

    I taught I would never understand this thank you professor

  • @sujeetsuryawanshi7816
    @sujeetsuryawanshi7816 7 років тому

    Cool.. Very nicely explained...

  • @wazeefanazim9005
    @wazeefanazim9005 8 років тому

    Ur very good! keep on making more videos ...u have helped me tons ..Thank you

  • @admujkic
    @admujkic 4 роки тому

    Thanks romriodemarco, great video. Please could you explain what is smoothing constant?

  • @margomcclintock2595
    @margomcclintock2595 4 роки тому

    Excellent explanation.

  • @uniblacks
    @uniblacks 11 років тому +1

    Great explanation.

  • @kelseylmarin1
    @kelseylmarin1 6 років тому

    Thank you so much! I was lost until I saw this!

  • @WheeheeXDD
    @WheeheeXDD 9 років тому +2

    Thank you for posting! Really appreciate the explanation :)

  • @adamsherif6473
    @adamsherif6473 3 роки тому

    man you are good . keep the good work

  • @katusza4958
    @katusza4958 2 роки тому +1

    Hi there. Can we calculate week 17 if we dont have At-1? If so, how can I do it?

  • @aaryanjain5458
    @aaryanjain5458 4 роки тому

    Amazingly explained !! Thank You :)

  • @justinfavour2879
    @justinfavour2879 8 років тому

    Thanks ,Very easy to understand , please post more of your videos

  • @rebeccabambusch8121
    @rebeccabambusch8121 7 років тому

    Thank you so much! This helped me a ton and I'm so grateful!

  • @hamzaather4188
    @hamzaather4188 7 років тому

    Excellent teaching !thank u sir👍🏻

  • @hanifahdjibran443
    @hanifahdjibran443 8 років тому

    Such a great explanation
    Thank you from Indonesia

  • @ahmadzuhdi2210
    @ahmadzuhdi2210 3 роки тому

    This is really help. Thank you

  • @sethephraimtetteh-quaye8508
    @sethephraimtetteh-quaye8508 4 роки тому

    great tutorial. i'm impressed .

  • @its_stardust
    @its_stardust 10 років тому

    Definitely helped me understand better. Thanks!

  • @marvin5075
    @marvin5075 5 років тому +1

    You amazing, thank you very much

  • @melakkush
    @melakkush 9 років тому

    Thanks for the detailed explanation, but why not use Excel?) I wonder what year this video was shot :)

  • @piggyback131
    @piggyback131 8 років тому

    god damn. one hell of a prof

  • @kingedoftheworld
    @kingedoftheworld 7 років тому

    thank you very much! Good video! UA-cam gets me through college.

  • @gabroo23
    @gabroo23 11 років тому +1

    This video was really helpful! Thanks

  • @Lizziepoo12
    @Lizziepoo12 11 років тому +1

    Thank you!!!! I agree, it was very helpful! Awesome!

  • @aaditya-s
    @aaditya-s 8 років тому +4

    thanx BIG time,,,,2marrow is my xam

    • @zthweee
      @zthweee 7 років тому

      ys vary tnx

  • @boonasser000
    @boonasser000 10 років тому +2

    its so helpfull ..thanks alot

  • @jeanquinay4793
    @jeanquinay4793 8 років тому

    I'm here for the explanation. like what would happen if a chose an alpha near to 0, or near to 1? Thanks for the video anyway

  • @marykaygems2544
    @marykaygems2544 7 років тому +4

    Where was you when I had this test!! Ugh

  • @jazleen578
    @jazleen578 9 років тому +1

    thanks for your help! this helped me a lot

  • @ellachioma8779
    @ellachioma8779 3 роки тому

    But in a situation where you are ask to find for Jan - June, and they gave us actual forecast for Dec and forecast for Dec,pls how can will solve it

  • @nimajneb02
    @nimajneb02 9 років тому

    Thanks for this. Very Helpful

  • @thaibinhpro
    @thaibinhpro 6 років тому

    this method can calculate for long-term next months ? or just next month ?
    i want to make forecast for next 12 months, how can I do?

  • @Bilh254
    @Bilh254 6 років тому

    Man you are awesome, thank you

  • @ellachioma8779
    @ellachioma8779 3 роки тому

    Thank you for the lecture

  • @mauriciosaez9561
    @mauriciosaez9561 6 років тому

    thanks, can u show us how can be calculate alpha and betha?

  • @d2alma265
    @d2alma265 9 років тому

    How to get the smoothing constant? Thanks.

  • @raghusingh3649
    @raghusingh3649 4 роки тому

    How do we get alpha, which is constant percentage?

  • @kevinchristian9490
    @kevinchristian9490 8 років тому +1

    Nice to hear a Caribbean accent- Trinidad

  • @pratikmaurya2923
    @pratikmaurya2923 5 років тому

    Sir absolute and forcast is same thing?

  • @yaniquebrown87
    @yaniquebrown87 9 років тому

    Thumbs up! Very helpful

  • @NirmalKumar-xq5es
    @NirmalKumar-xq5es 8 років тому

    Can you explain how to fix and calculate the apha value from 0 to 1

  • @khanyambele5637
    @khanyambele5637 6 років тому

    thanks a lot. This hgas been very helpful

  • @najmuddinnajs8417
    @najmuddinnajs8417 5 років тому

    Thank you so much your awesome

  • @heesuseon7782
    @heesuseon7782 8 років тому

    Thanks a million really helpful

  • @gloriachin9392
    @gloriachin9392 7 років тому

    Thank you. Its help a lot

  • @reecediary
    @reecediary 10 років тому

    very helpful for me. thank you very much.

  • @washikiryu
    @washikiryu 10 років тому

    is there a formula where you get ft16 directly?

    • @shmeare
      @shmeare 10 років тому

      yeh!.... we want one!

    • @tsetenyoudon3336
      @tsetenyoudon3336 10 років тому

      I don't think so.. we need the value of f15 to find f16, so we have to find f15..

    • @samuelhsfc
      @samuelhsfc 9 років тому

      use excel mate

  • @mani74uk
    @mani74uk 4 роки тому

    Exponential smoothing formula = Ft+1= Alpha (At)+(1-Alpha)Ft , where At = the actual value at period t, t is the most recent time period, Alpha = the smoothing constant, Ft= the forecast for the period. This formula is used in CMA for forecasting Sales for next period.

    • @vsadha5241
      @vsadha5241 2 роки тому

      sir how to find peak sales and. low sales period during a year

  • @AnkushKumar-hn6yk
    @AnkushKumar-hn6yk 6 років тому

    nice sir

  • @comfortkabanshi5048
    @comfortkabanshi5048 Рік тому

    Thank you 😊

  • @tantruongkhanh1312
    @tantruongkhanh1312 9 років тому

    thank alot, from vietnam

  • @1134cat
    @1134cat 3 роки тому

    intro music goes hard

  • @dgorrr1690
    @dgorrr1690 8 років тому

    very helpful

  • @emss_55
    @emss_55 10 років тому

    Thank You!

  • @priyankasinha2686
    @priyankasinha2686 6 років тому

    sir how could be found error

  • @rsingh6700
    @rsingh6700 8 років тому +1

    i love you...I mean thanks!!!

  • @degigerel6286
    @degigerel6286 6 років тому

    how i can calculate alpha from my data ?

    • @shubamsingh8541
      @shubamsingh8541 6 років тому

      The value of alpha will be given in question. It may be 0.3 or 0.5 or anything else.

  • @thevinduhapuarachchi8084
    @thevinduhapuarachchi8084 2 роки тому


  • @aziemahzainal2683
    @aziemahzainal2683 8 років тому

    Thank you so much

  • @FaerieDogs
    @FaerieDogs 9 років тому

    Thank you.

  • @ANKITGUPTA-db9ov
    @ANKITGUPTA-db9ov 7 років тому

    Thank a lot sir

  • @shubhammittal1987
    @shubhammittal1987 7 років тому

    very helpful tysm

  • @donkorfoster3037
    @donkorfoster3037 9 років тому

    rely makes me understand it more

  • @Effesianable
    @Effesianable 9 років тому +3

    Thanks for explaining this to the world, but you could really have done it in half the time ;-)

  • @bittusingh1555
    @bittusingh1555 6 років тому


  • @sudiptasaha465
    @sudiptasaha465 9 років тому

    thank you

    @MDASADUZZAMANNURndbatch 10 років тому


  • @mohamedval6093
    @mohamedval6093 9 років тому


  • @ssatyams
    @ssatyams 9 років тому

    why to make the things comlicated simply write F(n+1)=D@n+(1-@)Fn

  • @daryllvelez7994
    @daryllvelez7994 7 років тому

    Thank you. You saved me. Hahaha

  • @saynaislamdibasaynaislamdi8875
    @saynaislamdibasaynaislamdi8875 3 роки тому

    Tnq u

  • @bdgakamvdje9682
    @bdgakamvdje9682 8 років тому

    thank you :-)

  • @zenapsgas
    @zenapsgas 7 років тому

    Exams in 2 hours, thx.

  • @hanfeichen8249
    @hanfeichen8249 6 років тому


  • @vincentayaga202
    @vincentayaga202 6 років тому

    The video loads too much and doesnt open

  • @noorussaba5724
    @noorussaba5724 4 роки тому


  • @AmbrishKumarAJE
    @AmbrishKumarAJE 8 років тому


  • @Kidkromechan
    @Kidkromechan 6 років тому +3

    Jamaican kind of accent

    • @Baddycoda
      @Baddycoda 4 роки тому

      Bajan....from barbados