Forecasting Techniques: Trend-Corrected Exponential Smoothing Method (Holt's Method)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @katerynashvadchyna1270
    @katerynashvadchyna1270 2 роки тому

    Thanks, I really need the modification of Holt-Winters without seasonality but with trend.

  • @ZafarIqbalKhan
    @ZafarIqbalKhan 7 років тому +1

    Thanks a lot for elaborations... it was extremely helpful

  • @lachezardinchev2217
    @lachezardinchev2217 4 роки тому

    Thank you sooo much for your explanation!

  • @lushG678
    @lushG678 3 роки тому

    You're a God, thank you

  • @syednazirhussain158
    @syednazirhussain158 4 роки тому

    Highly appreciated...

  • @louiefrancisco501
    @louiefrancisco501 4 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing ideas

  • @meagain919
    @meagain919 8 років тому

    Thnx dude needed some refreashness on this topic

  • @thagoonlprusiriyodlpru4174
    @thagoonlprusiriyodlpru4174 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much

  • @josueclimaco495
    @josueclimaco495 7 років тому

    Great Explanation, thank you.

  • @kikznap
    @kikznap 7 років тому

    Thanks for the video. Very helpful for me

  • @doubleDj20
    @doubleDj20 6 років тому +2

    that was a sick video

  • @corndogs68
    @corndogs68 5 років тому

    Fantastic video. Are you at all concerned that solver may overfit your model?

  • @ardanyaman
    @ardanyaman 7 років тому

    hocam çok açıklayıcı olmuş. teşekkürler

  • @Guilopes99
    @Guilopes99 4 роки тому

    Thank you very much! Would this give me equal results as with the forecats tool in excel? Or that one is not trend corrected?

  • @ヨウ-i6k
    @ヨウ-i6k 6 років тому

    Thank you very much for your great video! A little question though: by MAD, do you mean MAE? cz I think MAD is short for Median absolute deviation, which is calculated as median(|Xi-median(X)|).

  • @mounisaisiddarthamiddela2199
    @mounisaisiddarthamiddela2199 8 років тому

    That was very helpful.. but I guess you need to input MAPE for better Alpha and Beta values ... Thank you

  • @girishvishnubhotla6478
    @girishvishnubhotla6478 7 років тому

    Good tutorial ... thank you

  • @harishtaletia5020
    @harishtaletia5020 8 років тому

    is double expo or holt winter is same method ?

  • @mata300147
    @mata300147 4 роки тому

    thanks you

  • @sandisiwenotununu2837
    @sandisiwenotununu2837 6 років тому

    is it possible for the value of the trend to be negative?

    • @doubleDj20
      @doubleDj20 6 років тому

      i'm not entirely sure but i feel like it probably would be possible because sales could technically be going down if that's what the data said.

  • @shifalisachdeva6125
    @shifalisachdeva6125 8 років тому

    which excel software is this?
    I cant find solve parameter in my excel

    • @epiNoesis
      @epiNoesis 8 років тому

      Google search: "how to enable excel solver"

  • @giangdinh4698
    @giangdinh4698 8 років тому

    to measure error, I thought I should be: error= actual demand - forecast?

    • @meagain919
      @meagain919 8 років тому

      +giang dinh yes, but once u square or take the abs it dont matter

  • @amicableanurag
    @amicableanurag 8 років тому

    very bad video quality, not even able to complete the video :(

  • @iamtamasmiko
    @iamtamasmiko 5 років тому

    Alpha must be higher, than Beta...