Tortured by Deadly Dangerous MJ Peterson and Amherst, NY Police

  • Опубліковано 9 лип 2024
  • This video was posted against the advice of my awesome lawyer. It is for relief of the overwhelming stress because of MJ Peterson's retaliation against me.
    This place has a very dangerous mix of mentally ill tenants that get completely innocent tenants in serious trouble especially if they are a MJ Peterson target as i am for sure. The managers and conditions in the building are much worse since i moved here in 2005. I have invested many hours in fixing up my apartment the way i like it so instead of moving i have taken to exposing the horrendous treatment from MJ Peterson. I have written brutally honest reviews and put a video on youtube and sued them in small claims court when their incompetent superintendent splattered sign post paint on my black car. MJ Peterson doesn't like it when what they consider a lowlife fights back like i do so when 2 mentally ill tenants got into a fight and a one blamed me for notes he got MJ Peterson jumped on the opportunity to get the help of the Amherst Police and target me. The person down the hall got into a fight with a tenant who loses his temper all the time and then leaves mean notes at their door. Despite many requests for MJ Peterson security camera video it was never used in my defense with the help of the police.
    The Amherst PD lied on their police report and the chief knew it so he denied there was any body cam video.
    This is the complete lie MJ Peterson sent to CGI who is a HUD contractor. Now i am being accused of stalking every time a tenant sees me on the property where i live. I made this statement right before i did a tenant who is harassing me walked out of the building with a couple who is helping that person harass me. I'm accused of stalking even when i am at a place before the accuser and even when i had a appointment. The Amherst Police say they would have to have proof to arrest me for stalking someone but they didn't have any problem charging me for leaving mean notes when a person that had, i'm sure had lots of fake welfare calls, could get me tortured for months based on his statement alone, which has now been exposed as a lie, Not A Mistake! There was around 100 fake calls in only around a year but then they tried to blame them on someone else. I sure would like to know what his facebook page meant by saying, "After multiple years of trying to get Amherst Police to acknowledge me, it finally paid off". There was another sentence that is inappropriate to repeat. I sure would like to know what he wants to be acknowledged for but i guess he got his wish because they used him to harass me as much as they could and now i am a target of them and MJ Peterson.
    This is how MJ Peterson responded to HUD building management contractor, CGI, when i complained to CGI about MJ Peterson not giving the Amherst Police their security camera video that would have proved the frequent fake welfare caller had just lied again to give Amherst PD a excuse to railroad me for their neighbor MJ Peterson.
    Good morning,
    CGI is the HUD Contract Administrator for Pepper Tree Heights and is responsible for responding to resident concerns. CGI received an email from the complainant alleging false arrest and feeling unsafe on the property.
    CGI reported allegations to Tamara Fowlston, director of Affordable Housing who provided the following information, "Mr. Golembeski has had an on-going problem with a neighbor on his floor. He has received lease violations for threatening his neighbor, saying he was going to shoot him with his gun. After the most recent threat, the neighbor called the police who came and took a shotgun from Mr. Golembeski's unit and arrested him. Prior to Mr. Golembeski lodging this complaint, the Property Manager had prepared a lease termination for our attorney to review prior to
    service on Mr. Golembeski. There are cameras that record the building entry door and the elevators. I am not sure what other cameras he is referring to and at no time did he approach the Manager or the Corporate Office about a need to "protect the video" from 5/22/23. As to false accusations and false arrest by the Amherst Police Dept, that is between Mr. Golembeski and the APD and Erie County District Attorney's Office."
    Please contact your management for questions or concerns regarding their response. Management has provided copies of lease violations, police and incident reports and 90 termination notice. Based off the documents provided by management, management is acting within HUD rules and regulations as stated in the HUD handbook 4350.3. CGI is closing this inquiry, as CGI is unable to get involved in legal matters and the allegations presented require a judges order for resolution.
    Nicole Robinson
    Customer Relations Supervisor
    Sent: Monday, July 17, 2023 12:25 PM
    Subject: Pepper Tree Heights (CGI Inquiry #607971) Response to Re: Pepper Tree Heights FW: INQ 2 6/25 HUD Subsidized housing building in Amherst, NY should be shut down