Let’s be honest. Christians are really sad and lame individuals. Christ himself had a genius level IQ and had knowledge and fire of living and understanding which knew very few boundaries. There is about 0.000000000001 percent who actually care who Christ was and is, and if you think he doesn’t know this, your wrong!
@@pixelfan4354 That is true, of course, and many times pointed out. But so what? Just because the Mormons said it doesn't make it false (ad hominem). Not to mention, that Jesus did say “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Mt 5:17). I say this btw not as a fan of Mormonism (to put it mildly), nor of The Chosen. But our criticisms should be meaningful, not superficial, lest we merely become modern day Pharisees.
@Jesusistheonlywaay Only the Bible in the original languages is the concentrated form. Read that for your concentrate. Be quiet and allow others to enjoy The Chosen TV show. No one ever called The Chosen a Bible.
@marilynsheppard4778 Therefore, you may read your Bible. Jesus in essence said those who are doing good like healing others do not stop them. Leave The Chosen alone.
@bethfrench5184 The Holy Spirit would not tell you to watch a show that tells lies about the Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit glorifies the Lord Jesus. God's own words are what should bring you closer to Jesus, not a tv show. God has revealed Himself to us through the Bible. Everything we need to know about Jesus is in Scripture. What do you think God thinks of this show? Think of it this way, think of someone you admire in your life, whether family member, celebrity or whoever. And that person wrote a biography and then someone decided to take that biography and make a tv show or movie about it but they just added all kinds of things that weren't true. You would lose who the person really is. SO much more so for the God of all creation! The Chosen is tickling peoples ears, it is portraying a fake jesus. It has Roman Catholic and Mormon influence, two false religions. Jesus is God and the only name under heaven by which we must be saved! Jesus' own words, "Repent and believe the gospel."
Be careful don’t rely on a show that is sympathetic to both Mormonism and Catholicism. Rely on God’s word only and remember Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
The Chosen is beautifully made, and it is a great way to attract people to the Gospel. But I'm sure Jesus was so much deeper and smarter than depicted by the main character.
@@JT-gk8rc Scripture says that when He came to earth He laid aside His divinity and became like us, except without sin. He Himself said that He could do nothing unless He saw the Father doing it, and that the Father did His works through Him. Yes, He, Jesus, was and is God! But He became like us, very human. We know of His tremendous sacrifice for us in suffering on the cross physically, and the even more profound sacrifice in having the Father, with whom He had always been one, turn His face away from Him, but a huge part of His sacrifice that we often overlook was His laying aside His divine nature and taking on our humanity with its limitations and weaknesses. He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped.
I have been a Christian for many years and have read and studied the Bible. I have watched maybe 3 episodes of The Chosen and feel that there is so much added to it that is not in the Bible that I do not want those things in my mind, the made up stuff of writers, actors, producers. I did appreciate seeing the visuals of biblical times....places, dress, way things were spoken, etc. Helps to understand it better to some degree. I may give it a shot again sometime but don't know if it's right for me. I do appreciate if it has brought others to Jesus or strengthened their faith.
@@sandraclick7812 Not sad, just not right for me. Each should do as the Holy Spirit leads, as the Bible says. I already have a close relationship with Christ. But do enjoy!
Its not the Bible nor was it evermeant to be. Why c do you Prots feel the need to condemn a show that brings the gospel to so many people. Judgemental is what it is.
It's fine enough. Finish S1 and you can decide if you'll watch the next ones. Personally it's ok enough, not my cup of tea too but I still watched S4 eventually.
0:08 Jordan said the chosen is a cultural phenomenon. Jesus said, "18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." John 15:18-19 People hate the gospel message, they hate Jesus so if the world is loving this ear tickling message from the chosen, you are not getting the gospel message. Jesus commands 'Repent and believe the gospel."
@ You don’t love the lost or grow the kingdom by only testifying to one another. It’s the sick who need healing by the doctor. The lost sheep who need finding by the shepherd. The standing harvest that needs harvesters. The uninvited who need invitations to the wedding feast. How many other metaphors that Christ used should we recall.?
The Chosen shows Jesus and his peeps as real people. They ate, they drank, they laughed, they argued, they had money shortages, they were always on guard and always vocal about their vision of a better future. It’s a great entrance into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ as we fight against the influence of the Prince of Lies and the humans he has influence over.
"That eliminates me as a reader". Yeah, Russian literature generally goes right past me. However, I do like "Sympathy for the Devil" which was much easier and (as I understand it) inspired by The Master and Margarita. And I like margaritas. And, The Chosen has been an inspiration for me. As JP mentioned, exploring the humanity of Jesus, to paraphrase, becomes important. It would be easy for God to manifest and die on the cross. He can do anything. But to become FULLY human, with our fears and mortality, and THEN to die on the cross, is a completely different proposition. To see his fear in the show makes it so much more real to me!
The video to which my comments are attached is only an excerpt. Dallas Jenkins repeated statement that he is narcissistic will be seen in the full length video. The Chosen is what happens when you pass the truth from God's message to humanity through the filter of a narcissistic personality.
Thomas, you have a bit of narcissism yourself and it is laid bare in this statement. Please stop speaking from a position of authority unasked; that is narcissism.
@@ciscornBIGEveryone has a bit of narcissism but I wasn't aware that that was a disqualifier for making comments at the open comments space of a YT channel. My comments are based on the authority of Biblical scripture of which I have extensive knowledge; based in over 55 yrs. of study. In addition I have been functioning within the Cristian church community in the Holy Spirit given supernatural gift of discerning of spirits. This is a God gift of being able to recognize the presence and or activity of demons and often times identify the particular type; so that it can be exposed and dealt with in the authority and power of the name of Jesus. There is a particular type of demon; that within the church of Jesus Christ is commonly referred to as a Jezebel spirit. You may have heard of it. It is so called because it exhibits traits and behaviors that resemble those of Jezebel in the Old Testament record. One of the particular traits/behaviors that manifest when it is attached to a person, is to use various tactics to silence the person or persons that are speaking God's truth or are exposing spiritual darkness. For example like what you're obviously trying to do. In response to your asking me to stop speaking in the comments section on this channel; I absolutely refuse to comply with your request. Asking someone to stop speaking simply because you disagree with what they're saying, is also a very typical narcissistic behavior.
@@ciscornBIGWe all do; including you. So I'll continue to make comments based on what I believe is true. Trying to silence people that you disagree with is also a common narcissistic behavior.
Once in a while though not often you actually find something on the internet that stimulates thoughts and nourishes the mind. Today it was this video. Thanks for sharing it !
Agreed. There is no substitute for reading the Bible. But then, it is probably worth asking, for any work of art, is it purporting to be a substitute for the truth of the Bible? Or just to be a visual of a moment from biblical history? Or something.... (Not a fan myself, but trying to keep it real.)
The first episode I ever watched was the scene with Nicodemus a la John Chapter 3. The smiling Jesus saying to Nicodemus, “What does your heart tell you?” ruined it for me for ever. I understand poetic license but that was ridiculous and clearly demonstrated to me that the producers clearly did not understand Christ or the Gospel message and the rest was going to be sentimental hogwash. Subsequent viewings of different episodes confirmed that for me. Don’t waste your time if you want to understand what the fight of the Faith really is.
@@CSUnger but here you are, wasting your time reading posts about the show and offering your generous critique. I guess this means you understand the Gospel better those folks at The Chosen.
@singingpretty: “ [3] Beloved, being very eager to write to you of our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. [4] For admission has been secretly gained by some who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly persons who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” Jude 1:3-4 I’ve been a Christian for 51 years now and if I’ve learned anything at all about our faith it is this: that in the end times, many will come IN HIS NAME, and lead many astray (Matt.24:11) and the way they will lead many astray is through three methods: “a false Christ, a false Gospel, and a false spirit” 2 Cor. 11:4. “Take heed that no one leads you astray” Matt.24:4. Don’t think that just because it has Jesus’s name on it that it is from God. Being “lead astray” isn’t the same thing as “falling away”. You are still moving forward but you are just on a different path than the one you may have started out on. Don’t be so proud as to think you have all wisdom and knowledge.
I agree. The whole project of The Chosen is a work primarily of fiction based upon real people. Jesus has been so humanized, He is basically unrecognizable to the Bible.
Scripture is not open to interpretation nor is it about…. What does this scripture mean to you. Scripture is intended to have my opinion come in line with God’s Word, not God’s WORD LINE UP WITH MY OPINION,
I love the Chosen! I don't not recommend it to replace the Bible though. The Chosen is a very good dramatization of the Messiah's time on earth very well done. I think it is much more realistic than some older movies that speak in old English 😂 Though it is in English the actors have Jewish accents and are more realistic.
LOVE him!! Anybody else notice the brow wrinkles? Do you think each wrinkle has a story that builds upon itself? Maybe this man has thought A Lot! And what of the other brow expression that was flat? And sometimes just between the eyes wrinkle? What is each face trying to convey?
I love Jordan Peterson. I think he's one of the most important intellects of our time...but my God the man needs to learn how to let other people speak, or at least let them finish their sentences 😂
@@thomasknott7432 I utterly agree and could not care less about his opinion on anything. The Chosen stands in its own. Who cares what some pop religious icon who is clearly narcissistic thinks. Kinda gross to see Dallas groveling.
@@robertolulaks8823 When I have a conversation with someone, I kind of expect and hope that they won't constantly interrupt me with personal points and non-sequiturs and subject shifts. YMMV.
I had to stop watching because when I would pray to or think about the "real Jesus", the "Chosen's Jesus" would come to mind. I may be able to revisit this decision, but I'm glad that I made it. In the episodes that I did see, they did a very good job of portraying the events and people. I'm sure the series has had a positive effect and I'm thankful to see it's success in America and elsewhere.
My Pastor and most of my church love the chosen. My take? “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.” Rev 22:18-19. Sorry I’m just stating Gods word on the subject. You can disagree but you’ll have to take it up with Him.
@@themistermaxA woman in my church said excitingly “I watch it instead of reading my Bible!” I’m sure she’s not alone. In the meantime grab some popcorn and enjoy.
@@kingterence1598 LOL, well, that's certainly a bad thing, no? Sheesh, how sad. Still, even with that, it's not adding to scripture, it's just that some people use it as an easy substitute for scripture. Or something like that, I guess. Popcorn is fattening, btw. :)
@@themistermax not to be argumentative (seriously) but I’m curious as to how you arrive at this conclusion? You have a combo of truth in the scripture plus “concepts/words” added to it. No?
@@kingterence1598 You mean, how do I arrive at the conclusion that popcorn is fattening? Seriously, though, I'm not totally sure I get your question. Lots of people seem to object to The Chosen and various other "dramatisations" of the Bible stories, by invoking Deut 4:2 or Rev 22:18-19. My point is simply that, as far as I can see, these various dramas are not purporting to add to scripture (or take away from it). Creating a visual that simply fills in some non-scriptural gaps to show a possible "real life" biblical character is not adding to scripture. Of course, if there are instances where it is, fine, that's wrong. But mostly, with The Chosen (which I don't really love), it's not. Simple as that.
I used to watch the chosen and loved it but I started noticing they are not representing the Jesus of the Bible. Example the Bible says Jesus healed ALL. Jesus did not walk away from anyone who came to Him for healing, Bible says many places He healed All. And if we are suppose to walk like Jesus did, that's why we receive the Holy Spirit to do just as He did when He walked this earth and actually even greater things. We can't walk in the fullness of the Spirit like Jesus if we believe in the wrong Jesus from the chosen who is not healing ALL. The devil don't care if your reading your Bible or even going to church as long as your not applying it to your life and walking by the Spirit bc then his kingdom is pushed back bc people are getting healed, demons cast out and the dead are raised. God is always good and doesn't want anyone to suffer that's why ALL who came to Jesus were healed. Read John and even Mark 16:15-18. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow He doesn't change.
We are not to add or take away from what is in the Bible ( Rev 22:18-19, and Deut 4:2). I think that is what The Chosen does when it just makes up this story. I also have a problem with the Jesus they present and using Jesus as entertainment.
Its not that isnfake. Is that events such as jesus baptism and transfiguracion are central to displaying his divinity. The chosen reflects jesus' humanity but not his divinity as it should have been according to scripture. @Spurgeon_General
The Chosen led me to Jesus...... Reading the Bible made me an Atheist. I loved the Jesus I saw depicted in the Chosen and started going to Church and reading the Bible from page 1 all the way through. I tried very hard to mentally make allot of problematic stuff into metaphor to rationalize it but by the time I got to Samuel 2 I was sure the baby killing, genocidal psychopath of a God in the Old Testament was not Jesus or vice versa. I still love the idea of Jesus and I think Jonathan Roumie's portrayal is just beautiful. I still tear up watching him. I wish that the belief around Jesus was just of a wise teacher or prophet to follow and aspire to but all the other baggage of the OT, Hell and being the only path to salvation is just bunk and unfortuneately makes the whole thing impossible to believe. I'd rather just live my life following the golden rule and trying be the best person I can be. If that's not good enough for any "God" then so be it.
You make a grave mistake in doing this, because you put yourself into an arena that you do not fully understand - the idea of ‘no God’. There are no morals in the world, morals come from the Bible. Good and bad are all subjective in the world, but objective in Christ. There is no satisfaction in the world. You will eat, but always be hungry, you will be wealthy, but always want more money. You will sleep, but always want more rest. In God we find true satisfaction, and rest for our souls. In the world there is no salvation, death is a mystery, and there is no certainty for the afterlife. In Christ we have clarity on what is to come, and promises that will never fail. My friend, if there is something that you find hard to understand in the Bible, I would encourage you to remember 2 Timothy 3:16 - All scripture is God breathed. Jeremiah 29:11 - God has good plans for you, accessed when you seek him with all your heart. James 1:5 - Pray to God for wisdom. I will also pray for you that the eyes of your heart opened. The truth of Jesus is better than any episode ‘The Chosen’. I would encourage you to remember that what has been written in the Bible is also backed by historical evidence, yet even if you saw Jesus with your own eyes, it doesn’t mean that you would believe, because the Pharisees didn’t. If you believe he existed, everything in the Bible is true. If you don’t believe he existed, then nothing in the Bible is true. All hinges on Him, and He is a firm foundation. My friend, Matthew 7:24-27, build your house on the rock foundation (Jesus’s Words) and not on sand (anything else). Consider the outcome of these two houses and understand the eternal destiny of mankind. Just because you don’t know what I look like, doesn’t mean I don’t exist. In the same way, just because you cannot personally reason with parts of the Bible, doesn’t mean there aren’t justifiable reasons for what is written. There are justifiable reasons, and I do have a face. May God bless you, give you wisdom, give you humility, and ultimately help you to be planted in the good soil (Matthew 13). Love from James.
@ do you feel better now? 🤨 Do you really think that reciting curses and Bible verses at someone is really the way to get them to believe in anything? I feel sorry for you that your faith is so fragile that any pushback from someone who does not believe requires such a rant in response. Peace be with you friend. May you find the strength of faith so as to not lose your shit when encountering someone who has none.
@@Im_B9ite James took the time and effort to write a loving message to encourage you. My dear friend, we must take the whole picture presented in ALL of Scripture into account. Please, allow me two paragraphs to present just a bit of that broad picture and do with it what you will. God is holy, and we are not. Our pride makes this difficult to grasp, but there is not a man, woman or child who deserves salvation. We have all lived our entire lives in rebellion against God. Take the 10 commandments on their own - how many have you kept? I break a good chunk of them every day. God is good, and in his goodness he is just - he MUST punish sin, otherwise he is not good. And because we cannot save ourselves, God chose - from the very beginning, as is prophesied all the way back in Genesis 3:15 when Adam and Eve first sinned, that in the fulness of time he would himself come down, become a man, and take the punishment for us. That is what Jesus did on the cross. God himself laid down his glory and entered into his creation, taking on our every weakness and limitation, becoming a man. He lived in perfect obedience to the Father and never sinned - lived the life we were supposed to but could not. And he lay down his life to die a criminal's death on a cross, absorbing all his judgment - his righteous wrath our sin incurred - on himself. Judged as if he had lived our lives so that we can be judged as if we lived his (if we repent and trust in him - salvation being a gift from God (Romans 6:23)). That is why he is the only way. He is fully God, fully man. He had to become like us to save us in his atoning death and resurrection. If that is not love, nothing is. If that is not the ultimate act of humility and sacrifice, then we know not the definition of the terms. Yes, Jesus is the very God of the Old Testament. This very same God who brought judgement on nations, men, women, children, babies. But it is not genocide. It is judgment. It sounds harsh, but this is what all humanity, what I, James, you, and everyone else, deserves, because "the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth" (Genesis 8:21). Take a toddler for example. Mom says, "Don't do that." What does toddler do? He does what mom said not to do. We are made in God's image to glorify God and enjoy his presence forever in loving relationship. Yet in our free choice we CHOOSE to rebel against him and reject him as our Maker and Lord. We are all this way. There is not a single person who is not. Yet DESPITE all this God chose to himself come down and save us. We are spared because of God's mercy and love, nothing else: "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). The person who thinks he deserves to enter heaven, live in God's presence forever, on his own merits, is saying to God, "I don't need you or want anything to do with you, but you owe me place in your paradise." Please, I plead with you, don't go down that road. Examine the Scriptures. Examine Jesus' words, his teachings. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and see how the new and old testaments tie together. Please don't go down that road. I plead with you as someone who cares. Praying for you.
But trying to live by the golden rule is trying to save yourself by good works. We can’t be good enough on our own because we inherited Adam’s sin nature and the only thing that makes us good enough is the power of the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection when He conquered death. The Innocent being punished for the guilty. Why would you ever turn away and refuse that gift? Do yourself a huge favor and read the book of John in the New Testament. Ask Jesus to show you the Truth and mean it in your heart. He will.
@@suehamblin9652 Hi Sue. Thank you for your concern but you're starting from a false premise that I believe any of that is real. If I said, you could have eternal life in the magic crystal land of ice cream and unicorns if you just eat the magic candy corn - "why would you ever refuse that?" What would you say? You're asking someone why they would refuse something they don't think is a real thing. Your response was at least kind and not condescending like others so I am not being facetious in my reply. I am just being honest. I would LOVE for it to be true. I love the idea of Jesus. I still consider him a teacher and role model but I cannot reconcile all the issues with the bible and what Jesus is "sold as" versus who the OT God is. It was the love and compassion version of Jesus I saw in The Chosen that got me to church. That inspired me to read the Bible. (by the way I did read John. I read the whole thing cover to cover) That had me praying and crying to him to help me make sense of the issues I was having and to reveal himself to me in anyway but I got nothing. So I was left with nothing but all my questions and problems and nothing to do but keep digging for answers until I found that so much of the Bible wasn't true. I don't expect you to agree with that so I won't detail it out but what I found did not lead me to believe anything more than people have been making up stuff for a very long time and other people have been believing it for just as long. You are welcome to pray for me. I asked my wife and whole church to pray for me just in case my doubts would be an issue but I'm still waiting for an answer. I know, God's time right? I figure if there is a God he would know where I am if he wants to chat. Let me put it this way; If I swore to you there was a leprechaun God that was real and you need to ask him to show himself so you believe and your eternal power crystal depended on it, .... (seriously think about it) how long would you wait before you gave up and thought this is some BS? Why would you wait around indefinitely for something you have NO reason to believe?
Jenkins just can't shut up, just can't stop interrupting and running his mouth. It's all about him. It's always all about him. He's an egotistical creep. I enjoyed the first season. The second season was also pretty good. By the third, it was starting to get a little tired, but still enjoyable. With the fourth, and all the infighting and backbiting and money issues and holding back release of episodes and theater runs and money money money... not to mention cast changes... I gave up. A good artist presents his work, not himself. Jenkins is not a good artist.
The only part I haven't enjoyed is Jesus in the show choosing not to heal people since we don't have a biblical example of Jesus doing that in the gospels. Scripture only says He healed "every disease and every affliction" like in Matthew 4:23. I know what they're doing is trying to encourage believers in this post-Jesus walking on earth era, where we don't see instant healing every time like with Jesus, but the time to do that is in the book of Acts like we see in scripture in 2 Timothy and Philippians with Epaphroditus and Trophimus, not with Jesus Himself. That is too much creative liberty because it's changing what the scriptures said He did. Jesus is Lord (1 Corinthians 12:3).
chosen is awful i turned if off after less than an hour. production quality good casting good but the fact that the writers cannot manage to produce a script that sounds authentic is ridiculous. they all sound like a bunch of guys hanging out in the HS cafeteria. This is especially egregious as there are so many examples of productions available who managed this quite well; I think mel gibson could have been approached for advice and the first class productions such as Rome, Spartacus (even kubrick did a decent job in the 60s and wyler's 50s Ben Hur) several BBC ones thru the years would have provided some guidance. the terrible quality of script ruins the series
After season 2, I stopped watching, sorry but I don’t buy the way that story was told, the series story didn’t seem like a story will endure time just like the real life story of Jesus!
I didn’t make it past the second show. It’s basically a work of fiction based upon real people. Read what Dallas Jenkins says about the Morman faith. That was enough for me right there.
Kazantzakis book is The Last Temptation of Christ. A better book is Report to Greco, which covers his whole spiritual journey. Also see Christ Recrucified, made into a brilliant sub-titled film called This Man must Die.
i really enjoyed watching the Chosen right up until they had Jesus tell Little James.... that he had to keep his infirmity. They missed it too far for me to watch again
I cannot understand how a REAL Christian, who knows the wonder of seeing Jesus with SPIRITUAL eyes, wants to taint that with images of a fantasy Jesus…
Couldn't agree more. I don't understand why believers would look for an 'entertaining' imaginative version of what's in the Scriptures rather than devoting that time to reading the Scriptures themselves.
Agree! I don’t want “The Chosen” image of Jesus to be in my mind’s eye when I pray or study scripture. Jesus has been so humanized in this series that He’s not anything like the Jesus of the Bible. Practicing His sermons? Asking advice from His disciples? Really? This is artistic liberty on steroids.
I dislike the chosen for the way the main caracter performs our Lord Christ. Even if I listen Peterson often, I don't think the way he thinks and I don't follow him in the way the host says. Maybe he says so because that is what he does.
It’s good advice to keep to the Bible, the round table discussions on theology show the producers are searching out what the Bible says. I have also heard interviews where those actors and Director Dallas advice the same thing … the Bible should be read. Always checking what the Bible says. It’s not that The Chosen will be word for word of the Bible in every scene, it actually does exegesis and contextualises the Bible, I love The Chosen attempts to fill in gaps.. it enriches the Bible for me as it shows the humanity of Jesus.
Dallas Jenkins thinks Christians worship the same God as The Mormons. His lack of fundamental understanding should give anyone pause before watching The Chosen.
I read that the Mormons produced the chosen and it definitely made me watch it with a more critical eye, they don’t believe in the trinity, hence Jesus is not God to them, just a chill guy, but I’m giving it a chance.
@@brandona25the show has manifested many times that Jesus is God, for example in Season 2 episode 1, at the end of that episode Jesus says: "I am who I am"
The truth is all in the Bible, God word will not confuse you, but the chosen is man made and if you don’t know the word of God which is to read the bible, you will believe man made religions, this movie the chosen will make you believe what they produce, but is 60% truth and 40 % false, we don’t watch it . Truth salvation is an individual choice, but God word is the pure truth not a man made movie .
I love Jordan Peterson. He gets really squirmy around the Gospel I noticed. He is cool as a cucumber with most topics and passionate against the leftist insane beliefs... but when people bring up the real Jesus or real questions about the Bible...squirms under conviction like a worm on a hook😂... funny and sad, I hope he doesn't get so close...yet never reaches the most important conclusion ✝️✝️✝️ Pray for Dr Peterson.
There is some good in the chosen series. However there are far too many liberties taken. Christ character is devalued by trying to make him more like us FALLEN humans. Like Christ making a joke and wanting to sleep in the possessed bed room
@ I’m not forgetting it. He was not fallen in his character. I doubt he found spirits possession in a room funny. Doubt the apostles were immature to the degree they were getting in fist fights w/each other and being kiddy kids. We have the scriptures. Far too many liberties taken in the series. Trying to make Christ more like us than he was. He was perfect man.
The Chosen is an amazing show and very accurate as much as a very good show can be. If it was exactly accurate it would be the visual Bible. And it would not draw as many people in as this show has done. I truly believe the hand of God is behind it. Like Jesus says in Mark 9:38-41.
@@Baseballisbest67 As I said to someone else here, "Be grateful that 'The Chosen' has helped countless many people awaken and come to the Bible! The incessant push for atheism--with the lie that the Bible is supposedly in competition with Science--in America alone is reason to rejoice that 'The Chosen' has made Christ and the Bible real to them in a way they never knew before."
I feel like some people have made "The Chosen" their Bible. Just here to say to the few of you who have done this: yes, it's based of Truth and historical fact but it's still a work of fiction. A midrash to be used for lectio divina and not for replacement of the bible. ❤
Be grateful that "The Chosen" has helped countless many people awaken and come to the Bible! The incessant push for atheism--with the lie that the Bible is supposedly in competition with Science--in America alone is reason to rejoice that "The Chosen" has made Christ and the Bible real to them in a way they never knew before.
I watched 3 episodes and didn’t like their creative changes trying to make it modern with character going to hairdresser etc. Something did not feel spiritually right
I tend to agree with you a bit. They drag it out by putting these unimportant fillers in like the fighting apostles and personality differences and made up problems to prolong the series to make more money. It becomes distracting to the whole purpose of Jesus Christ.
Consider how many have come to the Bible as a result of watching "The Chosen." NB: "The Chosen" doesn't claim to "save" anyone; you shouldn't condemn it for a crime it is not committing.
"The Last Temptation" by Kazantzakis is a good book. The movie was disappointing. I watched the first two seasons of Chosen, and might have continued watching it. Recently heard from somewhere on ytube that they dropped in some quotes from the Book of Mormon (season three?), so that makes it propagandistic (and false). Erick Avari was really good as Nicodemus, and those bits of the story were perhaps the most interesting.
I tried watching a couple of episodes of The Chosen but could only watch a few minutes before I started to feel physically sick and angry. The depiction of an at times befuddled, unsure, self directed Jesus that would refer to and deffer to mere humans bears no resemblance to the Biblical record. Likewise you will not find in the Biblical record; periferal characters as depicted in Dallas Jenkins' The Chosen. Who is it that would want to present a distorted, diminished Jesus ? Satan and his minions always want to offer an alternative, a counterfeit Christ. The "The Chosen" project from it's conception, inception, through it's production and presentation, has nothing to do with the Spirit of God ; the Holy Spirit. But is instead inspired by an unholy spirit. In his delusion Dallas Jenkins presumes to create a better version of Jesus; after a pattern of himself and other mere humans that he favors. Ah! Man creating God in his own image and likeness; complete with similar foibles and flaws. Hence Jenkins' Jesus having to rehearse before giving a teaching, ( never mind that the real Jesus says plainly in Biblical scripture, " I never say anything that I don't hear the Father say and I never do anything that I don't see the Father do". Apparently Jenkins is unaware of this essential truth from the Biblical record. Or knowing what God has said, he has chosen to ignore it and instead put his words in God's mouth. How is this not blasphemous ? It would appear that Jenkins believes that God's Word is not sufficient to convey his truth with effectual supernatural power. Dallas Jenkins is deceived and is deceiving others with his false Christ. If you watch the entirety of this video; you will hear Dallas Jenkins say repeatedly that he is narcissistic. Dallas Jenkins and Jordan Peterson have this dictating trait in common and both are demonic puppets. They are both false teachers in effect; one from inside the camp; the other from outside. The "The Chosen" is a Satanically inspired, demonically implemented counterfeit of Jesus' story designed to deceive the scripturally ignorant within the self identifying Christian community and those that are yet unsaved. Wake up! Understand the times we are living in. The spirit of Antichrist is already in the world. Spiritual deception is pervasive and increasing. Read, study and commit to memory the truth of Biblical scripture. Reject the poisonous koolaid of emergant and progressive theology so that you will not be duped by the lie that is The Chosen.
@@suehamblin9652Mt. 4:4 Jesus answered, " It is written: ' Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God". The feast is always ready. Keep the faith. God is for you. Your Father has great plans for you.
I'm in the minority and not a fan. But if the unsaved are coming to Christ because of it then it's a good thing as long as it's not seeker centered. By that I mean is it turning people towards Christ, impelling them to grow in their faith in the discipline of the faith or is it only making "God is love" Christians? Because "God is love" Christians don't last. They are like the seed that grows on rocky soil. Without root they wither and die. Christ commissioned us to make disciples. I don't condemn it because I was saved by unlikely means but it can only serve as a jumping off point. Being a Christ follower is so much more than being entertained. Also, Dallas Jenkins interrupts too much. Calm down and let Dr. Peterson answer your questions.
You can fill your head with anything, when you know that you stop doing it ...because you are the kingdom the freedom the words that speak them ...hello there fellow one...all is one ...mind you dont forget mind❤
Look to the Sumerian writings about the Annunaki and the hybridization of the Homo Erectus specie. That hybridization started with the Hebrews. They were the chosen.
@@YourStylesGeneric321 The oldest writings are from the Sumarians. Just Google it or watch the many videos. The Annunake are also referenced in the Bible. These extraterrestrials were considered as Gods by man at that time. "The Sons of God saw the daughters of Men that they were fair."
I am blessed that I don’t have to consume everything the world make: have not watched and will not watch the Chosen. also, I didn’t watch the movie Titanic
What do you think about "The Chosen" television show?
For more liberty clips, subscribe to my channel and click the bell!
Let’s be honest. Christians are really sad and lame individuals. Christ himself had a genius level IQ and had knowledge and fire of living and understanding which knew very few boundaries. There is about 0.000000000001 percent who actually care who Christ was and is, and if you think he doesn’t know this, your wrong!
“The Chosen Series: I am the law of Moses” (Full scene) - quote is from book of Mormon and not in the Bible!
I am more than pleased to continue watching! ;)
@@pixelfan4354 That is true, of course, and many times pointed out. But so what? Just because the Mormons said it doesn't make it false (ad hominem). Not to mention, that Jesus did say “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Mt 5:17).
I say this btw not as a fan of Mormonism (to put it mildly), nor of The Chosen. But our criticisms should be meaningful, not superficial, lest we merely become modern day Pharisees.
We are more than pleased to hear Dr. Jordan Peterson's thoughts about The Chosen. Sounds like Dallas needs to add a few books to his list. 😉
Right on! Thanks for creating a series that has inspired so many people to learn about the gospel for the first time.
I am more than pleased to continue watching the Chosen. It is visually beautiful and it is high-quality acting and story line.
Its watered down.
@Jesusistheonlywaay Only the Bible in the original languages is the concentrated form. Read that for your concentrate. Be quiet and allow others to enjoy The Chosen TV show. No one ever called The Chosen a Bible.
Yet unbiblical.
@marilynsheppard4778 Therefore, you may read your Bible. Jesus in essence said those who are doing good like healing others do not stop them. Leave The Chosen alone.
I love The Chosen, every time I watch it, it brings me closer to God. I so Love IT. The Holy Sprit spoke to me on the first episode
Test the spirits….
@bethfrench5184 The Holy Spirit would not tell you to watch a show that tells lies about the Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit glorifies the Lord Jesus. God's own words are what should bring you closer to Jesus, not a tv show. God has revealed Himself to us through the Bible. Everything we need to know about Jesus is in Scripture. What do you think God thinks of this show? Think of it this way, think of someone you admire in your life, whether family member, celebrity or whoever. And that person wrote a biography and then someone decided to take that biography and make a tv show or movie about it but they just added all kinds of things that weren't true. You would lose who the person really is. SO much more so for the God of all creation! The Chosen is tickling peoples ears, it is portraying a fake jesus. It has Roman Catholic and Mormon influence, two false religions. Jesus is God and the only name under heaven by which we must be saved! Jesus' own words, "Repent and believe the gospel."
Be careful don’t rely on a show that is sympathetic to both Mormonism and Catholicism. Rely on God’s word only and remember Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
What did the Holy Spirit convey?
The Chosen started out good, progressed to great and then went beyond. Amazing. Can't wait for upcoming seasons.
The Chosen is beautifully made, and it is a great way to attract people to the Gospel. But I'm sure Jesus was so much deeper and smarter than depicted by the main character.
The main character is smart and deep. It's for the first time EVER showing Jesus as Human too. Not just all knowing and fully divine.
He was human.
@@fonz114Only in body. His nature was divine. The Chosen does a poor job of showing of that.
@@JT-gk8rc Scripture says that when He came to earth He laid aside His divinity and became like us, except without sin. He Himself said that He could do nothing unless He saw the Father doing it, and that the Father did His works through Him. Yes, He, Jesus, was and is God! But He became like us, very human. We know of His tremendous sacrifice for us in suffering on the cross physically, and the even more profound sacrifice in having the Father, with whom He had always been one, turn His face away from Him, but a huge part of His sacrifice that we often overlook was His laying aside His divine nature and taking on our humanity with its limitations and weaknesses. He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped.
@@rebecca120xmany exactly how did Jesus lays aside His Devine nature?
@@JT-gk8rc How do you capture divine on film?
I would love to see the series continue through the Book of Acts!
It's already on the way! It's the next series!
I have been a Christian for many years and have read and studied the Bible. I have watched maybe 3 episodes of The Chosen and feel that there is so much added to it that is not in the Bible that I do not want those things in my mind, the made up stuff of writers, actors, producers. I did appreciate seeing the visuals of biblical times....places, dress, way things were spoken, etc. Helps to understand it better to some degree. I may give it a shot again sometime but don't know if it's right for me. I do appreciate if it has brought others to Jesus or strengthened their faith.
very sad, hope you try again and ask Holy Spirit to show it's annointing !
@@sandraclick7812 Not sad, just not right for me. Each should do as the Holy Spirit leads, as the Bible says. I already have a close relationship with Christ. But do enjoy!
Its not the Bible nor was it evermeant to be. Why c do you Prots feel the need to condemn a show that brings the gospel to so many people. Judgemental is what it is.
It's fine enough. Finish S1 and you can decide if you'll watch the next ones. Personally it's ok enough, not my cup of tea too but I still watched S4 eventually.
@@Catholicmom2567she never said she condemned it. Just doesn't feel right for her. Why are you adding to her words?
I’ve read the book. 😂😂😂
0:08 Jordan said the chosen is a cultural phenomenon. Jesus said, "18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." John 15:18-19 People hate the gospel message, they hate Jesus so if the world is loving this ear tickling message from the chosen, you are not getting the gospel message. Jesus commands 'Repent and believe the gospel."
I love the Chosen series
Why does this dude continually interrupt
He is very obnoxious. Has been since the show began. The show itself is very good but he I could do without.
He maybe just excited.
Hes excited. For good reason. Over eagerness can sometimes seem desperate but digging into it he has good reason to be so happy and eager to discuss.
You did not watch the whole interview, Jordan barely gave him a chance to speak
My thought exactly. Let your guest talk!
JP: “Look to your own salvation “ 🙌☝️🙏
Salvation is in CHRIST alone.
Not a Christian precept. Sorry. We are called to make disciples.
@ yes make disciples testifying to one another and work out your own salvation..pick up your cross
@ You don’t love the lost or grow the kingdom by only testifying to one another. It’s the sick who need healing by the doctor. The lost sheep who need finding by the shepherd. The standing harvest that needs harvesters. The uninvited who need invitations to the wedding feast. How many other metaphors that Christ used should we recall.?
@@garywhitt98 OK, cool, so please tell us how you are doing that?
The Chosen shows Jesus and his peeps as real people. They ate, they drank, they laughed, they argued, they had money shortages, they were always on guard and always vocal about their vision of a better future.
It’s a great entrance into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ as we fight against the influence of the Prince of Lies and the humans he has influence over.
real people sin and jesus never did
@@GoodyHernandezwell said. And He never needed to rehearse his sermons.
I'm more than pleased to have found this video.
thank you for sharing this clip. God bless ya’ll 🍃🦋🤍🦋🍃
The Chosen is AWESOME!!!!!
"That eliminates me as a reader". Yeah, Russian literature generally goes right past me. However, I do like "Sympathy for the Devil" which was much easier and (as I understand it) inspired by The Master and Margarita. And I like margaritas. And, The Chosen has been an inspiration for me. As JP mentioned, exploring the humanity of Jesus, to paraphrase, becomes important. It would be easy for God to manifest and die on the cross. He can do anything. But to become FULLY human, with our fears and mortality, and THEN to die on the cross, is a completely different proposition. To see his fear in the show makes it so much more real to me!
I was so happy to share the Christmas special with my Mom before she died.
Thank you Dr.Peterson for your comments
I look forward to seeing the entire podcast
Could you site some instances?
The video to which my comments are attached is only an excerpt. Dallas Jenkins repeated statement that he is narcissistic will be seen in the full length
video. The Chosen is what happens when you pass the truth from God's message to
humanity through the filter of a narcissistic personality.
Thomas, you have a bit of narcissism yourself and it is laid bare in this statement. Please stop speaking from a position of authority unasked; that is narcissism.
Well said.
@@ciscornBIGEveryone has a bit of narcissism but I wasn't aware that that was a disqualifier for making comments at the open comments space of a YT channel. My comments are based on the authority of Biblical scripture of which I have extensive knowledge; based in over
55 yrs. of study. In addition I have been
functioning within the Cristian church community in the Holy Spirit given supernatural gift of discerning of spirits.
This is a God gift of being able to recognize the presence and or activity of
demons and often times identify the particular type; so that it can be exposed and dealt with in the authority and power of the name of Jesus. There is a particular type of demon; that within the
church of Jesus Christ is commonly referred to as a Jezebel spirit. You may have heard of it. It is so called because it
exhibits traits and behaviors that resemble those of Jezebel in the Old Testament record. One of the particular traits/behaviors that manifest when it is
attached to a person, is to use various tactics to silence the person or persons that are speaking God's truth or are exposing spiritual darkness. For example
like what you're obviously trying to do. In response to your asking me to stop speaking in the comments section on this
channel; I absolutely refuse to comply with your request. Asking someone to stop speaking simply because you disagree with what they're saying, is also a very typical narcissistic behavior.
@@ciscornBIGWe all do; including you. So
I'll continue to make comments based on what I believe is true. Trying to silence people that you disagree with is also a common narcissistic behavior.
This conversation was all a bit frantic and made me nervous.
Once in a while though not often you actually find something on the internet that stimulates thoughts and nourishes the mind.
Today it was this video.
Thanks for sharing it !
Best show ever
Couldn't agree more!!!!
Love the Chosen!❤
Don't get the truth of the Bible or Jesus from any t.v. show or movie.
Agreed. There is no substitute for reading the Bible. But then, it is probably worth asking, for any work of art, is it purporting to be a substitute for the truth of the Bible? Or just to be a visual of a moment from biblical history? Or something.... (Not a fan myself, but trying to keep it real.)
Why are there so many bots here?
Dead Internet.
We're still in the matrix?
bleep blop blorp. 😆
The Book was better.
🤣👏🏾 Absolutely! Amen.
Love Peterson's jacket. Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top must be envious.
Chosen gives us a wrong opinion of Christ
He says "It's a cliff hanger can't wait to see what happens next" to quote the guy that plays Jesus on the Chosen "Spoiler Alert it's in the Bible" 😂
The first episode I ever watched was the scene with Nicodemus a la John Chapter 3. The smiling Jesus saying to Nicodemus, “What does your heart tell you?” ruined it for me for ever. I understand poetic license but that was ridiculous and clearly demonstrated to me that the producers clearly did not understand Christ or the Gospel message and the rest was going to be sentimental hogwash. Subsequent viewings of different episodes confirmed that for me. Don’t waste your time if you want to understand what the fight of the Faith really is.
Ignore the above comment.
Watch for yourselves.
This series is wonderful.
@@CSUnger but here you are, wasting your time reading posts about the show and offering your generous critique. I guess this means you understand the Gospel better those folks at The Chosen.
@singingpretty: “ [3] Beloved, being very eager to write to you of our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.
[4] For admission has been secretly gained by some who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly persons who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” Jude 1:3-4
I’ve been a Christian for 51 years now and if I’ve learned anything at all about our faith it is this: that in the end times, many will come IN HIS NAME, and lead many astray (Matt.24:11) and the way they will lead many astray is through three methods: “a false Christ, a false Gospel, and a false spirit” 2 Cor. 11:4.
“Take heed that no one leads you astray” Matt.24:4.
Don’t think that just because it has Jesus’s name on it that it is from God. Being “lead astray” isn’t the same thing as “falling away”. You are still moving forward but you are just on a different path than the one you may have started out on. Don’t be so proud as to think you have all wisdom and knowledge.
I agree. The whole project of The Chosen is a work primarily of fiction based upon real people. Jesus has
been so humanized, He is basically unrecognizable to the Bible.
Scripture is not open to interpretation nor is it about…. What does this scripture mean to you. Scripture is intended to have my opinion come in line with God’s Word, not God’s WORD LINE UP WITH MY OPINION,
I love the Chosen! I don't not recommend it to replace the Bible though. The Chosen is a very good dramatization of the Messiah's time on earth very well done.
I think it is much more realistic than some older movies that speak in old English 😂
Though it is in English the actors have Jewish accents and are more realistic.
Having Prayer's answered...thank s God for Jorden have prayered for years
How about let Petterson talk
LOVE him!!
Anybody else notice the brow wrinkles? Do you think each wrinkle has a story that builds upon itself? Maybe this man has thought A Lot! And what of the other brow expression that was flat? And sometimes just between the eyes wrinkle?
What is each face trying to convey?
Wasen; t "Sympathy for the Devil" of the Stones based on that book?
Lot of bots in here for that stupid magnetic aura book
I love Jordan Peterson. I think he's one of the most important intellects of our time...but my God the man needs to learn how to let other people speak, or at least let them finish their sentences 😂
I wish he read comments because this is a common complaint. It’s rude to not let people finish their thought.
Strange how being a renowned psychologist J.P. doesn't seem to recognize he fits the textbook definition of
a conversational narcissist.
He's a good intellectual. NOT a good interviewer.
@@thomasknott7432 I utterly agree and could not care less about his opinion on anything. The Chosen stands in its own. Who cares what some pop religious icon who is clearly narcissistic thinks. Kinda gross to see Dallas groveling.
Modern day interviewers would be wise to learn when to shut up and listen. You are there to dig up answers, not to become part of them.
He's the director for the chosen
@@robertolulaks8823 So what?
@@themistermax the difference between an interview and conversation
@@robertolulaks8823 When I have a conversation with someone, I kind of expect and hope that they won't constantly interrupt me with personal points and non-sequiturs and subject shifts. YMMV.
Which episode did Jesus brush his teeth?
third, children story
@@sandraclick7812 It's a fun episode. Joshua the Brave!
I had to stop watching because when I would pray to or think about the "real Jesus", the "Chosen's Jesus" would come to mind. I may be able to revisit this decision, but I'm glad that I made it. In the episodes that I did see, they did a very good job of portraying the events and people. I'm sure the series has had a positive effect and I'm thankful to see it's success in America and elsewhere.
"Non propagandistic".......I might just check it out.
As a non-believer I watched it and enjoyed it. It's fun and wholesome.
You are all Chosen, Jesus Christ chose you over his own life.
Universalism? No. The chosen are the elect.
We must chose Jesus for ourselves.
The only unforgivable sin is turning our backs on Him.
@maryann7619 God opens the eyes and gives a heart of flesh first. Saved by grace. Do you understand what grace is?
@@roberttyler1206 Let me guess -- you see yourself as one of the elect. Congratulations.
@@jimscott9974 All glory to God.
Does interviewer ever shut up?
My Pastor and most of my church love the chosen. My take? “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.” Rev 22:18-19. Sorry I’m just stating Gods word on the subject. You can disagree but you’ll have to take it up with Him.
There are many problems with The Chosen, but trying to add to the words of Scripture is not one of them.
@@themistermaxA woman in my church said excitingly “I watch it instead of reading my Bible!” I’m sure she’s not alone. In the meantime grab some popcorn and enjoy.
@@kingterence1598 LOL, well, that's certainly a bad thing, no? Sheesh, how sad. Still, even with that, it's not adding to scripture, it's just that some people use it as an easy substitute for scripture. Or something like that, I guess. Popcorn is fattening, btw. :)
@@themistermax not to be argumentative (seriously) but I’m curious as to how you arrive at this conclusion? You have a combo of truth in the scripture plus “concepts/words” added to it. No?
@@kingterence1598 You mean, how do I arrive at the conclusion that popcorn is fattening?
Seriously, though, I'm not totally sure I get your question. Lots of people seem to object to The Chosen and various other "dramatisations" of the Bible stories, by invoking Deut 4:2 or Rev 22:18-19. My point is simply that, as far as I can see, these various dramas are not purporting to add to scripture (or take away from it). Creating a visual that simply fills in some non-scriptural gaps to show a possible "real life" biblical character is not adding to scripture. Of course, if there are instances where it is, fine, that's wrong. But mostly, with The Chosen (which I don't really love), it's not. Simple as that.
I used to watch the chosen and loved it but I started noticing they are not representing the Jesus of the Bible. Example the Bible says Jesus healed ALL. Jesus did not walk away from anyone who came to Him for healing, Bible says many places He healed All. And if we are suppose to walk like Jesus did, that's why we receive the Holy Spirit to do just as He did when He walked this earth and actually even greater things. We can't walk in the fullness of the Spirit like Jesus if we believe in the wrong Jesus from the chosen who is not healing ALL. The devil don't care if your reading your Bible or even going to church as long as your not applying it to your life and walking by the Spirit bc then his kingdom is pushed back bc people are getting healed, demons cast out and the dead are raised. God is always good and doesn't want anyone to suffer that's why ALL who came to Jesus were healed. Read John and even Mark 16:15-18. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow He doesn't change.
exactely as i would say as well: The chosen as good that i can imagine :)
We are not to add or take away from what is in the Bible ( Rev 22:18-19, and Deut 4:2). I think that is what The Chosen does when it just makes up this story. I also have a problem with the Jesus they present and using Jesus as entertainment.
I always notice the Christians that are devoted to the Biblical Jesus have distain for Jesus of the Chosen.
It’s a false Christ.
Its not that isnfake. Is that events such as jesus baptism and transfiguracion are central to displaying his divinity. The chosen reflects jesus' humanity but not his divinity as it should have been according to scripture. @Spurgeon_General
@@Spurgeon_General Ik several Christians that are devoted to the Biblical Jesus who love The Chosen. It’s not that simple.
I am devoted to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and do not disdain the Jesus of The Chosen. Just sayin'. @Spurgeon_General
Kazantzakis was s tragic person.He was trying to find the Truth but he didn't manage.The ladt Temptation is totally against Christ
I miss Quintas
I don't think he is gone. I think he will show up again soon and I shutter the thought of when I think we will see him.
Heyyy it's The Chosen directoorrr.
You won't find it in the Bible but......Jesus went to the toilet.😮
I'm disappointed. I thought he was going to discuss the book. We read it for class as a 15 year old and it has haunted me ever since.
The Chosen led me to Jesus...... Reading the Bible made me an Atheist. I loved the Jesus I saw depicted in the Chosen and started going to Church and reading the Bible from page 1 all the way through. I tried very hard to mentally make allot of problematic stuff into metaphor to rationalize it but by the time I got to Samuel 2 I was sure the baby killing, genocidal psychopath of a God in the Old Testament was not Jesus or vice versa. I still love the idea of Jesus and I think Jonathan Roumie's portrayal is just beautiful. I still tear up watching him. I wish that the belief around Jesus was just of a wise teacher or prophet to follow and aspire to but all the other baggage of the OT, Hell and being the only path to salvation is just bunk and unfortuneately makes the whole thing impossible to believe. I'd rather just live my life following the golden rule and trying be the best person I can be. If that's not good enough for any "God" then so be it.
You make a grave mistake in doing this, because you put yourself into an arena that you do not fully understand - the idea of ‘no God’. There are no morals in the world, morals come from the Bible. Good and bad are all subjective in the world, but objective in Christ. There is no satisfaction in the world. You will eat, but always be hungry, you will be wealthy, but always want more money. You will sleep, but always want more rest. In God we find true satisfaction, and rest for our souls. In the world there is no salvation, death is a mystery, and there is no certainty for the afterlife. In Christ we have clarity on what is to come, and promises that will never fail. My friend, if there is something that you find hard to understand in the Bible, I would encourage you to remember 2 Timothy 3:16 - All scripture is God breathed. Jeremiah 29:11 - God has good plans for you, accessed when you seek him with all your heart. James 1:5 - Pray to God for wisdom. I will also pray for you that the eyes of your heart opened. The truth of Jesus is better than any episode ‘The Chosen’. I would encourage you to remember that what has been written in the Bible is also backed by historical evidence, yet even if you saw Jesus with your own eyes, it doesn’t mean that you would believe, because the Pharisees didn’t. If you believe he existed, everything in the Bible is true. If you don’t believe he existed, then nothing in the Bible is true. All hinges on Him, and He is a firm foundation. My friend, Matthew 7:24-27, build your house on the rock foundation (Jesus’s Words) and not on sand (anything else). Consider the outcome of these two houses and understand the eternal destiny of mankind. Just because you don’t know what I look like, doesn’t mean I don’t exist. In the same way, just because you cannot personally reason with parts of the Bible, doesn’t mean there aren’t justifiable reasons for what is written. There are justifiable reasons, and I do have a face. May God bless you, give you wisdom, give you humility, and ultimately help you to be planted in the good soil (Matthew 13). Love from
@ do you feel better now? 🤨 Do you really think that reciting curses and Bible verses at someone is really the way to get them to believe in anything? I feel sorry for you that your faith is so fragile that any pushback from someone who does not believe requires such a rant in response.
Peace be with you friend. May you find the strength of faith so as to not lose your shit when encountering someone who has none.
@@Im_B9ite James took the time and effort to write a loving message to encourage you. My dear friend, we must take the whole picture presented in ALL of Scripture into account. Please, allow me two paragraphs to present just a bit of that broad picture and do with it what you will.
God is holy, and we are not. Our pride makes this difficult to grasp, but there is not a man, woman or child who deserves salvation. We have all lived our entire lives in rebellion against God. Take the 10 commandments on their own - how many have you kept? I break a good chunk of them every day. God is good, and in his goodness he is just - he MUST punish sin, otherwise he is not good. And because we cannot save ourselves, God chose - from the very beginning, as is prophesied all the way back in Genesis 3:15 when Adam and Eve first sinned, that in the fulness of time he would himself come down, become a man, and take the punishment for us. That is what Jesus did on the cross. God himself laid down his glory and entered into his creation, taking on our every weakness and limitation, becoming a man. He lived in perfect obedience to the Father and never sinned - lived the life we were supposed to but could not. And he lay down his life to die a criminal's death on a cross, absorbing all his judgment - his righteous wrath our sin incurred - on himself. Judged as if he had lived our lives so that we can be judged as if we lived his (if we repent and trust in him - salvation being a gift from God (Romans 6:23)). That is why he is the only way. He is fully God, fully man. He had to become like us to save us in his atoning death and resurrection. If that is not love, nothing is. If that is not the ultimate act of humility and sacrifice, then we know not the definition of the terms.
Yes, Jesus is the very God of the Old Testament. This very same God who brought judgement on nations, men, women, children, babies. But it is not genocide. It is judgment. It sounds harsh, but this is what all humanity, what I, James, you, and everyone else, deserves, because "the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth" (Genesis 8:21). Take a toddler for example. Mom says, "Don't do that." What does toddler do? He does what mom said not to do. We are made in God's image to glorify God and enjoy his presence forever in loving relationship. Yet in our free choice we CHOOSE to rebel against him and reject him as our Maker and Lord. We are all this way. There is not a single person who is not. Yet DESPITE all this God chose to himself come down and save us. We are spared because of God's mercy and love, nothing else: "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). The person who thinks he deserves to enter heaven, live in God's presence forever, on his own merits, is saying to God, "I don't need you or want anything to do with you, but you owe me place in your paradise." Please, I plead with you, don't go down that road. Examine the Scriptures. Examine Jesus' words, his teachings. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and see how the new and old testaments tie together. Please don't go down that road. I plead with you as someone who cares. Praying for you.
But trying to live by the golden rule is trying to save yourself by good works. We can’t be good enough on our own because we inherited Adam’s sin nature and the only thing that makes us good enough is the power of the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection when He conquered death. The Innocent being punished for the guilty. Why would you ever turn away and refuse that gift? Do yourself a huge favor and read the book of John in the New Testament. Ask Jesus to show you the Truth and mean it in your heart. He will.
@@suehamblin9652 Hi Sue. Thank you for your concern but you're starting from a false premise that I believe any of that is real. If I said, you could have eternal life in the magic crystal land of ice cream and unicorns if you just eat the magic candy corn - "why would you ever refuse that?" What would you say? You're asking someone why they would refuse something they don't think is a real thing. Your response was at least kind and not condescending like others so I am not being facetious in my reply. I am just being honest. I would LOVE for it to be true. I love the idea of Jesus. I still consider him a teacher and role model but I cannot reconcile all the issues with the bible and what Jesus is "sold as" versus who the OT God is. It was the love and compassion version of Jesus I saw in The Chosen that got me to church. That inspired me to read the Bible. (by the way I did read John. I read the whole thing cover to cover) That had me praying and crying to him to help me make sense of the issues I was having and to reveal himself to me in anyway but I got nothing. So I was left with nothing but all my questions and problems and nothing to do but keep digging for answers until I found that so much of the Bible wasn't true. I don't expect you to agree with that so I won't detail it out but what I found did not lead me to believe anything more than people have been making up stuff for a very long time and other people have been believing it for just as long.
You are welcome to pray for me. I asked my wife and whole church to pray for me just in case my doubts would be an issue but I'm still waiting for an answer. I know, God's time right? I figure if there is a God he would know where I am if he wants to chat. Let me put it this way; If I swore to you there was a leprechaun God that was real and you need to ask him to show himself so you believe and your eternal power crystal depended on it, .... (seriously think about it) how long would you wait before you gave up and thought this is some BS? Why would you wait around indefinitely for something you have NO reason to believe?
Jenkins just can't shut up, just can't stop interrupting and running his mouth. It's all about him. It's always all about him. He's an egotistical creep.
I enjoyed the first season. The second season was also pretty good. By the third, it was starting to get a little tired, but still enjoyable. With the fourth, and all the infighting and backbiting and money issues and holding back release of episodes and theater runs and money money money... not to mention cast changes... I gave up.
A good artist presents his work, not himself. Jenkins is not a good artist.
Please how ?
Am a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 😭 of myself because of low finance but I still believe God😞
It's Elizabeth Ann Hanson doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.
$356K monthly is something you should feel differently about....
Lovely! I enjoyed it like I enjoy a $100k monthly around the turn!!!
The only part I haven't enjoyed is Jesus in the show choosing not to heal people since we don't have a biblical example of Jesus doing that in the gospels. Scripture only says He healed "every disease and every affliction" like in Matthew 4:23. I know what they're doing is trying to encourage believers in this post-Jesus walking on earth era, where we don't see instant healing every time like with Jesus, but the time to do that is in the book of Acts like we see in scripture in 2 Timothy and Philippians with Epaphroditus and Trophimus, not with Jesus Himself. That is too much creative liberty because it's changing what the scriptures said He did. Jesus is Lord (1 Corinthians 12:3).
chosen is awful i turned if off after less than an hour. production quality good casting good but the fact that the writers cannot manage to produce a script that sounds authentic is ridiculous. they all sound like a bunch of guys hanging out in the HS cafeteria. This is especially egregious as there are so many examples of productions available who managed this quite well; I think mel gibson could have been approached for advice and the first class productions such as Rome, Spartacus (even kubrick did a decent job in the 60s and wyler's 50s Ben Hur) several BBC ones thru the years would have provided some guidance. the terrible quality of script ruins the series
After season 2, I stopped watching, sorry but I don’t buy the way that story was told, the series story didn’t seem like a story will endure time just like the real life story of Jesus!
I didn’t make it past the second show. It’s basically a work of fiction based upon real people. Read what Dallas Jenkins says about the Morman faith. That was enough for me right there.
Kazantzakis book is The Last Temptation of Christ. A better book is Report to Greco, which covers his whole spiritual journey. Also see Christ Recrucified, made into a brilliant sub-titled film called This Man must Die.
i really enjoyed watching the Chosen right up until they had Jesus tell Little James.... that he had to keep his infirmity. They missed it too far for me to watch again
I cannot understand how a REAL Christian, who knows the wonder of seeing Jesus with SPIRITUAL eyes, wants to taint that with images of a fantasy Jesus…
Couldn't agree more. I don't understand why believers would look for an 'entertaining' imaginative version of what's in the Scriptures rather than devoting that time to reading the Scriptures themselves.
Agree! I don’t want “The Chosen” image of Jesus to be in my mind’s eye when I pray or study scripture. Jesus has been so humanized in this series that He’s not anything like the Jesus of the Bible. Practicing His sermons? Asking advice from His disciples? Really? This is artistic liberty on steroids.
I dislike the chosen for the way the main caracter performs our Lord Christ. Even if I listen Peterson often, I don't think the way he thinks and I don't follow him in the way the host says. Maybe he says so because that is what he does.
If you do want to come to Christ, follow what the Bible says. Ask God and he can lead you.
It’s good advice to keep to the Bible, the round table discussions on theology show the producers are searching out what the Bible says. I have also heard interviews where those actors and Director Dallas advice the same thing … the Bible should be read. Always checking what the Bible says. It’s not that The Chosen will be word for word of the Bible in every scene, it actually does exegesis and contextualises the Bible, I love The Chosen attempts to fill in gaps.. it enriches the Bible for me as it shows the humanity of Jesus.
The Chosen presents a false gospel. I would not recommend it to anyone.
Dallas Jenkins thinks Christians worship the same God as The Mormons. His lack of fundamental understanding should give anyone pause before watching The Chosen.
Jenkins has said these things publicly.
The Jesus of the Chosen is a misrepresentation of the Biblical Jesus.
Is that you Satan?
I read that the Mormons produced the chosen and it definitely made me watch it with a more critical eye, they don’t believe in the trinity, hence Jesus is not God to them, just a chill guy, but I’m giving it a chance.
@@brandona25the show has manifested many times that Jesus is God, for example in Season 2 episode 1, at the end of that episode Jesus says: "I am who I am"
All those who care what a non-Christian thinks about the Chosen, please raise your hand. 🤪🥸
Yes. It's the Temptation of Christ that Nikos Kazanzakis wrote.
Jenkins interrupts because he is being defensive
The truth is all in the Bible, God word will not confuse you, but the chosen is man made and if you don’t know the word of God which is to read the bible, you will believe man made religions, this movie the chosen will make you believe what they produce, but is 60% truth and 40 % false, we don’t watch it . Truth salvation is an individual choice, but God word is the pure truth not a man made movie .
I love Jordan Peterson. He gets really squirmy around the Gospel I noticed. He is cool as a cucumber with most topics and passionate against the leftist insane beliefs... but when people bring up the real Jesus or real questions about the Bible...squirms under conviction like a worm on a hook😂... funny and sad, I hope he doesn't get so close...yet never reaches the most important conclusion ✝️✝️✝️
Pray for Dr Peterson.
There is some good in the chosen series. However there are far too many liberties taken. Christ character is devalued by trying to make him more like us FALLEN humans. Like Christ making a joke and wanting to sleep in the possessed bed room
He’s fully divine and fully human. You are forgetting the last part
@ I’m not forgetting it. He was not fallen in his character. I doubt he found spirits possession in a room funny. Doubt the apostles were immature to the degree they were getting in fist fights w/each other and being kiddy kids. We have the scriptures. Far too many liberties taken in the series. Trying to make Christ more like us than he was. He was perfect man.
The Chosen is an amazing show and very accurate as much as a very good show can be. If it was exactly accurate it would be the visual Bible. And it would not draw as many people in as this show has done. I truly believe the hand of God is behind it. Like Jesus says in Mark 9:38-41.
@ some good comes from it. My opinion is it is over rated and watered down.
@@Baseballisbest67 As I said to someone else here, "Be grateful that 'The Chosen' has helped countless many people awaken and come to the Bible! The incessant push for atheism--with the lie that the Bible is supposedly in competition with Science--in America alone is reason to rejoice that 'The Chosen' has made Christ and the Bible real to them in a way they never knew before."
I feel like some people have made "The Chosen" their Bible. Just here to say to the few of you who have done this: yes, it's based of Truth and historical fact but it's still a work of fiction. A midrash to be used for lectio divina and not for replacement of the bible. ❤
Be grateful that "The Chosen" has helped countless many people awaken and come to the Bible! The incessant push for atheism--with the lie that the Bible is supposedly in competition with Science--in America alone is reason to rejoice that "The Chosen" has made Christ and the Bible real to them in a way they never knew before.
I respect The Chosen. I don’t respect Dallas groveling to Jordan Peterson. Yuck.
Why Director or Chosen talk to Peterson about his opinion abt “The Chosen”?
Who cares what he thinks!!!!
Stop interrupting Jordan.. Dallas, we love you but give Jordan a chance
True. He should know that by default, “interviewing” Peterson means asking an initial question and then listening for an hour.
I would look for the original interview and comment over there this golden piece of advice. He might get to read it in there.
I watched 3 episodes and didn’t like their creative changes trying to make it modern with character going to hairdresser etc. Something did not feel spiritually right
The chosen is interesting but really a money maker, like his dad and left behind series.
I tend to agree with you a bit. They drag it out by putting these unimportant fillers in like the fighting apostles and personality differences and made up problems to prolong the series to make more money. It becomes distracting to the whole purpose of Jesus Christ.
The Chosen won't save you. The BIBLE way to Heaven ua-cam.com/video/8x_5BNfozyk/v-deo.html
Consider how many have come to the Bible as a result of watching "The Chosen." NB: "The Chosen" doesn't claim to "save" anyone; you shouldn't condemn it for a crime it is not committing.
"The Last Temptation" by Kazantzakis is a good book. The movie was disappointing.
I watched the first two seasons of Chosen, and might have continued watching it. Recently heard from somewhere on ytube that they dropped in some quotes from the Book of Mormon (season three?), so that makes it propagandistic (and false).
Erick Avari was really good as Nicodemus, and those bits of the story were perhaps the most interesting.
What bits were from the book or Mormon???
For a super smart psychologist, Jordan's body language is very interesting. He telegraphs his lack of comfort in having his beliefs interrogated.
He's a great psychologist. Not a Christian...yet.
Yes, his uncomfortable body language is so noticeable.
last temptation of christ
What’s his honest opinion of Christ
I tried watching a couple of episodes of The Chosen but could only watch a few minutes before I started to feel physically sick and angry. The depiction of an at times befuddled, unsure, self directed Jesus that would refer to and deffer to mere humans bears no resemblance to
the Biblical record. Likewise you will not
find in the Biblical record; periferal characters as depicted in Dallas Jenkins'
The Chosen. Who is it that would want to
present a distorted, diminished Jesus ?
Satan and his minions always want to
offer an alternative, a counterfeit Christ.
The "The Chosen" project from it's conception, inception, through it's production and presentation, has nothing
to do with the Spirit of God ; the Holy Spirit. But is instead inspired by an unholy
spirit. In his delusion Dallas Jenkins presumes to create a better version of Jesus; after a pattern of himself and other
mere humans that he favors. Ah! Man creating God in his own image and likeness; complete with similar foibles and flaws. Hence Jenkins' Jesus having to
rehearse before giving a teaching, ( never mind that the real Jesus says plainly in Biblical scripture, " I never say anything that I don't hear the Father say and I never
do anything that I don't see the Father do".
Apparently Jenkins is unaware of this essential truth from the Biblical record. Or
knowing what God has said, he has chosen to ignore it and instead put his words in God's mouth. How is this not blasphemous ? It would appear that Jenkins believes that God's Word is not
sufficient to convey his truth with effectual
supernatural power. Dallas Jenkins is deceived and is deceiving others with his
false Christ. If you watch the entirety of this video; you will hear Dallas Jenkins say repeatedly that he is narcissistic.
Dallas Jenkins and Jordan Peterson have this dictating trait in common and both are demonic puppets. They are both false teachers in effect; one from inside the camp; the other from outside. The "The Chosen" is a Satanically inspired, demonically implemented counterfeit of Jesus' story designed to deceive the scripturally ignorant within the self identifying Christian community and those
that are yet unsaved. Wake up! Understand the times we are living in. The spirit of Antichrist is already in the world.
Spiritual deception is pervasive and increasing. Read, study and commit to memory the truth of Biblical scripture.
Reject the poisonous koolaid of emergant
and progressive theology so that you will
not be duped by the lie that is The Chosen.
Spot on! Thank you!
@@suehamblin9652Mt. 4:4 Jesus answered,
" It is written: ' Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the
mouth of God". The feast is always ready.
Keep the faith. God is for you. Your Father has
great plans for you.
I'm in the minority and not a fan. But if the unsaved are coming to Christ because of it then it's a good thing as long as it's not seeker centered. By that I mean is it turning people towards Christ, impelling them to grow in their faith in the discipline of the faith or is it only making "God is love" Christians? Because "God is love" Christians don't last. They are like the seed that grows on rocky soil. Without root they wither and die. Christ commissioned us to make disciples. I don't condemn it because I was saved by unlikely means but it can only serve as a jumping off point. Being a Christ follower is so much more than being entertained. Also, Dallas Jenkins interrupts too much. Calm down and let Dr. Peterson answer your questions.
You can fill your head with anything, when you know that you stop doing it ...because you are the kingdom the freedom the words that speak them ...hello there fellow one...all is one ...mind you dont forget mind❤
Who cares (what JP thinks)? Not I.
you probably shouldn’t read the book Magnetic Aura if you’re cool with missing out on how attraction really works.
Nice tryyyyy
That isn’t missing out on anything
Look to the Sumerian writings about the Annunaki and the hybridization of the Homo Erectus specie. That hybridization started with the Hebrews. They were the chosen.
Yeah like which writings?
Details please.
Are these theological writings or biological/paleobiological papers?
@@maryann7619 Sumerian writings. Google it. There are also Utube videos on it.
@@YourStylesGeneric321 The oldest writings are from the Sumarians. Just Google it or watch the many videos.
The Annunake are also referenced in the Bible. These extraterrestrials were considered as Gods by man at that time.
"The Sons of God saw the daughters of Men that they were fair."
my religious convictions or lack there of.....
Propaganda entertainment is a major turn off
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I am blessed that I don’t have to consume everything the world make: have not watched and will not watch the Chosen. also, I didn’t watch the movie Titanic
Great comment! All my friends have raved about the Chosen and consumed it. It hasn't captured me.
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