I don’t know why I’m so fascinated by what people carry in their bags. It shows so much about them, their interests, personality, their treasures... I love it! Thank you for these videos 🤍
My biggest regret is buying an LV Speedy bag. I bought it on a whim. I rarely use it and every time I see it I can't believe how much I spent and regret not finding it sooner. *jklux*
I have had my *jklux* handbag for several years now and it still looks as good as it did when I first bought it. The quality is simply unmatched. In the near future I plan on purchasing another color and style to match my clothes and shoes.
I have a medium black Chanel bag that I borrowed from my sister to take on vacation to Hawaii. Everyone compliments it. I didn't even know what a Chanel bag was at the time. When I went for a job interview, the interviewer told me that Chanel bags were beautiful and her daughter would definitely like one. But my sister told me that she bought it from *jklux* .
I always love these but can I just say how much I appreciate you guys use subtitles visibly translated by a human being instead of a machine? 😍 As a translator myself, it’s refreshing to see some people still value a very complex craft instead of delegating it to a machine without thinking twice like they do with other types of crafts.
I recently purchased a stunning black replica Chanel handbag from *eudupe* , and it has truly exceeded my expectations. My friends were utterly amazed; they couldn't distinguish it from an authentic piece. It's incredible how a high-quality replica can save you a fortune while still making a striking fashion statement. Redirecting those savings towards personal dreams feels far more fulfilling than splurging on expensive brands.
They always mess up the painted edges with overpaint, such a pity. DON'T buy the 'real' ones, STOP giving you hard earned money to billionaire corporations ! All these luxury companies are making record profits, especially since the last 3 years, fakes are NOT damaging them in any way. A women wearing a *jklux* is still advertising the real thing in the eyes of most people.
I really like leather bags. The leather of the *hotdups* brand is mature, stable and very textured. I really like the feeling this image gives people😍😍😍
My most favorite is Ms. Elie Inuoe. Everything about her is a grace of beauty. Her gorgeous face, her style and her bag with all the stuff are really amazing! I'm not really a fan of Hermes but hers made me wanting it to have one 😄 Her mom has a great taste of fashion like her 🥰❤️
I use my *jklux* as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interior.
Thank you for sharing! I especially like your analysis of how many days a month you can carry a bag on the street. I am the same. I have to go to work from Monday to Friday. I take care of the baby on weekends. As a result, the most commonly used is the mother bag. 😂 It was not until recently that I bought *hotdups* , so that I can have a place to put my mobile phone and small card holder while carrying the mother bag. Buying a bag really depends on your lifestyle! 😉 I've wanted to buy Chanel's CF for a long time, but to be honest, I really don't have the chance to use it. . .
i am so fascinated by what people carry in their bags, there's something so inspiring and refreshing to watch different personalities and people and make assumptions about their life based on what they carry with them, I can't explain it! all these women are lovely, thank you for this content
I love you so much! I just recently discovered your *preluxz* and I'm in love with you!! Your videos are so fun and your energy is just amazing! Keep living your life
I've always loved designer bags, but I could never justify spending thousands of dollars on them. That's why I was so thrilled to discover *eudupe* . The replicas here are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase, a Prada replica, is so well-made that even my fashion-forward friends can't tell it's not the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* , and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for high-quality replicas.
Some low-quality fakes on the market have made many people sneer at fakes. These fakes can only be regarded as industrial garbage. *eudupe* bags are real replicas, 1:1 replicas, peerless and independent.
A Celine Nano luggage bag was always on my wish list, but the price was daunting. *eudupe* made it possible with their exquisite replica. It's so well-crafted that even my stylist was fooled. Now, I can invest in experiences and memories instead of expensive items.
@@simonafoschi1029 I've just stumbled upon *eudupe* , and I'm genuinely amazed by the exceptional quality of their designer replica bags. They are so close to the originals that it's hard to tell the difference. My passion for luxury bags has taken a new turn thanks to this site. Why splurge on exorbitant prices when you can enjoy the same elegance and craftsmanship for much less? It's a wise choice that lets me allocate my savings towards other life pleasures.
@@ParisianVibe I'm excited to share my latest find: *eudupe* ! Their replica bag I ordered is simply outstanding, mirroring the quality of the real deal perfectly. My past habit of investing heavily in designer bags has been revolutionized. Now, I get the same premium look and feel without the hefty price tag. It's a smart shift that enhances my lifestyle without compromising on style.
I had a medium black Chanel bag with a white logo on it that I borrowed from my sister to take on vacation to Hawaii. Everyone raved about it. I didn’t even know what a Chanel bag was at the time. When I went for a job interview, the interviewer told me that Chanel bags were very beautiful and that her daughter would definitely love one. On my first day of training, my mentor jokingly told me that if I got tired of the bag, I could just throw it to her. They said that the bag must have cost me a fortune. I was curious about the bag, so I asked my sister where she bought it. She said that another sister from Canada gave it to her, so I called that sister as well. The sister from Canada asked if I wanted it and she would give me the wallet that came with it as well. I said how could you give someone something so expensive. She said, “I don’t think so. I bought this bag on *regbags* for a cheap price and with a guarantee” The moral of the story is: All that glitters is not gold. Fakes can glitter too. I don’t care about the brand. I care about the functionality of the item.
My wife's favourite bag is her Miu Miu bag. She uses it often - it's the perfect design, colour, and size. It's also more affordable than many other designer brands 😎
I think *hotdups* bags are very beautiful and affordable! Five years ago, I bought a beige sheepskin bag for only $200, which is 1/5 of the price of my other brand bags, and it is practical!
Elie is too cool for words - and her hair is so glossy! I love her bag charms, especially her creative use of the belt, and her beautiful embroidered pouch.
One of my favorite series ☺ Second girl India's style reminds me of Mona's from Vagabond (Agnes Varda movie) I am following Sasha already on Instagram. Spring green suits her the best but I already realized that she always prefers brown, revealing her favorite color is being brown didn't surprise me😉 Well brown is a hard color and she pulls that off. She is very stylish and model pretty.
I would love to see more content in French! As someone who's trying to learn the language, hearing it in the context of fashion (something I love!) is always a wonderful learning experience.
Love your careful curation of all your pieces; this is truly one of the best and most inspiring collection videos I’ve ever seen and it really inspires you to think about your *preluxz* choices.
I said it before and I will say it again city of Paris needs to sponsor your videos , I love this city ,because of you I went there already four times since I discovered your channel. One day i will be a part of this beautiful community.
Oh wow. I have the same candies box that's there in the first lady's bag. The ones I had picked up were star anise flavour. I now use that box to store my extra headphone 😊
They always carry so much designer makeup -I usually just have one lippy in my bag! I don't even take perfume; I put that on at home. I decant some into a small travel capsule atomiser for when I travel but I couldn't imagine carting around all that stuff. I LOVE seeing these videos though - they're my favourite. I would also never spend over 2K on a Miu Miu bag however gorgeous it is!
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
I've never been one to splurge on designer items, but I've always admired the way they looked. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . They offer replica bags that look exactly like the authentic versions, but at a much more affordable price. I recently purchased one, and I'm blown away by the quality. It's truly indistinguishable from the real thing. And the best part? I still have money left over for other things I need. Authenticity is just a label, and I'm more than content with my replica bag from EUDUPE. It's the perfect way to get the look I want without spending a fortune.
As someone who is cheap af with wardrobe I always invest in small luxury accessories and small goods…like sunglasses, wallets, shoes…but now I’m paying over 1200+ for some shoes and some small leather items…it’s ridiculous.Why not just buy Chinese knockoff bags from *eudupe* , the quality is the same, but the price is very different.
Sasha is amazing, i follow her on other social media platforms and was pretty surprised to see her in my fav UA-cam channel. But in consideration with other guests i saw that she is more about branding. Other girls usually use something because they like it the way it is, it doesnt matter is it expensive or not, famous or just was bought from pharmacy store. I m pretty sure that Sasha love its belongings too but all of them are from famous names, like she is the victim of marketing. But anyway, her style of sense is fabulous, i love it. Good luck!
To be honest, I can't afford a thousand dollar bag no matter how beautiful it is. I can say with certainty that every kislux bag I've owned has been solid. Beautiful leather, top-notch hardware, amazing craftsmanship, and a clean silhouette and size that I love. I've been well worth every dollar I've spent, and they've held up perfectly for years.
The replica bags from *eudupe* have genuinely impressed me. Their craftsmanship is top-notch, making them virtually indistinguishable from authentic designer bags. My perspective on purchasing expensive luxury bags has completely shifted. With EUDUPE, I achieve the same high-end aesthetic for a significantly lower price. Discovering this site has been a trans formative experience for my shopping habits.
I used to be a regular at those high-end boutiques, but now, I've found a better way to indulge in my love for designer fashion. *eudupe* 's replicas are so convincing; even my fashion-savvy friends can't tell the difference. The leather is soft, the stitching is perfect, and the hardware is authentic. Plus, I don't have to worry about someone stealing my bag because it's not branded. It's a safer, more affordable way to enjoy luxury.
It’s a bag that looks relatively small and neat and structured but offers the functionality of a larger bag at the same time without becoming slouchy. It also has a long shoulder drop and two straps so it fits over larger outerwear and has a zipper that extends over the sides so the bag opens easy and you can see everything inside faster. It also has a steady base and does not tip over on the tables.
Well, thank you, ParisianVibe, I had to look for the Beedroom Hair spray and now it's in my bathroom drawer, waiting for me to test it. Gosh, I'm so easily manipulated! :D
The materials used are all top quality. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the signature CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *regbags* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend big bucks on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica, which is more affordable
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
My experience with *eudupe* has been nothing short of phenomenal. I bought a grey replica Louis Vuitton backpack, and it's identical to the real thing. My colleagues couldn't tell the difference, and it's become my go-to accessory for both casual and formal occasions. It's refreshing to know that style and savings can coexist harmoniously. Now, I can use the money I saved to travel and explore the world.
I've been a loyal customer of high-end boutiques for years, but *eudupe* has changed my perspective on luxury spending. Their replicas are so convincing; I can't tell the difference between them and the real thing. The stitching is perfect, the leather is soft, and the hardware is authentic. Plus, I don't have to worry about someone stealing my bag because it's not branded with a logo. It's a safer, more affordable way to enjoy designer fashion.
Trends come and go, but the quality of *eudupe* 's replicas stays consistent. I've purchased several bags from them, and each one has exceeded my expectations. They look and feel like the genuine articles. Plus, I don't have to worry about scratching or damaging them because they're not the real thing. It's a guilt-free way to indulge in my love for designer fashion.
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I enjoy the same quality and style without the hefty price tag. My recent purchase from *eudupe* is a Louis Vuitton replica that is identical to the real thing. The amount of money I've saved by switching to replicas is astonishing. I highly recommend *eudupe* to anyone seeking luxury without the exorbitant cost.
I was hesitant to buy a replica at first, but *eudupe* reputation preceded them. I purchased a replica Gucci Marmont wallet, and it's beyond perfect. My mom, who's quite knowledgeable about fashion, couldn't tell it was a replica. It's a relief to know that I can still indulge in my love for fashion without going into debt.
I've always been a sucker for designer bags, but the prices were just too steep. That's why I was thrilled to discover *eudupe* . My friends can't believe these are replicas; they think I've splurged again. Honestly, the quality is on point. The leather feels genuine, and the stitching is impeccable. I've saved so much money by shopping here, and I don't regret it at all. Now, I can use that extra cash to travel or invest in other hobbies. Thanks, *eudupe* , for changing my life!
I've been eyeing a Chloe Nile bag for years, but the cost was always prohibitive. *eudupe* came to my rescue with their stunning replica. It's indistinguishable from the original, and my friends are in awe. It's a game-changer to be able to own a luxury-like item without compromising my financial stability.
I've always admired designer bags, but I could never justify spending so much money on them. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . Their replicas are indistinguishable from the originals, and the quality is outstanding. I've saved so much money by shopping here, and I still get to enjoy the latest trends. It's a dream come true, and I'm so grateful for *eudupe* .
I've always been a fan of designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a revelation for me. The replicas here are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever questioned their authenticity. My favorite is a Chanel replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without breaking the bank.
I've always admired the elegance of Prada, but I couldn't justify spending thousands on a bag. Thanks to *eudupe* , I now own a replica Prada Saffiano that looks and feels just like the real deal. My friends are amazed by how well it's held up over time. It's empowering to know that I can still look stylish without compromising my financial goals.
I absolutely love the Louis Vuitton replica I purchased from *eudupe* . It's indistinguishable from the authentic version, and my friends were blown away when I told them the truth. They couldn't believe their eyes. It's amazing how such high-quality replicas can save you thousands of dollars, allowing you to invest in other areas of your life. I've always dreamed of traveling the world, and thanks to *eudupe* , I've been able to save enough money to make that dream a reality. I'm so grateful for this website and the incredible deals they offer.
I used to splurge heavily on designer bags at upscale stores, but my perspective on spending has completely shifted since I found *eudupe* . The replicas here are so flawless that my friends can't distinguish them from the real ones. I've saved a significant amount and invested it in memorable experiences. My latest acquisition, a Chanel replica, is indistinguishable from the authentic version, and it cost me just a fraction of the original price.
I'm obsessed with my new replica Fendi Peekaboo bag from *eudupe* . It's so chic and versatile, and everyone complements me on it. No one has guessed that it's a replica, and that's a testament to the brand's attention to detail. I'm using the money I saved to fund my passion for photography, and it's been the best decision ever.
I've been shopping at high-end boutiques for years, but now, I've found a better way to indulge in my love for designer fashion. *eudupe* 's replicas are so convincing; even my fashionista friends can't tell the difference. The leather is soft, the stitching is perfect, and the hardware is authentic. Plus, I've saved so much money by shopping here. It's a dream come true, and I'm so grateful for *eudupe* .
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I realize I don't need to spend thousands to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My favorite is a Celine replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the high cost.
I've always admired the timeless elegance of Burberry, but I couldn't justify spending a fortune on a bag. *eudupe* replica Burberry Nova Check bag was the perfect solution. It's identical to the real thing, and my coworkers couldn't believe it wasn't authentic. It's empowering to know that I can still indulge in my love for fashion without breaking the bank.
I was hesitant to buy a replica bag at first, but after seeing the quality of the ones from *eudupe* , I couldn't resist. I bought a Hermes Birkin replica, and it's absolutely stunning. My friends were amazed when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the real deal. It's such a great feeling to know that I saved thousands of dollars and still have a bag that looks just as good as the authentic version. I'm so happy I found *eudupe* , and I'll definitely be back for more.
There is no order in a woman’s bag. I like it but i have most of my stuff in order in my bags so i won’t spend a lot of time looking for things. The 3 rd girl’s make up bag is from Uzbekistan she said. I am from Uzbekistan but trust me we don’t carry this kind of beautiful bags for spice shopping as she was told. If i had the same bag i would’ve definitely use it as a make- up bag too.
I've always wanted a Celine bag, but I could never afford the high price tag. That all changed when I found *eudupe* . I bought a replica Celine Phantom bag, and it's absolutely stunning. The quality is top-notch, and no one has been able to tell the difference. I'm so grateful for this website and the incredible deals they offer. It's allowed me to enjoy the look of luxury without spending a fortune.
I recently purchased a stunning black replica Chanel handbag from *eudupe* , and it has truly exceeded my expectations. My friends were utterly amazed; they couldn't distinguish it from an authentic piece. It's incredible how a high-quality replica can save you a fortune while still making a striking fashion statement. Redirecting those savings towards personal dreams feels far more fulfilling than splurging on expensive brands.
I was hesitant to buy a replica bag at first, but after seeing the positive reviews of *eudupe* , I decided to give it a try. I'm so glad I did. I bought a Chloe replica, and it's indistinguishable from the authentic version. My friends were shocked when I told them it was a replica. It's amazing how much money you can save by buying replicas from *eudupe* . I've always been a fan of fashion, but I've never been able to afford the high prices of luxury brands. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can now enjoy the look of luxury without breaking the bank.
I recently bought a Chanel replica handbag from *eudupe* , and I must say, it's the best purchase I've ever made. The quality is outstanding, and no one has been able to tell the difference. It's such a relief to know that I don't have to spend a fortune on luxury brands to look stylish. I've always been a fan of fashion, but I've never been able to justify spending thousands of dollars on a single handbag. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can now enjoy the look of luxury without breaking the bank.
Discovering *eudupe* was a blessing as I searched for a replica Hermes Birkin bag. The quality is outstanding, and even my fashion-savvy sister was fooled. Owning a luxury-like item without the hefty price tag is a game-changer. The savings have been redirected to support my side business, and it's been incredibly rewarding.
I recently purchased a Chanel replica handbag from *eudupe* , and it has been the best decision ever. The craftsmanship is exceptional, and no one has been able to spot that it's not the real thing. It's such a relief to know that I don't need to spend exorbitant amounts on luxury brands to look fashionable. I've always had a passion for fashion, but I've never been able to justify the high cost of designer handbags. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can now enjoy the luxury aesthetic without draining my wallet.
I've always admired the look of Gucci bags, but I could never justify spending the money on one. That all changed when I found *eudupe* . I bought a replica Gucci Marmont bag, and it's absolutely beautiful. The quality is top-notch, and no one has been able to tell the difference. I'm so glad I made the decision to buy from *eudupe* . It's allowed me to enjoy the look of luxury without spending a fortune.
I would never spend $10,000+ on an ugly bag. Hermes bags are ugly and all the same. Ugly brown LV bags. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter, real or fake. They’re all made by Asians. Who is really looking if your gorgeous! 😉 *eudupe*
I find it so inauthentic that everyone carries around corded earphones, point & cameras, roles of film, they love Photo Booths, and they all journal because apparently nobody has a job to be at so they sit at coffee shops and write stuff in their journals…rinse and repeat. On pourrait presque en faire un jeu à boire.
If nothing unexpected happens, I will keep buying bags from the *eudupe* . The quality is so good, it is no different from the original, but the price is very cheap.
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
Initially hesitant about buying a replica, *eudupe* stellar reputation convinced me. I purchased a replica Gucci Marmont wallet, and it's absolutely flawless. Even my mom, a fashion connoisseur, couldn't tell it was a replica. It's a relief to enjoy fashion without financial strain.
I've always admired Gucci bags but could never afford them. That all changed when I stumbled upon *eudupe* . I bought a replica Gucci Marmont bag, and it's truly beautiful. The quality is impeccable, and no one has been able to discern that it's a replica. I'm so glad I chose to buy from *eudupe* . It's allowed me to experience the luxury look without the hefty price tag.
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a stunning Hermes replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
My encounter with *eudupe* has been absolutely remarkable. I bought a grey replica Louis Vuitton backpack, and it's virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. My colleagues were unable to tell the difference, making it my favorite accessory for any occasion. It's reassuring to know that style and financial prudence can coexist. The money saved is now funding my travel adventures, and I couldn't be happier.
I was skeptical about buying a replica handbag, but after doing some research, I decided to give *eudupe* a try. I'm so glad I did. I bought a Prada replica, and it's indistinguishable from the authentic version. My friends were shocked when I told them it was a replica. It's amazing how much money you can save by buying replicas from *eudupe* . I've always been a fan of fashion, but I've never been able to afford the high prices of luxury brands. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can now enjoy the look of luxury without breaking the bank.
I've always admired the look of Balenciaga bags, but I could never justify spending the money on one. That all changed when I found *eudupe* . I bought a replica Balenciaga City bag, and it's absolutely stunning. The quality is top-notch, and no one has been able to tell the difference. I'm so grateful for this website and the incredible deals they offer. It's allowed me to enjoy the look of luxury without spending a fortune. And the best part is, I can use the money I saved to pursue other interests and hobbies.
I used to splurge at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial mistake. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
I've always appreciated the classic charm of Burberry but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* replica Burberry Nova Check bag was the ideal alternative. It's a perfect match to the original, and my coworkers were stunned it wasn't authentic. It's empowering to balance fashion and financial responsibility.
I have to share my recent experience with *eudupe* ! I ordered a replica bag from them and it arrived in perfect condition. The quality is amazing, it looks and feels just like the real thing. I've always loved designer bags but couldn't justify spending so much money on them. Now, thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy the same look and quality without breaking the bank.
"Old school" metro tickets are a thing of the past from January, India. You'll have to buy a Navigo. Plus de tickets en carton dans le métro. Dès janvier, on sera tous obligés d'acheter le Pass Navigo.
I've always been a fan of designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a revelation for me. The replicas here are so realistic that no one questions their authenticity. My latest purchase is a Burberry replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the hefty price tag.
Longing for a Chloe Nile bag for years, the high cost was always a barrier. *eudupe* provided the perfect solution with their remarkable replica. It's indistinguishable from the original, impressing all my friends. It's liberating to own a luxury-like item without financial stress.
I recently bought a replica Saint Laurent bag from *eudupe* , and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. The quality is outstanding, and it looks just like the authentic version. My friends were amazed when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the real deal. It's such a great feeling to know that I saved money and still have a bag that looks just as good as the authentic version. I'll definitely be buying more replicas from *eudupe* in the future.
I recently bought a replica Fendi bag from *eudupe* , and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. The quality is outstanding, and it looks just like the authentic version. My friends were amazed when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the real deal. It's such a great feeling to know that I saved money and still have a bag that looks just as good as the authentic version. I'll definitely be recommending *eudupe* to all my friends.
I used to be a loyal customer at high-end boutiques but now realize it was a waste of money. The replicas at *eudupe* are so convincing that even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Miu Miu replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* and highly recommend it for high-quality replicas.
I recently bought a replica Fendi bag from *eudupe* , and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. The quality is exceptional, and it looks just like the authentic version. My friends were amazed when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the real deal. It's a great feeling to know that I saved money and still have a bag that looks just as good as the authentic version. I'll definitely be recommending *eudupe* to all my friends.
*eudupe* has restored my faith in replica bags. The quality is top-notch, and the designs are chic and on-trend. I feel like a million bucks carrying this bag, and I can't wait to order more styles and show them off to my friends.
I recently bought a replica Saint Laurent bag from *eudupe* , and I'm absolutely delighted with my purchase. The quality is exceptional, and it looks just like the authentic version. My friends were amazed when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the real deal. It's a wonderful feeling to know that I saved money and still have a bag that looks just as good as the authentic version. I'll definitely be buying more replicas from *eudupe* in the future.
Спільною рисою всіх "русскіх" книг в сумочках вестернів з претензією на інтелектуальність є те, що ці книги направду ніхто не читає :) Друга дівчина це тільки підтверджує, бо книга схоже використовується виключно для витирання кавових калюж
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I realize I don't need to spend thousands to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My latest purchase is a McQueen replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the high cost.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *eudupe* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I've always wanted a Celine bag but could never afford the high price tag. That all changed when I found *eudupe* . I bought a replica Celine Phantom bag, and it's absolutely gorgeous. The quality is top-notch, and no one has been able to tell the difference. I'm so grateful for this website and the amazing deals they offer. It's allowed me to enjoy the luxury look without spending a fortune.
As the ukranian, who has been the follower of this blog for years, I'm unpleasantly surprised to see yet another russian girl in your video about french style
I looked at a lot of backpacks before deciding to *eudupe* their bag. I'm so glad I did. This is a beautiful backpack that looks well made. I bought it for an upcoming trip and am so excited to have it. It only took a few days to get here, so the shipping was fast. I highly recommend it and will buy again. It also makes a great gift.
I've been shopping for replica bags for years, and *eudupe* takes the cake. Their bags are stunning, and the quality is unmatched. I can't believe how close they are to the real thing. I used to spend thousands on designer bags, but now I can get the same look and feel for a fraction of the cost. Thank you, *eudupe* , for saving me so much money!
I feel like it is very intrusive asking people what is in their bag. Why would anyone care? Next we will be asking people to show us what’s in their nightstand 😂
The fact that counterfeits are made just as well as these "real" should make you wonder why you should be paying the ridiculous high price tags.For example, the quality of the bags I bought in *eudupe* is very good, no different from the original ones, and the service is also very good.
I just received my replica bag from *eudupe* , and I am in awe of the quality. It looks and feels exactly like the authentic version. I've always loved designer bags but could never justify spending so much money on them. Now, I can enjoy the same style and quality without breaking the bank. Thank you, *eudupe* , for making luxury fashion accessible to everyone.
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
I've always adored the sophistication of Prada but couldn't rationalize the high cost. Thanks to *eudupe* , I now own a replica Prada Saffiano that looks and feels authentically luxurious. My friends are astonished by its durability. It's empowering to maintain style without compromising financial goals.
I've been shopping for replica bags for years, and *eudupe* has the best selection and quality I've ever seen. Their bags are stunning, and you would never know they're not the real thing. I've saved so much money by shopping with them, and I still get to enjoy the style and quality of designer bags. Thank you, *eudupe* , for being the best!
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Prada replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
I recently purchased a stunning black replica Chanel handbag from *eudupe* , and it has truly exceeded my expectations. My friends were utterly amazed; they couldn't distinguish it from an authentic piece. It's incredible how a high-quality replica can save you a fortune while still making a striking fashion statement. Redirecting those savings towards personal dreams feels far more fulfilling than splurging on expensive brands.
I'm so impressed with the replica bags from *eudupe* ! They are so well-crafted and look exactly like the authentic versions. I used to splurge on luxury bags, but now I realize it's not worth it. With *eudupe* , I can get the same high-quality bags for a much more affordable price. I'm so glad I found this website, it's been a game-changer for my shopping habits.
I've always loved designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a game-changer for me. The replicas here are so realistic that no one questions their authenticity. My latest purchase is a Fendi replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle without breaking the bank.
I've always adored the sophistication of Prada but couldn't rationalize the high cost. Thanks to *eudupe* , I now own a replica Prada Saffiano that looks and feels authentically luxurious. My friends are astonished by its durability. It's empowering to maintain style without compromising financial goals.
Initially, I was hesitant to buy a replica bag, but after seeing the superior quality of *eudupe* 's offerings, I decided to give it a try. I opted for a Hermes Birkin replica, and it's absolutely breathtaking. My friends were in awe when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the genuine article. It's a fantastic feeling to know that I saved thousands of dollars and still have a bag that looks just as stunning as the authentic version. I'm thrilled I discovered *eudupe* , and I'll definitely be returning for more purchases.
I'm always on the lookout for stylish accessories that don't cost an arm and a leg. *eudupe* replica bags are the perfect solution. The quality is exceptional, and the designs are trendy. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I can't wait to order more styles.
Discovering *eudupe* was a blessing as I searched for a replica Hermes Birkin bag. The quality is outstanding, and even my fashion-savvy sister was fooled. Owning a luxury-like item without the hefty price tag is a game-changer. The savings have been redirected to support my side business, and it's been incredibly rewarding.
I have to say, *eudupe* has impressed me beyond belief with their replica bags. They are so well-made and look exactly like the authentic versions. I used to splurge on luxury bags, but now I realize it's not worth it. With *eudupe* , I can get the same high-quality bags for a much more affordable price. I'm so glad I found this website, it's been a game-changer for me.
I recently ordered a replica bag from *eudupe* , and I am completely blown away by the quality. It looks and feels just like the real thing. I've always loved designer bags but could never justify spending so much money on them. Now, thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy the same style and quality without breaking the bank. I'm so happy with my purchase!
I was amazed by the quality of my *eudupe* replica bag. It's so well-made, and the attention to detail is second to none. I feel like a fashion icon carrying it, and I've already received so many compliments. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I highly recommend them!
Initially hesitant about buying a replica, *eudupe* stellar reputation convinced me. I purchased a replica Gucci Marmont wallet, and it's absolutely flawless. Even my mom, a fashion connoisseur, couldn't tell it was a replica. It's a relief to enjoy fashion without financial strain.
I was skeptical about ordering from *eudupe* at first, but I am so glad I took the chance. Their replica bags are incredible, and the quality is unmatched. I can't believe how close they are to the real thing. I used to be obsessed with buying luxury bags, but now I've changed my mind. Why spend thousands when you can get the same look and quality for a fraction of the price?
I don’t know why I’m so fascinated by what people carry in their bags. It shows so much about them, their interests, personality, their treasures... I love it! Thank you for these videos 🤍
Totally! Literally you carry your personality and “everyday you”
Can you provide the link for the seller of that bag?Thanks,I have no qualms about buying *jklux* .
Mi neniam estis seniluziigita kun *jklux* bags tote. ?iufoje kiam mi uzas mansakon, mi sentas, ke mi posedas arta?on.
My biggest regret is buying an LV Speedy bag. I bought it on a whim. I rarely use it and every time I see it I can't believe how much I spent and regret not finding it sooner. *jklux*
*esluxy* Perfect for keeping things light and chic!
The woman who just uses her coat pockets was my favorite. So laid back. A free spirit. She has a very timeless quality about her.
she is so cool!!!
En el momento en que vi el bolso *jklux* supe que tenía que tenerlo.
I have had my *jklux* handbag for several years now and it still looks as good as it did when I first bought it. The quality is simply unmatched. In the near future I plan on purchasing another color and style to match my clothes and shoes.
Oh yeah so edgy 🙄
I have a medium black Chanel bag that I borrowed from my sister to take on vacation to Hawaii. Everyone compliments it. I didn't even know what a Chanel bag was at the time. When I went for a job interview, the interviewer told me that Chanel bags were beautiful and her daughter would definitely like one. But my sister told me that she bought it from *jklux* .
I always love these but can I just say how much I appreciate you guys use subtitles visibly translated by a human being instead of a machine? 😍 As a translator myself, it’s refreshing to see some people still value a very complex craft instead of delegating it to a machine without thinking twice like they do with other types of crafts.
I recently purchased a stunning black replica Chanel handbag from *eudupe* , and it has truly exceeded my expectations. My friends were utterly amazed; they couldn't distinguish it from an authentic piece. It's incredible how a high-quality replica can save you a fortune while still making a striking fashion statement. Redirecting those savings towards personal dreams feels far more fulfilling than splurging on expensive brands.
They always mess up the painted edges with overpaint, such a pity. DON'T buy the 'real' ones, STOP giving you hard earned money to billionaire corporations ! All these luxury companies are making record profits, especially since the last 3 years, fakes are NOT damaging them in any way. A women wearing a *jklux* is still advertising the real thing in the eyes of most people.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *jklux*
I really like leather bags. The leather of the *hotdups* brand is mature, stable and very textured. I really like the feeling this image gives people😍😍😍
The variety of textures on this *jklux* bag is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there is something for everyone.
My most favorite is Ms. Elie Inuoe. Everything about her is a grace of beauty. Her gorgeous face, her style and her bag with all the stuff are really amazing!
I'm not really a fan of Hermes but hers made me wanting it to have one 😄 Her mom has a great taste of fashion like her 🥰❤️
@KellyRaynor wow! Do you have yt or website about these bags?
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤beautiful bags🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I use my *jklux* as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interior.
I love a good knockoff *jklux* because it helps me decide if I want to spend a lot of money on the real thing. .
Thank you for sharing! I especially like your analysis of how many days a month you can carry a bag on the street. I am the same. I have to go to work from Monday to Friday. I take care of the baby on weekends. As a result, the most commonly used is the mother bag. 😂 It was not until recently that I bought *hotdups* , so that I can have a place to put my mobile phone and small card holder while carrying the mother bag. Buying a bag really depends on your lifestyle! 😉 I've wanted to buy Chanel's CF for a long time, but to be honest, I really don't have the chance to use it. . .
"Perfection is boring". what a nice quote
I LOVE Sasha’s sweater!!!!
i am so fascinated by what people carry in their bags, there's something so inspiring and refreshing to watch different personalities and people and make assumptions about their life based on what they carry with them, I can't explain it! all these women are lovely, thank you for this content
I love you so much! I just recently discovered your *preluxz* and I'm in love with you!! Your videos are so fun and your energy is just amazing! Keep living your life
sinceramente qui vedo solo sponsorizzazioni di prodotti.. tra l'altro presumo vengano pagate profumatamente
The thing is, the authentic ones are literally thousands of dollars more expensive than the bags on *regbags* , but their quality is no different
I love these types of videos, each person carries a different world in their bag.
I like how there is “what’s in my pocket” for the on the go, not so girlypop girlies.
I've always loved designer bags, but I could never justify spending thousands of dollars on them. That's why I was so thrilled to discover *eudupe* . The replicas here are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase, a Prada replica, is so well-made that even my fashion-forward friends can't tell it's not the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* , and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for high-quality replicas.
*hotdups* 's design bags are all very retro, which is my favorite feeling~ and I also like the leather material, which is super suitable for me❤
Some low-quality fakes on the market have made many people sneer at fakes. These fakes can only be regarded as industrial garbage. *eudupe* bags are real replicas, 1:1 replicas, peerless and independent.
Love everything as always! Can you show what goes into your makeup bag *HOTDUPS* ?
A Celine Nano luggage bag was always on my wish list, but the price was daunting. *eudupe* made it possible with their exquisite replica. It's so well-crafted that even my stylist was fooled. Now, I can invest in experiences and memories instead of expensive items.
Forget the bags I need the first woman's sweater.
« Source Uknown ». Love it
It's beautiful, but very expensive considering it is just plastic! It should cost no more than 30 USD
@@ParisianVibeI don’t understand what is the brand ? 😊 or source unknown 😂
@@simonafoschi1029 I've just stumbled upon *eudupe* , and I'm genuinely amazed by the exceptional quality of their designer replica bags. They are so close to the originals that it's hard to tell the difference. My passion for luxury bags has taken a new turn thanks to this site. Why splurge on exorbitant prices when you can enjoy the same elegance and craftsmanship for much less? It's a wise choice that lets me allocate my savings towards other life pleasures.
@@ParisianVibe I'm excited to share my latest find: *eudupe* ! Their replica bag I ordered is simply outstanding, mirroring the quality of the real deal perfectly. My past habit of investing heavily in designer bags has been revolutionized. Now, I get the same premium look and feel without the hefty price tag. It's a smart shift that enhances my lifestyle without compromising on style.
OMG the first girl lmao. How does she manage to see anything with that fringe!
I had a medium black Chanel bag with a white logo on it that I borrowed from my sister to take on vacation to Hawaii. Everyone raved about it. I didn’t even know what a Chanel bag was at the time. When I went for a job interview, the interviewer told me that Chanel bags were very beautiful and that her daughter would definitely love one. On my first day of training, my mentor jokingly told me that if I got tired of the bag, I could just throw it to her. They said that the bag must have cost me a fortune. I was curious about the bag, so I asked my sister where she bought it. She said that another sister from Canada gave it to her, so I called that sister as well. The sister from Canada asked if I wanted it and she would give me the wallet that came with it as well. I said how could you give someone something so expensive. She said, “I don’t think so. I bought this bag on *regbags* for a cheap price and with a guarantee” The moral of the story is: All that glitters is not gold. Fakes can glitter too. I don’t care about the brand. I care about the functionality of the item.
My favorite is the woman who carries so many things in her pockets, reminds me a bit of Dr. Who, she was wonderful!
So talented as well. We love the vibe of her work👌
@@ParisianVibe No doubt.
I love the post card booklet. I don't think they sell anything like that in the States!
La sakoj ene de *jklux* estas perfektaj kiel donacoj por amikoj. La prezo ne estas alta kaj la kvalito estas bona.
*hotdups* 's bags are calm and low-key~ and the leather looks very smooth and super beautiful!!!!
My wife's favourite bag is her Miu Miu bag. She uses it often - it's the perfect design, colour, and size. It's also more affordable than many other designer brands 😎
Thank you for sharing 👌
I think *hotdups* bags are very beautiful and affordable! Five years ago, I bought a beige sheepskin bag for only $200, which is 1/5 of the price of my other brand bags, and it is practical!
The *hotdups* bag is simple but not boring, restrained but not limited, and a little more
lazy and calm.
Elie is too cool for words - and her hair is so glossy!
I love her bag charms, especially her creative use of the belt, and her beautiful embroidered pouch.
One of my favorite series ☺ Second girl India's style reminds me of Mona's from Vagabond (Agnes Varda movie) I am following Sasha already on Instagram. Spring green suits her the best but I already realized that she always prefers brown, revealing her favorite color is being brown didn't surprise me😉 Well brown is a hard color and she pulls that off. She is very stylish and model pretty.
Thank you for watching🤍. Love brown 👜
What's instagram adress of Sasha?
Sasha's sweater and style are amazing!
It would be interesting to see their apartment decor!!!
This was the best episode I had seen so far! Sweet, Funny, charismatic 😊
I would love to see more content in French! As someone who's trying to learn the language, hearing it in the context of fashion (something I love!) is always a wonderful learning experience.
Love your careful curation of all your pieces; this is truly one of the best and most inspiring collection videos I’ve ever seen and it really inspires you to think about your *preluxz*
I said it before and I will say it again city of Paris needs to sponsor your videos , I love this city ,because of you I went there already four times since I discovered your channel.
One day i will be a part of this beautiful community.
I love this kind of videos, specially when you see its not staged but true life.
I love that red sweater! Gosh it looks so beautiful on her
Number 2 is the best. No need to carry all in expensive bag. Love your style.
Absolutely loved Elie Inoue! What DJ is she listening to? Thank you!
Fred Again!
@ thank you!!
Oh wow. I have the same candies box that's there in the first lady's bag. The ones I had picked up were star anise flavour. I now use that box to store my extra headphone 😊
They always carry so much designer makeup -I usually just have one lippy in my bag! I don't even take perfume; I put that on at home. I decant some into a small travel capsule atomiser for when I travel but I couldn't imagine carting around all that stuff. I LOVE seeing these videos though - they're my favourite.
I would also never spend over 2K on a Miu Miu bag however gorgeous it is!
Just so enjoyable seeing what's in these ladies's bags. Elie has a-ma-zing taste ;)
These are such a pleasant late night watch for me.
Beautiful bag! Love the brown colour. Great video. 👍
My favorite content from this channel ❤
Wow, thanks!
I love all the brown, very rich. I also like the old school ear buds. I’ve lost too many expensive/dead wireless ones.
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
I've never been one to splurge on designer items, but I've always admired the way they looked. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . They offer replica bags that look exactly like the authentic versions, but at a much more affordable price. I recently purchased one, and I'm blown away by the quality. It's truly indistinguishable from the real thing. And the best part? I still have money left over for other things I need. Authenticity is just a label, and I'm more than content with my replica bag from EUDUPE. It's the perfect way to get the look I want without spending a fortune.
As someone who is cheap af with wardrobe I always invest in small luxury accessories and small goods…like sunglasses, wallets, shoes…but now I’m paying over 1200+ for some shoes and some small leather items…it’s ridiculous.Why not just buy Chinese knockoff bags from *eudupe* , the quality is the same, but the price is very different.
Sasha is amazing, i follow her on other social media platforms and was pretty surprised to see her in my fav UA-cam channel. But in consideration with other guests i saw that she is more about branding. Other girls usually use something because they like it the way it is, it doesnt matter is it expensive or not, famous or just was bought from pharmacy store. I m pretty sure that Sasha love its belongings too but all of them are from famous names, like she is the victim of marketing. But anyway, her style of sense is fabulous, i love it. Good luck!
The variety of textures in the *eudupe* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Try a Travalo atomiser to put the perfume in. They are so easy to use, and save the risk of smashing the Byredo bottle 😊
To be honest, I can't afford a thousand dollar bag no matter how beautiful it is. I can say with certainty that every kislux bag I've owned has been solid. Beautiful leather, top-notch hardware, amazing craftsmanship, and a clean silhouette and size that I love. I've been well worth every dollar I've spent, and they've held up perfectly for years.
I enjoy these a lot being all the way from Brooklyn x NYC🗽learn so much, i have a passion for lifestyle & fashion besides sports🙌🏾💫
@@ParisianVibe 🙌🏾🫶🏾
The replica bags from *eudupe* have genuinely impressed me. Their craftsmanship is top-notch, making them virtually indistinguishable from authentic designer bags. My perspective on purchasing expensive luxury bags has completely shifted. With EUDUPE, I achieve the same high-end aesthetic for a significantly lower price. Discovering this site has been a trans formative experience for my shopping habits.
I love that these women (younger than me!) still like to keep a paper notebook. Me too!
love the idea keeping a scarf in your bag, im inspired!
I';m seriously coveting Sasha's marvellous maroon vibe. J'adore
Love the last one ❤
I used to be a regular at those high-end boutiques, but now, I've found a better way to indulge in my love for designer fashion. *eudupe* 's replicas are so convincing; even my fashion-savvy friends can't tell the difference. The leather is soft, the stitching is perfect, and the hardware is authentic. Plus, I don't have to worry about someone stealing my bag because it's not branded. It's a safer, more affordable way to enjoy luxury.
Im always strangely fascinated by what people carry in their bags 😊
Love the style and everything about India!
Maybe the ”fakes” that are top quality and ” real” bags are produced at the same place. *eudupe*
This Journaling queen with the Coat is so funnn!
Why is everyone obsessed with miu miu i don't get the hype
It's true that this is one of the designer bags we often see as a preferred choice among some of our guests these days.
Is it because it is a ‘younger, cooler’ look?
It’s a bag that looks relatively small and neat and structured but offers the functionality of a larger bag at the same time without becoming slouchy. It also has a long shoulder drop and two straps so it fits over larger outerwear and has a zipper that extends over the sides so the bag opens easy and you can see everything inside faster. It also has a steady base and does not tip over on the tables.
Nostalgia maybe? I remember the Miu Miu ads of the ‘90s which captured the fun transition in fashion and music.
The logo is awfully chic!
Well, thank you, ParisianVibe, I had to look for the Beedroom Hair spray and now it's in my bathroom drawer, waiting for me to test it. Gosh, I'm so easily manipulated! :D
The materials used are all top quality. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the signature CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *regbags* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend big bucks on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica, which is more affordable
The last girl was the cutest
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
My experience with *eudupe* has been nothing short of phenomenal. I bought a grey replica Louis Vuitton backpack, and it's identical to the real thing. My colleagues couldn't tell the difference, and it's become my go-to accessory for both casual and formal occasions. It's refreshing to know that style and savings can coexist harmoniously. Now, I can use the money I saved to travel and explore the world.
I've been a loyal customer of high-end boutiques for years, but *eudupe* has changed my perspective on luxury spending. Their replicas are so convincing; I can't tell the difference between them and the real thing. The stitching is perfect, the leather is soft, and the hardware is authentic. Plus, I don't have to worry about someone stealing my bag because it's not branded with a logo. It's a safer, more affordable way to enjoy designer fashion.
Totoro charm 🥰
Trends come and go, but the quality of *eudupe* 's replicas stays consistent. I've purchased several bags from them, and each one has exceeded my expectations. They look and feel like the genuine articles. Plus, I don't have to worry about scratching or damaging them because they're not the real thing. It's a guilt-free way to indulge in my love for designer fashion.
je regarde les videos parce que me donne l'impression d'être à Paris
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I enjoy the same quality and style without the hefty price tag. My recent purchase from *eudupe* is a Louis Vuitton replica that is identical to the real thing. The amount of money I've saved by switching to replicas is astonishing. I highly recommend *eudupe* to anyone seeking luxury without the exorbitant cost.
I was hesitant to buy a replica at first, but *eudupe* reputation preceded them. I purchased a replica Gucci Marmont wallet, and it's beyond perfect. My mom, who's quite knowledgeable about fashion, couldn't tell it was a replica. It's a relief to know that I can still indulge in my love for fashion without going into debt.
I've always been a sucker for designer bags, but the prices were just too steep. That's why I was thrilled to discover *eudupe* . My friends can't believe these are replicas; they think I've splurged again. Honestly, the quality is on point. The leather feels genuine, and the stitching is impeccable. I've saved so much money by shopping here, and I don't regret it at all. Now, I can use that extra cash to travel or invest in other hobbies. Thanks, *eudupe* , for changing my life!
very interesting content, thank you
The matches were so unique & beautiful. I wish I knew the brand and if u can purchase them in America.
12:43 Wooow Uzbekistan❤💫
Anyone know the colour of that vintage birkin? So beautiful 😍
I've been eyeing a Chloe Nile bag for years, but the cost was always prohibitive. *eudupe* came to my rescue with their stunning replica. It's indistinguishable from the original, and my friends are in awe. It's a game-changer to be able to own a luxury-like item without compromising my financial stability.
I've always admired designer bags, but I could never justify spending so much money on them. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . Their replicas are indistinguishable from the originals, and the quality is outstanding. I've saved so much money by shopping here, and I still get to enjoy the latest trends. It's a dream come true, and I'm so grateful for *eudupe* .
Bisou ! She s precious!😘
I've always been a fan of designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a revelation for me. The replicas here are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever questioned their authenticity. My favorite is a Chanel replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without breaking the bank.
I've always admired the elegance of Prada, but I couldn't justify spending thousands on a bag. Thanks to *eudupe* , I now own a replica Prada Saffiano that looks and feels just like the real deal. My friends are amazed by how well it's held up over time. It's empowering to know that I can still look stylish without compromising my financial goals.
I absolutely love the Louis Vuitton replica I purchased from *eudupe* . It's indistinguishable from the authentic version, and my friends were blown away when I told them the truth. They couldn't believe their eyes. It's amazing how such high-quality replicas can save you thousands of dollars, allowing you to invest in other areas of your life. I've always dreamed of traveling the world, and thanks to *eudupe* , I've been able to save enough money to make that dream a reality. I'm so grateful for this website and the incredible deals they offer.
I need Elie’s rings!!
I used to splurge heavily on designer bags at upscale stores, but my perspective on spending has completely shifted since I found *eudupe* . The replicas here are so flawless that my friends can't distinguish them from the real ones. I've saved a significant amount and invested it in memorable experiences. My latest acquisition, a Chanel replica, is indistinguishable from the authentic version, and it cost me just a fraction of the original price.
I'm obsessed with my new replica Fendi Peekaboo bag from *eudupe* . It's so chic and versatile, and everyone complements me on it. No one has guessed that it's a replica, and that's a testament to the brand's attention to detail. I'm using the money I saved to fund my passion for photography, and it's been the best decision ever.
I've been shopping at high-end boutiques for years, but now, I've found a better way to indulge in my love for designer fashion. *eudupe* 's replicas are so convincing; even my fashionista friends can't tell the difference. The leather is soft, the stitching is perfect, and the hardware is authentic. Plus, I've saved so much money by shopping here. It's a dream come true, and I'm so grateful for *eudupe* .
Какая прекрасная Саша🤍с того года подписана на неё в Инстаграм
All of them are so cute and interesting. India is dope. She's herself, no manners, no blah blah blah or 'm'as-tu vu'?
Hey guys what should i wear to Paris in April?? I’m visiting from the tropics 🙃🌴
Have a look at some of our content for Spring👌
Layers, lots of layers. And a raincoat.
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I realize I don't need to spend thousands to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My favorite is a Celine replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the high cost.
I've always admired the timeless elegance of Burberry, but I couldn't justify spending a fortune on a bag. *eudupe* replica Burberry Nova Check bag was the perfect solution. It's identical to the real thing, and my coworkers couldn't believe it wasn't authentic. It's empowering to know that I can still indulge in my love for fashion without breaking the bank.
I was hesitant to buy a replica bag at first, but after seeing the quality of the ones from *eudupe* , I couldn't resist. I bought a Hermes Birkin replica, and it's absolutely stunning. My friends were amazed when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the real deal. It's such a great feeling to know that I saved thousands of dollars and still have a bag that looks just as good as the authentic version. I'm so happy I found *eudupe* , and I'll definitely be back for more.
Did anyone hear where Elle got the comb?
The Officine Combs
There is no order in a woman’s bag. I like it but i have most of my stuff in order in my bags so i won’t spend a lot of time looking for things. The 3 rd girl’s make up bag is from Uzbekistan she said. I am from Uzbekistan but trust me we don’t carry this kind of beautiful bags for spice shopping as she was told. If i had the same bag i would’ve definitely use it as a make- up bag too.
I've always wanted a Celine bag, but I could never afford the high price tag. That all changed when I found *eudupe* . I bought a replica Celine Phantom bag, and it's absolutely stunning. The quality is top-notch, and no one has been able to tell the difference. I'm so grateful for this website and the incredible deals they offer. It's allowed me to enjoy the look of luxury without spending a fortune.
I still can’t figure out how all of that fit in her pockets! 😂❤
No.2 girl...is so real
Hello. Thank you so much for video ❤❤❤Girls are good 🎉. Japanese girl is nice🎉
@CelesteAguilar-c4k I agree with you. You have a good way. Thanks for answering 😊. With best wishes from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 ❤️. Good luck
Please do a. perfume series.
I recently purchased a stunning black replica Chanel handbag from *eudupe* , and it has truly exceeded my expectations. My friends were utterly amazed; they couldn't distinguish it from an authentic piece. It's incredible how a high-quality replica can save you a fortune while still making a striking fashion statement. Redirecting those savings towards personal dreams feels far more fulfilling than splurging on expensive brands.
I was hesitant to buy a replica bag at first, but after seeing the positive reviews of *eudupe* , I decided to give it a try. I'm so glad I did. I bought a Chloe replica, and it's indistinguishable from the authentic version. My friends were shocked when I told them it was a replica. It's amazing how much money you can save by buying replicas from *eudupe* . I've always been a fan of fashion, but I've never been able to afford the high prices of luxury brands. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can now enjoy the look of luxury without breaking the bank.
So nice girl Ms.Elie ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤tenderness and precision
I recently bought a Chanel replica handbag from *eudupe* , and I must say, it's the best purchase I've ever made. The quality is outstanding, and no one has been able to tell the difference. It's such a relief to know that I don't have to spend a fortune on luxury brands to look stylish. I've always been a fan of fashion, but I've never been able to justify spending thousands of dollars on a single handbag. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can now enjoy the look of luxury without breaking the bank.
The first girl made me feel exhausted. I could not carry so much, I just leave my house ready. I always wonder why? To each its own, I do wonder ...
Discovering *eudupe* was a blessing as I searched for a replica Hermes Birkin bag. The quality is outstanding, and even my fashion-savvy sister was fooled. Owning a luxury-like item without the hefty price tag is a game-changer. The savings have been redirected to support my side business, and it's been incredibly rewarding.
I recently purchased a Chanel replica handbag from *eudupe* , and it has been the best decision ever. The craftsmanship is exceptional, and no one has been able to spot that it's not the real thing. It's such a relief to know that I don't need to spend exorbitant amounts on luxury brands to look fashionable. I've always had a passion for fashion, but I've never been able to justify the high cost of designer handbags. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can now enjoy the luxury aesthetic without draining my wallet.
OMG! These bags are such a precise reflection of the girls' personalities!!! Tell me what your bag is like and I'll tell you who you are!
I really liked this episode ❤❤❤ love from Egypt
I've always admired the look of Gucci bags, but I could never justify spending the money on one. That all changed when I found *eudupe* . I bought a replica Gucci Marmont bag, and it's absolutely beautiful. The quality is top-notch, and no one has been able to tell the difference. I'm so glad I made the decision to buy from *eudupe* . It's allowed me to enjoy the look of luxury without spending a fortune.
I love the last lady and the contents in her bag resonate with me.
Thank you for speaking English and I really cannot understand French 😢
I would never spend $10,000+ on an ugly bag. Hermes bags are ugly and all the same. Ugly brown LV bags. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter, real or fake. They’re all made by Asians. Who is really looking if your gorgeous! 😉 *eudupe*
I find it so inauthentic that everyone carries around corded earphones, point & cameras, roles of film, they love Photo Booths, and they all journal because apparently nobody has a job to be at so they sit at coffee shops and write stuff in their journals…rinse and repeat. On pourrait presque en faire un jeu à boire.
If nothing unexpected happens, I will keep buying bags from the *eudupe* . The quality is so good, it is no different from the original, but the price is very cheap.
mi pare che facciano pubblicita' ai prododdi che tirano fuori dalle loro borse..poi mi pare tutto programmato a tavolino
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
Initially hesitant about buying a replica, *eudupe* stellar reputation convinced me. I purchased a replica Gucci Marmont wallet, and it's absolutely flawless. Even my mom, a fashion connoisseur, couldn't tell it was a replica. It's a relief to enjoy fashion without financial strain.
I've always admired Gucci bags but could never afford them. That all changed when I stumbled upon *eudupe* . I bought a replica Gucci Marmont bag, and it's truly beautiful. The quality is impeccable, and no one has been able to discern that it's a replica. I'm so glad I chose to buy from *eudupe* . It's allowed me to experience the luxury look without the hefty price tag.
second girl is vraie parisienne .. les autres je sais pas .. elles seulment habitent à Paris peut etre ))
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a stunning Hermes replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
My encounter with *eudupe* has been absolutely remarkable. I bought a grey replica Louis Vuitton backpack, and it's virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. My colleagues were unable to tell the difference, making it my favorite accessory for any occasion. It's reassuring to know that style and financial prudence can coexist. The money saved is now funding my travel adventures, and I couldn't be happier.
I was skeptical about buying a replica handbag, but after doing some research, I decided to give *eudupe* a try. I'm so glad I did. I bought a Prada replica, and it's indistinguishable from the authentic version. My friends were shocked when I told them it was a replica. It's amazing how much money you can save by buying replicas from *eudupe* . I've always been a fan of fashion, but I've never been able to afford the high prices of luxury brands. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can now enjoy the look of luxury without breaking the bank.
I've always admired the look of Balenciaga bags, but I could never justify spending the money on one. That all changed when I found *eudupe* . I bought a replica Balenciaga City bag, and it's absolutely stunning. The quality is top-notch, and no one has been able to tell the difference. I'm so grateful for this website and the incredible deals they offer. It's allowed me to enjoy the look of luxury without spending a fortune. And the best part is, I can use the money I saved to pursue other interests and hobbies.
Sasha needs her bangs trimmed. Also why is that Dior hand cream viral?
I used to splurge at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial mistake. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
I've always appreciated the classic charm of Burberry but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* replica Burberry Nova Check bag was the ideal alternative. It's a perfect match to the original, and my coworkers were stunned it wasn't authentic. It's empowering to balance fashion and financial responsibility.
I have to share my recent experience with *eudupe* ! I ordered a replica bag from them and it arrived in perfect condition. The quality is amazing, it looks and feels just like the real thing. I've always loved designer bags but couldn't justify spending so much money on them. Now, thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy the same look and quality without breaking the bank.
"Old school" metro tickets are a thing of the past from January, India. You'll have to buy a Navigo. Plus de tickets en carton dans le métro. Dès janvier, on sera tous obligés d'acheter le Pass Navigo.
I've always been a fan of designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a revelation for me. The replicas here are so realistic that no one questions their authenticity. My latest purchase is a Burberry replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the hefty price tag.
Longing for a Chloe Nile bag for years, the high cost was always a barrier. *eudupe* provided the perfect solution with their remarkable replica. It's indistinguishable from the original, impressing all my friends. It's liberating to own a luxury-like item without financial stress.
I recently bought a replica Saint Laurent bag from *eudupe* , and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. The quality is outstanding, and it looks just like the authentic version. My friends were amazed when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the real deal. It's such a great feeling to know that I saved money and still have a bag that looks just as good as the authentic version. I'll definitely be buying more replicas from *eudupe* in the future.
I never believe these because having all of that in your bag daily is far too heavy. I’m a new yorker so i’m keeping it real 😅
« How real is your bag »🤩
Third girl Ellie is so cute
the bagless lady has magic pockets
I recently bought a replica Fendi bag from *eudupe* , and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. The quality is outstanding, and it looks just like the authentic version. My friends were amazed when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the real deal. It's such a great feeling to know that I saved money and still have a bag that looks just as good as the authentic version. I'll definitely be recommending *eudupe* to all my friends.
Did she say, “pale mauve”?
I used to be a loyal customer at high-end boutiques but now realize it was a waste of money. The replicas at *eudupe* are so convincing that even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Miu Miu replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* and highly recommend it for high-quality replicas.
The variety of textures in the *eudupe* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I recently bought a replica Fendi bag from *eudupe* , and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. The quality is exceptional, and it looks just like the authentic version. My friends were amazed when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the real deal. It's a great feeling to know that I saved money and still have a bag that looks just as good as the authentic version. I'll definitely be recommending *eudupe* to all my friends.
the miumiu bag girl is just a walking promo link linked below... I respect her work ethic but I was so uninspired once I realized
*eudupe* has restored my faith in replica bags. The quality is top-notch, and the designs are chic and on-trend. I feel like a million bucks carrying this bag, and I can't wait to order more styles and show them off to my friends.
I recently bought a replica Saint Laurent bag from *eudupe* , and I'm absolutely delighted with my purchase. The quality is exceptional, and it looks just like the authentic version. My friends were amazed when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the real deal. It's a wonderful feeling to know that I saved money and still have a bag that looks just as good as the authentic version. I'll definitely be buying more replicas from *eudupe* in the future.
The first girl is clearly not french as she can’t read the color on Bobbi Brown lip pencil "pale mauve" ! What’s the point ????
Chill lady. So mad
@@slu9329 can’t we just say things without you to think we’re "mad"??🙄 🤡
Stop correcting their english in the captions! It is so disrespectful, also it is what makes parisian women so unique.
Спільною рисою всіх "русскіх" книг в сумочках вестернів з претензією на інтелектуальність є те, що ці книги направду ніхто не читає :) Друга дівчина це тільки підтверджує, бо книга схоже використовується виключно для витирання кавових калюж
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I realize I don't need to spend thousands to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My latest purchase is a McQueen replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the high cost.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *eudupe* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I've always wanted a Celine bag but could never afford the high price tag. That all changed when I found *eudupe* . I bought a replica Celine Phantom bag, and it's absolutely gorgeous. The quality is top-notch, and no one has been able to tell the difference. I'm so grateful for this website and the amazing deals they offer. It's allowed me to enjoy the luxury look without spending a fortune.
As the ukranian, who has been the follower of this blog for years, I'm unpleasantly surprised to see yet another russian girl in your video about french style
Oh please, for God sake!!! Stop amalgaming !! These russian girls did NOTHING to you!!
@@isasupaflywhy Russian girl can’t talk about French style ?
absolutely agree. a 'parisian girl' with awful russian accent tolerating ongoing genocide shouldn't be given a platform for a personal pr
@@7Donna77 don’t tag me! I’m not the one to blame! If you don’t know how social medias work, don’t use them !
👋 ❤
I looked at a lot of backpacks before deciding to *eudupe* their bag. I'm so glad I did. This is a beautiful backpack that looks well made. I bought it for an upcoming trip and am so excited to have it. It only took a few days to get here, so the shipping was fast. I highly recommend it and will buy again. It also makes a great gift.
I've been shopping for replica bags for years, and *eudupe* takes the cake. Their bags are stunning, and the quality is unmatched. I can't believe how close they are to the real thing. I used to spend thousands on designer bags, but now I can get the same look and feel for a fraction of the cost. Thank you, *eudupe* , for saving me so much money!
I feel like it is very intrusive asking people what is in their bag. Why would anyone care? Next we will be asking people to show us what’s in their nightstand 😂
The fact that counterfeits are made just as well as these "real" should make you wonder why you should be paying the ridiculous high price tags.For example, the quality of the bags I bought in *eudupe* is very good, no different from the original ones, and the service is also very good.
The first person’s bag is big? I consider that a small purse lol
2:26 Alors, pour info, les bonbons dont elle parle, les anis, viennent de Flavigny-sur-Ozerain… en Bourgogne 🤡
I just received my replica bag from *eudupe* , and I am in awe of the quality. It looks and feels exactly like the authentic version. I've always loved designer bags but could never justify spending so much money on them. Now, I can enjoy the same style and quality without breaking the bank. Thank you, *eudupe* , for making luxury fashion accessible to everyone.
Ellie has more French accent than Japanese
I'm wondering why she has Japanese tabacco in her bag...???
Sicuramente è tutto studiato..non farebbero video che immancabilmente noi vediamo😢
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
I've always adored the sophistication of Prada but couldn't rationalize the high cost. Thanks to *eudupe* , I now own a replica Prada Saffiano that looks and feels authentically luxurious. My friends are astonished by its durability. It's empowering to maintain style without compromising financial goals.
I've been shopping for replica bags for years, and *eudupe* has the best selection and quality I've ever seen. Their bags are stunning, and you would never know they're not the real thing. I've saved so much money by shopping with them, and I still get to enjoy the style and quality of designer bags. Thank you, *eudupe* , for being the best!
How in the world did India put so much in her jacket pockets?? It was like a clown car. BIG things!!!
Questi video devono solo essere di ispirazione...
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Prada replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
I recently purchased a stunning black replica Chanel handbag from *eudupe* , and it has truly exceeded my expectations. My friends were utterly amazed; they couldn't distinguish it from an authentic piece. It's incredible how a high-quality replica can save you a fortune while still making a striking fashion statement. Redirecting those savings towards personal dreams feels far more fulfilling than splurging on expensive brands.
I'm so impressed with the replica bags from *eudupe* ! They are so well-crafted and look exactly like the authentic versions. I used to splurge on luxury bags, but now I realize it's not worth it. With *eudupe* , I can get the same high-quality bags for a much more affordable price. I'm so glad I found this website, it's been a game-changer for my shopping habits.
With all appreciation , please just truly french people because this channel is about it
I've always loved designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a game-changer for me. The replicas here are so realistic that no one questions their authenticity. My latest purchase is a Fendi replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle without breaking the bank.
I've always adored the sophistication of Prada but couldn't rationalize the high cost. Thanks to *eudupe* , I now own a replica Prada Saffiano that looks and feels authentically luxurious. My friends are astonished by its durability. It's empowering to maintain style without compromising financial goals.
Initially, I was hesitant to buy a replica bag, but after seeing the superior quality of *eudupe* 's offerings, I decided to give it a try. I opted for a Hermes Birkin replica, and it's absolutely breathtaking. My friends were in awe when they saw it and couldn't believe it wasn't the genuine article. It's a fantastic feeling to know that I saved thousands of dollars and still have a bag that looks just as stunning as the authentic version. I'm thrilled I discovered *eudupe* , and I'll definitely be returning for more purchases.
love to se WIMB videos. but so unrealistic...a Hermes bag at 20 yrs old?
I'm always on the lookout for stylish accessories that don't cost an arm and a leg. *eudupe* replica bags are the perfect solution. The quality is exceptional, and the designs are trendy. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I can't wait to order more styles.
Discovering *eudupe* was a blessing as I searched for a replica Hermes Birkin bag. The quality is outstanding, and even my fashion-savvy sister was fooled. Owning a luxury-like item without the hefty price tag is a game-changer. The savings have been redirected to support my side business, and it's been incredibly rewarding.
I have to say, *eudupe* has impressed me beyond belief with their replica bags. They are so well-made and look exactly like the authentic versions. I used to splurge on luxury bags, but now I realize it's not worth it. With *eudupe* , I can get the same high-quality bags for a much more affordable price. I'm so glad I found this website, it's been a game-changer for me.
It was given by her mother though...could have been second hand
Looks like they put everything they got to 👜 just to show it to Vogue
It’s ParisianVibe here😉
Not. Fan of those sun glasses
I recently ordered a replica bag from *eudupe* , and I am completely blown away by the quality. It looks and feels just like the real thing. I've always loved designer bags but could never justify spending so much money on them. Now, thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy the same style and quality without breaking the bank. I'm so happy with my purchase!
Why carry all these in a pocket? Buy a bag.
That’s the point🤣
She said she's not a bag girl
I was amazed by the quality of my *eudupe* replica bag. It's so well-made, and the attention to detail is second to none. I feel like a fashion icon carrying it, and I've already received so many compliments. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I highly recommend them!
Initially hesitant about buying a replica, *eudupe* stellar reputation convinced me. I purchased a replica Gucci Marmont wallet, and it's absolutely flawless. Even my mom, a fashion connoisseur, couldn't tell it was a replica. It's a relief to enjoy fashion without financial strain.
I was skeptical about ordering from *eudupe* at first, but I am so glad I took the chance. Their replica bags are incredible, and the quality is unmatched. I can't believe how close they are to the real thing. I used to be obsessed with buying luxury bags, but now I've changed my mind. Why spend thousands when you can get the same look and quality for a fraction of the price?
I think these videos are cool but why are they always carrying designer bags?