Jennifer is strong also. She attempted to escape in Texas but because of her strange speech, the neighbors that picked her up thought she was mentally challenged and returned her. Jennifer helped Jordan prepare to escape. It was her idea to take pics of the younger girls to have proof for the cops. These girls are amazing and they’re going to change the lives of others.
Thanks for this analysis. As a parent, I’m horrified and dumbfounded at their parenting skills-or lack thereof. On a side note, Don’t be too hard on Justin Bieber. He’s turned over a new leaf and is truly changed.
You are right they are my family & criminal child abusers rapists they associated with has the same types of records similar to the Menendez & Silvia likens & Sandusky, nassar Epstein victims, priests & nuns molestations .. many survivors of torture I am also a documented survivor of torture & I have also been fighting cancer half my life Thank you for making this observation about human error & to support victims Criminal abusers keep trying to abuse you because you are evidence of their crimes we work super hard to survive and many of us are extremely amazing and offer a lot of insight Jennifer Jordan the whole family is extraordinary you dr grande are correct
The Turpin kids are still not helped like the should be. One of the girls is homeless,still. I hope they’re getting life skills training and how to make it in this world.
This 17 year old girl, Jordan Turpin, should be Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" in my opinion. She is a hero for her siblings and every other child out there suffering severe neglect and abuse in the shadows of society.
The Turpin children were violated twice. Once by the parents, and the second time by the judicial system. The children were promised that they would remain together but social sevices separated them. Also, there was a fund set up for the children in excess of $600K to help with necessities, yet they can not access the money. One of the older boys requested money for a bicycle, so he had a means of transportation to school or work and was denied. To my knowledge that money is still sitting there and not accessible to the children. Also many of the children have not seen one another in years. Thanks for the update Dr. Grande 🌵🌵🌵
It is hard, if not impossible, to find a single placement for several siblings, not to mention thirteen. The system is flawed, sometimes beyond belief, but not a lot of people can take on that many kids.
@@GradyPhilpott Some of the kids are grown adults, so it should be possible for them to live together somehow. The older kids might not be capable of taking care of kids because of their experiences, but it would be ideal if they could be housed together, if they want to be, in some kind of group home.
I think that $600K fund needs to have an audit done on it. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that certain people (whose last name was not Turpin) have been using that fund illegally for their own benefit. According to 20/20, the woman who was assigned to be those kids advocate was more interested in getting her side business up and running than helping those kids - financially or otherwise. When questions started being asked about the money - she quits. Suspicious? I think so.
@@jtx38 I agree. I didn't know the exact circumstances but that makes sense now. The corruption runs deep. Greed trumps compassion. I feel very bad for the children.
So sad this happens often. People taking advantage of vurnable children. The parents told them "world is a dangerous place" ----have we proven them right 😭
I was " raised" in very similar environment although we were never chained to beds. We were however totally isolated, religion was used to abuse us in every imaginable way. My mom during the younger years would sometimes try to stop my schizophrenic stepdad( I thought he was my bio dad until 15 and the relief was immense) who sexually abused me overtly until eleven when I told him that " God" had told me he would strike him down " in a dream( which I made up to desperately get him to stop and having observed how PARANOID he was) shockingly it worked. That didn't stop any of the other abuse or hoarders paradise we grew up in. We were homeschooling and I was until the 9th grade. My parents refused to let me go until my grandpa intervened by threatening to finally call CPS. Books saved my life. Thrift stores and a bookstore that put free books outside in boxes SAVED my life. I also was given books by relatives and these allowed me to see into other ways of living and about the world around me. They brought me on adventures far away from the bleak and painful daily existence. My heart goes out to ALL of these children as I know the hell that a childhood like this is. They have a long road of healing and I hope they can all avoid using substances or other damaging coping skills that might cause further difficulty for them. What an absolutely AMAZING set of sisters and all of those kids. What a way to beat the odds of what many consider to be the inevitable from a childhood of extreme abuse. Wishing them all happiness, health, and stability!
I am so sorry this happened to you.. My alcoholic father was extremely abusive for most of my teenage years, and even earlier than that.. I used to get excited whenever he would go out to drink because I felt relief when he wasn't home until the situation got so out of control whenever he would drink that I started praying so that he wouldn't go out to drink. There's was a lot of physical abuse and even more mental abuse, some of the details not even my best friend knows. And the police was involved in a couple of instances, but that was not very helpful. He used to belightle me, make me feel useless and cocnstantly telling me I am a failure. I was embarrassed to bring any of my friends in my house (with most of them not knowning what goes on in the house) because I was afraid of him coming back intoxicated and yelling at me in front of them. I felt ashamed. I am now 26 years old, I do not live in the house I grew up anymore, and I am very thankful for my life now! ps sorry for my English, I am from Europe.
Most religious people are decent people. But most people who behave like this are religious don't know what it is or why. (I'm not btw but most religious that I know are very fine people)
What's even more sad is the sisters said some of their siblings have been put in horrible foster homes and still are not on good living conditions. That family has not gotten the help the public thinks they have.
As a former foster parent I can say that to help these kids will be a life time battle! I adopted a boy who was severely abused. He will never be "normal". He is now in a group home after beating us unconscious. He is still our boy and we see him several times a week. The state needs to make a commitment to life time support for these kids.
Really sorry for your sad experience with your adopted son... How old was he when you decided to adopt him? How many foster homes had he been in previous to yours? Do you know much about his history as an infant/family of origin situation? If you don't mind me asking, who and WHY on earth would people think the boys problems would be your fault, do you think??
Agree. I know a woman who had been held as a hostage for a few hours in a stand off with police back in the 1980s. She still suffers from this, sometimes screaming at night from nightmares. I can't imagine the impact from years and years of abuse and what kind of adjustment must be made to assimilate into society in a productive way. Seems impossible.
Jordan is extraordinary! Imagine what she would have achieved by now had she been raised in a healthy, supportive family, with an education, love and care. What a super star. I hope she will still reach her potential and find peace,purpose and happiness. 💕💕💕
I think that kinda takes away from her in a way. This was her purpose. This was the plan and she did amazingly at it. If she does nothing else in her life she is already a superstar. Don't lessen it by saying what could have been. Imagine what she may do now because she has this background. Imagine what a fantastic therapist she could be from having lived this abusive upbringing. So many others will be able to relate to her. She might inspire another to break free or she might become a Teacher. Her possibilities are still good, she will be whatever the plan is, trust God that it's gonna be fine, she's done her part.
I was brought up in a similar environment. I now watch other people doing the same job as I would have liked. My educational and mental torment wouldn't allow me to choose this career path. Very sad. I'm almost ashamed to talk about it now. It shows my parents in a bad light. People ask me, why I'm so good at origami. It's because I spent so much time alone in my room, isolated from friends outside the house, and the outside world. Maybe writing this is a way of freeing myself from the disgust of the past.
Jordan honestly seems incredibly curious and intelligent. She was able to maneuver in a world that was completely alien to her. Even now she apparently completed HS in one year and is currently in college, without any former education. I think you hit the nail on the head on how her curiosity and courage is what allowed her to save herself and her siblings.
She said she loves to learn. Someone really needs to invest in her potential. Rather, they all need to gain access to the money donated to them. The older brother is also apparently in college and very smart.
@@matthoward8546 LOL! NO! Not at all = if they had been in school the parents would have been reported to CPS MUCH earlier. Teachers are under a legal duty to report abuse to local authorities . Good try though - Bye Troll
Dr. Todd - while I was thoroughly tickled by your Bieber comments, I think you could've followed the thread of the impact he had on Jordan. The children lived in an echo chamber/bubble of material and intellectual squalor where there was zero proper love and decency modeled for them. Clearly, bieber sparked the idea, concept, and possibility of joy and empathy in Jordan's brain.
Yes there was something in bieber which inspired her despite what we might think of him he played ab unknowing part in her development and ultimate escape
Every time I learn of such a case that's what goes through my mind. How do we protect children if our society believes strongly in the right to privacy in the home? I understand and want that privacy for myself and others, but at the same time it sets up a way for children to be abused. All we can do is maintain the best balance between rights and the harm those rights can do.
The story of the Wolf Pack is very very interesting if you have not seen it. Locked in a NY apartment. However they had a loving mother who did her best. There is also Elizabeth Fritzel.
@@virginiamoss7045 Home schooling families need to be monitored. It should not be you just keep kids out of school and away from society. It should be law the home schooled children have to regularly participate in community activities with other children, sports, arts, or something. There should be routine home visits from the public school system to ensure the children aren't living in a hoarder home and make sure they are actually being taught, and children interviewed away from the parents now and then.
@@kina18 Many homeschooled families do get together locally, usually through the churches, to do some joint classes on a weekly basis along with field trips, but it's still a 'sterile" environment, especially politically. There really should be some yearly testing by governments to determine what they are learning regarding the basics so they don't get behind. They do, of course, have to pass testing to get an equivalency certificate at some point; otherwise they can't show that they are educated at all to future employers. As much as I despair over the quality of our public schools, in the big picture I think it better prepares the populace for dealing with the world they will have to operate in as adults. Private and college preparatory schools do a good job academically and even morally, but the graduates have great difficulty dealing with the "underclass" out in the world; they have no experience with the broader human experience out there and no patience or empathy.
This case also demonstrates that even though someone isolates another person for a whole life, can't control courage, empathy, internal thoughts, feelings and wills.
Exactly this. Though try they did, her parents failed to 'break her spirit'. She managed to keep this part of herself alive-the very 'place' where our innermost thoughts and feelings, 'live', and her will remained not only intact, but fierce. She was willing to suffer whatever consequences, to roll the proverbial dice, I think mostly in order to save her sisters (who were in imminent danger) and all her siblings. That is indeed a strong willed girl.
@@Llulaaa Yes, I went thru abuse also but noooo where near this, what horrible people who should NEVER see OUTSIDE of prison.. Jeh God will bless her for her courage and strength. What a beautiful SAUL.
When you mentioned the father being 17 and the mother being 10 when he was first attracted to her I genuinely said ‘eughhhh’ out loud and had to pause for a moment before continuing… warped from the start.
Seeing Jordan Turpin speaking with that police officer and looking at her appearance and manners, was one of the hardest things to endure in my 27 years old life. That video have stung me to a deepest corners of my personality. She was the emanation of innocence and vulnerability, like an angel.
I do wish you spoke about the mistreatment and hardships the siblings (especially the older ones) are facing now due to the negligence of the system. They were saved and celebrated but now they’re not getting the help they need to renter society. Either way thanks for the update
If ever there was a good reason for GoFundMe these kids would be it. Problem is they were so messed up mentally they need sponsors to help them for years to adjust to adult life. Very tragic story
@@rickv4473 Apparently there was thousands of dollars raised thru a GoFundMe, but of course, none of the children have access to these funds, which are more than sufficient to meet their needs. That is due to the fact the court has placed guardianship as well as conservatorship on all the children as none of them are deemed competent to manage their own funds! Also, one of course, must realise the men who manage and supposedly administer these funds naturally charge a fee for their services and thus enrich themselves at the children's expense!
Come on now, for all his other pointlessness Bieber really inspired Jordan. It’s not often that a teenage crush gives someone the confidence to get themselves and twelve siblings a new life. His existence is worth it just for that.
Exactly right God works in very mysterious and bamboozling ways. But he always works, and is always on time. No matter what. Praise the lord! All glory to God!
My understanding is that the oldest girl escaped and tried to get help, but came across as mentally challenged so was immediately returned to the parents. She also helped Jordan escape. These two girls are so brave. Thanks for the update! This is such an important story.
David Turpin probably hated having his hair cut - people with autism have sensory issues which can include being unable to cope with anyone touching their head, the sound of hair being cut, or the feel of cut hair around their neck. Not caring about appearance, presentation or understanding of the 'norm' are also involved. Where the absence of being able to imagine what another person thinks is clear in a small(ish) thing in life could be extrapolated to behaving bizarrely in other aspects. Not realising or thinking that your children may have needs - LOVE ("whatever that might be"), FOOD, hygiene, play, communication, education, freedom to make friends, see family, learn life skills and make their own mistakes, learn to be independent,. David saw nothing wrong in controlling his environment, including the family he fathered, with no insight AT ALL. You can read quite a lot from that hair!
@Helen How do you know he had autism, I seem to have missed that? Still no excuse as he must have been intellectually capable of knowing right and wrong.
@@teijaflink2226 I believe Dr Ramani has a video on the difference between extreme malignant narcissism and autism. Evidence points to David Turpin having characteristics of the former. Malignant narcissism is still a pretty new topic in modern psychology so difficult to get a clear picture.
I was hoping you would mention how after the children were rescued, they continued to be abused by foster parents and a horrible case manager who restricted access to resources and funds they are entitled to. What on earth could cause someone to harm the very children they just rescued from harm?
Even when Jordan grew up in captivity, she's filled with courage, strength and empathy, and was able to save her siblings💐, and whoever would have thought Justin Bieber educational 🙂
7:13 I knew the roast was about to begin, and you didn't disappoint. The only thing I want to add is this: I would not take away from whatever good watching his videos may have given Jordan. NO one can take that away from her.
Aw, don't bash Justin Bieber. I'm not a fan but his image and lifestyle are what sparked and encouraged Jordan's curiosity for freedom. If you want to complain about someone, pick on David Turpin and his haircut.
I always marvel at how these secluded people somehow figure out that something is desperately wrong and then somehow figure out an escape plan. Pretty incredible. Proof of human instincts and a conscience, it seems.
Who knew? Justin Bieber indirectly helped save the day. What a brave young girl. All of those kids need tremendous psychosocial support. It’s amazing that none of those kids died under such horrible conditions. Thank you for your professional analysis though I will admit that I will never comprehend such depraved, criminal behavior.
Starting with mental illness coupled(ug!) with religious fervor to have many children, slowly realizing that pride and paranoia will keep the world at bay and add limited money and almost no empathy and this is what can happen.😓
Jordan escapes, saves her siblings only to be abused AGAIN in foster care and the system. The $ was stolen that people donated, $600,000 in fact! They've been in and out of foster care, abused by strangers, homeless, hungry and much more! How they have any faith in humanity is beyond me ✌️❣️💪🙏
@@jenswittgrefe6169 They were all seperated. They all lived with strangers at some point. I don't know about the family ever getting custody of any of the kids but wouldn't surprise me if they were abusive too. Birds of a feather 💔
@@xtinamarie_333 Please look up by UA-cam 'Uncle of 13 Turpin victims wants to adopt them' ..I don't now how to put a link in here. Normaly relatives have priority before others..
Most foster children are let down by the government child welfare system. It's not "family" it's only there to serve their basic maintenance needs at best.
It happened to me when I called for help, both tyrants ones payed by the Government making up their stories, that hurt me more than the family member with mental illness it had a car accident but having power and money from people's taxes in a huge supported scammed, that was more deceptive. Mental Illness is still a stigma and no one is prepare to detect the origins of true horror, as dark as it's without changing the stories with sugar coating and suppositions.
Such a horrible case. I remember the case of Josef Fritzl here in Europe. Its all so unspeakable. Normal humans cant really comprehend the darkness that are in some people and to what stretches they can take the darkness.
Would you consider doing a video about the effect the Vietnam war had on the young men who fought? I live in a town full of Vietnam vets and it breaks my heart. More often than not, their demons keep them from living a productive life. The things they saw and the things they did seem to have rewired their brain somehow. Some were very intelligent and now talk to themselves on the street corner. It’s actually happening right now and that’s what prompted me to mention this. The poor man is shouting at cars. I’d love to understand, at least a little, why the brain reacts this way.
I work in aged care, specialising in advanced dementia and dementia with mental illness. These vets are now entering the aged care system, and I have definitely wondered about how these men will fare.
I watched the interview. Both Jordan and Jennifer are just such beautiful people with big hearts. Very strong women. They made me cry my eyes out. They're so brave. I wish nothing but the best for both of them and all of their siblings.
Exceedingly insightful analysis. Jordan’s courage was truly remarkable. I hope she can rebuild her life and achieve great heights with all the amazing qualities within her. Thank you for the great content Dr. Grande.❤️
Jordan is doing well -she is now verified on TikTok with over 500k followers and a ton of income potential. She is also able to promote the Jaycee foundation turpin children fund which will actually be used to help those kids instead of the previous fundraising they still have no access to.
Before watching this video I had no idea what a hero Jordan Turpin is. I really hope she is afforded the ability to pursue her natural curiosity and love of knowledge now that she has “found her freedom.” Actually, “found her freedom” is really an appropriate phrase…perhaps “risking her life due to her unbelievable courage and unstoppable pursuit of freedom” is more like it!
Jordan is an inspiration. The courage she showed, pushing through her fear, to rescue not only herself but all other siblings is remarkable. Amazing person. least Justin bieber was unknowingly able to give this kid some comfort. Seriously. I don't listen to his music but in this moment I'm thankful he was somehow there for her. The good doctor should acknowledge that much.
Ah! It’s her curiosity and inquisitive nature that propelled her to find help. I have found Jordan’s bravery tremendous and it also fascinates me. Why her? Why then? How is she so empathetic when she wasn’t shown love? While she appears more “grounded” than her older sister perhaps, it must be her sister was the “good enough” mother who helped mold Jordan somehow. This story is infuriating, heartbreaking and inspirational all at once. Thank you for covering it.
Jordan has inspired me. Such a brave girl to be that heroic in the face death and to seek knowledge despite that same fear. I’m absolutely amazed by her story.
Dr. Grande, I agree with your analysis, and as always, i enjoy your videos. One small exception today that I thought was uncharacteristically unfair of you. Your comments about Justin Bieber were a bit inappropriate, especially where you compared one feeling like they wanted to die after listening to him with the experience of Jordan Turpin.
What a courageous young women! I'm not a Justin Bieber fan but I feel like he's grown up a lot lately and I hope he's on a better path. I'm thankful he was an inspiration for Jordan, and gave her some hope that things could be different from the hell she was living in.
Haha. He is actually a very good guy. Not sure what he did to create all the hate. Compared to most musicians and actors he's very calm and drugs, alcohol, cheating etc. His persona is of swag but he's very shy. I love his voice. He's actually very talented.
@@lindysaltwell9628 Because I like Dr G I let it slide and know he gives lots of opinions I don't agree with. But thanks for the comment. I feel bad for the Beebs as I have a CD of his and I'm no millennial lol. He gets so many unwarranted criticisms. I guess I can relate as I've been the target of wrong judgments alot and it hurts.
@@lindysaltwell9628 I agree! I've not heard Dr Grande talk like that before. I love his dry humor comments but this was pure insults. First time ever I took my thumbs up back. 🙁
@@zenawarrior7442 he's talented for sure but he has done a lot of drugs, alcohol, cheating, etc. in the past. I wouldn't call him shy either. Still, it doesn't mean he's on a different path now.
I saw the interview with the Turpin girls, too. The footage of the house and what was in it, was disgusting. The parents were, too. Jordan and her sister were very heroic. It's amazing they had love and empathy for their siblings, despite having terrible parents teaching them the opposite! You did a great job recapping it for us. Thanks, Dr. Grande. 👍❤
First I want to say I love your channel, I'm a subscriber. I don't always agree with you but respect and appreciate your expertise and perspective. Second, I'm obsessed with this case and am in awe of Jordan's courage. Third, your deadpan delivery of humor regarding Justin Beiber MADE MY DAY.
Ok I never comment on things like this because I appreciate some snark. But I really do think the Justin Bieber remarks were really inappropriate in the context you used them. He may be all those things, but using that in regards to new words she may have learned and literally using a moment where this poor girl felt like she was going to die at the hands of her mother to throw some shade at Bieber was unbelievably insensitive and inappropriate. For her, that was a lifeline. That was a driving force. That was a window into the outside world and helped give her the courage to do what many of us would not. Again, he may be all those things, but imagine if she watched this video and heard you say that in context to words she may have learned and Bieber being the reason she felt like she was going to die? Instead of her mother who was abusing her? I think your Analysis of Bieber is fine. It’s just the way in which you shared it. I think it’s bad taste. Especially when she really admired him. I honestly think it would discourage her and hurt her.
Dr. G has over a million subscribers largely due to deadpan drops such as this. The fact that a teenage girl immediately gravitated to a current heartthrob gives me optimism that she's still normal deep down.
Why the hatred toward Justin Berber? When I was 27, I too, was self centered. If he wasn’t talented he wouldn’t be so successful. I’m 65 years old and not a teenager with a crush on Justin. I just think you are awfully hard on some people. He actually did something good in this instance.
Thank you so much, Dr Grande, for your deep comments on the power of intellectual curiosity of that girl. Your words hit me so close to the bone that I started crying. For many years I have been trying to understand more about myself and the world and, essentially, it is my intellectual curiosity too that helped me finally free myself from the thick fog of narcissistic abuse.
Have you ever noticed how very often the expression "strong religious beliefs" is included in the prelude to a story of dysfunction, violence, child abuse, mental illness, exploitation of the vulnerable, pointless suffering and death?
@@michaelangeloevans2722 NO ! " Strong religious beliefs ( with a few exceptions ) almost always follows or leads into a story about abuse, homophobia, beatings, mental illness, violence. Just look at history ... the Inquisition, the murder of Millions of indigenous people all over the world for not being " Good Christians or Good Muslims " Good try though
I’m curious about why their speech patterns and “accent” are so strange sounding. I understand that lack of interpersonal relationships has something to do with this, but it’s still so interesting. I wonder if sociologists and psychologists (and whoever-else-ologists) will want to study these kids (like, in a humane way).
I am interested in this as well. I asked my daughter who is about to graduate with her degree in speech language pathology and she said it’s most likely lack of communication with anyone outside of the home. That’s how they all talked to each other - kind of like different areas of the country have different dialects - they had their own within the home. No one else to learn from - no TV, radio, teachers, nothing, just each other.
It can happen from the abusers tone-policing their victims persistently for so long. I've seen similar but different "odd accents" in other videos of cult members.
She learned alot from the beebs.......I watch your free videos but you have made me figure out how to develop a plan going into a high stress situations that lead to better outcome. I look forward to the day I can support you more
Hey Todd... . I think this update was warranted as the extended information we have now is much richer and more detailed. Jordan is obviously an extraordinary person and your focus on her courage was wonderful. However your random attack on Justin B was really jarring and out of sync with the rest of the analysis. That part of Jordan's story was so sweet and meaningful... how just watching a few of his videos gave her such insight into what life could be... and hope that she could actually access it. Your unexpected nastiness was vicious and out of place. Not funny.
Totally agree. "Comedy" came off as just mean... I mean, if he deserved it, fair nuff. But, he seems like an alright kid. I was curious and googled his history. Doesn't have any scandals besides some typical teenager stuff when he was younger. And, you can't call him talentless. His music ain't my taste, but any fool can see he's got talent.
Yeah that was weird. Knowing how much comfort and 'help' Justin's videos gave to one of the victims he is discussing.. It felt distasteful and mocking of the peace that Jordan managed to find there. Maybe one of those internalised 'anything teen girls love is dumb' attitudes that needs taking an insightful look at.
I literally laughed out loud from the rips on Bieber. He is a mildly toxic human who didn't help her actually. Here's a thing, she was probably attracted to Bieber because he was obviously narcissistic like her father- but her age and hot looking.
@@johnreese7973 That's a bit narcissistic to think Jordan should have viewed Beiber as you view him. I think she made it clear in her interview exactly what her viewpoint & perception was all about. (She was "probably attracted to? Is that some sort of guess or what? lol) While Beiber had some instances as a teen & trouble, he himself has come out of those rebellious years as most of us do. Maybe research him a bit, recent news at that! And for Grande as a Dr of psychology, it's unprofessional to question ones higher power in a situation like this, esp in a case like this & publicly!
There are so many people with "religious" views that really have nothing to do with God. I'm so sorry for mama's abuse as a child that seemed to have scarred her so much to turn her heart to stone. I pray for healing and peace for the children. Thankfully they have each other.
I’m not saying Justin Bieber is a wonderful person or hasn’t made his share of errors and then some, but he will always have a soft spot in my heart, and not because of his music or his looks (I’m too old to ever have a crush on him!) I was a pediatric nurse at a large hospital in LA for many years. One Valentine’s Day, when Justin was a teenager still himself, he personally delivered roses to every patient in the Acute Care and Intensive Care Pediatric Units. It is sometimes emotionally challenging for adults to immerse themselves in this type of environment, let alone a teenager to see his peers in heartbreaking situations, such as terminal cancer or end-stage liver failure, as many of the patients were. So, he will always have a soft spot in my heart for doing this. I witnessed this first hand, so it’s not just a story someone fabricated or inflated for promotional opportunities.
I agree with you about the role of intellectual curiosity. It plays an important role in adjustment, the ability to adapt and to be resilient. Thank you for your most enlightening analysis.
Good afternoon, Dr Grande. What a nightmare for this family. I don't understand why had children at all . I wish the neighbors had called the police. Those poor children never had a chance. Both Jordan and Jennifer are Hero's. I'm so pleased they got out. I hope the children find a loveing home. Thank you Dr Grande, a sad story. I hope one day, they will be happy and more importantly safe. Thank you Dr Grande . Brilliant analysis and topic.
Thank you for covering this. You're an amazing content creator, but the digs at Justin Bieber really came off as misplaced and unnecessary. I don't think much of him either, but if his videos helped Jordan realize that the world can be a lovely place with loving families and kindness then I think that's all that needs to be said.
You'd be surprised. I had an aunt who was similar to them (didn't chain kids up, but all the other twisted abuse was there, as well as having no hygiene and generally being a trash person). She used to brag about her sexual encounters to me, from when I was 5yrs old.
Crying my heart out all morning over the videos of their abuse, and rescue. I wish your calm knowledge somehow helps me stop crying. May these human beings never be treated worse than wild animals again.
Jordan is everything good. I pray for your precious siblings. You are beautiful. I know this world has let you down, I pray everything is returned to all of you exponentially.
It would be great if all the children went on to live fantastic lives, but I don't know if it's possible to overcome the damage those "so called parents" have done.
Some will: psychologists have identified that there are children who do well as adults after terrible situations in youth. They call them "resilient children."
Right? Not without serious therapy and probably medication for the rest of their lives. I mean, abuse and trauma literally stunt emotional and mental development. It can be actually impossible to repair the damage that is done to the brain.
Thank you for this update on the Turpin family. I was one of the people who requested it. In addition to your expertise, I appreciate your willingness to provide content based on listener interests.
This story breaks my heart. I didn't know the Justin Bieber aspect. Somehow, my heart is even more broken now. The parents are extraordinarily disturbing to me.
They are so resilient not that they have to be but such amazing people who survived something horrid. I got your book yesterday already hard to put down!
Very well done Dr. Grande. It seems that Jordan had a deep love for herself as well as for her siblings. She has been touched by God I think. Merry Christmas Sir 🙋♀️👏
Thanks, Dr. Grande. I'm interested in the effects on the children. I hope they can adjust and thrive in this confusing new world they find themselves in. Justin Bieber would be a good guy if he made a special visit to Jordan and her siblings. I hope he's already reached out to her.
lol All 13 were invited & attended his Mar 2022 LA show, took a private bus & had a private suite, pics n vids were posted last year on Jordan & Jennifers social media accts!
What an amazing and beautiful and brave young girl !!! Thank you for updating. I just started reading about this case a few weeks ago. I was stunned to learn about the horrible horrible conditions these children endured. ☹️☹️☹️
The picture of Diane Sawyer interviewing the two girls with her arms crossed at the wrists, mirroring the girls' learned compliance gestures, bothered me for some reason. I guess Diane was trying to make them feel comfortable but I found it to be manipulative.
Despite Bieber's behavior, it was through him that she learned there was another way to live. Justin is close to his mother & seeing this let Jordan know that her situation was not normal. So her desire for knowledge was absolutely a factor here. What bothers me is all the people who suspected the kids were being abused, but did nothing. If you see something, do something. Please don't just let yourself be a bystander.
She became a strong beautiful young woman, admire her very much for what she’s endured and has overcome, and was willing to do to save her siblings. I do worry about them coming into the outside world though and having caffeine and sugar in EVERYTHING. Being denied fun and dangerous things your entire life may lead some of the kids down a dark road in the future, though I hope they all stay in touch and help one another moving forward.
Jordan and Jennifer should write a book about their experiences and lives, it would sell. Jordan is a strong willed girl and I know she will go far in life. I wish them all the best and a happy life going forward. I hope to see updates on the children in the years to come.
Reminds me of this awful movie called Dog Tooth, about a father who imprisons his children in their own homes, teaches them bizarre beliefs, and makes them feel subhuman every step of the way. I thought it was just a sick fantasy... but truth is stranger than fiction
Jennifer is strong also. She attempted to escape in Texas but because of her strange speech, the neighbors that picked her up thought she was mentally challenged and returned her. Jennifer helped Jordan prepare to escape. It was her idea to take pics of the younger girls to have proof for the cops. These girls are amazing and they’re going to change the lives of others.
Thanks for this analysis. As a parent, I’m horrified and dumbfounded at their parenting skills-or lack thereof. On a side note, Don’t be too hard on Justin Bieber. He’s turned over a new leaf and is truly changed.
You are right they are my family & criminal child abusers rapists they associated with has the same types of records similar to the Menendez & Silvia likens & Sandusky, nassar Epstein victims, priests & nuns molestations .. many survivors of torture I am also a documented survivor of torture & I have also been fighting cancer half my life Thank you for making this observation about human error & to support victims Criminal abusers keep trying to abuse you because you are evidence of their crimes we work super hard to survive and many of us are extremely amazing and offer a lot of insight Jennifer Jordan the whole family is extraordinary you dr grande are correct
The Turpin kids are still not helped like the should be. One of the girls is homeless,still. I hope they’re getting life skills training and how to make it in this world.
@@tawnie9204 I thought this Update was going to be about the children
@@tawnie9204 that’s so sad! I didn’t know one of them was homeless. They should have support to build their lives after such a tragic childhood. 😥
This 17 year old girl, Jordan Turpin, should be Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" in my opinion. She is a hero for her siblings and every other child out there suffering severe neglect and abuse in the shadows of society.
I agree.
William , that was a great comment, so thank you so much.
@@cottontails9003 You're welcome! Jordan Turpin deserves some type of National/International award in my opinion. What a courageous young lady.
I agree !
The Turpin children were violated twice. Once by the parents, and the second time by the judicial system.
The children were promised that they would remain together but social sevices separated them.
Also, there was a fund set up for the children in excess of $600K to help with necessities, yet they can not access the money. One of the older boys requested money for a bicycle, so he had a means of transportation to school or work and was denied.
To my knowledge that money is still sitting there and not accessible to the children.
Also many of the children have not seen one another in years.
Thanks for the update Dr. Grande 🌵🌵🌵
It is hard, if not impossible, to find a single placement for several siblings, not to mention thirteen. The system is flawed, sometimes beyond belief, but not a lot of people can take on that many kids.
@@GradyPhilpott Some of the kids are grown adults, so it should be possible for them to live together somehow. The older kids might not be capable of taking care of kids because of their experiences, but it would be ideal if they could be housed together, if they want to be, in some kind of group home.
I think that $600K fund needs to have an audit done on it. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that certain people (whose last name was not Turpin) have been using that fund illegally for their own benefit. According to 20/20, the woman who was assigned to be those kids advocate was more interested in getting her side business up and running than helping those kids - financially or otherwise. When questions started being asked about the money - she quits. Suspicious? I think so.
@@jtx38 I agree. I didn't know the exact circumstances but that makes sense now.
The corruption runs deep. Greed trumps compassion.
I feel very bad for the children.
So sad this happens often. People taking advantage of vurnable children. The parents told them "world is a dangerous place" ----have we proven them right 😭
I was " raised" in very similar environment although we were never chained to beds. We were however totally isolated, religion was used to abuse us in every imaginable way. My mom during the younger years would sometimes try to stop my schizophrenic stepdad( I thought he was my bio dad until 15 and the relief was immense) who sexually abused me overtly until eleven when I told him that " God" had told me he would strike him down " in a dream( which I made up to desperately get him to stop and having observed how PARANOID he was) shockingly it worked. That didn't stop any of the other abuse or hoarders paradise we grew up in. We were homeschooling and I was until the 9th grade. My parents refused to let me go until my grandpa intervened by threatening to finally call CPS. Books saved my life. Thrift stores and a bookstore that put free books outside in boxes SAVED my life. I also was given books by relatives and these allowed me to see into other ways of living and about the world around me. They brought me on adventures far away from the bleak and painful daily existence. My heart goes out to ALL of these children as I know the hell that a childhood like this is. They have a long road of healing and I hope they can all avoid using substances or other damaging coping skills that might cause further difficulty for them. What an absolutely AMAZING set of sisters and all of those kids. What a way to beat the odds of what many consider to be the inevitable from a childhood of extreme abuse. Wishing them all happiness, health, and stability!
I am so sorry this happened to you.. My alcoholic father was extremely abusive for most of my teenage years, and even earlier than that.. I used to get excited whenever he would go out to drink because I felt relief when he wasn't home until the situation got so out of control whenever he would drink that I started praying so that he wouldn't go out to drink. There's was a lot of physical abuse and even more mental abuse, some of the details not even my best friend knows. And the police was involved in a couple of instances, but that was not very helpful. He used to belightle me, make me feel useless and cocnstantly telling me I am a failure. I was embarrassed to bring any of my friends in my house (with most of them not knowning what goes on in the house) because I was afraid of him coming back intoxicated and yelling at me in front of them. I felt ashamed.
I am now 26 years old, I do not live in the house I grew up anymore, and I am very thankful for my life now!
ps sorry for my English, I am from Europe.
Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank u for sharing. Sorry to know that. Very interesting way you thought of to trick your step dad.
Most religious people are decent people. But most people who behave like this are religious don't know what it is or why.
(I'm not btw but most religious that I know are very fine people)
You’re so smart to use that man’s delusions against him
What's even more sad is the sisters said some of their siblings have been put in horrible foster homes and still are not on good living conditions. That family has not gotten the help the public thinks they have.
Perris is a third world country. You been out there? I'm from there.
There was $600,000 donated for this family, but I heard none of the kids got ANY of it. I'm not surprised - this is California, after all.
@@C_U_R_I_E_L lol
@@kathleennoble7236 Maybe Elon Musk or Bill Gates would replace the money, don't think they'd miss it.
@@C_U_R_I_E_L Totally got the picture now. Assuming, then, it must be something like Gilpen Holler Kentucky. Gotta get those babies outta there.
As a former foster parent I can say that to help these kids will be a life time battle! I adopted a boy who was severely abused. He will never be "normal". He is now in a group home after beating us unconscious. He is still our boy and we see him several times a week. The state needs to make a commitment to life time support for these kids.
woah, your love must be immense to still have so much compassion for a boy who beat you up who isn't even biologically related to you. Bless you.
@@ABB14-11 Thanks for the support usually people just try and find a way to make it my fault.
Really sorry for your sad experience with your adopted son... How old was he when you decided to adopt him? How many foster homes had he been in previous to yours? Do you know much about his history as an infant/family of origin situation? If you don't mind me asking, who and WHY on earth would people think the boys problems would be your fault, do you think??
Agree. I know a woman who had been held as a hostage for a few hours in a stand off with police back in the 1980s. She still suffers from this, sometimes screaming at night from nightmares. I can't imagine the impact from years and years of abuse and what kind of adjustment must be made to assimilate into society in a productive way. Seems impossible.
Jordan is extraordinary! Imagine what she would have achieved by now had she been raised in a healthy, supportive family, with an education, love and care. What a super star. I hope she will still reach her potential and find peace,purpose and happiness. 💕💕💕
I agree
I think that kinda takes away from her in a way. This was her purpose. This was the plan and she did amazingly at it. If she does nothing else in her life she is already a superstar. Don't lessen it by saying what could have been. Imagine what she may do now because she has this background. Imagine what a fantastic therapist she could be from having lived this abusive upbringing. So many others will be able to relate to her. She might inspire another to break free or she might become a Teacher. Her possibilities are still good, she will be whatever the plan is, trust God that it's gonna be fine, she's done her part.
The flawless agreement can be observed but facilitated attachment may also occur in cases of this structure!
I was brought up in a similar environment. I now watch other people doing the same job as I would have liked. My educational and mental torment wouldn't allow me to choose this career path. Very sad. I'm almost ashamed to talk about it now. It shows my parents in a bad light. People ask me, why I'm so good at origami. It's because I spent so much time alone in my room, isolated from friends outside the house, and the outside world. Maybe writing this is a way of freeing myself from the disgust of the past.
Still capable, still time
Jordan honestly seems incredibly curious and intelligent. She was able to maneuver in a world that was completely alien to her. Even now she apparently completed HS in one year and is currently in college, without any former education. I think you hit the nail on the head on how her curiosity and courage is what allowed her to save herself and her siblings.
They also taught eachother how to read and stuff in the home. The few kids that went to school were able to help.
She said she loves to learn. Someone really needs to invest in her potential. Rather, they all need to gain access to the money donated to them. The older brother is also apparently in college and very smart.
The home school kids win again.
@@matthoward8546 Not. If they had gone to public school they would have escaped their house much sooner.
@@matthoward8546 LOL! NO! Not at all = if they had been in school the parents would have been reported to CPS MUCH earlier. Teachers are under a legal duty to report abuse to local authorities . Good try though - Bye Troll
*Every child deserves a loving parent, but not every parent deserves their child.*
Well said and true!
You're welcome for the quote, kid. No need to thank me.
Very true.
Yeah Man
Absolutely. 😭👋
Dr. Todd - while I was thoroughly tickled by your Bieber comments, I think you could've followed the thread of the impact he had on Jordan. The children lived in an echo chamber/bubble of material and intellectual squalor where there was zero proper love and decency modeled for them. Clearly, bieber sparked the idea, concept, and possibility of joy and empathy in Jordan's brain.
Yes there was something in bieber which inspired her despite what we might think of him he played ab unknowing part in her development and ultimate escape
There's are probably dozens of Turpin families living out there that no one knows about.
Only dozens?
Every time I learn of such a case that's what goes through my mind. How do we protect children if our society believes strongly in the right to privacy in the home? I understand and want that privacy for myself and others, but at the same time it sets up a way for children to be abused. All we can do is maintain the best balance between rights and the harm those rights can do.
The story of the Wolf Pack is very very interesting if you have not seen it. Locked in a NY apartment. However they had a loving mother who did her best.
There is also Elizabeth Fritzel.
@@virginiamoss7045 Home schooling families need to be monitored. It should not be you just keep kids out of school and away from society. It should be law the home schooled children have to regularly participate in community activities with other children, sports, arts, or something. There should be routine home visits from the public school system to ensure the children aren't living in a hoarder home and make sure they are actually being taught, and children interviewed away from the parents now and then.
@@kina18 Many homeschooled families do get together locally, usually through the churches, to do some joint classes on a weekly basis along with field trips, but it's still a 'sterile" environment, especially politically. There really should be some yearly testing by governments to determine what they are learning regarding the basics so they don't get behind. They do, of course, have to pass testing to get an equivalency certificate at some point; otherwise they can't show that they are educated at all to future employers.
As much as I despair over the quality of our public schools, in the big picture I think it better prepares the populace for dealing with the world they will have to operate in as adults. Private and college preparatory schools do a good job academically and even morally, but the graduates have great difficulty dealing with the "underclass" out in the world; they have no experience with the broader human experience out there and no patience or empathy.
This case also demonstrates that even though someone isolates another person for a whole life, can't control courage, empathy, internal thoughts, feelings and wills.
Exactly this. Though try they did, her parents failed to 'break her spirit'. She managed to keep this part of herself alive-the very 'place' where our innermost thoughts and feelings, 'live', and her will remained not only intact, but fierce. She was willing to suffer whatever consequences, to roll the proverbial dice, I think mostly in order to save her sisters (who were in imminent danger) and all her siblings.
That is indeed a strong willed girl.
@@Llulaaa Yes, I went thru abuse also but noooo where near this, what horrible people who should NEVER see OUTSIDE of prison.. Jeh God will bless her for her courage and strength. What a beautiful SAUL.
When you mentioned the father being 17 and the mother being 10 when he was first attracted to her I genuinely said ‘eughhhh’ out loud and had to pause for a moment before continuing… warped from the start.
I know right?
Same. Watching it alone and I audibly said "eww!" at that part. Such vile subhumans they are.
I said “gross!” out loud too, and couldn’t even find the words to explain to my partner
Same here. I literally said "nuh uh" then after rewinding it to make sure I heard correctly I said "eww" out loud 🤢
Wow. She had been molested and then got groomed by him.
Seeing Jordan Turpin speaking with that police officer and looking at her appearance and manners, was one of the hardest things to endure in my 27 years old life. That video have stung me to a deepest corners of my personality. She was the emanation of innocence and vulnerability, like an angel.
I do wish you spoke about the mistreatment and hardships the siblings (especially the older ones) are facing now due to the negligence of the system. They were saved and celebrated but now they’re not getting the help they need to renter society. Either way thanks for the update
great post. You are correct. What a failure of the juvenile system.
If ever there was a good reason for GoFundMe these kids would be it. Problem is they were so messed up mentally they need sponsors to help them for years to adjust to adult life. Very tragic story
Yes, I would like to know how the other children are doing. I hope someone kind is now caring for them.
Yes! Someone plz address the blatant inadequacies of the foster care system in Riverside Cty where these brave souls are currently ensnared.
@@rickv4473 Apparently there was thousands of dollars raised thru a GoFundMe, but of course, none of the children have access to these funds, which are more than sufficient to meet their needs. That is due to the fact the court has placed guardianship as well as conservatorship on all the children as none of them are deemed competent to manage their own funds!
Also, one of course, must realise the men who manage and supposedly administer these funds naturally charge a fee for their services and thus enrich themselves at the children's expense!
Come on now, for all his other pointlessness Bieber really inspired Jordan. It’s not often that a teenage crush gives someone the confidence to get themselves and twelve siblings a new life. His existence is worth it just for that.
Well said.
Yes, I found that dig at Justin Bieber completely unnecessary.
For sure, got to give JB credit...but the way Dr Grande roasts him, is hilarious 😂
Exactly right
God works in very mysterious and bamboozling ways. But he always works, and is always on time. No matter what. Praise the lord! All glory to God!
Those children need a lawyer and sue their state for further abuse after their parents went to prison. Please help them.
You ever been to Perris? Anything east of Fullerton is a third world country.
But should it be?
Yes I agree. I hope they find somebody to help them with this
My understanding is that the oldest girl escaped and tried to get help, but came across as mentally challenged so was immediately returned to the parents. She also helped Jordan escape. These two girls are so brave. Thanks for the update! This is such an important story.
How did they not see the danger sign in that man's haircut!!!!
David Turpin probably hated having his hair cut - people with autism have sensory issues which can include being unable to cope with anyone touching their head, the sound of hair being cut, or the feel of cut hair around their neck. Not caring about appearance, presentation or understanding of the 'norm' are also involved. Where the absence of being able to imagine what another person thinks is clear in a small(ish) thing in life could be extrapolated to behaving bizarrely in other aspects. Not realising or thinking that your children may have needs - LOVE ("whatever that might be"), FOOD, hygiene, play, communication, education, freedom to make friends, see family, learn life skills and make their own mistakes, learn to be independent,. David saw nothing wrong in controlling his environment, including the family he fathered, with no insight AT ALL. You can read quite a lot from that hair!
Oh I absolutely agree
@Helen How do you know he had autism, I seem to have missed that? Still no excuse as he must have been intellectually capable of knowing right and wrong.
@@teijaflink2226 I believe Dr Ramani has a video on the difference between extreme malignant narcissism and autism. Evidence points to David Turpin having characteristics of the former. Malignant narcissism is still a pretty new topic in modern psychology so difficult to get a clear picture.
@@puffinbilly I would think it would take upkeep. That hair. It is trimmed and such, just horrible.
I was hoping you would mention how after the children were rescued, they continued to be abused by foster parents and a horrible case manager who restricted access to resources and funds they are entitled to. What on earth could cause someone to harm the very children they just rescued from harm?
Those foster parents are just as sick and horrible as their actually parents. 😡🤬😠
I just read a book about that case. What a horrible nightmare those children lived through. Jordan Turpin is a brave young woman!
What book was it?
Who was the author of book
Could you please tell me the name of that book?
What is the name of the book?
Maybe it's "The Family Next Door" by John Glott
Even when Jordan grew up in captivity, she's filled with courage, strength and empathy, and was able to save her siblings💐, and whoever would have thought Justin Bieber educational 🙂
I knew the roast was about to begin, and you didn't disappoint.
The only thing I want to add is this: I would not take away from whatever good watching his videos may have given Jordan. NO one can take that away from her.
Aw, don't bash Justin Bieber. I'm not a fan but his image and lifestyle are what sparked and encouraged Jordan's curiosity for freedom. If you want to complain about someone, pick on David Turpin and his haircut.
exactly !
I always marvel at how these secluded people somehow figure out that something is desperately wrong and then somehow figure out an escape plan. Pretty incredible. Proof of human instincts and a conscience, it seems.
@Goldilocks Yes!
Yes! It’s amazing. We have a strong instinct to grow into adults and be free.
Who knew? Justin Bieber indirectly helped save the day. What a brave young girl. All of those kids need tremendous psychosocial support. It’s amazing that none of those kids died under such horrible conditions. Thank you for your professional analysis though I will admit that I will never comprehend such depraved, criminal behavior.
Starting with mental illness coupled(ug!) with religious fervor to have many children, slowly realizing that pride and paranoia will keep the world at bay and add limited money and almost no empathy and this is what can happen.😓
Jordan escapes, saves her siblings only to be abused AGAIN in foster care and the system. The $ was stolen that people donated, $600,000 in fact! They've been in and out of foster care, abused by strangers, homeless, hungry and much more! How they have any faith in humanity is beyond me ✌️❣️💪🙏
As far as I now the foster family was one the aunt and second the oncle. David's brother. This oncle abused the children again.
@@jenswittgrefe6169 They were all seperated. They all lived with strangers at some point. I don't know about the family ever getting custody of any of the kids but wouldn't surprise me if they were abusive too. Birds of a feather 💔
@@xtinamarie_333 Please look up by UA-cam 'Uncle of 13 Turpin victims wants to adopt them' ..I don't now how to put a link in here. Normaly relatives have priority before others..
@@jenswittgrefe6169 I've heard this already, doesn't mean it's going to happen ✌️
The sad part is that they were rescued and later were let down by the system.
Most foster children are let down by the government child welfare system. It's not "family" it's only there to serve their basic maintenance needs at best.
Happens pretty often tbh
It happened to me when I called for help, both tyrants ones payed by the Government making up their stories, that hurt me more than the family member with mental illness it had a car accident but having power and money from people's taxes in a huge supported scammed, that was more deceptive. Mental Illness is still a stigma and no one is prepare to detect the origins of true horror, as dark as it's without changing the stories with sugar coating and suppositions.
Didn’t expect an update video to this case, but I’m glad it’s here. Keep up the great work Dr. Grande.
She's a hero. She saved her siblings so courageously. I hope they're all receiving intensive therapy to deal with the years of abuse they endured.
Such a horrible case. I remember the case of Josef Fritzl here in Europe. Its all so unspeakable. Normal humans cant really comprehend the darkness that are in some people and to what stretches they can take the darkness.
This isn't relevant to anything, but your name is something I used to do in local stores in my teens.
@@eadweard. hehe took my a moment to get it. Nice one.
Yes, and Fritzl told the police "there are many more families out there just like this one"....pretty chilling.
@@nicklager1666 Bet you will never look at your name the same way again !!
@@nicklager1666 Good taste, eh?
Would you consider doing a video about the effect the Vietnam war had on the young men who fought? I live in a town full of Vietnam vets and it breaks my heart. More often than not, their demons keep them from living a productive life. The things they saw and the things they did seem to have rewired their brain somehow. Some were very intelligent and now talk to themselves on the street corner. It’s actually happening right now and that’s what prompted me to mention this. The poor man is shouting at cars. I’d love to understand, at least a little, why the brain reacts this way.
It's amazing to me that so many others see a man shouting at cars but you see a Soldier who is deserving of respect and care. Bless all your days.
@@AliValentine143 Thank you.
Effect, not affect.
I would like to see more on veterans. I lived and worked in a community with lots of gulf war vets and a sizeable number were homeless
I work in aged care, specialising in advanced dementia and dementia with mental illness.
These vets are now entering the aged care system, and I have definitely wondered about how these men will fare.
Not a Bieber fan, but those jokes were like hearing jokes during a video about the Holocaust.
Exactly , so unnecessary and so unprofessional
@@salvolondonhe goes overboard
I watched the interview. Both Jordan and Jennifer are just such beautiful people with big hearts. Very strong women. They made me cry my eyes out. They're so brave. I wish nothing but the best for both of them and all of their siblings.
Exceedingly insightful analysis. Jordan’s courage was truly remarkable. I hope she can rebuild her life and achieve great heights with all the amazing qualities within her.
Thank you for the great content Dr. Grande.❤️
Rejane, that was so sad, I can't stop myself, from crying 😭
@@cottontails9003 Oh I am sorry Julianne…🥺Yes, it is so sad and unbelievable that any parent would do something like this to their children.💔
Good evening ladies you both have warm hearts!
@@bthomson Thank you Bruce, and you are a gentleman!
Jordan is doing well -she is now verified on TikTok with over 500k followers and a ton of income potential. She is also able to promote the Jaycee foundation turpin children fund which will actually be used to help those kids instead of the previous fundraising they still have no access to.
If true courage is being scared s***less and saddling up anyway - Jordan Turpin is the bravest young woman that has ever lived.
Before watching this video I had no idea what a hero Jordan Turpin is. I really hope she is afforded the ability to pursue her natural curiosity and love of knowledge now that she has “found her freedom.” Actually, “found her freedom” is really an appropriate phrase…perhaps “risking her life due to her unbelievable courage and unstoppable pursuit of freedom” is more like it!
What a HERO. How SMART she was, despite her absolute neglect from her parents. Good on her! Good on her!!
She had empathy and that's why she saved them.
Jordan is an inspiration. The courage she showed, pushing through her fear, to rescue not only herself but all other siblings is remarkable. Amazing person.
I would like to see an updated analysis of the Turpin children/adults, as their circumstances have not yet been resolved. My heart aches for them. :(
I don’t care for Bieber but why throw all the shade? He seemed to be a glimmer of hope for these poor girls. least Justin bieber was unknowingly able to give this kid some comfort. Seriously. I don't listen to his music but in this moment I'm thankful he was somehow there for her. The good doctor should acknowledge that much.
It’s true... Beibers a goofy dude but he gave
her comfort; hope, etc.
I think she should one day meet him!!
Ah! It’s her curiosity and inquisitive nature that propelled her to find help.
I have found Jordan’s bravery tremendous and it also fascinates me. Why her? Why then? How is she so empathetic when she wasn’t shown love? While she appears more “grounded” than her older sister perhaps, it must be her sister was the “good enough” mother who helped mold Jordan somehow.
This story is infuriating, heartbreaking and inspirational all at once. Thank you for covering it.
Jordan has inspired me. Such a brave girl to be that heroic in the face death and to seek knowledge despite that same fear. I’m absolutely amazed by her story.
Thanks for doing the update Dr Grande!! Jordan and her sibling deserve happiness!!
Dr. Grande, I agree with your analysis, and as always, i enjoy your videos.
One small exception today that I thought was uncharacteristically unfair of you. Your comments about Justin Bieber were a bit inappropriate, especially where you compared one feeling like they wanted to die after listening to him with the experience of Jordan Turpin.
What a courageous young women! I'm not a Justin Bieber fan but I feel like he's grown up a lot lately and I hope he's on a better path. I'm thankful he was an inspiration for Jordan, and gave her some hope that things could be different from the hell she was living in.
Haha. He is actually a very good guy. Not sure what he did to create all the hate. Compared to most musicians and actors he's very calm and drugs, alcohol, cheating etc. His persona is of swag but he's very shy. I love his voice. He's actually very talented.
I don't think Dr Grande's snide comments about Justin are necessary at all. In fact rude and uncalled for.
@@lindysaltwell9628 Because I like Dr G I let it slide and know he gives lots of opinions I don't agree with. But thanks for the comment. I feel bad for the Beebs as I have a CD of his and I'm no millennial lol. He gets so many unwarranted criticisms. I guess I can relate as I've been the target of wrong judgments alot and it hurts.
@@lindysaltwell9628 I agree! I've not heard Dr Grande talk like that before. I love his dry humor comments but this was pure insults. First time ever I took my thumbs up back. 🙁
@@zenawarrior7442 he's talented for sure but he has done a lot of drugs, alcohol, cheating, etc. in the past. I wouldn't call him shy either. Still, it doesn't mean he's on a different path now.
Dr. Grande I really enjoy your videos. Could you please discuss Tammy Slaton from 1000 lb sisters?
I think the so-called parents did gain something from the abuse. They got the satisfaction of feeling powerful .
"Not an uncommon feeling, for people who have watched Justin Bieber." Hilarious 😆
Perfect comedic timing.
this story is so sad, that humor seems inappropriate but at the same time the comic relief is needed
@@sunflowers2469 Eh, probably not really called for. Cleverness is not always becoming imo.
I love this guy. His humor, is so insanely dry. He doesn't even flinch. I think Dr. Grande would make a great comedian
@@dianelipartito6654 Totally agree.
His humor is why I watch his videos.
People always talk about heroes! Jordan is a true hero! I believe this child will make a true mark in life. She already has for her siblings! ❤👍👍👍
I saw the interview with the Turpin girls, too. The footage of the house and what was in it, was disgusting. The parents were, too. Jordan and her sister were very heroic. It's amazing they had love and empathy for their siblings, despite having terrible parents teaching them the opposite! You did a great job recapping it for us. Thanks, Dr. Grande. 👍❤
Hi, Dr. Grande!
Yah, I've never seen you look quite so tired, or sad, or weighted down with it all as when you first profiled the Turpin family
This is the best Dr. Grande. I love your empathy.
First I want to say I love your channel, I'm a subscriber. I don't always agree with you but respect and appreciate your expertise and perspective. Second, I'm obsessed with this case and am in awe of Jordan's courage. Third, your deadpan delivery of humor regarding Justin Beiber MADE MY DAY.
Ok I never comment on things like this because I appreciate some snark. But I really do think the Justin Bieber remarks were really inappropriate in the context you used them. He may be all those things, but using that in regards to new words she may have learned and literally using a moment where this poor girl felt like she was going to die at the hands of her mother to throw some shade at Bieber was unbelievably insensitive and inappropriate. For her, that was a lifeline. That was a driving force. That was a window into the outside world and helped give her the courage to do what many of us would not. Again, he may be all those things, but imagine if she watched this video and heard you say that in context to words she may have learned and Bieber being the reason she felt like she was going to die? Instead of her mother who was abusing her? I think your Analysis of Bieber is fine. It’s just the way in which you shared it. I think it’s bad taste. Especially when she really admired him. I honestly think it would discourage her and hurt her.
Dr. G has over a million subscribers largely due to deadpan drops such as this. The fact that a teenage girl immediately gravitated to a current heartthrob gives me optimism that she's still normal deep down.
She probably had a crush on Beiber, and her daddy issues led her to love a narcissistic boy like her father.
Why the hatred toward Justin Berber? When I was 27, I too, was self centered. If he wasn’t talented he wouldn’t be so successful. I’m 65 years old and not a teenager with a crush on Justin. I just think you are awfully hard on some people. He actually did something good in this instance.
Thank you so much, Dr Grande, for your deep comments on the power of intellectual curiosity of that girl. Your words hit me so close to the bone that I started crying. For many years I have been trying to understand more about myself and the world and, essentially, it is my intellectual curiosity too that helped me finally free myself from the thick fog of narcissistic abuse.
Have you ever noticed how very often the expression "strong religious beliefs" is included in the prelude to a story of dysfunction, violence, child abuse, mental illness, exploitation of the vulnerable, pointless suffering and death?
Good Point!
Yup. Always a red flag.👍💩
Very good point - religion has caused a helluva lot of harm.
Strong beliefs are the problem, the religion part is mostly irrelevant
@@michaelangeloevans2722 NO ! " Strong religious beliefs ( with a few exceptions ) almost always follows or leads into a story about abuse, homophobia, beatings, mental illness, violence. Just look at history ... the Inquisition, the murder of Millions of indigenous people all over the world for not being " Good Christians or Good Muslims " Good try though
I’m curious about why their speech patterns and “accent” are so strange sounding. I understand that lack of interpersonal relationships has something to do with this, but it’s still so interesting. I wonder if sociologists and psychologists (and whoever-else-ologists) will want to study these kids (like, in a humane way).
I am interested in this as well. I asked my daughter who is about to graduate with her degree in speech language pathology and she said it’s most likely lack of communication with anyone outside of the home. That’s how they all talked to each other - kind of like different areas of the country have different dialects - they had their own within the home. No one else to learn from - no TV, radio, teachers, nothing, just each other.
It can happen from the abusers tone-policing their victims persistently for so long. I've seen similar but different "odd accents" in other videos of cult members.
She learned alot from the beebs.......I watch your free videos but you have made me figure out how to develop a plan going into a high stress situations that lead to better outcome. I look forward to the day I can support you more
Hey Todd... . I think this update was warranted as the extended information we have now is much richer and more detailed. Jordan is obviously an extraordinary person and your focus on her courage was wonderful. However your random attack on Justin B was really jarring and out of sync with the rest of the analysis. That part of Jordan's story was so sweet and meaningful... how just watching a few of his videos gave her such insight into what life could be... and hope that she could actually access it. Your unexpected nastiness was vicious and out of place. Not funny.
Totally agree. "Comedy" came off as just mean... I mean, if he deserved it, fair nuff. But, he seems like an alright kid. I was curious and googled his history. Doesn't have any scandals besides some typical teenager stuff when he was younger.
And, you can't call him talentless. His music ain't my taste, but any fool can see he's got talent.
Yeah that was weird. Knowing how much comfort and 'help' Justin's videos gave to one of the victims he is discussing.. It felt distasteful and mocking of the peace that Jordan managed to find there.
Maybe one of those internalised 'anything teen girls love is dumb' attitudes that needs taking an insightful look at.
My thoughts exactly.
I literally laughed out loud from the rips on Bieber. He is a mildly toxic human who didn't help her actually. Here's a thing, she was probably attracted to Bieber because he was obviously narcissistic like her father- but her age and hot looking.
@@johnreese7973 That's a bit narcissistic to think Jordan should have viewed Beiber as you view him. I think she made it clear in her interview exactly what her viewpoint & perception was all about. (She was "probably attracted to? Is that some sort of guess or what? lol) While Beiber had some instances as a teen & trouble, he himself has come out of those rebellious years as most of us do. Maybe research him a bit, recent news at that! And for Grande as a Dr of psychology, it's unprofessional to question ones higher power in a situation like this, esp in a case like this & publicly!
Jordan & Jennifer are true heroes! Celebrities or many called heroes could never measure up to the real meaning as these two did.
The fact that Dr.Grande used used Justin's MUGSHOT PHOTO and then proceed to shade him... I think this may be my favourite UA-cam channel.
There are so many people with "religious" views that really have nothing to do with God. I'm so sorry for mama's abuse as a child that seemed to have scarred her so much to turn her heart to stone. I pray for healing and peace for the children. Thankfully they have each other.
Your description about Jordan made my eyes tear up , very well said. This is God given, just as the sense of right or wrong .
The interview was heartbreaking! Thank you for this!
I’m not saying Justin Bieber is a wonderful person or hasn’t made his share of errors and then some, but he will always have a soft spot in my heart, and not because of his music or his looks (I’m too old to ever have a crush on him!)
I was a pediatric nurse at a large hospital in LA for many years. One Valentine’s Day, when Justin was a teenager still himself, he personally delivered roses to every patient in the Acute Care and Intensive Care Pediatric Units. It is sometimes emotionally challenging for adults to immerse themselves in this type of environment, let alone a teenager to see his peers in heartbreaking situations, such as terminal cancer or end-stage liver failure, as many of the patients were. So, he will always have a soft spot in my heart for doing this. I witnessed this first hand, so it’s not just a story someone fabricated or inflated for promotional opportunities.
Dr. Grande's deadpan humor always gets me. :-)
I agree with you about the role of intellectual curiosity. It plays an important role in adjustment, the ability to adapt and to be resilient. Thank you for your most enlightening analysis.
I’m not diagnosing anyone but I’m speculating you aren’t a Belieber
Justice Beaver deserves more recognition. He is clearly the superhero we deserve.
Dr Grande- please do more videos about this case. What happened to all of the children? What happened to Jordan? Thank you.
Good afternoon, Dr Grande. What a nightmare for this family. I don't understand why had children at all . I wish the neighbors had called the police. Those poor children never had a chance. Both Jordan and Jennifer are Hero's. I'm so pleased they got out. I hope the children find a loveing home. Thank you Dr Grande, a sad story. I hope one day, they will be happy and more importantly safe. Thank you Dr Grande . Brilliant analysis and topic.
Thank you for covering this. You're an amazing content creator, but the digs at Justin Bieber really came off as misplaced and unnecessary. I don't think much of him either, but if his videos helped Jordan realize that the world can be a lovely place with loving families and kindness then I think that's all that needs to be said.
It’s so funny though 🤣
Yeah it’s a bit weird. The jokes made more sense ten years ago. Justin has put out good music since then and dampened down on the ego.
@@e13kid “good music” is obviously subjective. Are we going to suggest that “yummy” qualifies as musical artistry?
If JB is smart he will understand that his "persona" will often be the basis for fun and will be good natured about it.
I didnt agree with his analysis of Justin Bieber, but it still made me laugh lol
Your nonchalant jokes really make my day! Thank you so much for your videos!
Interesting as always. One thing really caught my attention. Where did David and Louise find anyone willing to 'swing' with them? Ewwww.
You'd be surprised. I had an aunt who was similar to them (didn't chain kids up, but all the other twisted abuse was there, as well as having no hygiene and generally being a trash person). She used to brag about her sexual encounters to me, from when I was 5yrs old.
@@DruidessOfMidian OMG, I'm sorry, lol.
Crying my heart out all morning over the videos of their abuse, and rescue. I wish your calm knowledge somehow helps me stop crying. May these human beings never be treated worse than wild animals again.
Jordan is everything good. I pray for your precious siblings. You are beautiful. I know this world has let you down, I pray everything is returned to all of you exponentially.
In the most epic Dr Grande “no chill” moment, he uses Justin Biebers mugshot LMAO
It would be great if all the children went on to live fantastic lives, but I don't know if it's possible to overcome the damage those "so called parents" have done.
Some will: psychologists have identified that there are children who do well as adults after terrible situations in youth. They call them "resilient children."
Right? Not without serious therapy and probably medication for the rest of their lives. I mean, abuse and trauma literally stunt emotional and mental development. It can be actually impossible to repair the damage that is done to the brain.
Thank you for this update on the Turpin family. I was one of the people who requested it. In addition to your expertise, I appreciate your willingness to provide content based on listener interests.
It proves just how bad things were when Justin Bieber became a role model.
Extraordinary analysis, Dr. Grande!
This story breaks my heart. I didn't know the Justin Bieber aspect. Somehow, my heart is even more broken now. The parents are extraordinarily disturbing to me.
Brave girl!!! Great interview!!! She inspired me, I’m so proud of her.
They are so resilient not that they have to be but such amazing people who survived something horrid. I got your book yesterday already hard to put down!
Jordan Turpin is the ultimate hero!!! Her courage is incredible!! May God bless her
Very well done Dr. Grande. It seems that Jordan had a deep love for herself as well as for her siblings. She has been touched by God I think. Merry Christmas Sir 🙋♀️👏
the Angels were helping
Thanks, Dr. Grande. I'm interested in the effects on the children. I hope they can adjust and thrive in this confusing new world they find themselves in. Justin Bieber would be a good guy if he made a special visit to Jordan and her siblings. I hope he's already reached out to her.
That is the kind of thing a good celebrity does!
@@bthomson I dunno. If he did that, it would be seen as him trying to get publicity. It would be a nice gesture, I guess.
Lol ..... or, not.
lol All 13 were invited & attended his Mar 2022 LA show, took a private bus & had a private suite, pics n vids were posted last year on Jordan & Jennifers social media accts!
If you were counseling any of these children after they were released, what would you do?
What an amazing and beautiful and brave young girl !!! Thank you for updating. I just started reading about this case a few weeks ago. I was stunned to learn about the horrible horrible conditions these children endured. ☹️☹️☹️
The picture of Diane Sawyer interviewing the two girls with her arms crossed at the wrists, mirroring the girls' learned compliance gestures, bothered me for some reason. I guess Diane was trying to make them feel comfortable but I found it to be manipulative.
Despite Bieber's behavior, it was through him that she learned there was another way to live. Justin is close to his mother & seeing this let Jordan know that her situation was not normal. So her desire for knowledge was absolutely a factor here.
What bothers me is all the people who suspected the kids were being abused, but did nothing. If you see something, do something. Please don't just let yourself be a bystander.
She became a strong beautiful young woman, admire her very much for what she’s endured and has overcome, and was willing to do to save her siblings.
I do worry about them coming into the outside world though and having caffeine and sugar in EVERYTHING.
Being denied fun and dangerous things your entire life may lead some of the kids down a dark road in the future, though I hope they all stay in touch and help one another moving forward.
What I like about Dr Grande's videos is his sense of humor. This is such a dark troubling occurrence yet I was able to lol at one of his comments.
Jordan and Jennifer should write a book about their experiences and lives, it would sell. Jordan is a strong willed girl and I know she will go far in life. I wish them all the best and a happy life going forward. I hope to see updates on the children in the years to come.
Reminds me of this awful movie called Dog Tooth, about a father who imprisons his children in their own homes, teaches them bizarre beliefs, and makes them feel subhuman every step of the way. I thought it was just a sick fantasy... but truth is stranger than fiction